Welcome to Eighteenth episode of ‘The DadFit Podcast’ 🎉!
Psst, if you prefer to watch this, check it out on:the Tubes
Or Rumble
On this episode I have a nice chat with my buddy…
The Dude:
His bio:
Sharing my diet and training to try to help and inspire others
256+lb in Jan 2023, on path to sub 185lb for June 29th Natural Bodybuilding Contest
Give him a follow on Xitter
We chat about:
* Influencing Fatherhood
* Finding a community on Xitter
* Serious Back Injury
* No Excuses!
* Building Trust
* Importance of being Patient
* Road to Recovery
* Much much more 💪
🎁 🎁 🎁 🎁 FREE GIFTS 🎁 🎁 🎁 🎁
New Skool Community: https://skool.dadfitdynasty.com
Fitness Tracker: https://tracker.dadfitdynasty.com/
Intimacy Guide: https://intimacy.dadfitdynasty.com/
First five pages of the book: https://bookpages.dadfitdynasty.com/
How to Host Xitter Spaces: https://spaces.dadfitdynasty.com
8-Week Calisthenics Guide: https://calis.dadfitdynasty.com
Interested in being a guest? Get in touch!
To your success,
Barret J. Nobel & Jake MontalbanoFoundersThe DadFit Dynasty 👑 WeeklyThe DadFit Dynasty 👑 Podcast
Dads, imagine looking in the mirror and seeing yourself 10% leaner. I can make that happen, and you'd only pay when you see results. Interested? 👇
This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit fitdad.substack.com -
Welcome to Seventeenth episode of ‘The DadFit Podcast’ 🎉!
Psst, if you prefer to watch this, check it out on the Tubes
On this episode I have a nice chat with my buddy…
The Dude:
His bio:
Just a guy living my best life in the great Northwoods with my wife and 3 insane kids ⬇️111.5lbs #USMC #GoPackGo #StartToday #FormerFatMan #WholeIngredients 👑DadFit👑
Give him a follow on Xitter
We chat about:
* Benefits of Wrestling
* Losing weight with ice cream?
* Balance in family
* Resilience through hard work
* Support & Community on Xitter
* Traditional family values
* Much much more 💪
🎁 🎁 🎁 🎁 FREE GIFT 🎁 🎁 🎁 🎁
Interested in being a guest? Get in touch!
To your success,
Barret J. NobelFounderThe DadFit Dynasty 👑 WeeklyThe DadFit Dynasty 👑 Podcast
Dads, imagine looking in the mirror and seeing yourself 10% leaner. I can make that happen, and you'd only pay when you see results. Interested? 👇
This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit fitdad.substack.com -
Episodes manquant?
Welcome to a new series here at the ‘The DadFit Dynasty 👑 Podcast’ 🎉!
Each week Dad Dynasty- Jake Montalbano and myself will be hosting a space on Xitter! It’s pretty awesome, and I highly recommend you joining us!
On this episode we discuss with the community about …
Staying Connected With Your Partner
* Authenticity
* Complimenting each others strengths
* Honesty and communication
* Importance of Self-Care
* Conflicts with Parenting styles
Psst … interested in joining us for the first DadFit Dynasty 👑 Retreat?
Spots are limited, and are filling up faster than expected, so check it out before they’re all gone!
Join us in July for the DadFit Dynasty 👑 Retreat
Join our exclusive Xitter community
Follow Jake on Xitter
Follow Barret on Xitter
Check out our new book!
Interested in being a guest? Get in touch!
To your success,
Barret J. Nobel & Jake MontalbanoFounders, DadFit Dynasty 👑 Weekly
Dads, imagine looking in the mirror and seeing yourself 10% leaner. I can make that happen, and you'd only pay when you see results. Interested? 👇
This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit fitdad.substack.com -
Welcome to Sixteenth episode of ‘The DadFit Podcast’ 🎉!
Psst, if you prefer to watch this, check it out on the Tubes
On this episode I have a nice chat with my buddy…
Antoni Poblocki:
His bio:
Not a coachNot a PTI just workout& pretend to be a Viking& catch imaginary pocket monsters Yes - completely normal.👑DadFit👑
Give him a follow on Xitter
We chat about:
* Childhood memories
* Learning English from Cartoons
* Finding Peace
* Family Nutrition
* Kettlebells 💪
* Much much more 💪
🎁 🎁 🎁 🎁 FREE GIFT 🎁 🎁 🎁 🎁
Interested in being a guest? Get in touch!
To your success,
Barret J. NobelFounderThe DadFit Dynasty 👑 WeeklyThe DadFit Dynasty 👑 Podcast
Dads, imagine looking in the mirror and seeing yourself 10% leaner. I can make that happen, and you'd only pay when you see results. Interested? 👇
This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit fitdad.substack.com -
Welcome to a new series here at the ‘The DadFit Dynasty 👑 Podcast’ 🎉!
Each week Dad Dynasty- Jake Montalbano and myself will be hosting a space on Xitter! It’s pretty awesome, and I highly recommend you joining us!
On this episode we discuss with the community about …
Mental Health as a Husband and Father
* Denial is a hell of a drug
* The power of Radical Transparency
* Stupid things we do
* Guilt and Shame and what we do with them
* Reflecting on past behaviors
Psst … interested in joining us for the first DadFit Dynasty 👑 Retreat?
Spots are limited, and are filling up faster than expected, so check it out before they’re all gone!
Join us in July for the DadFit Dynasty 👑 Retreat
Join our exclusive Xitter community
Follow Jake on Xitter
Follow Barret on Xitter
Check out our new book!
Interested in being a guest? Get in touch!
To your success,
Barret J. Nobel & Jake MontalbanoFounders, DadFit Dynasty 👑 Weekly
Dads, imagine looking in the mirror and seeing yourself 10% leaner. I can make that happen, and you'd only pay when you see results. Interested? 👇
This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit fitdad.substack.com -
Welcome to a new series here at the ‘The DadFit Dynasty 👑 Podcast’ 🎉!
Each week Dad Dynasty- Jake Montalbano and myself will be hosting a space on Xitter! It’s pretty awesome, and I highly recommend you joining us!
We will be releasing the spaces every Friday ( sorry this one was a day late! ) with a little five bullet summary ( Don’t worry, we won’t be spamming you multiple times per week with these coming up - We’re still ironing things out! )
With that … onto the regular cadence
On this episode we discuss with the community about …
Nutrition for the Whole Family
* Cooking as quality time
* Kids learning healthy eating habits
* Making the most of it
* Jedi mind tricks for going out with the wifey
* Kids and new food 👀
Join our exclusive Xitter community
Follow Jake on Xitter
Follow Barret on Xitter
Check out our new book!
Interested in being a guest? Get in touch!
To your success,
Barret J. Nobel & Jake MontalbanoFounders, DadFit Dynasty 👑 Weekly
Dads, imagine looking in the mirror and seeing yourself 10% leaner. I can make that happen, and you'd only pay when you see results. Interested? 👇
This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit fitdad.substack.com -
Welcome to Fifteenth episode of ‘The DadFit Podcast’ 🎉!
Psst, if you prefer to watch this, check it out on the Tubes
On this episode I have a nice chat with my buddy…
Ryan Leininger:
His bio:
I am documenting my life, since being diagnosed with Parkinson’s. ChristianHusbandFather 💯club💯 👑DadFit👑
Give him a follow on XitterSub to his Tubes channel
We chat about:
* Overcoming Challenges
* Support & Encouragement
* Obese to Fit
* Consistency
* Strong Men
* Much much more 💪
🎁 🎁 🎁 🎁 FREE GIFT 🎁 🎁 🎁 🎁
Interested in being a guest? Get in touch!
To your success,
Barret J. NobelFounderThe DadFit Dynasty 👑 WeeklyThe DadFit Dynasty 👑 Podcast
Dads, imagine looking in the mirror and seeing yourself 10% leaner. I can make that happen, and you'd only pay when you see results. Interested? 👇
This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit fitdad.substack.com -
Welcome to a new series here at the ‘The DadFit Dynasty 👑 Podcast’ 🎉!
Each week Dad Dynasty- Jake Montalbano and myself will be hosting a space on Xitter! It’s pretty awesome, and I highly recommend you joining us!
We will be releasing the spaces every Friday with a little five bullet summary ( Don’t worry, we won’t be spamming you multiple times per week with these coming up - We’re still ironing things out! )
With that … onto the regular cadence
On this episode we discuss with the community about …
Parenting Styles and Their Impact
* Empowering children to stand out and be amazing
* Embracing the unknown
* Cultural differences in parenting
* Challenge of letting some things go
* Importance of outdoor play and hands-on activities
Join our exclusive Xitter community
Follow Jake on Xitter
Follow Barret on Xitter
Check out our new book!
Interested in being a guest? Get in touch!
To your success,
Barret J. NobelFounder and Co-hostThe DadFit Dynasty 👑 WeeklyThe DadFit Dynasty 👑 Podcast
Dads, imagine looking in the mirror and seeing yourself 10% leaner. I can make that happen, and you'd only pay when you see results. Interested? 👇
This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit fitdad.substack.com -
Welcome to a new series here at the ‘The DadFit Dynasty 👑 Podcast’ 🎉!
Each week Dad Dynasty- Jake Montalbano and myself will be hosting a space on Xitter! It’s pretty awesome, and I highly recommend you joining us!
On this episode we discuss with the community about …
Marriage Misunderstandings 👀
Join our exclusive Xitter community
Follow Jake on Xitter
Follow Barret on Xitter
Check out our new book!
Interested in being a guest? Get in touch!
To your success,
Barret J. NobelFounder and Co-hostThe DadFit Dynasty 👑 WeeklyThe DadFit Dynasty 👑 Podcast
Dads, imagine looking in the mirror and seeing yourself 10% leaner. I can make that happen, and you'd only pay when you see results. Interested? 👇
This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit fitdad.substack.com -
Welcome to fourteenth episode of ‘The DadFit Podcast’ 🎉!
Psst, if you prefer to watch this, check it out on the Tubes
On this episode I have a nice chat with my buddy…
Bryant Salcedo:
His bio:
Single father
Sales executive & business owner. Helping you find clarity in your lifestyle. Tweets on Faith Fatherhood and Mindset
Give him a follow on XitterCheck out his Newsletter
We chat about:
* Building Community of Men
* Finding Balance in Faith and Fatherhood
* Growing Popularity of pickleball
* Importance of fathers being present
* Influence of Athletics on Parenting
* Much much more 💪
🎁 🎁 🎁 🎁 FREE GIFT 🎁 🎁 🎁 🎁
Interested in being a guest? Get in touch!
To your success,
Barret J. NobelFounderThe DadFit WeeklyThe DadFit Podcast
Dads, imagine looking in the mirror and seeing yourself 10% leaner. I can make that happen, and you'd only pay when you see results. Interested? 👇
This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit fitdad.substack.com -
Welcome to thirteenth episode of ‘The DadFit Podcast’ 🎉!
Psst, if you prefer to watch this, check it out on the Tubes
On this episode I have a nice chat with my buddy…
Noah The Aware:
His bio:
Helping busy guys get jacked, disciplined, & confident while wearing blue jeans. | If you don’t like me, you’re Fitphobic
Give him a follow on XitterJoin his TelegramCheck out his Coaching and Merch
We chat about:
* Getting your mindset right
* Accountability
* Pain threshold
* Consistency
* Prioritizing Sleep
* Much much more 💪
🎁 🎁 🎁 🎁 FREE GIFT 🎁 🎁 🎁 🎁
Interested in being a guest? Get in touch!
To your success,
Barret J. NobelFounderThe DadFit WeeklyThe DadFit Podcast
Dads, imagine looking in the mirror and seeing yourself 10% leaner. I can make that happen, and you'd only pay when you see results. Interested? 👇
This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit fitdad.substack.com -
Welcome to twelfth episode of ‘The DadFit Podcast’ 🎉!
Psst, if you prefer to watch this, check it out on the Tubes
On this episode I have a nice chat with my buddy …
Rob Gainz:
His bio:
Husband |Father | Son of God |Fitness Coach | Find Freedom Through Fitness |
Give him a follow on TwitterSubscribe to his NewsletterCheck out his Coaching!
We chat about:
* Multi-Sports Athletics
* Fear of not doing in old age
* Health
* Motivation
* Importance of Self-Care
* Being a role model for your kids
* Negative impacts of neglect
* Much much more 💪
🎁 🎁 🎁 🎁 FREE GIFT 🎁 🎁 🎁 🎁
Interested in being a guest? Get in touch!
To your success,
Barret J. NobelFounderThe DadFit WeeklyThe DadFit Podcast
Dads, imagine looking in the mirror and seeing yourself 10% leaner. I can make that happen, and you'd only pay when you see results. Interested? 👇
This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit fitdad.substack.com -
Welcome to eleventh episode of ‘The DadFit Podcast’ 🎉!
Psst, if you prefer to watch this, check it out on the Tubes
On this episode I have a nice chat with my buddy …
Dr. Jordan B. Goldstein:
His bio:
I help parents who fell complacent, unhealthy, & unfulfilled realise their true potential through love of motion |Sport Prof ➡️ Coach |Family Man |Trail Runner
Give him a follow on TwitterSubscribe to his NewsletterCheck out his Coaching!
We chat about:
* Sacrifice & Struggle
* Importance of Community
* Sport as a Vehicle
* Joy in Physical Activity
* Hero's Journey
* Validation of Sacrifice
* Much much more 💪
🎁 🎁 🎁 🎁 FREE GIFT 🎁 🎁 🎁 🎁
Interested in being a guest? Get in touch!
To your success,
Barret J. NobelFounderThe DadFit WeeklyThe DadFit Podcast
Dads, imagine looking in the mirror and seeing yourself 10% leaner. I can make that happen, and you'd only pay when you see results. Interested? 👇
This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit fitdad.substack.com -
Welcome to tenth episode of ‘The DadFit Podcast’ 🎉!
Psst, if you prefer to watch this, check it out on the Tubes
On this episode I have a nice chat with my buddy …
Taylor Letwin:
His bio:
Almost 45 / My best days ahead / Food + Fit-ish / Recovered Addict / Former BASE jumper / Married to my Bride & Father of 3 / Based on a True story.
Give him a follow on Twitter
We chat about:
* Barefoot Life
* Consistency
* Cleaning up and Starting Fresh
* BASE ( did you know it was an acronym because I didn’t! )
* Leading by Example
* Backs suck
* Hard work 💪
🎁 🎁 🎁 🎁 FREE GIFT 🎁 🎁 🎁 🎁
Interested in being a guest? Get in touch!
To your success,
Barret J. NobelFounderThe DadFit WeeklyThe DadFit Podcast
Dads, imagine looking in the mirror and seeing yourself 10% leaner. I can make that happen, and you'd only pay when you see results. Interested? 👇
This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit fitdad.substack.com -
Welcome to ninth episode of ‘The DadFit Podcast’ 🎉!
On this episode I have a nice chat with my buddy …
Fabio Bonacquisto:
His bio:
🌟YouTube Super Star 🌟On a journey to become FIT Learning the game of lifeNew Fatherhood
Give him a sub on YouTube
We chat about:
* Power of Self-Motivation
* Chub2Fit Tubes
* Finding Mentors
* Mobility and Flexibility
* Working through Physical Challenges
* Family and Fitness
* Life as a Real Man
Interested in being a guest? Get in touch!
To your success,
Barret J. NobelFounderThe DadFit WeeklyThe DadFit Podcast
Let me help you achieve DadFit status 💪Schedule a FREE consult 👇
This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit fitdad.substack.com -
Welcome to eight episode of ‘The DadFit Podcast’ 🎉!
On this episode I have a nice chat with my buddy …
His bio:
Life’s too short to be a soft little bitchCo-founder of 💯 club Master of recovering from setbacks
Give him a follow on Twitter
We chat about:
* Fitness Journeys and Mental Fortitude
* The Power of Setting Goals
* Taking a shit face 🤣
* Support of the PTSD Foundation
* CrossFit
Interested in being a guest? Get in touch!
To your success,
Barret J. NobelFounderThe DadFit WeeklyThe DadFit Podcast
Let me help you achieve DadFit status 💪Schedule a FREE consult 👇
This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit fitdad.substack.com -
Welcome to seventh episode of ‘The DadFit Podcast’ 🎉!
On this episode I have a nice chat with my buddy …
Keith Williams:
His bio:
“Everything you want is on the other side of fear!” - Canfield. It’s never too late to chase your dreams! 56 years YOUNG! Win the Day!
Give him a follow on Twitter
We chat about:
* Winning the Day!
* Passing on the Fitness Legacy
* Not Quitting
* Importance of Mental Fortitude
* Rural upbringing
* Work Ethic and Consistency
* So Much More!
Interested in being a guest? Get in touch!
To your success,
Barret J. NobelFounder, DadFit Weekly
Let me help you achieve DadFit status 💪Schedule a FREE consult 👇
This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit fitdad.substack.com -
Welcome to sixth episode of ‘The DadFit Podcast’ 🎉!
On this episode I have a nice chat with my buddy …
Jake Montalbano a.k.a Dad Dynasty:
His bio:
Married 14 years and have 3 children. I share insights on marriage, fatherhood, and leadership to help stressed dads reclaim greatness for their families.
Give him a follow on Twitter
Subscribe to his awesome Newsletter
We chat about:
* The importance of Fathers and Coaches
* Quality over Quantity
* Prioritizing Marriage
* Honesty!
* Consistency
* Teaching Values
* So Much More!
Interested in being a guest? Get in touch!
To your success,
Barret J. Nobel Founder, DadFit Weekly
Let me help you achieve DadFit status 💪 Schedule a FREE 15 minute consult 👇
This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit fitdad.substack.com -
Welcome to fifth episode of ‘The DadFit Podcast’ 🎉!
On this episode I have a nice chat with my buddy …
Coach Benjamin Yeezus:
His bio:
I teach you nutrition to get lean & build muscle. Online Coach #YeezusCrew Level 5 certified nutritionist
Give him a follow on Twitter
Interested in having Ben as your coach? 👉 Check it
We chat about:
* Decision Fatigue
* Inspiriting Transformations
* Authenticity Matters
* Bodybuilding
* Nutrition
Interested in being a guest? Get in touch!
To your success,
Barret J. Nobel Founder, DadFit Weekly
Let me help you achieve DadFit status 💪 Schedule a FREE 15 minute consult 👇
This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit fitdad.substack.com -
Welcome to third episode of ‘The DadFit Podcast’ 🎉!
On this episode I have a nice chat with my buddy …
Dustin Hauer:
His bio:
Inspiration and Dad Jokes daily | Soaking up every last bit of this life that I can | Husband | Dad
Give him a follow on Twitter
We chat about:
* Facing Fears and Taking Risks
* Social Media Fun
* Finding Fun in Learning
* Kids!
* Authenticity Matters
* Books and their power
* Stoicism
Interested in being a guest? Get in touch!
To your success,
Barret J. Nobel Founder, DadFit Weekly
Let me help you achieve DadFit status 💪 Schedule a FREE 15 minute consult 👇
This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit fitdad.substack.com - Montre plus