In this Special Episode (reposted from 5783), we explore the custom to refrain from making Kiddush on Friday night between 6-7pm. Shiur includes the origins of the custom; lenient opinions; the precise time; what to do in Israel; potential Heterim for Shalom Bayis, Guests, and Children.
The initiative to hold public Menorah lightings was controversial. In this special, hour-long episode we explore how, in the years following the launch of Mivtza Chanukah in 1974, Shluchim gradually began to hold public Menorah lightings—and how the Rebbe responded to their critics. (Reposted and re-edited from a Shiur given in 5783)
Episodes manquant?
The Rebbe had a consistent answer to Israeli soldiers who thanked him for sending Shluchim to their bases to arrange Chanukah parties, and that timeless message is key to arranging our own Chanukah parties to the greatest effect. (Reposted from 5783)
A letter from the Rebbe knocks down some of the halachic opposition to electric Menorahs, leaving us with the question: can we use them? (Reposted from 5783)
Based loosely on a Chanukah letter the Rebbe sent the graduating class of Bais Rivka, this Shiur is a deep-dive into the Halacha and Minhag surrounding women and girls lighting the Menorah. (Reposted from 5783)
The Rebbe officially launched the Chanukah campaign fifty years ago to ensure that every Jewish home has a Menorah. We look at letters, Sichos, and stories from that historic moment. (Reposted from 5783)
Is giving gifts on Chanukah a Jewish custom? What can we learn from the long-standing custom to specifically give money ("Gelt")? Reposted from 5783.
The Rebbe's suggestions on how to curb talking during prayer and Torah reading. Plus: Unusually harsh primary sources.
The Rebbe emphasizes the importance of learning the entire weekly portion Torah Or and Likkutei Torah every week, and finishing these books every year--going so far as to equate it with the Takana of learning Rambam.
When individuals asked the Rebbe about getting a license to drive, the Rebbe's answers in letters and private audiences ranged from clear enthusiasm to unqualified refusal.
How can we grow in our Yiddishkeit step by step without appearing hypocritical? Is it not hypocrisy to take on Mitzvos, or to study the inner dimensions of the Torah, before one is living as a completely observant Jew?
Original letters and Sichos for this Shiur and many others available here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12ehoGNXfgJTm4xCQKYNRRBW2E0XMscsL?usp=sharing
Whether in matters of Chassidus or Torah observance itself, the Rebbe insists that we don’t debate—we demonstrate, and let truth speak for itself.
Original letters and Sichos for this Shiur and many others available here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12ehoGNXfgJTm4xCQKYNRRBW2E0XMscsL?usp=sharing
Exploring and explaining the Rebbe's lukewarm attitude toward amulets, despite their long history in Kabbalah. Plus: Two surprising times the Rebbe favored amulets.
Original letters and Sichos for this Shiur and many others available here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12ehoGNXfgJTm4xCQKYNRRBW2E0XMscsL?usp=sharing
Letters discussing segulos for preventing nightmares; Interpretations for disturbing dreams; When to ignore dreams; What to do if you see the Rebbe in a dream.
Original letters and Sichos for this Shiur and many others available here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12ehoGNXfgJTm4xCQKYNRRBW2E0XMscsL?usp=sharing
The Rebbe offers logical and scientific evidence of the mass revelation at Sinai, and explains how Judaism differs from every religion in its unique ability to prove its foundational principles—namely, that the Torah was given directly by G-d to the Jewish people.
Original letters and Sichos for this Shiur and many others available here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12ehoGNXfgJTm4xCQKYNRRBW2E0XMscsL?usp=sharing
Sermons citing Shakespeare and Kosher books with less-than-kosher footnotes: an exploration of the Rebbe's responses to writers and speakers who chose to back up their Torah thoughts with non-Jewish, non-Torah sources.
Original letters and Sichos for this Shiur and many others available here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12ehoGNXfgJTm4xCQKYNRRBW2E0XMscsL?usp=sharing
The colorful history of Chabad Rabbeim and lotteries/raffles, along with a review of letters and other statements that shed light on the Rebbe's perspective on playing the lottery and Divine Providence.
Original letters and Sichos for this Shiur and many others available here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12ehoGNXfgJTm4xCQKYNRRBW2E0XMscsL?usp=sharing
In honor of the upcoming election, a series of letters and Sichos from the Rebbe about the importance of voting and what to look for when deciding on a candidate.
Original letters and Sichos for this Shiur and many others available here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12ehoGNXfgJTm4xCQKYNRRBW2E0XMscsL?usp=sharing
A two-part special episode on Calabria or Yanaver Esrogim, explaining why this particular type of Etrog is preferable even to those grown in the Land of Israel from the same seed line, and why everyone should make it a priority to use an Italian Esrog.
Original letters and Sichos for this Shiur and many others available here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12ehoGNXfgJTm4xCQKYNRRBW2E0XMscsL?usp=sharing
A simple reading of the Talmud and Code of Jewish Law would suggest it is inappropriate to sit in the Sukkah when it's raining. The Rebbe's novel approach explains the Chabad custom. (Reposted from 5784)
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