Welcome to Uppsala for Episode 3 of The Drunken Storyteller Plays. We are playing Vaesen - A Twisted Path, a home brew story from our awesome GM David Wartmann from Vaesine, Caesen Con and Illusion Con fame.
In this episode Father Blackwood makes friends and there are cows....
Tom Murr of OPP streaming and other places plays Ingmar - socials: Bluesky = @tommurr.bsky.social
Tracy Nicholls of The Folkloring Podcast and Folklore Podcast plays Charlotte - socials: Bluesky = @folkloringpodcast.bsky.social
and me of here playing Father Balckwood.
Find me at:
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/thedrunkenstoryteller
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@thedrunkenstoryteller1618/videos
Facebook: www.facebook.com/thedrunkenstoryteller
Threads: @the_drunken_storyteller
BlueSky: @drunkstoryteller.bsky.social
Email: [email protected]
Send me suggestions on topics and stories to cover and talk about.
All opinions voiced in this story are those of the original author and are a reflection of the times and do not represent those of the storyteller.
Welcome to Uppsala for Episode 2 of The Drunken Storyteller Plays. We are playing Vaesen - A Twisted Path, a home brew story from our awesome GM David Wartmann from Vaesine, Caesen Con and Illusion Con fame.
In this episode there are some Swedish treats, coffee, tea, a dog and something Simon makes friends
Mark Norman of the Folklore Podcast plays Simon - socials: Facebook = The Folklore Podcast
Tom Murr of OPP streaming and other places plays Ingmar - socials: Bluesky = @tommurr.bsky.social
Tracy Nicholls of The Folkloring Podcast and Folklore Podcast plays Charlotte - socials: Bluesky = @folkloringpodcast.bsky.social
and me of here playing Father Balckwood.
Find me at:
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/thedrunkenstoryteller
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@thedrunkenstoryteller1618/videos
Facebook: www.facebook.com/thedrunkenstoryteller
Threads: @the_drunken_storyteller
BlueSky: @drunkstoryteller.bsky.social
Email: [email protected]
Send me suggestions on topics and stories to cover and talk about.
All opinions voiced in this story are those of the original author and are a reflection of the times and do not represent those of the storyteller.
Episodes manquant?
Hello eveyone and welcome to a new side series that will probably be most of this years episodes. The Drunken Storyteller Plays. Where I play ttrpgs cus I miss it.
This first actual play is of my fave game Vaesen. We are playing a home brew campaign run by the amazing David Wartmann of Vaesine. This is the first episode of quite a long game, but has been a lot of fun to play and record
Mark Norman of the Folklore Podcast plays Simon - socials: Facebook = The Folklore Podcast
Tom Murr of OPP streaming and other places plays Ingmar - socials: Bluesky = @tommurr.bsky.social
Tracy Nicholls of The Folkloring Podcast and Folklore Podcast plays Charlotte - socials: Bluesky = @folkloringpodcast.bsky.social
and me of here playing Father Balckwood.
Find me at:
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/thedrunkenstoryteller
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@thedrunkenstoryteller1618/videos
Facebook: www.facebook.com/thedrunkenstoryteller
Threads: @the_drunken_storyteller
BlueSky: @drunkstoryteller.bsky.social
Email: [email protected]
Send me suggestions on topics and stories to cover and talk about.
All opinions voiced in this story are those of the original author and are a reflection of the times and do not represent those of the storyteller.
S6E5: The magick of the Mabi, Lludd and Llevelys
A short look at magic within the Mabinogion and then one of the shortest tales, the truely magical Lludd and Llevelys, where we see the naming of London, dragons, magicians and demons in trumpets. Sit back, grab yourself a drink and enjoy the tales.
You can find the translation of the story here:
Find me at:
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/thedrunkenstoryteller
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@thedrunkenstoryteller1618/videos
Facebook: www.facebook.com/thedrunkenstoryteller
Threads: @the_drunken_storyteller
BlueSky: @drunkstoryteller.bsky.social
Email: [email protected]
Send me suggestions on topics and stories to cover and talk about.
All opinions voiced in this story are those of the original author and are a reflection of the times and do not represent those of the storyteller.
Season 6 Episode 4: Did Mother Shipton Exist?
The Legend of Mother Shipton retold by me with a little question of her actual existence....she appears in this episode so she must be real right!?
Thanks to Tracy for playing the part of Mother Shipton. Go check out her podcast:
And her work over at the Folklore Podcast as well
Find me at:
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/thedrunkenstoryteller
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@thedrunkenstoryteller1618/videos
Facebook: www.facebook.com/thedrunkenstoryteller
Threads: @the_drunken_storyteller
BlueSky: @drunkstoryteller.bsky.social
Email: [email protected]
ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/thedrunkenstoryteller
Send me suggestions on topics and stories to cover and talk about.
All opinions voiced in this story are those of the original author and are a reflection of the times and do not represent those of the storyteller.
Season 6 Episode 3: Where did that k come from?
In this episode I look into where the word magic comes from, where the k comes from and various types, forms and terms associated with magic, such as Black magic versus white, left hand versus right hand path, folk and ceremonial magic. Fun for all the family.
Find me at:
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/thedrunkenstoryteller
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@thedrunkenstoryteller1618/videos
Facebook: www.facebook.com/thedrunkenstoryteller
Threads: @the_drunken_storyteller
BlueSky: @drunkstoryteller.bsky.social
Email: [email protected]
ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/thedrunkenstoryteller
Send me suggestions on topics and stories to cover and talk about.
All opinions voiced in this story are those of the original author and are a reflection of the times and do not represent those of the storyteller.
Season 6 Episode 2: Hekate, the Goddess of Magick
In this episode I delve into a little bit of the origins, lineage, mystery and history of one of the most well known goddesses of magick, the amazing Greek goddess Hekate. We look at her role as the goddess of the crossroads, necromancy and witchcraft. I also find some spells in the Greek Magical Papyri that relate to her and end on a telling of the Homeric poem to Demeter, in which Hekate informs Demeter of Persephones abduction.
Links here for sources used:
Hesiod. The Homeric Hymns and Homerica with an English Translation by Hugh G. Evelyn-White. Theogony. Cambridge, MA.,Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann Ltd. 1914. https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.01.0130%3Acard%3D404
Ovids’ Metamorphosis: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/21765/21765-h/21765-h.htm
Athanassia Zografou: https://journals.openedition.org/kernos/3876?lang=en
Theoi website: https://www.theoi.com/Khthonios/Hekate.html
Homeric poem to Demeter translated by Gregory Nagy: https://uh.edu/~cldue/texts/demeter.html?ref=mitosymas.com
Greek Magical Papyri: https://www.amazon.com/Greek-Magical-Papyri-Translation-Including/dp/0226044475
Vaesen Con videos: Occult Underbelly - https://www.youtube.com/live/H5Kj25FcDrs?si=hE4JuiQfLp4LO0ZC
Creepy Locations - https://www.youtube.com/live/r20yaRnSUZY?si=v_a_QCbubw_qy2Jm
Weaving Tales - https://www.youtube.com/live/d5ADSqfph2U?si=3mVyMah3_oNqpC4y
Find me at:
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/thedrunkenstoryteller
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@thedrunkenstoryteller1618/videos
Facebook: www.facebook.com/thedrunkenstoryteller
Threads: @the_drunken_storyteller
BlueSky: @drunkstoryteller.bsky.social
Email: [email protected]
ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/thedrunkenstoryteller
Send me suggestions on topics and stories to cover and talk about.
All opinions voiced in this story are those of the original author and are a reflection of the times and do not represent those of the storyteller.
Season 6 Episode 1: The Voodoo Queen
Welcome back everyone, I have had a summer break, been on holiday, caught covid and submitted 2 papers to the journal. I am now back with a new season of folklore and mystery and magick. The new season is going to be all things magical, from witchcraft to ceremonial magic, gods and goddess, rituals and spell, folklore and history.
In the first episode we take a look at New Orleans Voodoo Queen Marie Leveau, her life and some of the mysteries about her powers. So please, sit back, grab your self a drink, and enjoy the tales.
Find me at:
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/thedrunkenstoryteller
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@thedrunkenstoryteller1618/videos
Facebook: www.facebook.com/thedrunkenstoryteller
Threads: @the_drunken_storyteller
BlueSky: @drunkstoryteller.bsky.social
Email: [email protected]
ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/thedrunkenstoryteller
Send me suggestions on topics and stories to cover and talk about.
All opinions voiced in this story are those of the original author and are a reflection of the times and do not represent those of the storyteller.
Season 5 Episode 6: The Great God Pan - Part 2
By Athur Machen
2 parter this time because it is a longer tale. Grab yourself a drink, sit back and enjoy the tale.
Read from: https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/389/pg389-images.html
Find me at:
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/thedrunkenstoryteller
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@thedrunkenstoryteller1618/videos
Facebook: www.facebook.com/thedrunkenstoryteller
Threads: @the_drunken_storyteller
BlueSky: @drunkstoryteller.bsky.social
Email: [email protected]
ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/thedrunkenstoryteller
Send me suggestions on topics and stories to cover and talk about.
All opinions voiced in this story are those of the original author and are a reflection of the times and do not represent those of the storyteller.
Season 5 Episode 5: The Great God Pan - Part 1
By Athur Machen
2 parter this time because it is a longer tale. Grab yourself a drink, sit back and enjoy the tale.
Read from: https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/389/pg389-images.html
Find me at:
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/thedrunkenstoryteller
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@thedrunkenstoryteller1618/videos
Facebook: www.facebook.com/thedrunkenstoryteller
Threads: @the_drunken_storyteller
BlueSky: @drunkstoryteller.bsky.social
Email: [email protected]
ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/thedrunkenstoryteller
Send me suggestions on topics and stories to cover and talk about.
All opinions voiced in this story are those of the original author and are a reflection of the times and do not represent those of the storyteller.
Season 5 Episode 4: The Terror of Blue John Gap
By Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
I'm really sorry about the sound quality on this one, computer updates seem to have messed up my sound card and been trying to fit it but to no avail....
Read from: https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/537/pg537-images.html#terror
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ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/thedrunkenstoryteller
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All opinions voiced in this story are those of the original author and are a reflection of the times and do not represent those of the storyteller.
Season 5 Episode 3: The Red Room
A dark tale ideal for a stormy night lit only by candles.
By H. G. Wells 1896
Read from: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/23218/23218-h/23218-h.htm
Find me at:
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ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/thedrunkenstoryteller
Send me suggestions on topics and stories to cover and talk about.
All opinions voiced in this story are those of the original author and are a reflection of the times and do not represent those of the storyteller.
Season 5 Episode 2: The Canterville Ghost
An amusing chronicle of the tribulations of the Ghost of Canterville Chase when his ancestral halls became the home of the American Minister to the Court of St. James
By Oscar Wilde, 1906
Content warning, language representation of travellers. Emotional trauma, loss, violence
Read from: https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/14522/pg14522-images.html
Find me at:
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Email: [email protected]
ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/thedrunkenstoryteller
Send me suggestions on topics and stories to cover and talk about.
All opinions voiced in this story are those of the original author and are a reflection of the times and do not represent those of the storyteller.
Start of Season 5!
The season will be another season of me finding spooky and gothic horror tales due to time and brain powers not being great atm. I don't want to end the podcast but I also am struggling so stories are easy.
Starting in the episode we have a long one. The classic tale of loneliness, desolation, loss and wilderness, The Wendigo by Alganon Blackwood.
Content warning, language representation of native peoples. Emotional trauma, loss, isolation.
Read from: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/10897/10897-h/10897-h.htm
Music and background sounds from Endemic Sounds:
The White Birch - Moorland Songs
A Cold Wind - Savvon
Find me at:
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/thedrunkenstoryteller
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@thedrunkenstoryteller1618/videos
Facebook: www.facebook.com/thedrunkenstoryteller
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Email: [email protected]
ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/thedrunkenstoryteller
Send me suggestions on topics and stories to cover and talk about.
All opinions voiced in this story are those of the original author and are a reflection of the times and do not represent those of the storyteller.
In this very short episode I tell 6 quick tales about deceiving the devil with ropes and wind.
Enjoy the tales
You can find the tales at:
Find me at:
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/thedrunkenstoryteller
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@thedrunkenstoryteller1618/videos
Facebook: www.facebook.com/thedrunkenstoryteller
Threads: @the_drunken_storyteller
BlueSky: @drunkstoryteller.bsky.social
Email: [email protected]
ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/thedrunkenstoryteller
Send me suggestions on topics and stories to cover and talk about.
All opinions voiced in this story are those of the original author and are a reflection of the times and do not represent those of the storyteller.
S4E15: Peredur son of Efrawg
The second great Welsh romance from the Mabi and I think the second longest tales. Similar in themes and story to the great Arthurian tale of Perceval and the Holy grail by Chretien de Troyes. Grab yourself a drink and enjoy the tale.
My Vaesen mystery can be found here for only $2!
You can find the translation of the story here:
My ko-fi is: https://ko-fi.com/thedrunkenstoryteller
You can find me over on Twitter @thedrunkenstor1
Email: [email protected]
Send me suggestions on topics and stories to cover and talk about.
All opinions voiced in this story are those of the original author and are a reflection of the times and do not represent those of the storyteller.
Are we are back with some Japanese tales. Staying with the demon side of things we hear the tale of Mimi-nashi Hoichi who has an encounter with an august assembly and then discuss the demons that appear in the story.
I also talk about some other demons, or spirits - yokai, known as the Hi no Tama. You will hear me cock up some Japanese translations in this and I didn't edit them out cus it's fun that way.
Enjoy the tales
Find me at:
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/thedrunkenstoryteller
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@thedrunkenstoryteller1618/videos
Facebook: www.facebook.com/thedrunkenstoryteller
Threads: @the_drunken_storyteller
BlueSky: @drunkstoryteller.bsky.social
Email: [email protected]
ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/thedrunkenstoryteller
Send me suggestions on topics and stories to cover and talk about.
All opinions voiced in this story are those of the original author and are a reflection of the times and do not represent those of the storyteller.
So who is this Lucifer anyway and why are they not in the Bible? I delve into the mythological origins of Lucifer and how they snuck into and out of the bible from their origins as a Greek and maybe Roman god.
Forgive my mispronunciation of Alcyone and Halcyone in this not sure what came over me. I got Halycone correct once and then messed it all up….whoops, it should be “Al-see-yon” and “Hal-see-yon” as far as I am aware.
Religion For Breakfast History of Satan
Mythology and Fiction Explained - Lucifer
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Facebook: www.facebook.com/thedrunkenstoryteller
Threads: @the_drunken_storyteller
BlueSky: @drunkstoryteller.bsky.social
Email: [email protected]
ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/thedrunkenstoryteller
Send me suggestions on topics and stories to cover and talk about.
All opinions voiced in this story are those of the original author and are a reflection of the times and do not represent those of the storyteller.
Keeping in tradition with the Victorians and this time of year....have some devilish and spooky tales!
Lucifur by Anotole France - https://www.gutenberg.org/files/31754...
The Eyes by Edith Wharton - https://www.gutenberg.org/files/4514/...
Find me at:
Threads: @the_drunken_storyteller
BlueSky: @drunkstoryteller.bsky.social
Email: [email protected]
ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/thedrunkenstoryteller
Send me suggestions on topics and stories to cover and talk about.
All opinions voiced in this story are those of the original author and are a reflection of the times and do not represent those of the storyteller.
The Final Act.
Faust Act 5
Read from: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/63203/63203-h/63203-h.htm
Music and background sounds from Endemic Sounds:
The White Birch - Moorland Songs
A Cold Wind - Savvon
Find me at:
Threads: @the_drunken_storyteller
Twitter: @thedrunkenstor1
Email: [email protected]
ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/thedrunkenstoryteller
Send me suggestions on topics and stories to cover and talk about.
All opinions voiced in this story are those of the original author and are a reflection of the times and do not represent those of the storyteller.
- Montre plus