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Today, Brian Tracy teaches the universal law of cause and effect — how success is caused by specific ways of being, thinking, and doing. If there is something you want to accomplish, find someone who has already accomplished it and do what they did. Think the way they thought. And you’ll have what they have.
Source: The Science of Positive Focus - Part 1
Hosted by Sean Croxton
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On today’s episode, Jim Rohn encourages you to accept the polarity of life. In other words, life is full of positives and negatives. You can’t have one without the other. Both are parts of the human experience.
Source: Jim Rohn Challenge To Succeed Fast
Hosted by Sean Croxton
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On today’s QOD, Darren Hardy reveals the first step you must take if you want to change your behaviors. Plus, the most powerful personal development tool he ever discovered.
Source: The Power of Daily Action - Darren Hardy
Hosted by Sean Croxton
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