This weeks episode is on essential keto foods you can easily buy anywhere and how to use them as alternatives to pizza, pasta and co. in order to live your keto lifestyle in a convenient and sustainable way. I share my “pantry essentials list” of foods to keep in stock, a “keto shopping list” for your next visit at the store and many practical tipps for your keto kitchen. I also share a summary on what keto is and how it turns the food pyramid on its head. It is my priority to empower you to expand your knowledge on keto, because once you understand the main principles I share in my consultations and in this podcast you have the tools to self manage your diet as a lifestyle even more conveniently.
✨✨FREE keto shopping list✨✨
To support my listeners on self managing keto, I created a free download with the shopping list as well as a list of keto alternatives for pizza, pasta, bread, rice, potatoes. Get it here, available for a short time only: https://thehappytypeone.com/podcast/
There you can find FREE downloads, guided meditations and many other free resources including blood glucose friendly recipes!
Want more support on your health journey? Want to improve your energy levels, mental clarity, weight management or as a diabetic run flatter blood glucose lines, reduce your HbA1c, have less hypos and more time in target range? Then book a free call via my website: https://thehappytypeone.com/lets-connect/ insta: https://www.instagram.com/thehappytypeone/
If you enjoy the show, please subscribe & leave a loving review on Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-happy-type-one/id1516681389 This helps massively to run this free podcast for you!
Today’s interview is with Julia Flaherty from the US, the author of the book "Rosie Becomes a Warrior”. Julia wrote and designed this kids book to empower children with type 1 diabetes to live their happiest lives. The main character Rosie is a second-grader who loves to draw and eat ice cream while navigating her type 1 diabetes diagnosis with her parents. Julia shares how she found strength in her personal experience with diabetes to write this book and how she went from resenting parts of body to finding love and acceptance for herself. She reminds us, that we are worthy of love and are capable of everything we set your minds to. Rediscover a positive perspective on type 1 diabetes.
✨✨FREE material✨✨
For key take-aways of this episode and more biohacks visit my blogcast https://thehappytypeone.com/podcast/
There you can find FREE downloads, guided meditations and many other free resources including blood glucose friendly recipes!
Want more support on your health journey? Want to improve your energy levels, mental clarity, weight management or as a diabetic run flatter blood glucose lines, reduce your HbA1c, have less hypos and more time in target range? Then book a free call via my website: https://thehappytypeone.com/lets-connect/ insta: https://www.instagram.com/thehappytypeone/
If you enjoy the show, please subscribe & leave a loving review on Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-happy-type-one/id1516681389 This helps massively to run this free podcast for you!
Episodes manquant?
Intermittent fasting is becoming a trendy topic for health optimisation. Listen to this show to be the first to know about potential health recommendations coming up for weight loss and diabetes management in future.
In the interview is Alice Coffey and Petra Hanson. Alice is a PhD student at the University of Warwick, UK in Global Sustainable Development. Petra Hanson is a clinical research fellow at the University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust in the UK.
Together they wrote a literature review on the effects of intermittent fasting on weight loss, metabolic health and insulin resistance. They wanted to know, how effective intermittent fasting really is according to existing evidence. Reviews like Alics's and Petra's are very important as they build the foundation for new health recommendations and guidelines in the future.
✨✨FREE material✨✨
For key take-aways of this episode and more biohacks visit my blogcast https://thehappytypeone.com/podcast/
There you can find FREE downloads, guided meditations and many other free resources including blood glucose friendly recipes!
Want more support on your health journey? Want to improve your energy levels, mental clarity, weight management or as a diabetic run flatter blood glucose lines, reduce your HbA1c, have less hypos and more time in target range? Then book a free call via my website: https://thehappytypeone.com/lets-connect/ insta: https://www.instagram.com/thehappytypeone/
More episodes on fasting: S5E47 called “Self-experimentation: 100 hours fasting as a diabetic” https://tinyurl.com/ywce6edz
S4E40 “This biohack increases insulin sensitivity” https://tinyurl.com/592vb4vb
If you want to know more about Petra Hanson and her work on “The 7 principles of mindfulness eating”, go to S5E41:
If you are listening to this interview with Alice and Petra and you are a diabetic on tablets or insulin, then please chat with your doctor before starting intermittent fasting to make sure it is done in a safe way.
If you enjoy the show, please subscribe & leave a loving review on Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-happy-type-one/id1516681389 This helps massively to run this free podcast for you!
Meditation is such a powerful tool, a wonderful bio- and lifehack. Research shows that Loving-Kindness meditation has tremendous benefits from greater well-being to providing relief from illness and improving emotional intelligence.
For me, meditation is the one thing, that let’s me calm down my mind, reconnect to my heart, release and relax. And it helps me manage my type one diabetes better, by balancing my blood glucose levels.
Today, we practise Loving-Kindness meditation together, which uses a sequence of mantras to offer well-wishes to different people in your life. Instead of focusing on the breath, which most meditation techniques do, we use the silent repetition of certain phrases. In the loving-kindness meditation those phrases are an offering to someone—a gift-giving. This meditation focuses on developing feelings of kindness, goodwill and warmth towards others.
✨✨FREE: Meditation scrip✨✨
Practise loving-kindness meditation by yourself, in your own pace. You find the mantra and my advice on my blogcast https://thehappytypeone.com/season6/.
For other key take-aways of this episode and more biohacks visit my blogcast https://thehappytypeone.com/podcast/
There you can also find additional FREE downloads and many other free resources including blood glucose friendly recipes!
Want more support on your health journey? Want to improve your energy levels, mental clarity, weight management or as a diabetic run flatter blood glucose lines, reduce your HbA1c, have less hypos and more time in target range? Then book a free call via my website: https://thehappytypeone.com/lets-connect/ insta: https://www.instagram.com/thehappytypeone/
More guided meditation: S1E7 Rainbow meditation to feel save in times of uncertainty https://tinyurl.com/2nemtpke S2E10 Meditative journey to inner strength https://tinyurl.com/23fm7tfk S4E9 Heart Chakra Meditation https://tinyurl.com/nam3dnzw S5E6 Anapanasati exercise to foster a good relationship with food https://tinyurl.com/hwfwfsyy
Music by Steffen Grell, www.entspannt.de
If you enjoy the show, please subscribe & leave a loving review on Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-happy-type-one/id1516681389 This helps massively to run this free podcast for you!
Whether you follow a Paleo, Keto, Gluten Free, Low Carb, Banting, Sugar Free, Dairy Free lifestyle or you just simply love great tasting food that is made with real food ingredients – this episode is for you.
This interviewed is with the British entrepreneurs Amy and Jeff. They run a start-up called Hunter & Gather with products free from refined sugars, grains and inflammatory oils - such as seed or vegetable oils.
Eating real food free from grains, refined sugars & seed oils has been revolutionary for Amy's & Jeff health. Especially for Amy, who is a life long coeliac. In this episode they not just share their story but also help us identify high quality oils as consumers to pursuit optimal health.
Reach out to Amy & Jeff: https://www.instagram.com/hunterandgatheruk/?hl=en
✨✨FREE: Keto bread & cookies✨✨
Exclusive for all of my listeners! Get free keto bread and cookies with your order made at the Keto Ready Meal Delivery UK https://www.ketowaylondon.com/ Simply send them an email mentioning “JULIA” to get your freebies! Get your freebie today!
For key take-aways of this episode and more biohacks visit my blogcast https://thehappytypeone.com/season6/
There you can also find additional FREE downloads and many other free resources including blood glucose friendly recipes!
Want more support on your health journey? Want to improve your energy levels, mental clarity, weight management or as a diabetic run flatter blood glucose lines, reduce your HbA1c, have less hypos and more time in target range? Then book a free call via my website: https://thehappytypeone.com/lets-connect/ insta: https://www.instagram.com/thehappytypeone/
According to old studies and official guidelines is red meat bad, vegetable oil good and cholesterol harmful. Today, research is proving the opposite. But how and why has it been wrong? Is science corrupt? And what kind of health information can we actually rely on?
Dr. Stephen Hussey has some answers to those questions with his fast knowledge in nutritional science. He is a Chiropractor and Functional Medicine practitioner, whole foods supporter and type 1 diabetic. He is also the author of two books on health called “The Health Evolution: Why Understanding Evolution is the Key to Vibrant Health” and “The Heart: Our Most Medically Misunderstood Organ”.
Fact is, that about 90% of US Americans have already some aspect of poor metabolic health. So we are getting something, somewhere wrong. Let’s explore together how to be a smarter consumer of health information and live a healthier life with food that prevents heart disease and diabetes, rather than causing it.
✨✨FREE: Keto bread & cookies✨✨
Exclusive for all of my listeners! Get free keto bread and cookies with your order made at the Keto Ready Meal Delivery UK https://www.ketowaylondon.com/ Simply send them an email mentioning “JULIA” to get your freebies! Get your freebie today!
For key take-aways of this episode and more biohacks visit my blogcast https://thehappytypeone.com/season6/
There you can also find additional FREE downloads and many other free resources including blood glucose friendly recipes!
Want more support on your health journey? Want to improve your energy levels, mental clarity, weight management or as a diabetic run flatter blood glucose lines, reduce your HbA1c, have less hypos and more time in target range? Then book a free call via my website: https://thehappytypeone.com/lets-connect/ insta: https://www.instagram.com/thehappytypeone/
Welcome back to season 6! 🎉
There are now over 50 episodes available for you, in which I answer questions on lowcarb, biohacking and diabetes. Many hours of free resources, for you to tap in and fuel your health journey.
Today’s episode is with Simon Treadway, an award winning chef, who ran restaurants in Notting Hill and East London, UK and has worked in Dubai, Puerto Rico, Miami and Spain before becoming one of the founder of “Keto Way”. It is a start-up, which makes following the ketogenic diet easy by delivering keto menus to your door step. Even if you are not living in the UK, this episode is for you as we speak about their personal stories of reversing type 2 diabetes and loosing over 15 kilos on keto. We also discuss their mission and global advocacy. Simon and Esther take us on a culinary journey sharing insights to what makes their dishes tasteful and how you can follow a healthy ketogenic lifestyle with ease.
✨✨FREE: Keto bread & cookies✨✨
Exclusive for all of my listeners! Get your free keto bread and cookies with your first order made through their website https://www.ketowaylondon.com/ Simply send them an email mentioning “JULIA” to get your freebies! I can tell you I tasted their meals before and they are delicious! So get your freebie today!
For key take-aways of this episode and more biohacks visit my blogcast https://thehappytypeone.com/season6/
There you can also find additional FREE downloads and many other free resources including blood glucose friendly recipes!
Want more support on your health journey? Want to improve your energy levels, mental clarity, weight management or as a diabetic run flatter blood glucose lines, reduce your HbA1c, have less hypos and more time in target range? Then book a free call via my website: https://thehappytypeone.com/lets-connect/ insta: https://www.instagram.com/thehappytypeone/
Welcome to the 50th episode of The Happy Type One Podcast with experts in the field of nutrition, medicine, science, diabetes and patient advocacy. The podcast hosted guests from 15 countries and 6 continents so far and will continue to expand. Subscribe to the podcast to be notified when the next episode comes out on Wednesday, 21st July.
After my diagnosis with T1D, I came to realise how important community is. It was the driving force behind my podcast: creating and supporting the diabetes and lowcarb community with experience and expertise. I only recently found out about an app, not mine, which has this value of community at heart too. It is called the Diabetes App and I interviewed Elizabeth, who helps running the app and ask her to give us a better picture on what it is all about. It is a free social networking platform dedicated to educating and empowering the diabetic community. On The Diabetes App, users can connect and receive community support from people with the same type of diabetes, similar lifestyle, and experiences. Tune into the interview and share it with your friends!
✨✨Free download✨✨
Get your free download on “4 Things You Need To Know Before You Start”. Find the free download in the top right of my website at https://thehappytypeone.com/
For more information on this and past shows as well as additional FREE resources including blood glucose friendly recipes, go to my blog: https://thehappytypeone.com/blogcastseason5/
Wanna improve your well-being by running flatter blood glucose lines, reducing your HbA1c, having less hypos and more time in target range? Then we need to talk! Send me a message via my website or via instagram to arrange a free call! ✨ website: https://thehappytypeone.com/lets-connect/ insta: https://www.instagram.com/thehappytypeone/
Check out the app here: https://www.instagram.com/thediabetesapp/
If you enjoy the show, please subscribe & leave a loving review on Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-happy-type-one/id1516681389 This helps massively to run this free podcast for you!
This week’s episode is about banning unhealthy and making healthy foods more accessible to everyone for a generally healthier society. Guest on the show is Dr. Paul Coleman, a Public Health Registrar and Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Warwick, UK. Together with Dr. Hanson, Paul recently published a review on academic research, which looked into the connections between obesity and advertising of unhealthy fast food products. The findings of the review led the network to recommend to the UK Government Consultation a total ban of such product advertisements on television.
With their important work, Paul and his colleagues challenge the UK government and big cooperations. Big food companies are challenged for advertising unhealthy foods specifically to our children. Paul's work is a big step towards health education for all ages and something we will discuss in detail. We will also address the role of COVID with regard to overall health and obesity as well as the connections of our daily food to environmental degradation and climate change.
✨✨Free download✨✨
Get your free download on “4 Things You Need To Know Before You Start”. Find the free download in the top right of my website at https://thehappytypeone.com/
For more information on this and past shows as well as additional FREE resources including blood glucose friendly recipes, go to my blog: https://thehappytypeone.com/blogcastseason5/
Wanna improve your well-being by running flatter blood glucose lines, reducing your HbA1c, having less hypos and more time in target range? Then we need to talk! Send me a message via my website or via instagram to arrange a free call! ✨ website: https://thehappytypeone.com/lets-connect/ insta: https://www.instagram.com/thehappytypeone/
Reach out to Paul: https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/med/staff/pcoleman/
Previous episode on mindful eating with Dr Hanson: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/7-principles-to-mindful-eating/id1516681389?i=1000517917675
If you enjoy the show, please subscribe & leave a loving review on Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-happy-type-one/id1516681389 This helps massively to run this free podcast for you!
This episode is with the type 1 diabetic and stand up comedienne Laura Menniger from the US. She is founder of LIVabetes, an organisation whose mission is to raise hope, awarness and one million smiles for diabetes research. As a motivational humorist, Laura is assisting others to lead more empowered lives, making peace with an invisable enemy and finding healing through humor. She draws on her medical background of over eight years as a surgical technologist and ninteen years study in the healing arts. Laura, also called the Glucose Goddess, shares her own healing journey with us and how she went from “death, dying and DIEabetes” to “life, live and LIVabetes”, cause “DIEabetes is a disease and LIVabetes is an attitude.”
✨✨Free download✨✨
Get your free download on “4 Things You Need To Know Before You Start”. Find the free download in the top right of my website at https://thehappytypeone.com/
For more information on this and past shows as well as additional FREE resources including blood glucose friendly recipes, go to my blog: https://thehappytypeone.com/blogcastseason5/
Wanna improve your well-being by running flatter blood glucose lines, reducing your HbA1c, having less hypos and more time in target range? Then we need to talk! Send me a message via my website or via instagram to arrange a free call! ✨ website: https://thehappytypeone.com/lets-connect/ insta: https://www.instagram.com/thehappytypeone/
Reach out to Laura: http://www.livabetes.com/ or https://www.instagram.com/lauratheglucosegoddess/
If you enjoy the show, please subscribe & leave a loving review on Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-happy-type-one/id1516681389 This helps massively to run this free podcast for you!
In this episode I share with you my self-experimentation of 100 hours fasting. My findings blew my mind! Not just was I able to reduce my overall insulin needs to just over 1 unite in 24h (>90% decrease), I also experienced more mental clarity, boosts in energy, improvements of my skin and digestion, a decrease in food intolerance as well as drug-like feelings of physical lightness and an enthusiasm towards life.
This episode equips you with knowledge on how extended fasts work and how they can benefit you, especially but not exclusively, as a diabetic. There are 4 essential lessons I learned from this experiment, which will open your mind to new possibilities and together, we will bust many myths along the way.
I will address 1) different types of fasts 2) my motivation, preparation and implementation and 3) myths around fasting and conclude with a key take away message.
✨✨4 Things You Need To Know Before✨✨
Get your free download on “4 Things You Need To Know Before You Start Any Fast As a Diabetic”. Find the free download in the top right of my page at https://thehappytypeone.com/ No matter, if you want to start fasting now or in 2 years, get your free copy today and you have it saved for when you are ready. This download summarises the key lessons of my yearlong fasting experience and the key takeaway messages of this episode. Unfortunately, it is only available for a short time period till I change the download content with new podcast episodes.
A past episodes on fasting for you to check out is in season 4 episode 10 (#40) called “This biohack increases insulin sensitivity“: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/this-biohack-increases-insulin-sensitivity-40/id1516681389?i=1000515168200
Wanna improve your well-being by running flatter blood glucose lines, reducing your HbA1c, having less hypos and more time in target range? Then we need to talk! Send me a message via my website or via instagram to arrange a free call! ✨ website: https://thehappytypeone.com/lets-connect/ insta: https://www.instagram.com/thehappytypeone/
If you enjoy the show, please subscribe & leave a loving review on Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-happy-type-one/id1516681389 This helps massively to run this free podcast for you!
As always, this is no medical advice. Before you make any changes to your health treatment, speak to your medical team. This is my personal experience only.
This week's podcast features an awareness exercise with Nicole Harrington. A meditation style fostering awareness of self. Diabetes is interfering in our relationship with food so much and actually enjoying a meal can be challenging. We are constantly forced to look at food in a mathematical way to do our carb counts, evaluate it with its macros as if it is a science project and inject medication for it every single time. No matter, how you eat with diabetes, very day is a balance act of decisions and that adds stress to our lives.
We made this meditation, to ease off stress and for you to return to the present moment. It is made to empower you to foster a good relationship with yourself and the way you nourish your mind and body by focusing on the breath.
✨✨Mindfulness eating booklet✨✨
In connection with mindfulness eating Nico and I developed a small booklet with a vegan low carb recipe and mindfulness practise, which we are giving away for free in a giveaway. To win visit https://www.instagram.com/thehappytypeone/
To dive deeper into mindfulness eating practise with Petra Hanson Eason 5 episode 1 called “7 Principles to Mindful Eating” https://thehappytypeone.com/how-to-cheat-on-your-hangover-biohacks-with-an-athropologist-44/?et_fb=1&PageSpeed=off
Wanna improve your well-being by running flatter blood glucose lines, reducing your HbA1c, having less hypos and more time in target range? Then we need to talk! Send me a message via my website or via instagram to arrange a free call! ✨ website: https://thehappytypeone.com/lets-connect/ insta: https://www.instagram.com/thehappytypeone/
Nico on insta: https://www.instagram.com/thatveganyogi/
If you enjoy the show, please subscribe & leave a loving review on Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-happy-type-one/id1516681389 This helps massively to run this free podcast for you!
Welcome back to part 2 of the biohacking episode with Sara Aguilar. Sarah shares some amazing biohacks on how to get more energy and recover from your hangover easier and faster. As well as, how to enjoy the benefits of the ketogenic diet without even following it all the time. Hear how the ketogenic diet can help improve: diabetes, epilepsy, ADHD, anxiety, mood swings, dementia, Alzheimer and prevents many other neurological issues.
In part 2 we address:
💡MCT oils, “C8” and “C10” labels explained
💡biohacking your coffee for slower and continuous energy release
💡how to cheat on your hangovers
💡 how to identify good quality supplementsAnd we will close with some practical advice beyond supplementation. So really a lot, but if you did not manage to take notes, head over to my blogcast https://thehappytypeone.com/ where you can find key notes to this as well as past shows.
🎁✨Discount code✨🎁
We have extended the bonus code for you! For another few days, you can get 10% discount on any keto supplements https://ketosupplements.co.uk/ The code is: “thehappytypeone”.
If you have not listened to part 1 of this episode, I highly recommend to do so: https://tinyurl.com/y6drus3s In part 1, Sara shared much of her own story on overcoming food obsession, as well as her partners experience improving epileptic seizures on the ketogenic diet. In part 1, we explained some key words such as:
💡exogenous and real kenos
💡keto flue
💡what the “must have” supplement isIf you have any questions on starting or improving your keto journey or wanna bring your health to the next level, reach out to me! I am happy to assist you and answer your questions. You can find me through my website website: https://thehappytypeone.com/lets-connect/ or insta: https://www.instagram.com/thehappytypeone/
Reach out to Sara on insta: https://www.instagram.com/thehealthanthropologist/
If you enjoy the show, please subscribe & leave a loving review on Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-happy-type-one/id1516681389 This helps massively to run this free podcast for you!
In this episode Sara Aguilar shares her story on overcoming food obsession and her partner’s experience improving epileptic seizures on the ketogenic diet. We look back at our ancestors way of life to make smart adjustments to our current lifestyle by understanding the era of nutritional supplementation and biohacks, that can improve our well being. Sara is a health anthropologist, running her own keto supplement business in the UK, shipping all over Europe.
This episode is in 2 parts. This is part 1. Here is what you can expect.
Part 1
1. Exogenous and real ketons
2. Keto flu
3. “Must have” supplement you already have at homeWe discuss how ketons can benefit you and improve: diabetes, epilepsy, ADHD, anxiety, mood swings, dementia, Alzheimer and the prevention of many other neurological issues.
Part 2:
1. MCT oils, “C8” and “C10” labels explained
2. How to cheat on your hangovers
3. How to identify good quality supplementsWe will close part 2 next week with some practical advice beyond food supplementation.
✨! Discount code !✨
I have a big bonus exclusively for all my listeners: You can get a 10% discount for any supplements on Sara’s page https://ketosupplements.co.uk/ with the code “thehappytypeone”.
For more information on this and past shows as well as additional FREE downloads and many other free resources including blood glucose friendly recipes, go to my blog: https://thehappytypeone.com/blogcastseason5/
Wanna improve your well-being by running flatter blood glucose lines, reducing your HbA1c, having less hypos and more time in target range? Then we need to talk! Send me a message via my website or via instagram to arrange a free call! ✨ website: https://thehappytypeone.com/lets-connect/ insta: https://www.instagram.com/thehappytypeone/
Reach out to Sara on insta: https://www.instagram.com/thehealthanthropologist/
If you enjoy the show, please subscribe & leave a loving review on Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-happy-type-one/id1516681389 This helps massively to run this free podcast for you!
Paul Vugteveen is a type 1 diabetic from the US, who started a campaign called “outrun the homelessness” to disrupt intergenerational poverty in his region. He challenges the dominant idea that poverty is a moral position and believes housing is a human right. He let’s us reflect on the racist and sexiest structures that make correlation exist with those issues in the first place.
Paul is a great example, that diabetes cannot stop us, but rather inspires us to become more and support each other. Yet, Paul highlights that this is no inspirational porn. He says: “I am not hear for someone else’s inspiration”. He talks about the betrayal people with disabilities can face and what this definition means exactly. Tune into the episode to hear the full story!
✨✨Bonus material✨✨
For more information on this and past shows as well as additional FREE downloads and many other free resources including blood glucose friendly recipes, go to my blog: https://thehappytypeone.com/blogcastseason5/
Wanna improve your well-being by running flatter blood glucose lines, reducing your HbA1c, having less hypos and more time in target range? Then we need to talk! Send me a message via my website or via instagram to arrange a free call! ✨ website: https://thehappytypeone.com/lets-connect/ insta: https://www.instagram.com/thehappytypeone/
Reach out to Paul on insta: https://www.instagram.com/outrun_homelessness/
If you enjoy the show, please subscribe & leave a loving review on Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-happy-type-one/id1516681389 This helps massively to run this free podcast for you!
This insightful episode is with Hannah Boëthius, a diabetes expert with over 30 years experience, dedicated to answer the tricky question on how to bolus for protein.
Hannah illustrates with various practical examples, how you can calculate and predict your individual bolus rate.
In this episode you will learn:
💡why and in which situation protein needs to be considered in your carb count
💡which factors alter our glucose uptake with different types of meat and fish
💡how you can bolus better for any protein both on MID and an insulin pump to run flatter blood glucose lines✨✨Protein bolus guide✨✨
Get the guide on how to bolus for protein on my blogcast: https://thehappytypeone.com/blogcastseason5/
There you can also find additional FREE downloads and many other free resources including blood glucose friendly recipes!
Wanna improve your well-being by running flatter blood glucose lines, reducing your HbA1c, having less hypos and more time in target range? Then we need to talk! Send me a message via my website or via instagram to arrange a free call! ✨ website: https://thehappytypeone.com/lets-connect/ insta: https://www.instagram.com/thehappytypeone/
Reach out to Hannah on insta: https://www.instagram.com/hannadiabetesexpert/
If you enjoy the show, please subscribe & leave a loving review on Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-happy-type-one/id1516681389 This helps massively to run this free podcast for you!
Welcome back to season 5!
To kick of this brand new season, I had the pleasure to interview a very inspiring and forward-thinking woman about her latest diabetes research projects on mindful eating. Petra Hanson, a clinical research fellow and first in the United Kingdom to create a structured multidisciplinary course for diabetics incorporating mindfulness to improve weight loss in Type 2 diabetics. She shares how mindfulness practice can improve not just weight management but our mental well-being with diabetes, shifting from a lack of self-compassion to an increase of self-love, and making overall healthier food choices. We explore 7 ways of overeating and how we can incorporate mindful eating into our daily lives to help with the fast psychological aspects of diabetes.
Listen till the end to find out, how you can take part in Petra’s research studies and future mindfulness courses for diabetics!
**** Self-Test: 7 Principles to Mindful Eating ****
Do the self-test to find out what overeating style you are and find practical tips for the 7 Principles to Mindful Eating on my blogcast: https://thehappytypeone.com/blogcastseason5/
There you can also find additional FREE downloads and many other free resources including blood glucose friendly recipes!
Wanna improve your well-being by running flatter blood glucose lines, reducing your HbA1c, having less hypos and more time in target range? Then we need to talk! Send me a message via my website or via instagram to arrange a free call! website: https://thehappytypeone.com/lets-connect/ insta: https://www.instagram.com/thehappytypeone/
Reach out to Petra Hanson via mail: drpetrahanson@gmail.com
If you enjoy the show, please subscribe & leave a loving review on Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-happy-type-one/id1516681389 This helps massively to run this free podcast for you!
In todays episode we explore ways to increase insulin sensitivity. Matt Barrie lives with type 1 diabetes for over 30 years and follows the ketogenic diet in combination with intermitted fasting since years. Recently he decided to go on a trail experiment by carrying out his very first 72h fast. One of many great benefits he experienced was a massive increase in insulin sensitivity even weeks after the fast. Looking back, he openly reflect on what worked and what didn't during those 3 days. Learn from from his biohacking tricks to make your fast a success! Matt says: “If I would have listened to the general opinions on long term fasts and diabetes, I would have never experienced those benefits. I am very thankful for that.”
We touch on:
💡The benefits of fasting e.g. increased insulin sensitivity, weight loss and autophagy
💡Types of fasts like time restricted eating, 16:8 and OMAD
💡3 biohacking tipps for your fasting success
Todays guest is Matt Barrie https://www.instagram.com/type1ketoguy/
✨✨3 Biohacking Tipps✨✨
Find our 3 biohacking tipps for your fasting success on my Blogcast https://thehappytypeone.com/blogcastseason4/.
There you can also find an additional FREE downloads and many other free resources including blood glucose friendly recipes!
If you are struggling or want to take your health to the next level, send me a message or write me on instagram. I’m excited hearing from you! https://www.instagram.com/thehappytypeone/
If you enjoy the show and would like to support me, please subscribe & leave a loving review on Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-happy-type-one/id1516681389 This helps massively to run this free podcast for you!
Welcome to the 4th chakra meditation. In this meditation we tune into compassion, unconditional and forgiving love by reconnecting with our hearts. We tap into our personal strength and connection. The 4th chakra is one of 7 chakras, together considered as subtle energy bodies located within the spinal cord. The heart chakra comes into appearance in the colour green in the center line of the chest. This is the place of the “spiritual heart”. Use this 10 minute meditation anytime you want. It is particularly uplifting during feelings of loneliness, stress or worry. Relax more, stress less, cause those negative feelings, can mess badly with our blood sugar levels and effect our entire being. It is essential forgood health, to take time out for yourself and return to a place of stillness,mindfulness, abundance and joy.
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More mindfulness
Head over to my Blogcast https://thehappytypeone.com/blogcastseason4/, where you can find out how to boost your mental well-being.
There you can also find an additional FREE downloads and many other free resources including blood glucose friendly recipes!
If you are struggling or want to take your health to the next level, send me a message or write me on instagram. I’m excited hearing from you! https://www.instagram.com//
More guided meditation:
S2E10 Meditative journey to inner strength
S1E7 Rainbow meditation to feel save in times of uncertainty
https://tinyurl.com/2nemtpkeMusic by Steffen Grell: https://www.entspannt.de/
If you enjoy the show and would like to support me, please subscribe & leave a loving review on Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-happy-type-one/id1516681389 This helps massively to run this free podcast for you!
In this episode we shine a light on men and women’s intimacy relationships with diabetes. My guest Kraig and I explore, which psychological and physical challenges can occur and which treatments are available to us. This includes topics around body image, attractiveness, wearing medical devices, hypos during sex, treatments for sexual disfunction and handling diabetes in intimate relationships as a whole. Get yourself comfortable and enjoy this serious but light hearted conversation between two diabetics.
✨✨3 TOP TIPS on sex & diabetes✨✨
Head over to my Blogcast https://thehappytypeone.com/blogcastseason4/, where you can find our top tips as well as many illustrations.
There you can also find an additional FREE downloads and many other free resources including blood glucose friendly recipes!
If you are struggling or want to take your health to the next level, send me a message or write me on instagram. I’m excited hearing from you! https://www.instagram.com/thehappytypeone/
Other podcast episode around topics we mention in this show:
S4E5 Sharing the highs and lows of diabetes through illustration https://tinyurl.com/yjdnanvt
S3E3 How diabetes challenges disordered eating https://tinyurl.com/yhuou6oh
S1E5 When art empowers https://tinyurl.com/yhaz7sem⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
If you enjoy the show and would like to support me, please subscribe & leave a loving review on Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-happy-type-one/id1516681389 This helps massively to run this free podcast for you!
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