
  • 0:00:00 Introduction
    Richard Saunders 00:08:50 You Can Count on Adrienne

    This week Adrienne catches up with Melanie Trecek-King from the website Thinking is Power. An interesting discussion about skeptical outreach and what value is the word skeptic after all?

    https://thinkingispower.com 0:23:26 2024 Bent Spoon Award

    Tim Mendham and Richard Saunders discuss the contenders for this year's Bent Spoon Award, awarded annually at the Australian Skeptics National Convention for the perpetrator of the most preposterous piece of pseudoscientific or paranormal piffle.

    https://www.skeptics.com.au/2024-bent-spoon-nominations-open 0:28:34 A Dive into a Trove

    A wander through the decades of digitised Australian newspapers on a search for references to Snake Oil.

    1935.06.02 - The Sunday Times - Perth WA
    1935.08.31 - The Australian Women's Weekly
    1954.04.09 - Morning Bulletin - Rockhampton Qld
    2013.05.19 - The Daily Telegraph


  • 0:00:00 Introduction
    Richard Saunders 00:04:38 For Crying Out Loud! It's Kat McLeod

    Lucky Girl Syndrome, the Law of Attraction, the Power of Positive Thinking, the Secret, Manifesting - the same idea has been preached for nearly 150 years, under different names.

    Aren't we lucky? This week Kat is going to delve into the Law of Attraction, and tell us "The Secret to Manifesting good things in our lives!" 0:17:38 Australian Skeptics Newsletter

    What skeptical news has caught the eye of Tim Mendham this week?
    Read by Adrienne Hill.

    http://www.skeptics.com.au 0:30:10 A Dive into a Trove

    A wander through the decades of digitised Australian newspapers on a search for references to "psychic" Briget Pluis.

    2010 - Psychics Directory
    1988.04.04 - The Canberra Times
    1994.11.19 - The Sydney Morning Hearld

    http://www.trove.nla.gov.au Happy Birthday Skeptical Fairy

  • Episodes manquant?

    Cliquez ici pour raffraichir la page manuellement.

  • 0:00:00 Introduction
    Richard Saunders 0:05:00 The Book of Tim. With Tim Mendham and Richard Saunders

    From 1986 - ZANEX PAYS GELLER OVER $350,00

    The Australian-based mining company Zanex, paid magician and mentalist Uri Geller $US250,000 (over $A350,000) for his advice on where to look for gold in the Solomon Islands and near Maldon in Victoria.

    Tim also reads a newspaper item about this incident from the time and talks with Richard Saunders about the issues involved.

    A reading from The Skeptic, Vol. 6 No. 2

    http://www.skeptics.com.au 0:26:18 Maynard's Spooky Action

    Maynard heads for Sydney Skeptics in the Pub for a special screening of Brian Dunning's movie, "The UFO Movie THEY Don't Want You To See". Maynard chats to various skeptics and guests about their thoughts on UFOs and the movie. 0:37:14 A Dive into a Trove

    A wander through the decades of digitised Australian newspapers on a search for references to yet more UFOs.

    1953.09.15 - The Adelaide Advertiser
    1996.08.23 - The Australian Jewish News
    1987.03.08 - The Canberra Times
    1987.06.01 - The Canberra Times


  • 0:00:00 Introduction
    Richard Saunders 00:04:08 You Can Count on Adrienne

    The Travels of a Skeptic Zone Reporter

    Adrienne interviews Andras Pinter from The European Skeptics Podcast and Coleman Watts, a former conspiracy theorist turned science communicator, on her travels to the Rocky Mountains and then onto Iceland. Join her for these informal but informative interviews across the globe.

    The ESP Podcast

    Coleman Watts YouTube
    https://www.youtube.com/@ThinkThisThroughChannel 0:21:46 Australian Skeptics Newsletter

    What skeptical news has caught the eye of Tim Mendham this week?
    Read by Adrienne Hill.

    http://www.skeptics.com.au 0:35:14 A Dive into a Trove

    A wander through the decades of digitised Australian newspapers on a search for references to the psychic predictions of Andreas Zee.

    1975 July to December - The Australian Women's Weekly

    http://www.trove.nla.gov.au Also Sydney Skeptics in the Pub - Special Presentation
    The UFO Movie THEY Don't Want You to See
    Thursday 5 September - Occidental Hotel in the City


  • 0:00:00 Introduction
    Richard Saunders 00:02:50 Kate & Allie

    Folklore or Future Quiz

    Join Kate this week as she challenges Allie with a quiz. Kate will uncover a mysterious array of treatments and Allie will have to unravel the enigma of whether these practices hail from folklore of old or persist in the modern day. Play along to test your knowledge and possibly discover secret remedies you may have never heard of. 0:19:36 I Think We Need To Think

    Once again Susan Gerbic heads to a SkeptiCamp, this time in Seattle in the US state of Washington. Her interviews with organisers and attendees give us a flavour of the event. Susan's reports from local events encourage all of us to be more proactive no matter where in tne world we are. 0:30:42 A Dive into a Trove

    A wander through the decades of digitised Australian newspapers on a search for references to prediction of the future from the past and mindbody spirit.

    1984.12.29 - Canberra Times
    1988.01.03 - Canberra Times
    1995.09.04 - Canberra Times

    http://www.trove.nla.gov.au Also Sydney Skeptics in the Pub - Special Presentation
    The UFO Movie THEY Don't Want You to See
    Thursday 5 September - Occidental Hotel in the City


  • 0:00:00 Introduction
    Richard Saunders 00:03:22 Beyond Belief

    Bob Nixon tunes in and finds an old aquaintance up to his old tricks - very old tricks. "Like Deja vu all over again"

    In this report from 'The Skeptic Magazine' in 2001, a former investigator of Australian Skeptics the late Bob Nixon, reviews a farcical TV special about the paranormal, starring among others, Uri Geller.

    The TV Special, in 3 parts, can be found here.
    https://vhistory.wordpress.com/2014/08/26/beyond-belief-tape-1956 0:25:16 Australian Skeptics Newsletter

    What skeptical news has caught the eye of Tim Mendham this week?
    Read by Kat McLeod.

    http://www.skeptics.com.au 0:37:32 A Dive into a Trove

    A wander through the decades of digitised Australian newspapers on a search for references to 'Letters to the Editor'.

    1984.11.17 - Sydney Morning Herald
    1984.12.12 - Sydney Morning Herald
    1984.12.18 - Sydney Morning Herald
    1984.11.27 - Sydney Morning Herald


  • 0:00:00 Introduction
    Richard Saunders

    With a short tribute to skeptical journalist Jane Hansen. 00:04:12 Vale Mark Edward

    We are saddened to hear of the death in the past week of Mark Edward, skeptic, magician, mentalist, author and partner to Susan Gerbic. Tributes from Adrienne Hill and Susan Gerbic.

    Mark Edward Wilson, who was known by his stage name Mark Edward, died Sunday, August 4, 2024 at home after a year's long battle with prostate cancer.

    https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/name/mark-wilson-obituary?id=55809128 0:17:14 Broken Breakthroughs

    From Power Balance to magnetic therapy, Richard Saunders reviews the history of recent 'quick fix' gizmos designed to improve your health and empty your wallet. 00:43:10 The Loons from Canada

    In part 2 of a 2 part series, Kate and Allie take a look at the phenomena of Access Consciousness and Access Bars.

    Who founded Access Consciousness and when? Learn the "Clearing Statement" that will improve all aspects of your life and discover the dark side of this so-called therapy.



    https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/access-consciousness-a-new-version-of-phrenology Also Dark Matter in the Pub, Saturday evening 24 August

  • 0:00:00 Introduction
    Richard Saunders 00:03:42 The Loons from Canada

    In part 1 of a 2 part series, Kate and Allie take a look at the phenomena of Access Consciousness and Access Bars.

    Part one: What is access consciousness and its "Ten Keys to Freedom" and how much does it cost?



    https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/access-consciousness-a-new-version-of-phrenology 0:21:34 Maynard's Spooky Action

    Maynard heads for Sydney Skeptics in the Pub to ask people if they have a favourite sporting superstition. 0:29:44 Australian Skeptics Newsletter

    What skeptical news has caught the eye of Tim Mendham this week?
    Read by Adrienne Hill.

    http://www.skeptics.com.au 0:42:20 A Dive into a Trove

    A wander through the decades of digitised Australian newspapers on a search for references to superstition and sport.

    1932.12.21 - The Advertiser - South Australia
    1935.11.23 - The Daily Telegrath - Sydney
    1995.10.13 - The Canberra Times

    http://www.trove.nla.gov.au Also Australian Skeptics on the hunt for the DROP BEAR!

  • 0:00:00 Introduction
    Richard Saunders

    Also a look at the current nominations and past winners of the Australian Skeptics Bent Spoon Award.

    https://www.skeptics.com.au/about/activities/bent-spoon 00:09:24 For Crying Out Loud! It's Kat McLeod

    This week Kat gives us an overview of the first ever 'Global Skeptics in the Pub', held as part of the SkeptiCal Conferance of the Bay Area Skeptics. Included are the thoughts of the some of those who joined in. 0:18:16 Maynard's Spooky Action

    In this segement from a much longer interview, George Hrab from the Geologic Podcast chats to Maynard about his views on skeptical and critical thinking.

    George Hrab is a dancin' fool - The full interivew via Planet Maynard.
    https://maynard.com.au/george-hrab-terpsichore 0:00:00 A Dive into a Trove

    A wander through the decades of digitised Australian newspapers on a search for references to Fire Walking.

    1994.02.07 - The Courier - Ballarat, Victoria
    1994.02.20 - Herald Sun Sunday


    Dr. Karl Firewalking with Richard Saunders

    Myth Busters Firewalking
    https://youtu.be/JibIlisE9uA Also Australian Skeptics on the hunt for the DROP BEAR!

  • 0:00:00 Introduction
    Richard Saunders 0:03:42 The Book of Tim. With Tim Mendham

    Challenging Times By Barry Williams

    Over 20 years ago, one Victor Zammit, a retired Sydney solicitor, apparently decided to take the skeptics on at their own game and has issued a challenge of his own. "$1 Million Challenge to Disprove Evidence of Life After Death." -
    A reward of one million US dollars is offered to any skeptic anywhere in the world who can rebut and refute, beyond absolute, all the evidence for the existence of the afterlife.

    Tim is joined by Richard Saunders to discuss this bizarre challenge from almost 2 decades ago.

    A reading from The Skeptic, Vol. 21 No. 4 (2001)


    Media Watch TV, Astrology Story
    https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8FKJ9pcWCvw&t=796 0:37:06 Australian Skeptics Newsletter

    What skeptical news has caught the eye of Tim Mendham this week?
    Read by Adrienne Hill.

    http://www.skeptics.com.au 0:47:38 A Dive into a Trove

    A wander through the decades of digitised Australian newspapers on a search for references to 'Media Astrologers'.

    1986.08.18 - The Sun Herald

    http://www.trove.nla.gov.au Also Nominations for the Australian Skeptics Bent Spoon Awardhttps://www.skeptics.com.au/about/activities/bent-spoon

  • 0:00:00 Introduction
    Richard Saunders 00:04:00 Astrology Trash is Bad News

    We report on a bizarre situation in Australia where it is proposed to run a regular astrology segment in the evening TV news bulletin. Is this an act of desperation to gain more viewers? What has been the reaction from other media?


    https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/tv/current-affairs/channel-7-defends-controversial-news-segment-after-radio-hosts-takedown/news-story/5ae7fe3e1c5dd95117463d75f0f523ad 0:15:50 The Loons From Canada

    Kate and Allie get together to talk about some North American and Australian relationship slang as they explore the hypothesis of Love Languages. 0:28:08 Maynard's Spooky Action

    Maynard and Richard catch up to talk about the upcoming global event, Skeptics in the pub, held all around the world on 19th of July at 7 pm.

    https://www.skepticalcon.com/global-skeptics-in-the-pub 0:34:46 A Dive into a Trove

    A wander through the decades of digitised Australian newspapers on a search for references to James Randi and his expose of the Rev. Peter Popoff.

    1988.02.20 - Sydney Morning Herald


    The Secrets of the Psychics. Video

  • 0:00:00 Introduction
    Richard Saunders 00:06:52 Ben Radford talks UFOs

    Once again we welcome the world renowned skeptical investigator, author, podcaster, and deputy editor of Skeptical Inquirer magazine, the one and only Ben Radford. In a wide ranging interview Ben talks about the Roswell UFO incident, cryptozoology, and his upcoming visit to Sydney Australia to take part in Skepticon 2024 - the Australian Skeptics National Convention in November. 0:29:36 Australian Skeptics Newsletter #200

    What skeptical news has caught the eye of Tim Mendham this week?
    Read by Adrienne Hill.

    http://www.skeptics.com.au 0:44:36 A Dive into a Trove

    A wander through the decades of digitised Australian newspapers on a search for references to the Roswell New Mexico UFO case of 1947.

    1947.07.09 - The Glen Innes Examiner
    1947.07.09 - The Newcastle Sun
    1947.07.10 - The Advocate, Bernie Tasmania
    1947.07.10 - The Sun, Sydney


    http://www.trove.nla.gov.au Also Global Skeptics in tne Pub

    Videos from the New Mexico Science and Reason

  • 0:00:00 Introduction
    Richard Saunders 00:04:14 Cold and Hot Reading

    We play a clip of a recent radio appearance by Richard Saunders (ABC Australia), where he discusses so-called psychics and some of their tricks.

    Also the reading of a report by Ian Bryce, from the pages of 'The Skeptic', when he, Saunders and Alynda Brown tested a 'Palm Reader' in Australia.

    Richard Saunders on ABC Radio Australia.
    https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/overnights/ovn-skeptics/104010516 0:26:06 A Dive into a Trove

    A wander through the decades of digitised Australian newspapers on a search for references to The New Age - Part #3.

    1988.5.14 - The Sydney Morning Herald

    http://www.trove.nla.gov.au 0:47:58 A Kate & Allie

    On a Roll?

  • 0:00:00 Introduction
    Richard Saunders 00:05:02 You Can Count on Adrienne. With Adrienne Hill.

    SkeptiCampNM - Presented by New Mexicans for Science and Reason

    Adrienne flies to Albuquerque, New Mexico to attend a meet up of local and regional skeptics.

    Interviews with... Stirling Forsyth, Mary Catherine Harris, Tom Parker, Kurly Tlapoyawa, Sonia Veronica, Frank T. Etscorn, and from the Squaring the Strange podcast Celestia Ward, Ben Radford and Pascual Romero.

    https://talesfromaztlantis.com 0:21:46 For Crying Out Loud! It's Kat McLeod.

    This week Kat takes a look at the pseudoscience of Grathology.

    James Randi investigates Grathology.
    https://youtu.be/iyXozHKWsDs 0:30:10 Skepticamp Interviews #4

    Guest reporter Rob Palmer attended the inaugural Triangle SkeptiCamp that took place on 25th of May 2024 in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.

    In part #4 of a series of interviews from the event, Rob chats to the one and only powerhouse of Skeptical Activisim, Susan Gerbic.

    https://triskep.org/home/triangle-skepticamp-2024 0:40:44 A Dive into a Trove

    A wander through the decades of digitised Australian newspapers on a search for references to The New Age - Part #2.

    1988.5.14 - The Sydney Morning Herald

    http://www.trove.nla.gov.au Also Richard Saunders on ABC Radio Australia.

  • 0:00:00 Introduction
    Richard Saunders 0:03:16 UFOs... Where Are You?

    We take a look at a recent press stories from Australia and Britin regarding UFO promoter and Australian journalist Ross Coulthart. Also we wonder what we can glean from Wiki about his current notoriety.

    https://www.skeptic.org.uk/2024/05/ufos-the-unidentified-flying-circus-comes-to-town 0:10:44 Skepticamp Interviews #3

    Guest reporter Rob Palmer attended the inaugural Triangle SkeptiCamp that took place on 25th of May 2024 in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.

    In part #3 of a series of interviews from the event, Rob chats to Faith and Ramiro Rodriguez from the organisating team, as well has Melanie Trecek-King from Thinking is Power.https://triskep.org/home/triangle-skepticamp-2024 0:21:18 The Book of Tim. With Tim Mendham

    Are Skeptics Happy? By Alison White

    Alison White asks if being a skeptic is a blessing or a bane... or even a curse.

    A reading from The Skeptic, Vol. 32 No. 3

    http://www.skeptics.com.au 0:34:30 A Dive into a Trove

    A wander through the decades of digitised Australian newspapers on a search for references to The New Age - Part #1.

    1988.5.14 - The Sydney Morning Herald

    http://www.trove.nla.gov.au Also Global Skeptics in the Pub - 19 July 2024 (7pm)

  • 0:00:00 Introduction
    Richard Saunders 00:02:26 SkeptiCal 2024

    We talk to famed fighter of nonsense Dr Eugenie C. Scott about the upcoming SkeptiCal Conference.

    SkeptiCal is the scientific skepticism conference brought to you by Northern California Skeptics.
    The SkeptiCal Conference brings stimulating and entertaining speakers (including Australia's own Dr Karl Kruszelnicki) to a world-wide audience of science fans, critical thinkers, and, in the words of Carl Sagan, questioners of "extraordinary claims". Join them for two engaging days of speakers, interviews, and discussions. And - test your wits on a round of SkeptiCal trivia, and try your hand at SkeptiCal's popular Skepardy! game.

    http://www.skepticalcon.com 0:12:38 Skepticamp Interviews #2

    Guest reporter Rob Palmer attended the inaugural Triangle SkeptiCamp that took place on 25th of May 2024 in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.

    In part #2 of a series of interviews from the event, Rob chats to Kenny Biddle, chief investigator at the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry and attendee Jane Selkie.

    https://triskep.org/home/triangle-skepticamp-2024 0:25:40 Australian Skeptics Newsletter

    What skeptical news has caught the eye of Tim Mendham this week?
    Read by Adrienne Hill.

    http://www.skeptics.com.au 0:39:08 A Dive into a Trove

    A wander through the decades of digitised Australian newspapers on a search for references to 'Alternative Medicine'.

    1981.08.27 - The Sydney Morning Herald

    http://www.trove.nla.gov.au Also Global Skeptics in the Pub - 19 July 2024 (7pm)

  • 0:00:00 Introduction
    Richard Saunders 00:02:58 Kate & Allie

    This week Kat and Adrienne take a skeptical look at 'Baby Helmets'. Are they truly necessary or just another example of our culture's obsession with over-protection? What is the medical point of view? Baby helmets, also known as cranial orthoses, are seen by some as intervention for infants with positional plagiocephaly (flat spots on the head) or brachycephaly (narrow, elongated head shape). 0:12:20 Bend Nerd Night

    Energy Trivia. Join Brian Dunning from the Skeptoid podcast as he leads a round of trivia at 'Nerd Night' in Bend, Oregon. Test your knowledge!

    https://facebook.com/groups/1113943728813195 0:20:38 Skepticamp Interviews #1

    Guest reporter Rob Palmer attended the inaugural Triangle SkeptiCamp that took place on 25th of May 2024 in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.

    In part #1 of a series of interviews from the event, Rob chats to Coleman Watts, the host of the 'Think This Through' YouTube channel. He also catches up with Erika Engelhaupt, science journalist and author of 'Gory Details'.

    https://triskep.org/home/triangle-skepticamp-2024 0:32:48 A Dive into a Trove

    A wander through the decades of digitised Australian newspapers on a search for references to Seances.

    1967.10.01 - The Sydney Morning Herald
    1973.02.12 - The Sydney Morning Herald
    1994.08.04 - The Sydney Morning Herald


  • 0:00:00 Introduction
    Richard Saunders 00:02:32 You Can Count on Adrienne. With Adrienne Hill. Adrienne Hill and Janalee Morris share their immersive first experience at the Psychic and Crystal Fair, where they interacted with vendors and attendees. Could anyone predict their future or enhance their health? Tune in to find out. 0:19:42 Reviewing the UFO Documentary

    We chat to Brian Dunning about the thousands of reviews and comments left on his documentary, 'The UFO Movie THEY Don't Want You To See'. Some are insightful, many are just plain ridiculous. It's clear that his movie has certainly caused a stir in the UFO community.

    http://theufo.movie 0:36:04 Australian Skeptics Newsletter

    What skeptical news has caught the eye of Tim Mendham this week?
    Read by Adrienne Hill.

    http://www.skeptics.com.au 0:47:42 A Dive into a Trove

    A wander through the decades of digitised Australian newspapers on a search for references to Fortune Tellers.

    1909.02.27 - The Beverly Times W.A.
    1918.03.07 - The Telegraph QLD
    1934.01.09 - Maryborough Chronicle, Wide Bay and Burnett Advertiser QLD
    1938.12.21 - Argus Melbourne
    1949.09.26 - The Daily Mercury QLD
    1909.10.29 - The Star, Sydney
    1922.08.04 - The Canowindra Star, NSW
    1903.03.06 - The Geelong Advertiser
    1932.08.08 - The North West Champion, NSW

    http://www.trove.nla.gov.au Also Nerd Night in Bend, 28 May, 2024

    Skepticamp New Mexico. 1st - 2nd June, 2024

  • Show Notes 0:00:00 Introduction
    Richard Saunders 0:03:32 For Crying Out Loud! It's Kat McLeod

    This week Kat relates her journey, over the past year, from attending a skeptical conference in Canada to becoming a reporter for the Skeptic Zone. This is right from the 'who could have ever see this coming?' files and is a great illustration of how important it is to support skeptical events. Plus we hear Kat's theme music for the first time.

    0:11:28 Ben Radford, Australia Bound

    The legend himself! Ben Radford has been a fulltime scientific investigator and writer for 25 years. Now for the first time he is heading to Australia to talk at the Austraian Skeptics National Convention in November in Sydney. Will he find the elusive Yowie during his trip? We also hear about other meetings Ben is attending and more about the Squaring the Stange Podcast. 0:23:56 The Book of Tim. With Tim Mendham

    The History of EUTSBy Barry Williams (aka Sir Jim)

    In this classic article, Sir Jim R. Wallaby investigates energies unknown to science... and those that are.

    A reading from The Skeptic, Vol. 38 No. 4

    http://www.skeptics.com.au 0:37:54 A Dive into a Trove

    A wander through the decades of digitised Australian newspapers on a search for references to the Sixth Sense.

    1981.08.09 - The Sun Herald
    1981.08.16 - The Sun Herald

    http://www.trove.nla.gov.au Also Nerd Night in Bend, 28 May, 2024

    Skepticamp New Mexico. 1st - 2nd June, 2024

  • 0:00:00 Introduction
    Richard Saunders 0:04:14 You Can Count on Adrienne. With Adrienne Hill.

    This week, Adrienne gives us an overview of the recent 'We Can Reason' conference held in Calgary, Canada. We hear about each of the invited speakers and meet one of the delegates, a listener of the Skeptic Zone right from episode #1, Brenda Hill.

    Next it's a road trip to the Royal Tyrrell Museum, which houses one of world's premier collection of dinosaur fossils. Here Richard Saunders gives us his thoughts on this wondrous example of science in action.

    Finally, on the drive home, Adrienne interviews Jonathan Jarry, one of the hosts of the popular Body of Evidence podcast from Canada. Jonathan was also an invited speaker at the conference.https://tyrrellmuseum.com 0:23:18 Australian Skeptics Newsletter

    What skeptical news has caught the eye of Tim Mendham this week?
    Read by Adrienne Hill.

    http://www.skeptics.com.au 0:35:48 A Dive into a Trove

    A wander through the decades of digitised Australian newspapers on a search for references to Psychic Predictions.

    1972.01.02 - The Sydney Morning Herald
    1973.12.30 - The Sydney Morning Herald
    1981.01.02 - The Sydney Morning Herald
    1989.01.01 - The Sydney Morning Herald
    1992.12.30 - The Sydney Morning Herald

    http://www.trove.nla.gov.au Also Sckepticamap New Mexico. 1st - 2nd June, 2024