Raise your hand if you feel like you’re occupying a different consciousness compared to a year ago.
I do.
When large disruptions in the external environment happen, it triggers shifts in consciousness to reassess reality. That’s what happened in the past year. And we’re going to see a lot of such disruptions in coming years. That’s a reason why I think we’re on the verge of a quantum leap in consciousness evolution.
Yesterday as I was trying to process / integrate the shifts that have happened in me over the past few months, I wrote down a list of 10 principles and mindsets that have helped me expand my personal freedom in this fast changing time. Here they are.
1. You don’t exist.
2. Your values and moralities are not real.
3. You’re free to choose all parameters of your reality, but most people can’t and won’t take that freedom because it’s not convenient.
4. Failures or bad decisions do not exist, unless you insist they do.
5. You never die.
6. There is no end game.
7. Optionality increases freedom.
8. Identity is a prison we all willingly live in.
9. The less you value your ego, the more freedom you have.
10. The less you hold sacred, the more freedom you have.
I unpacked some of these principles in this tweet thread, and in greater details in Ep 115 of the School of Intuition . Enjoy!
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There are certain buzzwords that get thrown around a lot in personal development circles that have no fixed definitions and are totally up for everyone’s interpretation. People would read about or hear these words and think they know what they refer to. Yet upon close examination, you realize that the exact meaning of those words is lost on almost everyone.
One of these buzz phrases is “highest potential”.
When someone says such and such will help you “attain your highest potential”, what do you think they mean? In other words, what’s your “highest potential” and what exactly are you going for when you’re trying to attain it?
Episode 99 of the School of Intuition offers some clarity on this matter. I’ll give you a clean cut, simple definition of your highest potential that is probably more helpful than most you can find in any dictionary or self help books. To put it briefly, to reach your highest potential is to continuously expand your capacity for fully living the human experience, which essentially involves three things--
capacity for direct knowing
capacity for the natural state of joy
capacity for personal freedom
As I’ll explain in the episode, all three are highly related and the latter two depend on the first. In other words, the ability for “direct knowing” is the foundation for attaining your highest potential.
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Sign up for the Power Mornings audio course at natashache.com/morning .
Follow me on Instagram @realnatashache
Episodes manquant?
There’s a high correlation between pain and growth. Not because the former necessarily leads to the latter. But because growth often requires resistance and pressure. It’s the resistance and pressure you find against the status quo that instigates openings for growth.
From a certain perspective, whatever pain or suffering you’re going through is a gold mine-- a rich source for your personal transformation towards a higher potential.
Yet I’m sure you’d agree that suffering is neither necessary nor sufficient for growth. And most of us hardly get our money’s worth from pain, so to speak.
In Episode 72 of the School of Intuition, I talk about an alternative perspective on suffering, and how you can get a higher return on investment out of those extreme life experiences.
In this episode I'll tell you about some changes coming to the SoI that I'm very excited about. If you've been following this soundcast for a while, make sure to listen to the end.
“I feel like I’ve grown so much internally and spiritually, but my external environment stays the same. Why? Don’t they say ‘As within, so without’?”
“I have so much potential. But I don’t feel I’m realizing my potential. What am I not doing right?”
These are some of the questions I get asked regularly, about the relationship between spiritual growth and worldly attainment.
It’s one thing to talk about “potentials” as a general term, it’s another to know what they are, specifically, for you. And if you don’t know what they are, we don’t have much basis to investigate what you’re not doing right.
In Episode 64 of the School of Intuition, I talk about the key performance indicators (KPI) for your life and why they are so important for translating your internal growth into external results and a fulfilling life.
In this episode I also tell you about some upcoming changes to the School of Intuition soundcast and the considerations behind the change. I’ll have more details in the coming weeks. Stay tuned.
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Sign up for the Power Mornings audio course at natashache.com/morning.
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Follow me on Instagram @realnatashache
Archetypes are emblems of human development paths. They are shared aspects of our collective hero’s journey.
Knowing about your archetypes can bring great awareness to your own path of growth. It also helps you properly acknowledge how far you’ve come and shed light on your highest destiny. At times of setbacks and uncertainty, it reminds you to remain patient and grounded.
One of the archetypes so many of my listeners share is the Conscious Empath. In episode 61 of the School of Intuition, I talk about the 7 growth stages of the empath archetype and their respective manifestations. You may find yourself identify with some or all aspects of the stages I mentioned in this episode. And no matter which stage you are in and how things appear to be on the outside, remember that you’re at the right place in this point in time, and your presence here is already a blessing to this earth.
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Sign up for the Power Mornings audio course at natashache.com/morning.
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Follow me on Instagram @realnatashache
99 percent of humans, 99 percent of time, live in the “dimension of phenomena”, where it’s all about thoughts, emotions, energies, and stories, and consciousness manifests as very sophisticatedly programmed intelligence.
Yet at some point in your life in the dimension of phenomena, the question emerged: “Is this all there is to life?” For many people that was the beginning of their spiritual journey. And that question was basically your intuition telling you that the dimension most humans dwell in is not the whole story of existence.
There is this other dimension, what I call the “dimension of the Source”, where the rules of living are very different.
An important element of human mastery is learning to dwell in both these dimensions at the same time.
In episode 60 of the School of Intuition, I talk about what it means to live your life from the dimension of the Source, how it changes your perspective on life and gives you more personal freedom, and most importantly, how that dimension can be accessed.
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Sign up for the Power Mornings audio course at natashache.com/morning.
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Follow me on Instagram @realnatashache
A caterpillar walks into a therapist’s office.
“I’m depressed,” he says to the therapist. “Because you know what the problem of my life is? No wings. I have no fucking wings, man! Can you fix that? How can I get me some butterfly wings?”
If the caterpillar were your friend, as the wise person you are, you’d probably try to talk some sense into it. You’d probably say, “Sweetheart, you don’t become a butterfly by sticking a couple wings onto yourself. That’s not how it works. But don’t stress about it. Just be patient and wait for a few weeks. Your wings will come. They will grow themselves. For now, just be the best caterpillar you can be and save yourself some useless worries!”
There’s a time and a place for every stage of the soul’s journey. The ambitious kind of caterpillar may think it will become a butterfly faster if it sets some self-improvement goal and studies it. But the truth is it ain’t gonna happen until it’s time.
Every stage of your growth journal is there for a reason. It’s designed to be honored, respected, and savored at every step. It’s absurd to pass value judgment on caterpillar v.s. butterfly. Because without the former, the latter would never exist.
Yet too often that’s what we do to ourselves. People on a spiritual path think of themselves as incomplete work in progress unless they attain the spiritual trophies they want.
Often times people say they devote themselves to the path of enlightenment because they’re tired of the rat race that goes on in the external world. Yet they manage their inner growth in the exact same way that they were taught to manage their career or finances. The ego thinks this is a whoever-gets-the-bigger-prize-faster-wins game.
It’s not.
In Episode 54 of The School of Intuition soundcast, I talk about “spiritual ambitions”, and why being honest with your experience at the present moment is way more powerful than checking items off your spiritual accomplishment list.
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Sign up for the Power Mornings audio course at natashache.com/morning.
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Follow me on Instagram @realnatashache
When I was 10 years old, one day I was alone at home and discovered--to my horror--a large family of cockroaches in the kitchen cupboard. It was an emergency situation. I wasn’t sure what disturbed the roaches. But when I opened the cupboard, hundreds of them jumped out at me from nowhere. An army of dark force.
I was grossed out and scared to death.
My heart pounding and my hands shaking, I grabbed a bottle of insecticide and sprayed the whole kitchen with it. The kitchen was so filled with chemicals that probably for an entire month, everything that came out of there smelled toxic.
Why am I telling you this?
Because that’s an exact metaphor for how most people treat “negativity”. They are so grossed out and afraid of it. And as soon as they catch a tiny glimpse of it, they grab a bottle of so-called “positive energy” and spray the whole universe silly.
But here lies the irony. The impulse to eliminate negativity--or bad karma, lower consciousness, whatever you call it--from your space is quite negative in itself.
It’s all based in the deep-rooted primal fear that somehow the existence of you is not enough to justify the existence of you.
As an empathic badass on a path of expanding consciousness, sooner or later you realize that the common wisdom regarding negativity is too limiting to your mission on this earth.
Episode 50 of the School of Intuition is a very IMPORTANT episode to listen to. Here I talk about an “advanced treatment” of negativity that will bring you more clarity regarding who you are as an empathic lightworker. I also talk about the nature of negativity, personal identity, and your empathic gift, that will bring you more emotional and energetic freedom.
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Sign up for the Power Mornings audio course at natashache.com/morning.
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Follow me on Instagram @realnatashache
What does it mean to live as the Source? How can you find the courage to express your own truth, live more fearlessly, and pursue your highest potential?
Kasey and Brad Wallis are renowned facilitators of expanding consciousness. Since Brad's near-death experience, they have been conduits for an advanced intelligence named Julius, who offers messages of empowerment and enlightenment for humanity.
For the past 10 years, the Wallis’ have been inviting people worldwide to embrace their true limitlessness. And in episode 45 of The School of Intuition, they share their own journey of profound personal transformation, and what it takes to lead an authentic, inspired life. I deeply enjoyed my chat with Kasey and Brad. Through their stories, you will find inspiration, compassion, and more love for your own precious self.
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Find out more about Kasy and Brad Wallis at
Expand with Julius
Kasey and Brad website
Who else in your life need to listen to this episode? Send them a screenshot or the episode link.
Sign up for the Power Mornings audio course at natashache.com/morning.
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Follow me on Instagram @realnatashache
It is common wisdom that perseverance is a virtue and the ability to keep pursuing one’s goals in the face of setbacks is essential for achieving success in any area of life.
On the other hand, many spiritual teachings advocate the value of surrendering to the higher will, because there is a bigger plan and the ego’s desire may or may not be in alignment with the highest growth path of your soul.
So what should one make of these seemingly contradictory guidances? And when push comes to shove, how should one decide what’s the correct course of action? In episode 42 of the School of Intuition, I talk about the ego’s role in decision making, the spiritual bypass that many of empathic light beings tend to fall into when making decisions, and how to decide in ambivalent situations whether you should persevere or surrender.
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Sign up for the Power Mornings audio course at natashache.com/morning.
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Follow me on Instagram @realnatashache
Most people avoid the feeling of emptiness like a plague. And that’s for very good reasons. However, if you’re on a spiritual path of sorts, I want to tell you that your relationship with emptiness is actually one of the most important spiritual skills to master. Having a “friendly” relationship with that seemingly horrible void is a sign of spiritual maturity. And the emptiness can teach you so much about the nature of existence, and transform your life into a more empowered one.
In this episode of the School of Intuition, I talk all about emptiness. What it is. What it’s not. Why most people avoid it. What you can do to develop a healthy relationship with it. We’ll also do a meditative practice together to enter the state of emptiness.
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Sign up for the Power Mornings audio course at natashache.com/morning.
Subscribe to the School of Intuition on Soundwise: natashache.com/school
Follow me on Instagram @realnatashache
Last week I got this message from a listener, “I love, love your power mornings course...I’m doing your clarity finder exercise to connect with my higher self. But I don’t know if I’m doing it right. How do I know the information I get is real?”
This is actually a common thought most of us have when we get an intuitive message-- "Is this for real or am I making shit up?"
In this episode, I talk about two approaches to resolve this question. The first approach works for almost everyone. The second approach does not. But if you really get the second perspective, you will never have to wonder about the validity of your intuition ever again.
Signup for the Power Mornings audio course at natashache.com/morning
Join the True Voyage community on Soundwise: natashache.com/true
Follow me on Instagram @realnatashache
Time is an illusion-- I'm sure you've all heard of that statement. But other than an interesting soundbite you can dish out in cocktail parties to start intellectual conversations that go nowhere, that statement means nothing to most people. We're so used to existing in the time-space continuum that an existence without time is beyond what we can wrap our head around.But what if your future has indeed already happened? And practically, what if you can access your future self-- who is 100 times stronger, wiser, more creative-- to help problem-solve any challenges you're having at present?In this episode I will walk you through a practice to do exactly that-- so that you can borrow strength from your future self and lend a hand to your past self, so that the journey towards your highest destiny will be a more pleasant one. Your highest destiny has already happened. Your job is simply to make the trip there an enjoyable one.
Have you heard of the an-empath-walks-into-a-bar joke? Me neither. Probably because walking into a crowded space is no joke for empaths / energetically sensitive beings. Because you're easily overwhelmed by other people's energy, an empath's instinctual response when walking into a room is often times to hide and to shrink. The reasoning is that if you take up less space, others won't come mess with you and it's less likely to be overwhelmed. But that strategy rarely works. You end up feeling out of place and defeated, and missing the chance of making meaningful connections with people.In this episode, I talk about an alternative strategy-- the right things to do when you try to navigate a roomful of people, so that you not only feel comfortable and less overwhelmed, but also attract the right people to you. This is a great approach especially if you're energetically sensitive. But even if you are not, the practices I mentioned in the episode will still help you to own the room.
You're having a thought. Is it a divinely inspired intuition? Or is it random mind chattering? Many people ask me how they can learn to trust their path and not freak out when things don't seem to go their way. I always tell people to start by learning to differentiate real intuition from other thoughts which we all have a million of every day. That will help you a great deal in terms of building the trust and faith in your higher self and your destiny.But how do you do that?In this episode of the True Voyage, I will teach you what real intuition is not, and how you can tell you're getting an intuitive message from your higher self by discerning the feelings that comes with the message.
Being able to intuitively read other people's energy is useful in so many situations. No matter whether you're just meeting someone at a cocktail party, or trying to make significant decisions about the person, e.g. deciding if to hire them, date them, become their business partner, knowing "what the person is about" intuitively will help you make better decisions and have better relationships. In this episode, I'll tell you a simple 4-step process to read others' energy quickly. As any skills in life, it does take practice to develop. And the #1 principle of developing any kind of intuition is this: the more you respect your intuition, the more intuitive you get. Listen to find out what I mean. If you like this episode, don't forget to check out my audio course: How To Get Anything You Want: A Course On Inner Mastery https://mysoundwise.com/soundcasts/1512247726161s
Have you had the feeling that going through life is like being stuck in traffic? You're never going anywhere that you want to go fast enough and you wonder, well, when exactly is this going to happen? When am I going to finally reach my goals? Or is this ever going to happen at all? Sometimes life feels like you are stuck in a sea of cars on the highway where nothing is moving. And as soon as some space seems to clear up and things start to speed up a bit…you get excited and you step on the gas pedal and you start feeling hopeful…right then the car in front of you stops again, leaving you feeling so frustrated. In this episode, I want to offer you a few alternative perspectives on why delays happen. The truth is not always what it seems to be. And if you're open to it, everything is an opportunity for you to deepen your relationship with your true self. This is no exception.
For the light of your consciousness to illuminate the world, For you to become the healing presence you came to this planet to be, first you have to BE HERE. That sounds plain and simple. But for many energetically sensitive beings walking the path of liberation and authenticity, we are never fully “here”. Because we feel so much and the world can be so damn painful and overwhelming. So we keep one foot out of this life. And as a result, life never feels truly fulfilling or delivering its full potential. In this episode, I talk about why it is so important to being fully committed to your human experiences, no matter how uncomfortable they are, and how to do that.
Being an empath is powerful, but not until you know how to use that power. When you walk in the world as an empathic being, two things are constantly happening: 1. external situations are triggering what’s inside of you that’s unacknowledged, unloved and unhealed; 2. you’re being entrained into the energy fields of other people and places. That’s why setting intentions is important– it makes it more likely for you to be the “bigger pendulum” and impact others, instead of the other way round. In this episode I talk about the why and how of intention setting.