Our topic for this episode is God's greatest gift to us, grace. I've preached a lot of sermons on grace, I've written a few books on grace, but I never get tired of talking about this gift of being made right with God through his grace. As perfectly summarized in 1 Corinthians 5:18-21, "All this is from God. Through Christ, God made peace between us and himself, and God gave us the work of telling everyone about the peace we can have with him. God was in Christ, making peace between the world and himself. In Christ, God did not hold the world guilty of its sins. And he gave us this message of peace. So we have been sent to speak for Christ. It is as if God is calling to you through us. We speak for Christ when we beg you to be at peace with God. Christ had no sin, but God made him become sin so that in Christ we could become right with God."
Watch the Ark in the Darkness HERE.
Find out more from Hope For The Heart Here.
Learn more about The Chosen HERE.
This week on the podcast we’re turning our attention to a favorite passage of mine found in Matthew chapter 6: “Give us this day our daily bread.” No prayer better summarizes our relationship with God than this expression of trust. God’s treatment of fear has always been trust. These are fear-filled days, aren’t they? We see it in newscasts and on our neighbors’ faces. We’re anxious. So, I can’t think of a more appropriate phrase to focus on than this simple, profound prayer of trust.
Watch the Ark in the Darkness HERE.
Find out more from Hope For The Heart Here.
Learn more about The Chosen HERE.
Episodes manquant?
What happens when we believed we are loved by God? What do we do? How do we act? Might I suggest that the primary purpose of the Christian is this: to worship. When we worship God for who he is and all he has done for us, it reinforces what we know to be true of God’s character, enables us to receive his love, and changes how we see the world as people made in his image.
Watch the Ark in the Darkness HERE.
Find out more from Hope For The Heart Here.
Learn more about The Chosen HERE.
Our theme for today’s episode is faithfulness, and to help us understand the concept of faithfulness we’re looking at the life of Joseph. Joseph’s story reminds us that when we trust God and respond with faith, He can bring triumph from tragedy.
Watch the Ark in the Darkness HERE.
Find out more from Hope For The Heart Here.
Learn more about The Chosen HERE.
This week is Valentine’s Day, so it feels appropriate to bring you an episode about love. February 14th may prompt us to show extra affection to those dearest to us, but what do we do when people are hard to love? May these words from the apostle John serve as an encouraging reminder: “Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.”
Watch the Ark in the Darkness HERE.
Find out more from Hope For The Heart Here.
Learn more about The Chosen HERE.
Thank you for joining me this week on The Encouraging Word podcast. The last few episodes we’ve been talking about the fruits of the spirit, and our topic today is kindness. In this episode I share a story from the Bible about two figures you likely know and one you may not. I can think of no better story to illustrate the lasting impact of the kindness of a friend.
Watch the Ark in the Darkness HERE.
Find out more from Hope For The Heart Here.
Learn more about The Chosen HERE.
Hello friend. Thanks for joining me on the Encouraging Word Podcast. This week we're discussing the importance of patience. The reality is we are all "works in progress" until the return of Christ.
Watch the Ark in the Darkness HERE.
Find out more from Hope For The Heart Here.
Learn more about The Chosen HERE.
Hello, my friend. What do you do when an unexpected storm blows into your life and disrupts everything? Where do you find strength to battle anxiety and fear? The Bible offers an answer in Philippians chapter 4. "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Watch the Ark in the Darkness HERE.
Find out more from Hope For The Heart Here.
Learn more about The Chosen HERE.
Hello there my friend. Thank you so very much for joining me today. We're beginning the year with some episodes looking at the big ideas of the Bible. We started last week by talking about the purpose of the Bible, why it matters and why it's important to study it. This week we're moving on to some concepts found in scripture that you might know as the fruit of the Spirit. Today's episode is about joy. Not the kind of joy that depends on circumstances, but the kind of joy that depends on Christ.
Watch the Ark in the Darkness HERE.
Find out more from Hope For The Heart Here.
Learn more about The Chosen HERE.
Happy New Year! Welcome back to the Encouraging Word podcast. It's resolution season. All over the world people are resolving to exercise more, spend less, try a new hobby. A common resolution for people of faith is to read the Bible more and if that resonates, today's episode is for you! The Bible is the most important book for the Christian. It answers the two most fundamental questions of the human heart. How did I get here? How do I get where I'm supposed to be? If you or someone else you know is asking these questions I can think of no better habit then to build this year as a year in which you study the Bible.
Watch the Ark in the Darkness HERE.
Find out more from Hope For The Heart Here.
Learn more about The Chosen HERE.
It’s that time of year when we're choosing gifts to give for Christmas. As the hero of the holidays, Jesus deserves our finest gift. But what could that be? We can look to the angels to know what Jesus really wants from us this Christmas.
As a reminder, The Encouraging Word Podcast will be off next week, but we’ll back with new episodes in January. Merry Christmas, friend!
Watch the Ark in the Darkness HERE.
Find out more from Hope For The Heart Here.
Learn more about The Chosen HERE.
Hello friend. Thanks for joining me today.
Can you believe we’re halfway through December? Christmas will be here in just a few days. As you’re no doubt busy preparing for the holidays, I pray today’s episode gives you a few moments to reflect on the Savior who comes at just the right moment.
Watch the Ark in the Darkness HERE.
Find out more from Hope For The Heart Here.
Learn more about The Chosen HERE.
Hi friend. I hope you’re doing well today.
The past few episodes we’ve been talking about what it looks like to live in a way that reflects God’s glory to the world around us. We’ve considered different aspects of life where we can take the focus off ourselves and put it on God. For some, the most difficult time to do that is when we’re succeeding. It’s wonderful to be good at something but remember this: God made you good so you can make him known.
Watch the Ark in the Darkness HERE.
Find out more from Hope For The Heart Here.
Learn more about The Chosen HERE.
Hello my friend. I hope you’re having a good day.
As we continue this series about living a life that reflects the glory of God, might I suggest that includes your struggles? We all have things in our lives we would change, things we wish we didn’t have to deal with. Illness, financial challenges, difficult relationships. But take comfort in this truth, friend: there is nothing you will face that God has not ordained, and he will use it for his purposes.
Watch the Ark in the Darkness HERE.
Find out more from Hope For The Heart Here.
Learn more about The Chosen HERE.
Hello friend. I hope you’re doing well today.
This week on the podcast we’re looking at an issue that plagued the Philippian church—legalism. They trusted the work of Jesus but were trying to add a little something on their own. If you ever find yourself looking for “Jesus plus” something else, the apostle Paul says to you what he said to the Philippians: “Now I am right with God, not because I followed the law, but because I believed in Christ. God uses my faith to make me right with him.”
Watch the Ark in the Darkness HERE.
Find out more from Hope For The Heart Here.
Learn more about The Chosen HERE.
Hello friend. Thanks for joining me on the Encouraging Word Podcast.
We’re tackling a new topic today. For the next few weeks we’ll be talking about living a God-centered life. Now that might sound simple, but living a God-centered life means not living a me-centered life. Not quite so easy, but with God as our helper, it’s possible.
Watch the Ark in the Darkness HERE.
Find out more from Hope For The Heart Here.
Learn more about The Chosen HERE.
Hello, my friend. I hope you’re having a good day. 1 Corinthians 13:7 says, "Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things." God calls us to walk out sacrificial love. I pray this message encourages you.
Watch the Ark in the Darkness HERE.
Find out more from Hope For The Heart Here.
Learn more about The Chosen HERE.
Hello, my friend. Thanks for joining me this week on the Max Lucado Encouraging Word Podcast. We really live in contentious times. This episode is releasing the day before a Presidential Election here in the United States. Regardless of the outcome, some people are going to be disappointed. Maybe angry. Including some Christians. But, no matter which candidate wins the Oval Office, we know who occupies the throne. As followers of Christ, we're called to and empowered to live in unity with other believers. So, may this message be a blessing. Let's pray for this election. Let's pray for our leaders at every level. Let's love our neighbors. And, let's trust that what God says will happen, will happen.
Watch the Ark in the Darkness HERE.
Find out more from Hope For The Heart Here.
Learn more about The Chosen HERE.
Hello, my friend. I hope you’re having a good day. This week on the Max Lucado Encouraging Word Podcast we conclude our study of heaven’s timeline and what happens next. As I’ve studied and taught on this topic, I’ve been asked many times, “So, Max, are we living in the end times?” I think we are. And in today’s episode we consider the signs that indicate we are in the last days and how that knowledge compels us to live.
Watch the Ark in the Darkness HERE.
Find out more from Hope For The Heart Here.
Learn more about The Chosen HERE.
Hello, friend. Welcome to the Encouraging Word Podcast. For the past several weeks we’ve been studying heaven’s timeline and God’s plan for the ages.
Today’s episode brings us to a challenging topic. What happens to those who reject Jesus? There will be a judgment day. It will be a sobering event. But you don’t have to fear it. You don’t have to wonder the outcome. Jesus has done everything possible to point you toward heaven. The good news about the bad news of the final judgment is that it need not be your news. Your only task is to say “yes” to him.Watch the Ark in the Darkness HERE.
Find out more from Hope For The Heart Here.
Learn more about The Chosen HERE.
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