What was the $60 million mistake that click funnels made during funnel hacking live, and how can you avoid that same mistake?
What might be possible for you if you’re allowed to keep your tax dollars, and grow that wealth?
What might that mean for your family? What might that mean for your business? What might that mean for your charitable giving, or philanthropy? Your legacy? -
Episodes manquant?
What might be possible for you, your business, your family, and your legacy if you stop trying to be significant, and start serving others?
Find your purpose...fund your purpose! Today we explore the possibilities of what you can achieve if you focus more on your purpose, and live a life of meaning...what might be possible for you... your family? Your legacy?
Have you ever wondered what your mission in life is? Have you ever been confused, conflicted, or wondered what is my “mission and purpose”? Today we dive into a simple structure… The formula, if you will… To map out your “mission and purpose” statement.
I’m often asked when kids should start to get involved in philanthropy… And giving back more, in a more meaningful way? In this episode I talk about what we do with our children, and KindFoundation.org. To donate to Kind Foundation, go to PurposeDrivenBlueprint.org, and click the upper right hand corner, where it says “Donate”!
At the end of the year taxes are on everyone’s mind… If you’re a business owner, entrepreneur, or investor, then you’re especially sensitive to the topic of taxes. Listen to this episode, to gain some perspective on what is possible.
Real, raw, and extremely relevant… The movie “instant family”, starring Mark Wahlberg does a wonderful job depicting real life scenarios of foster care and adoption.… The pain, hurt, the heartache, the broken legal system, The tough job that CPS workers have, the caseworkers who care so much about these kiddos… I highly recommend if you have a heart for adoption or foster care that you go see this movie!
Do you believe that you own everything? Or… Are you just a good steward of what you’ve been blessed with?
Today’s episode we discover how the wealthiest families get additional benefits, simply by using the 1041 trust & foundation system.
What does your purpose have to do with power? How are the two linked together? What is the tie that binds your purpose, and power in your life?
Latest episode of The Purpose Driven Podcast