Psychoanalysis applied outside the office.
O The VS Podcast é um programa semanal onde podes esperar uma incrível mistura de entrevistas com líderes de desenvolvimento pessoal e especialistas internacionais em saúde holística e bem-estar. Deixa um comentário e avalia o podcast, porque juntas vamos inspirar cada vez mais pessoas.
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Um podcast com histórias de partos mágicos, positivos e empoderadores, pela voz de quem os viveu.
Queremos mostrar-te que é possível ter experiências boas, independentemente da realidade onde vivemos. Queremos que estas histórias inspirem famílias e ajudem a mudar a narrativa do parto sofrido e assustador que se tornaram comuns.
Se nos quiseres apoiar a continuar com este projecto podes deixar o teu contributo na nossa página do Patreon - - e se queres contar a tua história envia-nos um e-mail para . -
The Plantbased, Not Perfect podcast is all about striving to be our healthiest selves, while living in the real world. With a master's degree in Technical Writing, Elizabeth explains complicated health topics in a format that is easy to digest. After her mom almost died from congestive heart failure caused by a root canal infection, Elizabeth became passionate about living a healthy lifestyle free from disease. This led her into the plantbased world and eventually inspired her to create #plantbasednotperfect - a sustainable way of living a plant-centric life that doesn't strive for perfection - just encourages making healthier choices to help achieve optimal health. Podcast topics range from health and wellness, plantbased studies and interviews, to food and finances, emotional and mental health, skincare and everything in between.
a safe space to dive deeper into the journey of pregnancy. motherhood. healing. spirituality. self love. self evolution. and more. follow along for more on tiktok / instagram: @_alexandrawdawson Support this podcast:
I’m Darin Olien, the “Superfood Hunter.”
If you’re looking for motivation to take the next step towards a happier, healthier life then you’re in the right place.
On this podcast, you’ll hear honest conversations with extraordinary people that educate and inspire me. We cover everything from nutrition and mental health to sustainable ways of living.
We also dive into life's Fatal Conveniences™. These are the things that we're doing or consuming in our day-to-day life that may actually be harming us, or the Earth. -
Desmistificar e apresentar novos pontos de vista sempre foi algo que me deu um gozo incrível e isso deu origem a um livro... do livro ao podcast foi uma escolha rápida para que mais pessoas possam ponderar e reavaliar a sua perspectiva e o seu caminho sempre argumentando porque quem cala, consente. Aqui quero primeiro ensinar-te a estar consciente na tua vida, depois a dominar a tua vida e por fim a criar um Plano para viveres em Pleno.
Simple Ayurveda is here to make ancient science easy to understand, relatable and totally possible for you to apply into your modern day life so that you can be your healthiest, most vibrant self. Angela Perger is an Ayurveda practitioner, professor of holistic health and mother of two.
Grab the free resources over at or follow @angela.perger on Instagram. -
Welcome to the Health with Michaela Podcast! Your host is Michaela Horvathova, a wellness coach, business mentor, and one of the voices behind the 2 Sober Girls Podcast. Join her on this transformative journey to unlock your full potential and embrace a healthier, happier life. Michaela delves into a wide range of topics, from health and wellness to beauty, skincare, parenting, manifestation, daily routines, and transformation. It's all about empowering you to take control of your life and become the best version of yourself. With her multifaceted approach, this podcast is your go-to source for living your best life, inside and out.
Explore holistic health with Cynthia Thurlow, a seasoned Nurse Practitioner, and an expert in intermittent fasting and nutrition. As a 2x TEDx speaker and author of the best-selling book, "Intermittent Fasting Transformation: IF:45", Cynthia offers a wealth of knowledge in health and wellness. Her specialty intermittent fasting programs have empowered countless women to take the reins in their wellness journey and propel them toward optimal health. Cynthia's core mission is to help women understand and achieve optimal wellness. Through the Everyday Wellness podcast, she provides accessible, engaging content on the benefits of intermittent fasting and holistic health. Her approach combines practical strategies with insightful education, making her podcast a valuable resource for those seeking a healthier, more fulfilling life.
Changing the cancer paradigm. - The Cancer Secrets Podcast, hosted by Dr. Jonathan Stegall - MD and Integrative Oncologist - is designed to give cancer patients and their loved ones hope, support, and a voice they can trust.
Hosted by Megan and Dr. Alex, this podcast is perfect for leaders, practitioners, and coaches who are looking to transform themselves and the world around them.
With 15 years of experience in functional medicine and brain-based habit change, Megan and Dr. Alex know a thing or two about transformation. They’ve been there themselves, and they’re not afraid to share their raw and vulnerable truths to help you along your journey.
This podcast is for those who are ready to roll up their sleeves and participate in their own transformation. Megan and Dr. Alex will guide you through the process, sharing their own pitfalls and successes along the way. -
Get the spiritual support and perspectives to start healing your anxiety so it doesn’t wreck your life anymore! You will be inspired and motivated to build a deep and powerful relationship with yourself so you can self-soothe anywhere, anytime! Emilie Clarke is an Anxiety survivor, Spiritual Guide and Anxiety Coach, and the founder the Axe Your Anxiety Bootcamp. She is dedicated to helping amazing women who suffer everyday from their anxiety to live an aligned, freedom based and happy life… along side their anxiety. Each episode is packed with love, support, education and laughs!
Doug Stephan, along with Dr. Ken Kronhaus and Dr. Jack Stockwell, review the latest peer-reviewed and alternative health news and take listener calls.
Em o Ser Desperto, reflexões e conversas,
convido todas as mulheres a embarcarem em uma jornada de autoconhecimento, empoderamento e despertar espiritual.
Sempre com o objetivo de motivar Mulheres para através desta busca, caminhar em direção ao seu propósito, seja como pessoa, seja empreendendo.
Apresentação Silvia Ligabue: Psicóloga Transpessoal e escritora.
Instagram: @silvialigabue_
Patrocínio: -
Jeremy Quinby has been an Integrative Health Specialist for nearly 25 years. In 2014 he became involved in numerous projects across the country exploring better care delivery, vetted local health networks, and the development of a health improvement system as an alternative to our current system of managing care. The Highway to Health Podcast was born out of this, an extension to his 20 year career helping individuals and families become healthier in their day to day lives. His intention, which will be more clear after listening, is to broaden the view of what we call health, to educate, and to encourage all of us to build a healthier, more connected world around ourselves.
Consciência é Prosperidade Support this podcast:
LONGEVITY with Nathalie Niddam is your go-to podcast for diving deep into the science and practices for increasing your longevity and healthspan. This podcast covers topics from nutrition, biohacking, longevity, peptides, bioregulators, cutting edge research, health technology and more! Nathalie Niddam is a certified nutritionist, as well as a epigenetics and human potential coach.
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