Een maandelijkse podcast over de sterke mensen achter merken.
De beste communicatie lokt reacties uit als “Zo had ik het nog niet bekeken!” en “Dat zou nu eens echt over mij kunnen gaan”. Onze missie is dan ook: merken menselijker maken door hun verhalen te vertellen op een manier die hun doelpubliek ráákt.
In onze maandelijkse podcast trekken we die lijn resoluut door. We praten met interessante gasten uit de sector over hun kijk op het leven, en hoe ze die aanwenden om unieke (merk)boodschappen te creëren. -
Typography Dojo is the place where we explore the traditions and techniques in the practice of type and typography with lessons and insights from visual design masters. Join me to learn more about typesetting, readability, hand lettering, editorial design, type design, Calligraphy, logo design and how they improve graphic communication.
A music business show made for artists who are looking for clear information, inspiration, and application for their careers. Ideas are broken down into steps that musicians can use to advance their career. The show is written and hosted by Simon Tam, an industry professional who is the founder of The Slants Foundation, author of multiple books, and longtime mentor/speaker at SXSW, the DIY Musician Conference, and other major events.
Want to take your art based biz to the next level or quit your day job to adventure into creative entrepreneurship? Heidi Fahrenbacher and Alyssa Westenbroek-Koster have walked the walk, and they are talking the talk in each episode of Boldli! Follow along as they interview movers and shakers who are both making art and making a living following their passion. Listen in as these two artist/business owners have real talk around the good, the bad, and everything in between surrounding being your own boss and following your art into a sustainable career. Get inspired, get tools to move your business forward, and know that you are not alone on your creative journey.
Le podcast qui vous parle de l'improbable devenu essentiel.De Star wars à Netflix en passant par Zappa et les monty pythons, Pierre et Philippe vous parlent de ces œuvres, des ces entreprises, de ces produits qui sont passés à travers le crible qui aurait dû les bloquer pour s'imposer comme des références culturelles majeures
Behind The Design is a better business and lifestyle podcast for creative entrepreneurs. Behind The Design takes you behind the scenes into the studios and workshops of established and emerging creatives from across Africa and beyond. Each season I, your host Tapiwa Matsinde chats with ordinary women and men who are doing the extraordinary by turning their dreams into reality. Our conversations give you an insight into how they are building their businesses, making their mark in their industries, and sharing the lessons and experiences they have picked up along the way. Be prepared for many nodding along moments. If you are an established, new or aspiring creative business owner seeking relatable and inspiring conversation then this podcast is for you.
Creator Chats Podcast is a catalyst to inspire individuals around the world to take action & pursue their deepest dreams. David Hammond sits down with other creatives/entrepreneurs to discuss what it really takes to run a successful business, leave your mark & flourish most with those you love. Enjoy!
Jeden zweiten Mittwoch lädt Sam Kreativköpfe, "Design Thinker" und Digitalfanatiker ins Konzepthaus ein, über ihre Insights, Stories und Erfahrungen aus der Digital & Design Branche zu plaudern.
How can I make this dream of photographing horses into an actual career? With slim to no resources, full-time equine photographers Giana Terranova and Sara Shier sit down twice a month to discuss all topics related to business, marketing, and the industry as a whole.
Beyond The Cream is een inspirerende podcast die verschillende perspectieven binnen de beautywereld aan het woord laat. Romy en Manon nodigen elke aflevering een gast uit met een boeiend verhaal over schoonheid, cosmetica en the business behind.
Ik ben Raisa. En ik wil jou helpen creëren en ondernemen vanuit zelfvertrouwen, strategie en vrijheid.
In deze podcast deel ik kennis, ervaringen, motivatie en inspiratie rondom zowel strategie als mindset . Ik neem je mee in mijn eigen groeiprocessen en deel over zowel successen als leermomenten. Dit alles omdat ik geloof dat we elkaar kunnen helpen.
Ik geloof dat we samen méér kunnen bereiken. Dat we elkaar als creatieve ondernemers kunnen ondersteunen en zo een gezondere markt voor iedereen creëren. Een markt vól ondernemers die weten wat ze doen. Die volledig achter hun dienst of product staan, zichzelf durven neer te zetten als experts én de juiste prijzen rekenen. Een markt vól ondernemers die impact maken.
Ben jij een creatieve ondernemer en wil je groeien op het gebied van strategie én mindset? Luister aflevering 1 en 2 om kennis te maken, en abonneer je op de podcast. -
A quest to find out the secrets, best practices and actionable tips & tricks to turn (if you haven't read the title, here he comes) ideas that matter into products that stick. Fast. Teams where people aren't living up to their full potential and products which are beautifully designed but completely miss the target just part of the game? Hell no! Inspiring experts/companies are sharing their most valuable insights with you and elaborate on what they believe is key to tweaking your process to facilitate great teams & deliver intensely satisfying products, at a dazzling pace.
Een podcast door en voor de cultuursector. Laat je inspireren door verhalen die van cultuur een (nood)zaak maken.
From Beeple's $69 million auction at Christies to Crypto Punks becoming part of popular culture we ask WTF are NFTs and why are they important?! Jamie Burke a leading investor and collector takes you through the industries key moments, guided by its innovators and creatives who share their story, hopes and dreams for its future.
Special edition van Wim Oosterlinck voor De Tijd, waarin hij een variatie brengt op zijn eigen Drie boeken podcast. Hij vraagt bekende CEO’s en ondernemers naar de drie boeken die hun leven en carrière als bedrijfsleider hebben bepaald.
Vanaf zaterdag 2 april, elke week een nieuwe aflevering.
Er valt heel wat te zeggen over China, zeker in deze volatiele tijden. Het Westen wantrouwt nog meer dit immens grote land in transitie. Enkel begrip en juiste context kan misschien leiden tot minder vrees voor China.
Mijn vaste gids is Chinakenner en sinoloog Pascal Coppens, auteur van "China's New Normal". Zijn nieuwste publicatie "Kunnen we China vertrouwen?" hanteer ik als leidraad voor vele gesprekken met Pascal alsook met Chinezen in eigen land en met Westerse ondernemers in China. Wat is hun visie? Wat zijn hun ervaringen?
Ik kijk onder de motorkap hoe de Chinese motor op volle toeren blijft draaien en neem je graag mee op mijn ontdekkingstocht om de logica van China beter te begrijpen. Beter dichterbij in vertrouwen dan op afstand in koud wantrouwen.Productie:
Welcome to Going Places, I’m your host Natalie Byrne and this is a podcast aimed to give you clarity on your creativity because you my friend are going places.
Are you a busy mom running a creative business? Do you constantly feel like you’re drowning in the chaos of balancing your passion with the demands of motherhood? Do you ever find yourself wondering if it’s possible to stay organized without stifling your creativity? If so, you’re not alone. I’m Brittnie Renee, a fellow mom and creative entrepreneur who’s been where you are—overwhelmed, burnt out, and struggling to find harmony between my art and my life.
Welcome to ”The Organized Creative” podcast, where I share my journey of embracing life’s messiness while providing practical tips to create space for what truly matters. Join me for candid conversations, actionable advice, and real-life stories on managing time, purposeful planning, and growing your business without sacrificing peace of mind.
This podcast is your go-to resource for transforming chaos into clarity. Whether you want to streamline your daily routines, find inspiration in the midst of the everyday hustle, or connect with someone who understands, you’re in the right place.
Tune in each week as we explore topics such as time management for creatives, balancing business and motherhood, and using tools like the Capture The Chaos Planner to bring order and joy into your life. You’ll also hear from inspiring creative entrepreneurs who have found their own rhythm in the madness.
Let’s work together to build a life and business that you love. Subscribe now and connect with me on Instagram at @brittnierenee_co to keep the conversation going and get more support.
Instagram: -
Meet your new podcast bestie! Listen along as lash artist and entrepreneur Kayla shares knowledge, perspective and insight into the many facets of the Beauty Industry from her 8 years of experience. Enjoy the variety of guests Kayla brings on to have transparent conversations and help your beauty business THRIVE!
Created to help and inspire you to make the best educated decisions for your own beauty business career. -
Hey, fellow audio creators! You spend all your time making podcasts. Now, we've made one just for you. We're Pod People, a community of the world’s best audio professionals, and when it comes to making podcasts we've got a lot to say. Thankfully, we have enough mics and soundproofed closets to say it. In this weekly bite-sized show, we chat with our remarkable community members about their winding journeys in audio. We also talk practical tips for making a killer podcast and dish on the latest audio trends (read: gossip!). Listen in each week and learn more about us at, @podppl on Instagram, and @pod_ppl on Twitter.