Hello and welcome to our first episode of 2023! Episode 1, SEASON 3(!!!)
Join Zoë, Billie and Holly Delefortrie for a chat about our shows at VAULT Festival 2023! Ticket links for All in Good Time and Sex-Ed Revisited are below; we would love to see you there!
All in Good Time at VAULT Festival 24th-27th January 19:50:
Sex-Ed Revisited at VAULT Festival Friday 27th of January 22:35:
We hope you enjoy this episode!
Find Holly on:
Twitter: @HollyDelefortr1
Instagram: @Sex_EdRevisited
My website: www.hollydelefortrie.com
Find us on:
Instagram: @thenotgodcomplex
Twitter: @notgodcomplex
TikTok: @thenotgodcomplex
Hello and welcome to our last podcast of the year! Join Zoë and Billie for chaotic chats about successes and goals - get your tickets to our new show here: https://vaultfestival.com/events/all-in-good-time/
and have a very happy new year!
We hope you enjoy this episode!
Find us on:
Instagram: @thenotgodcomplex
Twitter: @notgodcomplex
TikTok: @thenotgodcomplex
Episodes manquant?
Hello and welcome to this month's episode where we chat with Yuval Brigg who is doing some `tech-y stuff` with us for our new show All In Good Time! Tickets for that can be found here: https://vaultfestival.com/events/all-in-good-time/
Billie is once again the human manifestation of tech-related chaos and recorded this sat in a hallway of the very echo-y building she studies in...
We hope you enjoy this episode!
Find us on:
Instagram: @thenotgodcomplex
Twitter: @notgodcomplex
TikTok: @thenotgodcomplex
Hello and welcome to episode 10 - an experiment in which we try to bring you our recent workshop 'Queering Theatrical Practice' in podcast form!
Screaming children in the background aside, we really hope you enjoy this month's episode and that this works as a format. If you do the tasks and would like to share or chat to us about it, we would love to hear from you!
Find us on:
Instagram: @thenotgodcomplex
Twitter: @notgodcomplex
TikTok: @thenotgodcomplex
Hello and welcome to this month's episode where we chat with Eilidh Northridge who is on her second producing project with us and we love her very much!
Billie's internet was *not* cooperating when we were recording, so please excuse her choppy presence in this episode - we still manage a very interesting conversation!
If you are a theatre person looking for a producer, you can email Eilidh at: eilidhnorth.productions@gmail.com
FREE WORKSHOP ON QUEERING THEATRICAL PERFORMANCE | 3RD OCT: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/queering-theatrical-practice-hybrid-workshop-tickets-411443938897
Find us on:
Instagram: @thenotgodcomplex
Twitter: @notgodcomplex
TikTok: @thenotgodcomplex
Welcome back! In this month's episode we chat to Emma Oldfield and Keirath Jandoo about their show Keep It Down, and our show What Makes a Body Terrifying, which are both on at The Hope Theatre as a double bill from the 15th - 18th August.
Hello and welcome to this month's episode where we chat with Rosa and Maya of Hooky Productions about both our shows and the differences between Edinburgh Fringe where they are doing their show 'Experiment Human' and Camden Fringe where we are doing ours!
We recorded this in a rehearsal space so please excuse the occasional background noise!
To learn more about Hooky Productions and to see their show:
Experiment Human at:
Laughing Horse @ Dragonfly, 4th-28th August (except Mondays!), 5.45pm - https://tickets.edfringe.com/whats-on/experiment-human (PWYC)
Social media:
Insta - @hooky_productions
Twitter - @HookyProductio1
Facebook - Hooky Productions
Tik Tok - @hookyproductions
Linktree (with all info!) - https://linktr.ee/hookyproductions
Find us on:
Instagram: @thenotgodcomplex
Twitter: @notgodcomplex
TikTok: @thenotgodcomplex
Welcome back! This month the wonderful Audrey Cook is joining us to chat all about the good and the bad (but mostly good) of freelancing and the theatre industry. We chat about community engagement, working outside of London, and the culture in drama schools versus the culture in the industry. We really hope you enjoy!
Welcome back to The Not-God Pod! Brace yourselves for the longest episode yet in which we have Bethan Barke chatting to us about her many different roles within community work and why theatre and art should be fun and accessible to everyone.
Where to find Bethan:
Instagram: @bethan_amyy
Twitter: @BarkeBethan
Where to find us:
Instagram: @thenotgodcomplex
Twitter: @notgodcomplex
Welcome back to The Not-God Pod! This month we're chatting with James Tudor Jones about his research, working class audiences and what makes theatre political. Thanks for listening!
Welcome back! Today we have the wonderful Billy Maxwell Taylor chatting to us about his practice, finding stillness in the busyness and metaphors for understanding form and discipline, as well as his current piece Rain Pours like Coffee Drops.
Where to find Billy
Rain Pours Like Coffee Drops
Installation in partnership with Volcano Theatre's Solo Duets for the Future: 14th and 16th April.
Staged excerpt through Richard Chappell Dance Company's Supporting Acts programme: 15th May (Dance Blast, Abergavenny), 20th May (Swindon Dance, Swindon)
Instagram: @billytaysay
Blog: billymaxwelltaylor.uk
Where to find us
Instagram: @thenotgodcomplex
twitter: @notgodcomplex
Welcome back! In this episode we muse on the terms inter/intra/cross/trans/anti-disciplinary, talking about their origins and what they mean in an arts context! We'd love to hear your thoughts!
Welcome back! In this episode we chat to Lota about her practice as a teacher and sex educator! We hope you found this interesting and we'd love to hear your thoughts!
Welcome back! In this episode we talk about what we've learnt this year, and what we're hoping for for 2022! You can find the transcript for this episode here.
We promised more queer chats and we have delivered! In this episode we chat about queer readings, in preparation for our performance of (How Do You Talk About a) Manless Woman? at Theatre in the Pound at the Cockpit on 15th November. You can find the episode transcript here and you can get tickets to come and see us here - we hope you enjoy!
Welcome back! In this episode, Zoë and Billie chat about the future of the NGC hub, and about the challenges of funding applications! We'd love to hear your thoughts on what we've discussed in this episode, so please do contact us! The transcript for this episode is available here!
Welcome back! In this episode Rebeka Dió joins us to talk about all thing post-humanism, and about her new project posthuman symposium. You can find posthuman symposium on twitter here or on instagram here. You can find the transcript to this episode here.
Welcome back! In this months episode we are joined by collective member Oriane Joublin to talk all things multilingual theatre! Transcript coming soon!
Welcome back to episode 4! In this episode Zoë and Billie chat all things organisation and what they've learnt from the first year of running The Not-God Complex! You can find the transcript to this episode here!
Welcome back! In this episode, Zoë and Billie talk about all things queer representation and theatre! We hope you enjoy, and we'd love to hear your thoughts! You can find the transcript for this episode here!
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