A podcast that opens up conversations outside of the dance class. Studio owners and dance teachers you are not alone. We hear you and we see you! -
Official World of Ambient™ Podcast hosted and mixed by Stars Over Foy. The most relaxing space ambient, soundscapes and drone music in the WOA podcast.
The Soul Tribe Podcast was created to help you navigate through the world of spirituality, wellness, and self-development in an easy, grounded and relatable way. We break down everything from the Akashic Records, manifesting, spirituality and so much more! We want to help expand your boundaries and bring the spiritual world to you in a fun and easy way! Get ready to be inspired with tips, tools and easy to digest information.
Our mission with this podcast is to work towards the evolution of the subconscious unity. -
Join us as we talk about all things related to mindfulness, Reiki, metaphysics, tarot, astrology, the law of attraction, magic, and more. Support this podcast:
Learn the profound, ancient and revolutionary science of numerology. Discover how your full name and date of birth reveal the story, purpose, direction and potential of your life. Expand your horizons, refine your intelligence, get to know yourself on the most subtle and intimate levels. -
Jon Jacob talks to artists, writers, and audience members about classical music.
The Key to Happiness is in Your Hands!
Join our Journey of Self-Discovery to Rise above the Matrix, the Triggers, the Subconscious Programming to Realize your Ultimate Happiness, a Life full of Joy, Fulfillment and Meaning.
Hosted by Arda Ozdemir, Author of The Art of Becoming Unstuck, Spiritual Mentor and Relationship Coach at -
Timberwood Church Media
Sermon Audio Files from The Grove church in Ahwahnee, CA
Podcast about entertainment, sports and pop culture.
Podcasty Teatru Współczesnego w Szczecinie - podsłuchiwanie prób do spektakli i wydarzenia, rozmowy z artystami, gośćmi teatru i widzami. Zapraszam - Kamila Paradowska (
Drugą edycję podcastu dla Teatru Współczesnego w Szczecinie tworzy Karolina Żabczak. Zapraszam do subskrypcji "Podcastu teatralnego": -
Witam Szanownych Gości! Informacyjnie, nagrania poukładane są wg. rozegranych sesji, tak aby łatwiej Wam było je słuchać po kolei. Nie sugerujcie się datami, one służą tylko do ułożenia nagrań w odpowiedniej kolejności!
Tymczasem, zasiądźcie tutaj, przy kominku! Zaraz przyniesiemy coś na ząb i cosik do spłukania gardziołka! A następnie opowiem Wam, co się drzewiej wydarzyło... A gdzie? A kto? A zawrzyj gębę w końcu, to się dowiesz! Wybaczcie... Na czym ja skończyłem? -
astrology.TV’s Kelli Fox brings you weekly and monthly astrology forecasts. More than just a horoscope, this podcast gives you astrology weather predictions. Find out how the stars are aligning and affecting your zodiac sign for now and the days ahead.
The tone and scope of our daily lives are directly influenced by the planets in the sky. This astro-weather report also explains astrological conditions like Mercury retrograde periods, Full Moon and New Moon conditions, intense Eclipse patterns, planets changing signs as well as planetary aspects and how they'll affect your life.
Remember, forewarned is forearmed. Just like your local newscaster telling you to bring an umbrella to work, this podcast helps you circumvent potential problems with weekly and monthly, topical advice. So, don't just check the weather report; check your astro-weather report as well, and find out what the day has in store for you. With useful tips, insightful information and cosmic guidance know how to navigate the day ahead with confidence and clarity.
Kelli Fox is an accredited professional astrologer with the Federation of Australian Astrologers, Professional Member of the American Federation of Astrologers, I.S.A.R CAP – International Society of Astrological Research, NCGR PAA – National Council for Geocosmic Research. Kelli Fox is a household name in astrology and known for her insightful guidance and worldly wisdom.
Kelli Fox views astrology as a universal language through which the unique elements that make each of us who we are can be discussed, understood and developed. For Kelli, astrology is not just for entertainment (although it certainly shouldn’t be boring!) but a scientific tool that provides daily guidance when it’s done correctly. She sees her role as bringing this ancient science to our modern-day life through current technologies. -
Hello, my name is Shefali, I am a Chartered Accountant, Reiki Grandmaster, an Akashic Record Reader, and a Ramal Astrologer.
Welcome you all to my podcast. This channel is for those who want to go deeper into spirituality and want to know about Reiki.
Whatsapp: 8707532172 -
Sit & Sip Awhile, I'm Karena and this is The Witch's Inn.Join Karena an empath/energy worker and full-time Witch who loves connecting through Tarot and Oracle cards and the Lunar Cycle. Karena has discovered this medium to be an effective way of coaching the mind, body, and soul to align. Often times our soul speaks and our conscious mind is so busy with our day today, it doesn't have time to listen. When we come together as collective souls, we are setting the intention to hear and this is when our soul can speak clearly. Grab your favorite mug and enjoy a cuppa.Welcome to The Witch's Inn
W tym podcaście usłyszysz medytacje, których intencją jest uspokojenie, ukojenie i wyciszenie.
Medytacja to dla mnie przede wszystkim praktyka koncentracji, która ułatwia codzienne funkcjonowanie oraz podejmowanie decyzji.
In this podcast, you will hear meditations intended to calm, soothe and calm you down.
For me, meditation is a practice of concentration that helps everyday functioning and decision making. -
Welcome to Heaven & Healing Podcast.
Formerly known as Moon and Back Podcast, this was once a place of astrology, yoga, new age spirituality and self-healing.
In October 2021, I opened my heart to Jesus Christ and accepted Him as my Lord and Savior later that year. By December, I was convicted by the Holy Spirit to rebrand my podcast and denounce new age spirituality as I officially declared my identity in Christianity.
On February 22, 2022, Heaven & Healing was officially born.
On Heaven & Healing, I share testimonies from others who have been saved by Christ - from other former new agers, to former witches, former addicts, former atheists and so much more. I also bring on Biblical scholars to share knowledge of the history, context, and meaning of Scripture. Additionally discussed are experiences from my own life, political commentary and cultural discourse as it all relates to God and His Word.
For any believer or non-believer, this podcast is for you, in Jesus’ name.
Amen! -
The only capoeira podcast formed by natural selection. No idea is safe. Teaching advice, training tips, concepts, instruments, and Brazil news.
Wiersze wybrane Wisławy Szymborskiej. Dla przyjemności.