
  • LISTEN TO THIS EPISODE if you feel like STUCK in life and love.

    Stuck in a space where you are living a life for others and not for yourself.

    Stuck in a space where you prioritising other people's opinions and happiness over your own.

    In need of a release. A release from the pressure of societal norms, religious norms and family norms.

    In need of giving yourself permission to focus on your own happiness and turn the lens back onto loving yourself too! #selflove

    Marishka Appalsamy, is the author of a book called ā€œI am LOVE!ā€ and shares how parts of her own story and stories of others inspired her to write this book about bravery, life, failed relationships, break ups and healing.

    If this episode resonates, please share it with someone who might be embarking on their own journey and needs support.

    I would be so grateful if you LIKE, SHARE, FOLLOW & SUBSCRIBE to the Blending & Mending channels. This will create more awareness on these topics just like this for people who might be navigating similar ebbs & flows in life :) ā€“ LINKS available on my website.

    Want a copy of the book, go take a look at Empore Publishers on https://emporepublishers.co.za/product/i-am-love/

    You can also grab a copy at the Lonehill @indiehotyoga or reach out to Marishka directly on @appalz_

    ā€œIā€™ve got your back!ā€

    For more information on support, counselling, masterclasses & podcasts reach out on my website: www.blendingandmending.com

    Listen on Spotify: spoti.fi/3KpCaLx

    Listen on Apple Podcast: apple.co/3M99vMe

    Watch on YouTube link: https://youtube.com/@blendingandmending

    Follow on Instagram, Facebook & Pinterest: @blendingandmending

    Music by: @freebeats.io

  • LISTEN TO THIS EPISODE if you feel like life is spinning out of control. If you feel like the people around you take you for granted. If you feel like the people around, you just don't meet your needs the way you EXPECT THEM TOOā€¦

    A POWER episode, shared from a space of utter vulnerability by Bianca Edwards from @the_modelmom as she shares her life journey of trauma, relationship challenges, the importance of boundaries and HOW SHE looked inward to LOVE HERSELF again.

    Bianca openly talks about her past struggles and how she has moved through her own journey of healing to get to a space today of how she taught herself to fill her own cup. She speaks about the EXPECTATIONS she used to put on her partner and the people around her to FILL HER EMOTIONAL SUPPLY and how TODAY her lens on self-fulfillment and self-worth is wrapped up in her OWN accountability of how she wants to feel and show up for herself, her family and her business every day.

    If this episode resonates, please share it with someone who might be embarking on their journey and needs support.

    I would be so grateful if you LIKE, SHARE, FOLLOW & SUBSCRIBE to the Blending & Mending channels. This will create more awareness on these topics just like this for people who might be navigating similar ebbs & flows in life :) ā€“ LINKS available on my website.

    ā€œIā€™ve got your back!ā€

    For more information on support, coaching, masterclasses & podcasts reach out on my website: www.blendingandmending.com

    Listen on Spotify: spoti.fi/3KpCaLx

    Listen on Apple Podcast: apple.co/3M99vMe

    Watch on YouTube link: https://youtube.com/@blendingandmending

    Follow on Instagram, Facebook & Pinterest: @blendingandmending

    Music by: @freebeats.io

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  • Where do even begin to start a legal process, when all you can think about is feeling angry, sad or overwhelmed?

    This episode was important for me to share with you for so many reasons. The legal side of divorce is daunting, overwhelming and can often feel like a never-ending custody and co-parenting battle. I wanted to find a speaker on this topic who could dive into the deeper parts of this journey and REALLY SHARE the "ins and outs" of WHERE TO START and HOW TO PREPARE if yourself mentally and emotionally when you start a legal process.

    @legallynik is a child protection solicitor based in the UK and has started her own legal social media platform to support people like ME & YOU navigate this side of the divorce journey. Friends if there is an account that puts the ebbs and flows of legal process into perspective itā€™s Nik šŸ˜Š

    Nik and I spoke about:

    The emotional and practical elements of a divorce and court processesThe importance of understanding your own hurt, your own grief and your own anger before you immerse yourself in a legal process.What she sees in her line of work as COMMON MISTAKES people make when starting a legal journeyWhy parents lose focus of what the kids need and start the TIT FOR TAT games of manipulationThe importance of keeping yourself grounded as a parent and ensuring you are doing what is IN THE BEST INTEREST OF YOUR CHIDLREN at all timesTips on starting a legal process and finding a lawyer who you relate to and understanding that you might get advice you donā€™t likeNikā€™s words of wisdom when it comes to court and legal battlesā€¦And so much more

    If this episode resonates, please share it with someone who might be embarking on their journey and needs support.

    I would be so grateful if you LIKE, SHARE, FOLLOW & SUBSCRIBE to the Blending & Mending channels. This will create more awareness on these topics just like this for people who might be navigating similar ebbs & flows in life :) ā€“ LINKS available on my website.

    ā€œIā€™ve got your back!ā€

    For more information on support, coaching, masterclasses & podcasts reach out on my website: www.blendingandmending.com

    Listen on Spotify: spoti.fi/3KpCaLx

    Listen on Apple Podcast: apple.co/3M99vMe

    Watch on YouTube link: https://youtube.com/@blendingandmending

    Follow on Instagram, Facebook & Pinterest: @blendingandmending

    Music by: @freebeats.io

  • Mommy & stepmoms this episode was recorded just for YOU!

    A brand new podcast on SELF-CARE, MINDSET and having morning meetings with YOURSELFā€¦.Yip, you read that correctly! What a fun and fantastic recording with the beautiful Lourette du Toit, Dermology business owner, Safari wife & mother.

    Lourette, spoke so passionately about the importance of:

    - Self-care and what it means to her

    - About the importance of prioritizing ourselves by finding a routine that WORKS for YOU as a woman, professional & motherā€¦ā€less is moreā€

    - Lourette, shared a snapshot of what her daily routine looks like and how she makes time for herself in between the hustle and bustle of the day and all the different ā€˜hatsā€™ we wear as woman

    - We spoke about the importance of having a morning meeting with yourself, (I donā€™t want to spill the beans on this one too much, so go take a listen and let me know what you think about this conceptā€¦I freaking LOVE IT!)

    - How Lourette believes mindset is a power-tool to shift behaviour for herself as a woman and the teams of women she works with daily across South Africa

    - ā€¦and of course I asked Lourette, as a skincare specialist and skin laser clinic owner, to share her top 3 skin care tips with usā€¦(youā€™re welcome šŸ˜Š)

    - oh andā€¦so much more!

    I loved this recording. I loved the energy of this recording. Importantly, I loved the key take-aways of HOW we can incorporate self-care tactics into our daily routines without over complicating our lives.

    Share this episode with a friend who might need to take a little time out and prioritize themselves too! Friendā€¦weā€™ve got your back!

    Reach out to lourette on @lourettelaserandskin and @safari_wife for more skin care tips and self-care tips or just to take a peak at the incredible work they do at Dermology. I personally go to Dermology for my skin laser treatments and I wish I started soonerā€¦Thank you Nomsa for waving your magic BBL wand!!

    It would help so much if you could LIKE, SHARE, FOLLOW & SUBSCRIBE to the Blending & Mending channels. This will create more awareness on this topics just like this for people who might be navigating similar ebbs & flows in life :) ā€“ LINKS available in my bio / below ā€œIā€™ve got your back!ā€

    For more information on support, coaching, masterclasses & podcasts reach out on my website: www.blendingandmending.com

    Listen on Spotify: spoti.fi/3KpCaLx

    Listen on Apple Podcast: apple.co/3M99vMe

    Watch on YouTube link: https://youtube.com/@blendingandmending

    Follow on Instagram, Facebook & Pinterest: @blendingandmending

    Music by: @freebeats.io

  • All I can say is WOW! Naomi Holdt, is a psychologist, book author, speaker, momā€¦and over and above all of this, just a fantastic human being!

    I reached out to Naomi and asked her to share her insights and guidance on how divorced parents get through a festive season when ā€œit isnā€™t there year on in the visitation scheduleā€. Her immediate response was YES!!!

    Friends, this is such a hard reality for divorced and separated parents who know they only see their children for these festive moments every second year (or as outlined in their visitation schedule or planned with the other parent). Can you even image spending a Christmas, Birthday or Easter without your kids? I didnā€™t have my daughter for Christmas last year (second year without her and it just doesnā€™t feel like it gets any easier so I get this feeling of sadness & grief all too well).

    We got real, we got honest, and Naomi spoke so beautifully about allowing yourself as a divorced parent to GRIEVE these moments, and importantly allowing your children to grieve them too. It can be an emotional dynamic for everyone.

    Naomi, shared insights from her practice, what she sees when working with divorced families and children and how her book 'BOUNCE' speaks through so many of these parenting triggers, the importance of inner healing and tips for parents who are divorced. I got my copy today!!

    Friends it takes one step at a timeā€¦but you can work through these emotions and get through this Christmas...

    Do you want to reach out Naomi ā€“ pop her a DM on @naomiholdtpsychologist

    Please listen to this episode and PLEASE SHARE with other people who could relate, resonate and lean into her vulnerability. IF there is anything you take away from this it's that you CAN GET THROUGH this!

    Please like, share, follow & subscribe to the Blending & Mending channels. It will help so much to create more awareness on this courageous topic for people who might be navigating similar ebbs & flows in life :) ā€“ LINKS available below.

    ā€œIā€™ve got your back!ā€

    For more information on support, coaching & podcasts reach out on my website: www.blendingandmending.com

    Listen on Spotify: spoti.fi/3KpCaLx

    Listen on Apple Podcast: apple.co/3M99vMe

    Watch on YouTube link: https://youtube.com/@blendingandmending

    Follow on Instagram, Facebook & Pinterest: @blendingandmending

    Music by: @freebeats.io

  • If there is a podcast episode you need to listen to itā€™s this one. Friends, I got goosebumps recording this episode and got goosebumps editing this recording.

    Caroline from @cutewithkids shares HER story about marriage, children, being cheated on and navigating the steps she needed to take to put her life back together again after her sudden divorce. Caroline spoke so honestly and vulnerably about the devastation of her family unit coming to an endā€¦ a story SO MANY people can relate to!

    Pour the glass of wine...

    Grab your notebook...

    Listen to this episode & PLEASE SHARE her story with other people who could relate, resonate and lean into her vulnerability. IF there is anything you take away from this it's that you CAN GET THROUGH this!

    We spoke about:

    Taking a step back to identify the RED FLAGS of CHEATING in a relationshipHow Caroline found out her marriage was overHearing the words ā€œI donā€™t love you anymoreā€ and having to realise the life you thought would be forever is overPutting your life back together for your kids and yourselfFinding coping strategies that work for you to heal after divorceHow to navigate CO-PARENTING with someone you DONā€™T TRUSTThe importance of boundaries and understanding what ā€œIS GOOD AND NOT GOOD FOR YOUā€ā€¦Its ok to say NOLiving a life of joy and love for you and YOUR KIDSā€œThis too shall passā€And lots moreā€¦

    Please like, share, follow & subscribe to the Blending & Mending channels. It will help so much to create more awareness on this courageous topic for people who might be navigating similar ebbs & flows in life :) ā€“ LINKS available in my bio / below...

    ā€œIā€™ve got your back!ā€

    For more information on support, coaching & podcasts reach out on my website: www.blendingandmending.com

    Listen on Spotify: spoti.fi/3KpCaLx

    Listen on Apple Podcast: apple.co/3M99vMe

    Watch on YouTube link: https://youtube.com/@blendingandmending

    Follow on Instagram, Facebook & Pinterest: @blendingandmending

    Music by: @freebeats.io

  • Episode 18: Meeting a partner with kids and creating YOUR OWN family BLEND with Sally & Martin

    This is the FIRST couple recording on the Blending & Mendingā€™s podcast and damn I had so much fun chatting to Sally & Martin about their blended family life adventure. If you haven't quite yet figured out what 'couple goals' looks like, then just watch these two humans chat, laugh and interact with each other and it all just makes sense #goals

    Sally & Martin share their story with us on THEIR blended family life:

    - how they met, and that they didnā€™t even like it each other at first (we had a good giggle)

    - how Sally felt meeting a man with two children in her 20's, starting a relationship and becoming a stepmom

    - how Martin had to juggle relationship dynamics between being a dad and being a partner

    - figuring out how to find your role in your new family blend

    - managing boundaries and expectations and understanding your family role

    - having an "ours" baby

    - blended family life challenges and importantly lessons learnt

    - the joy of blended family life

    - and so much more!

    Did you like this episode?

    Please like, share, follow & subscribe to the Blending & Mending channels. It will help so much to create more awareness on this courageous topic for people who might be navigating similar ebbs & flows in life :) ā€“ LINKS available in my bio / below

    ā€œIā€™ve got your back!ā€

    For more information on support, coaching & podcasts reach out on my website: www.blendingandmending.com

    Listen on Spotify: spoti.fi/3KpCaLx

    Listen on Apple Podcast: apple.co/3M99vMe

    Watch on YouTube link: https://youtube.com/@blendingandmending

    Follow on Instagram, Facebook & Pinterest: @blendingandmending

    Music by: @freebeats.io

  • Dealing with the shock of accepting your marriage is over & healing through the pain with Natalie

    Where do you begin to put your life back together after realising your marriage is over? This episode tugged on heart strings and my sister Natalie, vulnerably shares her story of divorce and healing.

    We spoke aboutā€¦.

    - Her shock

    - Her pain

    - Her coping mechanisms

    - Her post-divorce triggers

    - Trusting your gut as you navigate a space of unknown with your children

    - Living a blissful and CONTENT life with her two beautiful kids


    - Finding her REAL SELF through a journey of pain and disappointment and realising how capable she really is of doing this thing called LIFE and PARENTING!

    Did you like this episode?

    Please like, share, follow & subscribe to the Blending & Mending channels. It will help so much to create more awareness on this courageous topic for people who might be navigating similar ebbs & flows in life :) ā€“ LINKS available in my bio / below

    ā€œIā€™ve got your back!ā€

    For more information on support, coaching & podcasts reach out on my website: www.blendingandmending.com

    Listen on Spotify: spoti.fi/3KpCaLx

    Listen on Apple Podcast: apple.co/3M99vMe

    Watch on YouTube link: https://youtube.com/@blendingandmending

    Follow on Instagram, Facebook & Pinterest: @blendingandmending

    Music by: @freebeats.io

  • It feels like divorce is hard enough and then this thing called co-parenting kicks in and itā€™s a new way of life that we need to plan for and figured out in the flow.

    Jay and I jumped straight into this topic and spoke about co-parenting dynamics and the ebbs and flows this part of a divorce journey entails. Jay, is a co-parenting coach in America and spoke so openly about HIS OWN STORY, HIS WORK and importantly on how to focus on the journey and process of co-parenting verse the destinationā€¦

    Episode show notes:

    - Jay shared his story of HIS relationship, his kids and what co-parenting looks like for him and his family today

    - He chatted through HIS co-parenting journey, challenges and triggers

    - We spoke about the importance of having the MIRROR moments to STOP and REFLECT on the learnings and healing we have to embrace

    - We touched on triggers and what our triggers could be telling us about OURSELVES & our own healing

    - We spoke about co-parenting struggles and the challenge of holding a consistent routine between two homes at the best of times and how not to sweat the small stuff!

    - We leaned into the importance of focusing on YOUR home, YOUR family and the relationship you have with YOUR kids when they are WITH YOU!

    - We couldnā€™t have a chat without touching on boundaries, communication and managing OUR expectations of our co-parent & lots moreā€¦.

    - Oh and we laughed ALOTā€¦ :)

    Do you want to connect with Jay?

    Reach out to Jay Skibbens on Instagram at @jayskibbens for all his contact details :)

    Did you like this episode?

    Please like, share, follow & subscribe to the Blending & Mending channels. It will help so much to create more awareness on this courageous topic for people who might be navigating similar ebbs & flows in life :) ā€“ LINKS available in my bio / below

    ā€œIā€™ve got your back!ā€

    #coparenting #love #life #kids #expectations #itsnoteasy #relationshipstruggles #challenges #healing #mirrormoments #blendedlife #yourex #myex #familydynamics #coaching #communicaiton #expecations #itsok #laugh #reflect #co-parent #vulnerability #podcast #viralreel #podcastepisode #new #newepisode

    For more information on support, coaching & podcasts reach out on my website: www.blendingandmending.com

    Listen on Spotify: spoti.fi/3KpCaLx

    Listen on Apple Podcast: apple.co/3M99vMe

    Watch on YouTube link: https://youtube.com/@blendingandmending

    Follow on Instagram, Facebook & Pinterest: @blendingandmending

    Music by: @freebeats.io

  • From the process of separation, the learning curve of life after divorce and navigating all the unknown territories of co-parenting with your ex, Steyn spoke ABOUT IT ALL!

    He was brutally honest, straight forward and said it like it is. There was no room left for interpretation. This episode was a breath of fresh air and resonates on so many levels.

    Ladies pour the wine, grab your man and let them listen to this immersive journey and wise words of a father, divorcee and businessman STEYN VERMAAS.

    Episode chat:

    Marriage and divorce and why this is so hardā€¦The process of divorce, belief systems and divorce guilt through a male's lensDivorce in a small town ā€“ the gossip, the rumors and the change of behaviour from people you used to consider friendsKnowing your truth irrespective of small-town gossipThe important of family and a support system during one of the hardest and loneliest phases of lifeGiving yourself permission to leave ā€“ ā€œsometimes two people are just not meant to be togetherā€Navigating divorce and figuring out what life after divorce looks like for you, your ex and your childFiguring it out for your children. Itā€™s not a TUG OF WAR!How Steyn fathers his daughter across two homes, the challenges and struggles that comes with itWhy boundaries with your EX are so important ā€“ ā€œavoid the drama and conflictā€Blended family life, the ups and downs and the joy of having an OURS BABYWhy YOU deserve to be happy!A silver lining after divorce ā€¦Steyn shares his thoughts ON IF a silver lining exists?!

    Listened to this recording???? Okā€¦ do yourself a favor, pour the SECOND glass of wine and listen to it ALL OVER AGAIN!


    Did you like this episode?

    Please like, share, follow & subscribe to the Blending & Mending channels. It will help so much to create more awareness on this courageous topic for people who might be navigating similar ebbs & flows in life :) ā€“ LINKS available below

    Listen on Spotify: spoti.fi/3KpCaLx

    Listen on Apple Podcast: apple.co/3M99vMe

    Watch on YouTube link: https://youtube.com/@blendingandmending

    Follow on Instagram, Facebook & Pinterest: @blendingandmending

    For more information on support, coaching & podcasts reach out on my website: www.blendingandmending.com

    Music by: @freebeats.io

    ā€œIā€™ve got your back!ā€

  • Have you ever had to support your BESTIE through one of the hardest phases of lifeā€¦DIVORCE?

    Jumping into an episode recording with Susan was soul food. Susan Abdul, is a human with the biggest heart, the kindest soul and the wisest words. This woman was my rock during my divorce. She was my family, my friend, my counsellor, my coach, my advisor and also my outfit approver... :)!

    In this recording we jump into MY STORY. MY DIVORCE. MY STRUGGLES and how Susan, MY BESTIE, walked every step of the journey with me.

    Episode chat:

    Two friends chatting and inviting you into their conversation about divorce and supportReflecting on my story and the challenges of divorceSusanā€™s perceptions of what life looked like for me during that timeSusanā€™s reflections on support, family challenges and the impact of belief systems when it comes to divorceThe impact of not having your family and friends to rely on - Tapping into my experienceOwning your story and not having to explain your decision to leave to the people around youOwning the phases associated to pre and post-divorce...even the extra glass of wine!How to show up for your friend during a time of divorceWords of wisdom from Susan to youAnd somehow, we ended our session talking about Milas bangs, decor and skin care lolā€¦

    Did you like this episode?

    Please like, share, follow & subscribe to the Blending & Mending channels. It will help so much to create more awareness on this courageous topic for people who might be navigating similar ebbs & flows in life :) ā€“ LINKS available on my website and below.

    ā€œIā€™ve got your back!ā€

    Listen on Spotify: spoti.fi/3KpCaLxListen on Apple Podcast: apple.co/3M99vMeWatch on YouTube link: https://youtube.com/@blendingandmendingFollow on Instagram, Facebook & Pinterest: @blendingandmending

    For more information on support, coaching & podcasts reach out on my website: www.blendingandmending.com

    Music by: @freebeats.io

  • Yes, you read that episode title correctly!

    This episode is all about the truths & practical examples of what a stepmom, mother, wife, entrepreneur and woman navigate through in blended family life. The raw truths we donā€™t share enough and yet need to hear the MOST!

    Littish Swarts, female entrepreneur, mom of 5, happily married and one of the sweetest souls you will ever meet, shares her story. Her truth. Her vulnerabilities and her TIPS of how she navigates it all.

    Episode show notes:

    Littish shares her story and how she met her husbandShe unpacks how she juggles her life with 5 children, being a female entrepreneur and a doting wife.She vulnerably shares the struggles and challenges when it comes to her role as stepmom and her relationship with the bio momHow her and her husband focus on their children and & what is BEST for THEIR FAMILYHer mistakes as a stepmom and the power of hindsightHer tips and strategies on managing life, managing boundaries and what happiness looks like in her blended family homeOhā€¦and did I mention a sneaky little promo that we share in the podcast where you can get 20% of something PRACTICAL, PRETTY & PURPOSEFUL!

    Did you like this episode?

    Please like, share, follow & subscribe to the Blending & Mending channels. It will help so much to create more awareness on this courageous topic for people who might be navigating similar ebbs & flows in life :) ā€“ LINKS belowā€¦

    ā€œIā€™ve got your backā€

    Listen on Spotify: spoti.fi/3KpCaLxListen on Apple Podcast: apple.co/3M99vMeWatch on YouTube link: https://youtube.com/@blendingandmending

    Follow on Instagram, Facebook & Pinterest: @blendingandmending

    For more information on support, coaching & podcasts:Reach out on my website: www.blendingandmending.com

    Music by: @freebeats.io

  • An episode that shares the realness around making the decision to leave your marriage.

    Hloni Tshabalala, joins us on the podcast sharing her journey of divorce, her healing and her current co-parenting struggles.

    DOWNLOAD this episode! SAVE this episode! It is one you WILL want to listen to a few times.

    What this episode is all about:

    Making the hard decision to leave your marriageTrying to find the balance between helping your children and family through the hurt without forgetting about 'WHAT YOU ARE GOING THROUGH!'The hard struggle of telling your family you are getting a divorceSocial, religious, and cultural guilt triggersTrying to figure out this thing called ā€œco-parentingā€Acknowledging how hard it is to co-parent with someone you ā€œstill havenā€™t forgivenā€Being real and not competing with the other parentShowing up for your children and YOURSELFAdvice and words of reflection from the beautiful HloniAnd so much moreā€¦

    Please like, share, follow & subscribe to the Blending & Mending social channels. It will help so much to create more awareness on this courageous topic for people who might be navigating similar ebbs & flows in life :) Links below.

    For more information on divorce, blended family life support, coaching & podcasts: Reach out on my website: www.blendingandmending.com

    OR pop through an email on [email protected] and let's chat.

    "I've got your back!"

    Listen on Spotify: spoti.fi/3KpCaLx

    Listen on Apple Podcast: apple.co/3M99vMe

    YouTube link: https://youtube.com/@blendingandmending


  • Book Author of ā€˜Moms Moving Onā€™ and Divorce Coach, Michelle Dempsey-Multack was on the Blending & Mending podcast.

    She is KIND. She is WISE and she CALLS IT LIKE IT IS!

    My favourite piece of advice from Michelle, in this episode was ā€œKNOW YOU'RE ROLEā€...Just power!

    She shares her journey of blended family life, her learnings, memories and mistakes to avoid.

    Episode show notes:

    Her deep appreciation for HER family, HER daughter, HER husband & HER step-daughterHow her and her husband navigated the early days of dating, meeting the kids and integrating as a family unitWhy ā€œtiming is everythingā€?Critical mistakes step-parents can avoidWhy it's important to ā€œknow your roleā€ as a step-parentThe highs & lows of blended family lifeNavigating parenting and discipline styles in her new blended homeThe importance of ā€œsticking through the hard stuffā€Accepting you cannot be first place in your blended family dynamicHer book: Moms Moving Onā€¦ & where you can get itWHY she wrote her book and WHO her greatest cheer leader was šŸ˜Šand so much moreā€¦!

    Did you like this episode?

    Please like, share, follow & subscribe to the below channels. It will help so much to create more awareness on this courageous topic for people who might be navigating similar ebbs & flows in life :)

    Listen on Spotify: spoti.fi/3KpCaLx

    Listen on Apple Podcasts: apple.co/3M99vMe

    YouTube link: https://youtube.com/@blendingandmending

    For more information on divorce, blended family life support, coaching & podcasts: Reach out on my website: www.blendingandmending.com

    OR pop through an email to [email protected] and let's chat.

    "I've got your back!"

  • A topic that so many of us can relate toā€¦breaks-ups and the process of healing!

    Joash Narainsamy, a global wellness leader and a dear friend of mine, shares with us his breakup from a 13-year relationship. He openly discusses his relationship dynamic with his ex, their joys, their struggles, and his breaking point to leave a life that he KNEW and LOVEDā€¦to find a life that would BETTER SERVE HIM.

    This episode is as real as it gets!! We laughed, we shared and spoke vulnerably about not only matters of the heart, but the physical elements of a relationships too. You donā€™t want to miss this!

    Episode show notes:

    Sharing his story - A 13-year relationship where he ā€œthought they would grow old togetherā€.Sharing the impact of compromise in a relationship ā€“ ā€œDo we really know what we are putting aside in ourselves for our partner and the sake of the relationship?ā€ā€œYou donā€™t know what you donā€™t knowā€ ā€“ The influence of belief systems and self-beliefA deep dive into the gay community ā€“ Information session 101!The importance of physical AND emotional connection in a relationshipWhy taking the time to heal after a break-up is so importantThe value of Therapy & Coaching - Finding healing outside of your community to lift your blind spots and help you navigate the dark cloud of relationship hurtThe importance of staying true to yourself & your worthā€¦ā€ we are never too OLD TO BE HAPPY!ā€And so much more!

    Did you like this episode?

    Please like, share, follow & subscribe to the below channels. It will help so much to create more awareness on this courageous topic for people who might be navigating similar ebbs & flows in life :)

    Disclaimer: This episode contains some adult humour and playful banter that may not be suitable for all audiences. Listener discretion is advised. This content is intended for mature audiences and may not be suitable for individuals under the age of 18. By continuing to listen to this episode, you acknowledge that you are of legal age to consume such content and take full responsibility for your decision to do so.

    Listen on Spotify: spoti.fi/3KpCaLx

    Listen on Apple Podcast: apple.co/3M99vMe

    YouTube link: https://youtube.com/@blendingandmending

    For more information on support, coaching & podcasts:

    Reach out on my website: www.blendingandmending.com

    Follow on Instagram, Facebook & Pinterest: @blendingandmending

    Music by: @freebeats.io

  • Dating after divorce can be a tricky! Where do you even start to cast your ā€˜dating netā€™ to find the person you are looking for?

    Marlyn Jose, who Iā€™m dubbing our ā€˜Blending & Mending Dating Expertā€™ is here to share her experience, advise and dating tips with YOU!

    This episode is loaded with self-reflection, tips on how to navigate dating, dating apps and what YOU NEED TO START GETTING SPECIFIC ABOUT in terms of what you are looking for in a future partner.

    Episode show notes:

    Why healing your OWN trauma is so important before you even start to consider the dating scene againThe importance of embracing being single and ā€˜CLAIMING YOURSELF BACKā€™!Becoming SPECIFIC with what you are looking for and what your ā€˜DEAL BREAKERSā€™ are in your next life chapterRemoving the misconception that dating apps are ā€˜badā€™Tips on dating and using dating appsMarlyns ā€˜90-day dating ruleā€™When to introduce your child(ren) to your new partnerWhen is the right time to tap into that awkward conversation of telling your spouse you are dating someone newAnd so much more!

    Did you enjoy this episode?

    Please like, share, follow & subscribe to the below channels. It will help so much to create more awareness on this courageous topic for people who might be navigating similar ebbs & flows in life :)

    Listen on Spotify: spoti.fi/3KpCaLx

    Listen on Apple Podcast: apple.co/3M99vMe

    YouTube link: https://youtube.com/@blendingandmending

    For more information on support, coaching & podcasts:

    Reach out on my website: www.blendingandmending.com

    Follow on Instagram, Facebook & Pinterest: @blendingandmending

    Music by: @freebeats.io

  • An episode on creating the life that you want for YOURSELF AFTER DIVORCE.

    Dr Suzanne Vickberg joins us on the podcast to share her story on challenging divorce stigmas and creating a divorced life that works for you and your family.

    Her discussion talks through the process of loss that divorced couples face and how her and her ex-husband were aware of NOT wanting to lose their family unit after their separation & divorce. Today, 13 years later, Suzanne lives with her two children, her ex-husband and his wife, Anna. She shares how they are thriving as a family unit and as a divorced couple. Itā€™s an inspiring and authentic conversation to empower you to make decisions in your life and as part of your divorce process that works for youā€¦ irrespective of what society may think!

    Show notes:

    The process of loss associated with divorceThe process of not just losing your partner and family through divorce but losing parts of your own identify and independenceA discussion on the need to understand ā€œwhat problem you are trying to solve for in your divorceā€Shaping a life that works FOR YOU, irrespective of societal norms and expectationsSuzanneā€™s story on her divorce process and how she still lives with her two children, her ex-husband and his new wifeThe importance of self-reflection on feeling what you are feeling verse what you think you need to feel through a process of divorceSharing her book ā€“ ā€˜Divorce by Designā€™ and the benefit of applying critical problem solving to create the life you want for yourself

    Itā€™s a power episode and Iā€™m so excited to share this conversation with you!

    Do you want to chat more about this topic?

    Reach out to Suzanne Vickberg on Instagram: @suzannevickberg

    Reach out on Suzanne Vickbergā€™s website: https://www.divorcexdesign.com/

    Reach out on my website: www.blendingandmending.com

    Follow on Instagram: @blendingandmending

    Follow on Facebook: @blendingandmending

    Please like, share, follow & subscribe to the below channels. It will help so much to create more awareness on this courageous topic :)

    Listen on Spotify: spoti.fi/3KpCaLx

    Listen on Apple Podcast: apple.co/3M99vMe

    YouTube link: https://youtu.be/0XikHTZcnhc

    Music by: @freebeats.io

  • The next Seriously Old Dirt episode is HERE! Episode 006: ā€œLet him handle his co-parenting relationship with his ex!ā€

    This topic is such a struggle for so many couples navigating blended family life. Where do the boundaries start and stop? How can you manage a space of co-parenting peacefully with a high conflict ex and how does this all effect the life and relationship YOU are trying to build with your blended family?

    I am so proud of this recording. I am so proud of how we can sit on our couch and share our story so openly and honestly. I am so proud of how much we have grown with regards to this part of blended family life.

    Hope you enjoy listening to it as much as Tristan & I enjoyed recording it.

    Show notes:

    - Taking you back to the beginning of our relationship and our first struggles

    - My struggles, my need for more support, my need to be a priority in his life, my need for him to have boundaries with his ex-wife

    - How his blind spots and belief systems regarding ā€˜marriageā€™ had an impact on us growing as a couple

    - ā€œWords verse actionsā€ and building trust

    - Where we feel the boundaries should start and stop - How we slowly found our groove as couple to the point that I could TRUST Tristan and how he would show up for us as a family

    - The importance of communicating YOUR needs and boundaries to your partner

    - The honest truthā€¦ ā€œThis is not a quick fix recipe Iā€™m afraidā€¦It takes TIME!ā€

    - Our coping strategies as a couple and blended family and where we are now

    What to chat more about this topic?

    Reach out on my website: www.blendingandmending.com

    Follow on Instagram: @blendingandmending

    Follow on Facebook: @blendingandmending

    Please like, share, follow & subscribe to the below channels. It will help so much to create more awareness on this courageous topic :)

    Listen on Spotify: spoti.fi/3KpCaLx

    Listen on Apple Podcast: apple.co/3M99vMe

    YouTube link: https://youtu.be/_o88V0olR68

    Music by: @freebeats.io

  • Second marriage: Do I change my surname again with Rudashni Peters

    A podcast on a topic that is so important and yet we just donā€™t talk about it enough. In this episode we delve into the process of second marriage and IF as a woman you should change your surname AGAIN. Our guest speaker Rudashni, got married in December 2022 and shares her process and struggle in terms of having to change her surname AGAIN... particularly in the context of a second marriage.

    Rudashni Peters, has a background in social work and corporate experience in Executive Coaching, Human Resources & Learning & Development. She is passionate about igniting women and empowering them to share their stories. Rudashni ,reflects on her own experience and the importance of closing the chapter of her first marriage respectfully while embracing a new chapter with her current partner. The decision of whether to change surnames becomes a significant question for Radashni, and she shares her inner struggle with making that choice as well her advice for woman who might be in the same situation to trust their inner voice, choose courage over comfort and daring greatly.

    Podcast show notes:

    Second marriage - 'Do I change my surname again?' The shift in the thought process of changing your surname - 'Why does it feel more difficult to make this decision the second time around?' "It's more than just a name I got from my ex-husband" - Your name as an extension of WHO you are as a woman, mother and professional IF I change my surname - 'How do I explain this to my children?' The importance of making the decision for YOURSELF A journey of courage over comfort Having the hard conversation with your husband - What do you need from your partner to navigate this decision

    Reach out on my website: www.blendingandmending.com

    Follow on Instagram: @blendingandmending

    Follow on Facebook: @blendingandmending

    Listen on Spotify: spoti.fi/3KpCaLx

    Listen on Apple Podcast: apple.co/3M99vMe

    Watch on YouTube link: https://youtu.be/_o88V0olR68

    Music by: @freebeats.io

  • Single parenting can be a hard and lonely journey. ā€œGetting through thingsā€ was such a central theme to my discussion with Nadine in the most recent podcast episode.

    In this episode Nadine, a wellness counsellor and founder of Holistic Options for People Empowerment, discusses her journey of becoming a single parent at the age of 19. Nadine shares how the belief system of wanting to have a family kept her stuck in not admitting that she was a single parent for many years with her holding onto the idea of what happiness, love and family SHOULD LOOK LIKE.

    The conversation delves into the process of becoming unstuck and accepting one's situation and how Nadine navigated being a single parent along with all the emotions and responsibilities that come along with it.

    She emphasizes the need to not change dreams, but instead reframe mindset and change the plan to move forward.

    Episode show notes:

    Becoming a teen mom at the age of 19Impact of belief systems, culture and societal guiltThe moment I realised "I'm a single parent"The impact of overcompensating for your title of single parent ..."remember...you are enough!"Accepting what you can and cannot controlThe influence of the internal criticThe process of becoming 'comfortable with uncomfortable emotionsā€™Permission for the '3 Day Dip"Adult doubts..."Will I ever find love again?"Words of advice to single parents to embrace their unique family dynamic

    Thank you Nadine for sharing so vulnerably on this episode.

    If you want to connect with Nadine Pillay you can find her on Instagram: @nadinepillay_wellness

    Reach out on my website: www.blendingandmending.com

    Follow on Instagram: @blendingandmending

    Listen on Spotify: spoti.fi/3KpCaLx

    Listen on Apple Podcast: apple.co/3M99vMe

    YouTube link: https://youtu.be/_o88V0olR68

    Music by: @freebeats.io