
  • This week on Dental Assistant Talk with Megen Elliot, Megen is joined by Payton Sprouse to talk about her experiences as a Dental Assistant in North Carolina.

    Episode Highlights

    DA 2 Payton’s Background Payton’s Volunteering Work How to get involved with your community


    “If you are office trained the Dentist can always train you to do the things that a DA 2 can do”

    “They travel around NC and provide free extractions to those in need”

    “It's a little compact dental office that they have”

    “You are able to give back in a local capacity”

    “There are so many areas in NC that do not have a local dentist”

    “They don’t seek treatment until it's bad, and then they need an extraction”

    “There is a lot less equipment involved with extractions”

    “Sometimes its hard conversation to have, but it is important to have it"


    The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage:


    The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage:


  • This week on Dental Assistant Talk with Megen Elliot, Megen is joined by Ronda Holman who is a Dental Assistant, and host of the DA Rockstars!

    Episode Highlights

    How DA Rockstars got started You can make it happen Audio to Video Gathering for Dental Assistants


    “If you have something to say… go start a podcast”

    “I had no idea what I was doing, I was a 20 year Dental Assistant, not a podcaster”

    “The first 9 episodes of DA rockstars podcast got deleted”

    “Its trial and error, any dental assistant can figure it out”

    “There is no such thing as I don't know how…you will find a way”

    “I look at my doctor and was thinking what kind of lung disease is THAT”

    “How do I find a way for Dental Assistants to know this podcast exists”



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    The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage:


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  • This week on Dental Assistant Talk with Megen Elliot, Megen talks with Lauren smith. Lauren shares her experience on her first ever mission trip!

    Episode Highlights

    Lauren’s Background Lauren’s Mission trip to Guatamala


    “I never went through schooling… I was fortunate and blessed to have people around me teach me the basics and the information I need to know”

    “I had never been out of the country before”

    “When my boss asked me to come, I was really excited about it, but I was nervous to be out of the country, and I thought about backing out of it”

    “Its not like the hospitals you would imagine… they are made of cinderblocks with tin roofs”

    “It opens up your eyes when you look at what they have, versus what we have”

    “They said as long as it looks okay and smells okay we can use it… even though it was expired”

    “You can’t drink the water there… a lot of families walks down the street with Coca Cola or juice, and that is all they drink”

    “If you are nervous about going, just go do it!"


    The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage:


    The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage:


  • This week Doug talks about Body Language Habits that will Sink Your Job Interview! Do you have a bad or annoying body language habit that is hurting you in a job interview? Here are several things to watch for.

    Episode highlights

    Body language habits Ideal body language for an interview


    “You don't want to send the message that you are disinterested or uncomfortable being there”

    “Eye contact can be hard to master… you can give too much, too little, or be too shifty, there’s an art to it that comes with practice”

    “Try to be consistent with your eye content pattern”

    “Folded arms is body language for closed off”

    “In thats first 5 min you need to be hitting on all cylinders”

    “Not enough people spend enough time practicing for their job interviews”

    “Everybody can practice and be better… everybody"


    The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage:


    The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage:


    GetHiredRDH homepage:


    Doug’s email:


  • This week on Your Dental Top 5 Podcast Amanda Hill joins us from quarantine! She talks to us about what we can do to make ourselves better while we are not in the office. Corey Jameson-Kuehl joins Amanda to talk about the top 5 ways to be a better leader in your team environment.

    Episode Highlights

    Custom Dental Solutions Corey’s Top 5 Book Recommendation


    “I think understanding yourself, is key”

    “This is the ideal time to utilize something like a DISC assessment”

    “Clear communication is pretty much the key to anything in life”

    “I think it's a really big weakness if you don’t know how to ask for help”

    “It does discourage the soul when you are continually micro-managed”


    Custom Dental Solutions: https://www.customdentalsolutions.com

    CDS Email: office@customdentalsolutions.com

    The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage:


    The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage:


    Amanda’s email:


  • This week on the ADHA Podcast your host Diana Corbin is joined by Mars Wrigley Foundation Healthier Smiles Grant Program winner, Shayna Stuffle.

    Episode Highlights

    Shayna’s Background Mars Wrigley Foundation Healthier Smiles Grant Program Shayna’s Mentor


    “Every time I go to the dentist it is a topic of conversation of course!”

    “The funds are going to be used for the care of the domestic violence victims and their families”

    “We are educating the survivors on the nutritional side of oral care”

    “I love to eat for its always good to end the day with some great food”


    ADHA Annual Conference Website: https://www.adha2020.org

    American Dental Hygienists’ Association homepage: https://www.adha.org/

    ADHA Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/youradha/

    The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage:


    The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage:


  • This week on Dental Assistant Talk with Megen Elliot, Megen is joined by Co-Founder and CEO of Twice Toothpaste, Julian Levine. Julian shares the mission behind Twice and why it's so important to pay attention to the ingredients in your toothpaste.

    Episode Highlights

    Background on Twice Toothpaste Highlights of Dr. Levine’s career Glo Good Ingredients


    “Doc can you do some work for my people in the Bahamas, they have no access to care”

    “We were pretty alarmed to see how many ingredients are in toothpaste that are generally not good for you”

    “All of the benefits you want, with only the ingredients you need”

    “It's important to know that your products are vegan…because there’s a good chance they might not be”

    “Turn the tube around… and look at the back of it, figure out what is in it, so you can educate your patients”

    “Your mouth is an ecosystem, it needs to be treated with proper ingredients”


    Twice: smiletwice.com Smiletwice.refersion.com

    The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage:


    The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage:


  • Are you feeling beaten down or defeated by your job hunt? Maybe you need a break. Here are some ideas to help reinvigorate yourself. This week on Get Hired with Doug Perry, Doug talks with us about staying fresh for your job hunt.

    Episode highlights

    Resources to give your mind, and body what it needs to thrive in your job search


    “You came in to win that job”

    “If you can do it before an interview setting it can be so powerful”

    “A good 30 min per day, 5 days per week should be sufficient for most people”

    “You don't have to be a marathoner or body builder, you just have to have some kind of movement”

    “Too many foods that are too convenient… they just suck the energy out of you”

    “A good tall glass of water and an apple”

    “You feel amazing when you help people that are unable to help themselves”


    The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage:


    The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage:


    GetHiredRDH homepage:


    Doug’s email:


  • This week on Your Dental Top 5 Podcast Amanda Hill discusses the morning huddle! Amanda is joined by Beverly Wilburn who talks to us about why the morning huddle is so important, and the 5 things you need to know about it!

    Episode Highlights

    What the huddle should look like Marketing Facebook Group Resource


    “I have seen a marked difference in the office that take the time for a morning huddle”

    “I would highly suggest having a meeting, about how you are going to have your meetings”

    “Morning huddles don’t always have to be in the morning”

    “Identify those patients that you want a review from that day”

    “It makes you feel good to do it”


    Beverly Wilburn Email: magnifident@gmail.com

    Facebook groupt: Huddle Up! The Morning Huddle for Dental Teams

    The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage:


    The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage:


    Amanda’s email:


  • This week on the ADHA Podcast your host Diana Corbin is joined by Jeannette Diaz. Jeannette is a hygienist from Hollywood, California! She talks to us about her story, what brought her into Dental Hygiene, what has impacted her career, her experience with grant writing, business development and more!

    Episode Highlights

    Jeannette’s Background RDHAP ADHA and CDHA’s impact Unleashing your Potential Grant Writing Volunteering


    “I applaud you for continuing ahead… you are a superhero to me”

    “Unleashing Your Potential was a turning point in my career”

    “I applied for this grant three times in a row… and finally I got it”

    “Every year that I applied I had to work a little harder on my grant writing skills”

    “For everyone that has tried, and hasn’t got it… don’t give up!”


    Jeannette Website: www.inhomerdhap.com

    Jeannette Email: jeannetterdh@gmail.com

    ADHA Annual Conference Website: https://www.adha2020.org

    American Dental Hygienists’ Association homepage: https://www.adha.org/

    ADHA Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/youradha/

    The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage:


    The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage:


  • This week on Dental Assistant Talk with Megen Elliot, Megen talks with Alana Barton who is a Dental Assistant, Army Veteran and Dental Hygiene Student.

    Episode Highlights

    Alana’s experience as a DA in the Army Alana’s path with education Alana’s experience in Afghanistan


    “I deployed as a dental assistant”

    “Very few dental assistants get an opportunity to deploy or go into a field unit”

    “I can’t imagine a new dentist and a new assistant working together, trying to figure it out”

    “I had to run the whole clinic by myself… I got to work every aspect of the office, because I was the only one”

    “It's almost like a mission trip, seeing people from all different walks of life”

    “It’s really fulfilling to help someone who is pain”

    “If it's something you don’t really like, at least you are given the option to go to school for free”


    The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage:


    The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage:


  • This week on Get Hired with Doug Perry, Doug talks with us about how to lead our boss. Doug provides some advice to show us that leadership doesn’t always flow from the top down.

    Episode highlights

    Why having diverse leadership is important 6 Tips to bottom up leadership


    “Its actually problematic when a boss is the only one making decisions”

    “Sometimes we get stuck in the ’that's their job…and this is mine’ mentality”

    “Starting with a positive thing creates a separation between the problem, and them as the boss”

    “Approach your bosses blind spot in the way you would want to be approached about your”

    “We all misinterpret things… without truly understanding the intentions”

    “It's good for me to assume they have the best interests at heart”


    The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage:


    The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage:


    GetHiredRDH homepage:


    Doug’s email:


  • This week on Your Dental Top 5 Podcast Amanda Hill discusses Oral Cancer, in honor or Oral Cancer Awareness Month. Amanda brings on Susan Cotten who breaks down the top 5 things we need to do when thinking about our oral cancer screening.

    Episode Highlights

    What drove Susan Top 5 tips Medical History


    “Cancer changed and our screening needed to change right along with it”

    “I want to be able to smile like everyone else but I can’t… the cancer had devastated her teeth and oral cavity”

    “There is no perfect hygiene appointment”

    “Own it, flip it, and move forward”

    “Tell your patients you are doing the screening, and educate while you do it”

    “Don’t assume a patient isn’t at risk… screen from their very first visit with you”

    “The youngest patient I have had with oral cancer… was 6 years old”

    “One person, every hour, of every day dies of oral cancer”


    The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage:


    The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage:


    Amanda’s email:


  • This week on the ADHA Podcast your host Diana Corbin is joined by Kristin Minihan-Anderson, Laurel Risom and Marissa Decarli who work at University of Bridgeport. Today they discuss their mentors, and their various positions in the University of Bridgeport program.

    Episode Highlights

    Kristen, Laurel and Marissa’s Backgrounds Mentors Various positions and aspects of the program


    “I had zero interest in teaching... until I had her as my mentor”

    “They get a really well rounded experience which is great”

    “All of our associate level programs get this practical hands on application in addition to the public health lecture”

    “This team has taken this and ran with it and created a such a practice hands on experience”

    “Our entire goal is to create public health hygienists”

    “Don’t be afraid of going into public health”

    “You learn on the fly in public health”


    Kristin Contact Info: kminihan@bridgeport.edu




    ADHA Annual Conference Website: https://www.adha2020.org

    American Dental Hygienists’ Association homepage: https://www.adha.org/

    ADHA Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/youradha/

    The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage:


    The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage:


  • This week on Dental Assistant Talk with Megen Elliot, Megen talks with Allison Lacousiere who is an entrepreneur! Allison has a business, Clear Coaching that assists in clear aligner coaching. Join Allison and Megen for part 2 of their conversation. Today they focus on the clear aligner side of Allison’s business and what benefits it brings for Dental Assistants.

    Episode Highlights

    Advocate, don’t sell A skill you take with you/ Resume asset


    “Dental Assistants have such a great opportunity to make changes that not only benefit the practice and patients but that benefit them and their careers”

    “You are not a salesperson, you are an advocate for your patients and an educator”

    “The dental assistant can take the initiative to be trained through your course online”

    “Seeing dental assistants drive to learn on their own is huge”

    “Being proactive and gaining those skills will launch you into your career”

    “Having that energy come into your practice throughout the day is so fun!


    Allison Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/allisonlacoursiere/

    Clear Coaching Website: https://www.yourclearalignercoach.com

    The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage:


    The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage:


  • This week on Get Hired with Doug Perry, Doug talks with us about photos, and whether it is a good idea to include one on your resume or not. This is a controversial question, that is personal. Tune in for some advice Doug has for you when debating whether or not to include a photo.

    Episode highlights

    Pros and Cons Your photo is your brand If they discriminate, they may be doing you a favor Photo tips


    “It's a very personal dissuasion, one that you as a job seeker need to make yourself”

    “It’s okay not to include a photo if you are not comfortable with it”

    “50% of my clients opt to include a photo on their resume”

    “I hear it over and over again that hygienists who include a photo of themselves on their resume get compliments from potential employers for doing so”

    “Naturally they are going to come across photos, photos that you may not want them to see…given that fact would you rather them have something you have vetted yourself and provided to them… as opposed to a photo on your Facebook from 2008”

    “We don't see the words on paper as a person, we see the person as a person when we see them in-person”

    “If they do use that photo for discriminate against you, do you really want to work for them?”


    The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage:


    The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage:


    GetHiredRDH homepage:


    Doug’s email:


  • This week on Your Dental Top 5 Podcast Amanda Hill discusses the Top 5 tips to get out of your head…and into action! Amanda bring in a visionary life coach - Jackie Cote to guide us to achieving our goals because if you have a desire… you deserve it!

    Episode Highlights

    Where are you at now Where do you want to be Recognizing triggers Awareness of the thoughts and stories you tell yourself Make the choice


    “I’ve always had this knack for giving the gift of belief”

    “I think we all often get stuck in our lives”

    “With our busy lives, we forget the dream, we forget to tap into our desires”

    “If you have a desire, you deserve it”

    “The trigger will always start in your body first, it will be a visceral body reaction”

    “There is a positive intention to all of your thoughts, the one telling you not to do something, is trying to keep you safe, you can thank it for trying to keep you safe, and welcome a new thought to make actions towards a new future”

    “I love that you talk to yourself as much as I talk to myself…it makes me feel so much better”

    “There are only two ways we move towards a goal, it's either we move away from fear and pain or we are moving towards pleasure. I have learned its so much more fun to move towards pleasure”

    “What do you want your story to look like moving forward”


    Jackie’s Website: https://jackiecotecoaching.com

    The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage:


    The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage:


    Amanda’s email:


  • This week on the ADHA Podcast Matt Crespin joins us for his monthly fireside chat! Matt is joined by Ryann Kehoe, and Michele Braerman. Ryann and Michele provide some background to their positions with ADHA and discuss the Institute for Oral Health (IOH).

    Episode Highlights

    Ryann Kehoe Background Michele Braerman Background IOH Grant/Scholarship Opportunities Walking Challenge


    “Previously I worked in for Lincoln Park Zoo, so I moved from animals to hygienists”

    “IOH support dental hygienist at all levels of their careers”

    “Many of the people Diana interviews regularly are Mars Wrigley Foundation grantee winners”

    “We at IOH cannot do what we do without our liaisons”

    “I just thought I mentioned that… since I am looking at my trophies”

    “It’s through the work of all of you out there listening that allows us to do what we do”





    ADHA Annual Conference Website: https://www.adha2020.org

    American Dental Hygienists’ Association homepage: https://www.adha.org/

    ADHA Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/youradha/

    The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage:


    The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage:


  • This week on Dental Assistant Talk with Megen Elliot, Megen talks with Allison Lacousiere who is an entrepreneur! Allison has a business, Clear Coaching that assists in clear aligner coaching. Join Allison and Megen as they talk about Allisons business and coaching tips.

    Episode Highlights

    Allison’s Background Imposter syndrome and being open to growth What is a coach, and why you need one


    “I created a plan on my own for the dentist to ramp up his aligner systems”

    “Since I took that initiative he was really excited to invest in me further”

    “The clear aligner numbers doubled year after year”

    “At 24 year old I was promoted to the office manager, I had no clue what I was doing, but I very optimistic and forward thinking, I knew one of the keys was to connect the team”

    “I struggled with imposter syndrome for a long time”

    “You didn’t view it that way, you thought ‘what can I learn, how can I absorb all of the knowledge and skill this person has to share with me to make the practice better’”.

    “It doesn’t say that you are not doing things well enough, it’s that there is always opportunity to learn more”

    “ A coach doesn't tell you what the answer is… they help you recognize what your answer is and how you can achieve it”


    Allison Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/allisonlacoursiere/

    Clear Coaching Website: https://www.yourclearalignercoach.com

    The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage:


    The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage:


  • This week on Get Hired with Doug Perry, Doug talks with us about the best practices for anonymous job openings. Although not common these opportunities do present themselves and Doug walks us through steps for the application process!

    Episode highlights

    Google Searching Tricks Work with what you have Qualifiers Testimonial sheets


    “Sometimes you can figure out who an office is by googling a fax or phone number, or email address”

    “If you have little bits and pieces of information you can try to perform a google search”

    “Pay attention to the job listing itself and look for those little clues”

    “If you see someone with an outgoing personality, be sure to include that in your resume and cover letter”

    “Read carefully that job description, and use that as an outline on how you should pitch, you”

    “Job hunting is a lot like dating, you always want to put your best food forward to create that connection and find a match”

    “Just so you know… employers are doing the same thing”


    The Dental Podcast Network Channel One homepage:


    The Dental Podcast Network Channel Two homepage:


    GetHiredRDH homepage:


    Doug’s email:
