
  • EPISODE 240 | I wanted to record this quick life update to let you know why won’t be seeing new episodes for a bit...
    EPISODE WEBPAGE: thehealthinvestment.com/240
    P.S. – If you’re liking The Health Investment Podcast, be sure to hit “subscribe/follow” so that you never miss an episode 🙂

    “My Unbiased Thrive Market Review (AND A Shopping List!)” – save money on your first Thrive Market order by clicking here
    Click here to lose 5-50 pounds for the LAST time so you can start showing up as the trimmest, healthiest, most confident, most energized version of yourself!
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    Follow host Brooke Simonson on Instagram
    Email Brooke: [email protected]
    Shout out to Christian Juarez for the theme music! (Click here to visit his Soundcloud!!)

  • EPISODE 239 - Ann Swanson teaches meditation to busy people with busy minds. She is the author of the internationally bestselling book SCIENCE OF YOGA and Meditation for the Real World, which illuminates the fascinating science behind meditation with step-by-step practices to help you find peace in everyday life. Ann wasn’t a naturally “chill person” and meditation didn’t come easy to her. Overcoming chronic pain and anxiety led her to India to study yoga, to China to explore tai chi, and to earn a Master of Science in Yoga Therapy. Now, Ann blends cutting-edge research with ancient wisdom, resulting in realistic techniques you’ll find yourself integrating into your day! Order her new book at MeditationForTheRealWorld.com for exclusive bonuses available to listeners. In the episode, Ann shares how 1-minute meditations can benefit your mental and physical health, how to effectively meditate in just 1-5 minutes/day, myths about meditation that need to be busted…and more!
    EPISODE WEBPAGE: thehealthinvestment.com/239
    P.S. – If you’re liking The Health Investment Podcast, be sure to hit “subscribe/follow” so that you never miss an episode 🙂

    How do you define meditation, especially in the context of everyday life?
    What are some common misconceptions people have about meditation?
    What advice do you have for people who struggle to quiet their minds during meditation?
    What are some of the scientifically proven benefits of meditation?
    How can meditation be integrated into a busy, modern lifestyle?
    Are there specific meditation techniques that are particularly effective for certain goals or challenges?
    How important is consistency in meditation practice, and how can one maintain it?


    Visit Ann's website, connect with her on Instagram, and read her book
    “My Unbiased Thrive Market Review (AND A Shopping List!)” – save money on your first Thrive Market order by clicking here
    Click here when you're ready to lose weight permanently!
    Follow The Health Investment Podcast on Instagram
    Follow host Brooke Simonson on Instagram
    Email Brooke: [email protected]
    Shout out to Christian Juarez for the theme music! (Click here to visit his Soundcloud!!)

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  • EPISODE 238 - Ryan Fahey is a four-time author, professional speaker, and wellness educator who is passionate about all things wellness and personal growth. He is the Owner of FaheyConsulting which aims to help people and organizations move from good to great through his coaching services, products, and expertise. His third book titled How To Thrive In Remote Working Environments aims to support the well-being of remote workers globally. It recently hit #1 on Amazon in Canada and cracked the top 40 books on entrepreneurship in North America. Originally from Eastern Canada, Ryan has dedicated his life to pursuing wellness and is widely considered a thought leader in the wellness and education sectors. In the episode, Ryan shares how to thrive as a remote/hybrid worker amidst unique challenges like moving less, working near your kitchen, not being able to turn off at the end of the day…and more!
    EPISODE WEBPAGE: thehealthinvestment.com/238
    P.S. – If you’re liking The Health Investment Podcast, be sure to hit “subscribe/follow” so that you never miss an episode 🙂

    How can remote workers thrive amidst each of these unique challenges?

    Moving less
    Working very close to the kitchen
    Feeling lonely
    Not being able to set boundaries as easily
    Not being able to “turn off” at the end of the day
    Avoiding distractions like laundry, dishes, etc.


    Visit Ryan's website and connect with him on LinkedIn
    The Little Book Of Hygge
    “My Unbiased Thrive Market Review (AND A Shopping List!)” – save money on your first Thrive Market order by clicking here
    Click here when you're ready to lose weight permanently!
    Follow The Health Investment Podcast on Instagram
    Follow host Brooke Simonson on Instagram
    Email Brooke: [email protected]
    Shout out to Christian Juarez for the theme music! (Click here to visit his Soundcloud!!)

  • EPISODE 237 - Heather Heynen is a Licensed Professional Counselor-Mental Health, Qualified Mental Health Professional, Life Coach, FMS Certified Exercise Professional, Health Coach & Podcaster. Heather has been working in private practice for over 20 years as a licensed mental health therapist, life coach & health coach. Along the way, she worked for some years as a part-time personal trainer, owned a Cross-Fit gym, and created an online weight-loss program. She is 50 years old and a mother to one child. She loves to travel and is an avid rock-climber, mountain biker and has taken on multiple solo multi-day bike-packing challenges over the past few years. Heather is a recovered binge-eater, restricter, yo-yo dieter and suffered with anxiety for years. This led her to creating and hosting the podcast Weight Loss & Wellness For Real and also creating online courses all with the purpose to help others find food and body freedom as well as purpose and joy in life. Her mission is to bring whole-person health (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual) to individuals so they can live their absolute best lives. In the episode, Heather shares the difference between mindful and intuitive eating, how to get emotional eating urges under control, a practical strategy to cut back on overeating…and more!EPISODE WEBPAGE: thehealthinvestment.com/237P.S. – If you’re liking The Health Investment Podcast, be sure to hit “subscribe/follow” so that you never miss an episode 🙂QUESTIONS I ASK HEATHER IN THE EPISODE:What do you define “mindful eating,” “binge eating,” and “emotional eating”?Does mindful eating relate to intuitive eating? If so, how?Can you discuss the connection between mindfulness and emotional eating?If someone wants to stop binge eating/overeating for good, what do they need to understand?What are some practical strategies people can use to overcome emotional eating?How does paying attention to hunger and fullness cues impact our eating habits? What's the best way to get started with this? What role do protein and food timing play?LINKS [SOME MAY BE AFFILIATE LINKS; PLEASE READ MY DISCLOSURE FOR MORE INFO]:Connect with Heather on Instagram, listen to her podcast, and visit her website“My Unbiased Thrive Market Review (AND A Shopping List!)” – save money on your first Thrive Market order by clicking hereClick here when you're ready to lose weight permanently!Follow The Health Investment Podcast on InstagramFollow host Brooke Simonson on InstagramEmail Brooke: [email protected] out to Christian Juarez for the theme music! (Click here to visit his Soundcloud!!)

  • EPISODE 236 - Michael Moss is a journalist and the author of two New York Times bestselling books on the processed food industry, Salt Sugar Fat and Hooked, published in 22 languages and now in development for the screen. He is a frequent guest on newscasts globally, from CBS This Morning to the BBC. His keynote speeches to corporations and organizations feature his work as an investigative reporter with The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. He won the Pulitzer Prize for Explanatory Reporting in 2010 for his investigation of the dangers of contaminated meat, and he was a finalist in 2006 for his reporting on the lack of protective armor for soldiers in Iraq, and in 1999 for a team effort on Wall Street’s emerging influence in the nursing home industry. He received an Overseas Press Club citation in 2007 for stories on the faulty justice system for American-held detainees in Iraq. He lives in Brooklyn, New York, with his wife, Eve Heyn, a public health communications expert. In the episode, Michael shares how the food industry uses the perfect mix of salt, sugar, and fat to hijack our taste buds; why the grocery store isn’t a level playing field; practical steps anyone can take to reduce their processed food consumption…and more!
    EPISODE WEBPAGE: thehealthinvestment.com/236
    P.S. – If you’re liking The Health Investment Podcast, be sure to hit “subscribe/follow” so that you never miss an episode 🙂

    Can you discuss the relationship between processed foods and the obesity epidemic?
    How do food companies manipulate salt, sugar, and fat to create addictive products?
    How do you define "food addiction," and how does your understanding of addiction differ from traditional views?
    If someone says "I can't stop eating potato chips" and feels like there's something wrong/broken inside of them, what's your response?
    Are there commonalities in the strategies used to create and perpetuate addiction across other sectors (like tobacco)?
    In a former interview, you said, "...the concepts of choice and free will may be something of an illusion when it comes to shopping for food. The grocery store is hardly a level playing field." Can you elaborate on that?
    What are some practical steps that someone can take to reduce their consumption of salt, sugar, and fat, given the pervasive nature of these ingredients in the food supply?
    Is consumer demand for healthier packaged products driving enough change?


    Visit Michael's website
    “My Unbiased Thrive Market Review (AND A Shopping List!)” – save money on your first Thrive Market order by clicking here
    Click here when you're ready to lose weight permanently!
    Follow The Health Investment Podcast on Instagram
    Follow host Brooke Simonson on Instagram
    Email Brooke: [email protected]
    Shout out to Christian Juarez for the theme music! (Click here to visit his Soundcloud!!)

  • EPISODE 235 - CEO and Founder of technology Wellbeing Ltd, International, TEDx speaker, and Creator of “The Digital Detox Coach,” Colin is a technologist, digital wellbeing coach, and endurance triathlete based in the United Kingdom. He is fascinated by the collision between technology and psychology and how this relationship is changing our world, our health, and even the way we think. He is passionate about helping people and organizations achieve a healthier, more productive, and ethically sustainable relationship with technology. Colin has over 30 years of experience leading technology companies which, together with the mindset of an athlete, he brings to his technology wellbeing practice. He holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Technology Management, a Bachelor of Science (Honors) in Mathematics, and is a member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) and the International Coaching Federation (ICF). In the episode, Colin shares practical strategies for using your phone less, how to engage in digital detox “snacks,” the role of your environment in terms of phone and social media use…and more!
    EPISODE WEBPAGE: thehealthinvestment.com/235
    P.S. – If you’re liking The Health Investment Podcast, be sure to hit “subscribe/follow” so that you never miss an episode 🙂

    Can you start off by telling us a bit about your background? (Specifically, what led you to become a "digital detox coach"?)
    What is a "digital detox"? Does it require giving up phones/social media/computers/TV completely?
    How can excessive screen time impact our mental and physical health? 
    What are potential long-term benefits of incorporating regular digital detoxes into our lifestyles?
    What makes digital detoxing so difficult?


    Connect with Colin on LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube; visit his website; and download his "Couch To 5k" challenge
    “My Unbiased Thrive Market Review (AND A Shopping List!)” – save money on your first Thrive Market order by clicking here
    Click here when you're ready to lose weight permanently!
    Follow The Health Investment Podcast on Instagram
    Follow host Brooke Simonson on Instagram
    Email Brooke: [email protected]
    Shout out to Christian Juarez for the theme music! (Click here to visit his Soundcloud!!)

  • EPISODE 234 - Joy Bracey, Ed.D., LPC, NCC attained her Doctor of Education in Executive Leadership at the University of Holy Cross in New Orleans, Louisiana and her Master of Education in Counseling at the University of New Orleans. She spent her early career in various leadership roles in the hospitality industry, then followed her passion for helping others by pursuing her Master's in Counseling and providing mental health services for New Orleans’ most vulnerable women and children. She has spent over 11 years as the President & CEO of a non-profit addiction treatment & mental health agency while serving in leadership roles on numerous local and national boards, coalitions, and advisory councils. Joy uses her background, education, and experiences to spread the message about the life-changing impact of self-love and mindfulness. She hosts retreats and provides coaching and counseling to individuals to help them along on their journey of discovering the freedom that comes with letting go of perfectionism, people-pleasing, defensiveness, and other tools of the inner critic so they can fully embrace self-love and experience inner peace. She’s an Adjunct Professor of Self-Awareness at Teacher's College-Columbia University, and is the host/creator of "The Easy Weigh Out" podcast. In the episode, Joy shares the advantages to weighing 300+ pounds, how she coped (and continues to cope with) “food noise,” how she broke free from emotional eating tendencies…and more!EPISODE WEBPAGE: thehealthinvestment.com/234P.S. – If you’re liking The Health Investment Podcast, be sure to hit “subscribe/follow” so that you never miss an episode 🙂QUESTIONS I ASK JOY IN THE EPISODE:What were the benefits to weighing over 300 pounds?How did you reconcile the message of the “body positivity” movement and the idea of “self-love at any weight” with the desire for intentional weight loss?What role did bariatric surgery and GLP-1 medications play in your journey?How did you cope with overbearing “food noise” and the desire to use food to numb emotions?LINKS [SOME MAY BE AFFILIATE LINKS; PLEASE READ MY DISCLOSURE FOR MORE INFO]:Connect with Joy on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok; visit her website; and listen to her podcast“My Unbiased Thrive Market Review (AND A Shopping List!)” – save money on your first Thrive Market order by clicking hereClick here when you're ready to lose weight permanently!Follow The Health Investment Podcast on InstagramFollow host Brooke Simonson on InstagramEmail Brooke: [email protected] out to Christian Juarez for the theme music! (Click here to visit his Soundcloud!!)

  • EPISODE 233 - Alison Escalante, MD, is a Pediatrician, author of the upcoming book Sigh, See, Start: How To Be The Parent Your Child Needs In A World That Won’t Stop Pushing, TEDx Speaker, writer, and woman on a mission to ease the epidemic of anxiety that has convinced us we are always failing and is stealing our joy. She has developed a 3-step method to help parents raise their kids mindfully and skillfully—AND enjoy doing it. Dr. Escalante has also presented this method at conferences and corporate events for professionals looking for greater effectiveness and wellness under pressure. She writes for Forbes on the science of human performance and Psychology Today on life in the culture of anxiety. She has degrees from Princeton in the history of ideas and Rutgers in medicine and did her pediatric training at Duke and University of Chicago. She is an adjunct faculty member of Rush University School of Medicine. In the episode, Dr. Escalante shares why parents are more anxious today than ever, when parenting advice is helpful (and when it’s not), how to approach any situation with your child feeling calm and confident…and more!
    EPISODE WEBPAGE: thehealthinvestment.com/233
    P.S. – If you’re liking The Health Investment Podcast, be sure to hit “subscribe/follow” so that you never miss an episode 🙂

    Early in your career, you were seeing patients in a well-to-do area outside of Chicago and were surprised by what parents asked. What were they asking?
    Before you became a parent, what kind of mother did you want to be or see for yourself? How has that changed? And why?
    What is a "ShouldStorm"?
    How is parenting today different than it was just one generation ago, during what you call “old school” parenting? Why is it so different today?
    You talk about a lot of different parenting approaches that have been marketed to contemporary parents, including one which is rather popular now: gentle parenting. How do you feel about this parenting approach over any other?
    How does Sigh, See, Start work? Can you describe the method?
    In the book you say that Sigh, See, Start will NOT make you a perfect parent. What does Sigh, See, Start give parents that is so valuable?
    How can parents effectively navigate challenges such as tantrums, defiance, or sibling rivalry?


    Visit Dr. Escalante's website and read her book
    “My Unbiased Thrive Market Review (AND A Shopping List!)” – save money on your first Thrive Market order by clicking here
    Click here when you're ready to lose weight permanently!
    Follow The Health Investment Podcast on Instagram
    Follow host Brooke Simonson on Instagram
    Email Brooke: [email protected]
    Shout out to Christian Juarez for the theme music! (Click here to visit his Soundcloud!!)

  • EPISODE 232 - Suzi Sung is an advocate for self-development and a true believer in following your dreams even if they scare you, which is why she has created her self-help books to help you along your journey. She has had first-hand experience of the power of working on yourself and how it can really change your life. At the beginning of her own journey, Suzi found she would struggle a lot with staying motivated and believing things would get better, and when she turned to self-help books or positive Instagram pages, she felt that there was either too much jargon or not enough information to give her the comfort she needed. In the episode, she shares everything you need to know about staying consistent! 
    EPISODE WEBPAGE: thehealthinvestment.com/232
    P.S. – If you’re liking The Health Investment Podcast, be sure to hit “subscribe/follow” so that you never miss an episode 🙂

    Can you start off by telling us a bit about your background? (Specifically, what led you to write The Consistency Formula?)
    Why is consistency so important?
    How can internal thoughts get in the way of staying consistent?
    What role does goal-setting and planning play when it comes to consistency?
    Is it helpful to anticipate challenges that may arise?
    How does consistency relate to motivation and willpower?
    What role does accountability play in maintaining consistency, and how can someone leverage it effectively


    Visit Suzi's website and follow her on Instagram
    “My Unbiased Thrive Market Review (AND A Shopping List!)” – save money on your first Thrive Market order by clicking here
    Click here when you're ready to lose weight permanently!
    Follow The Health Investment Podcast on Instagram
    Follow host Brooke Simonson on Instagram
    Email Brooke: [email protected]
    Shout out to Christian Juarez for the theme music! (Click here to visit his Soundcloud!!)

  • EPISODE 231 - In a world that is flooded with promises of instant gratification, short cuts, quick fixes, and easy buttons, Chad helps his clients stop constantly starting over so they can improve their quality of life with long term fitness success. Whether speaking in front of large groups, or delivering live or virtual workshops, attendees always walk away with a plan that they can use immediately. Chad is the owner of Priority Fitness in Overland Park, KS, and is also the best selling and award winning author of the book series, “Make Fitness A Priority.” He was the host of the talk radio show, “Be Fit...For Life,” and has been a featured guest on over 50 podcasts. In the episode, he shares what to look for in a workout program, how to make fitness easily fit into your life, how to bust through common excuses like “I’m too busy”…and more!
    EPISODE WEBPAGE: thehealthinvestment.com/231
    P.S. – If you’re liking The Health Investment Podcast, be sure to hit “subscribe/follow” so that you never miss an episode 🙂

    What does your message—"Make Fitness A Priority"—mean?
    When someone is choosing a workout program, what should they be looking for? What should they be looking to avoid?
    What does "fitness" mean? Daily movement? Strength training? Cardio? Is one more important than another?
    There are no magic tricks to help someone get immediate results, but is there a trick to helping someone get started?
    What would you say to someone who's struggling with one of the following mindset blocks?

    "I’m too busy"
    "I'm too tired"
    "I'm motivated for a couple of weeks but then lose motivation"
    "I'm worried about getting injured"


    Visit Chad's website, follow him on Instagram, and download his app
    “My Unbiased Thrive Market Review (AND A Shopping List!)” – save money on your first Thrive Market order by clicking here
    Click here when you're ready to lose weight permanently!
    Follow The Health Investment Podcast on Instagram
    Follow host Brooke Simonson on Instagram
    Email Brooke: [email protected]
    Shout out to Christian Juarez for the theme music! (Click here to visit his Soundcloud!!)

  • EPISODE 230 - Kim Schlag is a personal trainer and nutrition coach who came to fitness later in life. She spent the better part of two decades yo-yo dieting, ending up obese and utterly confused. In her early 40s she finally discovered that the secret hack she’d been looking for all those years really wasn’t so secret after all. She totally transformed her body & mind through proper nutrition and strength training and now helps women all over the world get strong, lose weight and heal their relationship with food and their bodies. In the episode, she shares how to navigate weight loss amidst hormonal changes in your 40s, 50s, and 60s; how weight loss when you’re 40+ is different from weight loss in your 20s; the importance of protein and strength training…and more!EPISODE WEBPAGE: thehealthinvestment.com/230P.S. – If you’re liking The Health Investment Podcast, be sure to hit “subscribe/follow” so that you never miss an episode 🙂QUESTIONS I ASK KIM IN THE EPISODE:What are some common misconceptions about nutrition, fitness, and weight loss for women over 40?How is weight loss different when you're 40+ than it is when you're in your 20s and 30s? How is it the same?What nutritional considerations are particularly important for women over 40 who want to maintain a healthy weight?What role does protein play in a diet for those over 40, especially in relation to muscle preservation and overall health?Is motivation something we should be relying on? Why or why not?How can hormonal changes during and after menopause affect weight loss and body composition, and what strategies can be effective in managing these changes?LINKS [SOME MAY BE AFFILIATE LINKS; PLEASE READ MY DISCLOSURE FOR MORE INFO]:Visit Kim's website; connect with her on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok; watch her Instagram highlight of strength training tips for beginners; and listen to her podcast“My Unbiased Thrive Market Review (AND A Shopping List!)” – save money on your first Thrive Market order by clicking hereClick here when you're ready to lose weight permanently!Follow The Health Investment Podcast on InstagramFollow host Brooke Simonson on InstagramEmail Brooke: [email protected] out to Christian Juarez for the theme music! (Click here to visit his Soundcloud!!)

  • EPISODE 229 - Combining her education in kinesiology and psychology with her MBA and experience living in Cancun, Jennica Day has carved out a niche for herself as a vacation expert. She has spent the past eight years conceptualizing, researching, and writing a book on the science of vacations and she is now on a mission to teach everyone how to vacation optimally to prevent burnout and improve their health and wellness. Jennica is also an ex-varsity wrestler,  an ecommerce analytics nerd, a wife, and a mom to three boys. In the episode, Jennica explains that a vacation doesn’t need to involve travel, why detachment is a critical skill for enhancing any vacation, the three vacation cycles…and more!
    EPISODE WEBPAGE: thehealthinvestment.com/229
    P.S. – If you’re liking The Health Investment Podcast, be sure to hit “subscribe/follow” so that you never miss an episode 🙂

    Why is it important to analyze vacations from a scientific perspective? And why should people care?
    You talk about vacations that are tailored to individual personalities and values. Can you elaborate on this?
    How can you balance the various personalities in a family on vacation?
    In your book you talk about three vacation skills. Can you elaborate on these?
    What about when travel becomes stressful? How can you still get the rest and rejuvenation you need from the vacation?
    You like to think of vacations as not just vacations, but as vacation cycles. Can you explain what this means?


    Visit Jennica's website and connect with her on Instagram and TikTok
    “My Unbiased Thrive Market Review (AND A Shopping List!)” – save money on your first Thrive Market order by clicking here
    Click here when you're ready to lose weight permanently!
    Follow The Health Investment Podcast on Instagram
    Follow host Brooke Simonson on Instagram
    Email Brooke: [email protected]
    Shout out to Christian Juarez for the theme music! (Click here to visit his Soundcloud!!)

  • EPISODE 228 - Dr. Sarah Adler is CEO/Founder of Wave Life, a mental health platform that pairs affordable and quality coaching with engaging and immersive skill-building for Gen Z. She is a licensed clinical psychologist and former hedge fund analyst obsessed with improving access to high-quality mental healthcare. Dr. Adler is a Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Stanford University. In the episode, she shares how to identify if emotional eating is causing real issues for you, why getting a handle on emotional eating is a separate goal from weight control, why Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is the best strategy for cutting back on emotional eating…and more!
    EPISODE WEBPAGE: thehealthinvestment.com/228
    P.S. – If you’re liking The Health Investment Podcast, be sure to hit “subscribe/follow” so that you never miss an episode 🙂

    Is emotional eating something we should be trying to stop altogether or just cut back on?
    How can you know if emotional eating is a problem for you?
    What are common triggers for emotional eating?
    Are the strategies for cutting back on emotional eating the same if you’re dealing with deep-seated trauma triggers vs. more immediate triggers (like a stressful meeting at work)?
    Why is getting a handle on emotional/binge eating a separate goal from weight control?
    What is Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and what makes it an effective approach for cutting back on emotional eating?
    Your book discusses the importance of building skills. Can you explain what skills are essential for overcoming emotional eating?
    Do you need to work with a therapist to practice DBT?
    How can we raise our kids in a way that emotional eating won’t be an issue for them later in life?
    How have GLP-1 drugs changed the conversation around emotional/binge eating and weight loss?


    Connect with Dr. Adler on LinkedIn and read her book
    “My Unbiased Thrive Market Review (AND A Shopping List!)” – save money on your first Thrive Market order by clicking here
    Click here when you're ready to lose weight permanently!
    Follow The Health Investment Podcast on Instagram
    Follow host Brooke Simonson on Instagram
    Email Brooke: [email protected]
    Shout out to Christian Juarez for the theme music! (Click here to visit his Soundcloud!!)

  • EPISODE 227 - Kim Shapira M.S., R.D. is a celebrity dietitian, nutritional therapist, and author, with a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology from Tulane University and a Master’s degree in Human Metabolism and Clinical Nutrition from Boston University. Kim has spent over 25 years helping people lose weight and keep it off (with a giant emphasis on keeping it off), both in her private Los Angeles practice, in hospitals, sports clinics, addiction centers and universities. When she’s not helping her clients take back their relationship with food, she is a wife and mother of three children and three pups. Kim often appears as a guest expert for Yahoo!, Just Jenny, Sky News, Vanity Fair, Pop Sugar, podcasts, and will be happy to pop in and be a guest speaker for your book clubs. In the episode, Kim shares critical mindset shifts that are necessary for weight loss and especially maintenance, practical strategies for cutting back on emotional eating, six simple rules for transforming your relationship with food…and more!
    EPISODE WEBPAGE: thehealthinvestment.com/227
    P.S. – If you’re liking The Health Investment Podcast, be sure to hit “subscribe/follow” so that you never miss an episode 🙂

    What role does mindset play in achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle? What are critical mindset shifts most of your clients need to make?
    How do you address emotional eating with your clients? What strategies do you recommend for developing a healthier relationship with food?
    What are key elements of a balanced, sustainable dietary pattern?
    How do you approach creating personalized nutrition plans for your clients, considering their individual needs and lifestyles?
    Your book is titled This Is What You're Really Hungry For: Six Simple Rules to Transform Your Relationship with Food to Become Your Healthiest Self. What are the “six simple rules”?
    Drinking enough water is a common challenge for many people. What hydration tips can you offer?
    You recommend 7+ hours of sleep each night. If someone struggles to get enough sleep, what suggestions do you have for them?


    Visit Kim's website, connect with her on Instagram and TikTok, and read her book
    “My Unbiased Thrive Market Review (AND A Shopping List!)” – save money on your first Thrive Market order by clicking here
    Click here when you're ready to lose weight permanently!
    Follow The Health Investment Podcast on Instagram
    Follow host Brooke Simonson on Instagram
    Email Brooke: [email protected]
    Shout out to Christian Juarez for the theme music! (Click here to visit his Soundcloud!!)

  • EPISODE 226 - For the past 14 years, Joanna Armstrong has been helping countless clients free themselves of everything from stress, worry, insecurities, and overwhelm to anxiety, fear, sleeping problems, and imposter syndrome. Her clients are raving about her unusually liberating science-based technique, combining EFT-tapping, EMDR, and Positive Psychology. Being a much wiser burnout survivor, Joanna now enjoys family life on a homestead in the countryside. In the episode, Joanna shares what sets her approach apart from other self-help strategies, the 3 simplest steps you can take to feel deeply joyful and satisfied, what EFT tapping is and how it can help you…and more!
    EPISODE WEBPAGE: thehealthinvestment.com/226
    P.S. – If you’re liking The Health Investment Podcast, be sure to hit “subscribe/follow” so that you never miss an episode 🙂

    Can you start off by telling us a bit about your background? (Specifically, what led you to want to help people free themselves from stress, worry, insecurities, overwhelm, anxiety, fear, sleeping problems, and imposter syndrome?)
    What sets your approach to addressing stress and worry apart from other self-help strategies?
    What are the 3 simplest steps to be deeply joyful and satisfied?
    What is EFT tapping? Why does it work?


    Visit Joanna's website
    “My Unbiased Thrive Market Review (AND A Shopping List!)” – save money on your first Thrive Market order by clicking here
    Click here when you're ready to lose weight permanently!
    Follow The Health Investment Podcast on Instagram
    Follow host Brooke Simonson on Instagram
    Email Brooke: [email protected]
    Shout out to Christian Juarez for the theme music! (Click here to visit his Soundcloud!!)

  • EPISODE 225 - Tim Tamashiro is a multifaceted creator with a passion for sharing joy and positivity through his work. He has made a name for himself as a speaker, singer, and former national radio host. He is also the bestselling author of How To Ikigai, a book that has helped many people find purpose and meaning in their lives. During his time as the host of Tonic on CBC Radio 2, Tim discovered his love for jazz and its ability to bring people together. He left CBC to pursue his passion for positive psychology, wellbeing, and the Japanese concept of Ikigai, or life's worth. Through his journey, Tim has discovered that his own Ikigai is "to delight," and he strives to share this joy with others through his work. Whether he's giving a speech, singing a song, telling a story, or simply sharing a smile, Tim's mission is to spread positivity and inspire others to find their own Ikigai. Join Tim on his journey of self-discovery and learn how to find joy and purpose in your own life. In the episode, Tim shares what Ikigai is, how to find your Ikigai, how finding your Ikigai can improve things like your current career and relationship…and more!
    EPISODE WEBPAGE: thehealthinvestment.com/225
    P.S. – If you’re liking The Health Investment Podcast, be sure to hit “subscribe/follow” so that you never miss an episode 🙂

    Can you provide a brief overview of what Ikigai is and its significance in Japanese culture?
    How does Ikigai differ from other personal development frameworks?
    How can someone use Ikigai as a practical framework for finding purpose and fulfillment in their life?
    How can a person align their career with their Ikigai? How do they strike a balance between pursuing their passions and meeting the practical demands of their profession?
    Can Ikigai be applied to relationships?
    What advice do you have for someone struggling to identify their Ikigai or feeling disconnected from their sense of purpose?
    How does the concept of Ikigai evolve or change across different life stages?
    How has the concept of Ikigai played out in your own life?


    Connect with Tim on Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn; watch his TED Talk; and read his book
    “My Unbiased Thrive Market Review (AND A Shopping List!)” – save money on your first Thrive Market order by clicking here
    Click here when you're ready to lose weight permanently!
    Follow The Health Investment Podcast on Instagram
    Follow host Brooke Simonson on Instagram
    Email Brooke: [email protected]
    Shout out to Christian Juarez for the theme music! (Click here to visit his Soundcloud!!)

  • EPISODE 224 - Kanchan Koya wants to demystify healing spices for you and your family. She has a PhD in Biomedicine from Harvard University and training from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. Kanchan knows one thing for certain: food can be our best medicine! Spices have powerful health-boosting properties validated by modern science. Plus, they make food ultra-delicious! Yet many of us use them only occasionally and we’re scared to offer them to our kids. Kanchan's goal is to debunk these myths, teach you about the powerful benefits of spices, and inspire you to use them in things you make for your babies and kids. In the episode, she shares her five favorite spices, how to easily incorporate spices into everyday cooking, which spices are safe for babies and young children…and more!
    EPISODE WEBPAGE: thehealthinvestment.com/224
    P.S. – If you’re liking The Health Investment Podcast, be sure to hit “subscribe/follow” so that you never miss an episode 🙂

    In your book, you discuss the health benefits of spices. Can you share more about how incorporating spices into our diet can contribute to overall well-being?
    Which spices are particularly known for their wellness benefits?
    For someone who may not be familiar with using a wide range of spices, what are some simple ways to start incorporating them into everyday cooking?
    What are your favorite spice blends?
    Are spices safe for babies and young children?
    How have you integrated spices into your family's meals?
    Are spice supplements worth their hype?
    How long do spices last?
    After working with spices for so many years, is there anything you’ve changed your mind about?


    Connect with Kanchan on Instagram and TikTok, visit her blog, listen to her podcast, and read her book
    “My Unbiased Thrive Market Review (AND A Shopping List!)” – save money on your first Thrive Market order by clicking here
    Click here when you're ready to lose weight permanently!
    Follow The Health Investment Podcast on Instagram
    Follow host Brooke Simonson on Instagram
    Email Brooke: [email protected]
    Shout out to Christian Juarez for the theme music! (Click here to visit his Soundcloud!!)

  • EPISODE 223 - Dana K. White (much to her own surprise) is a Decluttering Expert and is the creator of the five-step No Mess Decluttering Method. She shares realistic home management strategies and a message of hope for the hopelessly messy in her books: Organizing for the Rest of Us, Decluttering at the Speed of Life (a Wall Street Journal bestseller) and How to Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind. Dana teaches her strategies through her blog, podcast, and videos at ASlobComesClean.com and trains coaches in her unique decluttering process at DeclutteringCoaches.com. In the episode, she shares how to declutter and organize (even if it doesn’t come naturally to you), how to figure out your “clutter threshold,” how to deal with kids’ toys …and more!
    EPISODE WEBPAGE: thehealthinvestment.com/223
    P.S. – If you’re liking The Health Investment Podcast, be sure to hit “subscribe/follow” so that you never miss an episode 🙂

    On your website aslobcomesclean.com (love the name!), you say you help with “reality-based cleaning, decluttering, and organizing.” What do you mean by “reality-based”?
    How does clutter impact a person's mental and emotional well-being?
    What's your five step decluttering process?
    How are “space-saving designs” and “storage solutions” just gimmicks? What should we focus on instead?
    What should we do about “just in case” items that are tempting to hang on to? What about sentimental items?
    What type of mental work does a person need to do to bring in less stuff (so that decluttering doesn’t become a vicious cycle)?
    What do you mean by “clutter threshold”? How do you know if you’ve exceeded your personal clutter threshold?
    How do you tackle toys with kids at various ages?


    Connect with Dana on YouTube and Instagram, listen to her podcast, visit her website, and read her books
    “My Unbiased Thrive Market Review (AND A Shopping List!)” – save money on your first Thrive Market order by clicking here
    Click here when you're ready to lose weight permanently!
    Follow The Health Investment Podcast on Instagram
    Follow host Brooke Simonson on Instagram
    Email Brooke: [email protected]
    Shout out to Christian Juarez for the theme music! (Click here to visit his Soundcloud!!)

  • EPISODE 222 - Amanda Thebe is a Fitness and Women’s Health Expert with nearly thirty years of experience in the fitness industry. she is the author of the Amazon best-selling book, Menopocalypse: How I Learned to Thrive During Menopause and How You Can Too! and co-founder and Chief Wellness and Branding Officer at Nyah Health, a complete healthcare solution for menopausal women in Canada. As Canada’s first menopause workplace educator, Amanda provides on-site or virtual educational presentations in the workplace to improve productivity, retention and attendance for female employees through menopause. Amanda is a popular guest on podcasts, radio, tv and online summits, and her health and fitness tips have been featured in media outlets like Oprah, Shape, Prevention, Health Line, CBC Radio, Global News Canada, The Doctors, and many more. She lives in Toronto, Ontario. In the episode, she shares which strategies actually help you navigate weight gain, sleep troubles, and out-of-whack hormones throughout menopause and which strategies are completely insane and should be ignored.
    EPISODE WEBPAGE: thehealthinvestment.com/222
    P.S. – If you’re liking The Health Investment Podcast, be sure to hit “subscribe/follow” so that you never miss an episode 🙂

    What exactly is menopause, and how does it differ from perimenopause and postmenopause?
    Can you explain the hormonal changes that occur during menopause and their impact on the body and mind?
    On your website you say, "I believe every woman deserves to be empowered in midlife and menopause. I help women take back their lives through education, support and sane strategies." What are some insane strategies you see circulating, re: handling the menopause transition?
    Is menopause weight gain inevitable? If so, what’s the cause? Hormones? Calorie surplus? Both?
    Where does the extra weight usually show up? Is it possible to "spot treat" belly fat? To get rid of it with a special tea or supplement?
    When is HRT/MHRT the right choice? When is it not?


    Visit Amanda's website, follow her on Instagram, and read her book Menopocalypse
    “My Unbiased Thrive Market Review (AND A Shopping List!)” – save money on your first Thrive Market order by clicking here
    Click here when you're ready to lose weight permanently!
    Follow The Health Investment Podcast on Instagram
    Follow host Brooke Simonson on Instagram
    Email Brooke: [email protected]
    Shout out to Christian Juarez for the theme music! (Click here to visit his Soundcloud!!)

  • EPISODE 221 - Dr. Sasha High is an Internist and Obesity Medicine Physician, mom of three, and entrepreneur. She founded Canada’s leading medical and coaching weight loss program for women called Best Weight. She is an international speaker, social media educator (@sashahighmd on all platforms), and host of the High On Life podcast. In the episode, Dr. High explains why obesity is a chronic medical condition, when medications may be the appropriate intervention, why it’s important to adopt cognitive behavioral skills on any weight loss journey…and more!
    EPISODE WEBPAGE: thehealthinvestment.com/221
    P.S. – If you’re liking The Health Investment Podcast, be sure to hit “subscribe/follow” so that you never miss an episode 🙂

    Can you explain why obesity is a chronic medical condition (and not just a lack of self-control and willpower)?
    When are weight loss medications the right intervention?
    Should everyone with obesity try to lose weight, or can you be “healthy at every size”?
    In one of your Instagram Reels, you say "the weight loss tool more effective than Berberine (aka 'nature's Ozempic') is cognitive behavioral skills + emotional eating work." What are some of the most effective cognitive behavioral skills someone can adopt for weight loss? What are strategies to try if you have emotional eating tendencies
    Why is resilience important on a weight loss journey? How can someone build resilience?


    Follow Dr. High on Instagram and TikTok, listen to her podcast, and visit her website
    “My Unbiased Thrive Market Review (AND A Shopping List!)” – save money on your first Thrive Market order by clicking here
    Click here when you're ready to lose weight permanently!
    Follow The Health Investment Podcast on Instagram
    Follow host Brooke Simonson on Instagram
    Email Brooke: [email protected]
    Shout out to Christian Juarez for the theme music! (Click here to visit his Soundcloud!!)