
  • Ken Shigematsu (Pastor and Author, Tenth Church) sat down with Adam Ormord (Founder and President, LifePoint Resources) for an important conversation on the topic of shame. What is it? What happens when we wear shame as our identity? What is the answer to our shame?

    Ken Shigematsu lives in Vancouver with his wife, Sakiko, and their son, Joey. He is senior pastor of Tenth Church (www.tenth.ca) in Vancouver, British Columbia, one of the largest and most diverse city-center churches in Canada. Before entering pastoral ministry, he worked for the Sony Corporation in Tokyo, Japan.

    Ken's first book, "God in My Everything," was an international bestseller. It was selected as the Word Guild 2014 Christian Living book of the year and received honorable mention for the Grace Irwin Prize, Canada's largest literary award for Christian writers.

    Ken's second book was "Survival Guide for the Soul: How to Flourish Spiritually in a World that Pressures Us to Achieve." It received the Word Guild 2019 Christian Living book of the year award.

    Ken is the recipient of the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Medal awarded to Canadians in recognition of their outstanding contribution to the country and the author of the international bestseller God in My Everything, which was released in 2023.

    Even with all of his accolades and awards, Ken is one of the most humble and generous leaders out there. He shares his own story with genuine openness and vulnerability and invites others to do the same, as you will hear in this conversation.

    The Being Formed Podcast is a soul care ministry of LifePoint Resources.

  • "These all look to You. This is the way of all things, rock badgers and leviathans included." (Brandon Booth)

    The tables are turned on this episode of The Being Formed Podcast as our host, Adam Ormord, is interviewed by Brandon Booth (host of The Signpost Inn Podcast). Brandon is a spiritual director, author, retreat leader, and the co-founder of SignPost Inn Ministries.

    Signpost Inn's mission is to walk alongside you in this chaotic and distracting life, offering compassion and resources to help lift your gaze to Jesus and sustain your attention on his loving presence.

    Our conversation is based on a 2024 article, written by Adam, entitled "We All Look to You." It's an invitation to look to someone bigger than ourselves, bigger than even our best human vision of flourishing. It’s an invitation to look to God, not to politicians, preachers, or podcast hosts. The more we look to God, the more we notice God, and the more we notice God, the more we see the greatness of God’s Kingdom in this present moment - here and now, yet not fully revealed.

    The Being Formed Podcast is a soul care ministry of LifePoint Resources.

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  • In this conversation, Casey Tygrett and Adam Ormord explore the complexities of memory, the nature of the soul, and the importance of spiritual formation. They discuss how our memories shape our understanding of God, ourselves, and the world around us. The conversation emphasizes the significance of engaging with our memories through practices like journaling to foster personal growth and connection with God.

    Casey Tygrett has been involved in the work of spiritual formation for nearly 25 years. Through various positions in churches, seminaries, and para-church organizations, his work in writing and speaking have aligned to create content that is wise and helpful for the journey of life and faith.

    Casey earned his Master of Divinity degree and Doctor of Ministry in Spiritual Formation degree from Lincoln Christian Seminary (Lincoln, IL). He completed the Tending the Holy spiritual direction training program in 2015, and since then has been providing spiritual direction to individuals both privately and through the ministry of Soul Care.

    Casey is the author of three books, Becoming Curious: A Spiritual Practice of Asking Questions (2017) and The Practice of Remembering: Discovering the Place of Memories in Our Spiritual Life (Re-release 2024), and The Gift of Restlessness: A Spirituality For Unsettled Seasons (April 2023). The book The Practice of Remembering was awarded the 2020 Award of Merit in Spiritual Formation by Christianity Today.

    Visit https://www.caseytygrett.com to discover all the good ways you can partner with God to tend to your soul.

    The Being Formed Podcast is a soul care ministry of LifePoint Resources.

    Keywords: spiritual direction, soul care, memory, transformation, Casey Tygrett, spiritual formation, presence, practices, church, soul, distraction, original blessing, journaling, Casey Tygrett, Adam Ormord, personal growth, faith

  • What color is God's skin? What color is God's skin? I said it's black, brown, yellow, and it's red, and it's white. Everyone's the same in the Good Lord's sight.

    What if our practices of being with God, while distinct and different across the vast landscape of time and cultures, actually held far more in common than we thought? What do we have to learn from our brothers and sisters in the global church? What do we have to learn from our next door neighbors? What does love look like as the first and most important soul care practice which sets the stage for everything else?

    Our guest, Dr. Barabara Peacock, is the author of "Spiritual Practices for Soul Care: 40 Ways to Deepen Your Faith," as well as the award-winning book, "Soul Care in African American Practice." She also wrote Psalm 119 Scriptural Journal and Called to Teach (Acronym C.A.L.L.E.D. means Commissioned As Leaders, Learners, Educations and Disciples).

    Dr. Peacock is passionate about the disciplines of prayer, spiritual direction (soul care), lectio, and visio divina. In 2013 she founded Barbara L. Peacock Ministries. This ministry is committed to providing safe spaces for encounters with God. More recently, she founded Peacock Soul Care where she offers training in spiritual direction, spiritual formation, and writing your spiritual autobiography.

    Dr. Peacock grew up in Whiteville, NC, where she attended elementary school. She graduated from West Columbus High School, Cerro Sordo, NC. She received her Bachelor of Science degree from North Carolina Central University, Durham, NC; her Master of Arts Degree from Princeton Theological Seminary in Princeton, New Jersey; and her Doctor of Ministry degree from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA. Her doctoral focus was Spiritual Formation for Ministry Leaders.

    Dr. Barbara Peacock is a trustworthy guide through the landscape of spiritual formation and soul care as she honors a current iteration of a much older movement which has been around for thousands of years. From the time when Jesus woke early in the morning to be alone with his Heavenly Father, through the years of the Desert Fathers and Mothers, through the Middle Passage of slave ships bound for the shores of North America, through the 20th century, and right up until today, Barbara looks back, looks forward, and looks around for signs of faith, hope, and love. She is a much-heralded and much-needed voice for the Church today.

    Correction: The author of "Joy Unspeakable" is Barbara Holmes.

    Bonus Content: In response to Adam's curious off-air question about the song of her soul, Barbara offered to sing her response. May this conversation stir a song in you. May you hear the Singer, the Voice of Love, singing a song over you to simply be loved. This is the beginning, the center, and the end of all our spiritual practices.

    The Being Formed Podcast is a soul care ministry of LifePoint Resources.

  • Welcome to Season 2 of The Being Formed Podcast! We're kicking off the new year with a very personal and powerful conversation between Adam and Rebekah Ormord, the co-founders of LifePoint Resources.

    Rebekah and Adam unpack the harder parts of their journey together, including the pain, trauma, and inward "soul work" that God compassionately initiated at God's own pace. All the parts of their story helped prepare them for a shared ministry that is deeply intimate and restorative. Truly, God's Spirit is bringing beauty out of ashes.

    May this episode be a reminder to all who listen that God is always with you, always loving you, always delighting in you, and always inviting you on a journey marked not by failure but by faith, hope, and love. Even when it seems like your path has reached a dead end, take heart, God is never finished loving you and calling you into deeper intimacy. The journey with Jesus is still at hand.

    If you would like to speak to Adam, Rebekah, or any of the soul care team members at LifePoint Resources, please visit our about page or fill out this contact form and we will get in touch with you.

    The Being Formed Podcast is a soul care ministry of LifePoint Resources.

  • "Christmas, of all seasons in the year, should be the time where true meaning can be found. However, by the end of December many attest to experiencing exhaustion rather than significance, stress rather than joy, and more consumer debt than spiritual abundance. Is this really what the Christmas story offers the world?"

    Adam Ormord welcomes pastor and author, AJ Sherrill, to The Being Formed Podcast for a conversation about slowing down and savoring the gifts of Advent and Christmas in ways that will lead not to exhaustion but to transformation.

    AJ Sherrill has led churches across the country from Southern California to New York City. He now pastors Saint Peter's Church in Charleston, South Carolina. Sherrill has taught doctoral courses on preaching and the enneagram at Fuller Theological Seminary. Rediscovering Christmas is his latest book. Visit him at ajsherrill.org, Instagram.com/aj_sherrill and X.com/ajsherrill.

    Visit LifePoint Resources to learn more about our Advent and Christmas Soul Study. We will be reading and reflecting on AJ's book, Rediscovering Christmas.

    Praise for Rediscovering Christmas

    “Rediscovering Christmas draws us into the mystery and messiness of the birth of Jesus Christ in our broken world. Skillfully weaving together his faithful excavations into the biblical text, deep digging into the customs of first-century Judaism, and keen sensitivity to the challenges Christ-followers face today, AJ invites us to place one foot in the ancient Christmas story and our other foot in our own everyday lives. Thus, he both helps us to attend faithfully to the timeless message of the Christmas drama and guides us into those practices that bring our lives more in tune with its central character.” (Trevor Hudson, minister in the Methodist Church of Southern Africa and author of In Search of God’s Will)

    “If you want a thoughtful, informed, challenging, world-shifting, life-shaping interruption that might reintroduce the presence of God in this earthly journey, where the secret of the ordinary is that it was meant to be the vessel of the divine, this is your book and AJ is your guide.” (John Ortberg, founder of BecomeNew.com)

    The Being Formed Podcast is a soul care ministry of LifePoint Resources.

  • As our schedules inevitably fill up for the holidays, we recognize a deeper desire to lean into spaciousness and rest with God. How do we slow down and pay attention to the transforming work God is doing in us and in the world? How do we partner with God rather than resist the movement of the Spirit inviting us to greater freedom? Adam Ormord welcomes Jen Manglos to episode 21 of The Being Formed Podcast for a timely conversation on pilgrimage as a spiritual practice. As a spiritual director, pastor, and pilgrimage guide, Jen Manglos delights in helping others discover their own belovedness in God through an embodied, creative approach to spirituality. Since receiving her MA in Spiritual Formation and Soul Care from the Institute for Spiritual Formation at Talbot School of Theology she has moved into providing care and support for wanderers, women, and leaders in the ministry and nonprofit worlds. She currently resides in Seattle where she is enjoying that PNW life. 2025 Pilgrimage Offerings:Camino Portuguese with Nuos Formation, June 9-17, 2025; Deadline Dec. 2Camino for Female Pastors, June 25-July 5, 2025; Deadline Dec. 2St. Cuthbert's Way to Lindisfarne, September 5-14, 2025; Deadline Dec. 2Camino Portuguese, September 24-Oct. 2; Deadline Jan. 26To learn more and connect with Jen, visit her website at www.jenmanglos.com. Resources Mentioned:The Art of Pilgrimage, by Phil CousineauA Pilgrim's Guide to the Camino de Santiago (Camino FrancĂ©s), by John Brierley The Being Formed Podcast is a soul care ministry of LifePoint Resources.

  • “I feel like I’ve had some kind of breakthrough related to feeling full permission, full blessing, to live with unconditional love for people around me, and some insight into some of the walls that were there that were keeping me from believing that truly being unconditionally loving is the way to be.” (Cheri Hudspith)

    Our host, Adam Ormord, welcomes Lori Shoults and Cheri Hudspith (Co-Directors of Practice Collective) to The Being Formed Podcast to discuss the Ignatian Journey and the life-changing invitation to join Jesus on the way.

    Their story is not unlike yours. God is always present, trying to get your attention, moving you into places of deeper trust and surrender. Are you ready to take the journey?

    Practice Collective is a Christ-centered non-profit ministry providing holistic experiences, safe communities, and relevant resources that invite and encourage followers of Jesus Christ on their inward and outward journey of spiritual transformation.Lori Shoults is the curator/designer of The Ignatian Journey: A Contemporary Approach to the Spiritual Exercises. She leads groups through The Ignatian Journey and is one of the retreat hosts for the Pastors, Priests, and Guides Retreat. She served for several years on The Practice team at Willow Creek Community Church and for three years was the Program Coordinator for the Spiritual Formation Certificate Program through Moody Distance Learning. She is passionate about spiritual formation, spiritual direction, and inviting others into a deeper intimacy with Christ. You can reach Lori at [email protected] Hudspith assists leaders with the unique challenges and joys of bringing Spiritual Formation ways of learning and growing into the local church. Initially, this began by training Life with God leaders, a three-year journey offered through Grafted Life Ministries, and eventually expanded into other relationships developed beyond that organization. She also completed her training in Spiritual Direction through Selah - LTi in 2013. She loves meeting with directees and now enjoys training future directors as a Supervisor through the same program. She also has experience leading retreats, Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, and guiding life-mapping tools. You can reach Cheri at [email protected].

    Resources mentioned in today's episode:

    The Ignatian JourneyThe Ignatian Adventure (Kevin O'Brien, SJ)Article: Suppose We All Presupposed?

    Also recommended:

    Article: Mary and the Prayer of Indifference (Ruth Haley Barton)Practice: Prayer for Indifference (from Trinity Church)Seeking God: Finding Another Kind of Life with St. Ignatius and Dallas Willard (Trevor Hudson)A New Liturgy No. 6: The Examen

    The Being Formed Podcast is a soul care ministry of LifePoint Resources.

  • “When you care for your soul as a way of life, you can handle when really hard things come your way and still maintain that groundedness. Now, it’s turbulent, it’s hard, it’s disorienting, but the bottom didn’t fall out the way it had years ago.” (Mindy Caliguire)

    Mindy Caliguire is the founder and president of Soul Care (soulcare.com), an organization that exists to cultivate soul health among leaders and those they serve. Mindy works with Christian leaders in ministry and marketplace environments, serving individuals and organizations around the world and through the Soul Care Collective, an online community. Mindy and her husband, Jeff, make their home in Boulder, Colorado.

    The subject of Mindy's conversation with Adam Ormord (the host of The Being Formed Podcast) is her latest book, "Ignite Your Soul: When Exhaustion, Isolation, and Burnout Light a Path to Flourishing."

    Mindy also referenced two helpful resources in the conversation:

    "Not the Way It's Supposed to Be: A Breviary of Sin" by Cornelius Plantinga, Jr."Living in the Vision of God" by Dallas Willard

    The Being Formed Podcast is a soul care ministry of LifePoint Resources.

  • Adam Ormord (LifePoint Resources) welcomes Summer Joy Gross to The Being Formed Podcast for a conversation about forming a stronger attachment to God who promises to be with us always.

    Summer Joy Gross (MDiv, Virginia Theological Seminary) is the author of "The Emmanuel Promise: Discovering the Security of a Life Held By God." Summer is an Anglican priest, retreat leader, and spiritual director whose work is guided by the belief that our stories can be transformed by God's invitation to make his love our home base. She is associate faculty of spiritual formation and the art of spiritual direction at the Healing Care Ministries' spiritual direction school.

    Summer walks with hundreds of people into a secure attachment with the Father through podcasts, videos, retreats, and groups of various sizes. With her warm and compassionate style, Summer sets a table for those who have heard sermons on Sunday about abiding in Christ but who are hungry for its reality.

    Summer invites you to come awake to He who desires to draw you close, cup your face in His hands, and convince you your adoption is not just a sheet of paper, not just a seal for heaven, but a commitment of His constant care and connection.

    Order "The Emmanuel Promise" here, and learn more about Summer's ministry, The Presence Project, at www.athirstforgod.org.

    The Being Formed Podcast is a soul care ministry of LifePoint Resources.

  • Our host, Adam Ormord, welcomes Abigail Doust to The Being Formed Podcast to talk about the joy of serving and caring for women who serve in cross-cultural ministry all across the world.

    Abigail is an author, speaker, coach, and trainer who is passionate about helping leaders get equipped to help others move forward. Abigail is the Development Director for Thrive Ministry, which replenishes and supports women serving cross-culturally by resourcing them and caring for their souls. She also runs a business, Equipping for Impact, which trains and inspires people to use coaching skills in their homes, churches, communities, workplaces, and everywhere they go.

    Abigail has a Bachelor of Communications Education and Masters in Theatre in Directing. She is a Certified Professional Life Coach and accredited with the International Coaching Federation (ICF). She co-wrote Authentic Conversations with her husband, Scott. They live in Arvada, CO and have 4 daughters. When she carves out space to care for her soul, she loves reading, seeing plays, getting coffee, taking walks, and connecting with family and friends.

    The Being Formed Podcast is a soul care ministry of LifePoint Resources.

  • On today's episode, Adam Ormord (President and Founder of LifePoint Resources) welcomes Sean Nemecek to the podcast to talk about the very serious issue of burnout, especially for those who serve in ministry. This is an important conversation as we recognize the elevated state of stress and exhaustion affecting so many leaders in our communities and churches. Hope, help and health are available to all of us, so listen and share with those in need.

    "It's my goal that people really experience their union with Christ, the depth of security they have with Him, and the freedom to minister out of God's love." - Sean Nemecek

    Sean Nemecek is the author of The Weary Leader’s Guide to Burnout and the West Michigan Regional Director for Pastor-in-Residence Ministries. Sean served as a pastor for 18 years before joining PIR. Now he works as both a spiritual director and ministry coach — specializing in coaching people through burnout and helping organizations develop an anti-burnout culture. He is all about helping people feel seen, heard, and known in the welcoming presence of our loving God. In his spare time Sean enjoys gardening with his wife, Amy. He also enjoys learning, cooking, woodturning, and cheering for the Chicago Cubs.

    "The Weary Leader’s Guide to Burnout: A Journey from Exhaustion to Wholeness" is Outreach Magazine's 2024 Leadership Resource of the Year. It also won a Silver Medalion Award (2024 Christian Book Awards Finalist in Ministry Resources). Learn more at www.wearyleadersguide.com.

    You can engage with Sean Nemecek at several online locations: Seannemecek.com; The Pastor's Soul (Blog); PIR Ministries; Facebook; LinkedIn; Twitter, Threads, and Instagram: @pastorsoul.

    The Being Formed Podcast is a soul care ministry of LifePoint Resources.

  • Adam Ormord welcomes friend and mentor, Stephen W. Smith, to The Being Formed Podcast to talk about the power of deep listening.

    Steve Smith is the co-founder of Potter's Inn, a Christian ministry devoted to the work of spiritual formation and the care of the soul. He's the author of several books and small group guides, including The Lazarus Life, Soul Custody, The Jesus Life, and Inside Job. Steve and Gwen have been married since 1980 and have four grown sons and 14 grandchildren.

    Steve regularly writes on his Substack page, Potter’s Inn with Stephen W. Smith, where he recently posted an article entitled "Deep Listening Might Save Us. His article is vulnerable and honest, as evidenced in today's podcast.

    "So many words—too many words is a form of abuse to the soul, I believe. I use the word abuse intentionally. Why abuse? Because abuse is not just what is done “to”us—abuse it also what is withheld from us. When we are not heard, then the message we get is, “I don’t matter.” That’s not the truth. Listening validates that the one speaking matters." (Steve Smith, Deep Listening Might Save Us, July 29, 2024)

    (26:55) Adam recites the lyrics of a song called "let me listen." Text by Charles Anthony Silvestri / Music by Dan Forrest. 2022. (Watch & Listen on YouTube Here.)

    (48:12) Steve offers a short practice to help us consider the value of Deep Listening. Build an acrostic of the word LISTEN based on what listening looks like to you. Steve's example: "E" means Eyes fixed; "N" means Now is the moment. Adam's example: "N" means No phone on the table. Do this exercise in community and discuss ways to practice deep listening together.

    If you'd like to share your LISTEN acrostic with our LifePoint community, send an email to [email protected].

    The Being Formed Podcast is a soul care ministry of LifePoint Resources.

  • “Deep discipleship is not all that interested in power. It’s interested in listening and formation. Those two things sometimes work at odds.” - Brian Fisher

    Our host, Adam Ormord, welcomes Brian Fisher (soilandroots.org) to The Being Formed Podcast for an important conversation on the topic of discipleship. Brian is the founder of Soil and Roots, a non-profit ministry helping to form and support small communities that actively listen to the stories and experiences of one another, thereby cultivating deep discipleship together.

    Brian spent his early career in various executive roles in both for-profit companies and non-profit Christian ministries. He has spoken around the United States on issues such as cultural engagement, media, bioethics, and apologetics.

    Brian is the author of various published articles and books, including his latest book, Soil and Roots: Cultivating Deep Discipleship. He’s also the host of the Soil and Roots Podcast, available on your favorite podcast streaming platform.

    Visit the Soil and Roots website to learn more about starting a Greenhouse in your community.

    The Being Formed Podcast is a soul care ministry of LifePoint Resources.

  • "Christians so often think they must always contribute something when they are in the company of others, that this is the one service they have to render. They forget that listening can be a greater service than speaking.” (Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Life Together)

    We're delighted to welcome Melody Leeper, Program Manager of Renovaré's Listening Groups, to the podcast. Melody does a phenomenal job explaining the growing community of participants from many countries around the world who are finding their way to online and in-person monthly listening groups.

    Renovaré Listening Groups are a formational experience like no other in the Church today. Imagine coming together with one intention - to listen to God, to one another, and to your own heart. The Renovaré website further explains what participants will experience in a group.

    Participants in Renovaré's Listening Groups...

    Experience the freedom of listening without having to respond, fix, or correct one anotherOffer generous and unhurried space to share without interruption, questions, or adviceForgo fear of others’ judgment and impression managementLearn to discern the voice of God in communityShare honestly about their journey with GodFavor God’s voice over their ownWelcome prayerful silenceGive and receive prayer

    We hope you enjoy this conversation and prayerfully consider joining a Listening Group. Visit Renovaré to learn more and sign up for a free "Drop-in Group."

    Also, visit LifePoint Resources to read Melody's beautiful poem entitled "Yes."

    Resources Mentioned

    Celebration of Discipline (Richard Foster)The Making of an Ordinary Saint (Nathan Foster)

    The Being Formed Podcast is a soul care ministry of LifePoint Resources.

  • How would you answer these five Biblical questions from God?

    - Who do you say that I am?

    - What is your name?

    - Where are you?

    - What do you want?

    - What do you have in your hand?

    These five questions provide a framework for formational mentoring, a ministry of soul care which stands apart from a typical mentoring relationship, life coaching, or even a spiritual direction relationship.

    "Formational mentoring has an emphasis on a posture that's seeking intimacy with God."

    Becky Dietz is the Formational Mentoring Director at LifePoint Resources. She's also a writer, speaker, and retreat leader with many years of church and para-church ministry experience, both in rural and urban settings. Becky’s undergraduate work focused on Christian Education, and she holds a Masters degree in Christianity and Culture from Knox Theological Seminary.

    Becky writes formational resources which help Christians from many cultures pursue and protect personal sacred spaces and rhythms. She loves to facilitate groups – large or small – where people are invited to understand and enjoy deeper friendship with God.

    Visit LifePoint Resources to learn more about Formational Resources and connect with Becky Dietz.

    The Being Formed Podcast is a soul care ministry of LifePoint Resources.

  • What does it mean to discern wisely? Is discernment all about making decisions, either as an individual or with a group, or is there more to it than that? Our guest, Rev. Dr. Stephen A. Macchia, helps us form a broader definition of discernment which includes all of our life with God by "practicing a preference for God" in every relationship, every circumstance, every conversation, every single day.

    Steve Macchia is a thought provoking author and is the Founder and President of Leadership Transformations, Inc. LTI focuses on the spiritual formation needs of leaders and the spiritual discernment processes of leadership teams in local church and parachurch ministry settings nationwide. He is also the Director of the Pierce Center for Discipleship-Building at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.

    Visit stevemacchia.com to purchase your copy of Steve's recent book, "The Discerning Life: An Invitation to Notice God in Everything."

    The Being Formed Podcast is a soul care ministry of LifePoint Resources.

  • We're grateful to Brandon Booth, the co-founder and president of Signpost Inn Ministries, for bringing his years of wisdom and insight related to the art of relational conversation to The Being Formed Podcast.

    Brandon and his wife, Liv, run a retreat house in Colorado and provide hospitality through various retreats, spiritual direction, and masterfully crafted resources all designed to help people grow confidence in Christ's unfailing love, and help them to think wisely about theology, prayer, spirituality and more. Brandon and Liv offer spiritual friendship and support so that no one has to journey alone.

    This episode is about learning to engage in more fruitful conversation primarily through practicing curiosity and active listening. As we learn to listen without cynicism and over-analysis, we become more open to the riches of relationship and friendship offered by the other.

    This is true of our relationship with God.

    Spiritual direction is a place and space where we are offered the gifts of curiosity and active listening. It's a place to pay attention to God's loving voice within. If you are seeking spiritual direction, please visit LifePoint Resources and connect with one of our spiritual directors.

    Also visit Brandon Booth's website at www.signpostinn.org to connect with him as a spiritual director or to register for an upcoming retreat.

    Brandon's book, Changing the Conversation, is available for purchase here.

    The Being Formed Podcast is a soul care ministry of LifePoint Resources.

  • Our host, Adam Ormord, discusses the spiritual practice of listening with Dr. Ann van der Merwe. Utilizing technological resources to curate musical experiences has never been easier than it is today. Is there value in considering the role of music in our own formation? How might we intentionally cooperate with God by allowing music and art to speak a better word to our souls? Is it possible God is present, beckoning us to be more present in and through the curated soundscape of our lives? If so, is listening a practice we might engage with more curiosity and attention?

    Ann van der Merwe currently works as an Adjunct Instructor of Humanities at Southern New Hampshire University. She holds a Bachelor of Music in Voice Performance from the University of Illinois and an MA and PhD in Musicology from The Ohio State University. She has two published books on music, both focusing on American popular music in the early twentieth century. She is also a lifelong follower of Jesus who has shared her love of music, writing, and the divine gift of human creativity in a variety of other ways, both in ministry and in life.

    Two curated playlists for your practice of listening (from Ann):

    Rest: I curated this playlist as an invitation to rest - to Sabbath, to being rather than doing, to relaxing both physically and spiritually, to trusting in and asking for God’s provision. The word “rest” appears throughout, and the sonic palette is intentionally restful as well. The songs collectively also reflect on and refer to a variety of Scripture passages inviting us to rest.

    Rest - Andrew OsengaI Am - Jill PhillipsCome Away - Jason PolleyCome To Me (Acoustic) - Jadon LavikRest Easy - Andrew PetersonTake Five - The Dave Brubeck QuartetFill My Cup - Andrew RippGive It A Rest - The Arcadian WildRest - The Gray HavensLilies & Sparrows - Jess RayRest (Postlude) - Jess Ray

    How Long?: I curated this playlist as a musical lament - a way to share grief, pain, impatience, frustration, and longing for the Kingdom. The words “How Long” appear frequently, and even when they are absent, the sentiment remains. Musical style varies more widely here, which intentionally reflects the range of emotions that accompany lament as well as our unique human expressions of lament.

    Sunday Bloody Sunday - U2 (Songs of Surrender Version)How Long? - Bifrost ArtsThe Reckoning (How Long) - Andrew PetersonMy Soul Waits - Bethany BarnardCome Back Soon - Andrew PetersonO God, Will You Restore Us? - Bifrost ArtsThe Year of the Locust - Andrew OsengaThe Dark Before the Dawn - Andrew PetersonWaiting – Andrew Osenga“40” - U2 (Songs of Surrender Version)

    The Being Formed Podcast is a soul care ministry of LifePoint Resources.

  • How is it with you and God? What's God up to in your life? How is it with your soul These are some of the questions explored in spiritual direction, a ministry of listening.

    Debbie Schuster is the Director of Deepen, a two-year course of study designed for individuals who desire to grow in their own spiritual lives as well as to cultivate the spiritual lives of others in a cross-cultural setting. Grounded in multiple streams of Christian spirituality, the course offers a balanced learning environment blending spiritual formation with skills development through experiential, developmental and group activities.

    A trained, practicing spiritual director for over 20 years, Debbie previously served as adjunct faculty and staff at Talbot School of Theology and the Institute for Spiritual Formation. Currently residing in MĂĄlaga, Spain, she is part of the SentWell multi-disciplinary member care team, providing services for cross-cultural workers serving around the world.

    To learn more about Deepen and SentWell, visit https://www.sentwell.org/deepen.

    To meet with one of LifePoint's trained spiritual directors, visit https://www.lifepointresources.org/direction and request a consultation.

    The Being Formed Podcast is a soul care ministry of LifePoint Resources.