
  • Episode Summary:

    In this episode, we have the pleasure of speaking with J.P. Keating, a prominent figure in the supply chain and mobility sectors. J.P. shares his extensive career history and provides deep insights into the rapidly evolving world of supply chain technology, mobility startups, and the complexities of navigating these industries. From discussing the sexiness of supply chain tech to addressing the critical challenges and sustainability considerations, J.P. offers a comprehensive look at the present and future of these dynamic fields.

    Key Topics Covered:

    Career Background:P. Keating gives an overview of his career journey and experiences that have shaped his expertise in supply chain and mobility sectors.Supply Chain Technology:Why supply chain tech is one of the most exciting fields in technology today.The impact of recent advancements and why people should be excited about this sector.Evolving Mobility:Navigating the complexity of mobility startups amidst advancements in autonomous vehicles, electric vehicles, and other technologies.Regulations and Policies:The importance of understanding regulations and policies when building or investing in companies within the supply chain and mobility spaces.Challenges in the Sector:Unique challenges faced by startups and investors in supply chain and mobility compared to other sectors.Technology Evolution:How technologies like human-less electric cargo planes evolve compared to software MVPs and iterative testing.Resilience to Disruptions:Assessing the resilience of supply chain startups to disruptions caused by global events like the COVID-19 pandemic.Sustainability Initiatives:Evaluating the sustainability practices of companies in the supply chain and mobility industries.Economic Impact:The importance of supply chain and mobility to the overall economics of cities and countries.How the adoption of new technologies can impact GDP.Global Interest:Identifying the regions and stakeholders most interested in supply chain and mobility technologies.Philosophy on Success:P. shares his philosophy on "stacking bills without anyone knowing who you are" and its implications for business success.Exit Strategies:Discussing the preferred exit strategies for companies in the supply chain and mobility sectors.IPO vs. earlier round exits.Value to Founders:Why founders should be excited to have J.P. and his team on their cap table.Success Stories:P. shares a compelling story of a company he worked with or one in the supply chain and mobility space.Connect with J.P.:How listeners can learn more about J.P. Keating and his current projects.

    Listener Takeaways:

    Gain insights into the cutting-edge developments in supply chain and mobility technologies.Understand the challenges and opportunities in navigating these rapidly changing industries.Learn about the importance of sustainability and regulatory knowledge in building successful startups.Discover the economic impact and global interest in supply chain and mobility advancements.Hear real-world success stories and practical advice from an industry expert.


    P. Keating's LinkedIn
  • LinkedIn Profile: Ms. Thelma Ekiyor-Solanke

    Episode Summary

    In this episode, we dive into the Nigeria Office for Philanthropy & Impact Investing (NPO) with distinguished panel members Ms. Thelma Ekiyor-Solanke, Ms. Ayodele Olojede, Ms. Elizabeth Oguegbu, and Mr. Tola Adekunle-Johnson. They share insights into the NPO's objectives, strategies, and initiatives aimed at fostering job creation and economic growth in Nigeria.

    Key Questions and Topics DiscussedIntroductionsMs. Thelma Ekiyor-Solanke: Chairperson of the NPO, providing a brief overview of her role and background.Ms. Ayodele Olojede: Representative from Wema Bank and NPO Implementing Committee member, sharing her expertise and involvement.Ms. Elizabeth Oguegbu: Representative from Access Bank and NPO Implementing Committee member, introducing her role and contributions.Background and History of NPOThe origin and evolution of the Nigeria Office for Philanthropy & Impact Investing.The role and significance of the NPO in Nigeria's economic landscape.Coordination with Public OfficeHow the NPO collaborates with the Vice President's office to streamline efforts.The integration of public and private sector initiatives.Organizational Goals and StrategiesPrimary objectives of the NPO and the strategies in place to achieve them.Key focus areas and intended outcomes.Pipeline of Companies and Resource NeedsDeveloping a robust pipeline of companies.Resources and support required to scale up job creation efforts.50% Allocation to Women RecipientsDefinition and criteria for women recipients (founders, co-founders, advisors).Long-term goals and impacts of this allocation criterion.Grants and RequirementsConditions and potential matching investment requirements tied to grants.Efficiency in deploying grants to ensure timely job creation.Sector Focus and Decision ProcessSpecific sectors targeted for capital deployment.Rationale behind the selection of these sectors.Potential for Model ReplicationPossibilities of other African countries adopting a similar model.Expected outcomes and benefits for the broader African continent.Investor PartnershipsOpportunities for Silicon Valley investors to partner with and invest in the NPO initiative.Ways to foster collaboration and mutual growth.Growth and Expansion StrategiesPlans for companies to expand into new markets.Strategies for growth and international expansion.Governance and Utilization of FundsAssurance mechanisms for proper utilization of grant money.Governance structures tied to financial assistance.Funding Application ProcessInformation companies need to provide to secure funding.Criteria and eligibility requirements for applicants.Beyond Financial AssistanceAdditional support provided to companies beyond funding.Resources and mentorship available to aid business growth.Role of Technology and InnovationImportance of technology and innovation in the NPO's investment strategy.Future trends and opportunities.
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  • Guest: John Hittler | LinkedIn

    Overview: In this episode, we dive deep into the extraordinary journey of John Hittler, a CEO Trusted Advisor, 9-time Founder and CEO, funding source, author, TEDx speaker, and father of seven. John shares his wealth of experience, insights into leadership, and strategies for balancing a demanding career with personal life.

    Discussion Points:

    Career HistoryJohn provides an overview of his career path, highlighting key milestones and achievements.Time ManagementAs a busy professional with multiple roles, John discusses how he efficiently manages his time and responsibilities.Overcoming ChallengesJohn shares notable challenges and setbacks he has faced in his career and the strategies he used to overcome them.Entrepreneurial StoriesReflecting on the companies he has started, John recounts some memorable experiences and lessons learned.Evoking GeniusJohn explains his motivation for founding Evoking Genius after successfully starting nine other companies.Methodologies and FrameworksInsight into the specific methodologies or frameworks John utilizes with his clients to drive success.Qualities of Successful LeadersDiscussing the key characteristics that differentiate elite leaders from the average person and what makes them successful.Initial Client SessionsWhat a first session with John looks like and how he sets the stage for productive coaching relationships.Leveraging Strengths and TalentsJohn's approach to identifying and leveraging unique strengths and talents within an organization.Finding Balance and Avoiding BurnoutStrategies for supporting leaders in maintaining balance and preventing burnout in high-pressure environments.Client Success StoriesAnonymous success stories showcasing how John has helped clients achieve their goals.Continuous LearningHow John stays informed and ensures his insights and strategies remain relevant in the ever-evolving business landscape.Cultivating Innovation and CreativityAdvice for aspiring leaders or entrepreneurs on fostering innovation and creativity within their teams.Common Challenges and MisconceptionsAddressing common challenges and misconceptions encountered when working with organizations and how John handles them.Misconceptions about CEOsExploring common misconceptions people have about CEOs and the realities of their roles.Connect with John HittlerInformation on how to learn more about John and his current projects, along with contact details for further engagement.
  • Ep 228 Unlocking Venture Capital Insights with Brian Bell: Strategies, SPVs, and Future Trends

    Brian Bell Bio

    Managing Partner at Team Ignite Ventures | ex AI at AWS, Microsoft, and several startups.

    Main Discussion

    Background and ExperienceBrian’s Journey: Brian shares a brief introduction to his background, career path, and how he became a venture capitalist.Venture Capital LandscapeEvolution of Venture Capital: Brian discusses the evolving landscape of venture capital, including current trends and future outlooks.Aspiring Venture CapitalistsStarting in VC: Practical advice from Brian for those aspiring to enter the venture capital industry.Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs)Investing and Managing SPVs: Insights into Brian’s experience with SPVs, including the benefits and challenges.Value-Add for VCsFuture Value-Add: Brian’s perspective on where the most significant value-add for venture capitalists will lie in the future from both the investor and company perspectives.VC BrandingImportance of VC Brand: Discussion on the future significance of having a venture capital brand on a company's cap table.Portfolio ManagementTracking Investments: How angel investors typically keep track of their portfolio companies.Effective Communication: Examples of how companies effectively maintain communication with their investors.Founders Seeking CapitalTiming and Strategy: Brian’s thoughts on why some founders wait until the last minute to seek capital or consider selling their companies.Investment Write-OffsImplications of Write-Offs: The impact of writing off an investment in terms of taxes, returns, and LP reports.Reporting to LPsTypes of Reports: Insights into the types of reports venture capitalists typically provide to their limited partners.NewslettersAdvantages of Newsletters: The benefits for both venture capitalists and founders in maintaining a newsletter.Personal BrandingMarketing Efforts: Brian’s approach to managing his marketing efforts and building his personal brand.Relocation InsightsPros and Cons of Moving: Brian shares his experiences and thoughts on relocating from Silicon Valley, including the pros and cons of his new living situation.Connecting with BrianStaying Connected: Information on how to learn more about Brian and his current ventures, including the best ways to connect with him.

    Connect with Brian


    Subscribe to Brian’s substack https://brianrbell.substack.com/

  • Sara Zare Bio

    Leadership philosophy: Inform, Enable, Empower - and witness the magic.

    Mission: building the "3 Founder Unicorns" community.

    Slogan: quoting Alexander Hamilton -- as he allegedly sang: I am not throwing away my shot!

    Armed with degrees in Mechanical, Electrical, Nano, Bio, and Software Engineering from prestigious institutions in the USA, Germany, and Iran, coupled with fluency in English, German, and Persian, my perspective is detailed and holistic as well as local and global. My insatiable curiosity about human psychology, on top of my background, afford me a unique vantage point on the interplay of engineering, science, and the mosaic of human aspiration, desire, and motivation.

    My track record in the productization of emerging technologies, transformative leadership impacting hundreds of teams at Google and beyond, and an insatiable curiosity for historical reflection and future forecasting, form the cornerstone of my fascination with '3 Founder Unicorns'. A vision of a future where innovation is democratized, enabling the creation of highly profitable startups with minimal capital, at unprecedented speeds. Hence I am building and leading the 'Gen-AI-Enabled Founder Community', where super savvy, creative and capable entrepreneurs gather to teach each other and learn from each other how to build their own Virtual Workforce.

    In this weeks episode, we talk about

    How Ai is impacting Silicon Valley

    The Future of Venture Capitalism and how it will never be the same

    The opportunities for everyone with the power of AI

    Should we afraid of AI

    And Much more…

    Connect with Sara on Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarazare/

  • In this episode of The Silicon Valley Podcast, we delve into the dynamic world of investment banking with the esteemed Vincent Monteparte, a visionary leader with over 25 years of experience in managing strategic enterprise initiatives across various industries.

    Vincent Monteparte serves as a Board Director and Chair of the Audit Committee for Dalrada Financial Corporation (DFCO), a Healthcare, Technology, and Clean Energy Company. Additionally, he holds Board Director positions for Measurabl, a global sustainability SaaS Software company, and Slingshot Aerospace, a computer vision AI SaaS software company for the commercial/government satellite industry. He also serves on the boards of Pepperdine University Graziadio School of Business and the College of Business and Engineering for Embry Riddle Aeronautical University.

    With a background spanning mergers & acquisitions for the middle market, board leadership & governance, market expertise & positioning, and strategic business investment & planning, Vincent brings a wealth of knowledge to the table.

    Here are some key questions we explore with Vincent:

    How early should a business owner start to talk to an investment banker for planning the sale of their business, and when should a company start to prepare for an exit?How important is it for a founder to plan for an exit?How does one think about the valuation of their company?What are some warning signs that an investment banker can see that may indicate a deal will not work?After the sale is complete, what do you want your client to say about you as an investment banker?How will investment banking change with the addition of new technology?

    We also touch on the evolution of investment banking over the years and explore the potential competition between Venture Capitalists and family offices for deals in the future.

    Join us for this enlightening discussion with Vincent Monteparte as we uncover the intricacies of investment banking and gain valuable insights into the world of finance and deal-making.

    Connect with Vincent Monteparte on LinkedIn

  • Ron Whittier Interview Introduction

    Intel Corporation was founded in 1968 by Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore, who left Fairchild Semiconductor to start their own company. In the early years from 1970 to 1978, Intel went through major inflection points that helped transform it from a startup to an industry leader.

    Ron Whittier, who joined Intel in 1970 as an engineering manager, played a key role in navigating many of these pivotal moments. This included instilling the pioneering "Intel Culture" driven by Andy Grove, expanding into new product lines like microprocessors, raising funds through Intel's first public offering in 1972, and then rapidly scaling up design and manufacturing capabilities.

    From 1978 to 2000, Intel experienced explosive growth riding the PC revolution and the emergence of the world-wide web. Ron helped the company successfully navigate through additional inflection points like improving manufacturing processes under Craig Barrett's leadership, the famous decision to exit the DRAM business to focus on microprocessors, developing major marketing campaigns like "Intel Inside", transitioning to being a sole microprocessor supplier, and forming new groups like the Intel Architecture Labs and Intel Capital.

    Through recognizing and deftly navigating these many inflection points, Ron and Intel's leadership team transformed the company into a global technology powerhouse.

    We talked about

    How did Intel balance looking for outside ideas and developing things internally?When you listen to historians talk about the history of Intel, what are they missing or not getting 100% correct?What words do you want to say to the next generation of Intel employees and entrepreneurs out there?Did you ever look at the other companies in Silicon Valley and think that their businesses were being run in ways that you wished to model?

    And much more…

  • Martin Tobias: Navigating the Landscape of Investment and Entrepreneurship

    In the ever-evolving world of investment and entrepreneurship, few voices resonate with the depth of experience and insight quite like that of Martin Tobias. With a career spanning decades and ventures across various industries, Martin brings a wealth of knowledge and a unique perspective to the table.

    A Passion for the Formation Stage

    "I have always been excited in the formation stage of things," Martin shares. "The early stuff. Who is the customer? What is the product? And how do we sell it? That is the part I like." For Martin, the early stages of a venture present the most intriguing challenges and opportunities. It's where decisions are made, bets are placed, and the course of action is charted. Over the years, Martin has been at the helm of numerous ventures, raising over $500M in equity, project finance, and working capital.

    Investor, Mentor, Entrepreneur

    Beyond his role as a CEO and investor, Martin's entrepreneurial journey is peppered with diverse experiences. From owning bars and restaurants to venturing into renewable energy and technology investing, Martin's portfolio reflects his insatiable curiosity and drive to solve complex problems. He has personally invested in over 70 startups and led several through venture funds, all while engaging in charitable endeavors through the Martin Tobias Family Foundation.

    Exploring Industry Dynamics

    In our conversation with Martin, we delved into several key areas shaping the investment and entrepreneurship landscape:

    Evolution of Preseed and Seed Stages: Martin shared insights into how these stages have evolved over the years and the implications for founders navigating early-stage funding.Enhanced Connections Between Founders and Investors: We discussed emerging solutions and trends facilitating better connections between founders and investors, essential for fostering successful partnerships.AI in Investor Meetings: Martin shed light on how founders are leveraging AI to prepare for investor meetings, streamlining the pitching process and unlocking new efficiencies.Opportunities Amidst Global Challenges: Despite the current global landscape's challenges, Martin remains optimistic about the unique opportunities it presents for aspiring entrepreneurs.

    Connect with Martin Tobias

    To learn more about Martin's work and insights, you can connect with him on LinkedIn or visit Incisive VC, where he continues to make an indelible mark on the world of investment and entrepreneurship.

    LinkedIn: Martin TobiasIncisive VC: Explore Here

    In a world brimming with possibilities, Martin Tobias stands as a beacon of wisdom and inspiration, guiding entrepreneurs and investors alike on their journey towards success.

  • Michael J. Firestone, CFA


    Fire Capital Management, LLC is a boutique investment management company that helps people achieve their dreams. We empower our clients to re-imagine what is possible to accomplish with their investments, social impact goals, and family legacy. The firm offers private wealth management and multi-family office services to HNW individuals, families, and foundations. Fire Capital Management is strategically headquartered in the heart of innovation economy, San Francisco, CA.

    Sophie Tsang, MBA


    Sophie’s Civil Engineering background and marketing expertise contribute to her broad understanding and high efficiency in marketing real estate properties. She has been consistently a top performer since 2005, and personally ranks the highest 1% by volume of all Silicon Valley Realtors. Also a WSJ Real Trends 2022 America's Best Honoree.

    As a seasoned negotiator, Sophie’s no-nonsense marketing system and meticulous attention to details have been key success factors. She is known as the The Fixer, or Miracle Worker, frequently helps sellers sell their homes when other agents had failed or given up. She helps buyers get into homes when they previously struggled. 20+ years in Real Estate, Sophie has honed her skills on getting the best possible results for her clients. Her trusted network of vendors and use of cutting-edge technology ensure each step of each transaction is executed to achieve next level result!

    Sophie is a proud parent of 2 Eagle Scouts (in college). She has done guest speaking at Faith Radio, and written a column for World Journal Newspaper to share her Real Estate knowledge. Sophie is a Palo Alto Rotarian and a Paul Harris Fellow, also a Golden Gate Keeper (Golden Gate National Park Conservancy).

    Jeanie (Kim) Colclough


    In my professional role as a travel advisor, I specialize in creating soft adventure experiences for my clients. My favorite types of trips to book include:

    Cultural Immersion Vacations — These trips are designed to get travelers interacting with local people, experiencing cultural events and dining on authentic cuisine.

    Culinary Tours — Perfect for foodies and wine lovers, culinary tours allow travelers to experience the unique flavor of their destination.

    Active Vacations

    As I carve my own path within the travel industry, I have made this quote my motto: "Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind." These words of Seneca define the need for travel as part of our human experience.

    When we book a vacation to a new destination, whether it's a tropical island filled with the potential for relaxation or an ancient city built for learning and exploring, we know we will be changed by the experience. Travelers come home feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, while also yearning for more at the same time.

    Contact me today to book your next adventure! I look forward to helping you every step of the way.

    We discuss:

    What are the most common mistakes people on the panel see people make as soon as they have a large sum of money?

    Depending on the exit price, what are some options a seller must know to do the right things to create generational wealth or maintain the exit for a needed amount of time?

    After they exit their companies or sell a part of them, many people want to diversify their wealth; what are some ways that they choose to do this?

    What issues do they face if they are looking to invest in real estate?

    What about if they want to start investing in real estate projects? Are there any problems they might face?

    If an owner doesn’t properly plan before the sale, what can they do afterward to mitigate taxes?

    The most common thing owners say the first thing they will do after selling a business is to go on a trip. What are things they should consider?

    If there are economic changes, how would they impact the new life of the former business owner? What should a person think or do if their assets from the sale significantly drop?

    What about options for living abroad? What are the first steps someone could take to try life overseas out?

  • Karen (Kovaleski) Traversi, SHRM-CP


    I work with CEOs that are going through transitions or disruptive stages due to M&A activity, growth, upscaling markets or are looking to create value, including start-ups. I am a revenue optimization expert that helps leadership make the right decision for solution & client development as well as integration & cross-functional alignment for efficient revenue growth. I have successfully helped companies ranging in size from start-up to >$100 million as well as those looking to monetize assets such as TMP/Monster.com, Ticketmaster, and Revolution Health Group. Call Me When You Have: • Rapid growth (or market adjustments) which create distraction, missing goal targets, etc.• Turnover with customers or teams, interrupting operations.• A need for integrating departments, increasing efficiencies, and reducing department friction ensuring sales, marketing and client delivery play nice in the sandbox.• A startup needing support in terms of growth and addressing the foundational aspects of a changing organization, including HR/benefits. I work with clients to uncover the core issues/opportunities, set strategy, and execute work as either project consultant, in an ongoing engagement or as a fractional role.

    Angelo DeSando


    Commercial Insurance Specialist - Workers’ Comp Insurance Expert - Exclusive Programs

    DeSando Insurance Services was formed in 1978 by my father, Mark DeSando. I began my career at DeSando Insurance in 2006 assisting my father in varies aspects of the insurance business. I quickly discovered my passion for helping clients protect what matter most to them. In 2008 I transitioned our firm from a captive company to an independent insurance brokerage. I now manage DeSando Insurance Services full time where I have grown the business by offering the best possible solutions unmatched by any of my competitors. I take pride in the integrity and professionalism our firm offers to the marketplace. I greatly appreciate every referral as this has been the building blocks of our foundation. My product of expertise is in workers compensation. I can offer innovative exclusive products that will provide the best solutions for the staffing, construction, manufacturing, distribution, and other blue-collar industries. With this wealth of knowledge, it has helped me dominate and broaden our expertise appetite to include general liability, commercial property, commercial auto, bonding, professional liability and WRAP policies.I take pride in being family owned since our inception and I am grateful it has grown to a second-generation company. My goal is to continue to dominate with our expansion while never forgetting that every client and member of our company is part of the DeSando family. Please contact me if you share my same vision and would like to be apart of the family either as a client, employee, or business partner. We are always expanding!

    John Morada


    As an S&O and M&A executive, I love what I do to grow existing corporations. And I am equally as passionate about growing the next generation of corporations. If you are a startup, I would love to hear what you are working on. Please check out my investing requirements at https://bayangels.com/requirements/ since I am a member of the Bay Angels investing group. If you are a VC looking to get into the Bay Angels deal flow then please send me an email to [email protected]. Or if you have a business that you think would be useful to Bay Angels, I would enjoy hearing from you. Let’s start a thread at [email protected].

  • Tyler Marin, CPA


    Have you ever felt like your business is capable of more but just can't seem to break through to the next level? I'm Tyler, and I turn those "almost there" businesses into flourishing success stories. With more than two decades in finance and entrepreneurship, I specialize in propelling businesses with revenues between $1 million and $15 million to new heights.My Approach: One Clear PathImagine a system so clear and effective that your business's financial uncertainties turn into milestones of success. That's One Clear Path for you. It's a six-step journey tailored to stabilize and amplify your cash flow. Our monthly color-coded scorecard (green for thriving, yellow for caution, and red for critical areas) simplifies complex financial data, ensuring we're always moving forward.How I Propel Your Business:* Transforming inconsistent cash flow into a consistent positive cash flow* Cultivating financial strategies for both short-term and long-term goals.* Elevating your profit margins beyond just 'good enough'.* Aligning your business's financial trajectory with your personal vision.* Streamlining financial processes for efficiency and innovation.* Strategic financial forecasting to prepare you for what's next.* Personalized, experience-backed advice to tackle your unique business challenges.My Credentials:* Founded a CPA firm to grew to 200 clients that led to a successful exit.* Grew a staffing firm from $5 million to a $25 million in revenue that led to a successful exit.* Served as a financial leader in a major non-profit organization.* Active associate board member at a Northern California Credit Union.* Advisory roles in multiple multi-million dollar companies.

    Jane Beule


    Founder and CEO, Griffin Black, Inc. | NAPFA Registered Financial Advisor | CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professional Over the years I have worked on Wall Street and I have worked in tech, but it is my current job that I find most fulfilling. Griffin Black, the company I founded in 2001, is a Registered Investment Advisor. We bring together a love of finance and passion for leveraging technology to help individuals and families make the most of their money and live the kind of lives that they envision.Delivering great financial advice and service, however, requires more than good tools and technical expertise. It takes a real understanding of each individual client’s values, personality, and long-term goals. This human element is what distinguishes a great advisor from the pack, and what enables the creation of a personal financial strategy that has the potential to be implementable and fulfilling, as well as financially sound. Are you hesitant to talk to a human advisor because you think it will be too expensive? (Hint: it needn’t be.) Are you looking for financial support and advice that is truly you-centric? Are you overwhelmed and confused by all of the automated financial tools and investment choices that are being pitched to you these days? If so, we’d be happy to hear from you.

    Sheri Pan, CFP®


    As the founder and CEO, Sheri brings her breadth of knowledge as a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ practitioner to clients, so they can make informed decisions when planning their financial future. Also, her Master’s Degree in Taxation gives her a unique advantage to advice on tax planning. Her many years of experience and education offer her clients many benefits, as Sheri is able to tackle multifaceted tax situations and minimize liabilities. This enhanced expertise makes her an asset to those seeking in-depth tax advice during their careers, before and after retirement, and while they form estate plans. Prior to founding Pantheon Wealth Planning, Sheri Pan took a position at Morgan Stanley. Before long, she realized that while she enjoyed asset management, something was missing in her work. Instead of serving clients through a one-dimensional approach, she came to appreciate the value of building a comprehensive and personalized financial plan to address all of her client’s needs. Sheri’s primary focus is to work with high net worth individuals and families, business owners, executives, and pre-retirees. She’s also a specialist in small business succession planning and employee benefit plans. Her primary role is to be your personal CFO, affording you a stress-free and simplified financial portfolio. Sheri H. Pan is an LPL Registered Representative with and securities and advisory services are offered through LPL Financial, a registered investment advisor. Member FINRA/SIPC.For hyperlinks to FINRA and SIPC, please refer to website section above. Third-party posts found on this profile do not reflect the view of LPL Financial and have not been reviewed by LPL Financial as to accuracy or completeness. She may only discuss and/or transact business wih residents of the following states: AZ, CA, MD, OH, TX, UT, VA, and WI. Financial planning offered through Pantheon Wealth Planning, a Registered Investment Advisor and a separate entity.

    Anna Vorontsova


    CFA Candidate (level I, June 2016)Business Evaluation, Investment Analysis, Corporate Finance, Financial PlanningMaster in Economics (2012, Moscow, Russia)

    We talk about

    Let's start with each person on the panel giving a 30-second intro on who they are and their focus.

    If someone is looking to sell their company, how long in advance should they start to prepare? Is one year enough time, or how long?

    What needs to be done before one decides to put one’s company up for sale? In each of your professions, how would you help a seller prepare? How long beforehand would this take place?

    How does waiting to talk to a financial planner or anyone else on the panel impact the sellers’ options?

    What key questions should a wealth advisor ask a seller about their transaction when they talk?

    Why is the pre-deal valuation important, and what does it involve?

    What are the steps business owners can take pre-deal to reduce taxes during transactions?

    How can valuation help with that?

    How does one “clean up” their financials?

    What are some accounting “tricks” the business owners might try to play to make their financial numbers look better?

    From working with clients or personal stories. With an exit, do you ever hear people saying that they wish they had prepared more, that they wished they had done things differently?

    We talked about preparing for a sale in many areas, but what about the mental and emotional areas that one needs to prepare? How does this come into play when preparing a business?

    Considering the unique dynamics involved, how do you approach preparing a family-owned business for sale?

    What story can you share that has a lesson that our audience can take away with them?

  • Show notes for Amman Ahmed.

    Amman Ahmed is a seasoned entrepreneur with a diverse background in e-business, venture-backed startups, and brand building. With a keen eye for identifying market niches and driving business growth, Amman brings a wealth of knowledge to our discussion.


    The Story of "Petflix", a crazy idea born in Manchester and acquired in Hollywood for 8 figures. Founded by Amman Ahmed, who built 'The 'Netflix for Pets' - relaxing Music and TV created in house based on 8 years of research. RelaxMyDog and RelaxMyCat are the two brands now consumed by 50 million pets around the world.

    With an insanely wild idea, Amman would get laughed at by investors so his only option was to use his own money of £1000 to get this idea off the ground in a lean way.

    By creating his own researching, his own team of international producers and marketers. He scaled the business to a multiple million pound international business without investors. Until catching the eye of a major Rap/Hip-hop record label in Hollywood who went on to buy the business.

    RelaxMyDog and RelaxMyCat was a side hustle for years while he was the founder of another VC backed music discovery app that failed.

    He has experience both sides of the coin, VC backed founder and a bootstrapped founder.

    Questions and Topics covered

    Can you give us a brief overview of your career journey leading up to this point?

    What does it mean to be an "E-Business Specialist," and how did your experience in that role shape your entrepreneurial path?

    Let's talk about venture-backed versus non-venture-backed businesses. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

    When is the right time for a founder to consider pivoting a business versus closing it down entirely?

    What conversations did you have with investors when you knew it was time to step away from a business as a founder?

    How did you discover your niche with Roundwaves, and what aspects of that business did you find most rewarding?

    Building a business on a platform like YouTube can be challenging. What were your experiences and concerns during that journey?

    As a founder, what were the major value drivers of your business that you emphasized to investors?

    Can you shed some light on the role of a brand ambassador and how one can secure such a position?

    MusicForPets versus Roundwaves—what lessons did you carry over from one venture to the other?

    Reflecting on MusicForPets, what aspects of the business do you think could have been improved?

    How was the transition period for you when your company was acquired?

    What advice would you give to a founder transitioning from business ownership to employment in a larger company?

    Looking back at your journey, how would you describe yourself personally during each business endeavor?

    Lastly, what exciting projects or ventures do you have planned for the future?

    Connect with Amman



  • Board Dynamics and Advisory Roles with Louise Broekman

    In this episode, we dive deep into the world of corporate governance and advisory boards with esteemed guest Louise Broekman. Louise brings a wealth of experience and insights gained from her extensive career in board advisory roles. Here's a breakdown of the intriguing topics covered in our conversation:

    Introduction to Louise Broekman's Career

    Louise provides a brief overview of her career journey, highlighting key milestones and experiences that have shaped her expertise in the field.

    Understanding Board Dynamics

    We start with the basics, exploring how boards are set up and the distinct roles each member typically plays within the boardroom.

    Differentiating Observer, Consultant, and Advisor Roles

    Louise clarifies the differences between observers, consultants, and advisors in the context of a board, shedding light on their respective contributions.

    Enhancing Board Member Skills and Continuous Improvement

    Discussing the importance of continuous improvement, Louise shares valuable insights on how individuals can enhance their skills to become more effective board members or advisors.

    Compensation for Advisory Board Members

    Louise addresses the compensation aspect, explaining how advisors typically get compensated for their time and expertise.

    Positive Impact of Advisory Boards on Company Performance

    We delve into the positive changes expected in a company when an advisory board is performing optimally.

    Key Distinctions between Private and Public Company Boards

    Louise outlines the key differences between serving on private boards versus public company boards, providing valuable insights into each setting.

    Barriers to Joining Large Public Company Boards

    Exploring potential barriers, Louise discusses qualifications that might hinder someone from joining the board of a large public company.

    Creating Diversity Within Boards

    Louise shares insights into the process of creating diversity within a board and its significance for effective decision-making.

    Success Stories and Impact of Strong Advisory Boards

    Louise shares a compelling success story where the presence of a strong advisory board led to significant positive outcomes for a company.

    Evolution of Advisory Boards and Future Trends

    Reflecting on the evolution of advisory boards, Louise discusses emerging trends and future projections for the role of advisory boards.

    Challenges for Startups in Managing Advisory Boards

    We explore unique challenges faced by startups when establishing and managing advisory boards.

    Assessing Advisory Board Effectiveness and Governance Best Practices

    Louise provides valuable advice on assessing advisory board effectiveness and optimizing board structures for governance best practices.

    Practical Steps for Aspiring Board Members

    Closing on a practical note, Louise offers actionable steps for individuals aspiring to serve on a board in the future.

    Learn More About Louise Broekman

    Louise Broekman | LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/louise-broekman/


  • Show notes Joe Siencinski 2nd interview https://www.linkedin.com/in/joesiecinski/

    My passion is mentoring CEOs and Executive Teams who want to be in control of the growth and expansion of their business. My clients develop and grow in confidence, agility, awareness, and leadership essentials. One thing is for sure, they expand their influence, communicate more effectively, cultivate strong business and personal relationships, and develop a powerful team so the company can focus on exponential growth.WHAT I CAN DO FOR YOU:

    --------------------------------------------------------powerful tools, time-tested processes, and comprehensive resources, I guide my clients to a great business -- one that is achieving optimal success, as defined by them.MY APPROACH:Exponential growth is attainable. My role is to help you strip away the confusion of constantly changing economic, regulatory, personnel, supply chain, and cash flow issues that can cripple a business. I help you dive deep into the bones of the organization – the framework around which you can set the policies, procedures, systems, strategies, tactical plans, marketing initiatives, sales campaigns, hiring & firing processes, and much, much more. Just like building a house, we’ll start with laying the foundation upon which a sturdy, strong, long lasting, profitable, ethical, respected business can be built.

    We talk about

    The DISC personalities

    When to raise capital

    The power of communication and leadership in a business

    Setting personal goals before business goals

    AI and how it will impact business owner.

    And much more

    Connect with Joe

    ✅Email me at [email protected]✅Schedule a call https://my.timedriver.com/VNTR6


  • Ep 217 Silicon Valley and The Middle East with Fouad Alnazawi and Stephanie Richards

    Guests: Fouad Alnazawi and Stephanie Richards

    Topic: Exploring the unique challenges and opportunities for startups in Silicon Valley and Saudi Arabia, and how collaboration between these two regions can drive innovation and growth.


    Briefly introduce the hosts and the episode's topic.Highlight the expertise of the guests, Fouad Alnazawi and Stephanie Richards, in the startup ecosystems of Saudi Arabia and Silicon Valley respectively.

    Career Journeys and Regional Insights:

    Invite Fouad and Stephanie to share their career paths and experiences in the startup scene.Discuss the distinct strengths and challenges faced by startups in Saudi Arabia compared to Silicon Valley.

    Venture Capital Landscape and Investment Strategies :

    Compare the availability of venture capital and investment opportunities in both regions.Explore the differences in investment styles and priorities between Silicon Valley and Saudi Arabia.Discuss the role of angel groups and recent developments in the funding ecosystems.

    Growth Trajectory and Global Collaboration:

    Analyze the typical growth trajectory of startups in Saudi Arabia and their preferred expansion strategies.Emphasize the importance of global collaboration and partnerships for startups in today's interconnected world.Discuss the potential benefits and opportunities of connecting startup ecosystems on a global scale.

    International Collaboration and Initiatives:

    Highlight existing initiatives or programs in both regions that promote international collaboration among entrepreneurs and tech companies.Share specific examples of successful collaborations between startups from Silicon Valley and Saudi Arabia.

    Regulatory Considerations and Areas of Collaboration:

    Discuss the regulatory landscape for startups in Saudi Arabia and potential challenges entrepreneurs might face.Identify areas where Silicon Valley and Saudi Arabia can collaborate more effectively to drive innovation and growth.

    Challenges and Success Stories:

    Invite Fouad and Stephanie to share personal challenges they have encountered in their roles and how they overcame them.Discuss their approach to measuring the success of companies they work with.Share inspiring examples of successful startups that have emerged from Saudi Arabia and the problems they solve.

    Connecting with the Guests and Conclusion:

    Provide information on how listeners can learn more about Fouad, Stephanie, and their work.Briefly summarize the key takeaways from the discussion and reiterate the importance of collaboration between startup ecosystems.

    Additional Questions:

    Discuss the current emphasis on fostering innovation and entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia and its potential impact.Explore the role of universities and research institutions in supporting the local startup ecosystem.

    Foaud Alnazawi Bio


    Foaud is the Managing Director of Lamarka Consulting Services

    Lamarka is a consultancy firm that provides range of services; we have been helping visionary leaders to unleash growth and development by Crafting Winning Strategies and Implementing them.

    Lamarka is a group that has 2 companies; Lamarka Consulting Services and Lamarka 700. We offer range of services for our clients to improve their businesses and take it to the next level.

    Our purpose is to inspire companies and individuals to achieve their highest potential.

    Our core values are:

    Elevation of StandardsDreams, Creativity and InnovationIntegrityEncouragement of individual initiatives

    Stephanie Richards https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephanieerichards/

    Stephanie has 20 years of experience at the intersection of national economic development and innovation ecosystems. She focuses on the strategy, policy, intelligent capital and international connectivity needed to accelerate young innovation and startup environments. With a background in economics, strategy consulting, entrepreneurship and venture capital, and following nearly a decade as a Middle East and North Africa (MENA) emerging markets and economic development specialist at Monitor Group (subsequently Monitor Deloitte), Stephanie founded her own firm in 2013. She advises and partners with mission-aligned venture capital funds, ecosystem builders, academic institutions and government entities to ensure that pioneering IP, innovation and technologies find a path to international markets and global impact. Stephanie has a particular passion for mentoring researcher-entrepreneurs, building innovator-founder communities, and supporting innovation commercialization and ecosystemic transitions from shallower tech to deeper tech. She serves as an advisory board member, mentor and investor for numerous startups and early-stage companies, and is a business supervisor, guest speaker and regular mentor for entrepreneurial talent at the University of Cambridge Judge Business School. Having been based in MENA since 2005, Stephanie now divides her time between the GCC, the UK (London and Cambridge) and North America (primarily Silicon Valley), actively working to improve collaboration between the diverse set of innovation communities on all three continents.

  • Building Your Tribe, Unleashing the Power of a Startup Wolfpack with Michael Devellano

    Topic: Navigating the entrepreneurial journey, fostering strong communities, and leveraging the power of collaboration.


    Introduce Michael and his background in startups, investment, and community building.Highlight his book, "Form Your Pack," as a guide for entrepreneurs to create and empower their own support networks.

    Building Your Wolfpack:

    Discuss the core concept of the "Wolfpack" and why it's crucial for entrepreneurial success.Explore the book's goal of equipping listeners with tools and strategies to build their own powerful communities.

    Cracking the Success Formula:

    Ask Michael to share his personal insights on the elusive formula for success in the business world.Delve into his unique perspective that goes beyond traditional "hustle" or "innovation."

    Understanding Keiretsu:

    Briefly explain the history and unique structure of Keiretsu, a venture capital firm focused on community-driven decision-making.Analyze the pros and cons of this model for both entrepreneurs and investors.

    YC Meets Wu-Tang Clan:

    Explore the surprising connection Michael draws between Y Combinator, the prestigious startup accelerator, and the legendary hip-hop group Wu-Tang Clan.Discuss the common threads of building strong communities and driving impact through collaboration.

    Power of Public Building:

    Unpack the potential benefits and challenges of building your company "in public," as Michael advocates.Explore effective strategies for engaging communities and leveraging transparency for growth.

    Behind the Board Ape Club:

    Share Michael's perspective on the phenomenal success of the Bored Ape Yacht Club, a community-driven NFT project.Analyze the key factors that contributed to its rise and the valuable lessons for other entrepreneurs.

    Optimizing Your Wolfpack:

    Discuss ideal pack size and strategies for ensuring everyone contributes meaningfully.delve into the process of establishing a shared agenda and aligning individual goals with the pack's mission.

    Beware the Dark Triad:

    Explain the concept of the "three dark triad" personalities (narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy) and their potential to harm a pack's dynamics.Offer tips for identifying and mitigating the negative impact of these individuals.

    Embracing Wrong Decisions:

    Dive deeper into Michael's powerful quote about accepting the risk of making wrong decisions.Discuss the importance of failing forward and learning from mistakes in the entrepreneurial journey.

    Connect with Michael:

    (9) Michael Devellano | LinkedIn

  • Show notes for Adam Coffey


    CEO, Board Member, Best-Selling Author, and Acclaimed International Speaker, Adam Coffey is a visionary leader who drives transformative growth and fosters high-performance cultures.With 21+ years of experience as CEO, Adam led three national private equity-backed service companies for 9 private equity sponsors. During this time period he completed 58 acquisitions, his track record includes notable outcomes measured in the billions, averaging 5x MOIC at exit.Adam is a respected mentor to MBA candidates and a sought-after speaker at UCLA. He brings diverse expertise from commercial and industrial service businesses, alongside being a licensed general contractor, pilot, former GE executive, and US Army veteran.As an author, Adam's books "The Private Equity Playbook" (2019), "The Exit Strategy Playbook" (2021) and Empire Builder (2023) all became #1 Amazon Best Sellers. Recognized as one of the "Most Influential Leaders" by the Orange County Business Journal, he founded the CEO Advisory Guru in 2021, providing consulting services to private equity firms, their portfolio companies and to founders.Adam's impactful seminars have generated millions in revenue, solidifying his position as one of the world's top speakers. He resides in Westlake, TX, with his family.

    Outline of episode

    Intro :

    Briefly introduce Adam and his expertise in private equity and business growth.Mention his bestselling books, "The Private Equity Playbook", "The Exit Strategy Playbook", and "Empire Builder".

    Understanding Private Equity:

    Refresh listeners' memory:Briefly explain the role of private equity in business growth and its different types (venture capital, buyout funds, etc.).Leveraging PE:Discuss how companies can use PE for funding, acquisitions, and operational expertise.

    The Private Equity Pyramid:

    Explain Adam's concept of the private equity pyramid and its stages based on revenue (ideally, include illustrative graphics).Discuss how entrepreneurs can apply this framework to their own growth strategy.

    Growth Stages and Revenue Milestones:

    Compare traditional Silicon Valley funding stages (pre-seed, seed, etc.) with Adam's revenue-based stages.Provide practical insights for entrepreneurs on identifying their current stage and key milestones for growth.

    Building a Great Culture:

    Debunk myths about company culture (beer on tap, ping pong tables) and emphasize Adam's core principles for building a high-performance culture.Discuss factors like leadership, communication, and employee engagement.

    Unit Economics and Financial Fundamentals:

    Explain the importance of calculating unit economics (cost to acquire/retain a customer, lifetime value, etc.).Discuss when companies should start tracking these metrics and how they can be used for informed decision-making.

    Product-Based Business Essentials:

    Share Adam's insights on what makes a good product-based business. (e.g., product-market fit, customer focus, continuous iteration).Provide actionable tips for entrepreneurs to improve their product strategy.

    Transparency and Communication:

    Discuss the importance of transparency and open communication within a company, especially during different growth stages.Offer guidance on balancing transparency with maintaining strategic confidentiality.

    Culture and Revenue: The Intertwined Path:

    Explore the relationship between company culture and revenue growth.Explain how a positive culture can drive employee engagement, productivity, and ultimately, financial success.

    Pricing Power and Growth Levers:

    Discuss who "owns the price" in a company and how to establish strong pricing power.Share key growth levers entrepreneurs can pull to increase revenue and market share.

    The Power of Rolling Over Equity:

    Explain the concept of rolling over equity during a company exit and its potential benefits for founders.Provide guidance for entrepreneurs on negotiating favorable terms for their equity stake.

    Connect with Adam




  • Paul Epstein, leadership expert, organizational culture guru, and Founder of Purpose Labs. With nearly fifteen years of experience in professional sports management and business coaching, Paul shares his transformative journey and insights with our audience.

    Career Journey:

    A brief overview of Paul's career, from his roles in multiple NFL and NBA teams to his current mission with Purpose Labs.The life-changing transformation at the San Francisco 49ers that led Paul to discover his 'Why' and inspire purpose in others.

    Navigating Corporate Challenges:

    Selling for a "losing" team and playing "offense" in a "defense" environment.Insights into a competitive corporate environment and rising up in a challenging workplace.

    Engaging with Professional Athletes:

    Strategies for founders to capture the attention of professional athletes or teams.Best practices for founders partnering with celebrities for endorsements.

    Transition from Sports to Purpose Labs:

    Reasons behind Paul's transition from the world of sports to founding Purpose Labs.Insights and lessons for entrepreneurs and business owners.

    Exploring the Book "Playing Offense":

    Understanding "Most Valuable Decision" (MVD) and its significance.Green-light life vs. red-light life, the "Head + Heart = Hands" equation, and the challenge of a "yellow light" situation.

    Decision-Making and Confidence Building:

    The 4 Cs for making better decisions faster.Building unshakable confidence and the role of a growth mindset.

    CEO Traits and Future Goals:

    Traits observed in the best CEOs.Paul's goals for the scalability of impact in the coming years.

    Connecting with Paul:

    How to learn more about Paul, Purpose Labs, and his impactful work.

    Additional Insights (if time permits):

    Faking it until you make it vs. real authenticity.Understanding "breaking the needle."Being at peak performance in business when needed.Discoveries from Paul's podcast interviews with exceptional individuals.

    Tune in to gain valuable insights on leadership, decision-making, and building unshakable confidence with Paul Epstein.

    Connect with Paul:

  • Show notes for Jon Staenberg https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonstaenberg/

    The Search Fund Model with Jon Smith

    Introduction and Career Background

    Jon shares insights into his career journey leading up to his current role.

    Understanding Search Funds

    Definition and historical context of search funds in the business landscape.

    Risks and Challenges

    A discussion on potential risks and challenges associated with the search fund model.

    Evolution of Search Funds

    Insight into how search funds are evolving and what excites Jon about their future.

    Track Record Overview

    An overview of the track record and success stories associated with search funds.

    Participants in the Search Fund Model

    Exploring who typically opts for the search fund route, including the backgrounds of investors and operators.

    Identification and Evaluation

    The process of identifying and evaluating potential target companies for acquisition.

    Exit Strategies and Timelines

    Addressing whether search funds have specific exit timelines and the parameters involved.

    Due Diligence

    Insights into how search funds approach due diligence and factors considered in the evaluation of potential acquisitions.

    Access to Deals

    How search fund operators gain access to premium deals and compete with larger institutions.

    Why Choose a Search Fund as a Buyer?

    Common reasons why sellers may opt for a search fund as the buyer for their company.

    Seller Due Diligence

    The due diligence process sellers typically undertake when considering a search fund acquisition.

    Value Creation and Growth Plans

    Strategies employed by search funds to create value and drive growth in acquired businesses.

    Investor Involvement Post-Acquisition

    The level of investor involvement and oversight in the operations of the acquired company.

    Management Fee Structure and Incentives

    Explaining the fund's management fee structure and performance incentives for the search fund team.

    Investor Communications

    How communication is managed with investors and the frequency of updates on the search fund's progress.

    Closing Remarks and Contact Information

    Jon invites listeners to connect and learn more about him and his work.

    To learn more about Jon and his insights,

    Connec with Jon




    [email protected]

    Jon’s bio

    Founder / Managing Partner

    Jon Staenberg

    Jon Staenberg has been an active venture capitalist for over 30 years, serving as a General Partner in three Funds managing over $250 million. He is also a venture partner in three Venture Funds. As an angel investor, Jon has made over 250 investments.

    Currently, he is focused on building Agate Hound Fund, a fund for Search Funds. This asset class is relatively unknown but has shown exceptional performance over the past 40 years. Additionally, he spends his spare time working on his vineyard in Argentina, www.handofgodwines.com.

    In these intriguing times, Jon has a captivating story to share about what lies ahead and why search funds are the new venture capital.

  • Shownotes for Emily Ward

    Join us for an insightful conversation with Emily Ward, Founder and CEO of AlcaCruz, as we explore her remarkable journey from VP and Chief Technology Counsel at eBay to the helm of her own tech startup.

    Key Questions and Topics:

    Career Overview:

    Emily shares a summary of her distinguished career leading up to her current role.

    Global Market Expansion:

    Lessons learned from eBay's expansion into China and global markets.

    Strategies for fast-growing startups planning to enter new markets.

    Intellectual Property for Startups:

    The importance of intellectual property for startups.

    Insights on filing patents from a legal and technology perspective.

    Mergers and Acquisitions:

    Emily's experiences on eBay's M&A teams and the importance of a strong legal team.

    Stories and lessons from assessing and acquiring companies like GSI, Bill Me Later, and Braintree.

    Diversity on Boards:

    Emily's thoughts on diversity on company boards.

    Considerations for founders when creating a board.

    Leadership Wisdom:

    Wisdom on leadership from Emily's extensive speaking engagements in the tech community.

    Transition to Tech Entrepreneurship:

    Emily's decision to start a tech company instead of a law practice.

    Insights on women CEOs in the tech startup space.

    AlcaCruz Overview:

    Emily provides an overview of AlcaCruz and the problems it aims to solve.

    Tech Readiness for Problem Solving:

    The intersection of technology and problem-solving for AlcaCruz's mission.

    Career Transition Advice:

    How Emily's corporate experience prepared her for entrepreneurship.

    Advice for individuals transitioning from well-funded companies to starting their own ventures.

    Resources for Women Founders:

    Insights into resources available for women founders.

    Personal experiences regarding advantages and disadvantages in Emily's career.

    Connect with Emily:

    Learn more about AlcaCruz and connect with Emily.


    Don't miss this enriching conversation with Emily Ward, where we delve into the nuances of tech leadership, entrepreneurship, and the journey from corporate giants to startup dreams.

    Stay tuned for more insights and inspiration!

    Connect with Emily


    com (Company)com (Company)

    [email protected]

    Full Bio:

    CompetesTV uses our award winning MultiView tech for video competitions. Creators use their videos to showcase their talents and share contests to grow viewership and revenue streams. www.competes.tv. Launching soon! AlcaCruz created MultiView video streaming technology that live streams multiple camera views or multiple games (sports, esports, concerts, channel programming, etc.) into one interactive screen. Available in IOS & Android as CruzTV. Emily is CEO of CompetesTV & AlcaCruz.Previously, Emily was Vice President & Worldwide Chief Technology Counsel at PayPal and eBay for many years. Legal tech leader for PayPal’s and eBay’s technologies, products and companies. Legal tech lead on eBay’s M&A teams that assessed and bought GSI ($2.4B), Bill Me Later ($1.2B), Braintree ($800M), and many other companies, as well as divested Skype. Split the IP portfolios for eBay and PayPal during PayPal’s spin-off from eBay. Testified on patent reform before Congressional committee. Successfully resolved bet-the-company lawsuits, including Merc Exchange v. eBay (previous unanimous US Supreme Court decision for eBay).She has won numerous awards, including being recognized as one of the Most Influential Women in Silicon Valley (SV Business Journal), one of the Top Women Leaders in Technology Law, one of the World’s Leading IP Strategists, Legal Impact Winner, Multicultural Leadership Award, Legal Momentum Women of Achievement honoree and the Direct Women Board Institute program. She enjoys spending time with family, friends and church, and she and her family are avid dog lovers and currently have 4 rescue dogs at home. They also support the Hope Technology School (a full inclusion school for special needs children).