Another traditional free play this week, so let's dive in. We start things off with a PC Engine track "Story" from Aoi Blink which has a fun and carefree sound. No time to relax though, because next up we're charging straight into "Stage 2: Military Fortress" from Super C which will get you pumped up. We've also got some classic music from the great Nobuo Uematsu with "Shop"
For Episode 247, instead of the usual free play, the boizz returned to a classic topic: Racing Games. This was their fourth lap around the course for this topic, proving there's still plenty of gas left in the tank when it comes to racing games.We start out with some classic Famicom tracks from Vs. Excitebike and Famicom Grand Prix: F1 Race. We then move on to the Super Famicom with
Episodes manquant?
Get yourself a shoe endorsement and put those shoes on, because we're about to hit the ground running with this mixtape. Starting things off we have "Downhill," a high tension track from Winter Olympic Games: Lillehammer '94. We keep the intensity up with "Report 1: The Ghost Train Bound for Hell at 24 o'clock" from GS Mikami: Joreishi wa Nice Body.After that we'll get a bit more
Even though this might seem like an Oscar-themed episode, which it is, the main focus is Super Famicom. That's right. All the tracks on this episode are from Japanese exclusive Super Famicom games. And user Jared serves up another VGM Karaoke. Full track listing below.Download and listen NOWGame - Composer - Song - Company - Console - Year (North American release unless
We've got a new mixtape of tracks as fresh as a cleanly shaved face. Rob brought a few tracks from the Madden series, including "Title Theme" from John Madden Football '92, which has some very cool crunchy bass that the Genesis excels at. That is followed by a very catchy and melodic track ("Stage Theme 6") from Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu for the NES. Your cleanly shaved face
Were you crossing your fingers in hopes of a new mixtape dropping? Well, you're in luck, because we've got a good one for you. Things start off on a bit of a creepy tone with a very 70's electronic track, "Ending Theme" from Skeleton Krew. After that, Tomoya Tomita hits us with that classic Konami style in "BGM 3" from F-1 Sensation. Gabe shared a very cool,
Rob was unable to make it for Episode 243, but he was there in spirit, along with special guest Donny Divanian. As always, there's a lot of great music to cover in this mixtape. Main Menu from Multi Play Volleyball would fit well on an Elevator Music episode, with parts sounding reminiscent of Pilotwings. Main Theme from Kiki Kaikai is a PC Engine track with a strong Asiatic
Brent and Rob go one-on-one for Episode 281 with the theme being "AI" or artificial intelligence. Kind of an action-packed episode with talking about fires, a dramatic monologue piece by user Tenek, and a VGM karaoke by user Jared. Full track listing below.Download and listen NOWGame - Composer - Song - Company - Console - Year (North American release unless otherwise indicated)
There's a lot of great tracks in this free play mixtape, so let's jump right in. The boizz kicked things off with a Mega Drive Meganet track from Teddy Boy Blues. While actually a 90's release, it really embodies the fun sound of 80's pop. After that you can put your mind to work on a little game of Backgammon for the Famicom Disc System. Now that your mind is pumped up,
Episode 241 was the tenth Best Of Year In Review episode, so by this point you probably already know how this works. Brent and Rob alternate, counting down their top ten favorite tracks that they discovered within the previous year (3rd and 4th generation only). Gabe also counts down his top five tracks. Did anybody have overlapping picks? If so, the track will appear
Episode 240 was another traditional free play with a nice variety of systems and styles. We start off with some classic Famicom and NES tracks from Nekketsu! Street Basket: Ganbare Dunk Heroes and Flying Warriors. Following that is the unmistakably unique and creative work of famed composer Yuzo Koshiro from none other than Streets of Rage 2. "Look Out (Normal BGM)" from the
The Olympics was the theme of Episode 239, so you'll find quite a few sports tracks in this mixtape, and we all know sports games have some really top tier music. "Arm Wrestling" from Track & Field II has that iconic Konami sound to get you pumped up. It's not just fully pumped sports tracks though... "What is your birthday?" from Tarot Mystery is a really great new age sounding
Like some previous episodes, Rob brings a secret theme along with his selections, and Brent and Gabe try to figure it out. Maybe you can figure it out before they do? Or maybe you can just dig the good music. That's not even a maybe. You will definitely dig it. Happy new year. Full track listing below.Download and listen NOWGame - Composer - Song - Company -
Lot's of good stuff in this mixtape, so let's jump right in. Game BGM 1 from Hat Trick Hero 2 for the Super Famicom is a straight-up jam with some terrific prominent bass guitar laying down some funky riffs. Against all odds, Rob still manages to keep finding Lightening Force tracks that have yet to be played on the show and Omake 2 is a great example of how that soundtrack is full of
It's Morphin' Time for the Legacy Music Hour! We're starting this free play mixtape off strong with a track from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (the SNES game, not the actual movie). While this episode is in fact a free play, Rob's picks were mostly focused on golf games, starting with "BGM 1" from Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf. In fact, there is a lot of Soldam good
Time to slap some beyond meat on the grill and cook up a sizzling mixtape. That's right, it's time for another Beyond 16-Bit episode where the boizz get to share tracks that wouldn't normally be LMH legal. Starting things off is a beautiful and haunting gothic piece from Alice: Madness Returns. Following that is "Robot Factory (Chapter 6)" from the incredibly bonk soundtrack
This is a very unusual episode. For this one time only, any electronic game music from any era and any device or platform is eligible to be shared. So you might hear some modern computer game music or some modern pinball machine music or a regular NES track or who knows? Take a listen and find out (or just look at the track listing). Full track listing below.Download and
Radical! Bodacious! Excellent! Legendary! Those are just some ways of describing this mixtape. If you haven't figured it out already, this mixtape features the unused Baby T-Rex rap from the prototype game that would later go on to be reworked as Radical Rex, but before that there was the real cool, real cool Baby T-Rex. Of course there is more than just that
You listenin' to me? Are you listenin' to ME? I don't see any other mixtapes around, so you must be listenin' to me. And it's a good thing you are, because we've got another absolutely stacked episode for your listening pleasure. "Pokey Step" from the 2016 Famicom release: Kira Kira Star Night DX (another legal at the time track) is a really fun and cheerful track to put
Make sure you don't miss this mixtape since there's a lot of cool stuff to check out. For example, there's a track from the unreleased SNES game Socks the Cat Rocks the Hill that features some really fun and funky bass. There's an absolute slapper from Pop'n TwinBee that exudes that amazing Konami shoot-them-up energy. After that is another one of those "legal at the time"
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