
  • s1e99 Acts 24:1-27



    Who came up with calling a group of people who have had a come to Jesus meeting the Way?Why did Felix keep paul in custody? Was it for entertainment? How long?If Felix hated the Jews why did he marry a Jewish woman?Why bring up that all people will rise from the dead to be judged?


    Who is Tertullus? Is he mentioned anywhere else in the NT?Sect of the Nazarenes? Only time mentioned?Why the discussion on the resurrection in particular? Theological issue between Jewish leaders or pertaining to the difference accepting Jesus as resurrected?Felix wanted a bribe - is that the sole reason for all the convos with Paul?Doing the Jews a favor? Motivation?


    Ty: I could say again here we see luke showing Pauls life mimicking Jesus' life. Which is true. But here we see Paul tie it all together by stating that Jesus is the fulfillment of prophecy in a little more of a clear way to the Gentiles than Jesus just saying He is the son of man. Since I am unlikely in the USA to be as persecuted as Paul its simply becomes hard for application.

    Darin: (I'm not convinced that Luke has an intended meaning for the reader, but giving it my best shot) Paul was unfairly accused and suffered much while maintaining the truth and preaching the gospel.


    Inward: (Ty) How do I continue to follow the way in my daily actions? (Darin) The example of Paul gives me courage to defend myself against the lies of the opposition.

    Outward: (Ty) How do I continue to follow the way in my daily interactions with others? (Darin) Am I bold enough to call out lies when I hear them and speak the truth?

    Upward: (Ty) Prasie be to the God of our fathers for His self sacrifice to create THE WAY so I dont have without Him ever again! (Darin) Praise Jesus for the Holy Spirit who gives us the words to say when we need to defend ourselves against the world.

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  • s1e98 Acts 22:30-23:35


    Paul addressed the council, Sanhedrin?High priest - did Paul not recognize him? Why or why not?Did Paul stir up the Pharisee vs. Sadducee debate on purpose? Why or why not?Whitewashed wall - close to Jesus' words, any other references What does it mean exactly?Who is really wanting to kill Paul?Paul's nephew - any other mention of him, what do we know about him?Seemingly lots of parallels with Jesus' accusers, trial, etc.


    Take courage and testify to the facts about Jesus.


    Inward: Do I want to be bold?

    Outward: How do I become more bold - what am I afraid of physically?

    Upward: Praise Jesus for giving us courage when we do his work and testify to the facts of Jesus.

    Check out all of our podcasts on the New Hope Podcast Network at www.newhopechurch.cc/listen

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  • s1e97 Acts 21:37-22:29


    Context? Paul on the steps of the barracks wanting to talk with the violent Jewish crowd who were just beating him...why?Why did the tribune think Paul was the Egyptian insurrectionist?What does citizen of no obscure city mean?The Hebrew spoken by Paul shushed the crowd - why? Did they not think he was a Jew? Was the crowd influenced without knowing exactly what was going on?Gamaliel - pretty big credentialsWhy are they so upset with him? Misleading Jews? Greeks in the temple? All these things?v 22 - sen to the Gentiles - is this the phrase that really set them off?What significance is there to the tribune admitting he bought citizenship? Is Paul somehow higher than him in the social caste at the time?


    Paul's testimony sought to save persecutors, as he once was, to bring them to the truth. The world needs to know...despite the objections.


    Inward: I have fear when it comes to opposition - paralyzing and I don't want to engage.

    Outward: I don't engage the angry lost.

    Upward: Praise Jesus for the martyrs, who faced opposition so that the world might know the gospel.

    Listen to all of our podcasts on the New Hope Podcast Network at www.newhopechurch.cc/listen

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  • s1e96 Acts 22:1-36


    Everyone along the way seemed to warn him about Jerusalem, divine message or did word just move that fast?Philip, one of the 7 - assuming deacons from Acts 6?significance of mentioning Philip's daughters?Agabus - ever mentioned before?Into the hands of the Gentiles - like Jesus? Parallels on purpose?Why were the brothers in Jerusalem so concerned about "not forsaking the law of Moses"? Protection from other Jews? Are they explaining what everyone else had been hearing as to why he might be in trouble in Jerusalem?The vows? What kind? 7 days? 4 men? Significance?


    Following and preaching Jesus challenges all traditions - piety or salvation?


    Inward: Do traditions mean more than the cross? Do they mean too little that I'm unwilling to care for a weaker brother?

    Outward: Do I disrespect the law by my actions?

    Upward: Praise Jesus for sparing Paul as long as he did to give us incredible wisdom in learning how to live in this tension we call the world.

    Listen to all of our podcasts on the New Hope Church Podcast Network at www.newhopechurch.cc/listen

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  • s1e95 Acts 20:1-38

    Ty's Observations:

    What are the similarities between Paul in Acts 20 and Jesus in Luke 22?Verse 6 -Is Paul saying it's okay to leave it up to each of our disciples to turn from sin at a specific point?

    Darin's Observations:

    What uproar?V6 - "we"? Meaning Luke is with them?Is there any significance to the Passover being celebrated in Philippi?Lams in the room? Signficance?Taken up dead? What does that mean exactly?Why did Paul sail past Ephesus entirely- could there be more of an explanation seeing how the violence swelled there recently?In his final words to key leaders - did Paul think he would die in Jerusalem? His words seem defensive and/or serve as an example to the elders.


    (Ty)  Luke shows that Paul has been so “constrained” by the Holy Spirit that his life events begin to mimic those of Jesus Christ. I.E. Paul's message here and Jeus in the garden of Gethsemane. 

    (Darin) Leaders in God's church have special responsibilities but also should wield special motivations led by the Spirit in humility and authentic caring for people and God's Word.


    Inward: (Ty) Be constrained by the Spirit, not knowing what will happen to me, that I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus. (Darin) Do I love the people I work with - the ones I disciple?Outward: (Ty) to testify to the gospel of the grace of God, what it means to be a follower of the way, and how change is possible because His grace saved a creepy, disgusting, vile person like me. (Darin) Do I spend time comforting/encouraging those who I disciple?Upward: (Ty) Never stop working on all of us, constrain us with the spirit the way Paul was. I dedicate and Surrender our hearts to you in The name of Jesus, God with us, show us your way, today, Yaweh. (Darin) Praise Jesus for raising up shepherds who seek to continually care for his flock!

    Listen to all of our podcasts in the New Hope Church podcast network at www.newhopechurch.cc/listen

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  • s1e93 Acts 19:1-41


    What's next in the evolution of the story?What's the deal with using Paul's clothing, even those handkerchiefs and aprons?The people who John had baptized...were they believers at the beginning? Did they know who Jesus was?Who is Sceva? Signficance?Where was the hall of Tyrannus? Signficance?2 years of teaching - reaching all of Asia? Signficance to divulging their magic practices?Nothing much came of the riot it seems - what was Luke's intention of including this scene?


    (Ty) Real last power can only come from the Trinity. Typically from the renewing of the Holy Spirit to a pure heart. A heart who above all else knows the Joy of Salvation through the way of Jesus Christ. It's not about the words it's about the heart.

    (Darin) Jesus is still delivering people and using the church to do his work.


    Inward: (Ty) When this world wants to drag me down and just wear me out with all their words, thoughts and unwritten rules, may I allow the creator to lift me up and up again be the prevailing voice in my life. Inspire Joy in me.

    (Darin) Do the demons know me?

    Outward: (Ty)  Care enough about people to show them the way is all about the heart.

    (Darin) Am I committed to the teaching of the gospel?

    Upward: (Ty) Psalms 51:10-12

    (Darin) Praise the name of the Lord Jesus who owns total authority.

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  • s1e93 Acts 18:1-28


    Who exactly is Aquila and Priscilla?Cripsus, ruler of the synagogue - significance?Why the direct words now? Compassion? Was Paul gun-shy?pretty long stay of 18 mosWho is Sosthones - same guy mentioned in 1 Cor 1? Same as Crispus? Where is Cenchrae? Under what vow? Left who in Ephesus? Why? Priscilla and Aquila?Apollos comes to Ephesus - same guy mentioned in 1 Cor 1What was explained to him better? Being of the baptism of John?Seems like God is directing Paul's travel in line with Apollos


    God directs the church.


    Inward: Trust God for direction, He cares for me too not just ministry.

    Outward: Do I strengthen disciples in my work?

    Upward: Praise Jesus the Christ, who grows and defends His church.

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  • s1e92 Acts 17 - Part Two

    In this episode, Darin just shares some extra insight specifically on Paul's speech on Mars Hill in Acts 17.

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  • s1e91 Acts 17:1-34 Part One


    The motive for the Jews to cause issues was jealousy - but no other explanation? What exactly were they jealous of?Why follow them? Defending the faith?The authorities only seemed to care about money?"not a few" phrase - used w/women - why so popular with women and mentioned as prominent in particular?Paul never intended on Athens?Provoked? Meaning?Epicurean and Stoic philosophers - main beliefs? Areopagus history? Interesting comment by Luke in vers 21, spend their time in nothing except telling or hearing something new (good or bad thing? cultureal comment? Paul used this as opportunity?Why the altar to the unknown god?Reason for the quotes from the greek scholars...where was Paul going with it? Is Paul teaching truth comes from their philosophies or is he seeking to convert?


    God seeks to unite His family, bringing salvation to all thorugh Jesus.


    Inward: My heart needs to move on to others who want to hear when frustrated by those who do not.

    Outward: Do I engage and challenge popular secular religion enough?

    Upward: Praise Jesus for the smart men and women who have gone before us doing incredible apologetic work like Paul.

    Check out all of our podcasts on www.newhopechurch.cc/listen

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  • s1e90 Acts 16:1-40


    What was Timothy's body language when Paul said I'm going to circumcise you? Is this the same Timothy from the bible books?How is Paul in charge and not central leadership from Jerusalem? Did Jesus not say that He will build His church on Peter? Why Isn't 1 person clearly in charge of the church?Verses 6 and 7, Why did God choose these 3 instead?Where are all these places listed geographically?Why did Paul not use his Roman citizenship earlier to avoid a beating and imprisonment?Why was Paul annoyed with the demon telling people about the "Most High God" and "way of salvation"?Was the persecution about the gospel or money?The jailer, how true was his conversion at first?Did the jailer get let off for the event?


    (Ty) Growing mutually (Darin) The gospel is worth suffering for - the message is too important to be tainted with skewed views of the messenger or wily misrepresentations by the enemy.


    Inward: (Ty) Let the Holy Spirit be the leader of my life, not men. (Darin) Does my heart find joy, sing and praise during suffering?

    Outwrard: (Ty) No matter Who God puts in front of you whether it's a believer, those tortured by the devil (even the ones who annoy you), or God shakes the earth an opens the door to a prisoner of his own sin, introduce everyone to the Tomb Raider Jesus Christ by telling the story of how He brought you back to Life! -Grow mutually (Darin) Do things like money and comfort ever stand in the way of the gospel message and my presentation of it?

    Upward: (Ty) Praise God that He sent dozens of strangers into my life before I opened the door to my heart and allowed Jesus to bring me back to life. (Darin) Praise Jesus for passionate followers who carried the true message before us.

    Check out all of our podcasts on www.newhopechurch.cc/listen

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  • s1e89 Acts 15:1-41


    Came down from Judea? from Syria - why down? and then up to Jerusalem? Signficance?Pharisees who are Christians?Is this the only time "party" is used in the gospels referring to the Pharisees?Yoke - requirements from a rabbi?They all feel silent - the HS brought silence possibly?Why does James sound like he is imposing things on the Gentiles when he just warned against it?His decree seems odd - what is the connection between the elements of the decree?What exactly was Paul upset with concerning John Mark?


    Luke is leading his readers through a crux in time concerning the church's future. Acts 15 shares the historical defense of the gospel and its step toward being all about Jesus, not Judaism. Jesus is enough.


    Inward: Reminding myself that Jesus is enough, hard on myself.

    Outward: Abstain from idol worship. Do not expect extras from people.

    Upward: Praise Jesus for your grace to accept me and receive me out of my pagan ways - and for rescuing me out of legalism.

    Check out all of our podcasts at www.newhopechurch.cc/listen

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  • s1e86 Acts 14:1-28

    Thank you for listening to the Soma Bible Studies Podcast - normally we have our observations, meaning, and application notes here but due to some unfortunate circumstances, these notes where lost. We will update later if possible.

    Ty and Darin

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  • s1e85 Acts 13:1-52


    Herod the tertrach? Which Herod? Significance?Where is Selucia? Cyprus? Salamais? Paphos?The Holy Spirit said - discernment? Audible?They went to the synagogues firstJohn - meaning Mark?Jewish false prophet - very specific - Bar-Jesus? Meaning?Sergius Paulus - proconsul - who? What?Perga? Pamphylia? Anticoh in Pisidia?Do synagogue leaders always ask newcomers to speak?7 nations in Canaan? PS 2:7 - context and other scriptures - like IS 55:3, PS 16:10, IS 29:14, IS 45:22Almost the whole city? Jealousy is what sparked the resistance not content?Were appointed to eternal life? meaning? Is "appointed" correct?Iconium?


    Luke shows clearly the plan of God in the expansion of the gospel. First to the Jews and then to the Gentiles. The readers see the Holy Spirit working freely and openly in the broad world now, touching and saving many lives.


    Inward: How do I stand in the way of the truth of the gospel?

    Outward: When rejected, do I walk away filled w/ joy and the Holy Spirit?

    Upward: Praise God for His arranging of the good news to seek and save the world.

    Check out all of our podcasts at http://www.newhopechurch.cc/listen

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  • s1e84 Acts 12:1-25

    Tys Observations:

    Was Herod intending to kill Peter at the same time of year as Jesus? Why mention the prayer?Were the disciples not earnestly praying? If they were why did they not believe Rhoda?Did God kill Herod for calling himself a god? Was that the last straw?

    Darin's Observations:

    Which Herod? King? James was beheaded? Wasn't that Roman practice?4 squads? How many? Any significance?Earnest prayer? Why qualify? Wakes Peter up - sleeping like Jesus in the storm? sleeping like in the garden?Antonia Fortress? On the main street? Gates - hilarious he can't get through the garden gate after escaping from prison - only God can do some stuffPeter's angel? Signficance? They didn't have faith in prayer?Herod and Tyre and Sidon - what is going on here? Any significance to his oration?


    (Ty) The schemes of man will not stop our God.(Darin) Nothing stops God...no imprisonment, executions, powerful kings, etc. (vs 24)


    Inward: (Ty) I pray about it constantly if it matters to me. Or do I forget who's really in charge? (Darin) Does my heart need to come to its senses sometimes and see the reality of God in everyday life?

    Outward: (Ty) You are not your own God give God the Glory, that is the only reason you exist anyway. (Darin) Do I pray fervently?

    Upward: (Ty) Praise be to Yahweh that He sets the captives free! (Darin) Praise be to Jesus who uses us despite our weak prayers and weak faith to further His purpose.

    Listen to all of our podcasts on the New Hope Podcast Network at www.newhopechurch.cc/listen

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  • s1e83 Acts 11:1-30


    Apostles and brothers? Were they surprised?Criticized by the circumcision party - interesting title - Galatians?Peter remembers John the Baptist words - were John the Baptist's words to the Jews?God moved - they followed - they rejoicedGod has granted the Gentiles repentance leading to lifeMore evidence of God moving w/ the GentilesWatching the works of the LordWhy send Barnabas?Why does Barnabas take Saul? Beginning of Paul's ministry?Disciples first called Christians in Antioch - tongue in cheek?Prophecy of famine - Christians helping Jerusalem Christians? Weren't they also under the famine?


    Then to the Gentiles also God has granted repentance that leads to life.


    Inward: Do I tend to recognize the works of God or blaze my path?

    Outward: Preach the Lord Jesus. Don't let other subjects get me sidetracked.

    Upward: Praise Jesus for the Holy Spirit who still works to bring men and women to the cross.

    Check out all of our podcasts on the New Hope Podcast Network at www.newhopechurch.cc/listen

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  • s1e82 Acts 10:1-48


    Significance of Caesarea?Why the explanation of the Italian Cohort?Why is Peter in Joppa? Context?Significance of the hours listed - 9th hour, etc.?Cornelius explained his vision and everything to the solider and servant - why?Trance? Has this happened elsewhere in the Bible?3x same vision - repetition - any ties to 3 denials?What God has made clean - we assume Gentiles right?The men coming seem to be the answer to the meaning of the vision.Even though God said go, Peter still asks them why they are there...Why did the Spirit direct Cornelius to fetch Peter to hear what Peter had to say? Why not reveal to him directly?The gifts and then baptism - what was the link?Why would Peter say why not baptism right away?Commanding - strong emphais


    God shows no partiality. But in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.


    Inward: How partial is my heart?

    Outward: How many opportunities do I pass on due to partiality?

    Upward: Praise Jesus for making the common clean. Your grace is truly amazing!

    Listen to our other podcasts on the New Hope Podcast Network at www.newhopechurch.cc/listen

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  • s1e81 Acts 9:1-43

    Tys Observations:

    Saul wasn't aloneAll the parallels Jacob, Zechariah, JesusIs following Jesus referred to as the Way anywhere else? Why is the W in "the way" capitalized?When God or Jesus spoke to someone were there witnesses? Why are there witnesses? Why didn't Saul eat or drink?Why exactly 3 days?Ananias responds to the Lord “Here I am, Lord” _ isn't that how Abraham responded?Who can stop a God who takes his enemy's greatest weapon and uses it to impose His will?Is it possible the story of the 99 and the lost sheep was specifically referring to SaulBarnabas – One of Saul's disciples? Is this the guy from Acts 4:36–37Miracles = faith builders for othersThe Tabitha/Dorcas story reminds me of the little girl Jesus healed, Peters mother in law

    Darin's Observations:

    The Way - first mention? Why does Luke assume readers would know?Letters? Street called Straight, significance?God's answer to Ananias - interesting - I will show him how much he must sufferLaying on of hands - filled?In the synagogues Paul proclaims after missing these letters - does he fall under the same letter now?Proving that Jesus is the Christ - reasoned in Scripture?Jews plotted to kill him - under the letters? Irony.Barnabas - first or second time mentioned in Acts?The Hellenists - same as the Jews? Why give Aeneas' name? Tabitha? Dorcas? and areas like Sharon, Lydda, Joppa, etc.?Simon the Tanner - odd...what about the unclean?


    (Ty) The Lord will provide.  When you're being persecuted to the ends of the earthWhen you are desperate for healing, When your sin is so great everyone knows your name because of it and you need saving, When your a dead and you need to be brought back to life The Lord will provide. (Darin) God is in control and makes a way for the Gospel door to be opened to the Gentiles. The Gospel brings life wherever it goes!


    Inward: (Ty) Walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit (Darin) Ditto.

    Outward: (Ty) You never know whom the Lord might bring to your door, when the Lord calls you to be there for someone else answer His call with “Here I am” (Darin) Is my testimony a basis for the Gospel presentation?

    Upward: (Ty) only you turn mistakes into miracles - Only you make prophets out of prodigals - Only you deserve the glory for it all- 'Cause nothing is too far for you to rise again - Come and make these dead bones live - Taken from graves by–KB

    (Darin) Praise God for taking back Paul from the enemy and using him for His glory!

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  • s1e80 Acts 8:1-40 (Sorry no Music on this episode - recorded on Zoom due to circumstances)

    Ty's Observations:

    How does Saul go from being just in approval of Stephen's stoning to being in charge of all the persecutions?Does the scattering of the Jerusalem Jesus Jews help further kingdoms throughout Judea and Samaria? Did the Holy Spirit lead it?Were they all scattered except the disciples who were dragged off to prison the disciples? The Talmud?Is this the first we hear of Philip that he has become this master pastor and is performing miracles with the Holy Spirit because of Jesus?When do we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit?For the listener– What is a eunuch? I am nicknaming the Ethiopian eunuch Easy E because he needs a name.How far was Ethiopia from Jerusalem in ancient times and were they largely pagan? –sometimes when I read the bible I feel like I'm in national treasure. Because 2050 years ago the borders and even the enforcement would have been so much different.

    Darin's Observations:

    City of Samaria? Significance of calling it the city - it wasn't around then, right?Apostles didn't scatter - significance?Why the coming of Peter and John? Is anything here concerning when the HS comes on someone?Could God be leading Peter and John for their sake more than the Samaritans?Simon the magician, was he a convert or not?Peter's harsh rebuke led Simon to apologize, right?The angel of the Lord - synonymous with the Spirit? Any OT reference here?Candace - a title, not a name right?IS 53 - significance?


    (Ty) Blessed is everyone who will eat bread in the kingdom of God!” but those who make excuses, not one of those men who were invited shall taste God's Banquet. Luke 14 Philip is taken to Azotus - where is Azotus, why was he led there? Reasoning? (Darin) Luke demonstrates the faithfulness of the disciples of Jesus as they seek to continue to be His witnesses in Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. I believe his purpose is to show his readers that historically things were playing out as Jesus predicted.


    Inward: (Ty) Have the Joy that Easy E the Eunuch had when we were baptized every day. Be joyful because of Jesus. I feel like I have peaks and valleys in my faith and I lose some joy or hope at times. I want to have the Joy I had when I was baptized for the first time at age 34 every day. I pray for it. The Middle East is at war, the economy is bad the news has us worried, who cares I have Jesus let's be joyful Let's go! (Darin) Do I boldly proclaim the gospel like Philip? Where is my passion?

    Outward: (Ty) Pray to have an opportunity like Philip had with the Eazy E and listen to the Holy Spirit throughout the entire process sharing the Truth of the Joy of Jesus. (Darin) Peter's strong rebuke of Simon possibly shakes Simon into obedience, do I defend the gospel so vehemently with others whose hearts are obviously in the wrong place with God?

    Upward: (Ty) Praise God that He made room for me at His table and continues to fill with people who love Him just as much as I do, even though none of us are worthy of it. (Darin)

    Praise the Lord for guiding, leading, and giving strength to so many who have gone before us with great sacrifice to make sure we have heard the gospel of Jesus Christ!

    Listen to all of our podcasts on the New Hope Podcast Network - www.newhopechurch.cc/listen

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  • s1e79 Acts 7:1-52

    Ty's Observations:

    What does he mean by Uncircumcised in Heart and ears? Who is stephen?Is Stephen saying the Holy Spirit was always available to all Jewish people?54 Now when they heard these things they were enraged, and they ground their teeth at him. Why does Luke use gnashing of teeth in verse 54? Does God answer Stephens' intercessory prayer for those killing him or as I like to call them the stoner

    Darin's Observations:

    Chaldeans, Babylonians?History of Haran? Significance?God told Abraham of the 400 years of Egyptian slavery. wow - Gen 15Why does Stephen need to go over Israel's history with this audience?There seems to be lots of Exodus imagery - even the application of stiff-necked peopleWhy were they so mad? Enraged? Gnashing of teeth? Stopping the ears?So many parallels to JesusWhat significance is there in mentioning Saul here?


    (Ty) Come to Jesus, who is the way to God Almighty. Why are you deceiving your ears and heart by rejecting what you already know to be true? (Darin) God transcends any place, His Spirit is with us. People will go to great lengths to defend their "religion".


    Inward: (Ty) Create a plan for following Jesus the way Stephen did (Darin) Am I stiff-necked? Uncircumcised in heart? Do I resist the H.S.?

    Outward: (Ty) Make 1 intercessory prayer for 1 person or people group once a day who either seems to not be a Christian (Darin) Do I witness in the H.S.'s power? What am I afraid of?

    Upward: (Ty) Praise be God for taking persecution and making it a moment that leads to the repentance of the person doing the persecution. (Darin) Praise be to God who paid the price so He could be present with us.

    Check out all of our New Hope Podcasts at www.newhopechurch.cc/listen

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  • s1e78 Acts 6:1-15

    Ty's Observations:

    Why didn't the disciples see the feeding of Hellenistic women as a way to preach the word of God? How did they know Stephen was full of the Holy Spirit and what did he do previously to this that made Luke write Stephen is full of the HS and not the other 6?Is the writer trying to show us the similarities between Stephen's stories and that of Jesus?Did Stephen shine in his new role of feeding the Hellenists? What got Stephen to this level with the HS?

    Darin's Observations:

    disciples increasing, not Christians or any other name?Hellenists? Who are they exactly?pick from among you - the church selected 7 - any significance?are all the guys chosen - Greek names?Stephen was mentioned as full of faith and the Holy Spirit - is this to be assumed of the other men on the list as well?Priests come to the faith - significance? What priests?Synagogue of Freedmen? What is this exactly? Relation to the other areas/regions listed?Stephen's story is very similar to Jesus' story - how many parallels?The face of an angel - ECC 8:1 somewhat an explanation?


    Ty's Meaning: This is what Jesus meant in Luke 9:23 when He said If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily* and follow me. Luke illustrates Stephen showing us this is the way to follow Jesus.

    Darin's Meaning: The world hates Jesus and will hate anyone who proclaims the same truth. (added one) The church should attend to it's community in social and economic ways. Attended to by wise and spiritual people.


    (Ty) QUESTION None of my applications are seek and follow the Spirit. They are all things that were done by these men who were full of the Holy Spirit. Since the Holy Spirit was the influencer of their actions, Shouldn't my application seek and discern clear and direct guidance from the Holy Spirit instead of the actions themselves?

    Inward: Be open to honest criticism/correction when it's the truth and address the issue. Even if it's from outside your group. (Darin) Do I pursue His wisdom enough in my life? Is his grace and power in me with I speak, etc.?

    Outward: (Ty) Follow Jesus the way Stephen did. (Darin) Do I serve others economically? Do I serve with the Word?

    Upward: (Ty) Thank God for sending His Spirit to be our helper. If I have a problem He will solve it, all I have to do is ask in heartfelt prayer and be open to receive his answer instead of validation for what I want to do. (Darin) Praise Jesus for moving the church forward even amid crisis. Thank you, Father, for those who have gone before us, martyred for the faith, so we may know You.

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