
  • We’re bringing you an extra episode this week from Don’t Call Me Resilient, another podcast from The Conversation. Hosted by Vinita Srivastava at The Conversation in Canada, Don’t Call Me Resilient is your weekly dose of news and current events through a sharply-focused anti-racist lens.

    In this episode Vinita talks to Nisrin Elamin about the ongoing war in Sudan, which has displaced more than 10m people. Elamin, an assistant professor in the Department of Anthropology and African Studies at the University of Toronto in Canada, says that in the absence of a properly functioning government and looming famine, grassroots groups are stepping in to help people survive. This episode originally aired on May 30, 2024.

    You can listen to or follow Don’t Call Me Resilient on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube or wherever you listen to your podcasts.

    Further reading and listening:

    Iran’s intervention in Sudan’s civil war advances its geopolitical goals − but not without risksSudan’s descent into chaos sets stage for al-Qaida to make a return to historic strongholdSudan’s civil war is rooted in its historical favouritism of Arab and Islamic identity

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • 3D-printed guns are now appearing the world over, including in the hands of organised criminals in Europe and anti-junta rebels in Myanmar. Made using a 3D printer and a few metal parts that can be easily sourced online, these shadow guns are untraceable, and becoming a popular choice for extremists too. 

    In this episode, we talk to researcher Rajan Basra at King's College London about this clandestine world, and about his hunt to uncover the real identity of the man who designed the world's most popular 3D-printed gun, the FGC-9. Read an article by Basra from our Insights series about his research too.

    This episode was written and produced by Gemma Ware with assistance from Mend Mariwany and Katie Flood. Eloise Stevens does our sound design, and our theme music is by Neeta Sarl. Gemma Ware is the executive editor. Full credits available here. Subscribe to a free daily newsletter from The Conversation.

    Further reading

    What are ‘ghost guns,’ a target of Biden’s anti-crime effort?American gun culture is based on frontier mythology – but ignores how common gun restrictions were in the Old West

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  • A controversial British government plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda has been central to the UK’s response to a recent sharp increase in the number of people making the dangerous journey across the English Channel in small boats. But if the Conservative party lose the general election in early July, the Rwanda plan is likely to be abandoned.

    In this episode, two experts in UK immigration policy explain how the Rwanda plan became such a crucial part of the immigration debate in the UK. And how, whatever happens in the election, it’s already shifting the wider conversation in Europe about how to deal with migrants and asylum seekers.

    Featuring Nando Sigona, professor of international migration and forced displacement and director of the Institute for Research into International Migration and Superdiversity at the University of Birmingham and Michaela Benson, professor in public sociology at Lancaster University. They're both co-hosts of the Who do we think we are? podcast. This episode also includes an introduction from Avery Anapol, one of the politics team at The Conversation in the UK.

    This episode was written and produced by Mend Mariwany with assistance from Katie Flood. Eloise Stevens does our sound design, and our theme music is by Neeta Sarl. Gemma Ware is the executive editor. Full credits available here. Subscribe to a free daily newsletter from The Conversation.

    Further reading and listening: Is the Rwanda plan acting as a deterrent? Here’s what the evidence says about this approachRwanda asylum deportation plan faces more delays – how did we get here?Bespoke humanitarian visa schemes like those for Ukraine and Hong Kong can’t replace the asylum systemI’ve spent time with refugees in French coastal camps and they told me the government’s Rwanda plan is not putting them off coming to the UKMore coverage of the UK general election

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  • It’s one of the biggest puzzles in cosmology. Why two different methods used to calculate the rate at which the universe is expanding don’t produce the same result. Known as the Hubble tension, the enigma suggests that there could be something wrong with the standard model of cosmology used to explain the forces in the universe. Now, recent observations using the new James Webb Space Telescope are shaking up the debate on how close the mystery is to being resolved.

    In this episode, Vicent J. Martínez, professor of astronomy and astrophysics at the University of Valencia in Spain, and his former teacher, Bernard J.T. Jones, emeritus professor of astronomy at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, explain why the Hubble tension matters so much for our understanding of the universe. Also featuring Lorena Sánchez, science editor at The Conversation in Spain.

    This episode was written and produced by Katie Flood with assistance from Mend Mariwany. Eloise Stevens does our sound design, and our theme music is by Neeta Sarl. Gemma Ware is the executive editor. Full credits available here. A transcript will be available shortly. Subscribe to a free daily newsletter from The Conversation.

    Further reading and listening: Tensión sobre la tensión de Hubble (in Spanish)Great Mysteries of Physics: a mind-blowing podcast from The Conversation The universe is expanding faster than theory predicts – physicists are searching for new ideas that might explain the mismatchCosmological models are built on a simple, century-old idea – but new observations demand a radical rethink

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  • If you’ve ever experienced a state of creative flow, perhaps when writing, playing music, or even gardening, you’ll know that it feels like everything just clicks into place. But what is actually happening inside the brain? In this episode, we speak to a neuroscientist who scanned the brains of jazz musicians as they were improvising, and revealed the secret ingredients need to achieve a state of flow. 

    Featuring John Kounios, professor of psychological and brain sciences at Drexel University in the US, plus an introduction from Kate Kilpatrick, Philadelphia editor at The Conversation in the US.

    This episode was written and produced by Mend Mariwany, with assistance from Katie Flood. Eloise Stevens does our sound design, and our theme music is by Neeta Sarl. Gemma Ware is the executive editor. Full credits available here. A transcript will be available shortly. Subscribe to a free daily newsletter from The Conversation.

    Further reading and listening: Brain scans of Philly jazz musicians reveal secrets to reaching creative flowFlow: people who are easily absorbed in an activity may have better mental and cardiovascular healthThe biological switch that could turn neuroplasticity on and off in the brain – podcast

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  • Snake bites kill tens of thousands of people around the world each year. But we still use techniques invented in the late 19th century to make antivenom, and each bite needs to be treated with antivenom for that specific type of snake.

    We hear from two scientists whose recent breakthroughs – and failures – could save many more lives and help achieve the holy grail: a universal antivenom. Featuring Stuart Ainsworth, senior lecturer at the University of Liverpool in the UK and Christoffer Vinther Sørensen, postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Antibody Technologies at the Technical University of Denmark.

    This episode was written and produced by Katie Flood, with assistance from Mend Mariwany. Eloise Stevens does our sound design, and our theme music is by Neeta Sarl. Gemma Ware is the executive editor. Full credits available here. A transcript will be available shortly. Subscribe to a free daily newsletter from The Conversation.

    Further reading: We’re a step closer to having a universal antivenom for snake bites – new studySnakebites: we thought we’d created a winning new antivenom but then it flopped. Why that turned out to be a good thingSnakebites can destroy skin, muscle, and even bone – exciting progress on drugs to treat them

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • After six weeks of voting in the world’s largest democracy, on June 4, Indians will learn who is to be their next prime minister. Narendra Modi, standing for a third term, is the frontrunner. Critics of Modi and his Bharatiya Janata Party argue that India’s democracy has been hollowed out during his premiership. Thousands of Indians have taken to the streets to protest against Modi’s policies.

    For Indrajit Roy, professor of global development at the University of York in the UK, these pushbacks by Indians against threats to their democracy is an example of an audacious type of hope. He talks to us for this episode about what it means to be living in hope, and where he sees moments of that in India.  

    This episode was written by Gemma Ware and produced by Mend Mariwany and Katie Flood. Eloise Stevens does our sound design, and our theme music is by Neeta Sarl. Full credits available here. A transcript will be available shortly. Subscribe to a free daily newsletter from The Conversation.

    Further reading and listening:

    India Tomorrow: a podcast series from The Anthill – episode guide‘We have thousands of Modis’: the secret behind the BJP’s enduring success in IndiaIndian protesters pull from poetic tradition to resist Modi’s Hindu nationalismWith democracy under threat in Narendra Modi’s India, how free and fair will this year’s election be? 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • A growing number of countries now permit some form of assisted dying and politicians in a number of others, including Ireland, Scotland and France, are now seriously debating it.

    In Canada, where medical assistance in dying, known as MAID, became legal in 2016, the government intends to extend eligibility to people whose sole reason for ending their life is mental illness. But the planned expansion, now twice delayed, is controversial. In this episode, we speak to a leading psychiatrist, Karandeep Sonu Gaind, professor of psychiatry at the University of Toronto about the situation in Canada and why he’s a vocal opponent of the expansion. 

    Also featuring Patricia Nicholson, health and medicine editor at The Conversation in Canada.

    This episode was written by Gemma Ware and produced by Mend Mariwany and Katie Flood. Eloise Stevens does our sound design, and our theme music is by Neeta Sarl. Full credits available here. A transcript will be available shortly. Subscribe to a free daily newsletter from The Conversation.

    Further reading and listening:

    Should people suffering from mental illness be eligible for medically assisted death? Canada plans to legalize that in 2027 – a philosopher explains the core questionsMAID and mental health: Does ending the suffering of mental illness mean supporting death or supporting better lives?Medical assistance in dying for mental illness ignores safeguards for vulnerable peopleMAID’s evolving ethical tensions: Does it make dying with dignity easier than living with dignity?

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • As global temperatures continue to rise, the ramifications of climate change – from more frequent and severe extreme weather events to rising sea levels and ecosystem disruptions – are becoming increasingly evident around the world. But their effects are not evenly distributed, often hitting vulnerable communities the hardest.

    In this episode we speak to Katherine Browne, a research fellow at the Stockholm Environment Institute, and Margaret Angula, a senior lecturer at the University of Namibia, about a UN pilot programme in Namibia that's trialling a new approach to financing climate adaptation by empowering local communities. Also featuring an introduction with Kofo Belo-Osagie, commissioning editor at The Conversation in Nigeria.

    This episode was written and produced by Mend Mariwany with assistance from Katie Flood. Eloise Stevens does our sound design, and our theme music is by Neeta Sarl. Gemma Ware is the executive producer. Full credits available here. A transcript will be available shortly. Subscribe to a free daily newsletter from The Conversation.

    Further reading and listening

    Climate adaptation funds are not reaching frontline communities: what needs to be done about itWhat Africa’s drought responses teach us about climate change hotspotsCOP26: billions are being spent tackling climate change – where is it all going? Climate Fight podcast part 1

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Content created with the help of generative artificial intelligence is popping up everywhere, and it’s worrying some artists. They’re concerned that their intellectual property may be at risk if generative AI tools have been built by scraping the internet for data and images, regardless of whether they had permissions to do so.

    In this episode we speak with a computer scientist about how some artists are trying novel ways to sabotage AI to prevent it from scraping their work, through what’s called data poisoning, and why he thinks the root of the problem is an ethical problem at the heart of computer science. 

    Featuring Daniel Angus, professor of digital communication at Queensland University of Technology in Australia. Plus an introduction from Eric Smalley, science and technology editor at The Conversation in the US.

    This episode was written and produced by Katie Flood with assistance from Mend Mariwany. Eloise Stevens does our sound design, and our theme music is by Neeta Sarl. Gemma Ware is the executive producer. Full credits available here. A transcript will be available shortly. Subscribe to a free daily newsletter from The Conversation.

    Further reading Data poisoning: how artists are sabotaging AI to take revenge on image generatorsAre tomorrow’s engineers ready to face AI’s ethical challenges?To understand the risks posed by AI, follow the moneyFrom shrimp Jesus to fake self-portraits, AI-generated images have become the latest form of social media spam 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Some young South Africans have begun to question Nelson Mandela's legacy, and the choices made in the transition to democracy after the end of apartheid in 1994. Some have even called him a "sellout". 

    In the third and final part of our special series What happened to Nelson Mandela's South Africa?, marking 30 years of democracy in South Africa post-apartheid, we talk to two academics about the way Mandela is viewed by young South Africans today, and the challenges facing the African National Congress, which has governed the country for three decades, and its current president, Cyril Ramaphosa.

    Featuring Sithembile Mbete, lecturer in political science at the University of Pretoria and Richard Calland, associate professor in public law at the University of Cape Town.

    This episode was written and produced by Mend Mariwany with assistance from Gary Oberholzer and Katie Flood. Eloise Stevens does our sound design, and our theme music is by Neeta Sarl. Gemma Ware is the executive producer. Full credits available here. A transcript will be available shortly. Subscribe to a free daily newsletter from The Conversation.

    Further reading:

    After the euphoria of Nelson Mandela’s election, what happened next? PodcastSouth Africans tasted the fruits of freedom and then corruption snatched them away – podcastHistory for sale: what does South Africa’s struggle heritage mean after 30 years of democracy?South Africa’s security forces once brutally entrenched apartheid. It’s been a rocky road to reform

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  • In the second part of our special series What happened to Nelson Mandela's South Africa?, marking 30 years of democracy in South Africa post-apartheid, we talk to two experts about the economic policies introduced to transform the country under Mandela's successor, Thabo Mbeki, and the ensuing turmoil of the Jacob Zuma presidency that followed. 

    Featuring Mashupye Maserumule, a professor of public affairs at Tshwane University of Technology and Michael Sachs, adjunct professor of economics at the University of Witwatersrand.

    This episode was written and produced by Mend Mariwany with assistance from Gary Oberholzer and Katie Flood. Eloise Stevens does our sound design, and our theme music is by Neeta Sarl. Gemma Ware is the executive producer. Full credits available here. A transcript will be available shortly. Subscribe to a free daily newsletter from The Conversation.

    Further reading:

    After the euphoria of Nelson Mandela’s election, what happened next? PodcastJacob Zuma, the monster South Africa’s ruling ANC created, continues to haunt itSouth Africa’s first election was saved by a Kenyan: the fascinating story of Washington Okumu, the accidental mediator

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • It was a moment many South Africans never believed they'd live to see. On 10 May 1994, Nelson Mandela was inaugurated as president of a democratic South Africa, ending the deadly and brutal white minority apartheid regime. 

    To mark 30 years since South Africa's post-apartheid transition began, we're running a special three-part podcast series, What happened to Nelson Mandela's South Africa? In this first episode, two scholars who experienced the transition at first hand reflect to Thabo Leshilo, The Conversation's politics editor in Johannesburg, on the initial excitement around Mandela's election, the priorities of his African National Congress in the transition and the challenges that lay ahead for South Africa as it set out to define its post-apartheid future.

    Featuring Steven Friedman, professor of political studies at the University of Johannesburg and Sandy Africa, associate professor of political sciences at the University of Pretoria.

    This episode was written and produced by Mend Mariwany with assistance from Gary Oberholzer and Katie Flood. Eloise Stevens does our sound design, and our theme music is by Neeta Sarl. Gemma Ware is the executive producer. Full credits available here. A transcript will be available shortly. Subscribe to a free daily newsletter from The Conversation.

    Further reading:

    What happened to Nelson Mandela’s South Africa? A new podcast series marks 30 years of post-apartheid democracy South Africa’s election management body has done a good job for 30 years: here’s why 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • It's been 30 years since Nelson Mandela was elected president of South Africa and the country's brutal and deadly apartheid system came to a formal end. As part of The Conversation's coverage of the anniversary, we're running a special three-part podcast series this month on The Conversation Weekly.

    In What happened to Nelson Mandela's South Africa?, Thabo Leshilo, politics and society editor at The Conversation Africa, speaks to prominent political scholars who experienced South Africa's post-apartheid transition, about the country's journey over the past three decades.

    Listen to the trailer for What happened to Nelson Mandela's South Africa? The first episode will be available on April 11.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • For almost 15 years, scientists have debated whether the Anthropocene should be an official geological epoch marking the profound influence of humans on the planet. Then in March, an international panel of scientists formally rejected the proposal for a new Anthropocene epoch.

    In this episode, two scientists give us their different opinions on whether that was the right decision and what it means for the future use of the word Anthropocene. 

    Featuring Jan Zalasiewicz, professor of palaeobiology at the University of Leicester in the UK, and Erle C. Ellis, professor of geography and environmental systems at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County in the US. Plus an introduction from Will de Freitas, environment and energy editor at The Conversation in the UK.

    This episode was written and produced by Tiffany Cassidy with assistance from Katie Flood. Eloise Stevens does our sound design, and our theme music is by Neeta Sarl. Gemma Ware is the executive producer. Full credits available here. A transcript is now available <podcast:transcript url="https://cdn.theconversation.com/static_files/files/3235/Anthropocene_Transcript.pdf?1714492717" type="text/html"/>

    will be available shortly. Subscribe to a free daily newsletter from The Conversation.

    Further reading

    The Anthropocene is not an epoch − but the age of humans is most definitely underwayWhat the Anthropocene’s critics overlook – and why it really should be a new geological epochAnthropocene or not, it is our current epoch that we should be fighting forThe Anthropocene already exists in our heads, even if it’s now officially not a geological epoch

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • We’re bringing you an extra episode this week from Don’t Call Me Resilient, another podcast from The Conversation. Hosted by Vinita Srivastava at The Conversation in Canada, Don’t Call Me Resilient is your weekly dose of news and current events through a sharply-focused anti-racist lens.

    In this episode, Vinita talks to Hilal Elver about the use of hunger as a tool of war in Gaza. Hilal is a former UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food and a research professor of Global Studies at the University of California Santa Barbara in the US. This episode originally aired on March 21, 2024.

    You can listen to or follow Don’t Call Me Resilient on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube or wherever you listen to your podcasts.

    Further reading and listening:

    Starvation is a weapon of war: Gazans are paying the priceGaza conflict: rising death toll from hunger a stark reminder of starvation as a weapon of war Jewish doctors in the Warsaw Ghetto secretly documented the effects of Nazi-imposed starvation, and the knowledge is helping researchers today – podcast 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Our experiences of the world are diverse, often changing as we move across borders from one country to another. They can also vary based on language or subtle shifts in climate. Yet, we rarely consider what causes these differences and divisions. 

    In this episode we speak to geographer Maxim Samson at De Paul University in the US about the unseen boundaries that can shape our collective and personal perceptions of the world – what he calls "invisible lines".

    This episode was written and produced by Mend Mariwany with assistance from Katie Flood. Eloise Stevens does our sound design, and our theme music is by Neeta Sarl. Gemma Ware is the executive producer. Full credits available here. A transcript is available now. Subscribe to a free daily newsletter from The Conversation.

    Further reading

    Removing urban highways can improve neighborhoods blighted by decades of racist policiesWallacea is a living laboratory of Earth’s evolution – and its wildlife, forests and reefs will be devastated unless we all actAfrica’s got plans for a Great Green Wall: why the idea needs a rethink

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  • As the climate crisis gets ever more severe, the fossil fuel industry is struggling to recruit new talent. And now a number of existing employees are deciding to leave their jobs, some quietly, some very publicly, because of concerns over climate change. In this episode we speak to a researcher about this phenomenon of climate quitting.

    Featuring Grace Augustine, associate professor in business and society at the University of Bath in the UK, and Sam Phelps, commissioning editor for international affairs at The Conversation in the UK.

    This episode was written and produced by Katie Flood with assistance from Mend Mariwany. Eloise Stevens does our sound design, and our theme music is by Neeta Sarl. Gemma Ware is the executive producer. Full credits available here. A transcript will be available shortly. Subscribe to a free daily newsletter from The Conversation.

    Further reading and listening:Why young workers are leaving fossil fuel jobs – and what to do if you feel like ‘climate quitting’Quarter Life: a series about issues affecting those in their twenties and thirtiesFossil fuel workers have the skills to succeed in green jobs, but location is a major barrier to a just transitionListen: The fossil fuel era must end – so what happens to the communities it built? Climate Fight podcast part 3

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  • As Russians head to the polls for presidential elections, conspiracy theories are swirling everywhere. In this episode we speak to a disinformation expert about the central role these conspiracy theories play in Vladimir Putin’s Russia.

    Featuring Ilya Yablokov, lecturer in journalism and digital media at the University of Sheffield in the UK. Plus an introduction from Grégory Rayko, international editor at The Conversation in France.

    This episode of The Conversation Weekly was written and produced by Gemma Ware and Katie Flood with assistance from Mend Mariwany. Eloise Stevens does our sound design, and our theme music is by Neeta Sarl. Full credits available here. A transcript will be available shortly. Subscribe to a free daily newsletter from The Conversation.

    Further reading and listening:The Conversation's Expert guide to conspiracy theories podcastPutin has no successor, no living rivals and no retirement plan – why his eventual death will set off a vicious power struggleWhat can we expect from six more years of Vladimir Putin? An increasingly weak and dysfunctional RussiaRussian conspiracy theories: how Kremlin-backed yarns help keep Vladimir Putin in power En Russie, la plainte étouffée des mobilisés et de leurs familles

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • High heels, lace and handbags. In recent decades, there’s been a huge shift in the role of North Korean women and the choices they’re able to make – including what they wear. In this episode, we hear about new research on how North Korean women are driving a new form of grassroots capitalism, and changing the country in the process. 

    Featuring Bronwen Dalton, head of the department of management at the University of Technology Sydney Business School in Australia, and Kyungja Jung, Associate Professor at the University of Technology Sydney. Plus an introduction from Justin Bergman, international affairs editor at The Conversation in Australia.

    This episode of The Conversation Weekly was written and produced by Gemma Ware and Mend Mariwany with assistance from Katie Flood. Eloise Stevens does our sound design, and our theme music is by Neeta Sarl. Full credits available here. A transcript will be available shortly. Subscribe to a free daily newsletter from The Conversation.

    Further reading and listening:From sexual liberation to fashionable heels, new research shows how women are changing North KoreaWhat North Korean defectors say about women’s lives under the Kim regimeNorth Korea steps up efforts to stamp out consumption of illegal foreign media – but entertainment-hungry citizens continue to flout the ban

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.