
  • There are a million tasks on our to-do lists that we need to get done—and we don’t want to do any of them. There are so many little things we should be doing on any given day and the mental load of trying to remember them all is fucking exhausting. We know we should be eating healthy, going on walks, going to the gym, getting dental work, filing taxes, doing laundry, responding to emails (and the list goes on…) but goddamn it, we don’t want to! If you’re feeling the same, maybe it’s time we all cut our losses and get some help for the things we know we need to do but don’t, no shame necessary.

    All the things we should be doing—and don’t [6:24]

    The mental load of being alive [7:24]

    An exhausting, never-ending to do list [9:18]

    Making space in our routines [11:35]

    Make peace with your weaknesses [14:26]

    Let people help you [18:06]

    Things don’t always stay the same [19:57]

    Good enough is okay [21:56]

    The Black + White thinking is messing us up [23:09]

    The small, unsexy stuff makes the biggest difference [24:58]

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  • Custody battles can be ugly, especially over the one thing most important in our lives: our dogs. When a relationship ends, everything that was once “yours” as a couple needs to be divided up, including the pets. Sometimes it’s straightforward—if the dog likes you more, we say you get to keep it—but what if your ex still wants time with the dog? Can you split custody of a pet without it being a red flag for new partners? But most importantly, why do men have the audacity to think that they get to keep the dog when we’re the ones taking care of it? 💁🏻‍♀️

    Who gets custody (of the dog)? [1:20]

    Would you date someone who shares custody of a pet? [4:00]

    If you screw me over, I keep the dog [5:59]

    The logistics of sharing time with a pet [7:09]

    Missing a pet that goes with the ex [11:01]

    Staying together for the dog [13:21]

    Dating someone with shared dog-custody [16:28]

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  • Attractive people just get more out of life, whether we want it to be true or not. But when you’re dating someone who’s just really attractive, it means they get a lot of attention, and it’s not always a good thing—for them, or for you. But hey, even if your partner is the hotter one in the relationship, maybe you should be proud instead of insecure. After all, you’re the one they fell for, even if you are ugly (😜). Of course, you can always sabotage your partner’s looks, or even better, only date people who are slightly less hot than you. Or we guess there’s the healthy way to cope, by working on your own insecurities. But that seems less fun.

    Is pretty privilege real? [3:09]

    We look better in groups [7:42]

    When pretty privilege turns into harassment [9:49]

    Being attractive isn’t attention-seeking [13:08]

    Sabotaging your partner’s good looks [14:47]

    Matching your partner’s attractiveness [17:41]

    How do people pick their partners [20:01]

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    FOLLOW DANNY J: @dannyjdotcom

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    @Jill Coleman


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  • You need to get a life. No, really. We don’t mean it as an insult—and trust us when we say this applies to us as well—but sometimes as girlfriends, wives, mothers, or just people pleasers in general, we spend so much of our lives doing so much for others that we forget to leave room to do anything for ourselves. For whatever reason, we lose ourselves, and it’s about time you dedicate some time and energy into doing something just for you. When you start doing things for you—when you get a life—you become a happier, more interesting person, you’re able to pull yourself out of a funk, you improve your relationships, and you finally get excited about your own life.

    Rediscovering what lights you up [1:21]

    The pandemic, grief, and PTSD [2:52]

    Say yes when people invite you places [3:40]

    Try something new [4:36]

    Plan a trip or an outing [5:48]

    Get obsessed with taking care of yourself [7:20]

    It’s okay to be a little “selfish” [9:22]

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    FOLLOW DANNY J: @dannyjdotcom

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    @Jill Coleman


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  • Sometimes the easiest way to keep up with friends is to follow along with their lives through social media, but people fall through the cracks, and occasionally you’ll see a friend posting a picture of their baby when you never knew they were pregnant to begin with. We aren’t besties with every single person we’ve ever had a friendship with, and there are plenty of people we care about but don’t always click with, for whatever reason. But in our experience, if you want a friend, you have to be a friend, and that looks like showing up for each other, being vulnerable, and allowing yourself to be seen in your full-humanity.

    Are you responsible with keeping up with friends on social media? [2:16]

    Unrequited friendships [4:43]

    Judgement holds a friendship back [6:05]

    What defines close friendship [8:59]

    Closeness needs reciprocity [14:06]

    Give people the chance to hold it down [15:50]

    You can’t keep up with everyone [19:34]

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    FOLLOW DANNY J: @dannyjdotcom

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  • In 2020, Danny J and her boyfriend decided to experiment with starting a Shopify business, and in the process, they learned a lot. Starting an online business doesn’t have to look like starting a personal brand, and anyone can build one as long as you have the tenacity required. It may take some trial and error, but if you can learn as you go, you can build a thriving business without ever having to show your face.

    Anyone can start a Shopify business [1:09]

    A brief history of Make Me Yellow Co [2:54]

    When the business started to pick up steam [8:14]

    Building a system and scaling [11:11]

    Understanding your operating costs [12:34]

    Not every idea will be a good one [14:39]

    Research your competitors [16:23]

    Test out all the variables [17:42]

    Running a business without showing your face [20:25]

    You can build and sell a business, too [22:35]

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    FOLLOW JILL: @jillfit

    FOLLOW DANNY J: @dannyjdotcom

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    @Jill Coleman


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  • Charisma—we all want it, but what exactly is it? And if we don’t have it naturally, are we just screwed? There’s a pervasive myth about charisma that you either have it or you don’t, and if you don’t have it, you can’t be taught, but we think that’s bullshit. Sure, some people are naturally charismatic, but you can definitely develop your own charisma, and it starts by understanding everything that makes someone charismatic. Once you know the areas you might need some work on, it’s easy to get tactical and work on feeling more likable.

    What is charisma? [1:16]

    Someone with power can impact others [3:53]

    How power translates on the internet space [5:38]

    Being present with the people you speak to [7:26]

    Warmth by showing people you care [10:26]

    Get tactical about your charisma [15:40]

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    FOLLOW JILL: @jillfit

    FOLLOW DANNY J: @dannyjdotcom

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    @Jill Coleman


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  • We’re in need of online etiquette coaching, and quickly. We grew up being taught that if you can’t saying anything nice then you shouldn’t say anything at all, but that doesn’t seem to fly on the internet anymore. Our name for it is drive-by trolling: some stranger rolls into your comment section, says something so incredibly rude (that they’d never say to your face), and then gets mad if you try to defend yourself. And of course, they face no consequences for their asshole behavior. We’re sure it’s just a way for them to feel significant or important in some way, but we’re sick of being kicked around by some stranger on the internet that doesn’t have the confidence to share their own lives online. Maybe it’s time for some internet hall-monitors?

    No one is teaching online etiquette [5:05]

    Consequences for being a drive-by asshole [9:17]

    A way to feel significant [12:59]

    We feel entitled to free content [16:32]

    Creators are people too [19:32]

    Where are the internet police when you need them? [21:32]

    The vulnerability in sharing your life [23:12]

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    Don’t forget to leave us a review and subscribe so you never have to miss an episode! Comments and questions can also be sent to [email protected], and you can head to thebestlifepodcast.com to join our Facebook Group.

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    FOLLOW JILL: @jillfit

    FOLLOW DANNY J: @dannyjdotcom

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    @Jill Coleman


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  • You get to choose your partner, but with them comes their family, and you certainly don’t get to choose your in-laws. So what do you do when there’s tensions between you and those in-laws and your partner doesn’t stick up for you? Family is family, so you can’t force your partner to choose between you and them, but there are ways to feel heard and at the very least, protect your peace.

    To side with your parents or your spouse [1:49]

    Both sides need to make concessions [3:49]

    Your partner should never isolate you from your family [8:40]

    It doesn’t have to be a choice [9:42]

    You have to communicate why it’s important to you [11:07]

    You chose your partner, so stick by them [13:31]

    Enforcing boundaries needs consequences [15:33]

    You may not get approval, but you can try for acceptance [17:41]

    Ways to take back your power [18:36]

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    Don’t forget to leave us a review and subscribe so you never have to miss an episode! Comments and questions can also be sent to [email protected], and you can head to thebestlifepodcast.com to join our Facebook Group.

    FOLLOW US ON IG: @TheBestLifePodcast

    FOLLOW JILL: @jillfit

    FOLLOW DANNY J: @dannyjdotcom

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    @Jill Coleman


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  • We may have worked through our dieting obsessions and pushing our bodies to extremes, but that doesn’t mean everyone else has. Every now and then we see another person, stuck in the same cycle of food and body obsession that we were on in our younger years, and we can’t help but feel sad for them. Everyone has the right to the full life experience they desire, but seeing someone trapped in a mindset that hurt us for so long is difficult to watch. That’s why it’s so important to stay mindful of the ways we think of and talk about ourselves—after years, we’ve made peace with our bodies, and we’d like to keep it that way.

    Things fall apart after 40 [1:43]

    The extremes of body image [5:41]

    Have the full experience, but know the downsides [8:34]

    The slippery slope [11:44]

    The benefits of muscle [14:08]

    Why an obsession with the scale hurts you [17:12]

    Is it okay to want to like the way you look? [19:37]

    Going to extremes to change our looks [22:24]

    Being mindful of extremes [24:26]

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    Don’t forget to leave us a review and subscribe so you never have to miss an episode! Comments and questions can also be sent to [email protected], and you can head to thebestlifepodcast.com to join our Facebook Group.

    FOLLOW US ON IG: @TheBestLifePodcast

    FOLLOW JILL: @jillfit

    FOLLOW DANNY J: @dannyjdotcom

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    @Jill Coleman


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  • When you grow up a woman in this society, there are a number of ways we get socialized—to feel like we have to earn our worth, to second guess every choice we make, to hate our bodies, or that we’re never good enough. But when you realize that you have the power to change your thoughts, a whole new world of possibilities opens up for you. Today we got to chat with Kara Lowentheil of the UnFuck Your Brain podcast about her new book and her mission to help women get out of their own heads, own their experiences, and take up the space they deserve. Getting your mindset “right” is a huge part of living up to your highest potential—your best life—but it doesn’t have to be inaccessible and it doesn’t have to be “woo woo.” We can all take charge of our experiences, no matter how society has taught us we “should” behave.

    From Ivy leave lawyer to life coach [2:24]

    You can change your actions when you change your thoughts [7:11]

    The power in owning your experience [12:26]

    How women get socialized differently [16:49]

    Becoming a feminist and an advocate [22:02]

    The consequences of self-awareness [26:07]

    A toxic fantasy [29:14]

    Anything can happen, so protect yourself [36:53]

    Allowing yourself to feel your emotions [40:07]

    We try to control things to feel safe [46:16]

    Pushback from men + women [48:29]

    How to reach body neutrality [52:19]

    A mindset revolution [59:29]

    Making mindset changes accessible [1:02:06]

    Get Kara’s book HERE + get your free bonuses if you pre-order now!


    Connect with Kara:


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    FOLLOW JILL: @jillfit

    FOLLOW DANNY J: @dannyjdotcom

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    @Jill Coleman


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  • Before 2020, Kathleen Norton couldn’t imagine anything other than her corporate job, but after healing her inner child, doing deep shadow work, and really committing to her own energetic output, she built the Miss Excel brand and now has almost 2 million followers across TikTok and Instagram. Now, Kat is turning her sights towards helping people just like her into becoming the happiest, most productive version of themselves. All of your wildest dreams are possible, the only thing holding you back is your own mindset. Kat’s here to help you optimize it.

    Blowing up on TikTok + building the Miss Excel brand [2:00]

    Reworking inner child anxieties [11:24]

    A greater awareness of self and the universe [14:31]

    What shadow work looks like [20:53]

    Healing your inner child [23:04]

    Showing people what’s possible [25:37]

    Self-development and relationships [27:14]

    The biggest changes in Kathleen’s life [31:35]

    When your energy changes, your life changes [33:41]

    Improving your environments energy [37:56]

    Find perspective and gratitude [41:40]

    Getting out of survival mode and scarcity [46:05]

    Taking responsibility for your energy [49:12]

    What you’ll find on @miss.optimize[51:48]

    Connect with Kat: @miss.excel @miss.optimize

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    Don’t forget to leave us a review and subscribe so you never have to miss an episode! Comments and questions can also be sent to [email protected], and you can head to thebestlifepodcast.com to join our Facebook Group.

    FOLLOW US ON IG: @TheBestLifePodcast

    FOLLOW JILL: @jillfit

    FOLLOW DANNY J: @dannyjdotcom

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    @Jill Coleman


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  • We’ve all heard some 20-year-old trainer say that “age is just a number” when it comes to our training, but the truth is that fitness in our 40’s and beyond is different than what we used to do! Our bodies, hormones, and metabolisms are changing and that means we have to change our workout methods if we want to stay healthy and fit as we age. We know just how important it is to put on muscle, so today we’re chatting with Rachel Cosgrove about her new book, Age Strong, and why talking about women’s fitness after 40 matters so much. We want to look and feel good for as long as we can, and it starts with adapting our workouts to what works best at every age.

    Why women’s fitness after 40 matters [1:44]

    Real life women with real life success stories [5:28]

    Putting on muscle as we age [9:38]

    The fear of injury [10:39]

    Shifting our relationship with cardio [13:15]

    Why aren’t more women lifting weights? [16:33]

    Programming with pictures so you know what you’re doing [19:11]

    Training for people new to weights [21:07]

    Focus on the fundamentals [26:10]

    Losing fat as your metabolism changes [29:44]

    When people fight for their limitations [34:30]

    It’s not just about a number on the scale [40:21]

    You just have to decide that you can [42:49]

    Focusing on what you can do, rather than how you look [45:13]

    Sometimes we need external motivation [50:41]

    Get your copy of Age Strong HERE!

    Connect with Rachel: @RachelCosgrove.co

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    Don’t forget to leave us a review and subscribe so you never have to miss an episode! Comments and questions can also be sent to [email protected], and you can head to thebestlifepodcast.com to join our Facebook Group.

    FOLLOW US ON IG: @TheBestLifePodcast

    FOLLOW JILL: @jillfit

    FOLLOW DANNY J: @dannyjdotcom

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    @Jill Coleman


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  • Is it just us, or is the internet boring as fuck lately? And yet even though we’re bored to tears, we can’t stop cycling through the same apps over and over again. We’re addicted to it and yet we’re just so bored. Everyone posts the same content over and over, where the only point is to get attention and make people angry, rather than doing anything interesting. It could just be that we’re just pessimists, but it feels like the algorithm has rotted our brains. It might be time to start some social-media detoxes, and while we’re at it, maybe start reading again?

    How can you be sick of something you’re addicted to? [1:17]

    The never-ending app loops [3:51]

    The death of creativity [5:43]

    Creation for the sake our outrage and engagement [7:51]

    You have to find a way to make it work for you [9:22]

    Looking for new ways to scratch the itch [12:31]

    Let’s practice going without our phones [14:17]

    Internet burn-out [16:20]

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    Don’t forget to leave us a review and subscribe so you never have to miss an episode! Comments and questions can also be sent to [email protected], and you can head to thebestlifepodcast.com to join our Facebook Group.

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    FOLLOW JILL: @jillfit

    FOLLOW DANNY J: @dannyjdotcom

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    @Jill Coleman


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  • There’s so much chatter about “authenticity” and “just being yourself” online these days that it’s kinda starting to lose meaning. Of course you should be yourself online, but often people mistake being “authentic” with being vulnerable. Some people like to share everything about themselves with their followers, some people don’t! We’ve also seen a lot of people conflate being authentic with just being an asshole. At the end of the day, it’s important to stay true to who YOU are in every moment, and what YOU want to share, rather than what some rando on the internet tells you is “real” authenticity.

    What the hell does “authenticity” even mean? [0:55]

    Authenticity and vulnerability are not the same [2:15]

    Dramatics get more attention [4:47]

    “Just be yourself” is harder to do than you think [9:39]

    Ownership is sexy [12:04]

    Creating teaches you about yourself [16:05]

    Finding peace in who you are [18:32]

    You need people to feel safe with you [21:42]

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    FOLLOW JILL: @jillfit

    FOLLOW DANNY J: @dannyjdotcom

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    @Jill Coleman


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  • Maybe you’ve heard already, but prominent podcaster Andrew Huberman, was recently exposed for having relationships with 6 different women at once. And while there’s nothing technically “illegal” about what he’s done, it’s a really shitty move done by someone who claims to have high integrity, and it rubs us the wrong way. We’re not big believers in the concept that how you do one thing is how you do everything, but how are we supposed to respect a man that has shown he doesn’t really respect the women in his life? No one is perfect, but when you’re a public figure, the way you act has a big impact on how your work is perceived, and this is one mistake we can’t really look past.

    Is how you do one thing is how you do everything? [6:50]

    Not everyone is what they seem [11:00]

    A pattern of disrespect is telling [15:02]

    Bad behavior has consequences, no matter who you are [18:15]

    Only a sincere apology will do [21:17]

    If it hurts someone, it hurts everyone [26:13]

    A war between the sexes [29:25]

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    FOLLOW JILL: @jillfit

    FOLLOW DANNY J: @dannyjdotcom

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    @Jill Coleman


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  • We’re not at young as we once were, and as much as we hate to admit it, our bodies are changing. That means making peace with the fact that the way we once worked out no longer works for us, and figuring out new ways to stay fit. It’s hard af to let go of the ways things used to be, but staying the same forever can do more harm than good. Nowadays we prioritize managing our physical + emotional stress, putting on muscle, and letting the small things add up. Just because working out looks different now doesn’t mean what we’re doing is worse.

    Adjusting your workouts as you age [1:44]

    Keeping your stress levels in-check [6:54]

    Optimizing your workouts for your hormonal health [9:39]

    How our bodies react to the stress we put them under [14:51]

    Bone density and bone health [15:49]

    Small things add up [16:54]

    Doing something different is actually better [19:18]

    The importance of mobility and flexibility [21:48]

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    Don’t forget to leave us a review and subscribe so you never have to miss an episode! Comments and questions can also be sent to [email protected], and you can head to thebestlifepodcast.com to join our Facebook Group.

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    FOLLOW JILL: @jillfit

    FOLLOW DANNY J: @dannyjdotcom

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    @Jill Coleman


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  • We’ve been on a sober-curious kick lately, so who better to talk to than someone who’s built a community for sober women and has been sober herself for 11 years and counting? Today, Danny interviews Courtney Andersen, founder of Sober Vibes, about her journey to sobriety and the challenges and joys of living an alcohol-free life. We discuss the decision to quit drinking, finding fun without alcohol, the cultural shift towards sobriety, and how to navigate social outings without alcohol. We also talk about re-defining relapse and a shame-free approach to sobriety. Life is hard enough, with or without drinking, and we’re all better for having these conversations openly and compassionately.

    The moment Courtney gave up drinking [2:31]

    Redefining what’s fun for you [8:12]

    What’s your why? [12:47]

    A cultural shift in the drinking conversation [16:17]

    Getting rid of shame [19:05]

    Alcohol and socialization [20:24]

    Honoring your feelings and emotions [25:09]

    Giving yourself permission to change [29:42]

    Dealing with “relapse” [31:32]

    Sobriety doesn’t need to be black and white [36:44]

    Is drinking the new smoking? [40:55]

    Connect with Courtney!



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    FOLLOW JILL: @jillfit

    FOLLOW DANNY J: @dannyjdotcom

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    @Jill Coleman


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  • Instagram is rolling out a new feature that defaults to keeping news and political content off of our feeds, and it got us thinking, is it irresponsible to ignore current events? Unfortunately, many news sources are produced with biases, headlines are manufactured to outrage rather than inform, and falsified information is getting harder and harder to differentiate from what’s “real.” And not only that, but after years of getting everything from social media algorithms, we’re all primed to see and hear things we already agree with. Maybe it’s just us, but the “news” doesn’t feel like the news anymore. Is it just us?

    The “news” isn’t the news anymore [3:10]

    Manufactured outrage [6:12]

    People look for things we agree with [7:59]

    Stories can spiral out of control [11:46]

    We need stronger critical thinking skills [14:38]

    There’s just “too much” to keep up with [19:29]

    Voting without keeping up with current events [22:44]

    Borrowed information [24:35]

    How do we know what’s true and what’s real? [27:11]

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    Don’t forget to leave us a review and subscribe so you never have to miss an episode! Comments and questions can also be sent to [email protected], and you can head to thebestlifepodcast.com to join our Facebook Group.

    FOLLOW US ON IG: @TheBestLifePodcast

    FOLLOW JILL: @jillfit

    FOLLOW DANNY J: @dannyjdotcom

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    @Jill Coleman


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  • Today, we’re bravely tackling a question no one has ever dared to ask before: can men and women be friends? Okay, okay, we hardly have a new take on this topic—of course they can!—but as two women whose marriages ended due to infidelity, sometimes the answer can feel a little more complicated. Lots of men and women can be friends with no romantic or sexual connection, but there are some hard feelings and potential red flags to be aware of if you or your partner has a close friend of the opposite sex.

    Can men + women be friends? [1:11]

    Introducing your friends to your partner [4:00]

    Red-flags to look out for [6:01]

    Handling feelings of jealousy and inadequacy [7:49]

    We don’t want to waste time anymore [10:23]

    Self-fulfilling prophecies [11:39]

    Pre-empting our partner’s insecurities [14:42]

    Partners need to be included [17:12]

    Knowing what your partner is up to [19:39]

    You’ll never feel 100% confident 100% of the time [22:02]

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    Don’t forget to leave us a review and subscribe so you never have to miss an episode! Comments and questions can also be sent to [email protected], and you can head to thebestlifepodcast.com to join our Facebook Group.

    FOLLOW US ON IG: @TheBestLifePodcast

    FOLLOW JILL: @jillfit

    FOLLOW DANNY J: @dannyjdotcom

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    @Jill Coleman


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