
  • Wanting more of the Power Couple Podcast until Season 2 drops?

    Join the Legendary Love Academy HERE for weekly dating and relationship content exclusive to our community.

    Ready to meet and hang with other Legendary Lovers? Join our podcast afterparty club HERE

    Join Kelsey's next drop in class: The Overfunctioners Guide to Optimal Functioning HERE **Be sure to use the promo code: PCP for $5 off registration!**

  • Wanting more of the Power Couple Podcast until Season 2 drops?

    Join the Legendary Love Academy HERE for weekly dating and relationship content exclusive to our community.

    Ready to meet and hang with other Legendary Lovers? Join our podcast afterparty club HERE

    Join Kelsey's next drop in class: Rebuilding Relational Trust After It's Been Busted HERE

  • Episodes manquant?

    Cliquez ici pour raffraichir la page manuellement.

  • Wanting more of the Power Couple Podcast until Season 2 drops?

    Join the Legendary Love Academy HERE for weekly dating and relationship content exclusive to our community.

    Ready to meet and hang with other Legendary Lovers? Join our podcast afterparty club HERE

    Join Kelsey's next drop in class: Rebuilding Relational Trust After It's Been Busted HERE

  • We have now come to the end of Season 1's regular scheduled episodes!

    March will have two bonus episodes including one community Q/A session.

    Season 2 of The Power Couple Podcast will return April 2020!

    *Looking for more love and relationship goodies? *


    If you're currently going through a breakup and would like additional support, hop on over to our Heal Your Heartbreak program HERE.

    In this self-study program we guide you through a thorough process for healing your heartbreak in a way that honours your story, your pace and your heart.


    Looking to connect with more cool cats who are speaking this language, doing the relational work and give a shit about growth?

    Ya we thought so. Come hang with us HERE

    Until next episode lovers,
    K + J

  • To connect with Ryan:

    Website: The Intimate Lifestyle

    Sexual and Emotional Mastery for Men program: HERE
    The Noble Lover program: HERE

    Ready for more relational education?

    Join the Legendary Love Academy HERE for weekly dating and relationship content exclusive to our community.

    Ready to meet and hang with other Legendary Lovers? Join our podcast afterparty club HERE

  • Within every relationship, there comes a point (when we're out of the honeymoon phase) where we settle into a more automated track of relating with one another.

    In this more emotionally bonded place, the sex life of a couple can and often does shift a little. This normal experience, is understood as abnormal because we compare the relationship now to the honeymoon phase and we compare our reality to what we see in movies, tv, social media or assumptions we make about other friends who are in relationships...can really mess with the flow of a connection and disconnect you from the unique truth of how much sex is normal for you as a couple.

    In this episode we cover:

    • Where the idea of "what is normal" comes from
    • Why we compare our relationship reality to a constructed fantasy
    • Your ideal sex life has everything to do with knowing yourself deeply and intimately on an EMOTIONAL level
    • Why it is NORMAL for your sex life to change and vary and how to discuss this without shaming yourself or your partner
    • Why couples get into obligatory sex and why that is damaging to the connection and a huge act of self-abandon
    • Using sex as the gateway to deeper emotional intimacy vs as a way to celebrate the emotional intimacy already present
    • The importance of having sex from a connected INTERNAL place as a way to set the most honest agreements and practices around intimacy.

    Ready for more relational education?

    Join the Legendary Love Academy HERE for weekly dating and relationship content exclusive to our community.

    Ready to meet and hang with other Legendary Lovers? Join our podcast afterparty club HERE

  • In this Power-Couple pre-game we're going there, we're talking about the healthy role masturbation plays when it comes to properly vetting someone in the dating phase.

    We share personal stories about how we've both individually cultivated a more shame-free relationship to our own sexuality and how to generate a devotional "self-love" practice on the regular ;)

    In this episode we cover:

    • The timeline of sex and dating is a completely personal one and how to decide what is truly aligned for you
    • The difference between compulsively masturbating to AVOID reality and intentionally masturbating to CONNECT deeper and more devotionally to yourself, your body, your desires and your reality.
    • Why masturbating is a good addition to your vetting process and how it helps to reveal more information about alignment, respect, connection and trust.
    • Why being super horny might be working against you when it comes to solid relational decisions.
    • The direct correlation between intentional masturbation and romance in the dating and relating spaces.

    Resources cited in this episode:

    Your sexual blueprint quiz: HERE
    Your erotic menu (aka what to do with your blueprint + how to bring it forward with a partner): HERE

    Ready for more relational education?

    Join the Legendary Love Academy HERE for weekly dating and relationship content exclusive to our community.

    Ready to meet and hang with other Legendary Lovers? Join our podcast afterparty club HERE

  • In the final episode in the month of commitment we're exploring the commitment to feeling your feelings when you're fresh into a breakup, in a later stage of an ending or you just plain and simple want to learn how to feel your feelings more fully, and in a safe container aka you're not getting overwhelmed or drowning in the sea of emotion.

    In this episode we cover:

    • The breakup is the shattering of a story, not the shattering of YOU
    • The ability to hold the reality that a breakup is both a death and a rebirth happening simultaneously
    • What the prerequisite is for feeling your feelings fully in a breakup
    • The layers of grief to process and why they are all important for your healing
    • Why feeling your feelings helps you to see more clearly, process more cleanly and create more potently
    • 11 practical steps/tools to explore to help unlock the emotions, process them effectively and build a more friendly relationship with feeling your feelings.

    *Looking for more love and relationship goodies? *


    If you're currently going through a breakup and would like additional support, hop on over to our Heal Your Heartbreak program HERE.

    In this self-study program we guide you through a thorough process for healing your heartbreak in a way that honours your story, your pace and your heart.

    LIVE CLASS: Rebooting From Rejection

    In Kelsey's upcoming webinar Feb 1st 2020, she'll be taking you through the relational guide to dealing with ghosting and rejection.

    Getting ghosted sucks, being rejected is the worst. And building the resilience and confidence from the inside out can be confusing when your self-worth has taken a few rejection blows. In this online class you'll receive the support to navigate rejection and ghosting with grace and confidence.

    As a podcast listener use the promo code: PCP15 for 15% off your registration, all details and registration can be found HERE


    Looking to connect with more cool cats who are speaking this language, doing the relational work and give a shit about growth?

    Ya we thought so. Come hang with us HERE

    Until next week lovers,
    K + J

  • Who we are when we first get together with someone can be very different than who we ultimately become.

    A wonderful example of this is our dear friends Ben and Renae Oosterveld. They've been together for 16 years, have 5 kids and have been through the wild world of personal and relational transformation in that time.

    In this interview we explore the world what it actually looks like behind the scenes of a long-term relationship, when it comes to remaining committed when both people are growing, changing and evolving.

    We also explore what its like when two people who are so different pair up in partnership and how to come together as a team, instead of opposing one another in a ego battleground.

    We loved these two and can't wait to have them back on!

    Connect With Ben and Renae

    Renae's Instagram: Plugged In Parent
    Ben's Instagram: HERE
    Ben's Upcoming March 2020 Event (Kelsey is speaking at): HERE

    Want More Love Education?

    Kelsey's next online webinar class is FEB 1st 2020 and we're diving deep into GHOSTING and REJECTION.

    Grab your spot HERE and use the promocode: EARLYBIRD for $15 off (promo code ends Jan 26th)

    Join The Weekly Love Club

    Can't get enough of the show? Us either...plus we just love kicking it with all ya'll, and we do that over in our after-show community.

    We have fun weekly mixers, win sharing, Kelsey does a relationship training every Tuesday paired with our Movie Club...it's a blast..and FREE to join!

    To get in on that goodness follow this link HERE (you will be prompted to answer 2 questions to get in- if you don't answer them we can't approve your request to join the love club. These answers aren't shared with the group, just for Jamie and I to make sure people who actually give a shit about great relationships and legendary love come through the doors).


  • If every couple is a unique pairing, why is it that we have on standard (and very vague) "understanding" of what commitment is in the context of a "committed relationship"?

    To have the most aligned partnership, every couple needs to explore their own personal understandings of commitment and then together come up with a united agreement about what commitment will mean to their unique relationship.

    *In this episode we cover:

    • Why shit comes up after we make bigger commitments.
    • When doubts, fears and insecurities about your commitment pop up, what to do with that material.
    • Why its normal to have doubts even in the most committed and aligned relationship.
    • Our personal examples of how doubts and resistance manifest for us in our relationship and what we do to clear them and stay connected.
    • What healthy commitment actually means and what it looks like.
    • Couple creation exercises to support you in being committed on purpose in your relationship.

    Looking for more relational education?

    Stay up to date on all upcoming trainings, webinars, classes and programs, along with all our weekly blogs and newsletters over at The Legendary Love Academy HERE

    Can't get enough of the show? Us either...plus we just love kicking it with all ya'll, and we do that over in our after-show community.

    We have fun weekly mixers, win sharing, Kelsey does a relationship training every Tuesday paired with our Movie Club...it's a blast..and FREE to join!

    To get in on that goodness follow this link HERE (you will be prompted to answer 2 questions to get in- if you don't answer them we can't approve your request to join the love club. These answers aren't shared with the group, just for Jamie and I to make sure people who actually give a shit about great relationships and legendary love come through the doors).

    See ya there love buttons! xo

  • Commitment is one of those things we know we need to look for, we know we want it, but it's so nuanced that it can be difficult to define what we're really after when we're on the commitment hunt.

    In this episode we explore:

    • What you relationship to commitment is and how being single is a great time to re-evaluate your commitments and re-anchor into what is most important to you.
    • Why being in a committed relationship with yourself is a pre-req to TRUE LOVE
    • Are your commitments genuine soul commitments?
    • How you relate to yourself and your commitments in the presence of someone new can tell you very critical information about relational alignment.
    • Relationships can be containers of self-betrayal and self-abandonment and still be traditionally committed.
    • Aligned relational commitment requires your self-alignment.
    • The process of building up a healthy personal relationship to commitment and how to hold true to that dynamic in a new dating situation.

    Looking for more relational education?

    Stay up to date on all upcoming trainings, webinars, classes and programs, along with all our weekly blogs and newsletters over at The Legendary Love Academy HERE

    Can't get enough of the show? Us either...plus we just love kicking it with all ya'll, and we do that over in our after-show community.

    We have fun weekly mixers, win sharing, Kelsey does a relationship training every Tuesday paired with our Movie Club...it's a blast..and FREE to join!

    To get in on that goodness follow this link HERE (you will be prompted to answer 2 questions to get in- if you don't answer them we can't approve your request to join the love club. These answers aren't shared with the group, just for Jamie and I to make sure people who actually give a shit about great relationships and legendary love come through the doors).

    See ya there love buttons! xo

  • We all know that unless you have a reason to be in communication with an ex (co-parenting, work together, or share a property or pet) that it really isn't the best idea if you're committed to healing and creating a more aligned love vision in the future.

    In this final episode for 2019 we dive into the world of how to not text your ex when you're feeling the impulse to, and how to be with the underlying emotions in a way that creates more alignment, clarity and power for your new decade ahead.

    In this episode:

    • Breakups are already destabilizing and over the holidays these feelings can get amplified. So your feelings to reach out are very normal and common.
    • What to do with the impulse and feelings in a way that doesn't reinforce more self-abandonment and internal rejection.
    • The shame that comes up in a breakup and is amplified with nosey relatives asking invasive questions or making of side comments can be a very valuable teacher if you know how to use it.
    • Looking back on the decade can help you heal your heart and create a new vision going forward.
    • The 2020 love vision reflection process.

    This will be the final episode until JANUARY 9th 2020!! Enjoy the holidays boos!

    And if you want to get in on our after-show hangout crew hop over HERE since we'll be connecting with every one there until the new 2020 episodes drop!

    Make sure you answer the 2 questions when you're prompted, it's the only way to quality control the group and keep it an emotionally safe space for everyone.

    Happy Holidays friends and all the best for a great start to 2020!!

  • What an absolute honour to close out this decade with another Power Couple Double Date episode with our dear friends Kendra and Jeremy.

    Both Jamie and I were present upon the inception of their love story last year and it was a true delight to sit down with them and hear the full unfolding of their story, the edges they have both had to meet in their union and how their unique pairing has allowed for deep healing and exploration of old material in new and more effective and integrated ways.

    We loved every bit of this playful, silly, deep and inspiring conversation and we know you'll absolutely adore it too!

    •In this episode •

    • The infamous Instagram DM slide that started it all.
    • The willingness to lean in and explore without being super duper attached to a specific outcome and how that shaped their relational unfolding.
    • An unconventional conversation about poop real early in that set the tone of honesty, transparency and connection right away.
    • Real examples of why you don't have to have it all together, be totally happy or completely healed to call in and keep great love worth having.
    • Honest stories of triggering moments and how they have worked with those triggers to create more intimacy and a unified collaborative union.
    • The balance between influencing your partner in a proactive way and allowing for their free will choice to be who they are.

    To stay up to date with these two love nuggets:

    Follow them on Instagram:
    Kendra Adachi: HERE
    Dr. Jeremy Goldberg: HERE

    To get in on all their upcoming goodness:

    Kendra's Coaching Program: HERE
    Sparta Retreat: HERE

  • We're BIG fans of keeping the couple bubble strong, thriving and inpenetrable to outside attacks. The holidays are a time when any cracks in the couple bubble are going to expand and stress the structural foundation of our connection if we don't put some collaborative (and fun) measures in place. In this episode we show you how to do it in our signature way...you know, practical AND fun!

    *In this episode:

    • What is a couple bubble and why is it important?
    • What are thirds and when we mismanage thirds the BIG (*hint* not good) impact on your relationship.
    • What holiday thirds tend to pose the biggest challenge and potential threat to your secure functioning as a couple?
    • How to rev up being teammates this holiday season.
    • How to prioritize quality time in your relationship when your schedule is bananas busy.
    • How to have your partners back when they need it.
    • Your holiday game-plan master plan.


    This Sunday December 15th 2019, Kelsey will be offering an online workshop: Preventing Emotional Manipulation in Your Love Life. If you've been wanting a way to spot those pesky energy vampires, or prevent future woundmating, or just want a BADASS tool kit to get you through the holiday gauntlet of sarcastic comments, intrusive questions about your relationship or relationship status, guilt-trips, falling into old familial patterns (under-functioning, over-functioning, obligation, walking on eggshells, abandoning your truth)...well then this workshop is for you.

    It's virtual, which means you can join from anywhere and you'll get replay access if you're not free for the live session.

    As a listener to the pod you can get 15% off with the promo code: PCP15 when you register your spot HERE

    Can't get enough of the show? Us either...plus we just love kicking it with all ya'll, and we do that over in our after-show community.

    We have fun weekly mixers, win sharing, Kelsey does a relationship training every Tuesday paired with our Movie Club...it's a blast..and FREE to join!

    To get in on that goodness follow this link HERE (you will be prompted to answer 2 questions to get in- if you don't answer them we can't approve your request to join the love club. These answers aren't shared with the group, just for Jamie and I to make sure people who actually give a shit about great relationships and legendary love come through the doors).

    See ya there love buttons! xo

  • We hear this shit all the time "ugh, dating is just so hard" "it sucks out there" "people are the worst"....and you know what? We're so done with it. Yup. Those beliefs aren't coming through with us into this new decade. Nope. No room on the love bus for that baggage anymore.

    Here is the deal friends, when you don't like your life, dating is going to be a fucking drag.

    It's pretty hard to vet someone properly when we're too consumed with how shitty things are, how everyone lets you down and why there are no good humans in the dating pool.

    So, in this episode we tackle the importance of being in fabulous alignment with your life first....then stepping into dating.

    We cover:

    • The pathway to heartmate town and healthy partnership is designing your life in a way where you actually like being in your life day to day, FIRST
    • What is really under the behaviour pattern of finding fault with people, being overly "picky" aka critical of new people you meet.
    • Why learning to love your own life gives you an easier access point to cultivating more joy, gratitude and kindness with others.
    • Living a life of gratitude is a practice in presence which is ESSENTIAL when dating so you get to know the REALITY of someone instead of a projected FANTASY.

    Please excuse Jamie's sniffling...he had a legit sneezing attack mid-podcast and while we got the ahhhchooo's out, the sniffles couldn't be helped ;)


    Just in time for the holiday season we have a 12 Dates of Gratitude Challenge! All of the details, downloads and materials will be available in our after-show community.

    To get in on that goodness follow this link HERE (you will be prompted to answer 2 questions to get in- if you don't answer them we can't approve your request to join the love club. These answers aren't shared with the group, just for Jamie and I to make sure people who actually give a shit about great relationships and legendary love come through the doors).

    See ya there love buttons! xo

  • As we have seen, woundmates are a doozy. They hook us in all sorts of unrelenting ways right on down to the end. The back and forth. The on again off again. The hot breakup sex. The unclear boundaries. The deep desire to keep the energetic "hit" going even as the relationship crumbles.

    Yup. Thats a woundmate breakup.

    In this episode we explore:

    • Why woundmates are so hard to break up with

    • Why woundmate breakups are highly dysfunctional, volatile and do a number on your system

    • What is actually behind the intense impulse to stay friends with an ex

    • What conditions make it appropriate to stay friends with an ex

    • How heartmate breakups look and feel and the process they willingly walk when it comes to healing and resetting

    • If you're going to be legit friends with a ex, an effective breakup-friends protocol to follow

    • If you're going through a woundmate breakup, the protocol to assist your healing and move you towards heartmate territory in the future.

    Are you in our Legendary Love Club?!?

    It's the after show hangout for all ya'll to meet, connect, jam about the episodes, get access to our movie club (think movies meets relational education training...ya it's a super funzie mashup, and it's FREE). The more the merrier!!

    To get into the group you have to answer the 2 questions (don't worry we don't share these) as a way to make sure all the peeps in the love club are there for similar and aligned reasons.

    Get into the FREE Love Club HERE

  • In this episode we dive more deeply into the complex nature of woundmating and trauma bonding. It can be scary to think we're stuck as a woundmate once we've had one or two woundmatey experiences.

    But good news, it's not a fixed identity, and the degree of woundmating or heartmating that comes through a unique relational pairing has loads to do with how two people's energies, stories, histories and personalities jive.

    ***In this episode we cover:

    • Why the labels of woundmate and heartmate are actually more fluid than you may think.
    • Having woundmate relationships doesn't doom you for your relational future and some proactive aspects to have on your radar to heal and integrate from these woundmate dynamics
    • Common characteristics that make woundmating appealing to have on your radar.
    • When we heartmate- what that looks like and common characteristics to have on your radar.
    • Our "Anti-Woundmate Diet" + Heartmate Manifesto

    ***Mentioned in this episode:

    To download the FREE Anti-Woundmate Diet + Heartmate Manifesto click HERE

    If you're not already over kicking it with us and all the other amazing love legends in our Podcast After Show Party Facebook Group, come join us!

    Every week we do a movie club which includes a LIVE session with Kelsey, plus other relational and podcast discussions!

    When you request access you'll be prompted with two questions to answer. We only accept requests from those who have answered them. These answers aren't shared anywhere in the group, but act as the door person to ensure the community remains energetically aligned, clear and a safe relational space for all the best kinda weirdo's ;)

    Get in on it HERE

  • Processing, processing, processing. If we're always processing, when are we actually living? Actually experiencing? Actually ENJOYING our relationship?

    Yup you guessed it. We're not.

    But that can change, first we must create more awareness around what is really going on, and we're here to help you do that this week!

    ***In this episode we cover:

    • When woundmates are actually aligned what that looks like.
    • How excess processing can be a bypass to true intimacy and being an active participant in our own lives.
    • Why conscious couples get all high and mighty about their non-stop processing parties, and what that actually *might* mean about the reality of the connection.
    • What to do if you and your partner are looping in processing processes and how to move towards repair more effectively.
    • The link between non-stop processors and woundmates
    • The link between conflict repair and heartmates
    • The difference between how woundmates and heartmates approach vulnerability, trauma and triggers.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Ready to join our aftershow club? Next movie club session is Tuesday! Hop in there to be part of the magic!

    Get in on all the goodness HERE!

  • New Month: Woundmate vs Heartmate

    **In this episode we cover:

    • The green flags of a heartmate
    • The red flags of a woundmate
    • Why woundmate attractions can sneak up on us and how to prevent the ambush of a woundmate
    • The link between woundmates and energy vampires
    • The honest underlying feelings that are active in a woundmate connection
    • Why we all dream of a heartmate but fall for woundmates
    • The importance of understanding your love template when it comes to filtering out the woundmates and more importantly doing the healing to no longer find woundmates attractive
    • How to align within yourself for a heartmate connection
    • How to vet and align in the dating phase for a heartmate connection

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Ready to join our aftershow club? Next movie club session is Tuesday! Hop in there to be part of the magic!

    Get in on all the goodness HERE!

  • Welcome to the absolute funniest dating episodes to date.

    In this show Jamie reads our communities real life dating stories, while providing his signature comedic flair, commentary and insights guaranteed to make you LOL (or legit pee your pants with deep belly laughter).

    From stories about a 69 tinder date/car hijacking, to a Target lover date gone real wrong, to a date with a virtual reality adult entertainer, to the forbidden teenage love car chase... all of these stories are beyond wild, hilarious and legit WTF moments.

    If you need a genuine laugh or want to hear other stories that make you feel less alone with some of your dating nightmares give this a listen.

    Want more of Jamie and his brilliance?

    - Apply to work with Jamie HERE

    - Join the email list HERE (Early access to the Love Legends Membership will be shared exclusively to our newsletter posse).

    - Get in on the after-show Facebook group HERE (be sure to answer the preliminary questions when prompted to receive access to the love club)