
  • Here is the most important UFO story that has occured in the last almost 80 years and the reasons why it is so important.

    I have come to pick this one case after chasing the best cases for the last 50 years.

    This case also goes to show that "they" are in charge and many things that are happening are not random like most people assume.

  • Ameera May and Doug Auld Join Grant Cameron to discuss a new book on NHI contact.

    Embark on a journey beyond the known realms of existence with "The Beings", a captivating compilation of personal experiences shared by individuals who have encountered extra-dimensional beings and ETs.
    In this fascinating compilation, each chapter offers a unique and personal narrative of encounters that defy conventional understanding. From awe-inspiring visions to profound exchanges with entities from distant realms, these stories illuminate the mysteries of the cosmos and challenge our perceptions of reality.
    Through heartfelt accounts and candid reflections, the co-authors of "The Beings" invite readers to explore the edges of consciousness and witness the profound transformations that occur when worlds collide. Whether you're a skeptic or a seeker, this book promises to ignite your imagination and expand your understanding of what lies beyond the veil.
    Prepare to be captivated, inspired, and forever changed by the extraordinary encounters documented within the pages of "The Beings".
    Foreword by: Grant Cameron
    Authors: Philip Kinsella, Doug Auld, Vincent Cassius Cain, Jamie Ong, Vanessa Lisle Widergren, Laura Van Tyne, Reema Owens, El Serumaga, Harold Hoenow, Alexandra Steiner, Michelle Carpenter, Rachel Chamness, Eluña Noelle, Heidi Hooper, Jade Lore, Shekina Rose
    Compiled by: Ameera May
    Published by: The Near-Death Institute


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  • Vancouver film producer Michael Facciolo and Grant Cameron sit down and discuss Michael's new project looking at the illusive high level group of military, intelligence, and government UFO individuals known as the aviary.

    Director's Note
    Immersed in the revelations of profound researchers like Grant Cameron, Linda Moulton Howe, Dr. Joseph Farrell, Richard Dolan, Jim Mars, Tom DeLonge, Jimmy Church, Billy Carson, Dr. Steven Greer and many others, I’ve grappled with the unsettling realization articulated by Linda Moulton Howe: we inhabit a classified reality!
    The opacity surrounding the existence of not only extraterrestrial beings but also inter-dimensional ultra-terrestrial entities, and the potential existence of a breakaway civilization post-World War Two, has long perturbed me. While I may never uncover the truth in my lifetime, if this film can guide just one person to embrace and transition gracefully into this new paradigm shift currently occurring on our planet, then it’s a success.
    To the esteemed members of the Military Industrial Complex, including Lockheed Martin, (skunk Works) Raytheon, Motorola, EG&G, and others: First and foremost, I extend my heartfelt gratitude for your service. I recognize the immense challenges inherent in your work on these clandestine projects, conducted in the shadows without the acknowledgment and appreciation of the general populace. I most certainly understand the sacrifices that must be made to safeguard these otherworldly secrets and sacrifices that likely extend beyond my capacity to fully comprehend.
    I harbor no illusions regarding the gravity of the responsibility you bear. The potential ramifications of these classified technologies falling into the wrong hands, whether foreign or domestic, are indeed staggering. I acknowledge the necessity of discretion in safeguarding against such catastrophic scenarios.
    Moreover, I appreciate your efforts to offer glimpses of transparency through various mediums such as movies, television shows, and art forms. You recognize the importance of fostering a degree of openness amidst the veil of secrecy.
    It is my understanding that over possibly more than 80 - 100 years, you have delved into the depths of groundbreaking technologies, encompassing realms such as anti-gravity, consciousness augmentation, teleportation, multiverse exploration, time travel modalities, and medical advancements that defy comprehension.
    To those entrusted with managing the secrets surrounding UFO/UAP phenomena—a responsibility that reportedly rests with a mere 50 individuals worldwide—I implore you to consider leveraging this documentary film project as a catalyst for advancing the cause of disclosure. Let us collectively endeavor to propel the discourse forward and inch closer to a more enlightened era of understanding and transparency.
    Michael Facciolo


  • My assistant Desta Barnabe and myself talk to Joanne abouther channeling of dead people focusing on two of her books.

    1. Afterlives: Firsthand Accounts of Twenty Notable People

    Joanne's new book is a startling collection of afterlifeaccounts from some of the most extraordinary people of our times: AnthonyBourdain, Hunter S. Thompson, Ayn Rand, Martin Luther King, Jr., HarrietTubman, John Barron (former slaver), Thomas Paine, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,Albert Einstein, Carl Jung, Hildegard von Bingen, Paramahansa Yogananda, J.D.Salinger, George Harrison, Douglas Adams, James Baldwin, Kurt Vonnegut, AldousHuxley, Robin Williams, and Jane Roberts, author of the Seth Material.

    2. NEW! Starman: My Life and Afterlife

    Starman is the result of Jo’s request to speak withbeloved rock star David Bowie (1947-2016) about the real facts of life, death,art, music, creativity, sex, drugs, and rock and roll. Starman speaks to youngadults starting their spiritual journey and anyone seeking new, creative waysof being. Starman will help you to

    Know why love is so important in this physical world andbeyond it. Sense the reality of the afterlife and the beauty of the physicalworld, made exactly for you. Appreciate and heal yourself through music. Seeyour challenges as reason to change and grow, not to take your life. Know thatDivinity—or whatever you want to call it—is in each individual and you, too havefun expressing who you are, however outrageous!

    Joanne's website is


    Grant's work is at


  • As the Canadian government looks to provide a UFO report from the office of the Prime Minister I look back at some of what the former director of the UFO project (1950-1954) had to say about UFO hardware.

    You will see that a lot has been know for a long time.


  • Gloria Hass is a visionary starseed, natural born clairvoyant, healer, has mediumistic abilities, along with having many gifts including remote viewing, remote touching, clairaudience claircognizance, clairgustance, clairsentience, clairalience, seeing and communicating with Spirit. She also has very detailed visions and dreams with messages. Gloria can physically and telepathically teleport to other places and dimensions.

    Gloria has experienced multi-dimensional contact since she was a child. This contact includes interactions with over twenty extraterrestrial beings and many other

    dimensional beings. She has also worked as a Forensic Visionary, helping people and law enforcement find

    missing and lost loved ones.

    Gloria has performed spiritual readings for clients throughout the United States and the UK and has also been used to heal horses and dogs.

    Gloria is an award-winning best-selling author. Gloria has written about her life as a Starseed and Grey Hybrid in her book, “My Journey As A Grey Hybrid” which has been

    listed in the top 100 of Amazon Bestsellers.



    Grant Cameron's writings


    Grant new UFO Disclosure book "Beyond Managing Magic: Tangled in Secrecy."


  • Awe and Curiosity are what drive the UFO mystery investigation forward. It is this mystery that the phenomena is using to awaken us to how reality really works. In the Law of one it is written that "The power of our desire and seeking acts as a vacuum in out future to draw to us that which we desire."

    In this short podcast I explain how I have been describing this process and a new channeling that has described this principle of awe and curiosity and why it is so important.

    Grant Cameron Books on portals, UFO cover-ups, and UFOs: https://itsallconnected.weebly.com/books.html?fbclid=IwAR0BaXQAUchl_3Whbfd29ss3B3fo3yir-kqj5skvMIc9IwZNoWWTpK13tvM

    YouTube Interviews : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2-HvGdV4xou1Q0G1Ks1_NQ

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Paranormal-UFO-Consciousness-Podcast-105987311573219

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/presidentialufo

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whitehouseufo/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/GrantCameron

    This podcast looks at all things dealing withUFOs, UAPS, the paranormal, consciousness, spirituality, the nature of reality, and psychedelics. It looks for the answer to the question "What is really going on, and where do we go from here?"

    #presidentialufo #whitehouseufo #trumpufo#skinwalkerranch #ghosts #itsallconnected #NDE # UFO #paranormal #UAP #UFOcoverup #governmentcoverup #ufodisclosure #Coverup #transformation #prebirthexpereince #futurepredicitions #multiplerealities #telepathy #lifereview #spiritguides #multiplelives #pastlifememories #pastlives#lifebetweenlives #reincarnation #ufocoverup #love #theveil #contactmodalities #whoami #vibration #multydimensions #lifeplan #pastliferecall #alienabduction #portals #xendra #mountshasta #lifebeforebirth #God #heaven #reality#consciousness #OBE #nde #death #returninghome #aliens #spirits #energybeings #alienabduction #higherrealms #greatwhitebrotherhooh #mysical #mysticalstate #psychedelics #psilocybin #healing #extraterrestrial #flyingsauver #ufocrash#ttsa #aviary #portal #wormhole #Mountshasta #Oneness #Love #multiplerealities#consciousnesspodcast #military #Canada “canadiangovernment #ryanbledsoe#timtaylor #tylerd #americancosmic #ebenalexander #neardeathexperience

  • Nancy Thames, a former Department of Defense employee and a lifelong Contactee of Inter Dimensional extraterrestrial beings, has emerged as a significant voice in the realm of alien disclosure and spiritual awakening. Her journey, marked by personal struggles, transformed profoundly through her continuous extraterrestrial encounters. These experiences, initially suppressed, were eventually embraced as Nancy began to understand their purpose in her life and for humanity. She has come to the decisive conclusion: it is Time for Disclosure. Her dedication to this cosmic narrative propelled her to create timefordisclosure.com, a platform advocating for open dialogue about extraterrestrial interactions and the greater implications for humanity. Here, she shares her personal encounters, insights gleaned from beings across dimensions, and her perspective on what these interactions mean for human evolution. Nancy's work underscores a collective call to awakening. She stresses that experiences often labeled as "abductions" are, in her understanding, enlightened contacts, part of a broader, benevolent interaction with extraterrestrial entities aiming to usher humanity into a new era of cosmic participation. This mission, conveyed through her writing and community engagement, is driven by a philosophy of unity, spiritual evolution, and the pursuit of truth, extending an invitation to all of humanity to acknowledge and embrace our place within the larger galactic framework.Grant's writings at


  • Steven Greenstreet has done many UFO pieces in the New York Post. Many of them have been skeptical of what others have reported. Now Greenstreet takes his turn in the barrel and tells the story of his claimed UFO sighting.

    The Triangle book that tells the Greenstreet and other triangle sightings is at


    Greenstreet can be found at twitter



    Most people in the US and Canada interested in the field of UFO and Extraterrestrial research will probably know or heard of Terry Tibando, who becoming one of Canada's leading experts in understanding the UFO and ETI phenomenon. He had 70 years of UFO sightings and ETI encounters since his early childhood dating back to 1953. Terry is the Coordinator of CSETI Vancouver for the past 30 years leading teams of people on successful expeditions in establishing ETI contact and communications.
    He attended University of Victoria in 1970 majoring in astronomy, physics, and the sciences using that knowledge to better understand Extraterrestrial Intelligence. He hosted the first Witness Disclosure conference in Canada on UFOs and ETI on September 9, 2001, with guest speakers Dr Steven Greer, Dr Carol Rosin, and Dr Alfred L. Webre. He was interviewed in 1995 on the Discovery Channel's "Alien Week" series and on BCTV News for his involvement in CSETI Vancouver. Terry has appeared in Dr Greer's successful movie documentary series: "Sirius", "Unacknowledged", and "Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind" Terry has written an encyclopedic six-volume textbook series entitled: "A CITIZEN'S DISCLOSURE ON UFOS AND ETI" that are very comprehensive, definitive, and conclusive in their content.
    [email protected]

    Alaska Contact Cruise Link


    Derrel W. Sims, R.H.A.,CM.Ht, The Alien Hunter is the world's leading expert on alien abductions. He has done presentations in approximately 20 countries. His work has been displayed in museums located in Roswell, New Mexico, USA; the Hakui UFO Museum, Japan; and in Slovakia. His 38+ years of field research has focused on physical evidence, and led to his groundbreaking discoveries of alien implants and alien fluorescence. He has orchestrated 27 surgical interventions regarding implant removal. As a former military police officer and CIA operative, Sims has a unique insight to the alien organization which he believes functions similarly to an intelligence agency. Sims is also a compassionate and skilled counselor and Certified Master Hypnotherapist.
    [email protected]
    281 748 0077

  • Rob Freeman and Mark McNabb discuss their new book called the Man who wanted to Make Contact.

    In the interview Rob Freeman discussed his two dramatic sightings at 12, and his hiring of filmmaker Mark McNabb. Together the two men have travelled the world with cameras looking for UFO and the being that pilot the crafts.

    The book is at


    To see the films they have made about their UFO adventures go to


  • Through his long career as a UFO researcher, Stringfield was considered the expert on UFO crashes and dead alien bodies. He had hundreds of sources. He gave the first crashed saucer lecture at the 1978 MUFON conference in Dayton despite the death threats that came in. Len was a friend of mine.

    Our correspondence can be viewed as a part of the collection of my documents that I have placed on the internet for all to see.

    Collection ScansLeonard Stringfield was born in 1920. He was director of CRIFO (Civilian Research, Interplanetary Flying Objects) - one of the world's largest research groups during the mid-5Os, and publisher of its newsletter, ORBIT (1953-1957). He also worked in cooperation with the United States Air Force (1953-1957), investigating and reporting UFO activity, having been assigned a special code number for reporting to the Air Defense Command in Columbus, Ohio. For over 30 years, Stringfield served in several of the major UFO organizations in a public relations capacity. From 1957 to 1970, he was public relations adviser with the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP). Later on, he was Director of Public Relations and a board member of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). He was also a regional investigator for the Center for UFO Studies, directed by Dr. J. Allen Hynek. Stringfield was an executive with DuBois Chemicals, an international manufacturer. Stringfield retired in 1981 as Director of Public Relations and Marketing Services for DuBois Chemicals, a division of Chemed Corp., after 31 years of service with the company. From 1967 to 1968 he served as Early Warning Coordinator for the University of Colorado UFO Project, screening UFO reports for possible scientific study. Stringfield was also an advisor to Sir Eric Gairy, former Prime Minister of Grenada, 1977-78, during his efforts to establish a UFO research agency within the framework of the United Nations. Stringfield passed away in 1994, leaving a string of fascinating publications behind, one of which is "UFO Crash Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI," written not long before his death. It is filled with interesting details about several major UFO cases.
    Grant's writing


  • Grant Cameron talks with the conference organizer Susan Shumsky about a UFO conference that will be held September 6-13, 2024.

    Susan talks about who will be on the cruise speaking and what will happen at each port.

    We talk about Susan 20 books and her path of experience. Finally we talk about a film crew that might be in the ship connected to a new documentary called "The Aviary."

    For info on the cruise


    For Grant's Books check out


    and for portions of the books they are at


  • Grant Cameron joins Dan Willis, Christopher Harmon, Laura Eisenhower, Victoria Briggs, Ella LeBain, Geraldine Orozco on a panel to discuss the UFO mystery.

    Grant Cameron Contacts and Books can be found at

    https://linktr.ee/whitehouseufoThis podcast looks at all things dealing with UFOs,UAPS, the paranormal, consciousness, spirituality, the nature of reality, and psychedelics. It looks for the answer to the question "What is really going on, and where do we go from here?"

    #presidentialufo #whitehouseufo #trumpufo#skinwalkerranch #ghosts #itsallconnected #NDE # UFO #paranormal #UAP#UFOcoverup #governmentcoverup #ufodisclosure #Coverup #transformation#prebirthexpereince #futurepredicitions #multiplerealities #telepathy#lifereview #spiritguides #multiplelives #pastlifememories #pastlives#lifebetweenlives #reincarnation #ufocoverup #love #theveil #contactmodalities#whoami #vibration #multydimensions #lifeplan #pastliferecall #alienabduction#portals #xendra #mountshasta #lifebeforebirth #God #heaven #reality#consciousness #OBE #nde #death #returninghome #aliens #spirits #energybeings#alienabduction #higherrealms #greatwhitebrotherhooh #mysical #mysticalstate#psychedelics #psilocybin #healing #extraterrestrial #flyingsauver #ufocrash#ttsa #aviary #portal #wormhole #Mountshasta #Oneness #Love #multiplerealities#consciousnesspodcast #military #Canada “canadiangovernment #ryanbledsoe#timtaylor #tylerd #americancosmic #ebenalexander #neardeathexperience

  • Grant Cameron and Janet Dorian talk to Penny Rummel about her new book Orbs: The Energy of Life where she describes a unique type of orb phenomena that she has filmed over the last year, along with the connection of orbs to the Sasquatch mystery.

    Penny's Book is at


    Grant's Books and large samples of the books can be viewed at


  • Preston Dennett was the guest of the monthly UFO group in Winnipeg Canada. We discussed his 32 books on UFOs and Healing, UFO and drive-in Movies, UFOs and schools.

    Preston Dennett began investigating UFOs and the paranormal in 1986 when he discovered that his family, friends, and co-workers were having dramatic unexplained encounters. Since then, he has interviewed hundreds of witnesses and investigated various paranormal phenomena. He is a field investigator for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), a ghost hunter, a paranormal researcher, and the author of 32 books and more than 100 articles on UFOs and the paranormal. His articles have appeared in numerous magazines including Fate, Atlantis Rising, MUFON UFO Journal, Nexus, Paranormal Magazine, UFO Magazine, Mysteries Magazine, Ufologist and others. His writing has been translated into several different languages including German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Icelandic. He has appeared on numerous radio and television programs, including Coast-to-Coast and the History Channel’s Deep Sea UFOs and UFO Hunters. His research has been presented in the LA Times, the LA Daily News, the Dallas Morning News and other newspapers. He has taught classes on various paranormal subjects and lectures across the United States.

    In addition to writing true non-fiction books about UFOs and the paranormal, Preston Dennett is also an award-winning science fiction writer. He has sold 40 speculative fiction stories to such markets as Andromeda Spaceways, Bards & Sages, Cast of Wonders, Daily Science Fiction, Grievous Angel, Perihelion, Sci-Phi Journal, Stupefying Stories, T. Gene Davis's Speculative Blog and many others, including several anthologies. After earning twelve honorable mentions, he won Second Place in Quarter 1, 2018 of the Writers of the Future Contest. He currently resides in southern California.

  • This bombshell nonfiction book, recently discussed by the author with George Knapp on Coast to Coast AM, is the only first-person account to date of UFO alien abductions authored by a mainstream American scientist. The author, who has multiple degrees in neuroscience, goes on the record regarding his incredible and fascinating experiences with UFO close encounters, including a very close encounter during which he was abducted from a group of eight other witnesses, interactions with alien beings and an unexplained nasal implant of specific structure all of which were recalled without regressive hypnosis. Also riveting are the author's experiences with short humanoid beings that are described in captivating detail to reveal all the ways that aliens control human behavior during the abduction process.
    Even more amazing is the fact that this book is the first to explain :

    how the implants that are frequently reported by abductees work to analyze and influence the activity of the human brain. exactly how the “grey aliens” were genetically reengineered from our early hominin ancestors. precisely how the UFO propulsion system creates gravitational wave energy.

    At the same time, relying on his professional background, insight from his personal abduction experiences and numerous cited scientific articles from peer-reviewed journals, the author demonstrates that the ultrasophisticated technical capabilities exhibited by the alien visitors to our planet are more than plausible. They represent a logical extrapolation of current human theoretical and applied science.
    Moreover, the powerful evidence of such technology which has existed for more than 60 years, especially with respect to incredibly advanced propulsion systems for interstellar space travel and implanted devices that are likely instruments of mind control, proves that the aliens are here. Potentially breakthrough scientific innovations underlying these highly advanced alien capabilities are revealed and clearly explained, making the book a de facto whistleblower report on the subject of UFO’s and alien abduction. More importantly, this book is a wake-up call to our species to finally accept the reality that we are now sharing our world with technologically superior alien beings. This new reality must be addressed immediately.

  • Doug Auld was born in Queens, NY and moved to New Jersey as a child. He had a love and fascination with nature and wildlife as well as mechanics. The second born in a family of four and son of a car dealer, he went to a trade high school and studied mechanics with the intention of taking over his Father's Chrysler dealership, but in his last year of high school he began studying piano and classical music, eventually writing his own original music.

    After a brief time in the music industry, he took up an interest in painting after visiting the "Salvador Dali Museum" in Cleveland, Ohio. Primarily self taught, Doug pursued Art and painting, eventually taking continuing education courses at the Art Students League, School of Visual Arts and The NY Academy in NYC. He presently lives, works and teaches in Hoboken, NJ.


    ~ Series of Dymorphioc realism artworks / www.dougauld.com

    ~ Series of 100 Whistleblower portraits titled “Those who blew the Whistle” website

    ~ Completed a three-year Art project called "State of Grace." This consisted of ten large scale portraits of adolescent burn survivors. The New York Times featured the project in a front page story of their "Metro Section" in June of 2006 titled Facing thier scars and finding Beauty.

    ~As one of only fifty finalists in the 2007 Outwin Boochever Portrait Competition, painting "Shayla" was displayed at the National Portrait Gallery at the Smithsonian in Washington, DC. “Shayla” was the first burn survivor portrait to be featured at the National Portrait gallery.

    ~Guest at "The Art of Recovery," the 33rd annual event for the Regional Burn Centers where he featured several works at the Philadelphia Museum.

    ~~Doug and burn survivor volunteer Jelani Jeffry, were guest speakers at the
    John Jay College of Criminal Justice, NYC

    ~In the fall of 2007, Doug was given a one-man show at the Berrie Center Art Galleries at Ramapo College, Mahwah NJ. This was followed by an oral presentation to the student body by Doug and burn survivor Jelani Jeffry

    ~ Invited to Cologne, Germany to paint Maha Schaff, a 28-year old female burn survivor from Cologne who was tragically set on fire by her father. The painting and project was documented and featured on national television throughout Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The painting was unveiled to Maha at an opening reception held at the Fifty Fifty Galerie in Dusseldorf, Germany

    ~Doug and burn survivor Jelani Jeffry were the invited guest speakers for the Grand Rounds at the Spaulding Medical Center in Boston, MA in Feb 08

    ~Painted" Back from Iraq " (portrait of Corporal J. R. Martinez) oil 50”x 60” 2008. The painting will be part of an upcoming show called "Remnants of War" that will open on Jan 7th at the New York Arts Club in NYC. J. R. Martinez is a US soldier and veteran of the Iraq war who was badly burned when his vehicle hit an IED.

    Other highlights include

    1993 Absolut Vodka “Artist of the Year '' original painting created for Absolut shown in publications throughout the year.

    - Featured on CBS ,Entertainment Tonight ,NYC,USA

    - Commissioned portrait of Jim Morrison for MTV " Museum of Unnatural History"

    - Featured on Sun up San Diego, morning TV program.

    - One Man Show at The Bergen Museum of Art and Science , NJ, USA

    - One Man Show at Drew University with Governor Tom Kean NJ,USA

    - One Man Show at The Limelight ,NYC,USA

    - Group show at The Time is Always Now Gallery, SoHo ,NYC,USA

    - Featured in the Salvador Dali newsletter.

    Featured on Inside New Jersey WNET TV-Channel 13, NJ,USA Two pages spread in the NYTimes on Burn Survivor series. Presently, Doug has left painting to dedicate full creative time to creating a stage musical, Hypnotta. about disclosure of the UFO ET reality. www.hypnotta.com