
  • Unlocking Your Career Potential: 5 Game-Changing Tips They Forgot to Teach Us

    Ever felt like you missed out on a promotion despite putting in your best efforts?

    You're not alone.

    In today's episode, we're diving into a topic that often gets overlooked but is crucial for career success: self-promotion.

    Let's explore how to navigate this often-misunderstood aspect of professional growth.


    1. Embrace Vulnerability

    The Strength in Openness:
    Growing in your career involves embracing vulnerability, especially in challenging situations. Learn to be open and authentic, not just when things go well but when faced with resistance or change.


    2. Connect, Don't Impress

    Building Authentic Relationships: It's not about bragging; it's about making meaningful connections. Discover the balance between showcasing your capabilities and forming deep connections with colleagues. Strategic alliances can be the key to thriving in your career.


    3. Self-Compassion Matters


    Leading with Kindness: Self-compassion is the foundation of leading with confidence. Change the way you speak to yourself and witness the positive impact on your leadership style. Remember, it's not a one-time fix but a journey of intentional self-care.


    4. Courage Over Comfort


    Stepping into Growth: Real growth happens when you step out of your comfort zone. Whether it's having a difficult conversation or standing up for yourself, choose courage over comfort. It's a conscious decision to elevate your internal compass and self-worth.


    5. Balance Mind, Body, Heart


    Holistic Success: Success isn't just about logical thinking; it's a holistic approach. Align your thoughts, actions, and emotions. Listen to your instincts, and recognize that decisions made without considering your entire self may lead to missed opportunities.



    In a world where traditional leadership approaches are evolving, stepping up and leading with confidence is more crucial than ever. The five insights shared today aim to empower you to break through barriers, connect authentically, and transform your career trajectory.


    Take Action:
    Ready to dive deeper into these insights?

    Download the free guide on leading with unshakeable confidence. If you're prepared to elevate your career to new heights, consider joining the Visibility Project—a program designed to provide mind-blowing insights and transformative techniques.

    Remember, your career success is in your hands. Embrace these insights, and let's redefine your professional journey together. Thanks for tuning in, and catch you in the next episode!

  • Sell Yourself Without Selling Out On Your Resume

    Hey, hey, hey, and welcome to the podcast!

    So today, let's dive into the world of selling ourselves on our resumes.

    We'll explore three common mistakes that often stem from that sneaky imposter syndrome.

    First, we'll define them, and then I'll spill the beans on some tips and tricks to overcome these hurdles.

    Because, let's face it, when imposter syndrome creeps in, it's not just about crafting a killer resume; it affects interviews, performance, and even your first 90 days on the job.

    The ripple effect is real, impacting how others perceive you and your journey to success.

    Now, before we plunge in, a quick heads-up: If you're keen on learning more and snagging a free resource to boost your unshakable confidence, even when things get a bit messy, check out the link in the show notes.

    It's not your run-of-the-mill freebie; it's a game-changer, blending strategic wisdom with some essential inner work. 

    Lead With Unshakable Confidence. Even If Sh*t Hits the Fan and Your Inner Critic Throws a Tantrum.

    Alright, let's get back to business!

    So, what's on the resume menu today?

    Here are the three blunders I often spot:


    Misaligned Words:

    The language on your resume might not sync up with the role or salary you're eyeing.

    Saying you're an excellent communicator is like saying you enjoy a good cuppa.

    We need specifics! Who are you communicating with? Executives, directors, the whole gang?

    Align your words with the salary and role you're after.

    Pro tip: Write your desired salary at the top of your resume to keep things in check.


    Zoom Out, Please:

    It's easy to get lost in the nitty-gritty of your tasks, but when you're eyeing a strategic role, it's time to zoom out.

    Your resume should scream big picture, showcasing the commercial impact of your work.

    Focus on the first page – prime real estate – and highlight how your daily grind contributes directly to organizational outcomes.

    Sell yourself like you're the star of a blockbuster trailer!


    Fresh Eyes Needed:

    We often underestimate our own skills because we're too close to them.

    Find someone with a fresh perspective – someone who can give you honest, no-nonsense feedback. Not 20 different opinions, just a couple of spot-on insights to help you shine.

    Remember, your resume isn't just a document; it's your sales pitch.

    If you're considering some expert help, like a co-creation with me, drop a line at

    caroline @ newhorizoncoaching.com.au, and we can chat about it.

    That's a wrap for today!

    If you know someone in need of this wisdom, hit that share button.

    Until next time, take care and talk to you later.


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  • Dancing with My Shadows: Imposter & Self-Doubt


    Hey there, lovely souls!

    Caroline here, and I've got a story to share straight from the heart. Today's podcast is a little different; it's more like a cosy chat over a cuppa.

    So, grab your favourite brew and settle in.

    Picture this: I'm in the creative process, crafting the subtitle for my program, "Rise Up and Lead with Heart." The main title, "Be Unapologetically You," feels spot on. But, oh boy, the subtitle journey turns into a rollercoaster.

    I'm part of this fantastic mastermind group, and I'm feeling pretty confident about my first attempt. Bam! Reality check from the business strategist – not quite there yet.

    Cue frustration, self-doubt, and a touch of blame thrown around.

    Ever been there?

    Here's the kicker: I realised my ego was hurt, and I was reacting, not responding.

    Time to hit the brakes, ground myself, and shift gears.

    It's a conscious dance with your shadows, after all.

    Round two – a revised subtitle, and I'm feeling like a champ.

    But guess what?

    Polite feedback saying, "Go deeper, you're close but not quite there."

    Ouch. The ego takes another hit.

    Now, here's where the magic happens.

    Instead of diving deeper into self-pity, I flip the script to gratitude.

    Grateful for the constructive feedback, for someone genuinely invested in my growth.

    A shift from fear to gratitude – it's a game-changer.

    And that's the nugget I want you to take away.

    When criticism stings or rejection knocks on your door, catch yourself in that story-spinning moment.

    Find a sliver of gratitude – it's a beautiful twist in the plot.

    Let's zoom out for a sec.

    Ever notice how rejection can lead to something better?

    Like those job rejections that later make you say, "Thank goodness I dodged that bullet!"

    Life's funny that way.

    So, here's the deal: in moments of self-doubt, when your inner critic takes the stage, acknowledge it.

    Label those emotions, but then choose to shift.

    Choose gratitude.

    Trust that there's a bigger picture at play.

    Now, if this resonates with you, I've got some goodies lined up.

    First off, a free resource on calming your inner critic – a practical 3-day journey.

    It's not just a PDF; it's a heart-centred practice to reconnect with yourself.

    And for those ready to dive deeper, consider joining "Rise Up and Lead with Heart."

    It's a monthly membership at $49.00.

    We don't just talk strategies; we dive into the emotional rollercoaster of leadership – the stuff most shy away from.

    Think emotional regulation, compassionate leadership, and navigating those challenging moments from the inside out.

    So, beautiful souls, if this strikes a chord, I'd love for you to join.

    And whether you do or not, I'll keep sharing these nuggets right here on the podcast.

    Sending you heaps of heart-centred vibes.

    Until next time, we love, we learn, we rise.

    This is Caroline, signing off. Cheers! 🌟

  • Sorry, Not Sorry: No Apologies Needed


    Have you ever been told, "Will you ever be quiet or tired?"

    It's a feedback loop that can shape your identity, nudging you to conform and dim your light.

    In this journey of self-discovery, I've navigated these waters, learning to break free from the fear of being squashed and embracing a heart-centred approach to leadership.


    The Journey to Authenticity


    Retracting to fit in is a common response to such feedback.

    The challenge is finding the balance between authenticity and intensity.

    In my pursuit, I've committed to certain principles that serve as my guiding light.

    Let me share them with you, with the hope that they resonate and inspire your own journey.


    1. Courage: Be True to Yourself


    Courage is the cornerstone of authenticity.

    Reflect on your words and actions—ask yourself, "Is this the most authentic version of me?"

    Creating space for thoughtful communication, even in leadership, can make a significant difference.

    Strengthen the muscle of courage, enabling you to show up authentically in every situation.


    2. Confidence: Speak Your Truth


    Confidence is a delicate balance. It involves recognizing when you're playing it safe or overdoing it.

    Understanding the source of your actions is crucial. Are you driven by fear or stepping into your greatness?

    Being conscious of this allows you to adjust and find the confidence to speak your truth without offending.


    3. Purpose: Inspire Others


    Connecting with your purpose is the key to inspiring others.

    Unravelling societal conditioning and layers of expectations can be challenging.

    Start by connecting with your heart to understand your true purpose.

    As you align with it, you'll naturally bring confidence and courage to your communication, inspiring those around you.


    Living by the Compass of the Heart


    These three principles—courage, confidence, and purpose—form a powerful compass for navigating life authentically.

    They're not just for leadership; they're for every interaction, every project, every aspect of your life.

    It's about incorporating the intelligence of your heart into your decision-making, moving beyond mere logic and rationale.


    Rise Up & Lead with Heart.


    If these building blocks resonate with you, consider joining Rise Up and Lead with Heart.

    It's more than a membership; it's a community of heart-centred leaders who embrace the courage to be themselves, the confidence to speak their truth, and a purpose that inspires others.

    This is not a quick fix; it's a transformative journey towards a more aligned and fulfilling life.


    Be Unapologetically You


    In a world that often demands conformity, it's exhausting to pretend to be someone you're not. Embrace the heart-centred approach, and let courage, confidence, and purpose be your guiding lights.

    If this resonates with you, the doors to Rise Up and Lead with Heart are open.

    Click the link below, join the community, and start your journey towards authentic and heart-centred leadership.

    With love, Caroline

  • How To Stop Your Negative Looping Thoughts.


    In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to find yourself caught in the endless loop of thoughts, worries, and distractions.

    But what if I told you that there's a simple solution to break free from this mental turmoil?

    It's not a magic pill, but a daily meditation and visualisation practice.

    Before you dismiss the idea, hear me out – it's not just for spiritual gurus; it's a mental health tool that can transform your life.


    The Cloudy Mind Analogy


    Imagine your mind as a vast, endless sky – limitless and expansive.

    However, like any sky, clouds sometimes form.

    These clouds represent the thoughts, feelings, and emotions that naturally arise.

    When left unchecked, these clouds can accumulate, becoming darker and more ominous.

    It's like a storm brewing in your mind, and this is when life starts to feel heavy, difficult, and confusing.


    Clearing the Mental Storm


    Now, let's talk about your daily practice, which for me includes meditation and visualisation.

    This daily ritual helps me acknowledge and clear the clouds in my mind.

    The truth is, these clouds will appear one way or another, but by taking a moment to create space and reflect on them, you can allow them to pass.

    The sun rays of clarity and peace can then shine through.


    Consistency Is Key


    You might be thinking, "Well, that sounds nice, but it won't work for me."

    I'm here to challenge that notion.

    Just as going to the gym daily and practising push-ups increases your strength, the same principle applies here.

    A consistent daily meditation and visualisation practice will transform your mental resilience and clarity.


    The Transformative Benefits


    So, what happens when you incorporate daily meditation and visualisation into your life?

    You'll find that triggers that once drove you mad become less potent.

    You'll build emotional resilience, creating fewer negative stories that replay endlessly in your mind.

    Your focus on your life and career goals will sharpen.

    For me, life feels easier and lighter.


    Important Considerations


    Here are a couple of key points to keep in mind.

    Firstly, daily practice is a commitment, not a quick fix.

    Just as you won't become a fitness guru with one visit to the gym, consistency is essential.

    Secondly, find what works for you.

    Some prefer stillness, while others thrive on guided meditations or walking visualisations.


    Start Slow and Build


    Begin with just a minute and gradually increase your practice.

    The magic is at the other end of consistency.

    As you continue, you'll feel calmer, more at peace, and better equipped to handle triggers and negativity without letting it affect you.


    Cultivating Resilience


    The ability to hold your ground amidst changing circumstances is invaluable.

    Life is full of unexpected twists, be it in your personal or professional life.

    If you're not equipped to deal with these changes, you'll continually be pushed back.

    It's time to give yourself the chance to cultivate resilience.


    Taking the First Step


    It all starts with a simple daily practice and the consistency to stick with it.

    If you're ready to dive deeper, there are two paths for you.

    First, you can join my free practice to calm your inner critic in moments of self-doubt and stressful leadership situations.

    The link is in the show notes.

    Secondly, if you're looking to embrace a heart-centred leadership approach, consider joining "Rise Up and Lead with Heart."

    Check out the link below to explore further.


     In the whirlwind of life, it's easy to get lost in the clouds of our thoughts.

    But by incorporating a daily meditation and visualisation practice, you can clear the mental storm, increase your mental resilience, and lead a more focused and peaceful life.

    It's time to make that commitment to yourself and experience the transformation that awaits.

    With love, Caroline.

  • Today, I want to talk to you about something that's all too relatable – those moments when life gets a little chaotic and our well-intentioned daily practices slip through the cracks.

    It happens to the best of us, and trust me, I'm no exception.


    The Slip-Up


    Not too long ago, I found myself falling into this very trap.

    It started with a series of Halloween parties, a birthday celebration, and the onset of the silly season.

    I indulged a little too much, stayed up way past my bedtime, and, to top it off, I have three early-rising kids.

    As you can imagine, my nights turned into short, sleep-deprived escapades.


    Daily Practices Matter


    Now, let me clarify that there's absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying life's festivities.

    After all, what's life without a bit of indulgence?

    The real issue arose when I let my daily practice slip, and for me, that practice is a combination of meditation, visualisation, and a technique known as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), or tapping.


    The Importance of Daily Practice


    Meditation, even if just for a few minutes, helps me ground myself, focus on where I want to go, and connect with my dreams.

    EFT, on the other hand, is an invaluable tool for clearing emotional blocks.

    If you're not familiar with EFT, I highly recommend checking out some YouTube videos to get a better understanding of this free and effective technique.


    Doubt Creeps In


    So, there I was, letting my daily rituals slip away.

    And here's what I learned the hard way: when I lose touch with my daily practice, I lose touch with my belief in what I'm creating.

    You see, my passion lies in heart-centred work, particularly in the realm of leadership. I'm on a mission to share this work with as many women in leadership as I possibly can.


    Challenges on the Journey


    Why? Because deep down, I know that heart-centred leadership can transform the way we lead.

    It's about moving beyond the purely rational and logical approach to leadership, infusing it with elements of forgiveness, compassion, and courage.

    But in the pursuit of this mission, doubt can be a pesky companion. I often wonder if I can truly make a difference when there are already countless coaches and leaders out there.


    The Inner Critic


    Without my daily connection to my vision, my belief in myself weakens, and my inner critic gains the upper hand.


    Your Inner Struggles


    Can you relate to that feeling when you desperately want something, but late nights, a few too many drinks, or the opinions of others start chipping away at your self-belief?

    It's like a slow erosion of confidence, and if you don't have a daily practice to anchor you, your dream begins to slip through your fingers.


    Staying Grounded


    So, what's the message I want to share with you today?

    It's simple but incredibly important: don't let the silly season or life's busyness drift you away from your dreams and your true self.

    Believing in what you truly want is key, and this is something we often put off until the new year.


    Commit to Your Dreams


    Sure, you can pick things up again in January, but don't forget to reconnect with your dreams now.

    The longer you wait, the wider the gap between you and your aspirations becomes.

    The good news is that even amidst the revelry and festivities, you can commit to your daily practice and keep your dreams close.


    Free Daily Practice


    To help you with this, I've developed a free daily practice that can help you calm your inner critic in moments of self-doubt or stressful leadership situations.

    You can subscribe to receive this valuable resource; I'll leave a link below in the show notes.

    ❤️ Learn How To Calm Your Inner Critic In Moments of Self-Doubt Or Stressful Leadership Situations. 


    Embrace Heart-Centred Work


    If you're looking to dive even deeper into the heart-centred work that has the potential to transform your life, I invite you to explore "Rise Up and Lead with Heart."

    This is your opportunity to unapologetically be yourself, to lead with courage, confidence, and purpose.

    It's time to break free from the ordinary and step into your greatness. The link to join is also in the show notes.

    ❤️ Rise Up & Lead With Heart: https://www.newhorizoncoaching.com.au/rise-up-and-lead-membership 


    So, as you navigate the silly season and the ups and downs of life, remember that your dreams deserve your attention, and they don't have to wait until next year.

    Connect with them now, and watch how they unfold.

    With love, Caroline.

  • How to Navigate Leadership Challenges with Grace


    A while back, someone told me that it's not difficult to be a good leader when things are going well.

    We've all seen it – companies thriving, money flowing, and everyone's enjoying fancy parties.

    But the true test of leadership is how you stand your ground when things get tough.

    In this blog, we'll delve into the essence of heart-centred leadership, exploring how to show up authentically when the going gets rough.


    When You're Triggered


    First, let's think about how you show up when you're triggered.

    Spoiler alert: people can see it written all over your face and body language.

    It's essential to be mindful of this, as it can affect your leadership.

    But don't worry; I've got some strategies to help you handle those moments.


    Calm Your Inner Critic 😮‍💨


    Calm your inner critic and ground yourself.

    Find a good moment to have a conversation with the person who triggered you. It doesn't have to be confrontational – choose a neutral approach.

    It's not always easy, but I've got a free resource on how to calm your inner critic in moments of doubt and stress.

    It's a game-changer for many women worldwide.


    Tapping into Heart Intelligence


    Now, let's talk about heart intelligence. Our hearts have a brain-like structure with neurons, and it plays a crucial role in how we respond.

    Think about it; you can be brain-dead and still live because your heart keeps pumping.

    By tapping into your heart's intelligence, you can access a different level of intuition and make more authentic decisions.


    Shifting Your Approach


    Leading with heart means shifting your approach, especially in changing situations.

    It's about incorporating both your mind's intelligence and your heart's wisdom.

    Sometimes, things may not seem logical or rational, but they mean something.

    Embracing this holistic approach can help you lead with courage and purpose.


    Rise Up and Lead with Heart ❤️


    If all of this resonates with you and you feel there's something missing in your leadership, I invite you to join 'Rise Up and Lead with Heart.'

    This community and membership will help you move away from the chaos of your mind and tap into the wisdom of your heart.

    It's about building emotional resilience and finding a balanced approach to leadership.

    Conclusion: As a leader, it's not just about the good times; it's about how you show up when things are tough.

    It's about responding, not reacting, even when things go sideways. Heart-centred leadership can help you thrive and step up, making you a more authentic and resilient leader.

    So, take a moment to reflect on how you show up in challenging situations, and if you're interested in exploring this further, check out 'Rise Up and Lead with Heart.' It's a new approach to leadership that could be the missing piece in your journey.

    Take care and lead with heart.

    With love, Caroline

  • Struggling to Connect? Why Building a Team or Finding Like-Minded Colleagues Can Be Tough.


    I had an enlightening conversation with my coach and mentor, Sarah Swain, recently.

    We dived deep into the importance of being authentically ourselves in our businesses.

    It struck a chord with me, and I want to share the wisdom I gained from that talk.


    The Essence of Authenticity


    Sarah emphasized the significance of showing up as your true self, unapologetically, and embracing what makes you different.

    It's about understanding that not everyone will resonate with your message, and that's perfectly fine.

    In fact, it's desirable.

    If you blend in with the crowd and play it safe, you won't stand out.


    Not About Seeking Attention


    Now, let's clarify one thing: standing out isn't about seeking attention for the sake of it.

    It's about knowing that you have a unique voice and a message that can make an impact, whether big or small.

    To live your purpose, feel fulfilled, and embrace challenges, you need to be crystal clear about what you stand for and use your voice to attract your tribe.


    Your Tribe and Authenticity


    Your tribe comprises those who resonate with your message and your authentic self as a leader.

    They are the people you want to connect with because it's in our nature to thrive through connections with like-minded individuals.

    In the professional world, many people leave their jobs because they don't find that connection with their colleagues.

    They yearn for a challenging environment and meaningful connections.


    Let Your Light Shine


    The key takeaway from my conversation with Sarah was the importance of using your voice to articulate what you stand for.

    By doing so, you open up the opportunity for your tribe to find you and connect with you.

    It can be intimidating, as being authentic often means sharing your views, which can invite criticism.

    But hiding your true self only keeps you in the shadows, like vanilla in a world of vibrant flavours.


    Be Salted Caramel with a Twist


    Instead of being vanilla, why not be like salted caramel with peanuts on top, drizzled in chocolate, sprinkled with surprises, and filled with rich, delicious depth?

    That's the kind of unique and authentic you that draws people in.


    A Deeper Journey


    If you're ready to take a deeper dive into this journey of self-discovery and authenticity, I invite you to join my membership, "Rise Up and Lead With Heart."

    It's a monthly subscription priced at just $49.

    In this community, we explore heart-centred approaches to reconnect with our authentic selves, leading with courage, confidence, and purpose.




    So, my friends, it's time to ask yourself: where are you playing it small?

    Where are you holding back your truth?

    If this resonates with you and you're ready to grow in this area, consider joining "Rise Up and Lead With Heart."

    It's a space where we'll embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery together.

    Thank you for tuning in, and I'll catch you in the next episode.

    Bye for now! 💕

  • Calm Your Inner Critic as You Begin Your New Job.


    Welcome, lovely souls, to another insightful blog post from the Awakening Your Heart community.

    Today, we're delving deep into the realm of your inner critic and how it likes to make an appearance when you're starting a new job, whether it's a fresh external opportunity, an internal shift, or a well-deserved promotion.

    This is the moment when your inner critic decides to throw a little party, potentially hindering you from reaching your full potential.

    But don't worry; we've got your back.

    This topic came to mind because I'd like to share a valuable three-part practice with you.


    3-Part Practice: Calm Your Inner Critic


    You can access this transformative exercise for free. (Calm Your Inner Critic)

    This practice is designed to help you calm your inner critic and stop it from running the show in those crucial moments of self-doubt.

    Now, let me tell you about Susan, a client of mine who recently landed a fabulous six-figure corporate leadership role as a managing director.

    At first, she was over the moon with excitement.

    But as the days and weeks passed, leading up to her new role, her inner critic took center stage, casting shadows of doubt over her abilities.

    She worried about being exposed as a fraud, suffered from imposter syndrome, and had sleepless nights.

    So, we embarked on a half-day workshop to address this issue.


    Part One: Visualisation Activation


    We kicked off the workshop with an "activation visualisation."

    Susan wasn't exactly the meditating type, but she gave it a shot.

    In just five minutes, this exercise worked wonders, allowing her to connect with her inner truth and explore her deeper self.

    Meditation, after all, involves shutting out external stimuli and diving into your internal emotions.

    When guided properly, this process can take you to profound places beyond what you'd think of with your eyes open.

    The next part was focused on specific guided prompts, which helped Susan unravel the thoughts that had been running on autopilot.

    When you close your eyes and imagine, it's a personal journey of self-discovery.

    Susan gained a lot of insights from this exercise, and it laid the foundation for her transformation.


    Part Two: Power of Circle


    The second part of our exercise was all about the "Power of Circle."

    We examined two scenarios.

    The first scenario was Susan stepping into her new job with her inner critic's negativity on full display – all the thoughts of not being good enough, being exposed, and fearing failure.

    In the other circle, we imagined Susan stepping into her greatness.

    She listed her strengths and accomplishments, and as she did, her energy and confidence soared.


    Part Three: Loving Thoughts


    Now, the last part of the practice is acknowledging the contrast between the two scenarios.

    The first circle dragged her down, making her play small and safe, while the second circle empowered her to shine, be recognized as a thought leader, and take her career to new heights.

    We explored the actions and results of each scenario, making it clear that the energy you bring to a situation can profoundly impact your outcomes.

    The beauty of this exercise is that it helps you become aware of these two circles.

    Once you're conscious of them, you can consciously choose to shift from your victim circle to your greatness circle.

    This shift empowers you to make decisions, lead authentically, and ultimately, reach your full potential.

    So, if you've been battling with a persistent inner critic, I highly recommend giving this three-part practice a try.

    It's a game-changer, and you can find the download link in the show notes.

    Thanks for joining us today, and I hope this practice helps you find your inner strength and tackle those new challenges with confidence.

    Download the practice and embark on a journey to silence that inner critic once and for all.

    Until next time, take care and stay empowered!

    Goodbye for now.

    (Calm Your Inner Critic)

  • Healing and Leading from Scars, Not Wounds.


    Hey, lovely souls!

    Welcome back to the Awakening My Heart Podcast.

    Today, I want to dive into the importance of coming from a scar, not a wound, in your healing and leadership journey.

    Let's get into why this matters so much.


    The Wound vs. Scar Dilemma


    Picture this: You're doing inner healing work, and something comes up that triggers you.

    It's like a fresh wound, still oozing and painful.

    When you choose to work through examples that are still wounds, it can be tough to gain a higher perspective in that moment.

    This applies to all sorts of scenarios, whether it's dealing with a tricky colleague, reflecting on a perceived failure, or a high-pressure meeting.

    The thing is, when we talk about wounds - the recent, unhealed stuff - it's easy to get triggered and difficult to see from a different angle.

    Now, I'm not saying we should sweep those wounds under the rug; we must heal them.

    If we don't, they'll keep showing up.

    But when you're doing practices and exercises, it's smart to start with scars.

    These are experiences you've already made peace with, ones you're comfortable discussing.

    When you heal something that's already a scar, it indirectly creates space to heal those deeper wounds, even if you're not directly addressing them.

    It's a bit like magic, really.

    As you go from a wound to a scar, you start viewing it with more compassion, kindness, and love, and that's what we're all about.


    An Example to Illustrate This


    Let me give you an example.

    I had a client who recently switched jobs, leaving behind a narcissistic boss.

    Every time she talked about it, she was still triggered.

    It was too fresh, still a wound.

    She couldn't see it with kindness just yet.

    In this case, I suggested working on a different past experience, one that's already a scar.

    This helps build your emotional resilience and strengthens your compassion, kindness, and love muscles.

    These inner qualities are essential for you to lead with courage, confidence, and purpose.

    You see, when it comes to inner work, we often focus on strategies for becoming better leaders and being more productive.

    But the truth is, it all starts inside.

    You have to clean up your insides before you can show up differently.

    It's like they say, you need to love yourself before you can love others.

    Self-leadership is the foundation, and when you're hiding parts of yourself, you're not being your true, authentic self.

    I've created a three-day practice to help you calm your inner critic during moments of self-doubt and stressful leadership situations.

    It's based on heart-centred leadership and has helped countless individuals worldwide.

    I'm thrilled to share it with you.

    You can download it for free here: Calm Your Inner Critic: https://www.newhorizoncoaching.com.au/calm-your-inner-critic 

    If you ever find your inner critic getting in the way and want to calm it, this practice is for you.

    Thank you for joining me today.

    Remember, it's all about the journey, and I'm here to support you every step of the way.

    With warmth and love,

    Caroline 💖

  • The Deeper Problem of Feeling Stuck in Your Career


    Unlock Your Authentic Leadership Potential: It Begins Within.


    Hey there, welcome to today's blog where we're going to dig into something that often gets swept under the rug: that feeling of being stuck and the internal tug-of-war that can really slow us down.

    This isn't just theory; this is my journey, and my hope is that by sharing it, you might find some nuggets of wisdom.


    The Disconnect Dilemma


    So, let's start from the beginning.

    I hit a point where I felt like I was in the dark, and the main reason for that was feeling disconnected from myself.

    If you're someone with big ambitions, like me, or if you're in a leadership role, you've probably been there. Ambition drove me to chase external success, but in that pursuit, I lost touch with my inner wants, values, and emotions.

    The result? A nagging sense of emptiness despite the outward achievements.

    This internal struggle created a constant anxiety, a never-ending worry that I might be barking up the wrong tree.

    I've seen this in others, too, where it leads to stress, self-doubt, and self-sabotage.

    What no one really talks about is the energy drain caused by this internal conflict.

    It's that clash between what society deems as success and our authentic selves that triggers stress, anxiety, and a feeling of being trapped in a life that doesn't really fit.


    Coming Face to Face with the Truth


    For me, everything started to change when I decided to take responsibility.

    Blaming everything outside of me wasn't getting me anywhere.

    I had to have a real heart-to-heart with myself.

    Getting in your own way isn't just about battling limiting beliefs; it's also about missing out on opportunities because you're looking through a narrow success lens.

    It's about failing to see all the chances around you because they don't match your preconceived notion of success.


    The Guts to Embrace Authenticity


    Embracing authenticity takes guts and confidence.

    It means making choices that resonate with your values, desires, and purpose.

    Even when everyone and their aunt insists that an opportunity is too good to pass up, if it doesn't feel right for you, be brave enough to say no.

    It might be a bit uncomfortable, but having the confidence to trust in your own truth is the name of the game.


    This Journey Keeps Going


    My journey is still a work in progress, and it's a conscious one.

    When I get triggered, I see it as a chance for self-reflection. It's like playing detective, trying to uncover deeper issues.

    If this all sounds familiar to you, then I want to extend an invitation to join "Rise Up and Lead With Heart," our monthly membership all about heart-centred leadership.

    Inside, you'll get access to masterclasses, heart-centred vision creation, a process to banish Imposter Syndrome, meditation sessions, and the lowdown on leadership strategies in "The Visibility Project."

    If you're ready to jump into this transformative journey, go ahead and explore the membership.

    Thanks for taking the time to read today, and always remember, it's a journey, not a destination.

    With a big, warm heart, Caroline 💖



    Rise Up & Lead With Heart ❤️: https://www.newhorizoncoaching.com.au/rise-up-and-lead-membership 




  • The Key Of Authenticity & Vision in Leadership


    Today, we embark on a profound journey, exploring the connection between your heart-centred vision and your authenticity. For many of us, this connection holds the missing piece to unlocking our full potential and propelling us forward.


    What is a Heart-Centred Vision?


    Let's begin by demystifying the concept of a heart-centred vision. In simple terms, it's a vision that emanates from the deepest chambers of your heart.

    External pressures or societal expectations don't sway it.

    Instead, it's a vision carefully crafted, guided by the wisdom of your heart, and aligned with your authentic self, your true essence.


    The Path to Discovery


    So, how do we arrive at this heart-centred vision?

    It's a journey of peeling back the layers—the layers of conditioning, self-doubt, and the "shoulds" that have accumulated over the decades of our lives.

    This process involves shedding external influences to uncover what we genuinely desire.


    The Challenge of Alignment


    One of the challenges on this journey is the fear of realising that our vision may not align with what we've been doing so far.

    When this revelation occurs, our ego often resists, attempting to shield us from the discomfort of change.

    However, in that crucial moment, you hold the power of choice.


    Signs of Misalignment


    If you find yourself pushing against a constant uphill struggle, seeking new strategies, and feeling like you're not making progress despite your efforts, it may be a sign of misalignment.

    These signs can indicate that your current path doesn't align with your heart-centred vision.


    The Unveiling's Power


    Unveiling your heart-centred vision holds incredible power.

    Once you discover it and make the choice to embrace it, it becomes your North Star.

    It guides your values, your strengths, and how you want them to be reflected in every aspect of your life.


    Embracing Discomfort for Radiance


    Recognise that unveiling your heart-centred vision isn't a magic solution; it's a journey that involves discomfort.

    However, on the other side of that discomfort lies radiance.

    You become magnetic, attracting opportunities and experiences aligned with your true desires and purpose.


    The Essence of Authentic Leadership


    Authenticity is the cornerstone of effective leadership today.

    To stand out as a leader, connecting with your authenticity is paramount.

    Only when you do so can you lead with courage, confidence, and unwavering purpose.


    Accepting Every Facet of Yourself


    A crucial aspect of authenticity is accepting every facet of yourself. It's about acknowledging and embracing your strengths, doubts, imposter syndrome, and even anxiety.

    Rather than hiding or numbing these aspects, accept them as integral parts of your unique self.


    The Journey Continues: Rise Up and Lead With Heart ❤️


    If you're eager to delve deeper into this transformative journey, I invite you to join the Rise Up and Lead With Heart membership.

    Inside, we offer a master class dedicated to helping you create your heart-centred vision. If you'd prefer a one-on-one session, don't hesitate to reach out—I'm here to facilitate that sacred space for you.


    Discover the Power of Heart Intelligence

    The conversations within the Rise Up and Lead With Heart membership go beyond mere strategies.

    Here, we explore building emotional resilience, navigating our emotions, embracing our whole selves, and activating our heart intelligence.

    It's a sacred space where we support and encourage one another.


    Join Us on This Transformational Journey


    I'm incredibly passionate about this journey and the potential it holds for each of us.

    I hope to see you inside the Rise Up and Lead With Heart membership, where we can explore and unveil the true power of your heart-centred vision together.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Here's to unveiling your authenticity and embracing your unique radiance.

    With warmth and authenticity,

    Caroline 💖

  • Dissolving Blind Spots.

    Today, I want to delve into a profound insight I recently uncovered about myself, how I discovered it, and how it can help you dissolve your own blind spots.


    Understanding Blind Spots

    A blind spot is like that elusive puzzle piece you know is right in front of you but can't quite put your finger on.

    For me, it revolved around a pursuit of success, fuelled by my ambition.

    I was constantly seeking that place of calm, fulfilment, and happiness without the need for ceaseless striving.


    The Clifton StrengthsFinder Assessment

    My journey of self-discovery led me to the Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment.

    I had previously taken it and highly recommend it.

    It reveals your top strengths, and for me, one stood out—maximizer.

    Maximizers aim to turn something strong into something superb, a trait that resonated deeply with me.

    I applied it to my business, work, and coaching, always striving for excellence.


    Uncovering the Shadow Side

    However, here's where it gets interesting.

    Every strength has a shadow side, a dark counterpart.

    Psychologist Carl Jung introduced this concept, and for maximizers, it includes being overly picky, never satisfied, and taking on too much.

    This shadow side explained my relentless pursuit of success my insatiable need for more.


    The Power of Labeling

    The key to unravelling your blind spots is labelling.

    Once you can identify and label them, they lose some of their power.

    It's like shedding light on the darkness within.

    You don't need to take the Clifton StrengthsFinder to label what's showing up for you.

    Recognise it—be it anxiety, a craving for success, or any other emotion.


    Making Informed Choices

    When you label your blind spots, you gain awareness.

    With awareness comes choice.

    You can choose whether to let these patterns control you or whether to make changes.

    This is where your power lies.

    You have the ability to change the narrative, make different choices, and yield different outcomes.


    Empowerment Through Awareness

    Life often feels like it's on autopilot, where we're powerless, merely reacting to circumstances.

    But the beauty lies in bringing the unconscious to the surface and becoming aware of it.

    This awareness grants us the ability to reclaim our power and steer our lives intentionally.


    Your Journey to Dissolving Blind Spots

    Now, consider what's currently bothering you and where it stems from.

    What information does that discomfort hold?

    Once you've identified it, label it.

    Acknowledge it when it shows up.

    Then, make a choice—let it control you or take a different path.


    Embrace the Journey

    If this process resonates with you, consider joining me on the Rise Up and Lead With Heart journey.

    It's a space where we explore our behaviours, ask questions, share, and embrace vulnerability—all with the aim of making courage, confidence, and purpose our guiding lights as leaders.

    Your power lies in self-awareness, in the choices you make, and in your capacity to evolve into a better version of yourself.

    Embrace the journey, and let's dissolve those blind spots together.

    Caroline 💫

    Rise Up & Lead With Heart ❤️: https://www.newhorizoncoaching.com.au/rise-up-and-lead-membership 

  • Bouncing Forward from Burnout: A Heart-Centred Journey


    Hello there, lovely souls! Welcome to another episode of The Awakening My Heart podcast. I'm Caroline De Kimpe, your host and the founder of Rise Up and Lead With Heart.

    Today, I want to take you on a journey through my personal experience of bouncing forward from burnout.

    It's a topic close to my heart, and I hope it resonates with some of you.


    Understanding My Burnout

    Before we dive in, I want to clarify something. Burnout comes in various forms and intensities. What I experienced might not apply to everyone, but I believe that sharing my journey could offer inspiration and insights to those who need it.

    For me, burnout initially felt like a disconnection from my true passions and desires.

    I was relentlessly chasing success, feeling exhausted, and struggling with physical symptoms.

    I knew something had to change because I wasn't the person I wanted to be.


    First Steps to Bounce Forward

    Here are the steps I took to bounce forward from burnout, which might resonate with you:


    1. Letting Go of Obsessive Behaviour: Obsession often drove me to push myself relentlessly.

    To break free, I had to let go of this behaviour consciously. Acceptance was key; it's okay not to focus on something all the time.


    2. Creating a Heart-Centered Vision: My previous vision was ego-driven and competitive.

    I needed to craft a heart-centred vision that resonated with who I truly am. This vision aligned with my mission to inspire heart-centered leadership.


    3. Detaching from External Validation: I detached myself from external markers of success like podcast listens or membership sign-ups.

    It's about being content with the journey itself and trusting that the right people will resonate with your message.


    4. "This or Something Better": I embraced the mindset of "this or something better."

    It created space for possibilities beyond what I could currently see.

    This mindset shift can apply to many areas of life, like job promotions.


    5. Creating a Mind Movie: Using Canva, I made a mind movie—a short video with inspiring visuals and words. It served as a daily reminder of my heart-centred vision and kept me motivated.


    6. Observing Self-Doubt: I became vigilant about self-doubt and imposter syndrome. Instead of letting these thoughts consume me, I observed them with curiosity and sometimes sat with them, accepting that they were part of my journey.


    Join the Heart-Centred Journey

    If you're intrigued and want to explore heart-centred leadership further, consider joining our Rise Up and Lead

    With Heart membership. It's a space where we go beyond strategies, diving deep into the essence of heart-centred leadership.

    It's a journey of growth, self-discovery, and connection.

    Remember, you're not alone on your path to bounce forward.

    Your unique journey is valuable, and there's wisdom in every step you take.

    Sending you love and light,

    Caroline 💫

    Rise Up & Lead With Heart ❤️: https://www.newhorizoncoaching.com.au/rise-up-and-lead-membership 

  • Cultivating Creativity and Stillness: The Art of Heart-Centered Living


    Hey there, beautiful souls! Welcome to another episode of The Awakening My Heart podcast. I'm Caroline De Kimpe, your host and the founder of Rise Up and Lead With Heart ❤️.

    Today, I want to dive into a topic that's incredibly important in our busy world - the art of cultivating creativity and stillness in our lives.

     The Creative Magic of Stillness

    Have you ever noticed that your most brilliant ideas often come when you least expect them? It's like a light bulb moment in the shower, during a long bath, or even while you're lost in thought during a bus ride. These serene, quiet moments often lead to bursts of inspiration and creativity that flow effortlessly.

     Embracing the Challenge

    Despite knowing the power of stillness, many of us struggle to embrace it fully. Our world celebrates hustle and productivity, pushing us to constantly be "on."

    However, I've discovered that forcing solutions rarely works. True clarity often emerges when we shift our focus elsewhere and embrace stillness.

     A Message from the Universe

    This morning, I pulled a card from my daily dose of positive thoughts deck. I had set the intention to receive a message that would guide me for the day.

    The card I drew was titled "being," and its message felt like a gentle reminder. It encouraged me to trust that simply "being" is enough.

     Cultivating Presence and Gratitude

    In response to this message, I've made a conscious effort to cultivate stillness in my daily life. My meditation practice plays a significant role in this journey.

    Additionally, I'm actively embracing heart-centred living, which isn't always easy for someone accustomed to constant thinking and doing.

     Practical Steps to Embrace Stillness

    If you're on a similar journey, wrestling with the concept of stillness, here are some practical steps to consider:

    Breathe: Whenever you need to ground yourself, take three deep breaths. Feel the air filling your lungs, express gratitude for it, and allow it to anchor you in the present moment.Connect with Nature: Spend quality time in nature. It's a natural way to calm your mind and reconnect with your heart.Practice Gratitude: Cultivate a daily gratitude practice. When you express gratitude for the beauty around you, you shift your focus from past regrets and future anxieties to the here and now. Embrace All Aspects of Yourself

    Remember, it's essential to embrace every facet of yourself, even the parts you might perceive as flaws.

    Self-doubt, imposter syndrome, and anxiety are all part of your unique journey. Loving and honouring all aspects of yourself is the path to authenticity.


    Join the Heart-Centred Leadership Journey

    If you're ready to delve deeper into heart-centred living and transform your approach to leadership, I invite you to join me on this incredible journey.

    In the "Rise Up and Lead with Heart" membership, we go beyond the noise of endless strategies. Our focus is on reconnecting with our true selves and embodying heart-centred leadership.

    This isn't about being a guru; it's about growing together, bouncing forward, and showing up authentically. If this resonates with you, you'll find more details and the membership link in the podcast description.

    Thanks for spending this precious time with me. Remember, you're not alone on this journey; we're here together.

    With love and light,

    Caroline 💫

    Rise Up & Lead With Heart ❤️: https://www.newhorizoncoaching.com.au/rise-up-and-lead-membership 




  •  Effective Tools for Managing Anxiety and Finding Inner Peace

    Hey there, friends! Today, I want to have a heart-to-heart and share with you my five trusty tools that I turn to when I need to soothe my anxiety and rediscover that inner peace we all crave.

    You know, life can get a bit overwhelming, and I find myself trapped in my head more often than I'd like.

    But you know what? I'm definitely not alone in this, and that's why I want to open up and let you in on my secret toolbox for grounding myself when things start to feel like a chaotic whirlwind.


    Why It's Important to Ground Yourself

    Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of these tools, let me explain why this is crucial for me.

    When I'm stuck in my head, it's like a slippery slope. I go from feeling grounded and connected to floating in a sea of anxious thoughts.

    It's not a pretty sight, let me tell you.

    I become irritable, short-tempered, and that's not the version of me I want to be.

    So, having these tools at my disposal is like having a lifeline to pull me back when I start to drift away.


    Recognising the Signs of Anxiety

    First things first, it's essential for me to be aware of the signs when anxiety starts to creep in.

    For me, it often manifests as tension in my jaw, raised shoulders, and a stiff neck.

    Sometimes, it even leads to pesky lower back pains.

    The key is to notice these physical cues and then take action.


    Let's Dive into My Five Go-To Tools:


    Nature Mantra: This one's a real gem. When I'm out for a walk, especially in a nature-rich environment, I use a simple practice I call my "nature mantra." I visualise negativity and anxious thoughts leaving my body through my feet and sinking into the earth. It's a powerful way to ground yourself in the present moment.

    Box Breathing: When I feel my breathing becoming shallow during stressful moments, I turn to box breathing. It's a technique where you inhale for a count of four, hold for a count of four, and exhale for a count of four. This signals to your body that you're safe and helps calm the fight-or-flight response.

    Left Nostril Breathing: This one might sound a bit unusual, but it works wonders. By breathing only through your left nostril, you activate the body's calming response. It's a practice I've come to love and use regularly to calm my nerves quickly.

    EFT Tapping: Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping is like magic for me. Although I do it in the privacy of my home, it's incredibly effective. It involves tapping on specific meridian points on your face while addressing and shifting negative beliefs. It might look a bit strange, but it works wonders.

    Meditation: Last but not least, meditation is my daily ritual. But here's the thing: there's no one-size-fits-all approach to meditation. It's about finding what works for you. It could be breathwork, guided meditations, or simply losing yourself in music. The key is to explore until you find your meditation groove.

    Join Me on the Heart-Centred Leadership Journey

    If you're ready to take your journey to the next level and explore heart-centred leadership, I invite you to join me in the "Rise Up and Lead with Heart" membership.

    It's not about me being the guru; it's about us growing together.

    This community is all about shifting from egocentric to heart-centred leadership, from head to heart, and harmonising ambition with inner peace.

    It's time to awaken the courageous, confident, and purposeful leader within you.

    You can find more details and the link in the podcast description.

    Thank you for spending this moment with me.

    Have a beautiful day, and remember, we're in this together.

    With love and light,

    Caroline 💫

    Rise Up & Lead With Heart ❤️: https://www.newhorizoncoaching.com.au/rise-up-and-lead-membership 



    Transforming Leadership with a Heart-Centred Approach:

    Hey there, lovely listeners!

    Welcome to the very first episode of the Awakening My Heart podcast.

    I'm your host, Caroline De Kimpe, the brains and heart behind Rise Up and Lead With Heart.

    Buckle up, because today, I'm going to share a bit about why this podcast has transformed from "Career Disruptors" to "The Rising Executive" and now "Awakening My Heart."

    If you've been on this ride with me, you've witnessed the evolution, and I want to take a moment to explain why.


    Why Choose a Heart-Centred Leadership Approach?

    You see, I've been in the career coaching and leadership world for over a decade, starting as an executive recruiter and then diving into HR business partnering.

    Throughout this journey, I was all about strategies, personal branding, leadership branding, and mastering the art of office politics.

    But deep down, there was a missing piece I couldn't quite put my finger on.

    I was on a relentless quest to find it, even diving deep into mindset work, but that sense of completion eluded me.


    Finding Inner Peace in Leadership

    I found myself always "on" – watching family movies with my laptop open, playing with my kids while my mind raced with business concerns.

    It was exhausting, and I realised I needed to find inner peace.

    Yes, I'm ambitious, but at what cost?

    I was sacrificing so much, and it wasn't making me happier.

    In my search for inner peace, I stumbled upon the work of Danielle Laporte, a true luminary in this field.

    Her program, the Heart-Centred Facilitators Program, felt like a beacon of light.

    I signed up with the intention of finding that inner peace, but what I discovered was the missing piece in my work.


    Balancing Strategy and Heart-Centred Leadership

    You see, there's an abundance of information about strategy out there, and while it's crucial, it's not the whole picture.

    Sometimes, logic fails us, and we're left grappling with our emotions.

    That's where heart-centred leadership comes in – it's about balancing ambition with inner peace, navigating our internal states, and shifting from a head-centred to a heart-centred approach.


    Join the Heart-Centred Leadership Journey

    So, I invite you to join me on this journey.

    It's not about me being your guru – it's a self-discovery adventure where we define what leadership means to you.

    There's a new way of leadership emerging, one where vulnerability has its place, but we're often so disconnected from ourselves that we forget what authenticity truly means.

    In the show notes, you'll find a link to "Rise Up and Lead with Heart."

    This isn't a traditional teaching course; it's a voyage of self-discovery, pushing your boundaries, and rediscovering your inner fire.

    It's about intentionally designing your career and leadership from the inside out.


    Embrace Heart-Centred Leadership Today

    So, if you're ready to lead with courage, confidence, and purpose, I extend this heartfelt invitation to you. This is just the beginning, and I can't wait to embark on this journey together.

    See you soon, and with much love,

    Caroline 💖


    Rise Up & Lead With Heart ❤️: https://www.newhorizoncoaching.com.au/rise-up-and-lead-membership 




  • 🎙️ "The Lie About Imposter Syndrome That Brings You to Your Knees" 🎙️

    Are you tired of feeling like an imposter, doubting your abilities, and holding yourself back from reaching your true potential? 🤔

    Join us on our latest podcast episode as we uncover the truth about imposter syndrome and debunk the myths that have been holding you hostage. 💡

    Discover why imposter syndrome loves to strike when you're on the brink of greatness and how it particularly affects women breaking barriers. 💪

    I'll share a powerful reframing technique that will help you take control of those self-doubts and embrace new possibilities with confidence. 🌟

    Tune in to this inspiring episode and let's conquer imposter syndrome together! 🎙️✨

    Work With Me:

    💫 Rise Up & Lead, The Movement: Helping women in middle and senior management who are tired of playing small become empowered leaders with unshakable presence and confidence.  https://www.newhorizoncoaching.com.au/rise-up-and-lead-membership 

    💫 Free Guide:: Rise Up & Lead: Discover the 5 strategies that empower women in middle management to lead with courage, confidence and purpose. https://www.newhorizoncoaching.com.au/rise-up-and-lead 

  • 🔍 Navigating the Maze: Unleashing Your Influence through Developing Executive Relationships 🔍

    Ready to unlock your true potential and make an impact in your career? 🚀

    Join us on this powerful podcast as we reveal the secrets to mastering upward management and increasing your influence within your organisation's senior leadership team. 🌟

    Discover the game-changing strategies and how it can skyrocket your influence. 🌍📈

    Say goodbye to missed opportunities and hello to strategic success! 🌠 Join us on this podcast episode! 

    Work With Me:

    💫 Rise Up & Lead, The Movement: Helping women in middle and senior management who are tired of playing small become empowered leaders with unshakable presence and confidence.  https://www.newhorizoncoaching.com.au/rise-up-and-lead-membership 

    💫 Free Guide:: Rise Up & Lead: Discover the 5 strategies that empower women in middle management to lead with courage, confidence and purpose. https://www.newhorizoncoaching.com.au/rise-up-and-lead 

  • Ready to hear an inspiring story of triumph over exhaustion and career growth? Tune in to our latest episode: "The Exhaustion Battle: How Sara Went from Ready to Quit to Top Promotion."

    🤔 Why are you tired? 🤔

    In this episode, I share Sara's story as a middle manager who had high standards but was unsupported by her team and unappreciated by her boss. But hold on tight because 18 months later, she proudly announces her promotion as the first-ever commercial director APAC! 🎉

    Discover the breakdown of Sara's transformation as we dive into the strategies that turned her exhaustion into success! 

    Work With Me:

    💫 Rise Up & Lead, The Movement: Helping women in middle and senior management who are tired of playing small become empowered leaders with unshakable presence and confidence.  https://www.newhorizoncoaching.com.au/rise-up-and-lead-membership 

    💫 Free Guide:: Rise Up & Lead: Discover the 5 strategies that empower women in middle management to lead with courage, confidence and purpose. https://www.newhorizoncoaching.com.au/rise-up-and-lead