The first chapter of The Career Builder's Podcast comes to a close as Lisa departs the show. Tune in for a reflection of 106 episodes of work and lessons learned, and an announcement from Mike about the future of TCBP.
A veteran career advisor, writer, podcaster and live show host, Mark Anthony Dyson dishes on how the modern job search has become a lifestyle.
Episodes manquant?
A renowned radio personality and career coach, Ken Coleman of The Ken Coleman Show joins The Career Builder's Podcast to discuss his latest book, From Paycheck to Purpose.
Once plotting a course out of academia and into industry, Dr. Eric James Stephens rejoins the the show to share lessons of his career transition and give a glimpse of what's to come. Cue another raw and real career conversation!
Topics Covered:
Dorie Clark - Duke & Columbia Business Professor; Ranked #1 Communication Coach; HBR Author; Top 50 Business Thinker in World - Thinkers50Book: The Long Game: How to Be a Long-Term Thinker in a Short-Term World - learn more at dorieclark.com/thelonggameYou can download her free Long Game self-assessment workbookHow the long game had a positive impact on Dorie's lifeThe value in strategic and tactical thinkingUnderstanding and applying the concept of "optimizing for Interesting"Seeing failure as an experiment and the value in testing concepts out first before going all inAre you trapped in a permanent state of execution mode? If so, here's how to get out of it.How to say no with intentionWhen it's ok to say yes to short-term gainStrategies to stay focused while pursuing the long gameHow the long game vision helps you live in the nowWhy you should think in a long-term, strategic way about your careerDorie's 80%/20% rule"Don't pay for office space" -
Almost 50 episodes were released in Year 2 of The Career Builder's Podcast. Tune in to hear excerpts of the 10 most downloaded shows of the last year!
Topics Covered:
The Founders of Job Search Journey - Adrienne Tom, Sarah Johnston & Virginia FrancoWebsite: https://www.jobsearchjourney.com/The biggest job search lessons we've learned about job searching during the pandemicThe trends in job searching and changes that have happened over the past 18 monthsHow job seekers' values have changedThe parts of job searching that have stayed the sameWhere most people are getting stuck in the job search and whyPredictions for the future of job searchingWhat to do about vaccination status in your job searchWhat Job Search Journey is and how it can help youWork with Mike: https://www.coachoiseau.com/
Work with Lisa: https://careerbalancecoaching.com/
A quick recap on where the show (and its hosts!) has been at throughout the last few months, and a look at what the future of TCBP has in store!
Topics Covered:
Andrea Koppel, Career Coach & Host of Time4Coffee Podcast, Former CNN CorrespondentLinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/andrea-koppel-caffeinated-career-coachingtime4coffee.orgTwitter: @andrea_koppelAndrea's winding road to career coachingWhat a Magical Career Encounter looks and feels likeIdentifying activities that "light you up"Why it's practically impossible to make a mistake when starting your careerThinking like a mad scientist vs. a chefThe value of trying things outTurning setbacks into massive learning experiencesAndrea's framework for evaluating career fit: Mission, Money, Mobility, MotivationStories and lessons from her journalism career at CNNWork with Mike: https://www.coachoiseau.com/
A lot of job seekers sometimes feel inauthentic as they pursue a new role. Strengths-based career coach Linda Evans weighs in on why this is and how you can be your real self in front of employers.
Taking your time early on in a new role can open you up for a more efficient and productive overall start. Both Stacy and Mike are starting out in new jobs and seize the moment to share their findings of a slow start.
Topics Covered:
Kyle Elliott, MPA, CHES ,Career & Interview CoachLinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/kylecromerelliottcaffeinatedkyle.com Instagram: @caffeinatedkyleTwitter: CaffeinatedKyleTaking the leap from a side hustle to a full time jobThe benefits of taking risks in life and career How to break your career down into chunks and steps that will help you get to your end goal Why tech is able to thrive during times of crisisIdentifying your transferable skills and speak the language of organizationsUsing job postings to create your resume, LinkedIn, and elevator pitches Identify and own your fabulousness, confidently communicate what makes you special Using an accomplishment journal to help you maintain momentum and confidence Resilience, dependability and adaptability as top skills needed for techWork with Mike: https://www.coachoiseau.com/
Work with Stacy: https://www.stacypollack.com/
Topics Covered
Madeline Mann-Career Strategist, HR and Recruitment Leader, The Self Made MillennialLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/madelinemann/www.madelinemann.comwww.standoutresume.comTwitter: https://twitter.com/themadelinemannYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/selfmademillennialTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@selfmademillennialHow to get on an employer’s radarCutting through the noise by making meaningful connections with peopleCreating a personalized approach when reaching out to a companyHow to navigate the correspondence and communications between interviewsEffectively following up after an interviewHow to articulate your value and find the “glory in your story”How to decode a job description and use it to build your storyHow to use LinkedIn in the job search and make it work for youThe benefits of working with a coachCover letters: why they still matterWork with Mike: https://www.coachoiseau.com/
Work with Stacy: https://www.stacypollack.com/
Topics Covered
Chelsea Jay, Career Coach and Employee Advocate Seasonedandgrowing.com LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chelsea-jay/Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/chelseas-career-corner/id1504015525If you’re interested in having Chelsea as a speaker at your event, feel free to email her at chelsea@seasonedandgrowing.comBenefits of job hopping What job hopping really meansCreating your authentic brandWhy the view on job hopping is changing from negative to necessary How job hopping helps you increase your salaryDriving your own narrative and brand Recognizing what you have to offer Finding your zone of geniusArticulating your transferable skills Telling your career storyArticulating what you like and dislike in each of your roles as well as your non-negotiables Asking the right questions during the interview to help you find the job that suits you best Build a career for yourself, not to fulfill other people’s expectations Just go for it--believing in yourself and building your confidenceWork with Mike: https://www.coachoiseau.com/
Work with Stacy: https://www.stacypollack.com/
Topics Covered
Loren Greiff - Job Search ExpertPortfolioRocket.com LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lorengreiff/Twitter: https://twitter.com/portfoliorocketThe value of relationship building as part of your long term career planHow networking can help you bypass the traditional job application processThe importance of building a clear networking strategy- steps you can take to start today Creating relationship equity with everyone you meet Tapping into the network you already have and putting yourself out thereWhy externally referred candidates bring trust and credibility-the hidden benefits for companiesNetworking through LinkedIn and podcasts-how to be consistent, strategic, and be foundBiggest mistakes people make in the job searching processOvercoming fear and tapping into your future selfManaging imposter syndrome through staying present in the day and momentWork with Mike: https://www.coachoiseau.com/
Work with Stacy: https://www.stacypollack.com/
Topics Covered
Meg Applegate - Award-Winning Resume Writer, Certified Personal Branding Strategist, Job Search Coach & LinkedIn Profile WriterHingeresume.comLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/megapplegate/Facebook: Hinge Resume CollaborativeInstagram: @HingeresumeNot all career transitions are about traditional advancement - industry or job pivot, stepping back in the workforce, or promotionsThe impact of family and a pandemic on a woman's career vs a man'sWays to showcase your non-work skills on LinkedInRisks and benefits of undertaking a career breakThe importance of repackaging your work history and non-work skills when returning to workHow your identity plays a role in career transitionsWhat to think about when returning to workSelf-imposed barriers to career advancement, especially for womenHow to prepare for a step back from workMarketing yourself to your target market and telling your career story with purposeKerri Twigg - Ep 74 - The Career Stories MethodHow telling your career story well can impact your confidenceLoyalty might be holding you back from advancing in your career"Listen first"Work with Mike: https://www.coachoiseau.com/
Work with Lisa: https://careerbalancecoaching.com/
We answer the following questions:
How do you all approach burnout in the job search?Where do you see the job market (Canada & U.S.) in the next three to six months?Jack Kelly - Ep 76 - Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About RecruitingEp 35 - The Pandemic Economy & Your Career with Chris Ragan & Bill RobsonWith all the free resources available out there, why would I seek the help of a career practitioner?What are some common career advice “myths”, things that one might hear a lot, but don’t necessarily work?Kayvan Kian - Ep 69 - What is Water?Austin Belcak - Ep 56 - Hidden Jobs & Value Validation ProjectsWhat are the best ways to find a job quickly?How can I find a mentor and what are the benefits of having one?Garrett Mintz - Ep 27 - Horizontal MentorshipDo people really reply to LinkedIn messages?Work with Mike: https://www.coachoiseau.com/
Work with Lisa: https://careerbalancecoaching.com/
Topics Covered:
Brad Minton - Career Coach & Certified Resume WriterLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brad-w-minton/Minttobecareer.comInstagram: @minttobecareerPodcast: Your Career GPSHow Brad's central mission helped create his careerWhat a personal brand is and how it's tied to your reputationYou have a brand whether you acknowledge it or notBuilding your authentic impact storyThe importance of understanding your "why"Using your personal brand in a job search or established careerShifting mindset around showing yourself in your job searchThe story of Arnold SchwarzeneggerHow Brad built his own brandConfidence vs cockiness in your personal/professional brandCommon myths of building your personal or professional brandSocial media's impact on your brandHow to start your brand from scratch and uncover the facets of your unique brandBrad Minton's "STAR" method of brand building"Get comfortable being uncomfortable"Work with Mike: https://www.coachoiseau.com/
Work with Lisa: https://careerbalancecoaching.com/
Topics Covered
Cody Sklar - Startup Recruiter and Co-Founder of Synapse InternationalLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/codysynapseint/Synapseint.comThe benefits of working with a recruiterThe limits of working with a recruiterThe candidate's responsibility and opportunities to be successful with a recruiterBuilding a long-term relationship with a recruiterUnique challenges that startups face in recruitingThe importance of working with a specialized recruiterWhat to look out for when considering working at a startupA recruiter's take on how to prepare for an interviewWhy you shouldn't start a sentence with "honestly"Work with Lisa: https://careerbalancecoaching.com/
Work with Mike: https://www.coachoiseau.com/
Book Links:
How Women Rise: Break the 12 Habits Holding You Back from Your Next Raise, Promotion, or Job by Sally Helgesen & Marshall GoldsmithYou Are A Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen SinceroHow to Win Friends and influence People by Dale CarnegiePersonal Finance for Dummies by Eric TysonWhat Color Is Your Parachute? by Richard N. Bolles with Katharine BrooksThe One Minute Manager by Kenneth H Blanchard & Spencer JohnsonThe 4-Hour Work Week by Tim FerrissCan’t Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds by David GogginsEpictetus - Discourses, Fragments, HandbookThe Productivity Project by Chris Bailey Radical Candor by Kim ScottEgo is the Enemy by Ryan HolidayLiving Service : The Journey of a Prosperous Coach by Melissa FordStrengthening Mental Health Through Effective Career Development: A Practitioner’s Guide by Dave Redekopp, Michael HustonThe 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change – Stephen R. CoveyThe Schopenhauer Cure by Dr. Irvin YalomDaring Greatly by Brene BrownThe Happiness Equation by Neil PasrichaThe Challenger Launch Decision by Diane VaughnThe Pathfinder by Nicholas LoreThe Peter Principle by Laurence J Peter & Raymond HullNever Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi & Tahl RazGive and Take by Adam GrantAtomic Habits by James ClearEssentialism by Greg McKeownThe Icarus Deception by Seth GodinThe 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership by Jim Dethmer, Diana Chapman, & Kaley Warner Klemp (Additional reading: https://conscious.is/resources)Maureen McCann's Canadian Career Resource ListWork with Mike: https://www.coachoiseau.com/
Work with Lisa: https://careerbalancecoaching.com/
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