Bastards and Broken Things is a dedicated Game Of Thrones and A Song Of Ice & Fire and now House of the Dragon Podcast, brought to you by the Fan Critical podcast network. Our small council gather weekly, drinking plenty of Arbor Gold whilst discussing the latest news in Westeros both in book and show form. So come join us whether you follow the Old God's or the New, all are welcome!
《难以言喻 The Ineffables》 是一档迷你读书会式播客。我们三位朋友(小灰、小碳、小粒)跨越时区在虚拟空间中相会,共同探讨各种艺术作品,和它们带来的那些难以言喻(ineffable)的悸动。每期由其中一位主播推荐自己最想讨论的作品,其他两位则必须观看或体验并一起分享感受。这个过程不仅是寻找新鲜内容的机会,也是我们互相安利(或安利翻车)的时刻,更是每月和好朋友赛博相聚的珍贵时光。
We provide alternative perspectives on classic and popular texts. Contact us: [email protected]
《异世界》是一档以性别和酷儿等多元视角解读大众或通俗文本的播客。联系我们:[email protected]
Welcome to The Jeremy Brett Sherlock Holmes Podcast - a show devoted to revisiting and honoring the world's greatest portrayal of the world's greatest detective.
From 1984 to 1994, Granada Television produced what is arguably the best (and most complete) depiction of the legendary detective’s Adventures, Memoirs, Case-Books and many Returns. Spanning 36 episodes and 5 movies, producer Michael Cox created a Sherlockian experience like no other. This podcast will examine that timeless series with a specific eye on Jeremy Brett in the role he was destined to immortalize. -
This channel hosts KiranPrabha Talk Shows on variety topics, Films, Literature, Biographies etc in Telugu
New SERIES ALERT!!!! Similar concept, sparkly new show! Join me and some verrrry special guests as I Watch Along to Apple TV+'s thriller tv show, SUSPICION! I was lucky enough to play Tara on the deliciously suspenseful drama alongside some VERY talented actors. I'd love to take you backstage and share all the inside info, bts gold, and provide some good positive inspo.
I'm so happy you're here, and I'm SO happy to BE BACK!! xx -
"Spaces" is a series by artist and writer Morgan Harper Nichols on cultivating dedicated areas for thinking, reflecting, and imagining. The focus is on practices like journaling, keeping notebooks, and creating digital gardens. These activities are more than just tasks to keep up with; they are spaces to explore and ways to create resources that can benefit various areas of life. From school to work, inner worlds to connecting with the rest of the world, and making art to writing, Morgan shares insights from both her research and personal practices to help you capture details, inspire ideas, cultivate imagination, and foster creativity.
Each week we discuss events and happenings in the history of the Walt Disney Company. From Walt Disney's Birthday, to the opening day of Splash Mountain, to the World Premiere of Treasure Planet, we are chatting about it! Join us!
A Weekly Star Trek podcast focusing on the past, present, and future of Trek. Live every week on YouTube at 9:30 PM ET.
新書の概略と冒頭本文を音声でお届けすることで、“立ち読み感覚” で気軽に教養に触れ、学びたいテーマとの出会いや、新たな発見の機会をご提供します。
現代思想、経済、金融、哲学、社会学、サブカルチャーなどをテーマとして毎月3~4冊の新刊を発行している新書シリーズです。 -
ポッドキャストの書き起こしサービス「LISTEN」はこちら -
Austin Film Festival's On Story Podcast is the companion to Austin Film Festival's television show, On Story. Get an uncensored inside look at the creative process of film making through the eyes of some of the entertainment industry's most prolific writers, directors and producers.