
  • In this episode, I challenge the common assumption of what it means to be a leader, and make an uncomfortable proposal:

    Most leaders are not actually leading.

    This episode explores what real leadership looks like, and how to cultivate the qualities that make a true leader.


    Peace, Power.


    Do the Work - Links Mentioned

    Apply for Private Mentorship: Intake FormSign up for the next Pure Power Activation: ActivationJoin the Community: The Power Field


    00:00 What is Leadership

    03:55 The Masculine Polarity in Leadership

    08:35 The Esteem Trap

    13:45 Thought Leadership - are you really Leading?

    18:20 Leading Your Business through Challenges

    24:05 Actionable Steps to cultivate Leadership Qualities

    Key Highlights:

    What is Leadership?: Unpacking the true definition of leadership as guiding others into new territories, rather than just following trends or managing external surroundings.Polarity of Leadership: The relationship between masculine energy, electricity, and the act of leading. How penetrating a space with clarity and conviction is a key trait of leadership.Thought Leadership: A critical look at how many thought leaders fail to lead with new, edgy perspectives, instead regurgitating information.Examples Across Fields: From business to politics to spirituality, I propose that true leadership is rare and discuss how to cultivate it.

    Action Steps:

    Journaling Prompt: Reflect on where you are truly leading people. Examine the evidence from past experiences and decide how you can lead with more boldness and clarity.Lead with Surplus Energy: Explore how personal leadership requires a surplus of energy, grounding in your own expertise before guiding others.

    Work With Oliver:

    Private Mentorship: If you are ready to step into deeper leadership, apply for Oliver’s private mentorship, designed for business leaders, spiritual guides, and creators who are ready to lead with confidence and conviction.Pure Power Breathwork Ceremony: Reset your energy and clear any blocks in your leadership path by joining the next breathwork session.
  • I propose that most people in modern society are trapped in an “esteem circus”: a constant loop of trying to perform in order to receive validation, to shore up low self-esteem.

    In this episode, I discuss the concept of real esteem and how it differs from the esteem circus that is prevalent in our society.

    Real esteem is characterized by solidity, reliability, and a natural happiness that radiates from within. It is not based on external validation or material possessions.

    Cultivating real esteem involves clearing out repressed pain and filling oneself up with one's own energy. We must face our worthlessness and dig through the layers of pain, in order to recognize our true nature and find deeper solidity.


    Peace, Power.


    Do the Work - Links Mentioned

    Apply for Private Mentorship.

    Sign up for the next Pure Power Activation.

    Receive the Journaling Practice for Clearing out Subconscious Blocks.



    The Esteem Circus


    Hallmarks of Real Esteem


    Real Esteem and Success


    Cultivating Real Esteem


    Flushing Out and Filling Up


    Facing Worthlessness and Recognizing True Nature


    Committing to the Inner Work


    Real esteem is characterized by solidity, reliability, and a natural happiness that radiates from within.Cultivating real esteem involves clearing out repressed pain and filling oneself up with one's own energy.Facing our worthlessness and recognizing our true nature is essential in cultivating authentic esteem.Committing to the inner work of cultivating authentic esteem is a transformative process that requires time and dedication.


    esteem, real esteem, authenticity, self-recognition, self-worth, self-acceptance, self-love, inner work, pain, consciousness, transformation

  • Episodes manquant?

    Cliquez ici pour raffraichir la page manuellement.

  • Our whole world is built on relationships. As we master human relating, we master an essential part of life.

    My guest today is Om Rupani. Om teaches workshops in BDSM and man-woman relating, and his expertise and insight is extremely timely and relevant to improve our relationships across the board: whether it be in the boardroom, the bedroom, or with our friends and family.

    Join us as we dive into the art of containment and speak about three foundational models for any successful relationship.

    You will gain insight into what causes relationships to break down and what makes them flourish, why we shouldn’t encourage emotionality in men, what it takes to lead a relationship effectively, and so much more.


    Peace, Power.Oliver

    >> Find Om’s Man-Woman Evaluation Form here: Man-Woman Relating: Om's Evaluation Form


    >> Om Rupani Workshops: https://omrupani.org/

    >> Om Rupani on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/om.rupani.1


    >> Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/olivervillwock/

    >> Work with me: fill this intake form and we speak: https://olivervillwock.typeform.com/to/NWPN51Ho

    >> Or join the Pure Power Community, the Power Field, and receive daily trainings, challenges, the monthly activation & access to a vibing space of co-creators at currently 111 EUR / month: https://thepurepower.thrivecart.com/powerfield/


    Self MasterySpiritual PracticeRelationship MasteryPolarityOm RupaniContainmentPrinciples of RelatingSpiritual Business

    This is NOT a Podcast like On Purpose with Jay Shetty, The Tony Robbins Podcast, The Aubrey Marcus Podcast, The School of Greatness by Lewis Howes or the Mindvalley Podcast by Vishen Lakhiani, but more like “The Pure Power Podcast” by Oliver Villwock.

  • When Michelangelo was asked how he carved the statue of David, he answered: “it’s simple. I just remove everything that is NOT David.”

    If we want to experience full expansion both on the level of the soul and the level of the business, we must act like Michelangelo, and carve our own essence out of the stone.

    The first and quintessential step is to recognize our true nature: The David within the block of marble. In our case, feeling our soul, and the unique reflection of divine qualities that shines through our being.

    Once we connect with our true nature, we must ferociously, fearlessly and decisively cut away everything that doesn’t belong, and direct our efforts toward amplifying our essence - through the business, through our relationships, through everything that we touch.

    Join me in today’s episode, and learn about how the work WORKS.


    Peace, Power.



    00:00 - 03:25 How the Work Works03:25 - 09:13 The Power of Self-Recognition09:13 - 17:32 Changing Our experience: Outer vs Inner17:32 -29:43 Cutting Away what Does not Serve Us29:43 - 35:20 Strategy, Energy, and Execution35:20 -35:20 Conclusion


    >> Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/olivervillwock/

    >> Work with me: fill this intake form and we speak: https://olivervillwock.typeform.com/to/NWPN51Ho

    >> Or join the Pure Power Community, the Power Field, and receive daily trainings, challenges, the monthly activation & access to a vibing space of co-creators at currently 111 EUR / month: https://thepurepower.thrivecart.com/powerfield/


    Self MasterySpiritual PracticeSelf RecognitionSoul BusinessInner FreedomElevation of ConsciousnessWealth ConsciousnessSpiritual Business

    This is NOT a Podcast like On Purpose with Jay Shetty, The Tony Robbins Podcast, The Aubrey Marcus Podcast, The School of Greatness by Lewis Howes or the Mindvalley Podcast by Vishen Lakhiani, but more like “The Pure Power Podcast” by Oliver Villwock.

  • If we do not deeply look at our inner world, we live 99% of our lives out of our psychological patterns ⏤ and we won't even be aware of it.

    How, then, to be free, and what awaits on the other side?

    My guest today is Pema Gitama from WildTantra. Pema is an amazing tantra teacher, an inspiring author, and a friend.

    We share an insightful and deep conversation around true freedom: that is, living in the truth of our being, free from our self-constructed prisons.

    Expect to learn about the structure of psychological patterns, how to recognize and move beyond them, how to break free from social conditioning, and how to harness the power that comes from it in a way that is beautiful and beneficial.


    Peace, Power.


    00:00- 02:51 Introduction02:51 - 07:37 How much of our Lives do we live in Patterns?07:37 - 24:57 Examples of Social Conditioning24:57 - 41:57 Moving beyond Patterns and into Freedom41:57 - 58:30 Escaping the Pendulum


    >> WildTantra: https://wildtantra.com/

    >> Pema Gitama on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pemagitama/


    >> Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/olivervillwock/

    >> Work with me ⏤ fill this intake form and we speak: https://olivervillwock.typeform.com/to/NWPN51Ho

    >> Or join the Pure Power Community, the Power Field, and receive daily trainings, challenges, the monthly activation & access to a vibing space of co-creators at currently 111 EUR / month: https://thepurepower.thrivecart.com/powerfield/


    Self MasteryPsychological PatternsMoving beyond PatternsShunyataSpiritual PracticeSelf RecognitionSoul BusinessWild TantraInner FreedomElevation of Consciousness

    This is NOT a Podcast like On Purpose with Jay Shetty, The Tony Robbins Podcast, The Aubrey Marcus Podcast, The School of Greatness by Lewis Howes or the Mindvalley Podcast by Vishen Lakhiani, but more like “The Pure Power Podcast” by Oliver Villwock.

  • Expand BOTH the Soul, AND the Business ⏤

    That’s what we’ve been talking about this whole time, and it is not just a nice thing to say, but an actual practice.

    Today, I am joined by my dear friend and former Pure Power client Vera Schmid.

    Vera is a spiritual mentor leading an international community with God’s love and grace, and supporting her clients to come into love, inner stability and trust beyond measure.

    In our work together, Vera decided to go “all in” on her inner realizations, and take them all the way through her business offerings, marketing, relationships, standards and boundaries, and her whole life changed.

    Join us for this intimate talk, reviewing the core changes that have supported Vera to blossom in all aspects of her life.


    Peace, Power.



    >> Vera Schmid on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/veraschmid_/


    >> Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/olivervillwock/


    This podcast is sponsored by Pure Power Coaching.

    >> If you would like to be supported in expanding your soul and business, fill this form and let’s have a chat: https://olivervillwock.typeform.com/to/NWPN51Ho

    >> Or join our Pure Power Community, the Power Field, and receive daily trainings, challenges, the monthly activation & access to a vibing space of co-creators at currently 111 EUR / month: https://thepurepower.thrivecart.com/powerfield/


    Self MasteryHolistic SuccessSoul BusinessDevotion in BusinessNew EarthSpiritual MentorshipElevation of Consciousness

    This is NOT a Podcast like On Purpose with Jay Shetty, The Tony Robbins Podcast, The Aubrey Marcus Podcast, The School of Greatness by Lewis Howes or the Mindvalley Podcast by Vishen Lakhiani, but more like “The Pure Power Podcast” by Oliver Villwock.

  • The Basis of all Mastery: is our inner Majesty.

    Can I relax into the knowledge that life is here for me, loves me, supports me, is deeply friendly and caring and kind?

    Can I feel this, and resonate into it, until it becomes an integral facet of my being and embodiment, and I can rest on the royal throne of divinity?

    Today’s conversation with Solara Sophia Rose is a real gem.

    Solara is the CEO of Liquid Nirvana, The Diamond Octave, Eternus Agency, a best selling author, a modern day spiritual mentor.

    We share a deep dive on spiritual embodiment, and the actual practice behind mastery, synchronicity, magic, and majesty.

    Enjoy this powerhouse conversation, and may it activate you into your own brilliance and mastery.

    Peace, Power.



    >> Solara’s website: https://solararose.com/

    >> Solara on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/solararose/


    >> My website: www.thepurepower.de

    >> Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/olivervillwock/

    >> Apply to work with me: https://olivervillwock.typeform.com/to/NSvVon9e


    Self MasterySpiritual EmbodimentNondual AwarenessGrounded SpiritualityIntegrating Nondual InsightSpiritual LifeSpiritual BusinessPeak PerformanceHow to live in the grace of our Spirit

  • “The Soul” has become quite a fashion word.

    Many people are speaking about “soul business”, “soul food”, “soul music”, etc. - but few actually have direct experiential access to that very ground of our being. We are talking about sacred depth, but often engaging it in ways that are shallow and profane.

    The soul can, and should be, experienced directly. It is our bridge into infinity, and into liberating our potential of pure power.

    Join me for an intimate talk on how to reclaim our soul in ways that are both real and tangible.

    ENJOY this episode, and if you do, leave a review and share with your friends.

    Peace, Power.



    >> Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/olivervillwock/

    >> Work with me: https://olivervillwock.typeform.com/to/NSvVon9e

    >> Join the Pure Power Community: https://thepurepower.thrivecart.com/powerfield/


    Self MasteryHuman PotentialPeak PerformanceConfidence in LeadershipSoul BusinessManifest your Dream LifeLiving Life in CeremonySpiritual BusinessGrounded SpiritualityModern Tantra

  • “What you don’t own, owns you.”

    Our sexuality is what has birthed us all into life. And yet, we see tremendous suppression - and huge untapped potential for awakening and freedom - in our modern world and society.

    Today, I am joined by my friend Aaron Kleinerman. Aaron is a best selling author, facilitator, and coach. He helps humans to not only have great sex and love deeply, but also lead with power and vulnerability.

    We share a spicy conversation around sexual liberation, and how accessing all parts of our life force energy can turn us into more confident, powerful, open, embodied and effective human beings.

    ENJOY this episode!

    Peace, Power.



    >> Aaron’s website: https://aaronkleinerman.com/

    >> Aaron on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thesoulnavigator/


    >> My website: www.thepurepower.de

    >> Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/olivervillwock/

    >> Apply to work with me privately (from 5k EUR): https://olivervillwock.typeform.com/to/NSvVon9e

    >> Join the Pure Power Community (from 111 EUR): https://thepurepower.thrivecart.com/powerfield/

    Content Pillars:

    Self MasterySexual EducationTantraHow to liberate your life force energyHow to increase confidenceHow to move beyond shameSpiritual businessLeading from the soulGrounded spirituality

  • Every day is ceremony.

    It is totally possible to live in attunement with sacredness, ease, and overflow; however, it takes pristine awareness, integrity, and intention.

    My guest today is Anniek Gavriilakis. Anniek is a professional ritual designer, mother of two, lover of life, and published author. She is also one one of my early Pure Power clients.

    Join us for an intimate conversation on the beauty of life, living in ceremony, effortless attraction of opportunities, the importance of speaking truth, and many other themes.

    Enjoy this episode, and if you do, leave a review and share with your friends.

    Peace, Power.



    >> Anniek Gavriilakis on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gavriilakisa/

    >> Anniek’s book (in Flemish): https://www.hetistijd.be/shop-1

    >> A free birthday ritual (in Flemish): https://www.hetistijd.be/cadeau


    >> Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/olivervillwock/

    >> Apply to work with me privately: https://olivervillwock.typeform.com/to/NSvVon9e

    >> Join the Pure Power Community for trainings and transmissions on living powerfully from the space of the soul: https://thepurepower.thrivecart.com/powerfield/

    Content Pillars:

    Self MasteryManifestationHow to manifest bigger opportunitiesHow to attract wealthSpiritual businessLeading from the soulGrounded spiritualityRitual designOpening to the sacredness of lifeSpiritual coaching

  • Most people die around 30, but are only buried at 70. They live in ignorance of their true essence, their freedom, and their power.

    I see it all the time in my work. Powerful entrepreneurs and visionaries - and yet, they fall into the trap of giving away their power to external circumstance.

    “The market is like this.”“The market is like that.”“Here’s why I cannot achieve what I want.”“Here’s why it cannot be done.”

    Join me today as I do my best to dismantle this nonsense.

    You are the INFINITE. (Just as we all are.)

    Remember yourself, and stop playing so small.

    Enjoy this episode, and if you do, leave a review and share with your friends.

    Peace, Power.Oliver



    >> Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/olivervillwock/

    >> Work with me privately (starting at 5k EUR): https://thepurepower.de/private-coaching-with-oliver-villwock/

    >> Join the Pure Power Community (111 EUR): https://thepurepower.thrivecart.com/powerfield/

    Rock it out!!Oliver

  • In a world full of opportunities, are we missing the point ⏤ and not prioritizing what really matters: to create beautiful and powerful family units?

    Today, I am joined by my friend Max Trombly. Max is a teacher and coach, training men and women toward life purpose, emotional intelligence, clarity, intimacy and conscious relationships.

    We share a powerful conversation around the importance of prioritizing family, having kids, and creating fulfilling and deep relationships.

    He says: life is more simple than we make it. Business comes and goes, but even as we move toward success and fulfillment, we should not forget another big arc on the human journey: creating a family.

    ENJOY this fiery episode,

    And if you do, hit subscribe, leave a review, and share with your friends.

    Peace, Power.



    00:00 - 02:52 Introduction02:52 - 09:04 We must prioritize Family09:04 - 14:55 The Time to have Children14:55 - 26:59 The transformative Power of Fatherhood26:59 - 35:01 Stepping into Leadership35:01 - 39:06 Fulfilled Relationships and Performance39:06 - 45:17 Balancing Work and Family life45:17 - 48:34 Navigating the Challenges of Building a Successful Career and Having Children48:34 - 54:03 Love, Intimacy, and Excitement in Relationships


    >> Max’ website: https://www.ashiftinbeing.com/>> Max Trombly on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maxtrombly/


    >> Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/olivervillwock/

    >> About working with me privately: Private Coaching

    >> Join the Pure Power Community for trainings and transmissions on living powerfully from the space of the soul: The Power Field

    ∞Content Pillars

    Self MasteryShould I become a FatherShould I become a MotherFamily PlanningHolistic SuccessCreating Success at Home as well as in the BusinessSpiritual businessLeading from the soulGrounded spiritualityIntimacy and DepthLife Purpose

  • What if your deep dreams were not just your imagination .. but God’s whisper in your heart?

    And how would you live, if you knew with certainty that your deep desires would come true, in the best way possible?

    In today’s episode, I am joined by Riya Sokol. She is a public speaker, an artist, author, and mentor on the topics of tantra, money, and power, and a friend.

    We share a deep conversation about key life moments, how they predicted the future, what it means to live powerfully and in full trust and surrender to God's whisper in our heart, how to distinguish the voice of the heart, and the moment-to-moment practice of closing and opening doorways of creation.

    ENJOY, and if you do, hit subscribe, leave a review, and share with your friends.

    Peace, Power.



    00:00-01:07 Introduction01:07-12:39 Revisiting Key Moments in the Past12:39-18:30 The beginning of a Quantum Leap 18:30-25:45 Bringing Tantra to Wider Audience29:16 - 36:27 Navigating Opposition36:27-49:07 Wealth and Purity49:07-57:26 Listening to the Voice of the Heart


    >> Riya Sokol on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/riya_sokol/

    >> Riya Sokol on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/riyasokol

    >> Riya Sokol website: https://riyasokol.com/


    >> Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/olivervillwock/

    >> Apply to work with me privately: https://olivervillwock.typeform.com/to/GYLe1oZu

    If you enjoy the show, hit like & subscribe, and pay it forward by sharing with your friends.

    Content Pillars

    Self MasteryManifest your Dream LifeFollow Your DreamsHow to Improve IntuitionAttracting AbundanceAttracting WealthMoney MindsetExponential ResultsSpiritual BusinessLeading from the SoulGrounded Spirituality

  • Diamonds are forged under Pressure.

    We are navigating times of rapid and often profound change. There is a way to be overwhelmed and collapse, and give away our light and our sovereignty, and there is a way to ride these initiations as power portals.

    In today’s episode, I am hosting Kristen Stuart, CEO of SacredFemme, activator of divine feminine power and multidimensional mentor and channel.

    We share a potent conversation about how the current times are initiating us into deeper levels of power and self sovereignty, the luminosity of the soul, taking strong decisions, and creating beauty within and without.

    This conversation is an energetic portal in itself, an activation, empowerment and reminder of who you truly are.

    ENJOY, and if you do: hit subscribe, leave a review, and share with your friends.

    Peace, Power.




    00:00 Spirit in Action07:37 Times of Collective Awakening21:38 New Leadership27:24 Diamonds are Forged under Pressure35:25 The Luminosity of the Heart49:21 The New Age?57:23 Polishing the Inner Diamond


    >> Special offer from Kristen:As a listener of this show, claim one month free Membership inside Kristen’s The Channel Collective Membership: https://www.sacred-femme.com/thechannel

    Use Coupon Code: PUREPOWER at checkout.

    >> Kristen Stuart on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_kristenstuart/

    >> Kristen Stuart on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kristenstuart.sacredfemme

    >> SacredFemme Website: https://www.sacred-femme.com/


    >> Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/olivervillwock/

    >> Apply to work with me privately: https://olivervillwock.typeform.com/to/GYLe1oZu

    Thank you for being a part of this journey!


    Self MasteryCultivating Personal PowerTaking Difficult DecisionsNavigating ChangeLeading through FearSelf LeadershipSpiritual PowerSpiritual BusinessDare to be DifferentGrounded Spirituality

  • “If you want to know the secret for success: there is no plan B.”

    In this episode, success mentor and founder of FemmeLux coaching, Krista Weber, takes us on a captivating journey through personal catastrophe and into meteoric success.

    After being initiated by accidents and a cancer diagnosis, Krista found a way to first make peace, and then command miracles. She healed her body and created a coaching business with 3000% year-over-year growth.

    Dive in with us and learn about commitment, growth, overcoming initiations, what the German naked sauna has to do with success, why someone called the police on me, how to overcome plateaus and survive the void.

    ENJOY, and if you do, please hit subscribe, leave a review, and share with your friends.

    Peace, Power,




    00:00 - 03:13 Introduction03:13 - 12:14 Commanding Miracles12:14 - 26:01 Embrace Your Weirdness26:01 - 32:41 Recipe For Success: Being Impossible to Embarrass32:41 - 38:26 Artfully Breaking the Rules38:26 - 52 Overcoming Plateaus and the Void


    >> Connect with Krista on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/femmeluxelife.co/


    >> Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/olivervillwock/>> If you would like to be supported in creating a quantum leap in your business and leadership journey, apply for private coaching here: https://olivervillwock.typeform.com/to/GYLe1oZu


    Self MasteryQuantum LeapsExponential GrowthSuccess MindsetBuilding ConfidenceHow to Trust Yourself to Take Big DecisionsSoul BusinessLeadership

  • Hold it down - the capacity to be calm under pressure, hold firm boundaries, provide safety to self and others, and commit to the groove of your music.

    Today, I am honored to have one of my dearest friends with me on the show, Ryan Simbai Jenkins. Being a kickass bass musician, experienced hypnotherapist and transformational coach, and having grown up amongst tribes in Papua New Guinea, Ryan knows a thing or two about “holding it down”.

    As Ryan puts it, we can only build as high up as we have depth in our foundations. So this, ladies and gentlemen, is a major key for unlocking both spiritual realization and high performance in your leadership and endeavours.

    Jump in with us, and learn about “committing to the groove”, what we can learn from the native tribes in Papua New Guinea, why the capacity for violence is a prerequisite to embodying peace, creating our inner sanctuary and unlocking creative inspiration.

    ENJOY, and if you do, please subscribe & leave a review.

    Peace, Power.



    00:00-01:25 Introduction01:25-11:30 Life and Music: The Bass11:30 - 19:07 Growing up in the Tribe19:07 - 35:38 Why the Capacity for Violence allows for True Peace35:38 - 45:16 Boundaries and Focus45:16 - 51:31 Safety in the Unconscious Mind51:31 - 58:28 Guided Practice: The Sanctuary


    >> Ryan Simbai Jenkins Hypnotherapy: https://hypnotherapyinbarcelona.com/

    >> Ryan on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ryan_hypnoticoach/

    >> Ryan on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rsjenkins


    >> Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/olivervillwock/

    >> Connect with me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/oliver.wock


    This podcast is sponsored by Pure Power Coaching. >> If you would like to be supported in your entrepreneurial & leadership journey and finally get 100% behind your big dreams and projects, fill this form and let’s have a chat: https://olivervillwock.typeform.com/to/NWPN51Ho


    Self MasteryPeak PerformanceTaking Better DecisionsHow to overcome AnxietyHow to Regulate the Nervous SystemHow to deal with StressHow to be a better LeaderHow to inspire others and make them feel safeSpiritual business

  • Here’s an absolute treat for all women and all lovers of women:

    In today’s episode, my dear friend Jasmine Alicia Carter and I take a deep dive into what it means to build a feminine QUEENDOM ⏤ that has space for family life, love, pleasure, connection, AND huge success in the world.

    So often, I see very successful women in their “boss babe” vibe. I respect that, and it takes a lot to build from this place; and yet, at least according to the preference of most women I know, there is something even better available.

    Jump in with us today and expect to learn about feminine embodied business and leadership, the ways and truth of the feminine cycle, menstrual art, cultivating genuine overflow and generosity, infusing your business with care and beauty, and so much more.

    & if you enjoyed this episode just as much as we did, please leave a review and share with your friends.

    Peace, Power.



    00:00-03:03 Introduction03:03-09:24 Generous Overflow09:24-16:01 Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energies16:01-23:18 Honouring the Menstrual Cycle23:18-34:00 Productivity and Precision34:00-50:29 Menstrual Art50:29-54:16 Integrating Business, Relationship and Family


    >> The Sacred Woman Boutique: https://sacredwoman.com/ >> Jasmine on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jasminealiciacarter/>> The Menstrual Art Movement: https://www.instagram.com/menstrualartmovement/


    >> Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/olivervillwock/


    This podcast is sponsored by Pure Power Coaching. >> If you would like to be supported in your journey of liberating your pure power of creation, fill this form and let’s have a chat: https://olivervillwock.typeform.com/to/NWPN51Ho

    >> Or join our Pure Power Community, the Power Field, and receive daily trainings, the monthly activation & access to a vibing space of co-creators at currently 111 EUR / month: hhttps://thepurepower.thrivecart.com/powerfield/


    Self MasteryFeminine EmbodimentBuilding a Feminine BusinessHow to Move Beyond the Boss Babe AttitudePolarity PracticeHolistic SuccessSoul BusinessGrounded Spirituality

    This is NOT a Podcast like On Purpose with Jay Shetty, The Tony Robbins Podcast, The Aubrey Marcus Podcast, The School of Greatness by Lewis Howes or the Mindvalley Podcast by Vishen Lakhiani, but more like “The Pure Power Podcast” by Oliver Villwock.

  • Today’s Topic: Sacred Business Expansion.

    Ever since I started my coaching practice, my core driver has been to bridge spiritual realization and powerful action in the world. And the deeper I go, the more I see: there is a way to create something that is both hugely successful and true to the soul.

    In fact, infusing every aspect of the business with the quality of the liberated soul will make it even more successful, never less. But we are invited to look deep, integrate our shadows, and become meticulous in our frequency.

    Join me today to dive into the art of spiritual high-performance entrepreneurship. And if you wish to put this into practice, you can find all information about current programs below.

    ENJOY! ⚡️∞Oliver


    00:00 Introduction03:17- 10:04 Separation and Growth10:04-16:11 Deeper Levels of Truth16:11-20:05 Revelation of Self20:05-23:01 Infinity Mastermind


    >> Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/olivervillwock/


    This podcast is sponsored by Pure Power Coaching. Here are the options to work together, and uplift both your soul and your business:

    >> INFiNITY - An advanced mastermind for sacred business expansion - is launching end of March. Find all details here: INFiNITY

    >> If you desire a lower-investment opportunity, come join our vibing Pure Power Community: The Power Field


    >> My meditation school, Hridaya Yoga: Hridaya Yoga

    Many Blessings,Oliver

    CONTENT PILLARSSelf MasterySpiritual BusinessExpand your SoulRaise your FrequencySoul Centered LeadershipHeart Centered LeadershipGrounded SpiritualityHigh Frequency Business

    This is NOT a Podcast like On Purpose with Jay Shetty, The Tony Robbins Podcast, The Aubrey Marcus Podcast, The School of Greatness by Lewis Howes or the Mindvalley Podcast by Vishen Lakhiani, but more like “The Pure Power Podcast” by Oliver Villwock.

  • 2024, the year of the dragon: and what a wild dragon initiation it has been so far.

    In today’s episode, I share about my recent separation, the end of an era both in my relationship and in my business, and the beginning of a very exciting new chapter.

    Sometimes, life asks us to step deep into the unknown to discover our true purpose and power. This has been such a moment, and the opening that is starting to present itself feels absolutely incredible.

    Enjoy this episode!

    Peace, Power.

    Oliver 🐺✨


    00:00 Introduction03:17- 10:04 Separation and Growth10:04-16:11 Deeper Levels of Truth16:11-20:05 Revelation of Self20:05-23:01 Infinity Mastermind


    >> Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/olivervillwock/


    This podcast is sponsored by Pure Power Coaching. >> If you would like to be supported in your journey of liberating your pure power of creation and creating your business as a temple for your soul, fill this form and let’s have a chat. Private coaching starting at 7.5k EUR: https://olivervillwock.typeform.com/to/NWPN51Ho

    >> Check out the INFiNITY Mastermind here: https://thepurepower.thrivecart.com/infinity/

    >> Or join our Pure Power Community and receive daily trainings, challenges, the monthly activation & access to a vibing space of co-creators at just 111 EUR / month: https://thepurepower.thrivecart.com/powerfield/

    With so many blessings.Oliver


    Self MasteryNavigating BreakupConscious UncouplingConscious RelationshipTantric RelationshipSpiritual BusinessGrounded Spirituality

  • Welcome to Season Two! Today’s episode is a real gem, and one of my absolute favourite episodes so far.

    I am joined by Dr. Andrea Morningstar and her Husband, Sal Morningstar. Andrea is a 7 & 8 figure business mentor, channel and speaker, and Sal is her beloved co-creator as well as chief of operations in their company.

    We speak about building business from the Truth of Who We Are: from our Eternal Being, and Andrea and Sal offer a powerful transmission of how to bring embodied spirituality into our creations and lead "frequency first".

    Expect to learn about how our perception and frequency change the way the cookie crumbles, what it means to build a business “frequency first” and how that leads to astronomical results, as well as living a life of magic, self realization and honouring the Divine in every moment.

    Thank you so much for joining me, it’s been a real honour to host you.




    00:00 Welcome to Season Two02:29 Layers of Reality11:22 Beyond Duality25:43 Frequency Standards in Business28:56 Truthfulness42:53 Practical Examples56:48 Athletes in the Game of Creation


    >> Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrAndreaMorningstar

    >> Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drandreamorningstar/

    >> Free Group: Rise to Ascend: Rise to Ascend


    >> Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/olivervillwock/


    This podcast is sponsored by Pure Power Coaching. >> If you would like to be supported in your journey of liberating your pure power of creation, fill this form and let’s have a chat: Pure Power - Private Work

    >> Or join our Pure Power Community, the Power Field, and receive daily trainings, the monthly activation & access to a vibing space of co-creators at just 111 EUR / month: Join the Power Field

    Peace, Power.Oliver


    Self MasterySpiritual BusinessQuantum LeapsHow to actually build a successful soul businessHow to lead with frequencyGrounded spiritualitySpiritual embodiment

    This is NOT a Podcast like On Purpose with Jay Shetty, The Tony Robbins Podcast, The Aubrey Marcus Podcast, The School of Greatness by Lewis Howes or the Mindvalley Podcast by Vishen Lakhiani, but more like “The Pure Power Podcast” by Oliver Villwock.