Всем привет! Меня зовут Марго, я работаю backend developer-ом и недавно релоцировалась в Сербию. Немногие знают, но помимо работы у айтишников есть жизнь. Именно о ее всевозможных аспектах я и мои гости будем говорить на этом подкасте. Надеемся наши истории и рассуждения отзовутся вам и вы найдете их интересными
личные соц сети:
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Подкаст про истории, из которых состоит жизнь. Смешные, грустные, разные.
Pokalbiai tylia tema - apie psichinę mūsų sveikatą. Apie tas būsenas, kai atsakome "ai, viskas gerai...", nors gerai nebūna. Kalbėsime su srities ekspertais, sunkumus patyrusiais ir jų artimaisiais. Tam, kad pažintume save ir padėtume sau.
Разговоры с психологом обо всем на свете: поиск призвания, страх успеха, эйджизм, доказательная психотерапия, скандальные отношения с бывшими, откровения проктолога и сырки Б. Ю. Александров.
По вопросам рекламы: [email protected] или в тг @din_dinarin
Для записи на консультации:
Тг-канал "Ноет ковчег":
Тг-канал о жизни подкаста:
Фикус в запрещенных сетях:
The world is in such a crazy place and even though people our age love to socialize – they just cannot hang. That’s why I made this podcast – to make listeners feel like they are hanging with their closest friends and learning about new and different perspectives. Isolation can bring loneliness and I want to create a community that can’t hang, together. And this is not to be mistaken that my guests “can’t hang” – they totally can.
This is your shot of motivation to energize your LIFE! As a mindset and habits coach, Julie Voris is helping you crank up your ambition to level-up your goals, your dreams and the vision for your LIFE! We’re talking habits + action, with a little bit of truth love, and leaning into the hard work it takes to create your life on purpose with purpose. We're connecting with those who want to dream big dreams and live big lives. It’s time to crank up your ambition, energize your life through high impact habits, and create some magic. Let's get started.
Ordinary Girl - hosted by Courtney Raine & Kaley Shannon - is a weekly lifestyle podcast dedicated to delivering joy, relatability, & belly-laughs to young people everywhere. Every Friday, Courtney & Kaley share the jaw-dropping insanity they’re experiencing in LA as if you’re chattin' with them on a Covid-Safe beach watchin' a Malibu sunset (don't forget your iced-grande-cinnamon-dolce-Starbs). The honest & entertaining storytelling will leave you either in suspense or feeling completely understood (& hopefully a little less nuts).
A blended-family, mixed-race, couple sharing their adventures in travel, parenting, food, in-laws, fitness and being our best selves.
Chef/TV Personality/Author/Comedian Jeff Mauro invites you to COME ON OVER with his food-focused yet seriously funny podcast. Unlike the Jeff you’ve seen on Food Network (The Kitchen, Next Food Network Star, Sandwich King) you’ll get to meet the REAL JEFF, who’s a bit more crass but a whole lot funnier.
He’s joined by his little sister Emily Mauro, a former assistant to Hollywood hotshots, who attempts to keep him in check while he gives her emotional wedgies. It truly is a semi-dysfunctional family affair as the rest of the Mauro fam stops in every now again to impart some wisdom or be gently ridiculed (within reason).
COME ON OVER is not just about food - it’s about family and life and all the things that make it great and hilarious. Jeff invites you to COME ON OVER, open up a cold one, and sit at the Mauro’s virtual dinner table. Everyone’s invited AND you can even bring a friend! Oh, and bring some ice.
Be prepared to laugh hard and learn even harder about food, entertaining, and how to be the coolest house on the block! -
Oltre la Pelle Diary è la storia di un percorso, quello svolto da migliaia di pazienti affetti da melanoma della pelle. E' con il loro aiuto e con l'aiuto di molti medici che vogliamo scrivere questo diario, collettivo e coraggioso, che parla di una macchia sul nostro vestito più sacro e privato: la nostra pelle. Ogni episodio di questo podcast corrisponde ad una tappa del patient journey. Seguiremo queste tappe grazie al racconto di Monica e Giovanna, due pazienti che nell'associazionismo hanno trovato la forza di superare le difficoltà e aiutare gli altri.
Oltre la Pelle Diary - Storie in ascolto è un progetto di Novartis per promuovere la conoscenza e cura del Melanoma della Pelle, realizzato in collaborazione con Associazione APaIM, Associazione A.I.Ma.Me, Associazione Emme Rouge, Associazione MiO Melanoma Italia Onlus.
Testo e voce: Ilaria Cappelluti
Montaggio, musiche originali e sound design: Indiehub
Producer: Andrea Maltagliati
Agenzia coordinatrice del progetto: Omnicom Public Relations Group Italy -
Welcome to A World Where LivingWorks, stories of science and survival. Bringing together our heads and our hearts, to build a suicide safer world.
Suicide can be prevented—and everyone has a role to play.
Life-saving skills can be learned by individuals, businesses, and communities everywhere. Together, we can build a safer, more hopeful world. Join us as we hear from technical experts and people with personal expertise when it comes suicide and its prevention. -
I'm your host, Trevor Maxwell. I'm a stage IV colon cancer survivor, and I've got a message for other men: You don't have to go through cancer alone.
Every week on the Man Up to Cancer podcast, you can expect raw, unfiltered conversations about men, cancer, and our experiences. My guests will be other patients, survivors, advocates, and friends from #cancerland.
We'll tackle the topics of grief, pain, and the physical suck-fest of cancer. But .. PLOT TWIST.. we're also going to joke, laugh, and have fun.
For more content, merch, and other manly cancer stuff, check us out at -
Η ιστορία της συγκίνησε το πανελλήνιο και η δύναμή της έδωσε έμπνευση σε όσους αναμετρήθηκαν με μια μεγάλη δοκιμασία. Στον πρώτο κύκλο αυτού του podcast, η Ιωάννα Παλιοσπύρου φιλοξένησε πρόσωπα που έγιναν σύμβολα γενναιότητας και μετέτρεψαν μια τραυματική εμπειρία σε αφετηρία για μια νέα ζωή. Στον δεύτερο κύκλο συνομίλησε με ακτιβιστές που στέκονται στο πλευρό όσων χρειάζονται ενσυναίσθηση και αλληλεγγύη. Στον τρίτο κύκλο φιλοξενεί ειδικούς που απαντούν στις απορίες, στις προκλήσεις και τα διλήμματα που δυσκολεύουν τη ζωή, την ψυχική μας ισορροπία και την αρμονική συνύπαρξη με τους άλλους.
Ημερολόγια του σεξ, χωρίς λογοκρισία. Με τον Άλεξ Μάνο.
Истории из жизни, прикладная психология, диванная философия, лайф-стайл!
I’M SO POPULAR is an audio program from the end of the world by American drag queen in Japan, Zach Langley Chi Chi. Scream into the abyss, find another way: discussing with anyone and everyone homosexual beauty, art, culture, Madonna, Marxism, J-Pop, James Joyce, drag, death, all of it, none of it. What can be salvaged.
Join host Chloe Veitch (Too Hot to Handle, The Circle) for the ultimate sex and dating talk show! Each week, Chloe interviews your favorite celebrity guests and there's no topic that is too much or too HOT to handle. Relationship drama, secret crushes, will they won't theys - you can trust Chloe to ask the questions on everyone's lips. And we promise babes, it'll be Bangin'.
We are the stories that we tell and the stories that believe.
These stories define our roles and establish our identities within the community and if we are to create change - real, sustainable change - it is these stories that we have to change.
Stories are extraordinarily powerful. They entertain and enlighten but equally, they can divide and destroy. Telling effective, relevant stories has always been the power that determines and influences social, political and cultural practices.
So let us tell stories.......
”Gentys garaže” podcast’as. Vedėjas Vytautas Astromskas giliai kalbiasi su kilniais, įkvepiančiais ir įdomiais vyrais.