夢を追い続ける全ての人を応援するスポーツカーメーカー ポルシェ。
Instagram : @porsche_japan
X : @PorscheJP
Welcome to the start of your Electric Adventure in Japan! James from the EV Man Japan channel chats to electric car owners based in Japan. Ever wondered what it's like driving an EV in Japan? In this biweekly show you'll learn all about Japanese driving culture, their love of EV tech, and so much more! Also available in video form on the YouTube channel, along with lots more fun Japan-based EV videos!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4 Girls talking about a 4 letter word: LIFE. Girls Behind The Wheel are Faith filled patriots, who love God, our Country, and our family. We are friends, wives, moms, teachers, students, business owners, who are driven to help people! With this Broad-Cast we hope to encourage you and ourselves to get into the driver’s seat of life and do what we’ve been putting off! Take that trip, conquer that project or mend that relationship.
You can expect NO Structure and NO set Plan! You may hear power tools from the shop, you may hear an ambulance, a train, or someone yelling up the stairs. Some days you may hear all the girls or just one girl. Other days you may hear an interview. Enjoy the suspense! Much like Jen this broadcast may seem to have ADHD We may talk about cars, relationships, Rv’s, Rv Life, Travel, Family, Events, Business, We may discuss
places to visit, foods to eat, or introduce you to amazing people who have jumped into the driver’s seat and mapped out a new path. No telling what you may hear but we are looking forward to this journey with you! We hope that you will share stories of what drives you. Tell us about your favorite cars and trucks. What travel destinations we should not miss. Favorite restaurants, and how you have overcome obstacles that may help us and our listeners to do the same!! We desire to create a community where we can support and encourage each other down this Highway we call life. -
TBS Podcast: -
ディープじゃなくそこそこアニメを語るポッドキャスト『そこあに』 作品特集・インタビュー特集。毎週日曜深夜お届けします。
Surviving The System is a podcast created to shed light on the hypocrisy and injustice of “the system” in our nation today. I founded this podcast after first hand experience of how the system works - the shady tactics by law enforcement, the blatant disregard for the law by the legal system, the ever increasing attempts to crush the human spirit by the prison industrial complex and so called “re-entry” efforts. All of it appearing to be designed to keep people beat down, with no opportunity to learn and grow from their past mistakes. Since my experience with the system, I’ve learned that things are almost never cut and dry, right or wrong. So called “criminals” are some of the most compassionate, talented and intelligent individuals this world has to offer. On the flip side, there are some people who appear to lead the perfect life are all too often miserable human beings who are simply better at hiding their crimes from the rest of the world. My goal by starting Surviving The System is to reach as many people as possible who have been through the system, or are currently going through the system, and remind them that they are not defined by their worst mistake! You are a being of incredible power who has been conditioned by the system to forget. You can have the life you want, you can be the person you’ve always wanted to be. Throw off the shackles and remember who you are!
For 58 years, The ACCJ Journal has chronicled the activities of the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan and supported its advocacy efforts. Now the magazine of the ACCJ is available in audio format so that you can keep up with what’s happening in Japan’s global business community no matter where you are or what you are doing. Listen to narrated version of Journal stories and enjoy podcast-first content as well.
文芸あねもねRの魅力、朗読の魅力、そしてチャリティーのことを楽しみながら広めていきます。【毎月3日・17日更新】 -
MotoPod - The internet radio show all about motorcycle road racing - is dedicated to MotoGP and motorcycle racing news, interviews, commentary, opinion and rumor! Find out what’s going on in the sport that is the pinnacle of motorsports, Grand Prix Motorcycle Road Racing! New episodes every week.
世界一周バックパッカー x 旅心そそる本たち。海外旅行記、ルポ、ノンフィクション、写真集。海外からの香りを貪欲に求め、お気楽に咀嚼し、ラジオでまったり紹介していきます。
100年後の地球を生きる子どもたちへ、 つなげていきたい“ヒト・モノ・コト”。 それらを集めたものが「みらい図鑑」。 「みらい」へ受け継いでいきたい“ヒト・モノ・コト”。日本全国、あなたの身近にあるステキな“ヒト・モノ・コト”を教えてください!100年後の子どもたちへ伝える「みらい図鑑」を一緒に作りましょう。日本全国にきっとたくさんあります。
笑いに飢えたライダーに贈る バイクトークバラエティ番組
Podcast 猫のシッポ の公式Web siteです。