
  • In today's episode Judith Germain speaks to Kelly L Campbell about trauma-informed leadership. Kelly shares her personal journey, including starting a successful digital marketing agency in her 20s, but eventually feeling unfulfilled and selling the company. This led her to become a trauma-informed leadership coach, focusing on helping leaders integrate their own past trauma and lead from a place of greater self-awareness and empathy.

    Key Takeaways Trauma-informed leadership is about understanding what might be happening internally for people and leading with compassion Epigenetic research suggests some leaders may be hormonally imbalanced due to childhood trauma, impacting empathy There is hope for more conscious leadership from younger generations who are discussing emotions/trauma Becoming trauma-informed involves training to recognise trauma responses and practicing the mindset consistently

    In this conversation Kelly explains that trauma-informed leadership is about understanding how past trauma can impact people's behavior and responses, and leading with compassion, consent, and consideration for employees' and clients' humanity.

    Kelly shares new research on how intergenerational trauma can impact leaders' brain chemistry and hormonal balance, potentially making it difficult for them to feel empathy and make decisions for the greater good. She suggests this research could have implications for how we evaluate leadership capabilities.

    Kelly L Campbell speaks and writes about trauma, leadership, and consciousness - 'The new TLC'. Kelly is a Trauma Informed Leadership Coach to emerging and established leaders who know they are meant for more.

    You can find out more about our guest and today's episode in this Maverick Paradox Magazine article here.


    Maverick leadership is all about thinking outside the box and challenging the status quo. It's about having the courage to take risks and the confidence to lead in a way that is authentic and genuine.

    But amplifying your influence as a leader isn't just about having a strong vision or a big personality. It's also about having the right leadership capability and being able to execute on your ideas and plans.

    The consequences of not having the right level of influence as a leader can be significant. Without the ability to inspire and motivate others, you may struggle to achieve your goals and make a real impact.

    How Influential Are you? Take the scorecard at amplifyyourinfluence.scoreapp.com and see.

    Catalysing Transformation - 1 min video

    Judith's book: The Maverick Paradox: The Secret Power Behind Successful Leaders.

    Judith's websites:

    The Maverick Paradox Magazine - themaverickparadox.com The Maverick Paradox Website - maverickparadox.co.uk

    Judith's LinkedIn profile is here, her Twitter profile (MaverickMastery) is here, Facebook here and Instagram here.

  • In today's episode Judith Germain speaks to Carlo Taormina about overcoming mental blocks and Carlo Taormina's journey as a high performance mindset coach.

    Key Takeaways Carlo overcame a severe depression and suicidal period by making one decision to take action (going on a trip) Changing your body language/physiology can shift your mental state and allow better decisions Focus on what serves you rather than negativity to become your best self Carlo offers a free coaching call via his Instagram (@carlotaormina_coach) to anyone needing help

    In this conversation Carlo shares his key insights on how he overcame his adversity of depression and suicide to become a renowned life coach and keynote speaker. Carlo's message helps high achieving individuals become more solution oriented, make better decisions, gain fulfillment and change your internal state to improve your professional and personal life.

    You can find out more about our guest and today's episode in this Maverick Paradox Magazine article here.


    Maverick leadership is all about thinking outside the box and challenging the status quo. It's about having the courage to take risks and the confidence to lead in a way that is authentic and genuine.

    But amplifying your influence as a leader isn't just about having a strong vision or a big personality. It's also about having the right leadership capability and being able to execute on your ideas and plans.

    The consequences of not having the right level of influence as a leader can be significant. Without the ability to inspire and motivate others, you may struggle to achieve your goals and make a real impact.

    How Influential Are you? Take the scorecard at amplifyyourinfluence.scoreapp.com and see.

    Catalysing Transformation - 1 min video

    Judith's book: The Maverick Paradox: The Secret Power Behind Successful Leaders.

    Judith's websites:

    The Maverick Paradox Magazine - themaverickparadox.com The Maverick Paradox Website - maverickparadox.co.uk

    Judith's LinkedIn profile is here, her Twitter profile (MaverickMastery) is here, Facebook here and Instagram here.

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  • In today's conversation Judith Germain is speaking to Mark Shekter about how to unlock creative potential. Mark shares the story of how he initially planned to become a lawyer like his family, but ultimately found his true passion in music, comedy, and television writing. He describes the pivotal moments that led him to leave law school and pursue a creative career, despite the skepticism of those around him.

    Key Takeaways Tap into your innate purpose and what you're meant to do to unlock creativity Creativity is about fully executing ideas, not just having ideas Leaders need to make space for strategic thinking and creativity Creativity flourishes when you honor your true calling, even if it means taking risks

    In this conversation Mark and Judith discover they share a philosophical alignment around the importance of independent, maverick thinking and risk-taking to pursue one's true calling, rather than following a pre-determined path. They discuss how this mindset has shaped their respective careers and creative pursuits.

    You can find out more about our guest and today's episode in this Maverick Paradox Magazine article here.


    Maverick leadership is all about thinking outside the box and challenging the status quo. It's about having the courage to take risks and the confidence to lead in a way that is authentic and genuine.

    But amplifying your influence as a leader isn't just about having a strong vision or a big personality. It's also about having the right leadership capability and being able to execute on your ideas and plans.

    The consequences of not having the right level of influence as a leader can be significant. Without the ability to inspire and motivate others, you may struggle to achieve your goals and make a real impact.

    How Influential Are you? Take the scorecard at amplifyyourinfluence.scoreapp.com and see.

    Catalysing Transformation - 1 min video

    Judith's book: The Maverick Paradox: The Secret Power Behind Successful Leaders.

    Judith's websites:

    The Maverick Paradox Magazine - themaverickparadox.com The Maverick Paradox Website - maverickparadox.co.uk

    Judith's LinkedIn profile is here, her Twitter profile (MaverickMastery) is here, Facebook here and Instagram here.

  • In today's conversation Judith Germain speaks to Nathan Andres discuss his book "Your Real Life, get Authentic, be Resilient & Make it Count" and his work on thriving, well-being, and resilience in the workplace.

    Nathan shares his background, explaining that he has extensive experience in the corporate world, working for large brands and helping them with business and culture growth. He now does HR consulting, focusing on coaching individuals and teams to help them move from "survive to thrive".

    Key Takeaways Andres' book focuses on the "REAL" model for building authenticity and resilience: Reality, Energy management, Authenticity, Love Managing energy, not time, is key to well-being and resilience Workplaces need to prioritise mental health support as it impacts productivity and competitiveness Being authentic, not "faking it", allows you to truly thrive

    In this conversation Judith and Nathan discuss how capitalism can work against creating a well-being culture in the workplace. They acknowledge the need to rethink the old mentalities and patriarchal systems that have driven a focus on productivity over employee welfare.

    Judith raises concerns about the limited understanding and support for employees with long-term or chronic mental health issues, compared to more temporary or common mental health challenges. They explore the statistics around the impact of mental health on productivity and the growing expectations for companies to provide robust mental health resources.

    Nathan Andres hails from Washington DC after living in Asia for more than half of his career. He is a celebrated, award winning author, coach and senior HR executive with expertise in resilience and purpose driven leadership.

    You can find out more about our guest and today's episode in this Maverick Paradox Magazine article here.


    Maverick leadership is all about thinking outside the box and challenging the status quo. It's about having the courage to take risks and the confidence to lead in a way that is authentic and genuine.

    But amplifying your influence as a leader isn't just about having a strong vision or a big personality. It's also about having the right leadership capability and being able to execute on your ideas and plans.

    The consequences of not having the right level of influence as a leader can be significant. Without the ability to inspire and motivate others, you may struggle to achieve your goals and make a real impact.

    How Influential Are you? Take the scorecard at amplifyyourinfluence.scoreapp.com and see.

    Catalysing Transformation - 1 min video

    Judith's book: The Maverick Paradox: The Secret Power Behind Successful Leaders.

    Judith's websites:

    The Maverick Paradox Magazine - themaverickparadox.com The Maverick Paradox Website - maverickparadox.co.uk

    Judith's LinkedIn profile is here, her Twitter profile (MaverickMastery) is here, Facebook here and Instagram here.

  • In today's episode Judith Germain speaks to Norman Bacal about slaying the mythical two-headed Perality (Perception and Reality) beast. Norman shares with Judith the collapse of his successful Canadian Law Firm and how he felt and dealt with the feelings of failure and loss.

    He wrote three books (the Take Charge series) based from this time.

    They discuss the differences in perceptions and how to use psychology to succeed, and how organisational culture is derived.

    In this interesting conversation Norman talks about how to harness your fear and learning how to communicate and serving others are the keys to success in business and in life. He explains why lawyers are often very brittle when dealing with their own personal conflicts.

    This podcast was originally recorded in November 22.

    Norman Bacal is a rewired lawyer, former law firm leader and one time, one of Canada's leading film finance attorneys. His TED talk has reached close to half a million viewers.

    You can find out more about our guest and today's episode in this Maverick Paradox Magazine article here.


    Maverick leadership is all about thinking outside the box and challenging the status quo. It's about having the courage to take risks and the confidence to lead in a way that is authentic and genuine.

    But amplifying your influence as a leader isn't just about having a strong vision or a big personality. It's also about having the right leadership capability and being able to execute on your ideas and plans.

    The consequences of not having the right level of influence as a leader can be significant. Without the ability to inspire and motivate others, you may struggle to achieve your goals and make a real impact.

    How Influential Are you? Take the scorecard at amplifyyourinfluence.scoreapp.com and see.

    Catalysing Transformation - 1 min video

    Judith's book: The Maverick Paradox: The Secret Power Behind Successful Leaders.

    Judith's websites:

    The Maverick Paradox Magazine - themaverickparadox.com The Maverick Paradox Website - maverickparadox.co.uk

    Judith's LinkedIn profile is here, her Twitter profile (MaverickMastery) is here, Facebook here and Instagram here.

  • In this episode Judith Germain speaks to Greg Nutter about the common mistakes B2B sales people and companies make

    Key Takeaways Don't spend too much time talking about your product - focus on solving the customer's problems and opportunities Influence through asking questions, not telling - get the customer thinking Plan and strategise around the customer's buying process, not just your selling process Ensure management understands and adopts the sales methodology Marketing should create content aligned with the customer's buying stage AI may displace sellers who only pitch products, but not those who understand the buying process

    In this conversation Judith Germain and Greg Nutter discusses two key challenges companies face in sales: 1) Lack of management involvement and adoption of sales methodologies, and 2) Misalignment between the company's sales process and the customer's buying process.

    Greg Nutter is a management consultant where he helps business owners and senior sales executives solve revenue growth problems through direct, indirect, or multi-channel sales models. He is also the author of the Amazon Best Selling Book, 'P3 Selling: The essentials of B2B Sales Success'.

    You can find out more about our guest and today's episode in this Maverick Paradox Magazine article here.


    Maverick leadership is all about thinking outside the box and challenging the status quo. It's about having the courage to take risks and the confidence to lead in a way that is authentic and genuine.

    But amplifying your influence as a leader isn't just about having a strong vision or a big personality. It's also about having the right leadership capability and being able to execute on your ideas and plans.

    The consequences of not having the right level of influence as a leader can be significant. Without the ability to inspire and motivate others, you may struggle to achieve your goals and make a real impact.

    How Influential Are you? Take the scorecard at amplifyyourinfluence.scoreapp.com and see.

    Catalysing Transformation - 1 min video

    Judith's book: The Maverick Paradox: The Secret Power Behind Successful Leaders.

    Judith's websites:

    The Maverick Paradox Magazine - themaverickparadox.com The Maverick Paradox Website - maverickparadox.co.uk

    Judith's LinkedIn profile is here, her Twitter profile (MaverickMastery) is here, Facebook here and Instagram here.

  • In this episode Judith Germain speaks to Kapil Kulshreshtha about finding your voice, increasing influence, and breaking the corporate status quo.

    Key Takeaways Finding your voice means knowing your core identity, values, and letting that drive your expression authentically Increasing influence happens naturally when coming from a place of being, leveraging strategies/tactics like branding, networking Breaking corporate status quo means defining your own success, not following others' definitions - you can "have it all" on your own terms Focus on one passion/career path fully rather than dividing efforts between multiple side hustles Topics Enjoying Life's Activities Spending time with kids, coaching clients on possibilities, reading/learning Doing things that make him feel alive and energised Kapil's Background Worked 22 years in corporate (Microsoft, Cognizant) before becoming a coach in 2017 Failed initially as a coach, but now runs a substantial coaching business Helps individuals in corporate build powerful careers/lives aligned with identity Finding Your Voice Not just about expression, but knowing your core identity/values driving everything Faking it or trying to be someone else is unsustainable - be authentic Let your voice emerge from who you truly are, not superficial changes Increasing Influence Happens naturally when coming from your authentic place of being Then leverage strategies like branding, networking, content creation Having a coach can help amplify your influence Breaking Corporate Status Quo Most follow the same plan: get job > get promoted > make money > buy things This follows others' meaning of success, not your own definition Redefine success for yourself - you can "have it all" on your terms, not balanced Don't divide efforts between multiple hustles - go all-in on one passion

    In this conversation Kapil explains that finding your voice is not just about how you express yourself, but about knowing your core values and identity and letting that drive everything you do. He emphasises the importance of being authentic rather than trying to simulate a persona.

    Judith and Kapil discuss strategies for increasing influence, including leveraging your authentic voice and identity, as well as using tactics like personal branding, content creation, and networking. They caution against manipulation and emphasise the importance of coming from a place of being rather than just doing.

    Kapil Kulshreshtha is a career coach focused on helping corporate folks find their purpose and build powerful careers.

    You can find out more about our guest and today's episode in this Maverick Paradox Magazine article here.


    Maverick leadership is all about thinking outside the box and challenging the status quo. It's about having the courage to take risks and the confidence to lead in a way that is authentic and genuine.

    But amplifying your influence as a leader isn't just about having a strong vision or a big personality. It's also about having the right leadership capability and being able to execute on your ideas and plans.

    The consequences of not having the right level of influence as a leader can be significant. Without the ability to inspire and motivate others, you may struggle to achieve your goals and make a real impact.

    How Influential Are you? Take the scorecard at amplifyyourinfluence.scoreapp.com and see.

    Catalysing Transformation - 1 min video

    Judith's book: The Maverick Paradox: The Secret Power Behind Successful Leaders.

    Judith's websites:

    The Maverick Paradox Magazine - themaverickparadox.com The Maverick Paradox Website - maverickparadox.co.uk

    Judith's LinkedIn profile is here, her Twitter profile (MaverickMastery) is here, Facebook here and Instagram here.

  • In this episode Judith Germain speaks to Steve Scanlon about his concept of "inside-out leadership" and how he applies neuroscience principles in his coaching practice.

    Key Takeaways Inside-out leadership focuses on internal motivation and self-awareness rather than external factors Metacognition (thinking about one's thinking patterns) is a key practice for developing self-awareness and agency over mindset Naming emotions without judgment allows you to "tame" them rather than resist them The Pixar film "Inside Out" provides insightful metaphors for understanding emotions and the mind Topics Inside-Out Leadership Contrasts internal vs. external motivation - leadership should come from within, not just external rewards Despite much research on leadership, many leaders struggle to embody leadership principles internally Requires the hard "work" of self-reflection and change from the inside-out Metacognition Awareness and understanding of one's thought patterns A practice of non-judgmentally observing thoughts and emotions as they arise Allows you to "name" and therefore "tame" emotions rather than resist them Curiosity about thoughts/emotions is key, not judgment Neuroscience Insights Pixar's "Inside Out" provides apt metaphors for the mind and emotions "If you can name it, you can tame it" - naming emotions defuses their power "What you resist, persists" - resisting emotions makes them cling longer

    In this conversation Steve explains the practice of metacognition - being aware of one's own thought patterns without judgment. He discusses how this can give people more agency over their mindset and emotional responses, using examples like noticing feelings of anxiety.

    Judith and Steve discuss how they each apply neuroscience principles, like understanding brain chemistry and neuroplasticity, to help people improve their self-awareness and mindset. They emphasise the importance of making neuroscience concepts practical and actionable.

    Steve Scanlon is the founder and CEO of Rewire, Inc an a self-proclaimed neuroscience geek. His goal is to help leaders in transform themselves and their teams through a greater understanding of the science behind how the brain manages change.

    You can find out more about our guest and today's episode in this Maverick Paradox Magazine article here.


    Maverick leadership is all about thinking outside the box and challenging the status quo. It's about having the courage to take risks and the confidence to lead in a way that is authentic and genuine.

    But amplifying your influence as a leader isn't just about having a strong vision or a big personality. It's also about having the right leadership capability and being able to execute on your ideas and plans.

    The consequences of not having the right level of influence as a leader can be significant. Without the ability to inspire and motivate others, you may struggle to achieve your goals and make a real impact.

    How Influential Are you? Take the scorecard at amplifyyourinfluence.scoreapp.com and see.

    Catalysing Transformation - 1 min video

    Judith's book: The Maverick Paradox: The Secret Power Behind Successful Leaders.

    Judith's websites:

    The Maverick Paradox Magazine - themaverickparadox.com The Maverick Paradox Website - maverickparadox.co.uk

    Judith's LinkedIn profile is here, her Twitter profile (MaverickMastery) is here, Facebook here and Instagram here.

  • In today's conversation Judith Germain speaks to Mark Nesbitt and Thomas Lebor from New Leaf on leader's decision making. Mark and Thomas introduce themselves as long-time business partners who have started and run several companies together over the past 24 years.

    They discuss their previous ventures, including Urban Chill (a massage company) and Urban Leaf (a fundraising company), and how they are now focused on their latest business, New Leaf, which helps other business owners scale their companies effectively.

    Key Takeaways Leaders should make decisions aligned with the company's vision, mission and values, considering long-term impact Managers focus on how decisions impact their team/direct reports Understanding team members' decision-making styles (e.g. via Myers-Briggs) helps make better inclusive decisions Having a framework/process for major decisions ensures all perspectives are considered For time-sensitive decisions, empower the right person to make the call quickly when needed

    In this conversation the group discusses the key differences between how leaders and managers make decisions. Mark and Thomas explain the decision-making protocol they have developed based on their different personality types and decision-making styles.

    Mark and Thomas are on a mission to empower values led and purpose driven leaders to scale their business effectively and create the life they want. Over 40 years combined experience of starting, scaling and leading businesses, has led them to develop frameworks of practical wisdom; clear principles that can be applied in the real world, resulting in high performance teams and cultures.

    You can find out more about our guest and today's episode in this Maverick Paradox Magazine article here.


    Maverick leadership is all about thinking outside the box and challenging the status quo. It's about having the courage to take risks and the confidence to lead in a way that is authentic and genuine.

    But amplifying your influence as a leader isn't just about having a strong vision or a big personality. It's also about having the right leadership capability and being able to execute on your ideas and plans.

    The consequences of not having the right level of influence as a leader can be significant. Without the ability to inspire and motivate others, you may struggle to achieve your goals and make a real impact.

    How Influential Are you? Take the scorecard at amplifyyourinfluence.scoreapp.com and see.

    Catalysing Transformation - 1 min video

    Judith's book: The Maverick Paradox: The Secret Power Behind Successful Leaders.

    Judith's websites:

    The Maverick Paradox Magazine - themaverickparadox.com The Maverick Paradox Website - maverickparadox.co.uk

    Judith's LinkedIn profile is here, her Twitter profile (MaverickMastery) is here, Facebook here and Instagram here.

  • In this episode Judith Germain speaks to Karin Hurt about "Powerful Phrases for Dealing with Workplace Conflict" and how to address conflicts proactively.

    Key Takeaways The book provides practical tools, techniques, and phrases to have productive conflict conversations It's based on research showing people wish they had spoken up sooner in conflicts The phrases are grounded in 4 dimensions: connection, clarity, curiosity, commitment Examples: "I really care about X and I'm confident we can find a solution", "What would a successful outcome do for you?" Covers handling conflicts in remote/hybrid teams and with different personality types

    In this conversation Judith and Karin discuss Karin's new book "Powerful Phrases for Dealing with Workplace Conflict", which provides practical tools and techniques for addressing workplace conflicts in a proactive, human-centered way. The book focuses on four key dimensions: connection, clarity, curiosity, and commitment.

    Karin also discusses how remote and hybrid work environments can introduce new types of conflicts, such as unclear expectations around things like camera usage and work-from-anywhere policies. Karin Hurt is the Founder and CEO of Let's Grow Leaders, she encourages courage and inspires innovation. She's the author of 5 books including the just released, Powerful phrases for dealing with workplace conflict: what to say next to destress the workday, build collaboration and calm difficult customers.

    You can find out more about our guest and today's episode in this Maverick Paradox Magazine article here.


    Maverick leadership is all about thinking outside the box and challenging the status quo. It's about having the courage to take risks and the confidence to lead in a way that is authentic and genuine.

    But amplifying your influence as a leader isn't just about having a strong vision or a big personality. It's also about having the right leadership capability and being able to execute on your ideas and plans.

    The consequences of not having the right level of influence as a leader can be significant. Without the ability to inspire and motivate others, you may struggle to achieve your goals and make a real impact.

    How Influential Are you? Take the scorecard at amplifyyourinfluence.scoreapp.com and see.

    Catalysing Transformation - 1 min video

    Judith's book: The Maverick Paradox: The Secret Power Behind Successful Leaders.

    Judith's websites:

    The Maverick Paradox Magazine - themaverickparadox.com The Maverick Paradox Website - maverickparadox.co.uk

    Judith's LinkedIn profile is here, her Twitter profile (MaverickMastery) is here, Facebook here and Instagram here.

  • In this episode Judith Germain speaks to Efren A. Delgado about discovering your unexpected enemies, allies and purpose. Efren shares details about his background, including his love of music (especially classic rock and Baroque classical), his work as a bodyguard, and his previous career as an FBI agent in both the National Security and Criminal Divisions. He explains the different missions and focuses of those two FBI divisions.

    Key Takeaways Efren's book, "The Opposite is True", explores counterintuitive psychology and discovering your unexpected enemies, allies and purpose Discusses the importance of objectivity, humility and selflessness for living a meaningful life Contrasts "Socialised Mavericks" (good guys) vs "Extreme Mavericks" (villains) Efren is working on a fiction sequel to George Orwell's 1984 as his next book Topics Background and Book Motivation Efren was bullied as a child, which motivated his purpose of protecting people His book stemmed from wanting to grow from that adversity Explores flipping negatives into positives through objectivity The "Tool Belt of Uncomfortable Truths" Need to assess reality objectively and embrace uncomfortable truths to live meaningfully Emotion is powerful but must be guided by logic/reason to be constructive Humility and selflessness enable wisdom and fulfillment Socialised vs Extreme Mavericks

    Efren believes that:

    Socialised Mavericks are ethical, empathetic "good guys" who live selflessly Extreme Mavericks are "villains" driven by envy/jealousy to undermine others Need to be deliberate protagonists in our own stories, not passive bystanders

    Judith shares her views on his observations.

    In this conversation Efren discusses his concept of "oil and water" - the contrast between emotion/passion and logic/reason. He uses the metaphor of a military tank to illustrate the importance of directing one's emotional energy towards a clear purpose and goal, rather than acting impulsively. He emphasises the value of objectivity, humility, and self-reflection.

    Efren A Delgado is a speaker and author of The Opposite is True. Efren reveals the counterintuitive blueprint for understanding yourself, others and how to achieve meaningful success - exposing how true strength lies in humility, not oppression.

    You can find out more about our guest and today's episode in this Maverick Paradox Magazine article here.


    Maverick leadership is all about thinking outside the box and challenging the status quo. It's about having the courage to take risks and the confidence to lead in a way that is authentic and genuine.

    But amplifying your influence as a leader isn't just about having a strong vision or a big personality. It's also about having the right leadership capability and being able to execute on your ideas and plans.

    The consequences of not having the right level of influence as a leader can be significant. Without the ability to inspire and motivate others, you may struggle to achieve your goals and make a real impact.

    How Influential Are you? Take the scorecard at amplifyyourinfluence.scoreapp.com and see.

    Catalysing Transformation - 1 min video

    Judith's book: The Maverick Paradox: The Secret Power Behind Successful Leaders.

    Judith's websites:

    The Maverick Paradox Magazine - themaverickparadox.com The Maverick Paradox Website - maverickparadox.co.uk

    Judith's LinkedIn profile is here, her Twitter profile (MaverickMastery) is here, Facebook here and Instagram here.

  • In this episode Judith Germain speaks to Scott Shute about conscious business practices and mindfulness in the workplace. Scott shares that he had a career as an executive at LinkedIn, where he led the mindfulness and compassion programmes, and is now an entrepreneur and speaker focused on conscious business practices.

    Key Takeaways Companies that operate with compassion and focus on employees, customers, and shareholders holistically are 1400% more profitable than average Psychological safety and having a sense of purpose are key drivers of high-performing teams Mindfulness programmes can improve employee wellbeing, focus, and productivity at relatively low cost Leaders should operationalise compassion by evaluating it in performance reviews and making decisions with humanity in mind

    In this conversation Judith and Scott discuss how companies can embed compassion into their operations and decision-making, beyond just having mindfulness programmes. They stress the need to make humane choices that consider the impact on all stakeholders - employees, customers, and shareholders.

    Judith and Scott discuss how leaders can drive high performance while still maintaining the humanity and well-being of their teams. They emphasise the importance of inspiring and rewarding people, not just focusing on the negatives.

    Scott Shute seeks to curate the best practices of conscious business and make them more widely available. He is the author of the award winning book 'The Full Body Yes'.

    You can find out more about our guest and today's episode in this Maverick Paradox Magazine article here.


    Maverick leadership is all about thinking outside the box and challenging the status quo. It's about having the courage to take risks and the confidence to lead in a way that is authentic and genuine.

    But amplifying your influence as a leader isn't just about having a strong vision or a big personality. It's also about having the right leadership capability and being able to execute on your ideas and plans.

    The consequences of not having the right level of influence as a leader can be significant. Without the ability to inspire and motivate others, you may struggle to achieve your goals and make a real impact.

    How Influential Are you? Take the scorecard at amplifyyourinfluence.scoreapp.com and see.

    Catalysing Transformation - 1 min video

    Judith's book: The Maverick Paradox: The Secret Power Behind Successful Leaders.

    Judith's websites:

    The Maverick Paradox Magazine - themaverickparadox.com The Maverick Paradox Website - maverickparadox.co.uk

    Judith's LinkedIn profile is here, her Twitter profile (MaverickMastery) is here, Facebook here and Instagram here.

  • In this episode Judith Germain speaks to Nik Kinley about how to rewrite our Leadership Code. Nik outlines strategies for leaders to identify their underlying tendencies, understand where they come from, and consciously work to interrupt or replace unhelpful patterns with new, more purposeful behaviours. He emphasises that this is an ongoing process, not a quick fix, and requires self-awareness and a willingness to make changes.

    Key Takeaways Our childhood experiences shape our leadership style and tendencies in subtle yet impactful ways. There is no inherently "good" or "bad" leadership code - it depends on the context. Self-awareness of our tendencies enables us to adapt our leadership approach. Change takes time but is possible through intentionally developing new behaviours.

    In this conversation Nik delves deeper into how childhood experiences, both positive and negative, can shape a leader's tendencies and behaviors. He provides examples of how early exposure to things like conflict resolution, authority figures, and emotional expression can become ingrained patterns that leaders fall back on, even subconsciously.

    Nik Kinley is a consultant, coach and author.

    You can find out more about our guest and today's episode in this Maverick Paradox Magazine article here.


    Maverick leadership is all about thinking outside the box and challenging the status quo. It's about having the courage to take risks and the confidence to lead in a way that is authentic and genuine.

    But amplifying your influence as a leader isn't just about having a strong vision or a big personality. It's also about having the right leadership capability and being able to execute on your ideas and plans.

    The consequences of not having the right level of influence as a leader can be significant. Without the ability to inspire and motivate others, you may struggle to achieve your goals and make a real impact.

    How Influential Are you? Take the scorecard at amplifyyourinfluence.scoreapp.com and see.

    Catalysing Transformation - 1 min video

    Judith's book: The Maverick Paradox: The Secret Power Behind Successful Leaders.

    Judith's websites:

    The Maverick Paradox Magazine - themaverickparadox.com The Maverick Paradox Website - maverickparadox.co.uk

    Judith's LinkedIn profile is here, her Twitter profile (MaverickMastery) is here, Facebook here and Instagram here.

  • In this episode Judith Germain speaks to Grant Baldwin about getting paid to speak. He shares his SPEAK Framework™ and his thoughts on whether you should have a set talk or one that is highly customised.

    Grant explains that speakers want to be the steakhouse and not the buffer and the need for your own 'movie trailer'. In this conversation they discuss whether there is a need to hire a speaker agent or register on a bureau. Grant shares how you are the solution to a problem the buyer already has.

    This conversation was originally recorded in June 22.

    Grant Baldwin is the CEO and Founder of The Speaker Lab. They help aspiring speakers get consistently booked and paid to speak through their SPEAK Framework™, or the “business” side of speaking."

    You can find out more about our guest and today's episode in this Maverick Paradox Magazine article here.


    Maverick leadership is all about thinking outside the box and challenging the status quo. It's about having the courage to take risks and the confidence to lead in a way that is authentic and genuine.

    But amplifying your influence as a leader isn't just about having a strong vision or a big personality. It's also about having the right leadership capability and being able to execute on your ideas and plans.

    The consequences of not having the right level of influence as a leader can be significant. Without the ability to inspire and motivate others, you may struggle to achieve your goals and make a real impact.

    How Influential Are you? Take the scorecard at amplifyyourinfluence.scoreapp.com and see.

    Catalysing Transformation - 1 min video

    Judith's book: The Maverick Paradox: The Secret Power Behind Successful Leaders.

    Judith's websites:

    The Maverick Paradox Magazine - themaverickparadox.com The Maverick Paradox Website - maverickparadox.co.uk

    Judith's LinkedIn profile is here, her Twitter profile (MaverickMastery) is here, Facebook here and Instagram here.

  • In this conversation Judith Germain speaks to Eliana Gilad about finding your inner voice via your healing sound. Eliana shares how to triumph through uncertainity and the need to be who you are and how you can find your voice to make a difference.

    They discuss how to avoid fear stopping you from doing what you need to do. She developed a medically-proven healing voice system that creates confident self-leadership and creative problem solving by leaning into turmoil, stress, anxiety, upheaval and uncertainty.

    Eliana Gilad is the author of Emerge Triumphant and her book introduces readers to the ancient wisdom behind feminine power and reveals the connection to the small, still voice beyond the cognitive mind. The connection to the source of the true voice can create calm no matter what kind of bombs are dropping in individuals’ lives.

    This conversation was originally recorded in May 22.

    You can find out more about our guest and today's episode in this Maverick Paradox Magazine article here.


    Maverick leadership is all about thinking outside the box and challenging the status quo. It's about having the courage to take risks and the confidence to lead in a way that is authentic and genuine.

    But amplifying your influence as a leader isn't just about having a strong vision or a big personality. It's also about having the right leadership capability and being able to execute on your ideas and plans.

    The consequences of not having the right level of influence as a leader can be significant. Without the ability to inspire and motivate others, you may struggle to achieve your goals and make a real impact.

    How Influential Are you? Take the scorecard at amplifyyourinfluence.scoreapp.com and see.

    Catalysing Transformation - 1 min video

    Judith's book: The Maverick Paradox: The Secret Power Behind Successful Leaders.

    Judith's websites:

    The Maverick Paradox Magazine - themaverickparadox.com The Maverick Paradox Website - maverickparadox.co.uk

    Judith's LinkedIn profile is here, her Twitter profile (MaverickMastery) is here, Facebook here and Instagram here.

  • In this Short Talk episode Judith Germain speaks to Danny Barber about his passion project, STEAM Arena, which aims to create community-based centres where children can engage in hands-on STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, math) activities and creative problem-solving. He shares his vision for making these centers accessible and dynamic, with the goal of expanding STEAM Arena nationwide.

    Key Takeaways Danny was diagnosed with Asperger's in his mid-20s whilst in the army He has experienced discrimination in the workplace after disclosing his diagnosis Danny is passionate about improving systems and experiences He started a social enterprise called STEAM Arena to provide better after school facilities and activities for kids Danny did a creative marketing stunt to get Simon Squibbs' attention and promote STEAM Arena He believes his neurodivergence helps him think differently and be a problem solver

    In this conversation Danny advises the audience to prepare for the accelerating pace of technological change and transformation, emphasising the importance of continuous learning and upskilling to stay ahead of the curve. He discusses the potential risks and challenges that rapid technological advancement may pose for society.

    Danny the founder of STEAM Arena a community interest company trying to do a little good in the world.

    You can find out more about our guest and today's episode in this Maverick Paradox Magazine article here.


    Maverick leadership is all about thinking outside the box and challenging the status quo. It's about having the courage to take risks and the confidence to lead in a way that is authentic and genuine.

    But amplifying your influence as a leader isn't just about having a strong vision or a big personality. It's also about having the right leadership capability and being able to execute on your ideas and plans.

    The consequences of not having the right level of influence as a leader can be significant. Without the ability to inspire and motivate others, you may struggle to achieve your goals and make a real impact.

    How Influential Are you? Take the scorecard at amplifyyourinfluence.scoreapp.com and see.

    Catalysing Transformation - 1 min video

    Judith's book: The Maverick Paradox: The Secret Power Behind Successful Leaders.

    Judith's websites:

    The Maverick Paradox Magazine - themaverickparadox.com The Maverick Paradox Website - maverickparadox.co.uk

    Judith's LinkedIn profile is here, her Twitter profile (MaverickMastery) is here, Facebook here and Instagram here.

  • In this Short Talk episode Judith Germain speaks to Alyssa Cox about learning from failure and our attitude to risk. This conversation was originally recorded in July 22 and shares Alyssa's thoughts around fear for your own personal status.

    They discuss the differences between risk inclined and the risk averse organisations and how it impacts on the success of the organisations. Judith also shares real life examples of the lack of pychological safety in performance driven organisations'.

    Alyssa shares how Institutionalised Candour is a component of Pixar's success and how their celebration of failure is what makes everyone loves their movies.

    In this conversation they share how you need to get the right Change Champions on board to make change happen and how to seek different perspectives.

    You can find out more about our guest and today's episode in this Maverick Paradox Magazine article here.


    Maverick leadership is all about thinking outside the box and challenging the status quo. It's about having the courage to take risks and the confidence to lead in a way that is authentic and genuine.

    But amplifying your influence as a leader isn't just about having a strong vision or a big personality. It's also about having the right leadership capability and being able to execute on your ideas and plans.

    The consequences of not having the right level of influence as a leader can be significant. Without the ability to inspire and motivate others, you may struggle to achieve your goals and make a real impact.

    How Influential Are you? Take the scorecard at amplifyyourinfluence.scoreapp.com and see.

    Catalysing Transformation - 1 min video

    Judith's book: The Maverick Paradox: The Secret Power Behind Successful Leaders.

    Judith's websites:

    The Maverick Paradox Magazine - themaverickparadox.com The Maverick Paradox Website - maverickparadox.co.uk

    Judith's LinkedIn profile is here, her Twitter profile (MaverickMastery) is here, Facebook here and Instagram here.

  • In this Short Talk episode Judith Germain speaks to Becca Powers about the need to put people before profits. This conversation was originally recorded in July 22.

    Becca is the author of Harness your inner CEO, she notices that when your self worth increases so does your networth. They discuss how a leader can help someone who has self worth issues.

    In this conversation they discuss the need to activate your self-worth and that you are the CEO of your life. Becca shares how to improve your self worth and why it's important. They discuss the link between people pleasers and self worth.

    Becca Powers is an award-winning hi-tch sales executive and motivational speaker. From growing up with musician parents who flirted with addiction, to dropping out of college and becoming a single parent of 2. Becca's guts and grit journey to success reaches beyond business.

    You can find out more about our guest and today's episode in this Maverick Paradox Magazine article here.


    Maverick leadership is all about thinking outside the box and challenging the status quo. It's about having the courage to take risks and the confidence to lead in a way that is authentic and genuine.

    But amplifying your influence as a leader isn't just about having a strong vision or a big personality. It's also about having the right leadership capability and being able to execute on your ideas and plans.

    The consequences of not having the right level of influence as a leader can be significant. Without the ability to inspire and motivate others, you may struggle to achieve your goals and make a real impact.

    How Influential Are you? Take the scorecard at amplifyyourinfluence.scoreapp.com and see.

    Catalysing Transformation - 1 min video

    Judith's book: The Maverick Paradox: The Secret Power Behind Successful Leaders.

    Judith's websites:

    The Maverick Paradox Magazine - themaverickparadox.com The Maverick Paradox Website - maverickparadox.co.uk

    Judith's LinkedIn profile is here, her Twitter profile (MaverickMastery) is here, Facebook here and Instagram here.

  • Continuing with World Creativity and Innovation Week The Maverick Paradox continues to mark the occasion with a discussion on innovation and ethical leadership from The Maverick Paradox's 6 Featured Columnists. The columnists are based in a number of countries and work asynchronous to each other.

    Therefore to hear the views of all the columnists we have created two short panels. In this Innovation and Ethical Leadership Panel, Judith Germain, Ben Baker and Jo Farmer discuss the interplay between the two concepts.

    Key Takeaways The group had an open discussion on ethics and leadership to highlight their different perspectives. According to Ben, there are no absolutes in ethics. Definitions depend on the individual/group. Leadership involves finding common ground. Jo emphasised autistic people have a strong sense of justice. Situations require understanding from both sides. Judith said alignment comes from organisational values. Leaders should examine if they fit.

    In this conversation differing definitions of ethics and leadership surfaced. Common ground lies in organisational values if reinforced regularly. Innovation arises from resolving lack of clarity through improved communication of those values.

    You can find out more about our guests and today's episode in this Maverick Paradox Magazine article here.

    You can also watch this panel on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niIpG8i6pdo


    Maverick leadership is all about thinking outside the box and challenging the status quo. It's about having the courage to take risks and the confidence to lead in a way that is authentic and genuine.

    But amplifying your influence as a leader isn't just about having a strong vision or a big personality. It's also about having the right leadership capability and being able to execute on your ideas and plans.

    The consequences of not having the right level of influence as a leader can be significant. Without the ability to inspire and motivate others, you may struggle to achieve your goals and make a real impact.

    How Influential Are you? Take the scorecard at amplifyyourinfluence.scoreapp.com and see.

    Catalysing Transformation - 1 min video

    Judith's book: The Maverick Paradox: The Secret Power Behind Successful Leaders.

    Judith's websites:

    The Maverick Paradox Magazine - themaverickparadox.com The Maverick Paradox Website - maverickparadox.co.uk

    Judith's LinkedIn profile is here, her Twitter profile (MaverickMastery) is here, Facebook here and Instagram here.

  • Continuing with World Creativity and Innovation Week The Maverick Paradox continues to mark the occasion with a discussion on innovation and ethical leadership from The Maverick Paradox's 6 Featured Columnists. The columnists are based in a number of countries and work asynchronous to each other.

    Therefore to hear the views of all the columnists we have created two short panels.

    In this Innovation and Ethical Leadership Panel, Judith Germain, David Chislett, Josuel Rogers and Astrid Davies discuss the interplay between the two concepts.

    Key Takeaways The panel discussed how ethics guides but doesn't limit innovation, and the need to re-evaluate what's ethical over time. They also discussed decisiveness, and how ethical parameters support purposeful decisions. Each panellist reflected on how their writing for The Maverick Paradox Magazine promotes innovation.

    The panelists explained how their writing bears witness, identifies lateral thinking, and gives reflection to spark readers' tools for handling unpredictable change.

    You can also watch this panel on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZJ4bY1IuRg&t=34s

    You can find out more about our guest and today's episode in this Maverick Paradox Magazine article here.


    Maverick leadership is all about thinking outside the box and challenging the status quo. It's about having the courage to take risks and the confidence to lead in a way that is authentic and genuine.

    But amplifying your influence as a leader isn't just about having a strong vision or a big personality. It's also about having the right leadership capability and being able to execute on your ideas and plans.

    The consequences of not having the right level of influence as a leader can be significant. Without the ability to inspire and motivate others, you may struggle to achieve your goals and make a real impact.

    How Influential Are you? Take the scorecard at amplifyyourinfluence.scoreapp.com and see.

    Catalysing Transformation - 1 min video

    Judith's book: The Maverick Paradox: The Secret Power Behind Successful Leaders.

    Judith's websites:

    The Maverick Paradox Magazine - themaverickparadox.com The Maverick Paradox Website - maverickparadox.co.uk

    Judith's LinkedIn profile is here, her Twitter profile (MaverickMastery) is here, Facebook here and Instagram here.