In this episode I get to chat with LadyCheshire25 about the Persona fandom and her fic ‘Woodcutter Boy.’
In this episode I get to chat with fanartist and fancomic creator Viran. We delve into her journey as an artist, talk about fan art’s contribution to fandom, and explore how art played a role in Viran’s own self discovery.
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In this episode I got to chat with fanfiction writer Alex_Caligari about her Voltron bodyswap fic ‘Borrowed Hearts.’
In this episode I get to chat with fic writer FrillsandQuills about The Missing fandom and her fic called 'The Reaper's Muse.'
I got to chat with fanfiction writer Borealisaurora about her fanfiction discoveries, Stranger Things, and her ST Byler fic 'The Anniversary Effect.'
In this episode I got to chat with fanfic writer TheWritingDJ about his OnePiece AU WIP ‘Treasures For A Treasure (Pearls Pale In Your Eyes).’
In this episode I get to chat with fanfiction writer Iliveatlast about her TWD Caryl fic 'Rough And Tumble.'
ChaosBlue chats fanfic and video games with her brother Chief from the Chief And Dudes PubG Twitch channel.
ChaosBlue shares a few quick announcements and some fun writing advice from Tumblr user Cosette141 about the magic of writing badly.
In this episode I get to chat with fanfiction writer 221BFakerStreet about their Far Cry 5 one shot called 'May Mercy Follow.'
In this episode I got to chat with Lettered about her amazing Drarry fic 'Away Childish Things.'
In this episode I got to chat with V and Emily from the 'This Week In Fandom History' podcast.
In this episode I got to chat with Aimmyarrowshigh (a.k.a. V) about her exciting journey through fandom over the years, and her current Stucky WIP ‘Lent From Tomorrow (today was too small for us).’
In this episode I got to chat with Ttime42 about her journey through fandom and her Severitus fic 'The Draught of Asphodel.'
In this episode I got to chat with fanfiction writer Svecounia about Cirque du Soleil, the joys of smaller fandom communities, the mortifying ordeal of being seen, and her Cirque fic ‘Borderline Suspect.’
In this episode I get to chat with ZenaidaMacroura about Stucky, their journey writing fanfiction, and their Stucky AU romance fic ‘Monoclonius.’
In this episode I chat with Sugareey about their journey through fandom, their love for Teen Wolf, and their Teen Wolf fics and fanart.
In this episode I chat with Rambling_Company about her journey with podficcing, creative sound scaping, and embarking on a new multivoice audio project for The Oddesey.
In this episode I get to chat with fanfiction writer Inexplicifics about tripping head first into the Witcher fandom and her Witcher fic series ‘The Accidental Warlord and His Pack.’
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