
  • For a profession like medicine in which suffering — be it physical, psychological, existential, or spiritual — is so commonly encountered and experienced, we have developed remarkably little shared vocabulary to talk about what suffering means. That is, if we even have the conversations at all.

    In early June 2024, during the American Society of Clinical Oncology annual conference in Chicago, we hosted a live podcast event at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine, gathering Sunita Puri, MD and Jay Wellons, MD, MSPH to explore the great problem of suffering. Dr. Puri, a palliative care physician and author of the best selling book That Good Night: Life and Medicine in the 11th Hour (2019), last joined us on Episode 74: The Beauty of Impermanence. Dr. Wellons, a pediatric neurosurgeon at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and author of the memoir All That Moves Us: A pediatric neurosurgeon, His Young Patients and Their Stories of Grace and Resilience (2022), last joined us on Episode 28: The Brain and All That Moves Us.

    The four of us, the guests and co-hosts, start by sharing our personal encounters with suffering, both in our patients and in ourselves, before discussing our philosophical approaches to and practical strategies for accompanying patients through suffering, managing spiritual distress, contextualizing our own humanity in these encounters, maintaining our own well-being, and searching for meaning amid these tragic moments, if it is possible. After our main discussion, we also answer audience questions about managing the sometimes unrealistic and complicated expectations patients have of clinicians, and the role of interfaith discussions among healthcare professionals.

    We thank Kelly Michelson, MD, MPH and the Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities at Northwestern University for making this event possible.

    In this episode, you’ll hear about:

    3:58 - Stories of confronting suffering, both in professional and personal contexts

    29:02 - Practical tips for coping with suffering and uncertainty as a physician

    31:53 - The importance of psychological safety in feeling and expressing your emotions as a physician

    36:52 - Being present in the moment while accompanying patients through difficult times

    40:00 - Helping doctors re-connect with the deeper reason of why they feel called to medicine

    42:24 - The inexplicable relationship between love and loss

    52:04 - The deep sense of meaning inherent in the work of a physician and what makes it “real”

    54:41 - Q&A: How physicians can better navigate the challenging expectations patients have as well as medical skepticism

    1:04:05 - Q&A: How we can better incorporate interfaith dialogue into medical training and practice

    Dr. Jay Wellons is the author of All That Moves Us (2022) and can be found on Twitter/X at @JayWellons5.

    Dr. Sunita Puri is the author of That Good Night (2019) and can be found on Twitter/X at @SunitaPuriMD.

  • Most of us take free will for granted — from the biggest of life decisions to choosing an ice cream flavor, we are generally capable of freely deciding how to think and how to behave without outside influence. But Robert Sapolsky believes our decisions cannot be disentangled from our genetics, environment, and neurobiology. In other words, to him, free will does not exist.

    Dr. Sapolsky, a neuroscientist and primatologist at Stanford University, is a leading thinker on the biology of stress, human behavior, neurodegenerative diseases, and the science of free will and determinism. He is the author of multiple bestselling books, including Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers (1994), Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst (2017), and Determined: A Science of Life Without Free Will (2023). His works have been featured widely in the popular press, from National Geographic to The New York Times.

    Over the course of our conversation, Dr. Sapolsky presents his arguments against free will, along the way making detours through chaos and complexity theory, philosophy, ethics, and neuroscience. He shows how subtracting free will from the way culture thinks about crime, mental health, and human development have resulted in more humane health, justice, and educational systems. Finally, we contemplate together what human flourishing even means in the context of a life without free will.

    His ideas have profound implications not just on our society, but also on our understanding of human nature, challenging our perceptions and provoking deep reflection on how we navigate the choices in our lives.

    In this episode, you’ll hear about:

    3:08 - How Dr. Sapolsky chose a career straddling both neuroscience and primatology

    5:04 - The moment when Dr. Sapolsky realized he did not believe humans have free will

    16:16 - How society becomes more humane when free will is factored out

    23:29 - The deep implications that free will and determinism could have on criminology

    34:13 - How a belief in a lack of free will can negatively affect motivation on a societal scale

    43:11 - What does human flourishing look like in a world without free will?

    48:07 - The best moments in life in which to utilize this understanding of free will

    Dr. Robert Sapolsky has authored numerous publications, a full bibliography of his works can be found here.

    Dr. Robert Sapolsky can be found on Instagram at @robert.sapolsky.

    Works and past episodes discussed:

    What’s Expected of Us by Ted Chiang

    Episode 79: Transcendence in the Age of Science | Alan Lightman, PhD

    Visit our website www.TheDoctorsArt.com where you can find transcripts of all episodes.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review our show, available for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

    Copyright The Doctor’s Art Podcast 2024

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  • Conventionally, we are taught that evolution implies there is no ultimate purpose to our existence, that life lacks inherent meaning — we are the product of countless intricate molecular and genetic accidents. And to many, evolution leaves little room for, and perhaps even contradicts, the existence of a deity.

    However, our guest on this episode, Samuel Wilkinson, MD, a professor of psychiatry at Yale University, thinks there is another way to look at evolution. Drawing from an array of disciplines ranging from evolutionary biology to cognitive science, Dr. Wilkinson provides a framework for evolution suggesting not only that there is an overarching purpose to our existence, but what that purpose is. He presents this framework in his 2024 book, Purpose: What Evolution and Human Nature Imply about the Meaning of Our Existence.

    Over the course of our conversation, Dr. Wilkinson shares how an existential crisis during medical school led him down the path of exploring the ways evolution can be reconciled with fundamental questions and answers about life's meaning; how navigating the dual potential of human nature — pulling us between selfishness and altruism, aggression and cooperation — is key to understanding our purpose; why evolution does not exclude the possibility of existence of a god or gods; the importance of relationships in living fulfilling lives; the role of free will in the choice between good and evil; and more.

    In this episode, you’ll hear about:

    3:37 - How a drive to understand human nature drove Dr. Wilkinson to leave his engineering studies and pursue a career as a psychiatrist.

    4:44 - The scope of Dr. Wilkinson’s work at Yale

    7:13 - What studying depression has taught Dr. Wilkinson about human nature

    9:00 - How Dr. Wilkinson views the connection between evolution and God

    24:00 - How the central argument of Dr. Wilkinson’s book differs from intelligent design

    26:41 - Dr. Wilkinson’s view of selfishness in human nature

    37:49 - The deeper meaning that Dr. Wilkinson sees within the biological patterns of evolution

    39:04 - The validity of moral relativism

    43:42 - “The Rider and the Elephant” as a metaphor for human nature

    45:43 - Dr. Wilkinson’s thoughts on free will

    55:15 - How marriage can provide a cornerstone to building “a good life”

    58:10 - The way in which Dr. Wilkinson’s faith fits into his personal view of human nature

    1:04:42 - How Dr. Wilkinson brings these principles into his clinical practice

    Dr. Samuel Wilkinson is the author of Purpose: What Evolution and Human Nature Imply about the Meaning of Our Existence (2024).

    Works and Individuals Discussed:

    The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins

    Determined: A Science of Life Without Free Will by Robert Sapolsky

    Michael Behe and the concept of intelligent design

    Free Will by Sam Harris

  • For Mark Lewis, MD, cancer has defined his entire life. Growing up, he witnessed his father's valiant struggle with cancer before it eventually ended his life. While still in medical training, he not only developed pancreatic cancer but also discovered the culprit. Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1, an inherited syndrome that drastically increases one's risk of cancers, runs in his family. So now, as a father, he guides his son in making sense of a life burdened with that risk. What’s more, as an oncologist, Dr. Lewis has also dedicated his professional life to understanding and treating cancers of the gastrointestinal system.

    In this deeply personal conversation filled with pathos, wisdom, and hope, Dr. Lewis shares how he learned to cope with the rage he felt towards cancer in his early years, the solace he finds in religion and how he tactfully approaches matters of spirituality with his patients, how he was fundamentally transformed after undergoing the daunting Whipple surgical procedure, the wonder he feels when considering the remarkable progress science has made in cancer therapies, and how he channels his personal experiences to connect with patients.

    This is an episode that paints a portrait of grace, resilience, and courage in the face of suffering and loss, and it reminds us to search for the dignity that is inherent in the act of caring for another person.

    In this episode, you’ll hear about:

    2:43 - How watching his father deal with cancer led Dr. Lewis to a career in medicine.

    7:04 - How Dr. Lewis managed the grief and rage that came with his father’s passing.

    11:10 - How the speed of medical innovation drives Dr. Lewis’ optimism.

    19:51 - The role that faith plays in Dr. Lewis’ work and in his relationships with patients.

    29:07 - Dr. Lewis’ experience as a cancer patient and how it has informed his work as an oncologist.

    39:21 - The ethical challenges involved in administering toxic treatments in oncology.

    42:24 - The deeper meaning that Dr. Lewis has found through his experiences at the intersection of science and faith.

    48:57 - Dr. Lewis’ advice for empathizing and connecting with patients.

    Dr. Mark Lewis can be found on Twitter/X at @marklewismd.

    Visit our website www.TheDoctorsArt.com where you can find transcripts of all episodes.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review our show, available for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. If you know of a doctor, patient, or anyone working in health care who would love to explore meaning in medicine with us on the show, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments or send an email to [email protected].

    Copyright The Doctor’s Art Podcast 2024

  • The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, with an endowment of over $50 billion, is one of the largest and most influential philanthropic organizations in the world. With a focus on addressing global health, poverty, and education, its initiatives have led to the reduction of malaria mortality by 60% over the past two decades, the near eradication of polio, increased educational opportunities of millions of students, and improved sanitation conditions for millions of people in developing countries.

    For six years, oncologist Sue Desmond-Hellmann, MD, MPH was the CEO of this organization. Prior to that, she served as Chancellor of the University of California at San Francisco, as well as President of Product Development at Genentech, where she oversaw the development of Herceptin, Avastin, Rituxan, and other blockbuster cancer drugs that are now staples in the arsenal of many medical oncologists.

    The topics of our discussion in this episode are as varied as Dr. Desmond-Hellman's career. We discuss, among other things, how seeing the work of her pharmacist father encouraged her to pursue a career in medicine, how her early experiences treating HIV patients in Uganda spurred her to tackle global health challenges, how she discovered a passion for product development in the pharmaceutical industry, how she reconciles the ethical quandaries of developing medications that can cause serious adverse effects and that can sometimes cost hundreds of thousands of dollars per dose, what her mission while at the Gates Foundation was, and her perspectives on the role of artificial intelligence and human health and well-being, now that she has joined the board of directors of OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT.

    In this episode, you will hear about:

    2:50 - How working in her father’s pharmacy led Dr. Desmond-Hellmann to a career in medicine

    4:56 - A brief summary of Dr. Desmond-Hellmann’s multifaceted career trajectory

    15:36 - What the day to day work of pharmaceutical drug development looks like

    18:30 - The challenging ethical concerns that surround drug approvals especially as it pertains to safety concerns

    23:44 - Dr. Desmond-Hellmann’s experiences in Uganda that forever transformed her views on poverty

    27:55 - The aims of the Gates Foundation

    30:47 - How Dr. Desmond-Hellmann views her work both in the non-profit and the for-profit sectors

    37:15 - Dr. Desmond-Hellmann’s mission when she took on a leading role at The Gates Foundation

    38:38 - How Dr. Desmond-Hellmann thinks about shaping the future of AI as she takes a seat on the board of OpenAI

    45:14 - Dr. Desmond-Hellmann’s advice for medical trainees and clinicians on how to navigate the many opportunities available to them along their career path

    Dr. Sue Desmond-Hellmann can be found on Twitter/X @suedhellmann.

    Visit our website www.TheDoctorsArt.com where you can find transcripts of all episodes.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review our show, available for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. If you know of a doctor, patient, or anyone working in health care who would love to explore meaning in medicine with us on the show, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments or send an email to [email protected].

    Copyright The Doctor’s Art Podcast 2024

  • In today's world, the idea of “identifying your values” is so ubiquitous, appearing from corporate mission statements to self-help books, that it can seem trivialized to the point of meaninglessness. But in this episode, Ira Bedzow, PhD reminds us it does not have to be this way—explorations of personal values can be an inspiring, holistic, and thought provoking process that transforms everything that we do, from finding joy in work to building fulfilling relationships.

    Bedzow is the executive director of the Emory Purpose Project, an initiative at Emory University that provides opportunities for students to develop a capacity for reflection on purpose and meaning. He is also an associate professor in the Department of Medicine, a core faculty member of Emory's Center for Ethics, a senior fellow in Emory's Center for the Study of Law and Religion, and an Orthodox rabbi.

    Over the course of our conversation, Bedzow discusses how he helps people discover their life purpose, how he teaches moral leadership, how he wrestles with questions of moral relativism, the connection between a loss of purpose and burnout, how he counsels clinicians on resolving ethical quandaries, and more.

    In this episode, you will hear about:

    2:21 - The varied roles that make up Dr. Bedzow’s current career

    8:06 - What “values” mean

    15:53 - The principles Dr. Bedzow employs when counseling students on their career and life aspirations

    19:07 - Applying ethical thinking to medical scenarios

    27:36 - How Dr. Bedzow counsels leadership at an organizational level

    31:02 - The connection between a loss of sense of purpose and burnout

    39:01 - How organizations and individuals can proactively foster a sense of mission

    42:05 - The deep meaning that Dr. Bedzow finds in his religion

    45:23 - Truths that Judaism can offer the world

    Ira Bedzow is the author of the essay How Purpose and Employee Empowerment Can Stop Burnout.

    Ira Bedzow can be found on Twitter/X at @ijbedzow.

    Visit our website www.TheDoctorsArt.com where you can find transcripts of all episodes.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review our show, available for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. If you know of a doctor, patient, or anyone working in health care who would love to explore meaning in medicine with us on the show, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments or send an email to [email protected].

    Copyright The Doctor’s Art Podcast 2024

  • Terminal lucidity is a mysterious yet well-documented phenomenon in which someone at the end of life—including those who have suffered strokes or other brain injuries, or those afflicted by dementia—suddenly returns with mental clarity and is able to recognize loved ones and engage in meaningful and emotionally rich conversations. It challenges our fundamental understanding and assumptions about the nature of consciousness, brain function in the context of severe illness, and personhood.

    In this episode, Alexander Batthyány, PhD, a cognitive scientist and the Director of the Viktor Frankl Institute, offers insights on terminal lucidity from his years of study on this phenomenon from a philosophical, ethical, neurological, and psychological perspective. He is the author of the 2023 book Threshold: Terminal Lucidity and the Border of Life and Death.

    Over the course of our conversation, he shares how witnessing terminal lucidity in his grandmother has shaped his life purpose, why he chooses to use the word “soul” in his academic research, the role of spirituality and religion in making sense of terminal lucidity, the limits of our scientific and materialistic understanding of the brain, what terminal lucidity reveals about the dignity and unpredictability inherent in the human condition, and what it ultimately teaches us about kindness and compassion.

    In this episode, you’ll hear about:

    2:31 - The personal experience that drew Dr. Batthyány to study terminal lucidity

    6:34 - An exploration of human dignity

    12:26 - The importance of talking and thinking about the human “soul”

    18:26 - Definition and phenomenology of terminal lucidity

    23:57 - What is known about brain functioning during episodes of terminal lucidity

    31:44 - Advice for caregivers, family members, and clinicians if a patient experiences terminal lucidity

    36:55 - The prevalence of terminal lucidity

    40:14 - Whether individuals who experience terminal lucidity have insight into their condition

    42:15 - Why phenomena like terminal lucidity matter

    Dr. Alexander Batthyány is the author of Threshold: Terminal Lucidity and the Border of Life and Death (2023).

    Dr. Batthyány can be found in Twitter/X at @Alxdr_Batthyany.

    Visit our website www.TheDoctorsArt.com where you can find transcripts of all episodes.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review our show, available for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. If you know of a doctor, patient, or anyone working in health care who would love to explore meaning in medicine with us on the show, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments or send an email to [email protected].

    Copyright The Doctor’s Art Podcast 2024

  • The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) plays a crucial role in health care. As the organization that oversees medical education and thus the pipeline of future medical professionals in the United States, its critical duties include administering the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT), managing the residency application service, drafting guidelines for faculty members and departments at medical schools and academic hospitals, disseminating data on medical education and workforce trends that shape policymaking at medical schools and government bodies, and promoting diversity in health care.

    Leading this organization is David Skorton, MD, a cardiologist and pioneer of cardiac imaging and computer processing techniques, who also previously served as the 13th Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution and as President of Cornell University and of the University of Iowa. In this episode, Dr. Skorton shares with us how his family's immigrant past has shaped him, how he went from struggling during his own medical school application process more than 50 years ago to now leading an organization that represents all medical schools and teaching hospitals, why the arts and humanities matter to him, how he thinks about medical education given the emergence of generative artificial intelligence, what great mentors look like, how effective leadership often means learning from everyone around you, and more.

    In this episode, you will hear about:

    2:42 - Dr. Skorton’s unexpected path from jazz musician to President of the AAMC

    7:42 - Why current medical admissions aim to be “holistic”

    12:09 - The lessons Dr. Skorton learned through mentorship and why the arts and humanities can create better doctors

    17:32 - How Dr. Skorton has been able to “see past himself” enough to receive challenging criticism from mentors

    28:01 - The core tenets of Dr. Skorton’s leadership philosophy

    31:35 - How the AAMC views the future of medical education especially in light of advances in artificial intelligence

    38:47 - The importance of diverse healthcare teams

    46:32 - Issues that Dr. Skorton addresses through his role at the AAMC

    Dr. David Skorton can be found on Twitter/X at @DavidJSkorton.

    Visit our website www.TheDoctorsArt.com where you can find transcripts of all episodes.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review our show, available for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. If you know of a doctor, patient, or anyone working in health care who would love to explore meaning in medicine with us on the show, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments or send an email to [email protected].

    Copyright The Doctor’s Art Podcast 2024

  • In spring of 2020, Cornelia Griggs, MD was finishing her nearly decade-long training to become a pediatric surgeon in New York City, when COVID-19 struck and life fell apart. The hospital was flooded with mysteriously sick patients for whom no known treatments existed, basic supplies disappeared from shelves, and each day at work took on an existential burden as she wondered if this would be the day she caught the deadly disease herself.

    Dr. Griggs describes these dramatic stories from the early days of the pandemic in her 2024 memoir, The Sky Was Falling. Today, she is a triple board-certified pediatric surgeon, having completed medical school and pediatric surgery fellowship at Columbia University Medical Center, and her adult general surgery residency and surgical critical care fellowship at Massachusetts General Hospital, where she currently practices.

    Over the course of our conversation, Dr. Griggs describes the course of her challenging training in medicine, why it takes “a little crazy” to succeed as a surgeon, harrowing moments that defined heroism amid the throes of the pandemic, how she continued working even when giving up was the easy option, and more.

    In this episode, you’ll hear about:

    2:26 - What initially drew Dr. Griggs into the field of medicine and to the speciality of pediatric surgery

    14:35 - Why the operating room is a “safe space” for Dr. Griggs

    19:36 - The sense of alarm that Dr. Griggs experienced in the early days of the pandemic that drove her to write her viral New York Times op-ed, The Sky is Falling

    28:26 - How Dr. Griggs fell into an “investigative reporter” headspace as the pandemic raged around her in New York City

    30:26 - The sense of fear that enveloped both patients and the medical community during the first months of the pandemic

    40:27 - A moment during the early pandemic when Dr. Griggs seriously considered leaving the city and her post in the hospital

    46:30 - How ICU nurses brought dignity and humanity when tending to seriously ill COVID-19 patients

    51:16 - The hopefulness Dr. Griggs carries in seeing the large number of people who have entered medicine since the pandemic

    Dr. Cornelia Griggs can be found on Twitter/X at @CorneliaLG.

    Dr. Griggs is the author ofThe Sky Was Falling (2024).

    Visit our website www.TheDoctorsArt.com where you can find transcripts of all episodes.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review our show, available for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. If you know of a doctor, patient, or anyone working in health care who would love to explore meaning in medicine with us on the show, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments or send an email to [email protected].

    Copyright The Doctor’s Art Podcast 2024

  • To many health economists, the growing aging population is the greatest public health challenge facing America. The current fragmented and costly healthcare system is simply incapable of dealing with the complex medical and socioeconomic needs of this population, especially in an equitable way.

    Our guest on this episode, Linda Fried, MD, MPH, has dedicated her life to rethinking how we can create better health futures for older adults. Her pioneering research has expanded our notions of aging and longevity in the 21st century. Dr. Fried, a geriatrician and epidemiologist, is Dean of the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, Senior Vice President of the Columbia University Irving Medical Center, and former Founding Director of the Center on Aging and Health at Johns Hopkins University.

    Over the course of our conversation, Dr. Fried shares how her early experiences as a caseworker drove her to study medicine, surprising lessons from the martial arts aikido, what frailty means in the context of caring for older adults, why America is one of the most age segregated societies in the world, the flaws of over medicalizing health issues, redefining the roles of older adults in society, the importance of meaning and community in sustaining happiness in life, and more.

    In this episode, you’ll hear about:

    2:30 - What Dr. Fried’s early experiences in social work taught her about justice, social inequity, and taking care of another person

    11:47 - How an awareness of the social determinants of health shaped Dr. Fried as a clinician

    16:46 - Why physicians need to stop “medicalizing” all aspects of a patient’s life

    25:00 - How Dr. Fried came to be interested in geriatrics

    28:19 - Dr. Fried’s dedication to extending “healthspan” as well as “lifespan” in our society

    31:08 - The clinical definition of “frailty”

    34:15 - The value that an older population could bring to our society

    38:49 - The United States’ unique culture of age segregation and how it contributes to poor health outcomes for the elderly

    45:38 - What the healthcare system and society at large can do to better serve elderly populations

    50:55 - Dr. Fried’s advice for keeping true to your purpose as a medical professional

    Dr. Linda Fried can be found on LinkedIn.

    Visit our website www.TheDoctorsArt.com where you can find transcripts of all episodes.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review our show, available for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. If you know of a doctor, patient, or anyone working in health care who would love to explore meaning in medicine with us on the show, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments or send an email to [email protected].

    Copyright The Doctor’s Art Podcast 2024

  • The history of cardiac surgery is filled with tales of intrepid surgeons with larger-than-life personalities who pushed the limits of the human body and the bounds of what were then considered acceptable medical practices. The result? Heart transplants, pacemakers, artificial heart valves, heart-lung machines, and other once-unthinkable and experimental procedures that have now saved millions of lives.

    Our guest in this episode, Gerald Imber, MD, charts these remarkable developments in his 2024 book Cardiac Cowboys: The Heroic Invention of Heart Surgery. While not writing books on the history of medicine, Dr. Imber is a practicing plastic surgeon who specializes in cosmetic surgery. Over the course of our conversation, Dr. Imber talks about the challenging yet rewarding training he underwent as a surgery resident, what it means to have an “eye for aesthetics,” why he decided to write a book on the history of heart surgery, stories of daring surgeons from this history, how he reconciles the drive to push the frontiers of medicine with a regard for patient safety, and more.

    In this episode, you’ll hear about:

    2:15 - What drew Dr. Imber to a career in surgery

    7:55 - Dr. Imber’s grueling experiences as a general surgery resident

    11:52 - Dr. Imber’s transition into plastic surgery and the aesthetic sensibilities necessary for this speciality

    22:46 - What Dr. Imber’s current plastic surgery practice looks like

    24:28 - How Dr. Imber finds fulfillment and meaning in his work

    25:21 - What motivated Dr. Imber to write Cardiac Cowboys, a book about the history of open heart surgery

    30:47 - Balancing risks to patient lives with medical and surgical experimentation

    34:25 - A brief history of open heart surgery

    40:02 - Key milestones in the development of open heart surgery

    45:24 - What Dr. Imber hopes readers take away from Cardiac Cowboys

    Dr. Gerald Imber is the author of Cardiac Cowboys: The Heroic Invention of Heart Surgery (2024) and Genius on the Edge: The Bizarre Double Life of Dr. William Stewart Halsted (2010).

    Dr. Imber can be found on Instagram at @geraldimbermd.

    Visit our website www.TheDoctorsArt.com where you can find transcripts of all episodes.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review our show, available for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. If you know of a doctor, patient, or anyone working in health care who would love to explore meaning in medicine with us on the show, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments or send an email to [email protected].

    Copyright The Doctor’s Art Podcast 2024

  • Rotavirus, a highly contagious virus that causes severe diarrhea and vomiting, used to kill more than half a million children annually. But the introduction of the rotavirus vaccine has slashed that number dramatically, saving hundreds of thousands of lives each year.

    Joining us in this episode is Paul Offit, MD, a co-inventor of one of the two most widely used rotavirus vaccines worldwide. Dr. Offit is a professor of pediatrics and vaccinology at the University of Pennsylvania and director of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. A leading world expert on vaccines, he served on the FDA Vaccine Advisory Committee during the COVID-19 pandemic. He is the author of more than 15 books, most recently Tell Me When It's Over: An Insider's Guide to Deciphering Covid Myths and Navigating our Post-Pandemic World (2024).

    Over the course of our conversation, Dr. Offit shares what drew him to pediatrics, how he developed a vaccine that now saves hundreds of kids every day, the stringent process by which new medications are approved, the origins of vaccine hesitancy. Why public health communication failed during the COVID-19 pandemic, what we can do to restore public trust in medicine, and more.

    In this episode, you’ll hear about:

    2:24 - The harrowing experience Dr. Offit endured as a young child that inspired him to a seek a career in pediatrics

    6:40 - How Dr. Offit’s research led to a successful rotavirus vaccine in 2006

    10:46 - A brief history of vaccines

    16:40 - Why Dr. Offit chose to become a public advocate for vaccines

    20:14 - Why vaccines have garnered such intense backlash from large proportions of the public

    26:44 - Factors that have led to an erosion of trust in public health over the past four years

    33:01 - What Dr. Offit means when he talks about “following the science”

    40:35 - How public health officials can speak about scientific knowledge in a way that acknowledges uncertainty

    47:37 - The future of vaccines mandates in our society

    54:16 - Dr. Offit’s advice for building trust with skeptical parents

    Dr. Paul Offit is the author of 13 books, including Tell Me When It's Over: An Insider's Guide to Deciphering Covid Myths and Navigating our Post-Pandemic World (2024).

    Dr. Offit can be found on Twitter/X at @DrPaulOffit.

    Visit our website www.TheDoctorsArt.com where you can find transcripts of all episodes.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review our show, available for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. If you know of a doctor, patient, or anyone working in health care who would love to explore meaning in medicine with us on the show, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments or send an email to [email protected].

    Copyright The Doctor’s Art Podcast 2024

  • Soon after finishing his first semester of college, Jim Yong Kim, MD, PhD excitedly told his father that he'd dedicate his life to starting a social justice movement. In response, his father sternly reprimanded him, saying that the only career he'd support was one in medicine. Dr. Kim acquiesced, but over the subsequent decades would hold on to this passion for social justice and become one of the most influential individuals working in global health, poverty reduction, and sustainable development.

    He co-founded Partners in Health, today a renowned medical humanitarian organization that operates in the poorest areas of developing countries. From there, he served as advisor to the Director-General of the World Health Organization and as Director of its HIV/Aids Department. He would then serve as the 17th President of Dartmouth College, before being selected as President of the World Bank, a position he would hold for seven years.

    In this episode, Dr. Kim joins us to discuss his unique training combining medicine with anthropology, the cultural factors that shaped his understanding of international development, how he spearheaded radical efforts to treat millions of HIV and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis patients around the world, the inner mechanisms of the World Bank, the moral philosophy that drives his work, and more.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    2:32 - Dr Kim’s motivation for pursuing both medicine and anthropology

    8:04 - How Dr. Kim paired his clinical training with his passion for social justice

    16:46 - How Dr. Kim stayed true to his moral convictions as he faced challenges in managing global crises such as the HIV epidemic in Africa

    26:29 - The story of PEPFAR, one of the most ambitious initiatives to address the global HIV/AIDS pandemic pandemic

    30:45 - How committing to moral justice can help people think outside of the box to meet the economic needs of a situation

    33:36 - The history and goals of the World Bank

    38:11 - How Dr. Kim prepared for his role at the World Bank, an organization that operates in many sectors in addition to global health

    43:28 - How Dr. Kim maintains a sense of purpose and fulfillment throughout his career

    Dr. Jim Yong Kim can be found on Twitter/X at @jim_yong12.

    Visit our website www.TheDoctorsArt.com where you can find transcripts of all episodes.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review our show, available for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. If you know of a doctor, patient, or anyone working in health care who would love to explore meaning in medicine with us on the show, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments or send an email to [email protected].

    Copyright The Doctor’s Art Podcast 2024

  • It's a cliche to say health care is broken. However, the extent to which it is unnecessarily convoluted, inefficient, and fragmented frustrates even the most experienced clinicians each time they are forced to deal with its consequences. Medical records disappear when a patient switches doctors. Critical details of life-saving treatment plans are buried deep within thousands of pages worth of electronic charts.

    In this episode, Stanford oncologist and journalist Ilana Yurkiewicz, MD explores all the ways that modern medicine is riddled with gaps and the incredible strain this puts on providers, patients, and caregivers alike. She is the author of the 2023 book Fragmented: A Doctor's Quest to Piece Together American Health Care. In the first half of our conversation, Dr. Yurkiewicz shares how she connects with patients and helps them through the worst moments of their lives—often taking place after a cancer has been treated. In the second half, we discuss why electronic medical records are failing doctors and patients, how clinicians can strive to retain a sense of autonomy, and how she manages the uncertainty that this broken system frequently imposes upon her.

    In this episode, you’ll hear about:

    2:53 - Dr. Yurkiewicz’s day job as a primary care physician specializing in cancer patients and survivors

    5:49 - The benefits that cancer patients and survivors receive in seeing a primary care provider with additional training in oncology

    10:34 - What initially drew Dr. Yurkiewicz to oncology

    15:00 - Why helping people through times of suffering is meaningful to Dr. Yurkiewicz

    18:30 - How Dr. Yurkiewicz became adept at dealing with the diverse emotional psychosocial of cancer survivors

    22:45 - What “fragmentation of the healthcare system” means to Dr. Yurkiewicz

    24:24 - How patients expect the medical system to work versus how it actually works

    34:30 - The challenges physicians face in piecing together a patient’s story through medical charts

    39:12 - The consequences of fragmented medical records

    46:26 - How electronic medical records can be improved

    50:44 - How Dr. Yurkiewicz retains a sense of autonomy amid a fragmented system

    58:11 - Dr. Yurkiewicz’s approach to having difficult and high-stakes conversations with patients

    Dr. Ilana Yurkiewicz is the author of Fragmented: A Doctor's Quest to Piece Together American Health Care (2023).

    Dr. Yurkiewicz can be found on Instagram at @iyurkiewiczmd.

    In this episode, we discuss Danielle Ofri’s 2019 New York Times Op Ed The Business of Healthcare is Built on Exploiting Healthcare Workers.

    Visit our website www.TheDoctorsArt.com where you can find transcripts of all episodes.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review our show, available for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. If you know of a doctor, patient, or anyone working in health care who would love to explore meaning in medicine with us on the show, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments or send an email to [email protected].

    Copyright The Doctor’s Art Podcast 2024

  • We didn’t choose to live this life. In its most difficult moments, it's all too natural to ask the question, “What makes life worth living?”

    This question, so central to philosophy since ancient times, is what we explore in this episode with Nick Riggle, a professor of philosophy at University of California, San Diego. Riggle is the author of several books, most recently 2022’s This Beauty: A Philosophy of Being Alive.

    Over the course of our conversation, we discuss aesthetics, which is the branch of philosophy concerned with beauty and art; the various ways that we, successfully or otherwise, have attempted to find meaning in life; why finding beauty and building an aesthetic community is so crucial to human well-being; and much more.

    In this episode, you’ll hear about:

    2:29 - Nick’s path from being a pro-skater to becoming a philosophy professor and author

    8:41 - How Nick approaches surveying philosophical thought through history

    10:22 - The importance that aesthetics and beauty play in Nick’s studies

    19:13 - What motivated Nick to write his book This Beauty

    21:04 - How Nick conceptualized answering the central question of his book

    23:51 - The takeaways that Nick personally found for what makes life worth living

    29:15 - What it means to pay attention to the beautiful things in life

    32:18 - Are some kinds of beauty and art “better” than others?

    34:47 - The value of creating an aesthetic community

    39:12 - Living an aesthetic life when your physical or mental state is limited

    Nick Riggle is the author of multiple books and publications, including This Beauty: A Philosophy of Being Alive (2022), Aesthetic Life and Why it Matters (2022), and On Being Awesome: A Unified Theory on How Not to Suck (2017).

    Nick Riggle can be found on Instagram at @nickriggle.

    Visit our website www.TheDoctorsArt.com where you can find transcripts of all episodes.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review our show, available for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. If you know of a doctor, patient, or anyone working in health care who would love to explore meaning in medicine with us on the show, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments or send an email to [email protected].

    Copyright The Doctor’s Art Podcast 2024

  • Anyone who has interacted with ChatGPT is likely to agree that it is one of the most powerful and transformative artificial intelligence tools out there. Writes our guest on this episode, Microsoft's Chief Scientific Officer Eric Horvitz, MD, PhD, “ChatGPT left me awestruck. It is a polymath with a remarkable capacity to integrate traditionally disparate concepts and methodologies to weave together ideas that transcend disciplinary boundaries.”

    Dr. Horvitz is one of the leading voices in artificial intelligence (AI), serving now on the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology and formerly as President of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. His research has been foundational to machine learning, AI integration of multisensory streams of information, computational models in imperfect information systems, and applications of AI amidst the complexities of the open world. As it happens, Dr. Horvitz is also a physician by training.

    Over the course of our conversation, Dr. Horvitz discusses how studying AI has enabled him to explore the mysteries of human intelligence and why there are some domains of the human experience that AI will never capture. As you will hear, he brings an eloquent optimism to articulating the ways that AI will contribute to human flourishing.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    3:00 - Dr. Horvitz early trajectory from medical school to a PhD in computer science

    7:42 - What Dr. Horvitz’s studies in AI have taught him about natural intelligence

    10:00 - A primer of generative AI

    21:16 - Dr. Horvitz’s view on the future potentials and dangers that AI will bring to society

    29:04 - How the profit motive might shape the utilization of AI in our society

    36:48 - The importance of approaching AI development from a human-centered lens

    47:29 - What human flourishing could look like in a society steeped in artificial intelligence

    Dr. Eric Horvitz is the author of numerous publications on artificial intelligence and its role in society.

    Dr. Horvitz can be found on Twitter/X at @erichorvitz.

    Visit our website www.TheDoctorsArt.com where you can find transcripts of all episodes.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review our show, available for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. If you know of a doctor, patient, or anyone working in health care who would love to explore meaning in medicine with us on the show, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments or send an email to [email protected].

    Copyright The Doctor’s Art Podcast 2024

  • If you were to rank all the medical specialties by the arduousness of the training required, the technical complexity and high stress of the interventions involved, and the harshness of the working hours, cardiothoracic surgery would be near or at the top of anyone's list.

    In this episode, cardiac surgeon and Chair of the Department of Surgery at Columbia University Medical Center Craig Smith, MD takes us into the heart and mind of a physician who regularly cracks open a person's chest to manipulate some of their most anatomically intricate parts in order to save their lives. He is the author of the 2023 memoir Nobility in Small Things: A Surgeon's Path, and famously performed the quadruple bypass surgery that saved former US president Bill Clinton's life in 2004.

    Over the course of our conversation, Dr. Smith discusses the joys of exploring the human body, what motivates him to get up at 4 a.m. every day with the same burning passion for his work, why his family is one of the most important elements of work life balance, how he deals with mistakes and adverse events in the operating room, and more.

    In this episode, you will hear about:

    2:23 - Dr. Smith’s initial path to medicine

    4:43 - What drew Dr. Smith to the field of cardiothoracic surgery and how he handles the high-stakes nature of the work.

    15:47 - What happens when a surgery goes not go according to plan

    18:54 - Dr. Smith’s approach to comforting and connecting with patients prior to surgery

    22:24 - Dr. Smith’s experience performing surgery while struggling through what he later learned was a very early case of COVID-19 in early 2020

    29:03 - How Dr. Smith views work-life balance

    34:17 - The role of spirituality and religion in Dr. Smith’s work

    35:51 - How Dr. Smith has retained his sense of purpose and calling throughout his career

    45:28 – A patient story that encapsulates why performing surgery is so meaningful for Dr. Smith

    Dr. Craig Smith is the author of Nobility in Small Things: A Surgeon’s Path (2023).

    Visit our website www.TheDoctorsArt.com where you can find transcripts of all episodes.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review our show, available for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. If you know of a doctor, patient, or anyone working in health care who would love to explore meaning in medicine with us on the show, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments or send an email to [email protected].

    Copyright The Doctor’s Art Podcast 2024

  • When Kathy Giusti was told she had multiple myeloma one fateful day in 1996, she was 37 and in the midst of a successful rising career. She was the mother of a one-year-old baby with plans to have a second child. The disease had few treatments and she was given three years to live. Instead of sitting back, however, Kathy took action to create her own hope. That meant not only conducting research on treatments where there was none, but doing it with unprecedented speed and precision.

    She founded the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation and became its first CEO. In the two decades since, the foundation has spearheaded a clinical network that has conducted nearly 100 trials and launched more than 150 new drugs, drastically increasing the life expectancy of patients from 3 to 10 years. For her work, she has been included among Fortune Magazine's list of the World's 50 Greatest Leaders and TIME Magazine's 100 Most Influential People in the world. Kathy is also the author of the 2024 book Fatal to Fearless, which helps cancer patients understand and navigate their own care.

    Over the course of our conversation, Kathy describes her life before and after her diagnosis of multiple myeloma, how and why she took initiative to create new treatments for her own disease, what happened after she received a new diagnosis of breast cancer in 2022, and how all patients can better make the healthcare system work for them.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    3:00 - Kathy’s life before she was diagnosed with cancer

    4:56 - What is multiple myeloma?

    8:58 - Kathy’s reaction upon learning her diagnosis, both intellectually and emotionally

    18:36 - How Kathy navigated the experience of concurrently going through IVF and cancer treatment

    22:30 - The sources of support that Kathy leaned on throughout her cancer journey

    24:40 - How Kathy and her sister started the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation

    34:53 - How the treatment landscape for multiple myeloma has changed since Kathy was diagnosed in 1996

    41:00 - A glossary of medical terms that have been discussed in this episode

    44:33 - The current status of Kathy’s multiple myeloma

    50:39 - Kathy’s key advice for both cancer patients and health care professionals for navigating cancer treatment

    Kathy Guisti is the author of From Fatal of Fearless: 12 Steps to Beating Cancer in a Broken Medical System (2024).

    In this episode we discuss the book When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi, and the essay The Median is Not the Message by Jay Gould, PhD, and our past episode The Physician Who Cured Himself (with Dr. David Fajgenbaum).

    Visit our website www.TheDoctorsArt.com where you can find transcripts of all episodes.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review our show, available for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

    Copyright The Doctor’s Art Podcast 2024

  • In the 100th episode of The Doctor's Art, we reflect on the lessons and insights we have heard from guests over the past two years. We first share the story of how The Doctor’s Art podcast came to be, then we discuss some of the most meaningful and impactful episodes for us and how the show has changed the way we practice medicine and approach life. Finally, we share exciting new directions in which we hope to take the program.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    1:45 - How The Doctor’s Art podcast came to be

    9:20 - Reflections on the growth and evolution of the podcast

    16:05 - The deep meaning that Tyler found in recording Episode 19 (Art, Drama and a Terminal Illness, with Ellen Dunphy), which featured a terminally ill patient under his care shortly before her passing

    22:35 - How Episode 41 (Love and Mercy in the ICU, with Wes Ely) set Henry up for success as he began his career as a physician

    30:22 - The insights on suffering in Episode 52 (A Space for Mystery, with Elisha Waldman) that have influenced Tyler’s personal and professional lives

    33:25 - How Episode 65 (Everyday Wonder in Medicine and Beyond, with Dacher Keltner) helped Henry find awe in everyday moments while working in the hospital

    36:07 - The single sentence in Episode 73 (The Physician Who Cured Himself, with David Fajgenbaum) that has stayed with Henry and reminds him to cherish how our bodies work

    39:10 - The two episodes that challenged the way Tyler perceives the world (Episode 86: Reflections at the End of Sight, with Andrew Leland and Episode 91: Inside a Suicidal Mind, with Clancy Martin)

    41:24 - How Dacher Keltner’s explanation of awe points to the kinds of experiences and activities we can value and why some are more transformative than others

    44:01 - The unexpected effect that Episode 21 (Pain, Pleasure, and Finding the Balance, with Anna Lembke) had on Tyler’s perception of addiction within our modern lives

    51:37 - What’s next for The Doctor’s Art podcast

    We would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for listening to this show. We would also like to thank our guests for their generosity in sharing their time with us.

    Visit our website www.TheDoctorsArt.com where you can find transcripts of all episodes.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review our show, available for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. If you know of a doctor, patient, or anyone working in health care who would love to explore meaning in medicine with us on the show, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments or send an email to [email protected].

    Copyright The Doctor’s Art Podcast 2024

  • At the mention of human consciousness and the supposed interconnectivity of all things, your mind probably conjures up the countless books on meditation, alternative medicine, and mysticism that permeate self-help sections of bookstores. But complexity theory attempts to apply rigorous scientific analyses to universal questions of consciousness and being. At its heart, complexity theory seeks to understand how complex behaviors and patterns emerge from simple rules and interactions within a system. This theory, which draws from mathematics, computer science, and physics, challenges our traditional reductionist approaches to biology and reveals how life self-organizes from the substance of our universe, from interactions within the quantum foam to the formation of atoms and molecules, cells, human beings, social structures, ecosystems, and beyond.

    Here to tell us more about it is Neil Theise, MD, a pathologist and complexity theorist who in 2023 wrote the book Notes on Complexity: A Scientific Theory of Connection, Consciousness and Being. Dr. Theise is Co-Director of Gastrointestinal and Liver Pathology at NYU's Grossman School of Medicine and is a pioneer of adult stem cell plasticity and the anatomy of the human interstitium.

    In the first half of our conversation, Dr. Theise discusses his journey to pathology by way of Jewish studies and computer science during college, what it's like to decipher diseases through his biopsy samples, and the significance of being the doctor that other doctors turn to for guidance on treatments. In the second half of our conversation, Dr. Theise gives us a primer of complexity theory and how it seeks to explain the beauty and mysteries of life.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    4:01 - What a pathologist does and why Dr. Theise finds the work fulfilling

    8:15 - Dr. Theise’s path to becoming a pathologist

    15:22 - The unique role of pathologists in learning life-changing information about patients

    20:42 - What it’s like to be the doctor that other doctors turn to for diagnostic puzzles

    24:43 - A primer to complexity theory

    37:03 - The difference between chaos theory and complexity theory

    40:35 - How Dr. Theise came to study complexity theory and how it relates to our understanding of the body

    54:38 - Why Dr. Theise believes that people should bring metaphysics back into their lives

    Dr. Neil Theise can be found on Instagram at @neiltheise.

    Dr. Neil Theise is the author of Notes on Complexity: A Scientific Theory of Connection, Consciousness, and Being (2023).

    Visit our website www.TheDoctorsArt.com where you can find transcripts of all episodes.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review our show, available for free on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. If you know of a doctor, patient, or anyone working in health care who would love to explore meaning in medicine with us on the show, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments or send an email to [email protected].

    Copyright The Doctor’s Art Podcast 2024