
  • About the Guest(s):

    Nina Stout is a multifaceted health professional with over 20 years of experience in the functional medicine space. She is a certified personal trainer, holds a master's degree in nutrition, and is the founder of Simple Wellness. Nina is deeply invested in root cause medicine and dedicates her career to diagnosing and treating autoimmune conditions, hormone imbalances, and other chronic health issues through a combination of functional nutrition, fitness, and innovative therapies like low-level laser therapy.

    Episode Summary:

    In this insightful episode of the Laser Light Show, hosts Dr. Andrew Wells and Dr. Chad Woolner welcome special guest Nina Stout. Nina shares her extensive experience in the functional medicine field, focusing on root cause medicine, autoimmune conditions, and optimizing health through a holistic approach. The conversation opens with Nina's background and her personal health journey, including her battle and triumph over Hashimoto's thyroiditis, an autoimmune condition affecting the thyroid.

    Throughout the episode, Nina elaborates on the importance of diagnosing autoimmune conditions early, the role of diet and lifestyle in managing chronic health issues, and integrating various modalities such as supplementation, functional nutrition, and exercise. The conversation highlights how low-level laser therapy (LLLT) can be a pivotal tool in reducing inflammation, supporting mitochondrial function, and improving overall health outcomes, particularly in stress-related conditions. Nina's expertise provides listeners with a wealth of actionable insights into holistic health practices and the transformative potential of LLLT.

    Key Takeaways: Root Cause Medicine: Emphasizing the importance of diagnosing and treating the underlying causes of health issues rather than just managing symptoms. Autoimmune Conditions: The significance of early diagnosis and holistic management of autoimmune disorders, including dietary interventions and functional testing. Role of Diet: The impact of eliminating inflammatory foods like gluten and dairy in managing autoimmune and chronic conditions. Low-Level Laser Therapy: How LLLT can support mitochondrial function, reduce inflammation, and enhance health outcomes, particularly in stress-related conditions. Integrated Health Approach: Combining various health modalities, including functional nutrition, supplementation, exercise, and LLLT, for comprehensive health management. Notable Quotes: "Being part of that paradigm shift, wanting to be part of that, is what drives me." – Nina Stout "The interest in, okay, here's a symptom, and how can we understand better how to potentially stop that symptom from being present?" – Nina Stout "I do take a fairly comprehensive regimen of dietary supplements that are super helpful with making sure my active thyroid hormone is kept at a really good level." – Nina Stout "Lasers are an awesome disrupt in that pattern and can help rewire that HPA and stress response, which affects your brain, thyroid, adrenal glands, and everything in between." – Dr. Andrew Wells "I threw out my back twice doing deadlifts, and laser therapy really helped me get back to my normal activities quickly." – Nina Stout Resources: Nina Stout's Website: Simple Wellness - See Yourself Moving Past Limitations and Embody Wellness Supplement Company: Zymogen Notable Experts Mentioned: Dr. Brandon Brock, Dr. Trevor Berry, Dr. Mark Friedrich

    For more enlightening insights and practical health tips, tune into the full episode and stay connected for more engaging content on the Laser Light Show.

  • About the Guest(s):

    Dr. Brittany Wilson is a highly experienced chiropractor and clinical educator who has extensively worked with Erchonia lasers. With a deep knowledge of low-level laser therapy, Dr. Wilson transitioned from clinical practice to join Erchonia’s clinical education department. She is well-regarded for her ability to educate healthcare practitioners on the safe and effective integration of laser technology into their practices.

    Greg Mermigas is a seasoned professional in the medical device industry, having joined Erchonia in 2013 initially as a sales representative. Over the years, he has played a pivotal role in founding and expanding Erchonia’s clinical education department. Greg’s expertise and passion for education have made significant contributions to helping healthcare practitioners worldwide adopt and effectively use Erchonia's laser devices.

    Episode Summary:

    On this episode of the Laser Light Show, hosts Dr. Chad Woolner and Dr. Andrew Wells welcome Dr. Brittany Wilson and Greg Mermigas from Erchonia. Brittany and Greg dive into the world of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) and share insights on the pivotal role of Erchonia’s clinical education department. They discuss their respective journeys, the evolution of laser technology, and the rigorous research and FDA clearances that set Erchonia apart from its competitors.

    In a concise yet detailed conversation, Brittany and Greg explain how Erchonia’s approach to clinical education and research ensures that healthcare practitioners can confidently and effectively integrate laser therapy into their practices. They highlight the importance of educating both practitioners and patients on the safety and efficacy of Erchonia lasers, emphasizing the real-world benefits observed from their use. This episode provides valuable insights into why Erchonia is a leading name in the realm of LLLT and the extensive support it offers to its users.

    Key Takeaways: Rigorous Research and FDA Clearances: Erchonia lasers are backed by extensive scientific research and numerous FDA clearances, which demonstrate their safety and efficacy. Comprehensive Clinical Education: Erchonia’s clinical education department plays a crucial role in training practitioners and ensuring the successful integration of laser therapy into their practices. Patient and Practitioner Education: Effective communication about the benefits and mechanisms of LLLT is essential for both patient compliance and practitioner confidence. Global Expansion with Integrity: Erchonia’s deliberate and methodical approach to expanding into new international markets ensures adherence to safety and efficacy standards. High Efficacy Rates: The effectiveness of Erchonia’s laser devices is supported by high success rates in clinical studies, outshining many other medical devices. Notable Quotes: "Every one of our devices has been through stringent scientific level one clinical studies." - Greg Mermigas "Having clinical experience using lasers myself, I know what verbiage I used that worked for me when explaining it to patients." - Dr. Brittany Wilson "We do it with facts. You can go back to our research." - Greg Mermigas "We approach everything extremely carefully, methodically, but thoroughly." - Greg Mermigas "Education is key. You have to create the value in what you're talking about." - Dr. Brittany Wilson Resources: Erchonia Official Website

    Encourage your practice and learn how to maximize the benefits of low-level laser therapy with the support of industry leaders like Dr. Brittany Wilson and Greg Mermigas. Don’t miss out on their valuable insights—tune into the full episode for an in-depth exploration of laser technology and its transformative impact on healthcare. Stay tuned for more enlightening content from the Laser Light Show!

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  • About the Guest(s):

    Dr. Cedric Noel is a seasoned chiropractor specializing in chiropractic neurology with a practice in Roswell, Georgia. Since beginning his professional journey in 2002, Dr. Noel has garnered recognition for tackling complex neurological and structural cases. He runs a clinic named Brain and Body Rehabilitation Specialists, where he blends brain care with physical care to assist a diverse range of patients, from those with complicated neurocases to wellness-focused individuals. Dr. Noel is also the developer of a technique known as the Gravity Reset Method, which aims to recalibrate the brain's compass by optimizing the otolithic receptors.

    Episode Summary:

    In this enlightening episode of the Laser Light show, we explore the intersection of low level laser therapy and functional neurology with the chiropractic neurologist Dr. Cedric Noel. Dr. Noel gives us an engaging account of his revolutionary Gravity Reset Method, a technique that redefines vestibular rehab by leveraging the brain's gravity receptors for rapid and profound therapeutic outcomes.

    Dr. Noel recounts his own experiences and the wonders he has witnessed with both his Gravity Reset Method and low level laser therapy, using patient stories to illustrate their efficacy. He explains how these methods have shown to be effective in a wide range of conditions, from developmental and degenerative brain issues to musculoskeletal imbalances and postural changes. This episode offers a closer look at how these innovative practices are reshaping healthcare and providing hope to patients with varying health challenges.

    Key Takeaways: The Gravity Reset Method created by Dr. Cedric Noel is a foundational approach to recalibrating the brain's perception of motion and gravity, with wide-ranging applications across various neurological and structural issues. Low level laser therapy enhances the effects of other treatments, including the Gravity Reset Method, and can be a powerful standalone therapy in certain cases. The Gravity Reset Method can be applied to all patient demographics and clinically adapted for chiropractors, physical therapists, and occupational therapists. Dr. Noel emphasizes that his techniques can garner significant improvements in a short amount of time, revolutionizing common rehabilitation approaches. Implementing advanced methods like the Gravity Reset and low level laser therapy could redefine traditional care practices for various healthcare professionals, potentially improving patient outcomes substantially. Notable Quotes: "The most powerful receptors in the brain are the gravity receptors. We found a way to optimize how they communicate with the brain and how the brain receives those signals and integrates it." "We're seeing these life-altering changes in a very, very high rate, but not 100%. And it's always that question…Is there something else I could do to help them better?" "When I start there, everything else works better. And what we're seeing is…an unprecedented level of success where we're seeing incredible change at a very, very high rate." "With dysautonomia, the same thing. It's such a powerful system to restore balance within the autonomic system." "I think [Gravity Reset] should change the way chiropractors provide care…it should redefine vestibular rehab in its entirety." Resources: Dr. Cedric Noel mentions an optometrist from California and the RightEye program, but no specific social media handles, websites, or URLs were referenced explicitly in the conversation.

    Stay tuned for more episodes that bring to light revolutionary healthcare methodologies and the power of low-level laser therapy. If you're as captivated by the potential of the Gravity Reset Method as we are, make sure to listen to the full episode for Dr. Cedric Noel's in-depth insights. Join us next time for more conversations that push the boundaries of conventional medicine.

  • About the Guest(s):

    Petronel Nieuwoudt is a passionate wildlife conservationist hailing from South Africa. With a deep love and extensive background in animal care, she has taken on the role of founder and CEO at Care for Wild Rhino Sanctuary. The sanctuary is dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating rhinos affected by poaching, as well as raising awareness to help protect these vulnerable species. Nieuwoudt's dedication has led her to pioneer methods in caring for orphaned rhino babies, managing everything from clinical symptoms to psychological well-being, often using groundbreaking tools like low-level laser therapy to assist in healing and recovery.

    Episode Summary:

    In this awe-inspiring episode of the Laser Light show, we're taken on a journey to the wild plains of South Africa with Petronel Nieuwoudt of Care for Wild Rhino Sanctuary. As a protector of one of Africa's most majestic creatures, Nieuwoudt shares her hands-on experiences in rehabilitating rhinos and narrates how modern technology, such as low-level laser therapy, is revolutionizing wildlife care.

    Nieuwoudt discusses the harsh realities these creatures face, from poaching threats and severe injuries to their recovery process. She goes in-depth about how introducing laser therapy into their treatment has led to significant improvements, from wound healing to behavioral changes. This episode unpacks the sanctuary's multifaceted approach to wildlife protection and care, including the emotional bonds between caretakers and animals.

    Poaching Crisis: Petronel enlightens us on the critical endangerment of rhinos in South Africa, giving insight into the dire state of these beautiful creatures facing relentless poaching. Laser Therapy in Wildlife Care: Discover how Care for Wild Rhino Sanctuary integrates low-level laser therapy, enhancing wound healing, pain management, and emotional well-being in rhinos. Conservation Passion: Experience the depth of Nieuwoudt's passion for wildlife conservation as she articulates the transformative effects of compassionate care and innovative therapies on rescued rhinos. Inspiring Recovery Stories: Be touched by uplifting narratives of rhinos overcoming tremendous adversities, highlighting the resilience of nature when aided by human kindness and medical marvels. Engaging Animal Insights: Gain unique insights into animal behavior responses to laser therapy, emphasizing the non-placebo, genuine benefits observed in treatment. Key Takeaways: Combatting poaching and its devastating effects is at the core of Petronel Nieuwoudt's mission with Care for Wild Rhino Sanctuary. Low-level laser therapy has proven to be a groundbreaking tool in the treatment and recovery of injured rhinos, showcasing remarkable improvements. Rhinos exhibit a notable calming response to the application of laser light, often leading to a deep state of relaxation during treatment. The initiative has expanded its compassion to include not just rhinos but also the canine and equine companions that support the sanctuary's efforts. Listener support can significantly impact the conservation and care efforts, offering much-needed resources for these vulnerable animals. Notable Quotes: "The quicker you can rescue these animals, the better our rate of survival." - Petronel on the urgency of rescuing injured rhinos. "I was blown away because the infection […] it was so dirty. And as soon as we started to use Erchonia, inflammation, bone infection, agony, arthritis, we could see the pain, the chronic pain, that is definitely better." - Petronel on the impact of low-level laser therapy. "She runs. She couldn't run. She runs!" - Petronel expressing her joy at seeing a rhino's recovery progress. "For me, the opportunity, there's not enough times in a day…" - Petronel on her dedication to using Erchonia lasers for animal treatment. "If you hold something, you're going to get it; like I'm just healing that whole area." - Petronel describing her broad use of laser therapy on a rhino. Resources: Care for Wild Rhino Sanctuary Instagram: @careforwild Official website for donations and support: Care for Wild Rhino Sanctuary

    Enjoyed this episode? Make sure to tune in for our full conversation and discover the profound impacts and heartfelt stories within the world of wildlife preservation and advanced therapeutic techniques. Keep an eye out for more insightful content from the Laser Light show, where health, technology, and passion for healing collide with extraordinary results. Stay tuned for our next episode!

  • About the Guest(s):

    Dr. Kerry Zang is a seasoned podiatrist with a distinguished career that spans several decades. Having headed up a residency program, Dr. Zang has trained over a hundred-foot surgeons, building a legacy in the field of foot surgery. In the latter part of his career, Dr. Zang has shifted his focus toward regenerative medicine, exploring the integration of treatments such as low-level laser therapy into patient care. Known for his proactive approach to healthcare, Dr. Zang has served on the boards of amniotic fluid companies and is a strong advocate for non-surgical, restorative treatments.

    Episode Summary:

    In this episode of the Laser Light show, we are honored to welcome Dr. Kerry Zang, a highly renowned podiatrist and an authority on regenerative medicine. Dr. Zang brings with him a wealth of knowledge and an in-depth understanding of how modern treatments are shaping patient care in ways that go beyond traditional methods. The conversation unearths groundbreaking insights on the transition from reactive to proactive healthcare and touts the efficacy of laser therapy and other regenerative techniques as more anabolic, restorative routes for patient wellness.

    Dr. Zang delves into the interplay between surgical interventions and the dynamic field of regenerative medicine, touching upon treatments like PRP, prolotherapy, and amniotic fluid products. A significant part of the discussion is dedicated to the importance of the capillary bed in managing conditions such as peripheral neuropathy and various tendinopathies. Dr. Zang's approach prioritizes the restoration of the microvascular structure, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of therapies like low-level laser therapy, which are carefully woven into patient treatment protocols.

    Key Takeaways: A shift from reactive to proactive healthcare is crucial, with a focus on regenerative treatments that restore function rather than just managing symptoms. The health of the microvascular structure is vital for effectively treating conditions like peripheral neuropathy and tendinopathies. Modern regenerative treatments, such as the new microvascular allograft, offer one-time injections that can significantly improve patient outcomes when paired with low-level laser therapy. Cold lasers are preferred over class four lasers because they provide a physiologic response without the damaging heat associated with higher-class lasers. The future of healthcare is leaning towards non-surgical, regenerative approaches that are less invasive and have fewer side effects. Notable Quotes: "Instead of removing and replacing, you know, it's regenerating and restoring." "I actually think I'm helping patients more now without doing surgery than when I was doing surgery." "The whole issue is the capillary bed. That's it." "For all the years we did in treating like neuropathy, which is a big example for that, for all the years we would use our modalities and we would feel the pulses. If they were great. Oh, that's wonderful." "I think the future is so much greater but really, that's true." Resources:

    No specific resources or references were mentioned explicitly within the transcript.

    Join us for this fascinating exploration into the new frontier of podiatry and patient care on the Laser Light show. Tune in to the full episode to gain a deeper understanding of the impact that innovative treatments are having on healthcare today, and keep an eye out for more enlightening content from our series.

  • About the Guest(s):

    Dr. Scott Tauber is the COO and Director of Education at the American Institute of Personal Injury Physicians (AIPIP), boasting a wealth of experience in the personal injury arena. With almost 15 years at AIPIP, Dr. Tauber has dedicated his career to bridging the knowledge gap for healthcare practitioners in personal injury cases. His work focuses on providing healthcare practitioners with the necessary tools, forms, and educational resources to navigate the complexities of personal injury cases effectively. As a consultant and clinical educator, Dr. Tauber also assists in making healthcare providers more marketable to personal injury attorneys through a comprehensive understanding of personal injury documentation and management.

    Episode Summary:

    In this insightful episode of the Laser Light Show, hosts Dr. Chad Wolner and Dr. Andrew Wells engage in an enlightening conversation with Dr. Scott Tauber, the driving force behind the American Institute of Personal Injury Physicians. The discussion delves into the intricacies of managing personal injury cases within healthcare practices, emphasizing the importance of documentation, effective treatment modalities, and the pivotal role of laser therapy in patient recovery.

    The conversation reveals the common challenges practitioners face when dealing with personal injury cases, such as the under-diagnosis of mild traumatic brain injuries (MTBI) and optimal case management. Dr. Tauber shares his professional journey, uncovering the significant impact of laser technology in treating a wide range of health conditions, and how it revolutionizes care for patients with injuries from accidents. Furthermore, the episode highlights how healthcare providers can enhance their practices by integrating advanced laser treatments, especially for conditions that arise from motor vehicle accidents like MTBI, whiplash, and contusions.

    Key Takeaways: Mild traumatic brain injuries (MTBI) are frequently missed in personal injury cases. Lasers can provide a valuable treatment modality for MTBI. Proper documentation of every symptom and injury in personal injury cases is crucial for legal processes and optimal patient outcomes. Lasers offer a wide range of therapeutic applications, accelerating recovery for injuries common in personal injury cases, such as neck, shoulder pain, and contusions. Healthcare practitioners can become more marketable to personal injury attorneys by understanding and providing what is needed for case success. AIPIP provides resources and coaching for healthcare practitioners to improve their approach and skills in managing personal injury cases. Notable Quotes: "Every single symptom has a value." - Dr. Scott Tauber on the importance of documentation in PI cases. "Attorneys need information in the records from the provider in order to take it to the carrier." - Dr. Scott Tauber on the key role of healthcare practitioners in PI cases. "What doctors think is marketability is not marketability." - Dr. Scott Tauber on the misunderstanding of what makes practices attractive to PI attorneys. "Lasers work so well that if there's any sort of visible injuries…you have to take a picture of it because once it's gone, it's gone." - Dr. Scott Tauber on the efficacy of laser treatment in personal injury cases. "It's about the settlement and the outcome, and that's their job in the whole PI equation anyway." - Dr. Scott Tauber on personal injury attorneys' focus on fair compensation for their clients. Resources: American Institute of Personal Injury Physicians (AIPIP) - aipip.com Email inquiries to AIPIP - [email protected]

    Join us for the full episode to delve deeper into the world of personal injury practice and discover how lasers are making a significant difference in patient care. Stay tuned for more episodes that illuminate the path to innovative healthcare solutions.

  • About the Guest(s):

    Dr. Janet Varhus is a seasoned veterinarian with a rich background in Western medicine, as well as an expertise in alternative healing modalities. With over 20 years of experience running her own clinic, Dr. Varhus has integrated her traditional practice with the powerful benefits of acupuncture and Chinese medicine, obtaining her masters in the latter. Her life-changing encounter with laser therapy began over 15 years ago and has since become a cornerstone of her treatments, impacting countless animal lives with miraculous recoveries.

    Episode Summary:

    In this captivating episode of the Laser Light show, hosts Dr. Andrew Wells and Dr. Jason Green engage in a stimulating conversation with Dr. Janet Varhus, exploring the diverse applications of low level laser therapy in veterinary practice. The episode delves into Dr. Varhus's transformative experiences with laser therapy, from healing her horse's severe wound to treating various animals with complex neurological conditions.

    Dr. Varhus shares intriguing stories that demonstrate the profound impact of laser therapy, including rapid recovery from paralysis, significant pain management, and emotional healing in animals. She emphasizes the modality's versatility, describing its use across different species and clinical scenarios. With holistic approaches and laser therapy at the helm, Dr. Varhus illustrates a future where traditional veterinary medicine is seamlessly blended with innovative healing techniques.

    Key Takeaways: Low level laser therapy is remarkably effective for a wide range of health problems in animals, notably wound healing and neurological conditions. Dr. Varhus has witnessed considerable success using laser therapy for cases that conventional medicine deemed untreatable, such as extensive wound care and paralysis. The emotional and behavioral benefits of laser therapy on animals have been significant, suggesting a deeper connection between physical healing and emotional well-being. Laser therapy provides a non-invasive alternative to medication and surgery, often resulting in fewer side effects and expedited recovery. The use of laser therapy in veterinary medicine is gaining traction, with practitioners like Dr. Varhus leading the way in innovative patient care. Notable Quotes: "In two weeks after I got the laser, [my horse's wound] was not an issue anymore. The hock was normal. The wound was so small that it wasn't even a problem anymore." - Dr. Janet Varhus "With the Arconia, what's really nice is we can set it on the table while the dog is waiting to extubate. It's taking no staff time, no personal time at all to do, and yet we see a huge difference." - Dr. Janet Varhus "I've done pancreatitis because what else? How else can you take the inflammation out of the pancreas?" - Dr. Janet Varhus "Miracles have become my way of life, and I, like you, I never get tired of it." - Dr. Janet Varhus "It's pretty rare I treat any patient without doing something with the laser." - Dr. Janet Varhus Resources:

    There were no specific resources, URLs, or social media handles explicitly mentioned within the transcript provided.

    Join us for this inspirational journey as we uncover the transformative power of laser therapy in veterinary practice. Dr. Janet Varhus's experiences are a testament to the potential of this innovative modality to change lives, both animal and human alike. Don't miss the full episode for a deeper dive into the science and stories behind these treatments, and stay tuned for more enlightening content from the Laser Light show.

  • About the Guest(s):

    Dr. Patricia Kallenbach stands out as a unique professional with a dual specialization as a veterinarian and a massage therapist. She pursued her journey in veterinary science, initially following traditional paths before venturing into holistic approaches. After exhausting holistic veterinary courses, she embraced human courses, enriching her expertise and leading to the establishment of dual clinics. Presently, she offers her services in a 4,500 square foot building that houses both her veterinary clinic and massage and wellness clinic. Embracing innovative treatments, Dr. Kallenbach extensively uses low-level laser therapy through the Arconia laser, applying it to a wide variety of patients ranging from lizards to horses.

    Episode Summary:

    In this latest episode of the Laser Light show, Dr. Chad Woolner and Dr. Andrew Wells delve into the transformative world of low-level laser therapy with the expertise of Dr. Patricia Kallenbach. As a well-regarded veterinarian and massage therapist, Dr. Kallenbach brings her unique perspective on the application of laser therapy across species, highlighting its astounding therapeutic advantages.

    Dr. Kallenbach shares her fascinating transition from a conventional veterinarian to an advocate for holistic approaches in animal care. By integrating laser therapy into her practice, she has witnessed remarkable recoveries in cases where traditional medicine had reached its limits. With a firm belief in treating the whole being, she skillfully uses laser therapy not just for the betterment of pets, but for their human companions as well, attesting to the technology's versatility and efficacy.

    Key Takeaways: Holistic veterinary practices can offer viable and often less costly alternatives for pet care, including non-surgical treatments and faster recoveries. Humans and pets alike benefit from low-level laser therapy, with Dr. Kallenbach treating a wide range of conditions successfully through this non-invasive method. Laser therapy in pets allows for treatment without the placebo effect, which solidifies its effectiveness as pets respond purely to the physical benefits. Dr. Kallenbach underscores the importance of proper laser use, advocating for low-level lasers over class four lasers due to safety and regeneration capabilities. Renting lasers for home use is a financially beneficial and practical extension of clinical treatments for pets and people who travel far for care. Notable Quotes: "Infants and pets, you cannot psychologically get that mind over matter effect. It's either going to work or it's not." - Dr. Patricia Kallenbach "We put everything we can that could be contributing to this pet's issues… And the wonderful part of laser is if you stimulate a cell that didn't need it, it says, thanks for asking. I'm already having a good day." - Dr. Patricia Kallenbach "I tell folks, go look at the research. This is the only one that has FDA cleared research and is backed by the NIH… ask for the research for the others, because it's just not there." - Dr. Patricia Kallenbach "The main thing with my human clients is they come in as a massage clinic. And so then we introduce all the other things." - Dr. Patricia Kallenbach "Find a veterinarian that has this laser and go talk with them for a day. Go look at what not only their financial benefit… it can really help beyond what a lot of our conventional practice can't." - Dr. Patricia Kallenbach Resources:

    No specific resources, social media handles, websites, articles, books, or URLs were mentioned in the transcript provided.

    Discover the profound impacts of low-level laser therapy on both pets and their owners by listening to the full episode with Dr. Patricia Kallenbach. Stay tuned to the Laser Light show for more insightful discussions that shine a light on the revolution happening in healthcare today.

  • About the Guest(s):

    Dr. Dar Radfar is a distinguished dental professional with expertise in sleep apnea, TMJ, and the application of low-level laser therapy in dentistry. With a clinical practice and ongoing involvement in dental seminars through radseminar.com, Dr. Radfar is at the forefront of incorporating innovative laser technology to enhance patient care. His dedication to the field is marked by a commitment to pain reduction, and he is actively involved in research aimed at establishing new dental treatments that benefit both patients and practitioners.

    Episode Summary:

    In the latest episode of the Laser Light show, host Dr. Chad Woolner welcomes back the esteemed Dr. Dar Radfar for an illuminating conversation on the advancements in dental care through low-level laser therapy. Dr. Radfar shares cutting-edge techniques and the significant impact these procedures have on patient experiences and dental practice growth. Listeners gain valuable insights into the transformative effects lasers have in pain management and oral health.

    The episode delves into Dr. Radfar's personal experiences using Erchonia lasers, highlighting their efficacy in reducing postoperative discomfort and combating oral bacteria involved in gum disease. He also teases exciting upcoming research on laser therapy's potential to regenerate gum tissue. With a compassionate lens on patient care, this conversation also serves as a south star for dental professionals exploring new frontiers in pain relief and an integrated approach to oral health that has far-reaching systemic benefits.

    Key Takeaways: Low-level laser therapy can significantly reduce dental pain and discomfort by about 45%, enhancing patient experiences. Innovative laser usage in dentistry may extend beyond pain management to facilitate gum tissue regeneration. Dr. Radfar endorses Erchonia lasers for their ease of use and a wide range of applications, including antimicrobial treatments and promoting healthy oral flora. There's a financial incentive for dental practices as well, with the opportunity to charge for laser therapy sessions or bill through medical insurance under new coding effective January 1, 2024. The episode introduces a new billing code, 970037, which can be used for postoperative laser therapy, potentially increasing return on investment for dental practices. Notable Quotes: "This low-level cold therapy, which causes absolutely no pain, very safe, reduces pain by about 45% compared to the placebo of LED, which is about 8%." "The violet portion of this laser is really good at reducing the bacterial microbiofilm…and so if we can keep that bacteria at bay…we're just doing so much better for the patient." "It's really important to start understanding how dentists can use this laser…as a practitioner, there's really no guesswork." "Flexing that muscle through email, through the SMS messaging, showing a different kind of light…postoperative reduction of pain…is such a great thing to showcase." Resources: Dr. Dar Radfar's seminars and courses on sleep apnea, TMJ, and low-level laser therapy can be found at radseminar.com. For more information on insurance billing and low-level laser therapy, watch Dr. Radfar's YouTube video under 'Dr. Dar Radfar.'

    For a deeper dive into the transformative effects of low-level laser therapy in dentistry, the enhanced patient care experience, and the potential shifts in dental practice profitability, be sure to listen to the full episode. Stay tuned to our podcast series for more eye-opening discussions that merge innovative medical technology with practical applications in healthcare.

  • About the Guest(s):

    Dr. Kerry Voit is a seasoned dental professional with over 45 years of experience in his field. As both a periodontist and prosthodontist, he specializes in the foundations of oral health, including gums and bone, as well as the construction of teeth. Dr. Voit has contributed significantly to innovative dental practices by integrating low-level laser therapy for post-surgical applications and full-mouth reconstruction with implants. His practice is notable for its efficiency, offering procedures that yield rapid and high-quality results, bringing life-changing improvements to his patients.

    Episode Summary:

    In this captivating episode of the podcast, Dr. Chad Woolner and Dr. Andrew Wells interview Dr. Kerry Voit to dive into the transformative world of low-level laser therapy in dentistry. This engaging conversation unfolds the innovative ways Dr. Voit is revolutionizing dental surgeries and healing processes for full-mouth reconstructions.

    Dr. Voit shares his journey of how laser therapy was introduced to him by his son-in-law, a chiropractor, and how it has since become a game-changer within his practice. The episode highlights the use of Erchonia lasers before, during, and after oral surgeries to reduce inflammation and enhance healing rates, creating significantly less discomfort for patients. Dr. Voit also discusses the future of dental workflows, leveraging AI and various digital technologies to improve patient outcomes and practice economics.

    Key Takeaways: Dr. Kerry Voit incorporates low-level laser therapy in his dental practice, observing reduced post-surgical inflammation and pain. The application of laser therapy has become an integral marketing tool, enticing patient interest and setting his practice apart. With Dr. Voit's unique combination of periodontics and prosthodontics skills, his procedures such as full-mouth surgery with implants are more streamlined and cost-effective. Faster post-surgical recovery through laser therapy is particularly beneficial for medically compromised patients, like those with diabetes. Dr. Voit is considering expanding the use of laser therapy in his practice, eyeing potential benefits for common issues like TMJ disorders and stress-related clenching. Notable Quotes: "The proof is in the pudding." "You don't need meds to get things done. You can do things with therapy and with lasers that are beyond imagination." "The more the industry knows about [laser therapy], the more our patients will benefit." "The world is not flat. Progress is inevitable. Learning is optional." Resources: Erchonia Website: www.Erchonia.com

    Listen to the full episode to discover more about Dr. Voit's innovative approaches to improving dental health and patient care with low-level laser therapy. Stay tuned for upcoming enlightening content that will open new vistas on how technology can enhance our health and well-being.

  • Welcome to the Laser Light Show

    Hey everyone, Dr. Chad Woolner and Dr. Andrew Wells here, your hosts for the Laser Light Show.

    On today's episode, we celebrate the milestone of low-level laser therapy surpassing 10,000 research articles, showcasing its importance and growing scientific validation. Join us as we explore the science, technology, and physiology behind what makes these tools so powerful.

    The Growth of Research

    We've been tracking the growth of research articles on low-level laser therapy for some time now. The number of published articles has recently surpassed 10,000, which is a significant testament to the scientific validation of this therapy. There has been an explosion of growth in research around the early 2000s, and the trend continues, with 2024 shaping up to be a big year for new research.

    Impact and Relevance

    But what does this mean, and how does it affect practitioners and patients? For those familiar with research, this impressive number may not be surprising. However, we also want to reach out to those who may be new to literature searches for certain conditions or modalities.

    How can you make this impactful for your practice and your patients? We want to address the wide gap between expert researchers, healthcare providers, and patients, and help bridge that gap by making valuable information meaningful to everyone.

    Navigating PubMed

    We also discussed the significance of PubMed as a resource for scientific literature. PubMed is a free database housing a wealth of references and abstracts on life sciences and biomedical topics. It is a valuable tool for accessing scientific literature and staying informed about the latest research.

    So, whether you are an experienced researcher or new to literature searches, there are valuable insights waiting to be discovered. And remember, with tools like PubMed, we live in an era where abundant resources are available at our fingertips, providing access to a wealth of good information.

    Dr. Woolner is a Chiropractor in Meridian Idaho.

  • About the Guest(s):

    Dr. Andrew Wells is a chiropractic physician and a co-host of the "Laser Light Show" alongside Dr. Chad Woolner. Their professional journey includes operating a separate business called Simplified Functional Medicine. Dr. Wells has a background in chiropractic education and a deep interest in the multifaceted applications of laser therapy within healthcare.

    Episode Summary:

    In this captivating episode of the "Laser Light Show," Dr. Chad Woolner and Dr. Andrew Wells delve into the intriguing concept of the "Russian Laser Conspiracy." The show captures the essence of how lasers, particularly low-level laser therapy, play a significant role in Russian healthcare—so much so that it's become a staple in most households. Through an engaging narrative, the hosts explore the historical and current impact of laser therapy in Russia, drawing contrasts with its presence in the United States healthcare system.

    The discussion sheds light on the extensive research and application of laser therapy in Russia since the 1960s, illuminating how these practices have become ingrained in their medical protocols. Dr. Wells and Dr. Woolner ponder the disparity between the Russian adoption of laser therapy and the more pharmaceutical-driven approach prevalent in the U.S. They debate potential reasons behind the limited mainstream awareness of laser therapy's benefits despite substantial supportive research, hinting at systemic and possibly conspiratorial factors. The dialogue evolves around the potential influence that the profitability of pharmaceuticals has had on healthcare decisions and practices.

    Key Takeaways: Laser therapy is widely used in Russia and has been part of their healthcare system for decades, often deemed more trustworthy than pharmaceuticals. There is a cultural and systemic contrast between the Russian and U.S. healthcare systems' adoption and trust in laser therapy versus pharmaceutical solutions. The U.S. lags behind in the broad application of laser therapy, potentially due to the significant lobbying power of the pharmaceutical industry. Russians' trust in lasers over pharmaceuticals raises questions about the differences in healthcare models and outcomes between Russia and the U.S. The episode advocates for broader utilization of laser therapy in various medical fields due to its wide range of applications and benefits. Notable Quotes: "Every single house had a laser... that was just a government-issued laser." "It starts with us thinking about things that way. What's not going to happen? Very likely, I wish it would. But us making a plea to the government saying, hey, lasers are going to help Americans live healthier lives, that's going to get knocked down pretty quickly because there's no business." "The question is, if this is such a great modality and it works, and it's proven to work, how do you get in the hands of more people?" "It's no wonder that all of a sudden all of these doctors are going to be using lasers as part of their kind of standard of care there." Resources: Erchonia website: Erchonia.com Click here to check out the paper "Low Level Laser Therapy in Russia: History, Science & Practice" Click here to watch the video discussing the research by Dr. Bruce Lipton on energetic versus biochemical strategies in healthcare.

    We invite you to listen to the full episode for a deeper dive into the discussions on laser therapy and its vastly untapped potential in healthcare. Stay tuned for more enlightening content from Dr. Chad Woolner and Dr. Andrew Wells on the "Laser Light Show."

  • Episode Summary:

    In this extraordinary episode of the Laser Light Show, we delve into the transformative power of low-level laser therapy as experienced by Sydney Powell through the skilled application by Dr. Ryan Manning. Listeners will find hope and insight into the realm of advanced therapeutic uses of lasers.

    After Sydney's harrowing journey with Chiari malformation, which led to symptoms like severe brain spasms and balance issues post-surgery, she meets Dr. Manning. His treatment with Erconia lasers provided astounding relief, restoring Sydney's ability to enjoy activities that she believed were lost, such as dancing. The podcast offers a compelling narrative on the physical and mental resurgence achieved with laser therapy.

    Key Takeaways: Low-level laser therapy by Erchonia has groundbreaking potential for treating various health problems, including complex neurological conditions. Treating scar tissue with lasers might provide surprising systemic health benefits, showcasing the interconnectedness of bodily systems. Sydney Powell's story is a testament to the life-changing impact of laser therapy, offering an alternative to traditional medication and surgery. Dr. Manning's innovative approach gives insight into how flexible and experimental methods can lead to significant patient outcomes. The episode emphasizes the benefits of looking beyond conventional treatment and considering advanced technology like laser therapy for health issues. Notable Quotes: "There's always just... Imagine having ringing in your ear every single day of your life. It just becomes part of life." - Sydney Powell "I feel great... I feel like I've never had any symptoms of Chiari... My life had changed." - Sydney Powell "You always have to treat scars... That fascia system wraps all the way through the brain." - Dr. Ryan Manning "There's something comforting about the light... it really makes the body disarm." - Dr. Ryan Manning "You have nothing to lose by trying the laser... and no harm that can come your way." - Sydney Powell Resources: Erconia website: www.erchonia.com Mention of Dr. Joy Kong for potential follow-up by the audience interested in stem cell treatments.

    We invite you to listen to the full episode to witness the miraculous transformation Sydney Powell experienced thanks to Dr. Ryan Manning's expert use of Erchonia lasers. Keep tuning in to the Laser Light Show for more enlightening stories and insights into the future of healthcare through innovative technologies.

  • Episode Summary:

    In this enthralling episode of the Laser Light show, Dr. Chad Woolner and Dr. Andrew Wells dive into the intricate world of therapeutic lasers and LEDs, deciphering the myths and laying out the facts. The duo brings light to the significant differences between the two technologies, with an engaging discourse that merges personal anecdotes, clinical insights, and solid science.

    The powerhouse pair from the chiropractic field clears the mist surrounding LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) and lasers, highlighting the profound impact true laser therapy has in medical applications. They emphasize Erconia's pioneering contribution to laser therapy and share vivid stories demonstrating the immediate and effective results that lasers have produced in their clinical experience. This conversation is a deep dive into why wavelength specificity and laser coherence matter more than one might think.

    Key Takeaways: Lasers provide a coherent and monochromatic light source, leading to more efficient energy absorption and therapeutic benefits compared to the scattered light from LEDs. Erconia lasers use a precise 635-nanometer wavelength, proven to be most effective for cellular function, unlike the variable range in LEDs. The concentrated nature of laser light allows for targeted therapy, enhancing specific cellular repair and communication on the injured site. LEDs often serve as a placebo in controlled studies, but true laser therapy shows a significant gap in clinical effectiveness compared to LEDs. There is a need to differentiate LED therapy from laser therapy to avoid misconceptions about the efficacy of true laser treatments. Notable Quotes: Dr. Andrew Wells: "So the question is, what's the difference between red light and laser light? Is there a difference? Does it matter if there's a difference?" Dr. Chad Woolner: "The science doesn't back it up [that LEDs do the same thing as Erchonia lasers]." Dr. Andrew Wells: "With erchonia lasers, you can directly target certain areas in the body." Dr. Chad Woolner: "Erchonia lasers are absolutely incredible. Can't say enough good things about them and about the company." Resources:

    The resources mentioned include the Erchonia website for further exploration of laser therapy science and technology.

    Visit Erconia's official website for extensive resources, including research and upcoming events: Erchonia


    For those intrigued by the scientific underpinnings of laser therapy and its practical application in healthcare, this episode is a treasure trove of information. Dr. Wells and Dr. Woolner skillfully illuminate the nuances that underscore the superiority of Erconia lasers over LEDs, providing listeners with a sound understanding of this sophisticated technology. We encourage everyone to listen to the full episode to grasp the full depth of the conversation. Stay tuned for more enlightening episodes that delve into the transformative world of laser therapy.

  • Episode Summary:

    In this illuminating episode of the Laser Light show, hosts Dr. Chad Woolner and Dr. Andrew Wells dive deep into the subject of achieving optimal outcomes with the Zerona Z6 fat loss laser. The conversation reveals not only the advanced technology of low-level laser therapy but also explores practical strategies for practitioners and patients to enhance health transformations effectively.

    The episode guides us through Dr. Woolner's inspiring journey of health and weight loss, shedding light on his multidimensional approach that involves the innovative use of the Zerona laser, combined with foundational health practices. Dr. Woolner and Dr. Wells meticulously discuss the importance of mindset, nutrition, movement, and meal planning, all while incorporating the laser therapy as a catalyst for change. They emphasize the significance of simplicity and consistency in achieving health goals, guiding listeners through evidence-based solutions and actionable insights.

    Key Takeaways: Health and fat loss outcomes can be significantly improved by integrating the Zerona Z6 fat loss laser with consistent health fundamentals. Key strategies that complement laser therapy include a strong mindset practice, proper nutrition and supplementation, structured movement, and strategic meal prepping. Understanding the role of calories and the importance of insulin sensitivity are crucial factors for sustainable weight loss. Adopting daily habits such as post-meal walking and gratitude meditation can contribute substantially to health improvements. Packaging comprehensive health programs that combine technology like the Zerona Z6 laser with foundational health infusions can yield exceptional results for patients. Notable Quotes: "Health comes from the inside." "Contradiction leads to destruction." "Caloric intake does matter. That's a part of the equation." "Meal prepping... allowed me to shift this convenience factor to my favor." "If you will focus on your physical health first, the rest of those things will largely fall into play." Resources:

    During the conversation, Dr. Woolner mentions several books that have shaped his approach to health transformation. These include:

    "Atomic Habits" by James Clear "Be Your Future Self Now" by Dr. Benjamin Hardy "The Compound Effect" by Darren Hardy

    As this episode so compellingly showcases, achieving your health goals becomes more attainable when you have the right tools, mindset, and guidance. To immerse yourself in the full range of insights from Dr. Woolner's personal transformation and to understand how the Zerona Z6 fat loss laser can be a game-changer, listen to the entire episode. Keep your eyes peeled and your ears open for more enriching content from the Laser Light show.

  • Sam Woolner (Dr. Woolner's son) is the featured guest on this episode of the Laser Light show, hosted by Dr. Chad Woolner and co-host Dr. Andrew Wells. Sam is a young athlete who has made his mark in the world of track and field, becoming one of the fastest sprinters at his high school in Eagle, Idaho. He has demonstrated exceptional talent in events such as the 60, 100, 200 meters, long jump, and relays. His accolades include holding the fastest freshman record and a 60 meters dash record at his indoor track club. Sam is gearing up to commit to a college where he plans to continue his athletic and academic endeavors, with an interest in studying biology and aspirations to pursue chiropractic studies.

    Episode Summary:

    In this engaging episode of the Laser Light show, Dr. Chad Woolner introduces his son, Sam Woolner, an extraordinary track and field athlete who shares his experiences with Erchonia laser therapies. The episode delves into the profound impact of these therapies on sports performance, injury recovery, and overall well-being. Dr. Woolner reflects on his personal journey with lasers, from his fascination at Portland's laser shows to incorporating therapeutic lasers in his chiropractic practice.

    Sam discusses how regular laser therapy has helped him overcome injuries quickly, enhancing his recovery, performance, and athletic longevity. The conversation also touches on how lasers have improved cognitive function and even aided with common issues such as acne. Dr. Andrew Wells shares his own remarkable recovery story from a quad injury, emphasizing the rapid healing facilitated by laser treatments. The discussion reveals how both high school and professional athletes can benefit from this technology for superior performance and recovery.

    Listeners can expect to hear firsthand accounts of how laser therapy has been instrumental in aiding athletes to reach their peak potential. The episode also provides a glimpse into Sam's bright future, including his aspirations to move into the chiropractic field, furthering his passion for sports and wellness.

    Key Takeaways: Sam Woolner's impressive track record in athletics and his use of laser therapy for performance optimization and fast recovery. Dr. Andrew Wells experiences quick recovery from a quad injury through the use of Erconia lasers. The significance of rest and recovery in athletic training, as highlighted by a substitute coach's advice during Dr. Wells' high school days. Sam's personal testimony on the benefits of laser therapy, including for common issues like acne. The exciting future prospects for Sam as he looks to further his education in biology and chiropractic studies. Notable Quotes: "So with football, it was lifts every day, and I was always pretty sore... But with track, it's lifts and running every day, and with the lasers, I feel more loose. I don't feel as tight. I feel a lot better." – Sam Woolner "I was in a lot of pain...but with a couple of days [after using the laser], it was noticeably better." – Dr. Andrew Wells "So the good news about this is, normally with an injury like that, it would take a long time to heal, and thankfully at home, Chad brings his base station home, his Erchonia base station, and so he's got three lasers there." – Dr. Andrew Wells "Having [the Erconia laser] at a local chiropractor that I would have gone to, my dad 100% would have paid to allow me to go get lasered on a regular basis. We just didn't know about it." – Dr. Andrew Wells "I still don't know where to go to college yet... And then I want to study biology and then with that, go into chiropractic school and work for this guy." – Sam Woolner Resources:

    Tune in to the full episode to hear Sam Woolner's inspiring story and discover the world of Erconia lasers through the expert lens of Dr. Chad Woolner and Dr. Andrew Wells. Stay connected for more enlightening episodes that delve into the science, technology, and real-life applications of laser therapy in various aspects of health and sports performance.

    Dr. Woolner is a Chiropractor in Meridian Idaho.

  • About The Guest(s):

    Dr. Scott Fuller is a chiropractor with over 34 years of experience. He has been practicing in Wooburn, Massachusetts for 30 years and is known for his passion and dedication to his profession. Dr. Fuller is a firm believer in the power of laser therapy and has been using Erchonia lasers in his practice for many years.


    Dr. Scott Fuller, a chiropractor with over 34 years of experience, shares his journey in the field of chiropractic and his passion for laser therapy. He discusses how he was inspired by his parents' positive experiences with chiropractic care and how he chose chiropractic as his career path. Dr. Fuller emphasizes the importance of taking care of one's health and shares his daily routine and commitment to wellness. He also highlights the impact of laser therapy in his practice, sharing stories of patients who experienced significant improvements in their conditions after laser treatments. Dr. Fuller views laser therapy as a foundational tool in his practice and believes in its ability to break through plateaus and enhance clinical outcomes.

    Key Takeaways:

    Chiropractic is a profession that allows practitioners to find fulfillment and continue practicing for many years. Taking care of one's health is crucial, and adopting a holistic approach can lead to a better quality of life. Laser therapy can be a powerful tool in helping patients overcome health problems and achieve better clinical outcomes. Laser therapy can be used as a foundational treatment and can enhance the effects of other modalities. Laser therapy has shown promising results in cases of concussion and injuries, accelerating healing and improving symptoms.


    "I've always said that it's such a hard thing for a 16, 17, 18-year-old to pick something that you're going to love to do for the next 45 years." - Dr. Scott Fuller "You chose it or it chose you. And now, 34 years into it, I still love showing up at the office." - Dr. Scott Fuller "As long as that health span is there, let's make them quality." - Dr. Scott Fuller "Laser therapy is a plateau breaker. It's this enhancer, this tool that can be infused to any program, any protocol, any way to help improve those outcomes." - Dr. Chad Wolner "The laser will really activate the cells in the area when it's super needed." - Dr. Scott Fuller
  • About The Guest(s): Dr. Erik Reis is a chiropractic physician and entrepreneur based in England. He is the co-founder of The Neural Connection, a clinic that focuses on complex neuro cases and brain health. Dr. Reis is also involved in the startup space, helping founders and entrepreneurs turn their ideas into successful enterprises. He is a speaker for Erchonia, a leading company in laser therapy, and is passionate about using technology to improve healthcare and wellness.

    Summary: Dr. Erik Reis joins Dr. Chad Woolner and Dr. Andrew Wells on the Laser Light Show podcast to discuss his experiences living in England, the cultural differences in healthcare, and the power of laser therapy. Dr. Reis shares his insights on the importance of research and validation in the field of laser therapy, and how Erchonia is leading the way in obtaining FDA clearances for therapeutic applications of lasers. He also discusses the multifaceted nature of health and the need for a holistic approach to wellness. Dr. Reis highlights the potential of lasers to impact various aspects of health, from structural and neurological issues to cognitive and emotional well-being. He shares examples of how laser therapy has helped patients with conditions such as Crohn's disease and seizures. Dr. Reis also talks about his work in the startup space, focusing on personalized and precision medicine, and his goal of helping people take ownership of their health.

    Key Takeaways:

    Laser therapy has the potential to impact various aspects of health, from structural and neurological issues to cognitive and emotional well-being. Erchonia is a leader in laser therapy, with numerous FDA clearances for therapeutic applications of lasers. Research and validation are crucial in the field of laser therapy to ensure the safety and efficacy of treatments. The cultural differences in healthcare between countries can provide valuable insights and perspectives on wellness. A holistic approach to health is essential, considering factors such as inflammation, genetics, and lifestyle choices.


    "The moment you think you have it figured out, you're really fooling yourself because there are so many different ways to go about it." - Dr. Erik Reis "Just because it's common doesn't mean it's normal." - Dr. Erik Reis "There's so much more to learn." - Dr. Erik Reis "The power of a cellular mechanism, aka low level laser, facilitates true cellular changes in the brain and body." - Dr. Erik Reis
  • About The Guest(s):

    Bethany Flores: Former professional CrossFit athlete with a background in gymnastics and a passion for fitness and overcoming injuries. Randy Flores: Strength and conditioning coach for the Los Angeles Lakers with a background in sports and a passion for training and helping athletes reach their full potential.

    Bethany and Randy Flores, a power couple in the fitness and sports industry, share their backgrounds and how they met. Bethany, a former professional CrossFit athlete, overcame a back injury and pursued various sports and fitness activities. Randy, a strength and conditioning coach for the Los Angeles Lakers, developed a passion for training and helping athletes while growing up. They emphasize the importance of working together and staying connected in their relationship, even amidst their busy schedules.

    Key Takeaways:

    Bethany's journey from competitive gymnastics to becoming a professional CrossFit athlete. Randy's introduction to sports and his passion for training and helping athletes. The couple's commitment to working together and staying connected in their relationship.


    "I grew up doing gymnastics competitively... I now have been a professional CrossFit athlete the last seven years." - Bethany Flores "I grew passionate for just gaining an understanding on how the human body worked, how it adapted to exercise, and how I could maybe train others to adapt in a positive way, too." - Randy Flores "Our goal when we got together was to do as much work with each other as possible... we're celebrating every day, once a week, so it adds up really quickly." - Bethany Flores "It keeps us continually learning about each other and accountable." - Randy Flores
  • Today on "The Laser Light Show," we are pleased to introduce a guest whose diverse veterinary experiences and specialized interests make him a beacon in the field of animal healthcare. Dr. Dave Huff's journey, skills, and innovations promise a rich discussion, particularly as it relates to low level laser therapy for animals.

    Hailing from the prestigious NC State College of Veterinary Medicine, Dr. Dave Huff began his journey into the world of veterinary practice in 1989. After dedicating two years to a small animal facility in Pennsylvania, his roots called him back to North Carolina, where he served both small and large animals at the Neuse River Veterinary Hospital in Wendell. His journey then took him south to Beaufort, South Carolina, for four enriching years, but like a compass pointing north, he found himself back at Neuse River Veterinary Hospital in 1999, a testament to his enduring connection to the community.

    Throughout his illustrious career, Dr. Huff has nurtured an array of interests and specialties, with a particular flair for small animal surgery. One of his groundbreaking affiliations began in 1991 with ICG/Synbiotics/Zoetis, establishing him as a pioneer in canine semen freezing. Notably, he was the first in North Carolina to launch such a center, and among the first three on the entire east coast—a true trailblazer!

    Always on the lookout for ways to enhance his practice, in 1996, Dr. Huff undertook PennHip radiograph training, adding another feather to his cap. But his passion didn't stop there. Venturing into the realm of chiropractic care for animals, Dr. Huff has been an advocate and practitioner since 1999.

    One of the highlights for our podcast discussion will undoubtedly be his adoption of the Erchonia 3 LT in 2009. With over a decade of experience utilizing this specific tool for his patients, his insights will surely offer a unique perspective on the application and benefits of low-level laser therapy in veterinary practice.

    So, listeners, as we delve deep into the nuances of low-level laser therapy with a veterinary twist, we are in the capable hands of Dr. Dave Huff—a true connoisseur in his field. Let's embark on this illuminating conversation!