
  • In Episode 172. Resolving Differences, I explore the important topic of resolving differences. I delve into the brain's natural tendency to categorize things as "good" or "bad," which can lead to divisiveness, especially in our current climate. I highlight scriptural teachings that emphasize Christ's inclusivity and the invitation for all to come unto Him.

    I provide practical steps to combat this divisiveness, such as understanding that we may not know someone's full story, creating a safe space for diverse perspectives, and gently addressing divisive language. Importantly, I encourage listeners to let go of the need to convince others and instead focus on broadening their circles to include people with different beliefs and experiences. By embracing our differences and making room for everyone, I suggest we can create a more unified and Christ-like community.

    In conclusion, I emphasize that the best way to resolve differences is not to try to resolve them, but rather to understand that we are all part of the same human experience and should welcome everyone into our circles with love and understanding.

    As always, if you found this episode helpful, I want to invite you to subscribe if you aren't already, share this episode with your friends and missionaries you know, and write a review. I know this work will help missionaries around the world and it would mean so much to me if you did. Until next week my friends.

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  • In episode 171, I talk about the emotional roller coaster that can happen when supporting a loved one, whether that's a missionary, companion, spouse, or child.

    I share why our brains are wired to want to mirror others' emotions and try to "fix" their problems, but explain why that can actually be exhausting and counterproductive.

    Instead, I suggest ways to step off the emotional roller coaster, such as recognizing when you're mirroring their emotions, reminding yourself that their experience is theirs, and accessing more grounded emotions like curiosity, acceptance, and compassion.

    By getting off the ride, you can be a calmer, more effective support rather than getting caught up in the ups and downs. I share how this allows you to show up in a more useful way and avoid blaming yourself when your loved one is struggling.

    As always, if you found this episode helpful, I want to invite you to subscribe if you aren't already, share this episode with your friends and missionaries you know, and write a review. I know this work will help missionaries around the world and it would mean so much to me if you did. Until next week my friends.

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  • Hey everyone, here on podcast episode 170, I'm excited to dive into the topic of shame in this episode. Shame is a complex emotion that many of us struggle with, especially during the unique experiences of serving a mission.

    In this episode, I explore the differences between shame and guilt, highlighting how they can be intertwined yet distinct. I share insights from Brene Brown's research, outlining the four elements of shame resilience: recognizing shame, practicing critical awareness, reaching out to others, and speaking openly about shame.

    By understanding shame as a natural human emotion, rather than something to be feared or avoided, we can learn to process it in a healthy way. I encourage listeners to approach shame with self-compassion, recognizing that we all experience it and that it doesn't make us inherently flawed or broken.

    Throughout the episode, I emphasize the importance of normalizing the discussion around shame and other emotions. By sharing our experiences and supporting one another, we can reduce the isolation and shame that often accompanies these feelings. Whether you're preparing for a mission, currently serving, or a returned missionary, I hope these insights empower you to navigate the emotional landscape of the mission experience with greater understanding and resilience.

    As always, if you found this episode helpful, I want to invite you to subscribe if you aren't already, share this episode with your friends and missionaries you know, and write a review. I know this work will help missionaries around the world and it would mean so much to me if you did. Until next week my friends.

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  • Here on episode 169 we are talking about 'When a Missionary Is Having a Tough Time'. As the LDS mission coach, I'm excited to share this episode on supporting missionaries who are having a tough time. Whether you're a current missionary, a returned missionary, or a missionary parent, this episode is for you.

    I recently had the opportunity to attend the Restore faith gathering, where I connected with many of you and heard your powerful mission stories. Those conversations reinforced the importance of understanding and compassion, as we all have our own burdens and struggles to navigate.

    In this episode, I aim to provide perspective on how we can better support our companions, roommates, or loved ones who are facing challenges during their mission experience. The key is to avoid viewing their struggles as a burden or an inconvenience.

    Instead, we must approach it with love, kindness, and a willingness to help carry their cross, just as Simon of Cyrene did for Jesus. By focusing on learning the lessons we need to learn, rather than what's not getting done, we can embody the Savior's example of bearing one another's burdens. I hope this episode inspires you to be a source of comfort and support for those facing difficulties, remembering that we all have our own battles to fight, and that's okay.

    As always, if you found this episode helpful, I want to invite you to subscribe if you aren't already, share this episode with your friends and missionaries you know, and write a review. I know this work will help missionaries around the world and it would mean so much to me if you did. Until next week my friends.

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  • In episode 168. Look How Far You've Come, I share an important perspective shift that can make a big difference in your mission experience and beyond - focusing on your gains rather than the gap.

    I was inspired by a message from my coach, who encouraged our group to celebrate our progress and achievements. So often, we have a tendency to fixate on our shortcomings and how far we have left to go. But I explain how this mindset can actually hold us back, creating feelings of discouragement and inadequacy. Instead, I suggest we "measure backwards" - looking at how far we've come rather than just focusing on the distance to our goals.

    By reflecting on our past accomplishments, even the small ones, we can build genuine confidence and motivation to keep moving forward. I share personal examples of how this has played out with my missionary clients, helping them recognize their impressive growth. I believe this gain-focused mindset is key for thriving during and after your mission, so I encourage you to give it a try.

    As always, if you found this episode helpful, I want to invite you to subscribe if you aren't already, share this episode with your friends and missionaries you know, and write a review. I know this work will help missionaries around the world and it would mean so much to me if you did. Until next week my friends.

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  • Hey everyone! I'm so excited to share this episode all about rubber band emotions. As the LDS mission coach, I've noticed that emotions play a huge role in our lives, especially for those preparing for, serving, or returning from a mission.

    One of the key things I've learned is that trying to avoid or postpone uncomfortable emotions is like trying to hold a rubber band stretched out - it just creates more tension and pressure until it snaps back. Instead, I encourage you to lean into those emotions, give them a name, and let them move through your body. It may feel uncomfortable at first, but I promise it's so much better than the emotional letdown that can happen when we try to ignore what we're really feeling.

    Whether you're a future missionary, a current missionary, or a returned missionary, I hope this episode will empower you to embrace the full range of human emotions. Remember, there are no "good" or "bad" emotions - they're just information your brain and body are trying to give you. So let's dive in and learn how to process those rubber band emotions with grace and self-trust. I can't wait to hear your thoughts!

    As always, if you found this episode helpful, I want to invite you to subscribe if you aren't already, share this episode with your friends and missionaries you know, and write a review. I know this work will help missionaries around the world and it would mean so much to me if you did. Until next week my friends.

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  • Episode 166 - Back to Real Life, after an incredible 3-week family vacation in Europe, I've been navigating the transition back to my "real life" routine.

    As exciting as the trip was, I've found myself feeling exhausted, unmotivated, and craving the consistency of my normal schedule. I've realized this ebb and flow between craving novelty and craving stability is a natural part of the human experience. Sometimes we long for the excitement of new adventures, while other times we just want the comfort of the familiar.

    In this episode, I share strategies to compassionately navigate these transition periods, whether you're returning home from a mission, starting a new job, or simply adjusting to a new semester. The key is to avoid judging yourself and to find ways to introduce novelty into the mundane while also allowing yourself grace during the more routine phases.

    Above all, I encourage embracing the "green grass" of wherever you are, rather than always thinking the grass is greener elsewhere. By finding joy and purpose in both the exciting and the ordinary, we can move through life's ebbs and flows with more ease and fulfillment. I hope these insights help you as you navigate your own "back to real life" moments.

    As always, if you found this episode helpful, I want to invite you to subscribe if you aren't already, share this episode with your friends and missionaries you know, and write a review. I know this work will help missionaries around the world and it would mean so much to me if you did. Until next week my friends.

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  • In this episode, I dive deep into the concept of "believing it's enough" - a crucial part of the mission experience that many struggle with. As an LDS mission coach, I've found that this idea of feeling adequate and believing you're doing enough is one of the trickiest parts for both preparing and returned missionaries.

    I share personal insights and analogies to help listeners overcome the natural human tendency to doubt ourselves and feel like we're falling short. Whether you're getting ready to serve, currently on a mission, or navigating life after your mission, the message is the same - you are enough. I encourage listeners to embrace their imperfections, show up authentically, and trust that their efforts and presence make a difference, even on the days they don't feel particularly "majestic."

    Rooted in principles of faith, self-compassion and the power of our thoughts, this episode aims to empower listeners to choose empowering beliefs about their worth and capabilities. By believing it's enough, we can find the fuel to keep going, grow, and make a meaningful impact - both on our missions and in every area of our lives.

    As always, if you found this episode helpful, I want to invite you to subscribe if you aren't already, share this episode with your friends and missionaries you know, and write a review. I know this work will help missionaries around the world and it would mean so much to me if you did. Until next week my friends.

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  • Episode 164 - ADHD Strategies for Missionaries and RMs with Kamden Hainsworth In this episode, I had an insightful conversation with Kamden Hainsworth, an ADHD coach and advocate.

    We discussed the unique challenges that missionaries and returned missionaries with ADHD can face, and Kamden shared valuable strategies and insights to help support them. Kamden shared her own experiences serving a mission in Minnesota and the struggles she faced due to her underdeveloped prefrontal cortex, which can lead to issues with attention, focus, organization, and emotional regulation.

    She emphasized the importance of understanding ADHD as a neurodevelopmental condition, not a deficit, and the need for flexibility and self-compassion when managing the demands of missionary work. Kamden provided practical tips for missionaries with ADHD, such as building in buffer time, prioritizing personal strengths, and learning to manage rejection sensitivity.

    She also encouraged listeners to view ADHD as a gift, with unique abilities and potential. Overall, this episode offers a compassionate and empowering perspective on navigating the mission experience with ADHD.

    As always, if you found this episode helpful, I want to invite you to subscribe if you aren't already, share this episode with your friends and missionaries you know, and write a review. I know this work will help missionaries around the world and it would mean so much to me if you did. Until next week my friends.

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  • Episode 163 - Rewrite Your Script In this episode, I share the powerful concept of rewriting your personal narrative to empower yourself.

    I open by recounting a dramatic story from my past - a situation involving fraud, lawsuits, and financial turmoil that could have easily been the plot of a movie. This experience taught me that everyone has a unique story, and the way we tell that story can greatly impact our healing and growth.

    I then share examples from my own life, including navigating my son's autism diagnosis and my daughter's major surgery, where I was able to reframe my perspective from victim to hero.

    I want to encourage listeners to do the same - to identify difficult experiences from their past, whether on their mission or elsewhere, and consciously rewrite the script. Rather than seeing ourselves as weak or incapable, we can honor our courage, perseverance, and strength in overcoming challenges.

    This can be a profound healing process that allows us to move forward and create the life we want. I close by discussing the importance of integrating our past experiences, rather than trying to simply "move past" them, as they have shaped who we are today.

    As always, if you found this episode helpful, I want to invite you to subscribe if you aren't already, share this episode with your friends and missionaries you know, and write a review. I know this work will help missionaries around the world and it would mean so much to me if you did. Until next week my friends.

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  • Episode 162 - Into the Unknown In this episode, I discuss the common fear of the unknown that many missionaries and returned missionaries face. I emphasize the importance of preparing for missions through my Mission Prep Plus program, which helps equip missionaries with the coping skills and tools they need to navigate the uncertainty of missionary work.

    I share tips for embracing uncertainty and growth, such as avoiding questions and "what-ifs" and instead using statements to reframe thoughts and actions. I encourage listeners to take only the next step, stay present in the moment, and view "I don't know" thoughts as exciting rather than problematic. I also stress the value of getting comfortable with uncomfortable emotions to build self-reliance on the mission.

    Finally, I emphasize that the only constant in life is change, and the only certain thing is uncertainty. I encourage listeners to face the unknown with courage, knowing that discomfort is a necessary part of growth. By choosing the "flavor" of fear that moves them towards their goals, listeners can overcome worry and anxiety and create the life they desire.

    As always, if you found this episode helpful, I want to invite you to subscribe if you aren't already, share this episode with your friends and missionaries you know, and write a review. I know this work will help missionaries around the world and it would mean so much to me if you did. Until next week my friends.

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  • Hey everyone, it's Jennie Dildine here with another episode of the LDS Mission Podcast. Today I wanted to discuss the idea of practice and whether it truly makes perfect.

    We've all heard the saying "practice makes perfect", but is that really the case? In this episode, I share some of my own experiences where I felt very confident and competent in something, only to later struggle with doubts and insecurities again. I discuss how it's normal for humans to have ups and downs in their personal growth and development.

    While practicing is important, true perfection is impossible since we're always changing and evolving. Instead, I suggest viewing practice as a continuous process of growth and change rather than something that leads to a finished product. I hope you'll tune in to learn more about reframing how we think about practice and personal improvement.

    As always, if you found this episode helpful, I want to invite you to subscribe if you aren't already, share this episode with your friends and missionaries you know, and write a review. I know this work will help missionaries around the world and it would mean so much to me if you did. Until next week my friends.

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  • Hey everyone, thanks for tuning into this episode of the LDS Mission Podcast. Today I wanted to discuss the importance of asking powerful questions as a missionary.

    While our one job is to offer thoughts with love, I've realized we can do even more by also asking questions with compassion and love. By understanding people's perspectives through questions, we can better meet their needs.

    I shared some examples of how assumptions without questions can cause discomfort or misunderstandings. My advice is to directly and humbly ask people what they need in a way that makes them feel heard.

    As missionaries, we should also ask ourselves loving questions instead of self-criticism. And don't forget to learn from those you serve. Whether you're prepping to serve, currently serving, or a returned missionary, I hope these insights help as you strive to offer thoughts and gain understanding through questions, with the goal of lifting others. Be sure to grab the free resources mentioned to enhance your mission experience. Thanks for listening!

    As always, if you found this episode helpful, I want to invite you to subscribe if you aren't already, share this episode with your friends and missionaries you know, and write a review. I know this work will help missionaries around the world and it would mean so much to me if you did. Until next week my friends.

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  • Episode 159 - Wanting and Willingness

    In this episode, I discuss the difference between wanting and willingness. I share personal experiences where I have learned to say no to things I don't want to do, in order to better understand my own desires.

    However, I also emphasize the importance of being willing to do things even when we don't want to, through sacrifice. This willingness allows us to have ownership over our experiences.

    I relate this concept to serving a mission, encouraging missionaries and returned missionaries to reflect on their own wants and needs, while also being willing to overcome challenges through sacrifice.

    As always, if you found this episode helpful, I want to invite you to subscribe if you aren't already, share this episode with your friends and missionaries you know, and write a review. I know this work will help missionaries around the world and it would mean so much to me if you did. Until next week my friends.

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  • Hey everyone, it's Jennie Dildine here with another episode of the LDS Mission Podcast. On today's episode, I wanted to share some leadership tips that I've learned from my own experiences serving in various callings and leadership positions over the years.

    I talk about the importance of recognizing that there are both "visionaries" and "implementers" on any team or project, and how each person brings a unique set of skills, talents, and perspectives. I also discuss some of the challenges that visionary leaders can face in forgetting the day-to-day realities of implementing a vision.

    I provide over 10 specific tips for how visionaries can help implementers feel supported, valued and successful in their roles. Whether you're preparing to serve a mission, currently serving, or have already returned, I hope you'll find value in thinking about how to apply principles of empowering leadership.

    Listen in to learn more about how recognizing strengths and maintaining morale could help you have the most fulfilling leadership experience possible.

    As always, if you found this episode helpful, I want to invite you to subscribe if you aren't already, share this episode with your friends and missionaries you know, and write a review. I know this work will help missionaries around the world and it would mean so much to me if you did. Until next week my friends.

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  • Hey everyone, it's Jennie Dildine here with another episode of the LDS Mission Podcast. Today I have a really insightful discussion about religious OCD and scrupulosity. I talk with Claire Breedlove, a licensed clinical social worker who has a lot of experience treating OCD, especially when it comes to religious themes.

    We discuss what scrupulosity is, how it can impact missionaries and young adults, and tips for managing anxiety. Claire also shares about effective treatment options like exposure therapy. If you or someone you know struggles with religious OCD, I hope you find this conversation helpful. Be sure to check out the resources mentioned in the show notes. Thanks for listening!

    Claire Breedlove is a licensed clinical social worker who specializes in providing evidence-based treatment for religious OCD, also known as scrupulosity, in members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Claireis an active member of the International OCD Foundation and has completed the IOCDF’s Pediatric Behavior Therapy Training Institute. Claire currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Mormon Mental Health Association and is licensed to practice in California, Utah, Idaho, Texas, Louisiana and Florida. Claire holds masters degrees from Johns Hopkins University and the Tulane University School of Social Work.

    More information about Claire’s practice is available at www.mountainhomeocd.com.

    Also check out th International OCD Foundation website: https://iocdf.org/

    Learn more from Jennie:

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  • Jennie here with episode 156 of the LDS Mission Podcast. This week we're talking all about overcoming the RM struggle.

    As many of you know, coming home from a mission can be a big adjustment. Here are the main things that I hear over and over from return missionaries, "I really struggled with not having a clear schedule and purpose anymore." "I feel lost and I'm not sure what to do next."

    In this episode, I share some of the most common struggles returned missionaries face according to my strategy calls with RMs. I also provide 6 mantras and mindset shifts that can help ease the transition home.

    Whether you're preparing to serve, currently serving, or have recently returned, I hope you walk away with some helpful tools and know that whatever you're experiencing is completely normal. Thanks for tuning in, and I hope to see you back next week for another episode!

    As always, if you found this episode helpful, I want to invite you to subscribe if you aren't already, share this episode with your friends and missionaries you know, and write a review. I know this work will help missionaries around the world and it would mean so much to me if you did. Until next week my friends.


    16 -The Truth About Your Purpose

    19 - Stop Using Tools as Weapons

    31 - 3 Quick Tools for Returning Missionaries

    52 - Trust Yourself

    57 - Habits, Goals, Dreams

    62 - Stop Wrestling with Rest

    75 - Fostering Fulfillment

    103 - The Achievement High

    112 - It Isn’t Silly

    124 - Stop Chasing Happy

    126 - The Doing Diet

    134 - Decision Making 101

    140 - About "Feeling Better"

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  • Hey everyone, this is Jennie Dildine with episode 155 of the LDS Mission Podcast. On this episode I discuss the art of holding space, which is an important tool for confidence and relationships.

    I talk about how holding space can help missionaries and leaders create a supportive environment by allowing others to have their own experiences and emotions without judgment.

    Some ways to hold space include being curious about others' perspectives, accepting of differences, speaking to the full human experience, and avoiding comparisons or dismissing what people say happened to them.

    I hope that by practicing holding space this week in your interactions, it can help you better connect with and support those around you on your mission or in your church service. Be sure to check out the free resources mentioned that can help as you prepare for your mission or return home. Thanks for listening!

    As always, if you found this episode helpful, I want to invite you to subscribe if you aren't already, share this episode with your friends and missionaries you know, and write a review. I know this work will help missionaries around the world and it would mean so much to me if you did. Until next week my friends.

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  • Hey everyone, Jennie here with the show notes for today's episode where we discussed managing motivation and avoiding crossing that fine line to overwhelm.

    In this episode, I shared some of my own experiences feeling motivated but then crossing over into anxiety or overwhelm as things start to pile on. I talked about how important it is to pay attention to your emotions and really understand the difference between feelings like motivation, excitement, anxiety and overwhelm.

    I also provided some strategies I use to help myself like expanding my emotional vocabulary, reminding myself that I have time and don't need to prove anything.

    As always, if you found this episode helpful, I want to invite you to subscribe if you aren't already, share this episode with your friends and missionaries you know, and write a review. I know this work will help missionaries around the world and it would mean so much to me if you did. Until next week my friends.

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  • This episode of the LDS Mission Podcast features an inspiring interview with Kate Kilpack about her experience serving a service mission after facing unexpected challenges early in her proselyting mission.

    Kate Killpack is a diligent missionary who started off her mission in June of 2023 in the Mexico City MTC when her mission experience took a couple of unexpected turns. After struggling with OCD scrupulosity and going through a knee surgery, she has figured out that God sometimes has a different plan for His missionaries.

    Kate is from Lindon, Utah and enjoys hiking, skiing, and being in the sun. In the future she hopes to become an elementary school teacher.

    Kate shares openly about struggling with OCD scrupulosity and a knee injury in the MTC that led her to transfer to a service mission close to home. She discusses the valuable service she provided in various sites and her journey to regain confidence in herself and her ability to return to proselyting.

    Kate offers an insightful perspective and advice for any missionary or returned missionary facing unexpected bumps and turns in their mission or post-mission journey. Her powerful testimony of God's perfect plan and the Atonement's ability to transform our weaknesses will uplift and encourage all listeners.

    As always, if you found this episode helpful, I want to invite you to subscribe if you aren't already, share this episode with your friends and missionaries you know, and write a review. I know this work will help missionaries around the world and it would mean so much to me if you did. Until next week my friends.

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