
  • Welcome back to the new season of the Unshiny Podcast!

    I'm sharing an episode Ray Dodd and I recorded and first shared on her Money Makers podcast, all about the brilliance and limitations of many coaching programs, and share with you a bit about our new program - Plenty More.

    Ray and I talk about our love of coaching that doesn’t just make room for mistakes but knows they’re necessary for growth. We chat about leaning into experimenting and troubleshooting, trusting yourself, and embracing your own process to build and grow your business on your own principles and terms.

    This one’s all about coaching with integrity and being coached with your needs at the centre of it all.

    If this sounds like your kind of coaching, be sure to check out Plenty More! Listen to the full episode to hear much more about the program, and follow the link here to apply to join the live private training

    Jo: 'We call it business coaching, but a lot of the time its business strategy, or business consultancy. And there are often things that will be bedded into a program, like our program, that will have elements of strategy. It will have elements of consultancy mentoring. That's why I call myself a money coach and mentor because I absolutely do both.'


    Ray: ‘I kind of think of [coaching] as sitting with someone and they're drawing stuff out of you, but you're also absorbing stuff and learning stuff from that person. And that's no bad thing. That's great.’


    Ray: ‘Patriarchy literally means handed from father to son. So to me, it means ignoring women… or anyone who's not father son. Who doesn't fit into that bracket. It means ignoring everybody. But that obviously happens in terms of, we talk about neurological diversities. You know, if somebody hasn't got that, if you're selling how you managed to do business and you don't have a neurological diversity, or you are a white woman, or you are a cis hetero woman, there are things you are just missing.'

    Links For This Episdoe:

    Plenty More Free Private Training
    Ray's Website

  • This is going to be a great episode for you if you’re someone who has ever struggled with certain aspects of your business, that doesn’t seem to have an obvious strategy solution to them, which AKA is every one of us.

    So those places in our business where we find that this may be a bigger than usual emotional resonance. So for example, why do I feel such terror when I’m doing my accounts? Or why do I struggle to take time off and to have proper boundaries around my business?

    Why do I find that I’m working really long hours and I’m struggling to switch off a bit at the end of the day? Those kinds of things, which I know are really, really common. And very often we will try and solve with a different strategy. Whereas actually, the truth is that there’s something deeper going on beneath the surface.
    Nicole Lewis-Keeber is a business therapist and mindset coach who works with entrepreneurs to create and nurture healthy relationships with their businesses. She’s a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with a Masters in Social Work and has a rich and varied experience as a therapist. Certified in Brené Brown’s Dare To Lead™ methodology, she’s also been featured on numerous media outlets including Fast Company and NPR for her work in breaking the stigma of mental health and business ownership.

    Nicole Lewis-Keeber has just released a book, which is all about this kind of thing, and it’s called how to love your business, stop recreating trauma, and have a business you love, and that loves you back.

    What I cover in my conversation with Nicole Lewis-Keeber

    How she discovered the concept of being in relationship with our businessThe impact of trauma (both large and small t) on our relationshipsTools that help to heal your relationship with your business
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  • I feel like I've given you a lot of nerdy, big picture stuff over the past few weeks and you know, I'm not averse to a bit of nerdy, big picture stuff. I own my nerdiness! But. I also wanted to give you some more of the juicy specifics of what your business needs at the different stages it's at.

    Because what works when you're at the beginning is going to be pretty different to what you need when you have a full practice.

    As I've been stressing over the past few weeks, there are no specific blueprints or formulas to tie guarantee your success but there are some core foundational things that all businesses I know have in place - and that's what I'm going to share with you today.

    I'll be sharing:

    What 6 + elements do you need to have in place when you're in the foundational stage of your business journeyWhat's the 1 core things all business owners need, no matter what stage of growth they're in?What's different when you're in the growth phase of your business life?How do you make sure your business is enjoyable, sustainable and makes you money (all while staying ethical and unshiny?)

    Links Mentioned in this episode:

    Nilofer Merchant - The Power Of Onlyness
    The Supernova Collective
    My New Program: The Supernova Continuum

  • In this week's episode of the Unshiny Podcast, I'll be talking about how we all get to be pioneers. Not only building our business but in shaping the industry and the wider culture around us, simply by doing our businesses, our way.

    For years opening and running a business was prohibitively expensive. -Out of reach for most folks, especially women and people of colour. But technology means you can now start a business that makes money with only a phone and a wifi connection.

    The means of production are in our hands.

    The gatekeepers of business- the bank managers and investors who were ones who could say yes or no, loan the start-up money, grant the permits and so on are no longer the ones in control and the barriers have been removed.

    This is exciting because there are so many opportunities in this brave new world, and because the industry is so new we have the opportunity to shape it in any way we choose.

    The downside of that is there are no real roadmaps, apart from those being pushed, by the guys who used to be the gatekeepers - hence the bro marketers and the Tony Robbins style machismo of the disgruntled white dude shouting at us from our computer monitors insisting we need their formula or wisdom to be 'successful'.

    So how do we find our own path and avoid the pitfalls?

    How do we decide on the direction? And how do we make sure that we're not bringing familiar toxic practices like overwork and burnout over into our businesses?

    I'll be diving into all this in this episode, including

    The origins of the word pioneer. A bit of a history of barriers to even starting a business for many folks. The beauty and the drawbacks of being the first on the path. And how we can use this opportunity to create nourishing, sustainable businesses - not only for ourselves but as a model of possibility that reshapes the culture of work altogether.

    Books Mentioned in this episode:


    Emergent Strategy Shaping Change, Changing Worlds by


    Previous Unshiny Podcast Episodes Mentioned:

    Episode 1 - What Is An Unshiny Business

    Episode 2 - The Co-Delusion Of The Shiny Life

    Episode 3 - Coach Your Own Business

  • This podcast is entitled Coach Your Own Business - AKA, ‘why it takes a village and what's wrong with the patriarchal, capitalist model of the lone hero idea of running a business.’

    Which I know makes it sound like a college class that you're only taking to get the easy credits, but I promise you it's (hopefully) a lot more useful and entertaining than you might be thinking!

    We’re going to be talking about how broken many of the models of being a business owner or entrepreneur are - and what we need instead (hint: it’s far more gentle, kind and transformative than you might be thinking.)

    We're going to be discussing:

    Cowboys and how the constructed myth of the Marlboro cowboy still influences our toxic modern-day business culture. Power imbalances Toxic ‘authority building’, coaches as gurus (and why they’re particularly rife within the online business community) AND why you don’t need ANY of it.

    Finally, I lay out why we need a different model of business. One that doesn't rely on Patriarchal, overly hyped gurus and or going it on your lonesome way alone. No.

    I’ll share what I think we all really need in terms of support for a thriving business and how putting your own magic and power at the centre of it makes all the difference to you, your clients, and your bottom line.

    And it's much lovelier too.

  • The Shiny life is seductive, powerful and damaging not only to our businesses but to society as a whole. Sound dramatic? Hear me out.

    This episode is all about how, far from being a bit of harmless ‘putting on a brave face’, shiny thinking can lead to some very dark places.

    The shiny life is all about focusing on the positive to the exclusion of all other things. And we WANT things to be lovely. We don’t want to feel pain and frustration, fear and loneliness. We WANT the shiny, happy life.

    But when lived experience doesn’t meet up to that desire it can go one of two ways:

    Reality comes crashing in, shattering the carefully constructed house of positivity cards you’ve built OR

    Major cognitive dissonance occurs.

    Now, don’t get me wrong - sometimes looking for the silver linings of a situation can be a very useful skill that helps us keep things in perspective. If I’m having an off day, going for a brisk walk, listening to some uplifting music and finding someone funny to watch are all wonderful ways to shake that mood off.

    So what’s the harm in just thinking positively, you may ask?

    When the personal development and online coaching world are selling the message that we are so omnipresent and powerful that our very thoughts can create our reality - and then reality smacks you in the face (such as with a very real and global pandemic) the system starts to glitch and become something far more toxic.

    In this episode of the Unshiny podcast, I’m diving deeper into why buying into the co-delusion of the shiny life is bad for your clients, bad for your business - and bad for society as a whole. I’ll be talking conspiracy theories, Qanon and why there has been such an overlap between toxic positivity, wellness communities and conspiracy theories that take us about as far away from love and light and you can imagine.

    Oh, and I’ll also be sharing why avoiding the co-delusion of the shiny life is pretty much essential if you want to attract the clients you deserve and have a business that feels lush as hell and filled with magic, creativity and income.

  • If you're sick of the bro marketers with their manipulative, shady tactics and overblown promises, there is an alternative - The Unshiny approach.
    In this episode, I'm going to share what an Unshiny business is and how this differs from many of the approaches you'll see in the online marketing world.

    What's more, I'll share how the Unshiny approach is actually much more effective and sustainable when it comes to building trust, finding clients and generating income than the bro marketing tactics and schemes.

    You can download the Unshiny Business Plan at www.jocasey.com

  • If the blueprints and noisy shouty marketing advice leave you cold - you’re not alone. Most of the work we do is about depth and nuance - not easy solutions and empty promises.

    So what we need to build a sustainable business are smart, human-sized strategies, both from a business perspective and from a personal one.

    In this podcast, I'm going to be sharing the Unshiny approach to doing business and how this can lead to greater connections, more clients, and an all-round lovelier, way of doing things.

    It's all about showing up fully as our genuine selves. Yes. Even with the imperfection and the messiness that could come along with that.

    And that is how we build empathy. That is how we build real connections with fellow humans.

    I'm going to be having conversations with fellow business owners, but also people who are pioneers in changing our perceptions of success and who we have to be to attain that. So join me each week as we dive into helping you build your Unshiny business.

  • Karen Marie Johnston's business was looking great at the beginning of 2020. After building up a loyal following in 2019 she had 8 retreats booked out for the duration of 2020. And then Covid-19 happened.

    In this funny, warm and honest conversation, Karen shares the impact the pandemic has had on her business, how she's managed to shift her focus to a more online model and why it's still OK to feel not OK all of the time.

    Karen is genuinely one of the most remarkable people I've ever met. Her own journey through abuse, addiction, homelessness and recovery led her to become a social worker - a job that she has no intention of leaving even though her coaching business has really taken off. The reason she's so successful - even with the pandemic, is her absolute commitment to showing up and serving her community.

    About Karen
    Karen Marie Johnston is a coach, social worker & yoga teacher for addiction & mental health. She organises beautiful retreats, online women's circles and works 1:1. She has worked with women in the sex industry for the last 2 decades and has been nominated for an ITV National Diversity Award. Her work has been featured on BBC Radio 4’s ‘Women’s Hour’ and Channel 4’s ‘The Secret Millionaire’. She holds hope in some of the darkest environments and has witnessed deeply complex trauma. She wholeheartedly believes in transformation & feels privileged to walk alongside women, as they embark on their own journey of recovery & healing from self-neglect to self-love.

    Find Karen on Instagram
    Her Facebook group is Women's Self Love Hub
    Karen’s website: https://www.karenmariejohnston.com/

  • Maggie Patterson is the editorial director at Scoop Studio and the creator of Small Business Boss. With two decades of experience, Maggie has spent her entire career in client services and has been a successful entrepreneur for 15 years. Today, she works with freelancers and agency owners to help them implement smart strategies for business growth using proven marketing, sales, and client experience tactics. She’s the host of the Small Business Boss podcast, has been on stage at events such as New Media Expo, Podcast Movement, and the Conquer Summit, and her work has been featured in leading publications such as Entrepreneur.com, Fast Company and Virgin.com.

    In today's episode, we talk about mental health, our frustration with how suddenly way too many people consider themselves to be an epidemiology expert (we're looking at you tech bros) and what running a business through previous market downturns has taught us (and why that's not always going to track into this one.)

    Maggie shares her wisdom about what core skills and practices we all need to be focusing on right now (hint: they may not be sexy but they're what bring in the money) and, of course, what's giving her joy.

    Connect with Maggie at https://smallbusinessboss.co/

  • Robyn Holloway helps women of a certain age become unlost - that is to say, to rediscover the vibrant person they were before life, laundry and taking care of everyone else got in the way.

    She is a certified coach, trainer and positive psychology practitioner. Robyn’s approach combines intuition with a highly pragmatic focus to help her clients create results they crave. She was prompted to become a life coach after putting off her own dreams for far too long.

    Her moment of truth came in the form of a major health crisis. After a successful treatment and recovery, she realised how short life can be. She reclaimed the woman she thought she had lost - and is now a passionate advocate for other women - helping them re-invigorate their own lives without waiting for a crisis to be their catalyst.

    In this episode we talk about how Robyn found herself lost in her own life - and found her way to becoming Unlost again.
    She shares why she thinks so many of us lose ourselves and how the first steps to finding ourselves again don't require us to Eat, Pray, Love our live and go off and join an Ashram but can begin with the simplest of steps.

    We discuss why awareness and boundaries are secret (and misunderstood) secret weapons and where to start when you don't know where to start.

    You can find out more about Robyn and her work at Robyn Holloway Coaching
    You can follow her on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn

    If you'd like to sign up for one of Robyn's 100 chats - you can find all of the details here

  • Tanya Geisler is the woman I credit with helping me get over my own lack of self-belief, my perfectionism and my procrastination and create the business and platform I have now.

    Tanya Geisler is a Leadership Coach (CPCC) with a penchant for clarity and an abhorrence of the Imposter Complex. She’s worked with thousands of high-performers combat the Impostor Complex so they can lead with impeccable impact and achieve their ultimate goals. She has written The 12 Lies of the Impostor Complex (and One Truth), The Joy Pages, created Board of Your Life and the transformational Your Impeccable Impact coaching program, is a writer, has served as a contributor and was featured in Canadian Living, and is an in-demand TEDx speaker who talks with great passion about the Imposter Complex, Unshakeable Confidence, personal leadership, on all things joy, meaning and purpose. Her clients include best-selling authors, public speakers, and rockstar world-changers.

    It is her indomitable belief that if everyone knew their own unique recipe for their personal brand of joy, they’d hold the key to shining in their life, in their work and in their life’s work. (It really does change everything.)

    In this conversation we get real, discuss the concepts of ‘yes…and’ and ‘simply…not easy’ – which honestly, have been seriously life-changing for me.

    Tanya also shares her deep wisdom about what the Imposter Complex actually is, how and why it shows up (and who for – hint: It affects more women than men) and the lies it tells.

    She shares her insights into how we spot the Imposter Complex at work (it can be a sneaky little sucker) and how she sees it particularly impacting folks right now in this time of heightened fear, change and uncertainty.

    The article we referred to in the interview: https://medium.com/@dviyer/mapping-our-social-change-roles-in-times-of-crisis-8bbe71a8ab01 and Tanya's podcast interview with Deepa Iyer http://tanyageisler.com/ready-enough-shownotes/social-change-roles-imposter-complex-deepa-iyer

    Connect with Tanya Geisler at Tanya Geisler, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

  • If you're struggling to know where to put your marketing efforts - this one's for you.
    I 100% believe that getting booked on other people's podcasts is not only one of the fastest and most effective ways of building the all-important know, like and trust factor with your potential customers, but getting booked on them is way easier than you might think.

    In this episode, I lay out why.

  • Karen C.L. Anderson helps women use the troubled relationships they have with their mothers and/or daughters as a catalyst for growth, empowerment, wisdom, and creativity.

    In our conversation she shares her current exploration on the connection between Power, Emotion and Creativity - including this gem:

    ‘Creativity is the ability to summon emotions to be able to do what we want to do.'

    We dive into how she has been able to work with her own difficult relationship with her mother to grow and explore what it means to be a woman and, 'the pain of being a woman in a culture that does not value women equally.'

    Karen's work is deep and wise and never flinches from the unvarnished, sometimes difficult and always insightful truth of being a woman. I've learned so much from her over the years and I'm thrilled to be able to share this conversation with you.

    She is the author of Difficult Mothers, Adult Daughters, A Guide For Separation, Liberation & Inspiration (March 2018), The Difficult Mother-Daughter Relationship Journal: A Guide For Revealing and Healing Toxic Generational Patterns (January, 2020), Dear Adult Daughter, With The Emphasis on “Adult”, (May 2020), and Overcoming Creative Anxiety: Journal Prompts & Practices for Disarming Your Inner Critic & Allowing Creativity To Flow (June 2020).

    Karen runs the Make It Real membership community (for women who want to “make real” the concepts in her books) and is at work on a memoir, A Letter To The Daughter I Chose Not To Have.

    “I offer a process that shows women how to summon feelings in their bodies on purpose so they can wield them intentionally in service to what they say they want. This is the essence of creativity.“

    Links to Karen and her work





  • With all of the horror of the current situation, there is also a lovely upside in the way the pandemic and the accompanying lockdown has brought out the best in so many folks.

    From community Whatsapp groups to neighbours doing shopping for one another, folks volunteering to provide emergency accommodation for frontline workers - the list is long and fortifying.

    For many, it's prompted a letting go of bitterness, rivalry and division - which is something my guest today knows all about.

    Corrie Cason is a thought leader on a mission to change the world through love. She does this through her signature framework: FLICK (Forgiveness, Love, Inclusion, Connection and Kindness.)

    I've been lucky enough to have a ringside seat while Corrie developed the FLICK process - and what I love about it is that it gives people a practical way to have a joyful perspective, open heart and to lead from love and kindness - even in the face of difficult people or circumstances. This way they can have a positive impact on the world while also thriving in their lives.

    Corrie is genuinely one of the warmest people I've ever met and her wisdom isn't fluffy and theoretical but hard-won and practical.

    Links to Corrie Cason and her work




  • Today's question comes from Marianne:

    "I have a holistic wellness program with 1:1 support that I created and have run 3 times with beta testers. I'm in the beginning stages of building an audience (beautiful opt-in, blog, newsletters, Instagram and Facebook) but am having difficulty with consistency and am unsure if this is the way to build an audience. I offered my program to my small audience and a few groups for the experience of going through the sales process (and... crickets, but no surprise there).

    What's the road to building an audience? Can I do this alone? Always needing to create more content, connection and community in addition to actually working with clients is seeming a little insurmountable at the moment!"

    I hear ya! Running a business can feel like a ferocious monster demanding to be fed!
    But I've got some answers for how you can make it all much easier and enjoyable.

    PLUS I talk about why Resilience is the core skillset entrepreneurs need - not more than ever.

    And you can get 25% off my new course, The Resilience Business Owner until Monday - check it out at https://www.jocasey.com/the-resilient-business-owner/

  • Ray Dodd is a Money and Business Coach who helps women earn life-changing amounts of money without having to compromise who they are.

    If you're hearing the term 'money and business coach' and wincing a little - imagining fluffy talk of manifesting millions in your sleep, - prepare to have your fears soothed - because you're in for a treat.

    Ray is a money coach with a difference. You won't hear 'just think good thoughts and watch the money come rolling in' from her. Ray believes that money, business and taking up space are inextricably linked and that there's a lot more to making money than just trying to manifesting it.

    On today's podcast, we talk about Ray's business journey from a lactation consultant and hypnobirthing practitioner to money and business coach.
    We discuss why she's so passionate about helping women make 'life-changing amounts of money' (take that patriarchy!), how she structures her working week and why contrary to what your fear might be telling you, people are still buying, hiring and making money right now.

    We also, of course, talk about what's giving us joy right now.

    Links Mentioned In This Episode

    Ray’s Facebook group “The Money and Business Space“

    Ray’s website

    Ray on Instagram

  • How do you market yourself right now? With Love and Badassery according to my guest Helen Tremethick.

    Is it still OK to sell and promote our services right now? If so, how to we do it without sounding like an insensitive a-hole?

    These are just some of the questions Brand voice strategist Helen Tremethick and I dive into in today’s episode of the business NOT as usual podcast.

    We talk about how Helen’s business is being impacted by the current lockdown and how operating in the liminal of stay at home orders is impacting us all emotionally.

    We discuss why it’s so important that we still keep on marketing and promoting our businesses AND that there’s a whole heap of clear blue water between promoting with integrity and being a slimy d*ck selling knock-off face masks.

    We discuss why Helen recommends finding your own voice when it comes to talking about your business rather than following a blueprint or template and how you can start to do so.

    Finally, she tells us about her exciting free project that starts on the 1st May all about how we find our own authentic voice as business owners, called Love and Badassery.

    About Helen Tremethick

    Helen is a sought-after brand voice strategist and copy coach whose approach to communications is rooted in clarity, simplicity, and relationship with the audience. She helps scaling entrepreneurs and small businesses find the right words to move their businesses into the next sphere of their work with just the right amount of love and badassery.

    Since 2010, Helen’s work has influenced and helped hundreds of business owners find their voice and garner more traction in the online marketplace. She is also the creator of a content development methodology that she has been teaching to entrepreneurs, innovation centres, and the corporate sector since early 2014. Helen is the CEO of The Communications Distillery, a boutique brand voice studio located in an old farmhouse in the middle of the Ontario countryside, which means if you ever hop on a coaching call with her, you may hear roosters.

    You can find more about Helen at communicationsdistillery.com or join her free community project Love & Badassery at loveandbadassery.com

    Check out the my previous conversations in this series: "The Bullsh*t Level Is High" with Eli Trier and "We're Gonna Get Through This" with Liz Applegate

  • This is a question I got in my Facebook group (every Friday I'm doing live Q&As and answering your business building questions - we'd love to have you in the group FYI)

    "How do I attract more of my ideal client in my socials? I keep attracting other coaches!"

    Honey, I hear you! When we hand out with our peers on social media we can often find they're the people who end up following us - which is lovely but not bringing in new clients.

    For that, we need to be interacting with the RIGHT people. And in this episode, I'm going to share two very practical and strategic ways you can get in front of your ideal clients so they have a chance to discover how blooming marvellous you are!

  • What's it like being a highly sensitive person in a pandemic?

    My guest is today is Tracie Nichols - Rebel Crone, Mentor, Aromatherapist, and poet and all-round wise woman and we're talking about, amongst other things, how we navigate these times as humans, and especially if you identify as a highly sensitive person (HSP)

    HSPs tend to absorb a LOT of emotional energy from others and so in a time of great fear and grief like now, I know that I and many like me are struggling to balance the need to be present with the situation and feeling like we're going to be washed away in the wave of emotions.

    Tracie and I talk about:

    What it means to be an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person)Her work and business and what it means to be a rebel croneHow her work, creative and writing rhythms are being impacted by the current lockdownHow convening with nature is giving Tracie solace more than everWhat is giving her joy right now

    You can find out more about Tracie by visiting her website, liking her Facebook page and following her on Instagram.

    The book she mentions is:

    How Does Raven Know? Entering Sacred World | A Meditative Memoir

    And the blog post she refers to in this episode is Braced For Impact

    About Tracie

    Tracie Nichols is a rebel crone, mentor, and poet who has been helping women remember who they are and invoke real, lasting change in their lives for more than a decade.

    If you identify as Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), an introvert, or as being a bit witchy or magical (Tracie calls women like this rebel crones) she’s here to help you say a holy and delicious “YES!” to occupying your age and exploring the possibilities that only show up in our deepening years. When she’s not working, you’ll find Tracie curled up with a book, or deep in conversation with the trees, streams and other members of the ecosystem where she lives.