
  • This week, I want to dive deeper into blindspots and explore how blindspots actually blind us. I’ll talk about how blindspots work and how they colour the appearing reality that we get. And then I’ll discuss why that is such a significant dilemma to the human species, and why we are stuck in our blindspots. 

    In previous episodes, I talked about what blinspots are - a way of seeing or a context from where we are seeing, that colours how we see and that we don't even know that we don't know that we don't know! So we don't know we have a blindspot until the very moment the blindspot reveals itself. So how do we become conscious of our blindspots and how do they stop blinding us?

    What is Covered: 

    -Why blindspots are so powerful in colouring our reality

    -How we can perceive and dissolve our blindspots

    -Jean Piaget and his research of blindspots in child brain development

    -Blindspots that are consistent to the entire human species

    -Why we keep repeating the same patterns and cycles

    -How blindspots work in our perception of reality

    -Why blindspots are such a big dilemma for the whole world

    -How a different and more mature world can look like 


    -Access our ’21 days of Expansion’ Audio Activation Process gift: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-gift-21-days/

    -Ep 02 The Body, the Mind and the Identity https://player.captivate.fm/episode/d09b2639-ae85-42c8-a892-aa9dc4629dc8 

    -Visit my website: https://nickyclinch.com/ 

    -Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicky_clinch/ 

    -Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickyclinchmaturation 

    -Let's connect on LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/nicky-clinch-surrender

  • This week's topic is on curiosity, which I believe is the cure to fear. But we cannot talk about curiosity without first speaking about fear.

    Fear is the number one piece that keeps us human beings stuck in survival. It’s the catalyst, the food to our survival mechanisms, and the suffering at the root of the human condition. Fear is like addiction. Survival cannot survive without fear. It is the human experience that keeps people from really living their life.

    So how do we go beyond fear, and what is the alternative to the paradigm of fear? In this episode, we’re going to talk about this alternative. 

    What is Covered: 

    -Why fear is much more than just a feeling and why it keeps us stuck

    -The connection between fear and the function of the human mind

    -How perceived death can mean different things - rejection, betrayal, humiliation

    -How fear leads to disconnection from living our lives

    -Why curiosity is so counterintuitive to human mind

    -How to engage in the process of curiosity and live from the paradigm of curiosity

    -Why curiosity is the cure to fear  


    -Access our ’21 days of Expansion’ Audio Activation Process gift: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-gift-21-days/

    -Episode 017: What Creates Reality? What Creates Paradigm? https://player.captivate.fm/episode/063aa15f-03c8-4a3e-adfb-7b4e5c5a964f 

    -Visit my website: https://nickyclinch.com/ 

    -Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicky_clinch/ 

    -Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickyclinchmaturation 

    -Let's connect on LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/nicky-clinch-surrender

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  • Today marks a very exciting moment as we enter phase 2 of the podcast with our first ever guest interview episode. And who better to kick this off with than my dear sister and friend, and the world's number one manifestation coach, Regan Hillyer.

    Regan is a Serial Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, Energetic Coach, International Speaker and Mindset Coach and the CEO and founder of, amongst other ventures, Regan Hillyer International (RHI), a global 8-figure business.

    Regan is also the creator of the world’s Number One Manifestation Method - the “Energetic Architecture Method™” - a unique manifestation modality that uses the quantum field to allow people to manifest the lives that they desire.

    Today we discuss the potential and capability that every human being has to manifest the world that they intend. Regan talks about The Nest, a special place for frequency upgrading that she and her partner created in Costa Rica. We also talk about integrity, commitment and turning discipline into blisscipline, as well as the three steps to begin upgrading your energetic field.   

    To celebrate entering this next phase of the podcast, I am giving one lucky winner the chance to win a VIP Day with me! To enter, you need to listen to Thursday's BONUS episode (38) and today's guest episode (39) where at the end of each, I reveal one key word. 

    Once you have both words, enter them here to win: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-giveaway-may-24/ 

    Competition ends 30th May 2024 midnight BST. The winner will be randomly selected and contacted by the latest 3rd June 2024.

    What is Covered: 

    -What inspired Regan to commit to her mission of raising the frequency and vibration of the planet

    -Why we need to experience and purge lower densities in our BodyMinds and how to do it

    -The current energetic shift and recalibration that is happening on our planet

    -Why some people feel terror and anxiety while others are living their best lives ever

    -Biohacking and ascension technologies that Regan is applying at The Nest, her place in Costa Rica

    -Commitment, discipline, integrity and blisscipline

    -Three steps for upgrading our energy field 

    -Nicky’s Empress birthday and Empress year


    -Connect with Regan Hillyer at https://www.instagram.com/reganhillyer/ 

    -Access our ’21 days of Expansion’ Audio Activation Process gift: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-gift-21-days/

    -Visit my website: https://nickyclinch.com/ 

    -Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicky_clinch/ 

    -Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickyclinchmaturation 

    -Let's connect on LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/nicky-clinch-surrender

  • This week is a big week for the podcast. Not only are we moving into phase 2 of our journey, with our first ever guest interview episode being released this Saturday, but it is also my birthday week!

    To celebrate, I am giving one lucky winner the chance to win a VIP Day with me!

    To enter, you need to listen to today’s BONUS episode (38) and Saturday’s episode (39) where at the end of each, I will reveal one key word. Once you have both words, enter them here to win: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-giveaway-may-24/

    Competition ends 30th May 2024 midnight BST. The winner will be randomly selected and contacted by latest 3 June 2024.

    Today’s episode is a quick roundup and a celebration of the creative process that led me to this point in my life and to this phase of the podcast. I’m going to share with you a little bit more of my personal journey, which I haven't done a lot in previous episodes. I want to describe the process of alchemy that is the creative process, with all its uncertainty and stepping into the unknown, but also with the firm commitment to something we cannot yet see materialised in 3D form.

    We’re going to cover what creation is, how it can feel, how to deal with uncertainty and failures, and finally, how to receive and accept success when it comes. 


    Access our ’21 days of Expansion’ Audio Activation Process gift: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-gift-21-days/Visit my website: https://nickyclinch.com/ Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicky_clinch/ Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickyclinchmaturation Let's connect on LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/nicky-clinch-surrender
  • We are opening a competition to celebrate the entering into a new phase of this show! In order to participate and win a valuable prize, you have to listen to all the episodes this week. Stay tuned to get all the information! 

    Today, I am speaking about living and creating in flow. Flow is a big topic nowadays, but it’s often presented as something that we can get outside of ourselves. In fact, flow is a state of being, and a paradigm from which we are coming from and creating from. It's not something to hold onto. It's not an object that we can find somewhere, that will somehow solve the dissatisfaction, pain and emptiness that we are currently in. 

    So how do we start to experience more flow, and learn to live and create in flow? 

    What is Covered: 

    -Why we remain stuck or get stuck even deeper by searching for flow

    -Flow as a natural state of being

    -Why the function of our mind is the complete antithesis to flow

    -How to access and experience flow

    -Unexpected life experiences that can help us understand flow better

    -How to uncover our points of resistance to flow


    -Access our ’21 days of Expansion’ Audio Activation Process gift: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-gift-21-days/

    -Episode 0002 The Body, the Mind and the Identity https://player.captivate.fm/episode/d09b2639-ae85-42c8-a892-aa9dc4629dc8  

    -Visit my website: https://nickyclinch.com/ 

    -Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicky_clinch/ 

    -Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickyclinchmaturation 

    -Let's connect on LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/nicky-clinch-surrender

  • This week we’re diving into emotional bleeding or emotional dumping versus emotional maturity, and the distinction between the two. 

    Emotional bleeding or dumping is rampant, if not even supported, and sometimes even celebrated in our society and social media culture today. We live in a  public culture where there’s an opportunity to instantly be exposed and expressed. We are teaching the younger generations that being an emotional bleeder with no boundaries, no center, no ability to hold themselves and communicate in mature emotional ways, is normal. And it’s a toxic culture, causing a devastating impact to the person themselves who are stuck in the pattern, as well as so much pain to the people who are on the receiving end of emotional dumping. 

    So in this episode, we’re going to talk about how to recognise and understand emotional dumping, and how to make steps from it towards emotional maturity. 

    What is Covered: 

    -What emotional bleeding or dumping is and the root of it

    -How emotional dumping shows up in relationships

    -Why emotional dumping is so damaging to all sides involved

    -The hunger that drives this behaviour and why it can’t be satisfied

    -Why emotional bleeding sometimes hides behind hyper-independence

    -Emotional bleeding, narcissism and gaslighting

    -How society feeds and celebrates emotional dumping

    -What emotional maturity is and how we can be mum and dad to our own selves

    -How emotional maturity shows in relationships 

    -How to approach an emotional bleeder and set clear boundaries  


    -Join my FREE 1-hour masterclass 'Gateway to Wealth: Discover the Secrets Of Universal Wealth With The BodyMind Maturation Method™' on 15th May at 7.30pm BST / 2.30pm EDT: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/gatewaytowealthmasterclass/

    -Access our ’21 days of Expansion’ Audio Activation Process gift: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-gift-21-days/

    -Episode 034 Healing the Mother Wound https://player.captivate.fm/episode/73727d8f-3fd5-4bf1-98ac-6f1e15e6225a

    -Episode 035 Healing the Father Wound https://player.captivate.fm/episode/2cd6bbed-99ab-4147-b0ad-07348cd20c4e 

    -Episode 021 Trust Vs. Control https://player.captivate.fm/episode/a4f3eae0-607b-43ba-9cd7-db8284e4d3ff   

    -Visit my website: https://nickyclinch.com/ 

    -Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicky_clinch/ 

    -Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickyclinchmaturation 

    -Let's connect on LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/nicky-clinch-surrender

  • Last week, I spoke about healing the Mother wound and the impact that our relationship with Mother has on our sense of self, on our relationship with our own bodies, with the planet, with intimacy and with each other. This week, I am going to dive into healing the Father wound, the masculine side of our family field. We always have some kind of relationship with Father. Even if Father is absent, if Father was never there, we have a relationship with him, and it manifests in how we get a sense of ourselves. 

    Because it’s really important and powerful to gain more consciousness on what we absorbed and inherited from our family field, from these two mega poles that have shaped who we think we are. The exploration of the Mother and the Father wound is not for our physical parents, even though they also benefit from it. It’s for us, for our own peace and freedom, and for our own ability  to be authentic and true to who we really are. So let’s dive in. 

    What is Covered: 

    -When in childhood we start to develop the relationship with Father

    -How it’s possible to have a relationship with an absent Father

    -Two ways in which the relationship with Father shows in our life

    -How an unhealed Father wound shows up in our relationships with the masculine 

    -What areas of our life and identity are affected by the relationship with Father

    -Why some men try hard to not be their fathers and why it’s harmful to them

    -How to begin the process of healing the Father wound 


    -034 Healing the Mother Wound https://player.captivate.fm/episode/73727d8f-3fd5-4bf1-98ac-6f1e15e6225a 

    -028 Money, Intimacy and Maturation https://player.captivate.fm/episode/f71bc423-ebba-4f9c-8398-9f40c527a390 

    -020 Rage: Unpacking and Alchemising Our Rage https://player.captivate.fm/episode/55e5e406-6c1e-48bb-86f6-a5600dc6b275 

    -Access our ’21 days of Expansion’ Audio Activation Process gift: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-gift-21-days/

    -Visit my website: https://nickyclinch.com/ 

    -Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicky_clinch/ 

    -Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickyclinchmaturation 

    -Let's connect on LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/nicky-clinch-surrender

  • Everything in human life begins with Mother. Mother is the core, the root, the creation, the entry point to our relationship with the 3D world, with body, with self and with being a human being. Our relationship with Mother is the most fundamental relationship that we could ever have at all. Yet I haven't yet met or worked with a single human being that doesn't have some unresolved pain around this topic.


    So today's episode is on healing the Mother wound - healing our relationship that is incomplete and un-whole with Mother. This is a big and challenging topic, but it is also the gateway to extraordinary healing and our deepest maturation. 

    What is Covered: 

    -Why it’s essential to complete our relationship with Mother 

    -How our relationship with Mother affects our sense of being in this world

    -The impact of Mother on our sense of embodiment and the relationship to our physical body and the planet

    -The difference between “mother” and “Mother”

    -How our unresolved Mother wound manifests in our other relationships

    -Gaining more power, freedom and consciousness through healing the Mother wound

    -Journaling exercise to explore your relationship with mother


    -016 The Power of Completion https://player.captivate.fm/episode/1c76f795-dd65-4076-bcdc-6bebfdd264dd 

    -003 The Vicious Circle of Human Condition https://player.captivate.fm/episode/8e8ad72d-35e6-43de-ba91-b2ae583b097a 

    -008 Radical Ownership and Responsibility https://player.captivate.fm/episode/f7178d89-ecdb-42ab-98ed-b20900df1769   

    -Access our ’21 days of Expansion’ Audio Activation Process gift: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-gift-21-days/

    -Visit my website: https://nickyclinch.com/ 

    -Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicky_clinch/ 

    -Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickyclinchmaturation 

    -Let's connect on LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/nicky-clinch-surrender

  • Burnout is just rampant on our planet today. Shockingly, the current statistics for burnout show that the biggest percentage of the population suffering from this are the youngest generation, the Gen Zs. Burnout is a huge issue in society and it is also increasingly correlated with depression. 

    Why is it, when there is more content than ever before in history, offering the answers to our problems such as anxiety and depression, that those problems are actually getting worse? It doesn't logically make sense, but it’s happening. So in this episode, I want to explore what burnout actually is, the blind spots that are driving the roots to burnout, and what is happening to our younger generations.

    What is Covered: 

    -The prevalence of burnout in today’s world 

    -What kind of behaviour burnout is

    -The roots of burnout 

    -Childhood experiences that can lead to a sense of unsafety and dissatisfaction

    -Looking at burnout from an ontological perspective

    -How to start changing how you see yourself and your identity

    -What problem are you trying to solve by burning out?


    -Access our ’21 days of Expansion’ Audio Activation Process gift: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-gift-21-days/

    -Ep 015: Dissolving Time: Creating Beyond Time and Identity https://player.captivate.fm/episode/5e905efe-4027-45e3-827f-74dbf418ab8e 

    -Visit my website: https://nickyclinch.com/ 

    -Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicky_clinch/ 

    -Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickyclinchmaturation 

    -Let's connect on LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/nicky-clinch-surrender

  • This week I want to focus on the BodyMind experience of confusion. Confusion is when you really don't know something, but your mind is telling you that you should.

    So why do we freeze from this experience that grips us? What is the root to this pattern? How may it be shaping who you think you are as your identity and your behaviour? And how do you begin to outgrow and become free of it? 

    In this episode, I’m going to dive into this common human experience, how it’s connected with your childhood and past trauma, and how you can gain power over confusion. 

    What is Covered: 

    -What happens in your BodyMind when you are gripped by confusion

    -How confusion drives your behaviour and impacts your life

    -The power of confusion vs. the power of being with confusion 

    -How children experience the world and how confusion gets created in childhood

    -How to start overcoming confusion and allowing yourself to now know

    -A journaling exercise to bring more consciousness into the experience of confusion


    -Access our ’21 days of Expansion’ Audio Activation Process gift: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-gift-21-days/ 

    -Visit my website: https://nickyclinch.com/ 

    -Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicky_clinch/ 

    -Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickyclinchmaturation 

    -Let's connect on LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/nicky-clinch-surrender

  • Why is it that when we change our partners, we end up somehow with the same partner in a different outfit? Why is it, that even when we've done a lot of work on ourselves, it does not seem to be enough to create a fundamental shift in how we experience love, intimacy, and ourselves in a relationship? 

    It seems like all the understanding of our childhood trauma and our relational patterns, all the information about attachment theories and human design that we have is not giving us the peace, freedom and maturity to have a nourishing and fulfilling relationship that we are longing for. 

    So in this episode, we’re going to dive into this topic and look more deeply at what it is that is running the show in our relationships, and how we can begin to shift it for good. 

    What is Covered: 

    -Why relationships are so important for our spiritual evolution

    -What kind of patterns keep repeating in our relationship

    -How childhood relationships shape adult relationships and identity

    -Why understanding alone is not sufficient to create fundamental shifts in our relationships

    -The paradox of trying to solve past problems in current relationships

    -How to take ownership of relationship patterns in order to begin to shift them

    -Why we need to learn to be together in relationships and in the society as a whole

    -A journaling exercise to examine how you experience yourself in a relationship 


    -Access our ’21 days of Expansion’ Audio Activation Process gift: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-gift-21-days/

    -Episode 18 What Shapes Our Relationship with Intimacy? https://player.captivate.fm/episode/08ea66b9-6013-46a1-a8d2-33d859558f97 

    -Episode 019 What is a Relationship? https://player.captivate.fm/episode/760a96e3-b6b3-4540-ad7a-8ceb5b271574 

    -Episode 28 Money, Intimacy and Maturation https://player.captivate.fm/episode/f71bc423-ebba-4f9c-8398-9f40c527a390 

    -Visit my website: https://nickyclinch.com/ 

    -Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicky_clinch/ 

    -Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickyclinchmaturation 

    -Let's connect on LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/nicky-clinch-surrender

  • Why is it that we sabotage ourselves in our lives, even though we know what's better for us?

    Unfortunately, most of us are stuck in a vicious cycle of self-sabotage. The more we go for what we really want, the more the mind activates survival mechanisms that prevent us from being successful. In this episode, I’ll talk about that difference between survival and living, and I’ll also share why people will always have something that’s preventing them from receiving the things they long for.

    What You’ll Learn:

    -What is self-sabotage?

    -Why we sabotage ourselves

    -The difference between survival and living 

    -The childhood trauma that’s keeping you stuck

    -What gives you the perception of who you are

    -Why survival has nothing to do with living

    -How to start loving your life

    -The root cause of the sabotaging behaviour that’s keeping you stuck

    -Understand that the human mind is not personal

    -How to shift the relationship you have with self-sabotage

    -Ways to bring consciousness to your self-sabotaging behaviour


    -Access our ’21 days of Expansion’ Audio Activation Process gift: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-gift-21-days/

    -Visit my website: https://nickyclinch.com/ 

    -Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicky_clinch/ 

    -Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickyclinchmaturation 

    -Let's connect on LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/nicky-clinch-surrender

  • Are you thinking or are you “being thought”?

    You may be surprised to learn that you are not actually thinking; you're "thoughting". You're being thought by the past. So, does that mean we cannot change our thoughts? Well, we cannot change them unless we outgrow the one that is having those thoughts.  

    In this episode I’ll break down the complex topic about changing our thoughts. I’ll share why it’s almost impossible to stop thinking, what the greatest human addiction of all is, and how the temporary moments of reprieve are keeping you stuck. 

    What You’ll Learn:

    -Can you really change your thoughts?

    -The greatest human addiction of all

    -Why the temporary moments of reprieve are not good enough

    -How to enter the domain of true freedom 

    -Why we cannot change our thoughts 

    -The problem with positive thinking

    -How your thinking creates your reality

    -Is the little voice in our heads the root of all suffering? 

    -Why it’s impossible to think unless you’re thinking in the present moment

    -How to start tracking the thoughts that are continuously repeating in the mind

    -How to tap into your infinite potential


    -Access our ’21 days of Expansion’ Audio Activation Process gift: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-gift-21-days/

    -Visit my website: https://nickyclinch.com/ 

    -Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicky_clinch/ 

    -Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickyclinchmaturation 

    -Let's connect on LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/nicky-clinch-surrender

  • Most people think that money is the problem. But money in itself is not bad. Money is just a story. We could go and meditate in a cave for the rest of our life, or we can acknowledge that our real contribution on this planet is to play the game of life. And money is part of that game of life.

    In this episode, I’ll discuss how our relationship with money directly mirrors our relationship with intimacy. I’ll also cover why you need to start caring about money, how to fix your relationship with power, and ways to play the game of life from a new level of maturity. 

    What You’ll Learn:

    -How our relationships to money and to intimacy are connected 

    -Why money is such a triggering topic

    -The three topics that activate people the most 

    -What shapes our original relationship with intimacy

    -The effects of rejection in childhood

    -Ways to fix your relationship with power

    -How to uncover the blindspots in your relationship with money 

    -The dos and don’ts of caring about money

    -How to create the type of impact this world needs you to create 

    -Why having money is not a bad thing

    -Why you need to outgrow you original relationship to power and intimacy


    -Access our ’21 days of Expansion’ Audio Activation Process gift: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-gift-21-days/

    -Visit my website: https://nickyclinch.com/ 

    -Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicky_clinch/ 

    -Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickyclinchmaturation 

    -Let's connect on LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/nicky-clinch-surrender

  • Psychedelics have become a very popular piece of society and culture today. It wasn’t like that at all when I first went to Amazon and started working with ayahuasca. It was almost like an underground secret for the ones seeking something beyond normal. But nowadays, plant medicines are being used by many, and they have become integrated into the surge of self-evolution that is taking place on our planet. 

    In today’s episode, I want to dive into an inquiry around psychedelics. In particular, I want to create the distinction of the beautiful marriage between psychedelics and maturation, and why I see it as fundamental to work on both. I’ll share how psychadelics gifted me with acceleration of healing and evolution, but I’ll also unpack why their popularity is not all good and how they can be misused. 

    What Is Covered: 

    -My story and my experience with psychedelics

    -Using plant medicine to escape vs. to integrate the change into your life

    -How maturation and psychedelics can work together powerfully

    -How plant medicine affects our boydmind and consciousness

    -Why it’s crucial to be guided by a master teacher when working with psychedelics

    -Different kinds of plant medicine and their characteristics

    -How to avoid misusing psychedelics in survival ways 

    -The importance of taking responsibility when using such a powerful tool

    -Why maturation is fundamental to turning lessons from plant medicine into your reality

    Although I do believe that plant medicines are part of our future, I also believe that we don't need to take them to experience other states of consciousness. So if you are thinking of working with any plant medicines, please do your research first, make sure that who you are choosing to facilitate you has profound levels of experience, and be ready to fully commit to the possibility of changing your reality.   


    -Access our ’21 days of Expansion’ Audio Activation Process gift: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-gift-21-days/

    -Visit my website: https://nickyclinch.com/ 

    -Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicky_clinch/ 

    -Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickyclinchmaturation 

    -Let's connect on LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/nicky-clinch-surrender

  • I believe we can agree that we are not doing very well as a species at the moment. In fact, we are suffering so much that self-improvement is becoming a trillion-dollar industry. 

    But the question is, are we getting caught in a journey of endless fixing or are we actually in a process of healing? 

    In this episode, we’ll discuss the difference between healing and feeling better. I'll talk about the broken nature of the wellness industry, the ways to mature into a new way of being, and simple strategies you can use to uncover the root of your suffering. 

    What You’ll Learn:

    -The difference between healing and fixing

    -Why self-improvement has become such a lucrative industry

    -Reiterating what the paradigm is and what it means for our way of being

    -Ways to create a paradigm shift from where you see from right now

    -How healing allows you to mature, evolve and grow

    -The transformational process of healing vs. the survival nature of fixing

    -Why it’s okay to go back to the beginning and start again

    -Why the wellness industry is broken in its nature

    -How to fix the mess and heal the root of your suffering

    -Why you should not confuse self-improvement with freedom


    -Access our ’21 days of Expansion’ Audio Activation Process gift: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-gift-21-days/

    -Visit my website: https://nickyclinch.com/ 

    -Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicky_clinch/ 

    -Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickyclinchmaturation 

    -Let's connect on LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/nicky-clinch-surrender

  • Did you know that every single action you take is first led by an experience moving in the body?

    You don't just move the cup. Something that moves through your body drives you to move the cup. There is no single action ever taken by a human being that isn't first led by a human experience.

    Today, I’ll be speaking about the alchemy of the human body. I’ll break down how all creation happens because of the body, the power of what creates our world, and how your past experiences can be a hindrance or an advantage to your future. 

    What You’ll Learn: 

    -Understanding the alchemy of the human body

    -How we’re evolving as a species

    -The new kind of human being arriving on this planet

    -Is it true that the body keeps a score? 

    -Why you cannot separate the body and the mind

    -How to break the chains of generational trauma

    -How your past is contaminating your present

    -The difference between knowing and being

    -Why people keep repeating the same negative patterns

    -Is the body the biggest hindrance to our spiritual evolution?

    -How to release and dissolve everything you’re carrying in your bodymind


    -Access our ’21 days of Expansion’ Audio Activation Process gift: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-gift-21-days/

    -Visit my website: https://nickyclinch.com/ 

    -Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicky_clinch/ 

    -Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickyclinchmaturation 

    -Let's connect on LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/nicky-clinch-surrender

    -The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk M.D. https://www.amazon.com/Body-Keeps-Score-Healing-Trauma/dp/0143127748/

    -How Emotions Are Made: The Secret Life of the Brain by Lisa Feldman Barrett https://www.amazon.com/How-Emotions-Are-Made-audiobook/dp/B01MZJ08US/  

  • Have you noticed how shameful you feel when you don't know something? Knowing has become the next addiction. We seem to think that if we just know more and know enough, then that will be enough for us to shift our entire reality. But the truth is, knowing more only leads to overwhelm, inconsistent action, and feelings of failure.

    In this episode, we’ll discuss the difference between knowing and being, the greatest human addiction of all time, and why you don’t need to know everything. 

    What You’ll Learn:

    -What the difference between knowing and being is

    -Why self-evolution is the hottest trend right now

    -Reasons you don’t need to know more

    -The pros and cons of affirmations 

    -Why we tend to cling on to what we know

    -How knowing has become the next addiction

    -How the human mind actually works

    -What the greatest human addiction of all is

    -The Plato's allegory of the cave

    -How to finally get the freedom you’ve been longing for

    Links and Resources:

    Access our ’21 days of Expansion’ Audio Activation Process gift: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-gift-21-days/Visit my website: https://nickyclinch.com/ Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicky_clinch/ Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickyclinchmaturation Let's connect on LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/nicky-clinch-surrenderThe Plato's Allegory of the Cave https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RWOpQXTltA
  • Manifestation is very trendy right now. We see a lot of people that are able to manifest, and there's no question that we seem to be a species that has the capability to transform field into matter. You are already creating and generating the world that you've got.

    But here’s the question: are you conscious of who is the one that’s actually manifesting?

    Today's topic is focusing on the power of manifestation, but from a maturation context. I am going to reiterate what maturation is, and then I'll start diving into the process of manifestation. I’ll also propose a journaling exercise for you to explore who, actually, runs your world. 

    What You’ll Learn: 

    -What maturation is not, and what it is

    -How manifestation gets confused with power

    -What power really is and how we can access it 

    -Why it’s fundamental to work with maturation if we want to manifest

    -The pitfalls of manifestation and how to recognise what you really want

    -Maturation as the process of outgrowing our survival mechanisms

    -Two questions for a journaling exercise

    Next week we’re going to dive even deeper into the topic of manifestation, vision, and transforming field into 3D matter. Because we are such powerful beings (but don’t tell anyone!). 


    -Access our ’21 days of Expansion’ Audio Activation Process gift: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-gift-21-days/

    -Visit my website: https://nickyclinch.com/ 

    -Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicky_clinch/ 

    -Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickyclinchmaturation 

    -Let's connect on LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/nicky-clinch-surrender

  • We live in a world where the word potential is often misused. But the truth is, realising your potential is more than just achieving more things. It’s inviting a complete paradigm shift of who you are being.

    So, what exactly does it mean to "reach your potential?"

    In today’s episode, I’ll talk about potential and redefining the relationship that we can have with it. I’ll cover what potential is not, why I believe abilities are just an illusion, and ways to build a strong relationship with the emergent future.  

    What You’ll Learn:

    -What potential is NOT

    -Do people really have hidden abilities?

    -Why there is no future and there’s only now

    -Don’t confuse improvements with freedom

    -The difference between a picture and a vision

    -Why we keep repeating the same mistakes as a species

    -Does humanity need to fundamentally change?

    -How to build a strong relationship with the emergent future

    -How to be in a relationship with the universal flow of life

    -How to redefine your potentil

    -Why we fear realising our potential


    -Access our ’21 days of Expansion’ Audio Activation Process gift: https://nickyclinch.lpages.co/podcast-gift-21-days/

    -Visit my website: https://nickyclinch.com/ 

    -Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicky_clinch/ 

    -Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickyclinchmaturation 

    -Let's connect on LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/company/nicky-clinch-surrender