On the Spectrum of Health Podcast, Dr. Christine Schaffner shares a spectrum of health and wellness information ranging from chronic illness, biological medicine, bioenergetics and more. Dr. Schaffner sits at a unique vantage point in that she sees patients struggling with chronic illness from all over the world in her practice.
Dr. Schaffner is passionate about sharing cutting edge information and research from the experts in her community as she sits on the front line of the alternative medicine field. Whether you are struggling with a chronic illness, want to learn more about detox and anti-aging, or fine-tune your biofield, then this podcast is for you!
In addition to building two world-renowned health clinics, Dr. Schaffner currently sees patients telemedically, as well as in-person at her Immanence Health clinics in Seattle, Washington and Marin, California. -
Hi my name is Dr. Ross Carter, and I am a Regenerative Warrior.
What is a Regenerative Warrior? We are a group of doctors striving to use the most advanced methods available to help our patients turn back the hands of time and return their quality of life.
We make the Impossible .... Possible.
Our podcast is one of the fastest growing Regenerative Medicine & Anti-Aging Podcasts in the world.
Each & Every Tuesday and Thursday, I talk to the top experts to show doctors how to Market, Manage, & Magnify their practice to help more people and make more money.
Each episode is short and to the point, without wasting time with pointless conversation.
Learn the skills to be successful without traveling to seminars or paying expensive consulting fees.
Are you ready because I am? -
Health Radio News
Las noticias de salud que te interesa saber, todos los martes en punto del medio día. -
Dr. Jeannette Daneals comes to you with fire and passion when it comes to discussions around the intelligence of the human body. Her rocket fuel is service, best expressed when leading inspirational conversations. Dr. Daneals contributes in the world as a naturopathic doctor, massage therapist, and fitness trainer.
Joining her is Janell Hartman, close friend and colleague. Janell is a skilled colon hydro therapist, lymphatic therapist and leads yoga teacher trainings in the Seattle area. She lends perspective from the eastern traditions of Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine and promotes restorative lifestyle routines.
Between the two of these gals, you are in for a brilliantly diverse and daring ride into the world of natural health.
This podcast is for anyone with a robust appetite for personal transformation and a readiness to add to their knowledge vault in the areas of:
*Health and Fitness
*Ancient Healing Wisdom
*Historical Events that Impact the Field of Medicine
Visit our podcast homepage at for show notes on each episode, learn more about our project, and ask health-related questions you might like to hear answered on an upcoming show! -
Welcome to The Wealth and Wellness Studio, a podcast where we dive into the art of building your dream life—because thriving isn’t just about health; it’s about abundance in every area of life.
Two girls on their entrepreneurial journey, building their dream lives and taking you along for the ride. Come with us on a journey of highs and lows as we figure out how to achieve our goals.
Each week, we bring you actionable insights, wellness tips, and stories from inspiring guests to help you get hotter, happier, and wealthier—without gatekeeping. From navigating the journey of entrepreneurship to achieving glowing health and embracing lifestyle adventures, The Wealth and Wellness Studio is your space to grow, expand, and create the life you deserve.
Let’s get healthier, wealthier, and more inspired—together. 🖤✨
Medita Podcast es la forma más sencilla y práctica para comenzar a meditar.
Aquí podrás experimentar diferentes técnicas y tradiciones meditativas para que encuentres cuál es la que te funciona más a ti, y así puedas disfrutar de todos los beneficios que la meditación regala a tu bienestar físico, mental, emocional y espiritual.
Además encontrarás entrevistas con expertos, meditaciones con distintos guías y los tips clave para hacer de la meditación un hábito que transforme tu vida.
Comenzar a meditar y experimentar todos sus beneficios nunca había sido tan fácil. Comienza a meditar hoy con Medita Podcast.
Síguenos en @meditapodcast y en @mardelcerro
Un podcast de Mar del Cerro, Meditación y Bienestar en colaboración con Acast.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Nico Iglesias @nicoiglesiass te ayuda a “entrenar la mente”. Formado como Terapeuta Gestáltico y Coach profesional fusiona estas disciplinas, y su pasión por el autoconocimiento, para proponerte ejercicios y prácticas que colaboren con nuestro procesos de cambio y superación personal.
La Dra. Lucienne Costa-Frossard França, coordinadora del Grupo de Enfermedades Desmielinizantes de la Asociación Madrileña de Neurología, neuróloga del CSUR de Esclerosis Múltiple del Hospital Ramón y Cajal e investigadora del Instituto Ramón y Cajal de Investigación Sanitaria (IRyCIS), con la colaboración de @vohemios presentan este podcast, espacio para formación de personas interesadas en saber más sobre la Esclerosis Múltiple y demás enfermedades desmielinizantes.
Un recorrido por la salud de la mano de Ana Molina, Dermatóloga y Rosa Molina, Psiquiatra y neurocientífica. En este podcast semanal encontrarás herramientas para cuidar de tu salud física y mental, entrevistas con otros profesionales del sector y mucha información con evidencia científica, porque sabemos que el conocimiento es la mejor medicina.
De Piel a Cabeza
Blog www.dranamolina.comHosted on Acast. See for more information.
A podcast about healing and preventing cancer with nutrition & natural therapies, and living life with joy and purpose!
I was diagnosed with stage IIIC colon cancer in 2003, at 26 years old. I had surgery but refused chemotherapy. I chose faith over fear, changed my entire life, and used hardcore nutrition and natural therapies to heal. My doctor told me I was "Insane", but he was wrong. :) Today I am a best-selling author, blogger, global health & cancer coach, and speaker.
My site ( features articles about nutritional science, the cancer industry, and interviews with doctors, experts and survivors who have healed all types of cancer with nutrition and natural therapies.
Show notes and links for all episodes at
Tons of interviews with people who've healed cancer on my youtube channel (
Always posting on facebook (
Tweet at me! @chrisbeatcancer.
And yes I'm on Instagram @chrisbeatcancer. -
Cada semana encontrarás un episodio nuevo con la información fundamental para mantenerte al día en todo lo relacionado a emergencias y cuidado crítico, traído a ustedes por Emergency & Critical Care Trainings LLC.
Visite a nuestra página en e inscríbase en nuestra revista semanal para mantenerse al día de todos los anuncios! -
SoulTalk is a thought-provoking podcast about what really matters in life. It is a deep exploration into life's biggest questions: who we are, why we are here, and where we are going? Kute Blackson will get personal, sharing practical wisdom on how to live your most authentic life, as well as deep dialogues on purpose, health, love, money, sex, spirituality and success with special guests like Barbara De Angelis, Dr. Shefali, Mike Dooley, Geneen Roth and more.
Este es el podcast del oftalmólogo Iván Basanta, autor del libro “Mil y un webinar de oftalmología” disponible en canal OFTA de Esteve Pharmaceuticals, Apple Books y en Google Play.
Orientadas a la actualización de oftalmólogos y residentes de Oftalmología. Cada episodio incluye preguntas con sus respuestas razonadas.
Las preguntas han sido traducidas al castellano por Esteve Pharmaceuticals. Si quieres estar actualizado, tenemos una cita cada dos domingos.
Sigue a Ivan Basanta en:
Instagram @dr.ivanbasanta
Facebook Ivan Basanta
YouTube Dr. Ivan Basanta -
Música tranquila con sonidos de la naturaleza que te transportará a un lugar relajante donde poder meditar o simplemente tomarse un respiro. Música espiritual que te conecta con la naturaleza y ayuda a eliminar
Ayuda a eliminar el cortisol de nuestro sistema, bajando los niveles de estrés y modificando nuestro estado de ánimo, liberando dopamina gracias a las frecuencias de la felicidad. -
Te gustaría mejorar algún aspecto particular en tu vida? 😃Probablemente tengas una situación que te debilita y te afecta en uno o varios de los pilares que integran el bienestar, como por ejemplo: Las Relaciones, la carrera/profesión, el dinero, la salud, la forma física y la edad/tiempo/envejecimiento.Entonces no puedes dejar de escuchar este audio creado con la técnica del método YuenEl método Yuen es una técnica energética cuántica que combina el conocimiento de la medicina ancestral china, la medicina occidental, la física cuántica y el conocimiento profundo de la relación energía/cuerpo.Esta poderosa técnica te ayudará a restablecer el equilibrio perdido por la influencia de millones de causas, bloqueos y limitaciones, restableciendo el bienestar físico, emocional y espiritual tan necesario para que puedas lograr lo que quieres, deseas y necesitasMientras escuchas este audio puedes sentir cambios en tu energía, coméntame tu experiencia.Para consultas personales, talleres, cursos, por favor contáctame a través de 📞 WhatsApp:📬 Correo electrónico:📌 Telegram:ígueme en Youtube @JanethFrancoTerapias:
Strength and Conditioning Journal is the professional journal of the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). The purpose "SCJ Podcasts" is to highlight current topics in the journal related to the field of strength and conditioning. The NSCA and SCJ are committed to the mission of integrating the practical experience of professionals in our field with evidence-based research to provide practitioners with the most accurate information available. The "SCJ Podcasts" will be a very valuable tool in accomplishing that mission.
The American Journal of Neuroradiology (AJNR) is a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal that publishes Original Research and Review Articles relevant to the diagnostic, interventional, and functional imaging of the brain, head, neck, and spine. AJNR's monthly podcast includes Editor's Choices and Fellows' Journal Club selections. These podcasts are hosted by Wende Gibbs. Fellows' Journal Club podcasts feature a different institution each month. The Annotated Bibliography podcast is a journal scan hosted by Jeffrey Ross.
Jaume Segalés entre semana y Lucía Prieto los sábados y domingos nos hablan de salud de una forma cercana. Entrevistas con los mejores especialistas, consejos, prevención, cuidados...
El Podcats donde hablamos de Yoga