It's a question I hear time and time again from people getting divorce: Will I be able to keep my home in the divorce? My guest in this episode is Jeff Landers, CDLP®, CDFA®, and author who has dedicated his career to helping people stay in their homes if that's what they want. Jeff has so much knowledge and many wonderful tips. Learn more: https://www.divorcedgirlsmiling.com/homeownership-after-divorce-the-emotions-and-financial-reality/
It's something I've heard from hundreds of divorced women over the years: My ex moved on two seconds after we separated, meaning he was seeing someone else. It can feel shocking, hurtful, infuriating and unfair. My guest in this episode is T.H. Irwin, co-Founder of exExperts and wow, do we get into this topic! We talk about why men move on so quickly, and offer tips on how to cope if it happens to you.
Episodes manquant?
Supervised Visitation has a really negative connotation. But there's a lot you might not know! My guest in this episode is Trina Nudson, JD, CDC, divorce attorney, mediator and founder of her co-parenting program, BeH20. Our discussion is dedicated to what you need to know about supervised visitation, which Trina calls "supervised parenting time" since no parent should have to "visit" their children. Learn more: https://www.divorcedgirlsmiling.com/10-things-to-know-about-supervised-visitation/
Who better to talk about the differences between men and women when it comes to coping with divorce than a divorced woman and a divorced man? My guest is Justin Milrad, a divorced dad who is a Certified Divorce Coach. This is such wonderful insight for women going through a divorce to get a glimpse into what your soon-to-be ex might be thinking and feeling. Learn more: https://www.divorcedgirlsmiling.com/men-and-divorce-everything-a-woman-should-know/
Divorce is hard and the outcome is so important! That's why my guest and I want to warn you about 10 mistakes people make so that you can avoid making them. My guest is divorce attorney, Tiffany Hughes, who offers 12 years of experience and a lot of great tips! Learn more here: https://www.divorcedgirlsmiling.com/10-big-divorce-mistakes-you-really-dont-want-to-make/
What happens when three women-all divorce professionals who all happen to have gone through a divorce get together and talk divorce? A lot of: wisdom and tips, and a little bit of laughter. My guests in this episode are Catherine Shanahan, CDFA and Karen Chellew, who are the co-founders of their amazing divorce financial preparation process called My Divorce Solution. Learn more here: https://mydivorcesolution.com/
Most divorce cases are complicated and stressful. But divorce can get a lot harder when one of the parties has a substance abuse issue. My guest in this episode is divorce attorney, Catherine Becker Good. Catherine offers insight and advice for cases that involve substance abuse.
Divorce is not a word that should be used lightly. What I'm saying is, once you say "Maybe we should get divorced", be prepared because you've opened the door. Maybe that door needed to be opened. My guest in this episode is Divorce Mediator, Michael Cohen. Michael and I talk about what can happen to a relationship when someone threatens divorce. Learn more here: https://www.divorcedgirlsmiling.com/what-can-happen-when-someone-is-threatening-divorce/
Being around negative people, especially a spouse or ex-spouse can feel toxic and exhausting. In this episode, my guest is Joanne Litman, financial advisor and divorced mom. Jo and I talk about what negative people do and say, and we offer tips on coping with and not letting the negativity stand in your way. Learn more: https://www.divorcedgirlsmiling.com/my-partners-negativity-is-draining-me/
What is a high net-worth divorce? My guest in this episode is Turner Thornton, divorce attorney and partner at Varghese Summersett, who explains. We also discuss ways someone going through a divorce might try to hide money during one of these complex divorces. Learn more: https://www.divorcedgirlsmiling.com/what-is-a-high-net-worth-divorce/
Custody battles can turn ugly fast, especially when one party is being falsely accused of something. That can include being falsely accused of drinking and/or being intoxicated around the kids. My guest in this episode is Chris Beck of Soberlink. Chris and I talk about what you can do to protect yourself. Learn more: https://www.divorcedgirlsmiling.com/when-someone-is-falsely-accused-of-drinking-around-the-kids/
Ever been in an on-again off-again relationship? Also known as "situationships," they can be toxic and really bad for self esteem. My guest in this episode is dating coach, Alyssa Dineen. Alyssa and I talk about the signs that your relationship might fit into this category and we offer tips for avoiding falling into this kind of situation. Learn more: https://www.divorcedgirlsmiling.com/ever-been-in-an-on-again-off-again-relationship/
What do we mean by "difficult conversations?" Telling your spouse you want a divorce, asking your spouse to move out, conversations that come up in mediation, every money conversation. My guest in this episode is divorce coach, Mardi Winder-Adams, who offers 4 great tips on how to have these conversations to get what you want and maintain a good co-parenting relationship. Learn more: https://www.divorcedgirlsmiling.com/4-tips-to-having-difficult-conversations-with-your-ex/
Co-parenting isn't the easiest thing to do. And, it gets a lot more difficult when your ex decides he isn't speaking to you! It can feel frustrating, infuriating and hopeless, and your kids are probably going to feel it, too. My guest in this episode is Nikol Sotos, a divorce attorney and Judicial Education Coordinator for OurFamilyWizard. Nikol offers advice on what you can do if you're in this situation. Learn more: https://www.divorcedgirlsmiling.com/my-ex-wont-talk-to-me-makes-co-parenting-pretty-darn-difficult/
When two people sit down and just talk about our divorces-the mistakes we made and what we learned, I think that's a pretty powerful thing for those facing divorce. So, that's exactly what I did in this episode with my guest, Phil LaGiglia, Mortgage Lender and divorced dad. This is such an authentic, honest conversation, and I think you'll benefit from our advice!
Divorce brings significant change to the lives of your children, and in this episode we talk about something that might help them cope with all the changes and feel some stability. What is it? It's WHO is it: your nanny. My guest in this episode is Brynn Ungerleider, founder of Premier Nanny Network, who offers reasons why sharing a nanny will benefit your kids during and after the divorce. Learn more: https://www.divorcedgirlsmiling.com/5-benefits-of-divorced-parents-sharing-a-nanny/
One of the hardest parts about divorce is that you have to face so many changes! The good news is, if you look at change in the right way, you will learn to accept and even like the changes! My guest in this episode is Liesel Darby, Mediator and Divorce Coach, who offers tips on handling change with grace, courage and an open mind. Learn more: https://www.divorcedgirlsmiling.com/tips-for-handling-change-during-and-after-divorce/
Blending families and moving in together is so exciting! But have you ever thought about how your dog is going to feel (and behave) during the transition? My guest in this episode is Karis Nafte, Certified Dog Behavior Therapist and Pet Mediator, who offers tips on making sure your dog adapts to your blended family. Learn more: https://www.divorcedgirlsmiling.com/blending-families-moving-in-together-and-the-dog/
Divorce is hard, no matter what the situation is. But divorce gets a lot more stressful and frustrating if you are divorcing a narcissist. My guest in this episode is divorce coach, Lisa Lisser, who describes the characteristics of a narcissist, and then offers tips on dealing with that person through your divorce. Learn more: https://www.divorcedgirlsmiling.com/5-tips-to-keeping-your-sanity-when-divorcing-a-narcissist/
Divorce can feel incredibly stressful when it comes to finances and spending money. My guest in this episode is Financial Divorce Coach and divorced dad, Hirsch Serman, who offers 9 ways to save money in your divorce.
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