
  • One of the biggest stressors I hear women name who are struggling with emotional eating is parenting. If you’re a mother who desires to manage your own mental wellbeing so you can best parent your children, without passing on trauma or unconscious patterns to them, then this episode is for you. This conversation with somatic attachment therapist Shaina Rae dives into her process of supporting mothers through their own internal healing so you can thrive in parenthood. We discuss

    What somatic attachment therapy is and how it differs from traditional talk therapy.The five alignments to practice when supporting your child with co-regulating their emotions effectively. An overview of the parenting patterns that, once you understand, can transform how you approach parenting your child (and re-parenting your own inner child). The importance of resting in being rather than always doing.

    This episode is such an important conversation for all parents, especially if you’re constantly triggered by your child’s emotions. Through doing your own inner work, you can support yourself in having the emotional capacity and skills to support your child in processing their own big emotions.

    About Shaina Rae:

    Shaina Rae is a somatic attachment coach + therapist who believes in the healing power of embodiment. She has now dedicated her career to helping moms and aspiring moms break free from their mental health struggles and find balance within their mind, body, and soul so that they can release their triggers and thrive in the motherhood and parenting journey.

    She specializes in using a combination of techniques from adult attachment repair (AARM), internal family systems (parts work), hypnosis, breathwork, and sound healing to assist her clients in creating a new sense of peace and well-being in their nervous systems so that they can feel confident in their abilities to raise a secure attached child that can thrive in this unpredictable world.

    Connect with Shaina:

    Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/my.attachment.therapist/Podcast | Mama EmbodiedFree Quiz | What’s Your Personality Pattern?

    Connect with Sarah Emily:

    Website | www.sarahspeers.comInstagram | www.instagram.com/sarahemilyspeers/

    Interested in applying to work with Sarah?

    Check out my services here and join my waitlist to learn about upcoming opportunities to work with me.

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  • Improving emotional eating patterns requires learning how to distinguish between physical hunger cues and emotional hunger cues. Perhaps you struggle knowing if you're truly physically hungry, either because you’re disconnected from your body cues or you’re disconnected from your emotions. All you know is that you find yourself thinking about food and desiring to eat. In this episode, you’ll learn the top five clues to look for to help you begin to discern between physical and emotional hunger. As you become more aware of your internal experiences and body’s messages, you’ll be better equipped to tend to your emotional or physical needs in ways that are both satisfying and supportive.

    Connect with Sarah Emily:

    Website | www.sarahspeers.comInstagram | www.instagram.com/sarahemilyspeers/

    Check out my services and join the waitlist to work with me.

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  • In this conversation with Katie Papo, founder of the Rewired Eating Framework, you’ll learn about her four-step path to food freedom (reset, receive, respond and repeat). Katie talks about her story developing an eating disorder, her struggle with imposter syndrome, and how she found the determination to heal herself in an out-of-the-box way and support others to do the same. You’ll gain so many valuable nuggets of wisdom in this episode, including

    How the Rewired Eating Framework can help you on your path to food freedom.Why restriction leads to binging, and how to overcome your fear to stop dieting.How to make yourself “un-triggerable” around trigger foods.Key mindset shifts to make to end binge eating. Ways to begin listening to your body and understanding what it actually needs. What to do if you feel hopeless about ever getting better.

    This conversation will ignite a fire of hope within your soul and leave you with a renewed sense of determination that no matter how long you've been struggling with binge eating, you CAN improve these habits with the right information and support.

    About Katie Papo:

    Katie Papo is the Creator of the proven Rewired Eating framework and Host of the Binge Eating to Food Freedom Podcast, for genuine and lasting freedom from binge eating, food addiction and yo-yo dieting.

    Connect with Katie:

    Website | https://katiepapo.comListen to the Binge Eating to Food Freedom Podcast

    Connect with Sarah Emily:

    Website | www.sarahspeers.comInstagram | www.instagram.com/sarahemilyspeers/

    Interested in applying to work with Sarah?

    Check out my services here and join my waitlist to learn about upcoming opportunities to work with me.

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  • Awareness is the first step in changing your eating habits. It’s necessary to be able to distinguish between physical hunger and emotional hunger, and identify what it is your body and being truly needs to feel good. This requires getting out of your thinking mind and dropping into the body so you can listen to the wisdom of your body and learn how to interpret the information you discover through self-exploration. In this episode, I take you through a guided practice to support you in exercising your awareness muscle and becoming more in touch with the sensations, emotions and thoughts arising in the present moment. With this present-moment awareness, you will be better able to determine whether your body is truly hungry for food or actually craving something else such as an emotional release, sleep or stress relief.

    Connect with Sarah Emily:

    Website | www.sarahspeers.comInstagram | www.instagram.com/sarahemilyspeers/

    Check out my services and join the waitlist to work with me.

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  • One of the most common areas women struggle with that is directly connected to emotional eating is a lack of satisfying sexual intimacy and emotional connection with their partners. If you are craving more pleasure and connection with your partner but don’t know how to ask for what you desire, then you may turn to food as a default form of pleasure to fill the void. If you feel stuck and hopeless that your relationship can improve, then this is the episode for you. I talk with Shana James, author of the book Honest Sex and relationship coach to men, all about the male and female psyche in relationships, and how women can create the connection they desire with their partner, regardless of how closed off he may seem.

    In this episode we discuss:

    Common mistakes women make in trying to feel loved and connected to their partner, that may be pushing him away.Becoming aware of how much you criticize your man into changing (there are better ways).How to express your desires and overcome your fear of rejection.The importance of honesty and vulnerability in connection, as a path to deepening intimacy.Why do men shut down and pull away if they feel like they are failing as a partner?Dismantling the myth that your husband will be more attracted to you if you lose weight.What to do if you feel like you’re growing apart from your partner.

    This is such a mind and heart-opening episode for anyone committed to creating a more fulfilling love life with your man (and yourself). Enjoy!

    About Shana James:

    As a relationship coach for 20 years, Shana James has humbly discovered the causes of disconnection and distrust in relationships, as well as how to build trust and keep passion alive. Shana has a Master’s in psychology, as well as DISC and Positive Intelligence certifications. She has facilitated decades of Authentic Relating workshops based on her training in communication, mindfulness, psychology and sensuality, and specializes in helping clients date and create healthy relationships after divorce.

    Shana is the creator and host of the Man Alive podcast, with 250+ episodes and more than half a million downloads, and has a TEDx Talk, “What 1,000 Men's Tears Reveal About the Crisis Between Men and Women.” She recently released her book Honest Sex: A Passionate Path to Deepen Connection and Keep Relationships Alive. She also published: Power and Pleasure: A Man's Guide to Becoming a Confident and Satisfied Lover and Leader.

    Connect with Shana:

    Website | https://shanajamescoaching.com/Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/shanajames/Check out the book Honest SexShana’s TedTalk: What 1000 Men’s Tears Reveal About The Crisis Between Men & WomenListen to the Man Alive Podcast

    Connect with Sarah Emily:

    Website | www.sarahspeers.comInstagram | www.instagram.com/sarahemilyspeers/

    Interested in applying to work with Sarah?

    Check out my services here and join my waitlist to learn about upcoming opportunities to work with me.

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  • When your intention is to improve your nutrition and health, it can be tempting to turn to “clean eating” plans as the solution, but what most people don’t realize is that these restrictive diets can actually set you up for failure and lead to disordered eating patterns such as binging, food cravings and obsessing about food 24/7. Yikes! In this episode, I give some warnings about why a clean eating plan can be harmful and backfire, in the hopes that you can save yourself from the misery that can result.

    I talk about

    Why clean eating does not necessarily equal healthy living.The misconception women have about what healthy looks like.The importance of inclusion and quantity as principles for true healthy eating/living.How many “health experts” may themselves be struggling with disordered eating behind closed doors.What orthorexia is and how an obsession with eating clean can become a severe eating disorder.The comparison trap — how what works for one person doesn’t mean it’s right for you.How to begin to take your authority back from experts and listen to your body to help you determine what eating and foods are right and best for your own health (your body knows!).Why doing the inner emotional work is necessary to make the eating improvements you desire.

    Connect with Sarah Emily:

    Website | www.sarahspeers.comInstagram | www.instagram.com/sarahemilyspeers/

    Check out my services and join the waitlist to work with me.

    Love this show? Please leave a review! We deeply appreciate you sharing the love with others who may benefit from listening too.

    Music by MBB:

  • I help people do the inner work for eating issues, using modalities such as tapping, but you may be wondering what that actually means and looks like in practice. It can be helpful to hear directly from someone who has done the “work” with me to understand what happens in a session and the benefits that result. That’s why I invited my dear friend and fellow healer Tanin Matin onto the podcast to share about her recent healing session with me where we worked on breaking her emotional attachment to highly craved foods and uncovered the underlying emotions driving her to eat for a feeling of connection and safety.

    Tanin is a spiritual coach and leader of the Energetic Revolution who has a gift for speaking about trauma, energy and healing in a way that makes sense. Not only will you get a perspective into what a healing session with me looks like, but you’ll also learn from Tanin about how to witness your emotions without judgment, expand your consciousness, and cultivate a spiritual practice that can support you in feeling nourished on a soul level. This is one of my favorite episodes!

    In this episode we discuss:

    Tanin’s experience from our tapping and healing session together.Examples of how your brain creates emotional attachments to foods that you most crave.How a trauma or survival response can contribute to binging behaviors. The Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) that I use to help someone rewire their brain’s response to comfort foods. How to develop emotional awareness and the capacity to effectively feel and process your emotions. The value of developing a spiritual practice and connection to a greater power as part of your healing journey.

    About Tanin Matin:

    Tanin is a Spiritual Teacher, Trauma Healer, and Conscious Business Coach for influential leaders, artists, and healers. Tanin’s mission is to be a leading voice for Trauma-Informed Relating, Authentic Expression, and Spiritual Being. She educates on the science of spirituality, manifestation, and miracles and the psychology of energy and healing to support collective awakening and human optimization. Her work is rooted in trauma healing, somatic attachment repair, neuroscience, neuro-linguistic programming, integrative health, energetics, breathwork, and consciousness to bridge the “why behind the woo.”

    Tanin created The Energetic Revolution, which is a 6-month Trauma-Informed Spiritual Healing Certification for those that want to become Trauma-Informed Spiritual Energy Healers & Leaders.

    Connect with Tanin:

    Website — The Energetic Revolution | https://www.theenergeticrevolution.com/Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/iamtaninmatin/

    Connect with Sarah Emily:

    Website | www.sarahspeers.comInstagram | www.instagram.com/sarahemilyspeers/

    Interested in applying to work with Sarah?

    Check out my services here, join my waitlist, or book a complimentary discovery call with me

    Music by MBB:

  • It’s essential to improve your mindset when you desire to improve your eating habits, because every thought you think and word you speak influences how you feel and behave. If you find your mind is consumed by thoughts about food and body, inner criticism, and a victim mentality that you’ll never get better, then this episode will inspire you to choose a more positive mental attitude to support you in making the habit changes you desire. Your mindset matters!

    The 7 mindset shifts I cover are:

    How to make positive meaning of your eating struggles.Viewing your eating episodes not as a problem, but as a window into your healing.From thinking your body is the enemy to viewing her as a friend.Why you don’t have a willpower problem, but rather a coping problem.Going from prohibition to permissioning your desired foods.Stopping labeling foods as “good” or “bad.”Learning to make choices from a place of “I love myself, therefore

    I also provide you with some activities you can do on your own to help you make these mindset shifts. Enjoy!

    Interested in applying to work with Sarah?

    Check out my services here, join my waitlist, or book a complimentary discovery call with me.

    Connect with Sarah Emily:

    Website | www.sarahspeers.comInstagram | www.instagram.com/sarahemilyspeers/

    Love this show? Please leave a review! We deeply appreciate you sharing the love with others who may benefit from listening too.

    Music by MBB:

  • When it comes to eating disorder treatment, there are many options, and it can be overwhelming to know where to go for the right support. I want to make this easier for you by sharing treatment options I believe to be the best out there. That’s why I invited Heather Russo, the Chief Clinical Officer at Alsana, on to the podcast to showcase their holistic approach to residential treatment for eating disorders. We address the misconceptions about residential treatment programs and highlight the unique features of Alsana that are part of their Adaptive Care Model for recovery, that way you can make an informed decision about whether this program may help you.

    In this episode we discuss:

    The five components of the Adaptive Care Model — medical treatment, nutrition, therapeutic, movement and relational.What Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) is and why it’s an important part of the therapeutic approach.The types of eating disorders Alsana treats, and whether you may be a good candidate.Alsana’s commitment to diversity and inclusion.The movement and nutrition approaches that Alsana uses to encourage developing a healthier relationship with one’s body and all foods.Addressing common misconceptions people have about residential treatment.

    About Heather Russo:

    In her role as Chief Clinical Officer at Alsana, Heather is responsible for nurturing

    the growth and success of clinical treatment teams and maintaining the integrity

    and efficacy of the Adaptive Care Model¼’s Therapeutic Dimension. Heather holds

    both an MA in Clinical Psychology with an emphasis in Marriage and Family

    Therapy from Pepperdine University and an MS in Organizational Leadership from

    Grand Canyon University. She is also a Certified Eating Disorder Specialist


    Under Russo’s guidance, Alsana is strengthening its current therapeutic approach,

    which includes Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Motivational Interviewing,

    and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), with the addition of Compassion

    Focused Therapy (CFT) — a method proven effective in shame reduction and

    trauma treatment. “Our clinical team’s primary area of focus in 2022 is the

    application of compassion in all we do,” Heather explains. “Our clients come to us

    with a self-compassion deficit. Without self-compassion, there can be no


    Connect with Alsana:

    Website | https://www.alsana.com/Alsana Admissions | https://www.alsana.com/admissions/Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/alsana_recovery/

    Connect with Sarah Emily:

    Website | www.sarahspeers.comInstagram | www.instagram.com/sarahemilyspeers/

    Interested in applying to work with Sarah?
    Check out my services here, join my waitlist, or book a complimentary discovery call with me.

    Music by MBB:

  • Sound healing is becoming an increasingly popular healing modality, and for good reason. In this episode I speak with spiritual coach Lindsay Schroeder all about sound healing and how you can begin to practice using your own voice to liberate stagnant energy, balance your throat chakra, release anger, reclaim your power and intentionally align to your food. She even guides us through a simple yet effective 60 second “Om” practice. This is especially beneficial if you are afraid to use your voice or if you stuff your emotions down with food. Sound is a powerful healing modality because it bypasses the thinking mind and works directly with the vibrations of your energy, emotional, and physical body. Tune in to learn all about the magical world of sound healing and how it can be incorporated into your own healing journey.

    We chat about

    What makes sound healing a primordial modality and how it works.Why a blocked throat chakra can contribute to overeating.A powerful “Om” practice that Lindsay guides you through.How using your own voice can soothe your nervous system.The benefits of a safe rage practice to release anger.How to speak to your food in a way that enhances its energetic quality.

    About Lindsay Schroeder:

    Lindsay Schroeder is a Spiritual Wellness, Intuitive Business, and Mindset Coach with the company she founded Our & Are. She is a Priestess, sacred alchemist, ceremony leader, and holder of space. She supports soulpreneurs and spiritually curious beings in developing their intuition, reprograming their paradigm, accessing their alignment, and up-leveling their lives & businesses.

    Embodiment, the true becoming one with your sacredness, is one of Lindsay's many gifts. Clients who work with her express that they find their own fullness, their own radiance, and see that they are the true magic they have been searching for. Lindsay has the ability to illuminate within each of that which we are searching, desiring, and craving. You are the medicine, you are the magic, and Lindsay would love to support you in BECOMING one with that truth.

    Connect with Lindsay:

    Try Lindsay’s FREE 30 day membership Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/ourandare/Explore private coaching with Lindsay here

    Connect with Sarah Emily:

    Register for my FREE MasterclassWebsite | www.sarahspeers.comInstagram | www.instagram.com/sarahemilyspeers/

    Interested in applying to work with Sarah?

    Check out my services here, join my waitlist, or book a complimentary discovery call with me.

    Music by MBB:

  • Poor body image is something that almost every woman struggles with. Eating issues oftentimes result from your attempt to control food in order to control the weight and shape of your body. If you’ve ever thought, “I’ll love myself when I lose weight or look better,” then this episode is a must listen. I explain how body image is shaped and offer ways to break the toxic beauty brainwashing, start to see your body through a new lens, and cultivate greater body acceptance.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    The miracle that your body truly is. How hating your body is a learned condition (you weren’t born disgusted by your body).The cultural and familial factors that created your negative body image. Key childhood experiences, such as going through puberty, that may shape body image.If you’ve rejected your feminine essence, the importance of reclaiming your right to be a sensual female. Unhelpful patterns to change, such as comparing your body to others or a former version of yourself. That you’re not your body, but a spiritual being inhabiting a body to delight in the human 3D experience.

    Episode resources:

    The Body Gratitude Meditation | This 20 minute meditation will help you cultivate an attitude of body acceptance and gratitude.

    Connect with Sarah Emily:

    Website | www.sarahspeers.comInstagram | www.instagram.com/sarahemilyspeers/

    Interested in applying to work with Sarah?
    Check out my services here, join my waitlist, or book a complimentary discovery call with me.

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  • If you’ve ever struggled to listen to, trust or follow your intuition, then this episode is for you. I sit down with my friend Chris Douglas — astrology wiz, intuitive healer and entrepreneur guide — as we discuss our journeys learning how to understand our intuition and follow its guidance. We share some of our personal experiences, as well as mishaps, on the path to discerning what is the gentle whisper of intuition and what is the voice of our ego and conditioned thinking. If you want to get better at intuitive eating, then you’ll benefit from improving your ability to honor your intuition- and this conversation will offer some guidance on how to do just that. Chris will also break down how to best connect with your intuition according to each astrological sign.

    About Chris Douglas:

    Chris Douglas is an astrology wiz, intuitive healer and entrepreneurial guide who offers a variety of services to help you find yourself, create yourself and grow yourself, ranging from astrology readings to brand photography, videography and intuitive healing sessions. He is the creator of the inspirational YouTube channel byCHRIS, where he offers insights and advice on your personal growth journey.

    Connect with Chris:

    Website | https://www.bychris.io/Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/big_fish_kc/

    Connect with Sarah Emily:

    Website | www.sarahspeers.comInstagram | www.instagram.com/sarahemilyspeers/

    Interested in applying to work with Sarah?

    Check out my services here or book a complimentary discovery call with me.

    Music by MBB:

  • These five behavioral patterns may unknowingly be keeping you stuck in your emotional eating cycle. It’s important to identify if you are stuck in these patterns and shift them, otherwise you may remain stuck in the pattern of using food to self-soothe. And we’re all about changing that!

    The five patterns I cover are:

    The shame-blame game (and refusing to forgive yourself)Thinking over feeling (you can’t think your way out of a binge)Pushing through without pause (you’re not a machine that can run on unconscious autopilot) All work, no play (if food is your only source of “fun” then we’ve got a problem)Putting everyone before yourself (no wonder you don’t have energy left to make the changes you want)

    In this episode I share what these five patterns are, how they directly affect your eating habits, and what to begin doing moving forward to improve these behavioral patterns in order to support improving your eating patterns (win-win!)

    Interested in applying to work with Sarah?

    Check out my services here, join my waitlist, or book a complimentary discovery call with me.

    Connect with Sarah Emily:

    Website | www.sarahspeers.comInstagram | www.instagram.com/sarahemilyspeers/

    Love this show? Please leave a review! We deeply appreciate you sharing the love with others who may benefit from listening too.

    Music by MBB:

  • In this episode, the CEO of The Habyt, Zan Ruhl, and I talk all about macronutrients and how it can be a tool to support women in improving their relationship with food, eating and their body. Given the conflicting opinions about tracking macronutrients, I felt it was important to have an honest dialogue about its pros and cons so that you can make informed and empowered decisions as to whether or not it might be a practice that is supportive to you on your journey.

    We discuss

    What the term “macro” means and how it differs from dietingZan’s personal journey with binging and weight lossHow restriction fuels binging, and why eating more calories and carbs is keyHow you can learn to just eat some of your favorite foods (without willpower)Why mental health is the most important factor in determining if macro counting could be a useful tool for you

    About Zan Ruhl:

    Zan Ruhl is the CEO and Coach at The Habyt, a high touch, habit based, macronutrient focused nutrition program for women. After years of weight gain and feeling like she was living in a body that was not her own, she decided it was time to regain her health and confidence back, intentionally. As she dove into her studies of what healthy living meant to her, she discovered the beauty and flexibility of living a macro-based lifestyle.

    Through her personal journey, she knew it was her calling to help those with similar issues. While completing her masters, Zan worked at an eating disorder clinic, where she learned that the mental journey is oftentimes more important than the physical. The Habyt program is designed into four distinct sections that cover education, mindset makeover, habit building and sustainability.

    Connect with Zan and The Habyt:

    Website | https://thehabyt.com/Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/thehabyt/Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/zanruhl_fit/

    Connect with Sarah Emily:

    Website | www.sarahspeers.comInstagram | www.instagram.com/sarahemilyspeers/

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  • Please note this episode does contain some explicit language, so you may not want to listen with children around. This episode is a continuation from Episode 29, where I dive deeper into explaining the 5 categories of emotional wounds that are directly influencing eating issues.

    They are:

    The breaking pointRepressed anger and the inner rebelShame and the false selfBody boundary violations and safetyThe fear to shine too bright

    Tune in to learn more about each category and whether it may be at play for you in terms of why you emotionally eat or can’t seem to control your eating behaviors. I share personal experiences and illuminate how these patterns often unknowingly form throughout one’s life as survival or protection mechanisms.

    Interested in applying to work with Sarah?

    Check out my services here, or book a complimentary discovery call with me.

    Connect with Sarah Emily:

    Website | www.sarahspeers.comInstagram | www.instagram.com/sarahemilyspeers/

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    Music by MBB:

  • Emotional wounds are one of the key components of healing that I teach to women struggling with eating issues. These are the repressed emotional energies that accumulate in the body and contribute to internal discomfort that triggers urges to binge. Oftentimes, a binge episode occurs as a result of an emotional wound from the past getting triggered in the present, flooding you with intense emotional energy. This process can happen outside of conscious awareness, which is why you may be continuing to struggle with binging no matter how hard you try to stop — because until you feel and heal the emotional wounds underlying the binge behavior, the pattern will persist. In this episode I explain what an emotional wound is, how they are formed and what my unique process is to uncover and repair these wounds so they can be liberated from your body.

    Episode resources:

    The Empowered Eating Blueprint Quiz | Take this free quiz to identify which of the 5 Bodies of health may be underlying your struggle with food and eating.

    Connect with Sarah Emily:

    Website | www.sarahspeers.comInstagram | www.instagram.com/sarahemilyspeers/

    Love this show? Please leave a review! We deeply appreciate you sharing the love with others who may benefit from listening too.

    Music by MBB:

  • Most women with eating issues also simultaneously experience hormone issues. That’s because your hormone health directly affects your hunger, food cravings, weight and mood — and vice versa. This conversation with Christine Garvin, Functional Nutritionist and hormone expert, will educate you on the parallel causes and remedies of both hormone and eating issues so you don’t have to be at their mercy. No matter your age, it’s never too late to take empowered action to regulate your hormones and eating.

    In this episode we discuss

    The impact of stress and cortisol on the body, hormones and hunger.Why it is essential for your brain to feel safety in order to heal your hormones.How diet culture trends, such as restriction, avoiding fats and intermittent fasting, actually contribute to hormone imbalance.Christine’s personal hormone scare that became the catalyst for the work she does.The relationship between sugar intake and hormones. The importance of honoring your body’s boundaries in order to regulate hormones. How exercise such as high intensity training can backfire. The value of cycle tracking and syncing to learn your unique body’s rhythms.

    About Christine Garvin:

    Christine Garvin, MA, NE, RWP is a Functional Health Coach based in Asheville, NC. She weaves together her personal health journey- including fibroid surgery that nearly killed her- with her training in functional health, nutrition and hormones to help women heal their gut and achieve hormonal balance. She is the host of the podcast, Hormonally Speaking, works with clients all over the world via Zoom and offers group programs for gut healing and hormone health.

    Episode resources:

    5 Keys To Make Your Hormones Flow | This free video class will empower you to take care of your gut and hormone health

    Connect with Christine:

    Website | https://christinegarvin.com/Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/christinegarvin/

    Connect with Sarah Emily:

    Website | www.sarahspeers.comInstagram | www.instagram.com/sarahemilyspeers/

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    Music by MBB:

  • Self-love is ultimately the healing remedy for your eating and body issues. When you truly love yourself, as you are, you no longer tolerate harming yourself with the words you speak and the actions you take. Yet, you may find that this idea of “self-love” is just a concept that seems impossible, foreign or confusing to experience for yourself. That’s why I’m dedicating this entire episode to exploring a) the reasons it may be difficult to love yourself, and b) tangible activities you can do starting today to begin to cultivate genuine self-love. I share how you can connect with your inner child, use mirror work, speak affirmations, practice forgiveness and open yourself up to receive more love from others and yourself, because you deserve to give yourself the same love and care you give to others.

    Episode resources:

    The Body Gratitude Meditation | This 20 minute meditation will help you cultivate an attitude of body acceptance and gratitude.

    Connect with Sarah Emily:

    Website | www.sarahspeers.comInstagram | www.instagram.com/sarahemilyspeers/

    Love this show? Please leave a review! We deeply appreciate you sharing the love with others who may benefit from listening too.

    Music by MBB:

  • The book You Can Heal Your Life was my first introduction to the mind-body connection and how thoughts shape one's reality and contribute to disease. The author and grandmother of self-affirmations, Louise Hay, identifies the probable underlying mental and emotional causes that contribute to specific ailments. She claims, “Dis-ease can be healed, if we are willing to change the way we think and believe and act.” This applies to eating and body issues.

    In today’s episode, I share her insight into which beliefs and emotions that are at the root of 1. Excessive appetite (aka overeating) 2. Bulimia 3. Feminine issues (which often go hand in hand with eating issues). I then provide the new thinking patterns that she suggests to use as daily self-affirmations, which you can add to your healing practices.

    Episode resources:

    The Empowered Eating Blueprint Quiz | Take this free quiz to identify which of the 5 Bodies of health may be underlying your struggle with food and eating.

    Connect with Sarah Emily:

    Website | www.sarahspeers.comInstagram | www.instagram.com/sarahemilyspeers/

    Love this show? Please leave a review! We deeply appreciate you sharing the love with others who may benefit from listening too.

    Music by MBB:

  • In today’s episode I talk with my friend and Embodied Leadership Coach, Jenny Scholl, about somatics and spirituality and how these topics are essential components of healing your mind and body. If you have been trying to “fix” your body or eating because you think something is wrong with you, you believe your body is who you are, you are disconnected from your body’s intuitive wisdom or you aren’t living in harmony with your body — then this episode is a must listen! It will help you change your perspective about your body and how you can begin to discover yourself through embodiment practices.

    In this episode we discuss

    Jenny’s own journey healing her body’s skin condition via somatics and embodiment practices. What the buzzwords “somatics” and “embodiment” actually mean and how each fits into the complex healing puzzle. Practice perspective changes to shift how you view your body and relate to it. How slowing down, noticing the subtle sensations of the body and learning your unique body’s language can support you in truly knowing how to nourish yourself on all levels. The value of addressing spirituality as part of your relationship with yourself, your body and with others. Some simple embodiment practices you can try today to begin to rediscover your body from a place of self-awareness, rather than conditioned shame.

    About Jenny Scholl

    Jenny Scholl helps individuals and businesses harness the power of their energy, fuel their passions with their purpose and feel into each step of the journey through felt experiences including somatic sessions, embodied leadership coaching and transformational retreations.

    Trained in Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy, Jenny is also a postgraduate student of Luminous Awareness Institute, which weaves together ancient wisdom roots with developmental psychology, attachment repair, somatics, nervous system repair and energetic awareness & awakening. She believes that we are it all and we get to have it all.

    Connect with Jenny:

    Website | https://www.jennyscholl.com/Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/jennyscholl/

    Connect with Sarah Emily:

    Website | www.sarahspeers.comInstagram | www.instagram.com/sarahemilyspeers/

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    Music by MBB:
