Ми обговорюємо проблемні питання науки, які кидають виклики сучасному суспільству. Щонеділі розкриваємо нову історію.
جحا مسلسل روائي جديد يحكي قصص حكيم الحمقى المشهورة وقصص لم تسمعوها من قبل. يروي لنا راوٍ مميز جدًا حكايات عجيبة عن عباءة تأكل، وسحر يحول الرجال إلى حمير، وحركات بهلوانية تذهل العقول، في محورها كلها الماكر المحبوب، جحا.
The Obituary Writer of Crestfall, Idaho finds himself deeply in over his head as he investigates a series of strange and mysterious deaths… when he is supposed to simply be writing obituaries. Along the way he encounters murderous farmers, man-eating cats, haunted bicycles, and a healthy dose of ominous shadows. Support us on Patreon:
From werewolves in the doghouse to new ghouls at work, there's no problem too strange for this weekly advice segment, from the UK's only dedicated radio service for the creature community.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Don’t Just Talk about Geocaching, GO Geocaching!
Meet the world’s top data and analytics leaders transforming how we do business. Hear case studies, industry insights, and personal lessons from the executives leading the data revolution.
Join host Cindi Howson, Chief Data Strategy Officer at ThoughtSpot, every other Wednesday to meet the leaders and teams at the cutting edge. -
Rosamund Pike stars as Edith Wilson in "Edith!" a scripted comedy podcast exploring the untold true-ish story of America's secret First Female President.
After President Woodrow Wilson suffered a massive, paralyzing stroke in the White House, Edith Wilson did the unthinkable: she told no one. And for almost a year following the end of World War I, Edith Wilson acted as the de facto unelected President. She would sign documents as him. She would fire people as him. She would even cause international incidents as him. And all along the way, enemies both internal and external, inched closer to finding out her secret. New episodes every Thursday. -
Podcast od programisty dla programistów. Inspiruję, analizuję, przedstawiam realia branży IT.
Fachowe porady, przykłady, rozwiązania. W audycji "Jak zrobić podcast" rozmawiam z podcasterami oraz z osobami, które mogą Ci pomóc stworzyć własną audycję, zdobyć więcej słuchaczy i wznieść Twój podcast na wyższy poziom.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
DevTalk: podcast programistyczny Macieja Aniserowicza. -
Biznes w IT to podcast poruszający tematykę tworzenia, rozwijania i prowadzenia biznesów o wielomilionowych przychodach. Głównie w kontekście branży IT.
Więcej na: -
Szukasz sposobu na rozwój firmy z pomocą AI? Chcesz poprawić produkty i podejmować lepsze decyzje? Podcast "Biznes Myśli..." to Twoja dawka wiedzy o najnowszych trendach, praktycznych rozwiązaniach i inspirujących przykładach.
Razem z ekspertami omawiamy kluczowe tematy AI: ludzie, pieniądze, trendy, pomysły, dane, narzędzia i sprawdzone praktyki. Biznes Myśli to Twoje sprawdzone źródło na temat sztucznej inteligencji. Świat zmienia się szybciej, niż myślisz – dołącz teraz!
Youtube: -
Opowiadam o bezpieczeństwie w prosty i zrozumiały sposób.
Rozmowy zarówno na tematy techniczne jak i miękkie
Join hosts Michal Sadowski and Mick Griffin as they share powerful insights and proven strategies for success in the digital marketplace. This engaging podcast dives deep into AI, online business, e-commerce, digital marketing, website optimization, and more, equipping entrepreneurs with the tools they need to thrive.
Mick Griffin, the Chief Growth Officer at Traffit, a recruitment ATS, has an exceptional record of driving exponential growth. With 13 years of experience in growth roles at Brand24 and GetResponse, Mick has established himself as an expert in the SaaS industry. His passion lies in Sales, Marketing, and Customer Success, and he has recently expanded his focus to include People and Culture. Mick is also the visionary behind Pipeline Summit, a renowned SaaS sales conference, and contributes actively as a mentor at GrowthMentor whenever his schedule permits.
Michal Sadowski, the Founder at Brand24, a media monitoring tool used by 4000+ customers across 159 countries. Mentor at Startup Weekend & Founder Institute. The author of the "Social Media Revolution" bestselling book. Awarded "Best Co-Founder" in The Next Web Startup Awards. Web Summit Conference People's Stage winner. -
Lean QA (Kamila, Daniel, Tomek i Wojtek) zaprasza na szczupłe dyskusje. Razem z naszymi gośćmi rozmawiamy o stratach, wyzwaniach, jakości, przywództwie i efektywności w branży IT.
100% treści, 0% marnotrawstwa na temat jakości i efektywności w IT, podawane w porcjach trwających co najwyżej 45 minut, dostarczane zawsze w pierwszy czwartek miesiąca. -
After completing Katherine Gibbs Secretarial School, Andrea Davies takes a position at a large New York Advertising Firm, admittedly there to find a husband and secure a life as a well-to-do, country club socialite. Andrea meets Richard Hayes, one of the firm's partners and an inexplicable attraction takes hold. To everyone Richard is the kind and respectful executive with tragic home life. He is the devoted husband to Margaret, a dangerous "lunatic" who is in and out of psychiatric hospitals. A passionate attraction between Richard and Andrea intensifies when she is promoted to his secretary. When Andrea turns her attention to another marriage prospect, Richard quickly reveals a sinister, unpredictable side that naive Andrea interprets as unbridled passion, fueling her romantic delusions of "love at any cost."The Diarist, explores the darker side of the human psyche and the terrifying consequences of indulging in base desires in 1950s America. The story unfolds in 27 serialized episodes. Available on iTunes or wherever you binge.
The Purposeful Banker podcast is focused on the issues, industry topics, and concerns on the minds of bankers, especially in the commercial banking market. From market trends to business strategy, listeners get insightful, concrete information to help them build stronger financial institutions.
Media Informatics professionals that work on the user interface of interactive products, systems and services need to communicate their design ideas efficiently to team members from a variety of other professions. Moreover, capturing the user interface design lessons learned from a completed project is crucial to avoid repeating costly earlier mistakes. After this class, students will be able to write clear and cross-disciplinary design patterns that each captures the essence of a certain user interface design decision and its tradeoffs. They will be able to combine these patterns into larger structures called pattern languages, and will also be able to utilize existing pattern languages on the market to quickly learn about crucial design guidelines for specific interface markets, such as web sites or mobile devices, for example.
This lecture will cover the current research topic of design patterns in the area of interactive system design and user interface development. We will see how design patterns originated in architecture, were first adopted by software engineering, and then found their way to HCI where they have proven to be an exciting new suitable format to express design guidelines in a semi-formalized and reusable way. -
Andrzej Krzywda z Arkency, miłośnik i promotor języka Ruby, mówi o:
♦️programistycznych poradach wokoło kodu
♦️przyszłości świata programowania
♦️oraz wielu innych.
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