Hi this is Mike Jansen producer of the storytelling series In this episode we get to know Native American Storyteller Teresa Webb. Teresa's Original Interview was done in 2014 and is now being released in the storytelling series. Teresa passed away on December 26th 2017 surrounded by her family after her courageous battle against cancer. From Teresa's interview we hear about Native American cultures through stories and songs how storytelling was a part of her life since childhood. Teresa talks about her love for storytelling and how it evolved in her life over the years. Teresa used music and stories in her work as a Cultural Awareness Educator at the Eiteljorg Museum in Indianapolis. And now heres Teresa Webb.
The storytelling series was born out of 16 interviews I did in 2014 for a documentary on storytelling and how we use storytelling in all walks of life. Life and work pulled me away from the project and the awesome interviews have sat on my hardrive since then. I am now releasing the interviews in podcast format.
In this episode we get to know editorial cartoonist Gary Varvel. Born in Indianapolis, Indiana in 1957, Varvel was drawn to cartoons as a child when he saw a copy of MAD magazine. In this episode gary talks about his storytelling process his passion for storytelling and his belief about the human connection to storys.
Gary's original interview took place in 2014 when Gary was at the Indianapolis Star. Today Gary is an editorial cartoonist for the Indianapolis Business Journal.
The storytelling series was born out of 16 interviews I did in 2014 for a documentary on storytelling and how we use storytelling in all walks of life. Life and work pulled me away from the project and the awesome interviews have sat on my hardrive since then. I am now releasing the interviews in podcast format.
Episodes manquant?
In this episode we get to know CW Mundy. C.W. Mundy, an American impressionist artist, he was born in 1945 Indianapolis, Indiana. In 2007, Mundy achieved master status in The American Impressionist Society and in 2003 he was invited to master signature membership in the Oil Painters of America. CW is truly a renaissance man and his creative extends into music. CW's musical background that extends back to his college days at Ball State University in Indiana, where he was a member of a band called American Gothic, specializing in folk and bluegrass music. CW has released his music on an album titled Road Trip. In this episode CW discusses his journey into fine painting through the inspiration of his fathers doodling and how is grandmother inspired his musical Interests. CW talks about his powerful spirituality and how it believes it guides his work.
The storytelling series was born out of 16 interviews I did in 2014 for a documentary on storytelling and how we use storytelling in all walks of life. Life and work pulled me away from the project and the awesome interviews have sat on my hardrive since then. I am now releasing the interviews in podcast format.
In this episode we get to know Sandy Sasso. She was the second woman ever to become a rabbi and was ordained by the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College in 1974. Sandy is a parent, spiritual leader, and storyteller, and the award winning author of God’s Paintbrush, In God’s Name, God In Between and many other inspiring books for children of all faiths and backgrounds. she and her husband, Dennis, were the first rabbinical couple to jointly lead a congregation—Beth-El Zedeck in Indianapolis. Sasso, who holds a doctorate in ministry, is active in the interfaith community, and has written and lectured on the renewal of spirituality and the discovery of the religious imagination in children of all faiths. Sandy give us some great insight into storytelling and religion.
The storytelling series was born out of 16 interviews I did in 2014 for a documentary on storytelling and how we use storytelling in all walks of life. Life and work pulled me away from the project and the awesome interviews have sat on my hardrive since then. I am now releasing the interviews in podcast format.
In this episode we get to know standup comedian Stewart Huff. Stewart Huff was born in Campbellsville, Kentucky and grew up in Knoxville, Tennessee. He has been performing comedy for over 20 years, beginning when he decided to drop out of college to become a writer. Currently touring theatres, comedy clubs and anything in between across the country A storyteller at heart, Huff continues to amaze audiences with his clever material and personal wit. Huff has performed in comedy clubs nationally and internationally, including the Improv in Los Angeles and New York, the Punchline in Atlanta and the Funny Bone in Omaha, as well as countless others.
The storytelling series was born out of 16 interviews I did in 2014 for a documentary on storytelling and how we use storytelling in all walks of life. Life and work pulled me away from the project and the awesome interviews have sat on my hardrive since then. I am now releasing the interviews in podcast format.
In this episode we get to know Deborah Asante. Deborah is a storytelling and performance artist based in Indianapolis. A practitioner of her art form for more than 20 years, In her performances, Deborah uses words to paint pictures, transporting young audiences to different locations and eras throughout history. Throughout her career, Deborah has received numerous awards, including the Aesop Cup for Tall Tales and the Zora Neale Hurston Award from the National Association of Black Storytellers. The Arts Council of Indianapolis has also honored her twice as a Creative Renewal Arts Fellow. Deborah talks about being and army brat, her journey into professional storytelling and her love for the art of storytelling in from of audiences.
The storytelling series was born out of 16 interviews I did in 2014 for a documentary on storytelling and how we use storytelling in all walks of life. Life and work pulled me away from the project and the awesome interviews have sat on my hardrive since then. I am now releasing the interviews in podcast format.
In this episode we get to know Dr. Andrew Saykin Director, Center for Neuroimaging at Indiana University School of Medicine.
Dr. Saykin is one of the world’s leading authorities on neuroimaging, and his expertise is critical to diagnosing and understanding how Alzheimer’s disease progresses. When I did the original interviews for the storytelling project in 2014 I was curious about how our brains are functioning when we experience storytelling and if it reacts differently than regular functions throughout the day. That led me to Dr. Saykin who give us some interesting insight into the 3 pound universe our brain.
The storytelling series was born out of 16 interviews I did in 2014 for a documentary on storytelling and how we use storytelling in all walks of life. Life and work pulled me away from the project and the awesome interviews have sat on my hardrive since then. I am now releasing the interviews in podcast format.
In this episode we get to know Sports Writer Bob Kravitz Bob is a graduate of Indiana University. He is an award-winning columnist who has worked for Sports Illustrated, the Rocky Mountain News in Denver, the Indianapolis Star and other publications. He has covered sports as a columnist and feature writer for 36 years. Today, Bob is a columnist for the Athletic.com. In this episode Bob reveals his passion for storytelling and why he believes sports is the best reality show going. This interview was originally recorded with Bob in March of 2014 and is being released for the first time here on the storytelling series.
The storytelling series was born out of 16 interviews I did in 2014 for a documentary on storytelling and how we use storytelling in all walks of life. Life and work pulled me away from the project and the awesome interviews have sat on my hardrive since then. I am now releasing the interviews in podcast format.
In this episode we get to know Mark Boyle. Mark has completed a franchise record 25 seasons as the “Voice of the Pacers” on an extensive statewide network, and has broadcast more than 2,000 games during his NBA career.
Mark has spent his summers broadcasting minor league baseball games, He talks about growing up in Minneapolis and his father's Influence on the direction of his career. Mark also reveals his goal of calling the perfect game and storytelling basketball action to his radio listeners. Here's Mark Boyle
The storytelling series was born out of 16 interviews I did in 2014 for a documentary on storytelling and how we use storytelling in all walks of life. Life and work pulled me away from the project and the awesome interviews have sat on my hardrive since then. I am now releasing the interviews in podcast format.
Early in Ann's career she was the press agent for IU Head Basketball coach Bob Knight. Ann's journey continued into advertising and product development for national brands including ‘2 Scoops of Raisins’ for Kellogg’s Raisin Bran, Leggo My Eggo, The talking Parkay Margarine tub, and McDonalds Happy Meals. Today Ann is president of Anthology consulting and Senior Lecturer at Kelly School of Business at Indiana University in Bloomington Indiana. Ann has some great insight into storytelling in advertising, business and life.
The storytelling series was born out of 16 interviews I did in 2014 for a documentary on storytelling and how we use storytelling in all walks of life. Life and work pulled me away from the project and the awesome interviews have sat on my hardrive since then. I am now releasing the interviews in podcast format.
In this episode we get to know writer producer and director Angelo Pizzo Angelo achieved fame by writing and producing the massively popular sports films Hoosiers (1986) and Rudy (1993) and he directed the Gridiron Movie My All American. Angelo talks about growing up the oldest of 7 children, His journey into filmmaking and his approach to writing. Angelo gives us some really great insight into his process and observations about storytelling. If you are an aspiring filmmaker or just love movies you will really enjoy hearing from Angelo. Now here's Angelo Pizzo
The storytelling series was born out of 16 interviews I did in 2014 for a documentary on storytelling and how we use storytelling in all walks of life. Life and work pulled me away from the project and the awesome interviews have sat on my hardrive since then. I am now releasing the interviews.
In this episode we get to know Indianapolis attorney Jim Voyles. Jim has had an incredible law career representing high profile clients including Boxer Mike Tyson, former Indiana University basketball coach Bobby Knight, former Colts Punter Pat McAfee and former Indiana Pacers Steven Jackson and Jamal Tinsley. Jim discusses his realization and evolution of the power of storytelling in the courtroom.
The storytelling series was born out of 16 interviews I did in 2014 for a documentary on storytelling and how we use storytelling in all walks of life. Life and work pulled me away from the project and the awesome interviews have sat on my hardrive since then. I am now releasing the interviews. Interviews are also available on Youtube.
The very first episode of The Storytelling Series is now available featuring Jennie DeVoe singer/songwriter from the Midwest. Jennie has built a hugely successful music career without signing with a record label.
The storytelling series was born out of 16 interviews I did in 2014 for a documentary on storytelling and how we use storytelling in all walks of life. Life and work pulled me away from the project and the awesome interviews have sat on my hardrive since then. I am now releasing the interviews. Interviews are also available on Youtube.