Episode 189
Deb's Cancer Journey and Resilience
Deb Krier lives with “chronic” cancer. She has gone through multiple surgeries, suffered “catastrophic complications,” and lives a life in and out of hospitals.
Through all of this Deb has not skipped much of a beat and knows that “the alternative was not acceptable.
Gail and Deb speak about Deb's journey with cancer and theimportance of humor, resilience, and self-care. Deb emphasized the need to acknowledge and honor both good and bad days during such a journey. She alsoshared her nickname, the Energizer Bunny, symbolizing her determination to keep going.
Self-Advocacy and Trusting One's Instincts
Gail and Deb discussed the importance of self-advocacy,particularly in times of darkness or uncertainty. Deb shared her recent experience with a potential health issue, emphasizing the importance of seeking additional help and not being afraid to ask for it
Cancer, Spirituality, and Healing Journeys
Deb, who has stage 4 metastatic breast cancer, emphasizedthe importance of not feeling alone in the journey and the support of loved ones and spiritual beings. Both women shared their experiences of receiving messages or guidance from unexpected sources, which they followed to navigatetheir health challenges.
Personal Growth Through Challenging Experiences
Deb shared her personal experience of undergoing numerous surgeries and treatments, which she believes has made her a better person. She also mentioned her interactions with nurses and other patients, emphasizing theimportance of maintaining a positive outlook and humor during challenging times.
Deb shared her experiences with her primary care doctor and oncologist, highlighting the need to communicate openly about one's health. They also discussed Deb's marketing firm and her advocacy work for those on acancer journey.
Deb Krier is an entrepreneur, cancer advocate, and thevisionary behind tryingnottodie.LIVE.
With a background in communications, marketing, and publicrelations, she’s navigated diverse roles, from spearheading communication strategies for large corporations, small companies, and nonprofit organizations, to founding her own marketing agency over 20 years ago. Deb was Diagnosedwith Stage 4 triple positive breast cancer in 2015 and thyroid cancer in 2023.
Her challenges were the catalyst behind her creating she founded tryingnottodie.LIVE in 2022.
Find out more about Deb at:
Wise Women Communication : https://www.wisewomencommunications.com/index.html
Episode 188
The power of intuition and inner guidance
Jennifer Urezzio, the founder of Soul Language, shares the importance of following your intuition and inner guidance, even when it goes against conventional wisdom. Sheshares how she learned to trust and lean into her intuitive abilities, and how this has positively impacted her life and work.
Helping clients connect with their true purpose
Jennifer describes specific examples of how she works with clients to help them uncover their sacred purpose, move past limiting beliefs, and align their business and marketing with their deeper calling. Jennifer noted that sometimes peoplereally mix up purpose and their delivery systems. When she asks somebody their purpose, they include the external world. It's not about them; it's about you first. And people may say, “my purpose here is to be an author” and she responds, “not really.”.
She emphasizes the importance of grounding spiritual insights in practical, tangible actions. Jennifer shares discussing the value of community and connection in the spiritual/personal growth journey.
Jennifer Urezzio the Founder behind Soul Language uses a one-of-a-kind approach that melds deep spiritual insight with practical business acumen. She empowers individualsand organizations to facilitate direct connections with their soul's essence, transforming personal growth and business strategies. Her no-nonsense, transformative methods, and decades of business acumen combined are reshapingnot just individual lives but the landscape of the healing arts. Jennifer's mission is to support spiritual renegades, master healers, and entrepreneurs to know, accept, and live all that the Divine has to offer while helping her clients create businesses that matter.
If you are looking to align your business with your purpose and want to understand what that means, reach out to Jennifer at her website, https://www.soullanguage.us/.There's a 30-minute discovery session link available.
Episodes manquant?
Episode 187
Exploring Personal and Collective Acceleration
Jenn Martinez, a co-owner of Happy Lion Center, shared herjourney of connecting with the universe and realizing that she is God. She shared her experiences of feeling the integration of unconditional love and the transformation of her self-perception from feeling unworthy to being enough.
Personal Transformation and Self-Care
Jenn discussed how the transformation process can beoverwhelming and chaotic but ultimately leads to growth. She discussed the importance of self-care and mindfulness during this process and how transformation is a natural part of life, and that it's essential to embrace it rather than resist it.
Jenn's Spiritual Journey and Growth
Jenn shared her journey of self-discovery and spiritualgrowth, which began when she was introduced to the concept of past lives. Initially skeptical, she eventually became fascinated with hypnosis and its ability to calm the ego and connect with the divine. Jenn's life experiences,including poverty and abuse, taught her that these challenges were illusions and not necessary for her growth. As she let go of self-judgment and negativity, she discovered her gifts, including becoming a Reiki master and a channelfor Akashic records. Jenn emphasized her optimistic outlook and her belief in her ability to overcome any obstacle.
Jenn shared her personal experience of connecting with thesource energy, which led to her ability to see beyond the illusion of the physical world. She emphasized the importance of not being held down by emotions like ridicule and judgment.
Jen is a Transformational Healing Leader offering Reiki, Hypnosis, and Channeling the Akashic Records and co-founder of Happy Lions Center and encourages listeners to reach out to her for support.
Connect with Jen at:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1190004182
Website; www.happylyoncenter.com
Course sites: www.debbiesolaris.com. www.iarpreiki.org, www.dolorescannon.com
Episode 186
Pets as Communicators and Companions
Maribeth Decker, founder of Sacred Grove had a conversation about her experiences with her pets. As an animal communicator, Maribeth, an animal communicator, shared her experiences with her dog Timmy and how he showed her he was okay after passing. She also discussed how pets can communicate their feelings and needs through their behavior and energy.
Exploring Spiritual Connections and Pets
In the meeting, Gail and Maribeth discussed their spiritual experiences and connections with animals. Maribeth recounted her experience of feeling God's presence and love at a young age, which she struggled to explain.
Animal Communication and Healing Experiences
Maribeth discussed her experiences with animal communication and healing. Maribeth shared how sheunexpectedly developed the ability to communicate with animals after completing her second career in energy healing training. She started working with animals and their owners, focusing on understanding their feelings and behaviors.Maribeth spoke about her work with rescue animals, helping them release fear and distrust, which can lead to behavioral changes in their human relationships.
Pets' Understanding and Communication Abilities
Maribeth discussed the ability of pets to understand and respond to human communication. She shared personal anecdotes about her pets' behaviors and how they could be influenced by human interaction. Maribeth emphasized the importance of responding to pets' needs and understanding their perspective.
Interconnectedness and Stewardship of Nature
Maribeth and Gail had a deep conversation about the interconnectedness of all life forms and the natural world. They discuss the spiritual aspects of animals and howeverything, including inanimate objects, is composed of energy. They ponder how having a deeper relationship with nature and other species could make humans better stewards of the planet.
Unconditional Love and Spiritual Beliefs
Maribeth shared her story of losing her pets and how they seemed to introduce her to a new one, suggesting a deeper connection between them.
Expanding Compassion Through Personal Experiences
Maribeth shared how her experiences, including losing her two dogs and cat in five weeks, have broadened her compassion for loss. Maribeth emphasized the role of animals in fosteringcompassion and understanding, which can extend to other human beings.
Maribeth Decker’s goal is “Animal Communication for Pawsitive Changes.” Considered an expert in animal communication, medical intuition, and energy healing, she helps pets - and people - experience emotional, behavioral, and physical healing.
You can connect with her at:
One of Maribeth’s previous podcast interviews
Website https://sacredgrove.com/
Social links:
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/maribethdecker/
Spiritual Pet People https://www.facebook.com/groups/spiritualpetpeople
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/maribethdecker/
Book: Peace in Passing: Comfort for Loving Humans During Animal Transitions
The content provided in this podcast is not intended for medical advice. It is based on personal experience and is for information only. While the content may be informative and supportive, it should not be used for diagnosing or treatingany health issues, nor is it intended to replace the expertise and personalized care of a medical professional
Episode 185
Jeni Holla, founder of the High Vibe Soul Tribe (HVST), joins me in a discussion around releasing control and learning to allow and receive. Through the recent turmoil in her life, she has become even more compassionate for herself, and others. Jen finds herself being more relatable as an entrepreneur, spiritual mentor & guide, and human being. By letting go of control she has found more internal freedom& peace that is deeper than what she had experienced before. A new level, a new understanding.
Letting Go and Personal Growth
Jeni discusses the concept of "letting go" and its significance in personal development and spiritual growth, exploring the idea that sometimes, the act of letting go can be counterintuitive and requires a deeper understanding of one's own resistance. Jeni shared her own journey with entrepreneurship and the challenges of balancing personal growth with the demands of business.
Emphasizing Communication, Vulnerability, and Support
Jeni highlights the importance of communication, community, transparency, and vulnerability. She shared her experience of facing financial instability and the challenges it brought, drawing parallels with her experience of hurricanes and the mental health support she provided in the affected areas.
Personal Growth and Self-Care Reflections
Jeni and Gail discuss their personal experiences and perspectives on life, focusing on the concept of the law of polarity and the importance of self-reflection and self-care. They cover the idea of choosing chaos and the importance of recognizing when it's time to move forward.
Personal Journeys and Client Support
Jeni openly talks about her personal journey and experiences, sharing her recent emotional clearing and the alchemization process she's going through, which involves simplifying her life and letting go of certain beliefs.
Jeni discusses the evolution of her community which focuses on the pillars of nourish, connect, and expand. Jeni shared that her community now hosts 3 to 5 events a month, with the events falling into these categories.
Jeni Holla is an Akashic Records Guide and Spiritual Mentor who helps conscious leaders and spiritual entrepreneurs align with their truth and trust their intuition.
As the founder of the High Vibe Soul Tribe (HVST), she creates spaces for connection, growth, and authentic transformation, inspiring others to live a life aligned with their highest potential.
Connect & go deeper with Jeni:
https://jeniholla.com/IG: https://instagram.com/theakashicnomadYT: https://youtube.com/@theakashicnomadThe content provided in this podcast is not intended for medical advice. It is based on personal experience and is for information only. While the content may be informative and supportive, it should not be used for diagnosing or treatingany health issues, nor is it intended to replace the expertise and personalized care of a medical professional.
Episode 184
In this episode of the Empowering Process Podcast, SherryMorgan joins Gail Kraft to discuss the concept of "love is round". The conversation touches on the importance of joy and love,Sherry's Spiritual Journey and Love
Sherry shared her spiritual journey, which began in 1982and included a vision quest led by an Ojibwe elder. In 2015, she had a vision of the spiraling universe and the words "love is round," which she understood as the design of the universe and the an empowering context for ones spiritual journey.
Gratitude for New Worldview
Sherry and Gail discussed the practice of gratitude andits benefits. Sherry emphasized the importance of appreciating the gifts of nature, such as rain and clouds, and how this can lead to a new worldview and beingness.
Love and Higher Connection
Gail and Sherry discussed the concept of love, emphasizingits non-egoic and visceral nature. Sherry added that when love is present, joy is also present.
Mind, Body, and Soul
In the meeting, Sherry and Gail discussed the importanceof aligning the mind, body, and soul for emotional and physical well-being. They discussed the role of the heart in guiding emotions and the significance of joy and love as the meta-emotions.
Sherry's Book and Podcast
Sherry discussed her work and her book, "Prayers ofGratitude; An Ancient Context for Prayer and Healing". Sherry explained that her work is about building relationships with aspects of nature and communicating with the spirit alive there. She emphasized that this practice is not exclusive to any religion and is for everyone.
Sherry Morgan has taught people how to connect theirspirit to the spirit alive in nature since 2000 in 5 countries.
Sherry is creating a team to launch a powerful globalmovement. She believes this is important because we live in a sea of love with a purpose to fulfill, which is where we find meaning and joy. Her purpose is to change the lives of those living with fear, divisiveness, anxiety, and discord. Sherry states that we find healing, access to divine guidance, authenticity and joy when in our heart-connected space and heading in our pre-ordained direction with our lives.
The movement, Love Is Round, Aligning With Universal Design, is meant to steer people in this more empowering direction on behalf of greater harmony for themselves and all our relations.
Connect with Sherry at:
FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/sherryjmorgan
Book, Prayers Of Gratitude: https://tinyurl.com/574b82xv
Sherry Morgan Podcast:https://www.youtube.com/@sherrymorgan.LoveIsRound
The content provided in this podcast is not intended formedical advice. It is based on personal experience and is for information only. While the content may be informative and supportive, it should not be used for diagnosing or treating any health issues, nor is it intended to replace the expertise and personalized care of a medical professional.
Episode 183
Exploring Gratitude, Spirituality, and Growth
Ann Jonas, aka The Love Messenger, founder of The Lotus Path, and Gail had a conversation about their experiences and perspectives on life, spirituality, and personal growth. They discussed gratitude and bewilderment, and how these emotions can be transformative in life. Ann reflected on her work as a birth doula and the importance of giving credit to the soul that decided to exist and become us. They also discussed the idea of the universe or higher self, guiding us and the importance of internalizing and alchemizing these experiences. The conversation ended with a discussion on the concept of God being present in our lives all the time.
Pauses in Communication and Dance
Gail and Ann discussed the importance of the pause in communication and dance, drawing parallels between the two. Gail shared her experience with Argentine tango and how the transition between steps creates the flow of the dance. Ann agreed, emphasizing the significance of the pause in speaking and drumming. They also discussed the concept of unique frequencies and how the body can act as an antenna to pull in that frequency. Ann shared here experience of losing her mother to a violent act, and how it led to a spiritual awakening. Both agreed on the importance of acknowledging and being aware of one's unique energy.
Living Through the Mud and Flow
Gail and Ann discussed the concept of living through the mud and the importance of recognizing and celebrating one's own greatness. They also touched on the idea of surrender and being in the flow, using the metaphor of water to represent different aspects of life. Gail shared her personal experiences as a water sign, highlighting her ability to adapt and support life. The conversation concluded with Gail emphasized the need to let go of what's holding her back and go with the flow.
Navigating Tragedy and Spiritual Growth
Ann and Gail discussed their personal experiences with tragedy and how they have shaped their lives.
Ann shared her experiences of losing her mother,and father, then partner, becoming a widow and single mother to their 2-year-old daughter.. They both emphasized the importance of accepting and witnessing their experiences, rather than comparing them to others. They also discussed the concept of focusing inward and being present in the moment, and the idea of releasing control and allowing for spiritual growth.
Embracing Purpose and Authenticity in Life
Ann and Gail discussed the importance of recognizing andembracing one's purpose in life. They agreed that everyone has a unique purpose, and it's essential to live consciously and authentically. They also discussed the importance of not taking things personally and not making assumptions.
Ann Jonas, aka The Love Messenger, is the founder of TheLotus Path and is passionate about guiding and supporting those that desire to become more of who they truly are. She honors and recognizes that there is a transformational journey of remembering, it often involves lots of mud, and she is familiar with walking along The Lotus Path.
She approaches her work from a holistic, intuitive, spiritual perspective, with decades of experience as a bodyworker and birth doula, as well as a lifetime of being in service, and always curious. Today her most powerful gift is Living asa Being of Love and Light, offering Transformational and Perspective Guidance, as an Intuitive Healer, Bodyworker, Channel, Shamanic Guide, Speaker, Workshop Facilitator, and Author, as well as Producer, of Sacred Connection: Finding Our Path to Deeper connection with Self and the Divine.
Ann’s life journey has been that of the Lotus, with plenty of mud.Connect with Ann at:
Website: www.thelotuspath.loveLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/annthelovemessenger/
FaceBook: ttps://www.facebook.com/annthelovemessenger/
TikTok, Instagram, YouTube: @annthelovemessenger -
Episode 182
Franco Romero, a top 10 bestselling author, spiritual teacher, shamanic guide and speaker joins me for a casual conversation about our personal journeys. We cover thepower of words, the concept of health care, and the importance of individual consciousness in shaping one's life
Embodying Spiritual Concepts and Language
Gail and Franco discuss the difference between talking about spiritual concepts versus truly embodying and experiencing them. Gail expresses that she no longer wants to ask the divine for guidance but to have an ever-present relationship. Franco affirms that this is about making the process simple rather than overcomplicated.
The Power of Words and Reality
Franco and Gail discussed the power of words and their influence on reality. Franco emphasized the importance of being aware of one's consciousness and the words used to shape reality, likening it to alchemy. They also discussed the concept of karma and judgment and reflected on the misunderstanding of spiritual terms and their misuse, which Franco linked to the distorted reality in their world.
Personal Growth and Supporting Actors
Franco discussed the concept of "supporting actors" in life, who help us remember our true selves and navigate through life's challenges. He also highlighted the importance of focusing on oneself to serve others effectively. Gail further discussed her approach to dealing with negative energy, emphasizing the need to forgive oneself and others for co-creating situations.
Exploring Spiritual Reality and Consciousness
In the meeting, Gail and Franco discussed the concept of a spiritual reality and the importance of individual consciousness in shaping one's life. Franco emphasized the idea that as one's consciousness and frequencies increase, they become more open to experiencing the world in new ways, including supernatural phenomena. They also touched on the topic of extraterrestrial life and the fear it can evokein people.
More about Franco Romero:
In 2010, Franco had a massive awakening where he wasre-introduced to a collective consciousness known as “Caleb”. A Voice which has been guiding him since he was a little boy. Franco is passionate about helping others to reclaim their Truth as Divine Intelligence, the Creators ofthis illusion or game we call reality. This passion has become his life’s obsession because it is time for us to move the human race forward in ways unimaginable to the mind.
Franco is currently writing his second book titled, “TheModern Day Alchemist” which looks at our future from the perspective of God Consciousness. A science of the mind that is only now being revealed to humanity for the purpose of creating “Heaven on Earth” in the coming decade.
That’s right – THIS decade!
Franco is also a co-founder of MyNurish, a formulator ofpowerful, superfood and plant-based nutrition for the body, mind and soul.
Connect with Franco at:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@iamfrancoromero
Website: https://www.francoromero.com
Community: https://www.playground.francoromero.com
IG: https://www.instagram.com/theinnerdivineplayground/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/347078195040037/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@innerdivineplayground
The content provided in this podcast is not intended for medical advice. It is based on personal experienceand is for information only. While the content may be informative and supportive, it should not be used for diagnosing or treating any health issues, nor is it intended to replace the expertise and personalized care of a medicalprofessional.
This year's conversations will shift in focus. You can expect to hear more about transformation, awakening, and change.
Episode 180
“Thepurpose of life is to know yourself, create yourself, experience yourself asWho You Really Are. There is no other reason to do anything.” ~ Neale DonaldWalsch
The Next Level Living Experience focuses on getting to knowwho you are and what creation/manifestation is all about. Segments of thisinclude delving into prayers that are over 4,000 years old. Patterns On TheTressleboard.
Listen to a segment taken out of a meeting where we coveredone of those prayers. “Through Me It’s Unfailing Wisdom Takes Form in Thoughtand Word”
Episode 179
Noemi Beres shares her story o discovering her innatecapabilities in creating art. After moving with her family taking jobs, she was not meant to have, knowing she was meant for more.
Noemi found her purpose after diving into making multi-media collages. She uses this art form to help entrepreneurs with their branding and, most importantly,to help people who struggle with grief and anxiety. She shows them how art helped her heal and that they can also find solace in creativity. This journey has made her more compassionate and driven to help others navigate their challenges, demonstrating that resilience and creativity make healing and growth possible.
Noemi Beres, co-owner of Podcast Connections anda mixed-media artist.
Noemi, an artist specializing in hand-sewn mixed-mediacollages on canvas, paper, and digital platforms, merges Art Therapy and Positive Psychology in her work.Her pieces, crafted from vintage materials, evoke creativity and spiritual renewal through storytelling and humor. Residing in Cyprus for over a decade,her multicultural experiences infuse her art with richness. She passionately explores creativity's role in daily life andthe transformative power of repurposing materials, contributing to discussions on art and spirituality.
Connect with Noemi at:
Website: http://noemiberes.com/
Social links:
Episode 178
Join me today as I get to talk with my dear friend, Stephanie Vang (I call her Choua), about what happened when she finally, unexpectedly, found deep soul moving love. She met her love, and they committed their life together.
Every day was a re-affirming of their heart connection, andthey began building their dreams.
And then.
It ended.
In an unexpected out-of-the-ordinary shooting accident. Her love, Logan, left and never came back.
We talk about the connection with him in past lives, sincehis death, and how these experiences are leading Choua forward today.
If you believe in magic, and even if you don’t, this truestory will rivet you and maybe awaken something you’ve always known deep inside.
You can find out more about Stephanie at:
Hmong Nouveau – a fashion show and more - Hmong Nouveau
Initiate Concept, Consulting Agency - Initiate Concept
Purchase "Where the End Begins" on Amazon – WhereThe End Begins
Wind Garden Books - https://ww.windgardenbooks.com/
Episode 177
Sandra Adeyeye Bello shares her story of growing up in a culture where women have no voice and dealing with thetrauma of watching her mum suffer through 10 years of domestic violence. This experienced shaped her perception about life, womanhood, relationships, andeven general human interactions.
It took being suicidal for her to realize she had unintentionally attracted the life she detested by focusing on what she didn't want. Sandra began to be intentional with her thoughts and her actions and now embraces the power of her thoughts and how she can shape her lifeby her focus.
Sandra began changing her life by changing her relationship with finances. She has taken this to another level by helping other Nigerian women learn how to manage and invest their money in order to create choices in their lives.
Sandra Adeyeye Bello, Founder & Creative Director, The Different Woman Network, a social enterprisefocused on creating emotional and financial empowerment for women through multimedia and events.
You can find out more about Sandra and her mission at:
For partnerships, collaborations andsponsorship information, visit www.moneywoman.org
LinkedIn: Sandra - https://www.linkedin.com/in/thedifferentwoman/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/thedifferentwoman.official
Website - www.moneywoman.org
Episode 176
What might you be missing in your life because you have not been listening?
Medium, Jared Mullins and I talk about the impact in our lives due to not listening to divine guidance. Jared shares how he faced struggles in his life and wouldn’t trade it even if he could. Through his journey with recovery, he learned how to face his fears, and the importanceof keeping his ego right sized.
Jared believes we learn from our feelings. He shares apractice of identifying what is his feelings rather than confusing them with feelings of others. This allows him to focus on the messages he receives.
Jared now used his ability to help people on their path and has a deep sense that this is the meaning of life! Therefore, he is happy.
Jared, founder of Jared Medium, has been working as a professional medium for over a decade, bringing his straightforward, honest and simple approach tomediumship.
Find out more about Jared and how he serves at:
Jared The Medium Website: https://www.jaredthemedium.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jaredthemedium
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jared-mullins-a4442948/
Episode 175
Rachel Lee shares realizing the challenge of knowing who she is, on her own terms, was holding her backpersonally and professionally. During the past 5 years that she has been in business her search for a deeper understanding of herself led her down the path of discovering that "branding" is just an outward representation of one’s identity.
In order to serve her clients, she realized she had to understand who SHE is at the very core. Rachel no givesherself PERMISSION to fully lean into who she is in any situation — even if it might feel counter-intuitive.
Rachel no longer feels the need to pretend in order to feel loved and accepted! She feels FULLY expressed in any given situation and does not shrink or hold back in support of someone else. This has resulted in bigger and better opportunities with her business, more visibilityon social media, better friendships with authentic connections, and an overall deeper sense of love and acceptance of herself.
Now, her mission is to continue to peel back the layers for herself as she learns more about SELF every day, andto support her clients in doing the same through her brand identity work with them.
Rachel Lee, creator of Neo Genesis, is an artist, designer and brand stylist. She works with coaches & consultants on building a personal brand thatauthentically reflects who they are in the online space.
Learn more and connect with Rachel at:
Website: https://racheltylee.com/
IG: https://instagram.com/racheltylee/
LI: https://linkedin.com/in/racheltylee/ -
Episode 174
In today’s episode if The Empowering Process Podcast I get to talk with Isabelle Zimmerman, Founder of Attracting Wisdom, and her journey from losing herself in the world of people-pleasing to doing Ascension Healer work. As an empath she took on the energy, the feelings, and the experiences others had and had no guidance as to what to do.
Today, Isabelle shares some of her experiences inawakening starting with her encounter of guilt through a chocolate bar experience, the beginning of her journey of stepping into worthiness and accepting why she is here. We talk about her journey of waking up to her higherself and her purpose in creating a school for ascension.
Isabelle Zimmerman is an Ascension Teacher who assistshumanity in the Grand Awakening. She is an Ascension Healer and Teacher, doing deep Soul Field work.
Isabelle believes we all have the ability to access our higher self, channel, and unlock Divine Soul AbilitiesFind out more about Isabelle at:
Attracting Wisdom - https://www.attractingwisdom.com/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/attractingwisdom/
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/isabelle-zimmerman-85bb4347/
Episode 173
Join me as I share thoughts with Kathryn Tague, Founder& CEO of Influence Digital Media, on relationships, personal development, and how to navigate major life decisions. We talk about mindset vs emotions,logic vs feelings, mental vs physical approaches to searching for who we are and how it all ties together in the process of achieving what we look for in ourlives. Kathryn shares her journey of identity loss and coming back to a new center in her life. We talk about purpose and different approaches to servingothers while still processing our needs, navigating the path we find ourselves on.
Kathryn is serial entrepreneur. She is the Founder &CEO of Influence Digital Media, an online strategy and brand management company. She is also the Founder of a women’s coaching company called Connection to Soul, Co-Founder of She Reigns, co-founder of Spellboundsisterhood, a products company, and is a book editor & publisher.
Find out more about this dynamic woman at:
Linktr.ee/kat_tague= Step It Up Academy Live, Badass Boudoir Retreat, Connection to soul: A ReturnTo Self, Spellbound Sisterhood, Influence Digital Media
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kat.tague
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kat_tague/
Episode 172
Jonathan Lautermilch, founder of Smart Shark shares his biggest struggle with overcoming depression & living in scarcity. He believes it isimportant for people to understand that many people are going through this and need to know this can be overcome.
What changed his life was realizing that it's ok to ask for help and realizing that you get exactly what you ask for in life. After transforming his life Johnathan realizes this process allowed him to crack the code on how to build momentum and favor in his life. This experience created a capacityfor more empathy towards others who are going through this.
Jonathan Lautermilch: CEO of Smart Shark, is a highly sought-after business integration consultancy. and Co-Founder of Fit Pro Collective, abusiness mastermind for fitness professionals. Jonathan’s mission in life is to help business owners turn their vision into reality.
Jonathan has 14 years of business development experience, is a best-selling author, and is a Co-Host on the Real Talk With Real Fit Pros Podcast.Jonathan has coached thousands of coaches and business owners in starting, scaling and growing their business.
Find out more about Jonathan at:
The Smart Shark - https://thesmartshark.com/
Fit Pro Collective - https://www.facebook.com/FitProCollective/
Real Talk with Real Fit Pros Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/real-talk-with-real-fit-pros/id1545277873
Real Talk With Real Business Pros- How To Win In ACompetitive Marketplace - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CW1MW32L?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_dp_7F7MTMP6ZVQZHQQEVARN&language=en-US&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR3kSLhY_9v8OgYO07n5BrbnQVxLGysjRqcT3Q4BBHcLSVutfHdcydkM8DE_aem_aRMVEx5ijXkhv59j3kT3Tw
Contact Jonathan at: [email protected]
Episode 171
Ryn Sloane and I share experiences of navigating BreastCancer treatment and how leaning into the experiences changed us. Ryn, a breast cancer survivor and mentor, shares how Cancer was her greatest teacherand used the experience to shed her old self and step into her purpose.
What sets Ryn apart from 80% of other breast cancer warriors is that she didn't experience PTSD or depression. She had the insight and tools to process herexperience, allowing her to recover her mental and emotional health - the missing piece in cancer care.
Her journey inspired her to become a cancer recovery coach after realizing that survivorship is where everyone drops off and cancer survivors are left to navigate the darkness on their own.
Ryn guides other breast cancer warriors by teaching them how to heal the invisible scars that cancer leaves. She also empowers survivors to take their power back from cancer and get back to living a fulfilling life no matter their diagnosis!
You can connect with Ryn at:
Website: https://rynsloane.com
Instagram: https://instagram.com/rynsloane
Support Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ashesofcouragebreastcancersupport -
Episode 170
Tomas Keenan is a multi-business entrepreneur who has had many moments of making hard decisions. In this episode on The Empowering Process Podcast, he shares his heart-breaking choices of ending his marriagewith someone he cares for deeply and moving into a new life with his business, his speaking, and himself.
First becoming aware of being unhappy, then identifying his role in why this is happening, and determining what the choices are moving forward that still align with his core values, which include integrity.
Making change from a place of caring and intention ofcreating no harm. Tomas Keenan shares his story openly.
Tomas Keenan, Author of Unf*ck Your Business, founder of Step It Up Academy Founder, Investor, and Executive Coach. He’s created, failed, regrouped, and grown successful businesses and now works with high achievingbusiness owners on successfully building and scaling their companies.
Connect and find out more about Tomas at:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theintegratorcoach
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/tomaskeenan - Montre plus