
  • In this discussion, we explore the profound message of the Book of Ephesians. The central theme is that God's eternal plan prevails through Christ and continues to unfold through the church. We learn that our unity in Christ, both Jew and Gentile, is a powerful testament to God's wisdom. The church's role in displaying this wisdom to spiritual powers is emphasized, reminding us of the cosmic significance of our daily Christian walk. As we delve into the structure of Ephesians, we see how the first three chapters lay the doctrinal foundation, while the last three provide practical application through 31 imperatives. These commands, covering various aspects of life, are presented as the true battleground of spiritual warfare. This perspective challenges us to view our everyday obedience as a powerful spiritual act, declaring God's victory over darkness.

    Chapter 1: Introduction and Overview of Ephesians
    Chapter 2: The Structure and Message of Ephesians
    Chapter 3: The Church's Role in God's Plan
    Chapter 4: Grace, the Holy Spirit, and Walking in the Light

  • In this exploration of Jeremiah 32:40-41, we discover a profound promise of God's everlasting covenant and unwavering goodness. The passage reassures us that God will never cease doing good to His people, inspiring us to fear Him and remain faithful. This promise serves as a powerful antidote to anxiety, reminding us that God's goodness is inexhaustible. As we grapple with how to apply Old Testament promises to our lives today, we learn that these words find their ultimate fulfillment in Christ and His church. The land promise, once limited to Israel, now extends to the ends of the earth through the gospel. This expanded understanding encourages us to embrace God's blessings fully while recognizing our role in advancing His kingdom.

    Chapter 1: Introduction to Jeremiah's Promise - 0:00 - 6:00
    Chapter 2: New Covenant and Biblical Interpretation - 6:00 - 12:00
    Chapter 3: The Land Promise and God's Cosmic Plan - 12:00 - 18:00
    Chapter 4: Interpreting Prophetic Language - 18:00 - 24:00
    Chapter 5: Balancing Present and Future Kingdom Realities - 24:00 - 30:00

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  • In this episode David and Jake talk about the book 'Paul and the Gift' by John Barclay and deep dive into how the theology of grace reveals profound truths about God's unconditional love for us.
    We learn that grace was a concept present in Judaism, but Paul's radical message was that God's grace is given freely to all, Jew and Gentile alike, without regard to our worth or merit.
    The crucifixion and resurrection of Christ defeated the power of sin and enables us to live transformed lives empowered by the Holy Spirit. While we cannot earn God's favor through legalistic rule-following, true grace will naturally overflow into a life that bears good fruit.
    As we grasp the depths of God's unmerited kindness towards us, it should fill us with humility, gratitude and a desire to extend that same grace to others.
    Chapter 1: Introduction and the New Perspective on Paul Debate - 0:00 - 17:09
    Chapter 2: Examining Sanders' Arguments and Their Implications - 17:11 - 24:31
    Chapter 3: Barclay's Contributions: Grace, Incongruity, and the Law - 24:33 - 28:32
    Chapter 4: Circling Back: Evaluating the Old and New Perspectives - 28:34 - 34:27
    Chapter 5: Grace, Reciprocity, and Response in Paul's Thought - 34:34 - 64:19

    Good Theology is presented by Pulpit AI

  • The conversation explores the theme of faith in the Gospel of Matthew. The hosts discuss how faith is essential for entrance into and experience of the kingdom of heaven. They examine the stories in Matthew's gospel that highlight different levels of faith, from no faith to little faith to great faith. They also discuss the importance of the quality of faith rather than the quantity. The hosts analyze the chiasm structure in Matthew's central section and how it emphasizes faith. They also discuss the significance of the stories of the Canaanite woman and the disciples' inability to heal the demonized boy. The conversation explores the themes of faith and familiarity in the context of biblical stories. It discusses the importance of trust and dependency on God, the dangers of entitlement and self-sufficiency, and the need to seek the kingdom of God above all else. The conversation also highlights the role of offense in testing and refining one's faith, and the significance of perseverance and radical trust in experiencing the power of God. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the quality of faith rather than its quantity.

  • In this episode, Jake and David discuss the introduction to the Sermon on the Mount and the fulfillment of Moses typology. They explore the distinction between crowds and disciples and the significance of the Beatitudes as a way of life. They also delve into the concept of salt and light as a prophetic witness and the fulfillment of the promises of the land in Jesus. The conversation concludes with a reflection on living in covenant.

  • In this conversation, Jake, Josh, and David discuss key themes from the Sermon on the Mount. They explore the concept of the Father in Heaven and how Jesus' use of this term frames our understanding of the sermon. They also delve into the significance of the Kingdom of God and how it relates to the church. Finally, they discuss the idea of reward, recompense, and treasure, highlighting the tension between doing good for the right reasons and the promise of heavenly rewards. In this conversation, They discuss the concept of reward in the Sermon on the Mount and the broader New Testament sense. They explore the distinction between soteriology (salvation) and eschatology (reward) and how eschatology is present even before sin entered the world. They also delve into Adam and Eve's mission in the garden and how Jesus fulfills what they failed to do. The conversation concludes with a preview of the next episode's exposition on the book of Matthew.

  • In this conversation, David and Jake discuss key terms in Matthew's Gospel, including the concept of righteousness and the arrival of the kingdom. They explore the nuances of righteousness in Paul's letters compared to Matthew's Gospel. They also delve into the themes of hypocrisy and the importance of the heart in Christian living. They highlight the redefinition of God's people based on their response to Jesus, rather than ethnicity, and the inclusion of Gentiles in the new covenant. Lastly, they touch on the idea of reward in the Christian faith.

  • In this conversation, David and Jake discuss the Sermon on the Mount and its relevance to modern life. They explore the concept of blessedness and human flourishing, emphasizing the importance of understanding the Hebrew and Greek origins of the words used. They also discuss the influence of Greek thinking on the New Testament and the Jewish background of Jesus' teachings. The conversation highlights the need to define terms in their Old Testament context and presents Jesus' answer to the question of how to live a flourishing life.

  • In this episode, Jake and David discuss the book 'How to Read the Biblical Prophets' by Peter Gentry. They explore the unique writing style of the Hebrew prophets, which often uses repetition and recursive writing to convey their messages. The prophets' predictions are based on the judgments outlined in the Torah, and they often use types and typology to connect past events with future ones. The use of apocalyptic language is another tool the prophets employ to describe the future. Overall, the book provides valuable insights into understanding and interpreting the biblical prophets. In this conversation, Jake and David discuss the use of vague language in prophecy and how it relates to the context and audience. They explore the idea that prophets used what they had at hand to describe events, even if it meant being vague. They also examine the progression of language in prophecy, where the titles and descriptions become more poetic and apocalyptic as they reveal secrets about the future. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of understanding the context and purpose of prophecy in order to interpret it correctly.

  • In this episode, Jake and David hosts discuss commonly misunderstood verses in the Bible. They start by examining Matthew 21:18-22, which involves the cursing of a fig tree and the promise of prayer. The hosts clarify that the fig tree symbolizes fruitless, faithless Israel, and the promise in prayer is not a blanket statement for obtaining anything one desires, but rather aligning one's will with God's kingdom plan. They then move on to Matthew 7:1-5, which addresses the issue of judging others. The hosts explain that Jesus is condemning hypocritical judgment and emphasizing the importance of self-reflection before pointing out the faults of others. The conversation explores the potential misinterpretation of Bible verses and the importance of context in understanding the true meaning. It emphasizes the need to avoid using certain verses as a license to judge others and highlights the appropriate settings for judgment within church leadership. The hosts discuss the danger of misinterpreting passages without considering the broader context and allusions to the New Testament. They conclude by offering advice on reading the Bible, emphasizing the importance of reading the context around a verse.

  • In this episode, Jake, Josh, and David discuss Jesus' statement in John 14:6, where he declares, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life.' They explore the context of Jesus' departure and the significance of his crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension. The conversation delves into the practical implications of Jesus being the way, the truth, and the life, emphasizing the importance of living in obedience to Christ and having an eternal perspective.

  • Jake Sweetman and David Campbell have a compelling conversation around the profound "I am" statements of Jesus, specifically focusing on the vivid metaphors of "I am the gate" and "I am the good shepherd" found in John chapter 10. 
    They unravel the layers of meaning behind these images, emphasizing Jesus as the sole pathway to a fulfilling life, juxtaposed with the destructive influence of those who mislead. 
    Navigating the complexities of pastoral leadership, they candidly address the pitfalls that leaders can encounter, from a tendency toward naivety to the challenges of discernment within their congregations. As they consider the weight of responsibility that falls on church leaders, they stress the necessity of wisdom and a robust support system to uphold the church's doctrinal integrity. 
    This segment reveals the subtle shifts in church membership dynamics and the imperative of cultivating a strong, aligned community that stands firm in its core beliefs and values.
    Wrapping up, their conversation turns to the pivotal role of shepherding within the church, balancing the dual call to protect and care. 
    They delve into the biblical portrayal of shepherds, examining the vital connection between leadership authority and the humility to submit, as exemplified by Jesus himself. 
    By highlighting the heart and motivations behind leadership, they emphasize the sacrificial nature that is essential to guiding a church community. 
    This discussion provides valuable insights for those both in and out of leadership positions, reminding us all of the enduring impact of character over talent in service to others.

    (16:25) Challenges and Considerations in Pastoral Leadership
    (23:15) Alignment and Authority in Church Leadership
    (33:19) Shepherding and Authority in Leadership

  • Welcome back to the Good Theology podcast, where we continue our exploration of the profound "I am" statements of Jesus throughout the gospel. This time, we're shining a light on the statement, "I am the light of the world," a phrase with profound significance in our spiritual journey. Together with Jake Sweetman and David Campbell, we break down this statement in the context of the festival of Tabernacles, discussing themes of God's presence, guidance, and the assurance of His light in our darkest times. Listen in as we unpack the themes of light and darkness throughout the Bible, tracing their presence from the creation story to the Exodus and the overall narrative of Israel.

    This episode offers a deep understanding of Jesus' role as the light in the new beginning, illuminating the world and creating new creation. Jake and David lend their insights to the exploration of light and darkness in the Bible, discussing how these themes connect to Jesus' healing of a blind man in John chapter 9 and the messianic prophecy in Genesis 49. We also touch on God's unique ability to bring good out of bad situations, the importance of yielding to Him, and the assurance of His presence even in our darkest moments. This episode is part of a series on the "I am" statements of Jesus, and it promises to shed light on these significant phrases and their implications for our faith journey. So, sit back, tune in, and let's journey together into the light of understanding.

  • In this episode we reflect on the moments from our recent Holy Spirit Conference and share a set of powerful testimonies, including a miraculous healing from chronic back pain and more!
    In the latter part of the show, we illuminate the biblical significance of bread as it relates to Jesus, the bread of life.
    Using scripture, we trace the symbolic journey of bread; from Adam and Eve's curse of laboring for bread to the manna in the wilderness symbolising the source of life.

    (00:11) Good Theology Podcast
    (11:30) Symbolic Bread in Scripture
    (24:01) The Bread of Life

    This episode is presented by Pulpit AI
    Pulpit AI is an innovative platform that uses artificial intelligence to convert a single sermon or podcast audio into a variety of engaging content, such as notes, articles, social posts, and discussion questions and more. It streamlines content creation, repurposing your messages into easily digestible formats across multiple platforms.

  • How should a Christian think about Israel and Palestine?
    Join David Campbell and Jake Sweetman as they navigate this intricate topic, dissecting the nuances between the church and the nation of Israel through the lens of the new covenant.
    (00:10) Understanding the Theology of Israel
    (14:59) Dispensationalism, Replacement Theology, and the Rapture
    (25:09) The Rapture
    (38:28) God's Plan for the Jewish People
    (48:22) Tribulation and Millennium in Church Age

    This episode is presented by Pulpit AI
    Pulpit AI is an innovative platform that uses artificial intelligence to convert a single sermon or podcast audio into a variety of engaging content, such as notes, articles, social posts, and discussion questions and more. It streamlines content creation, repurposing your messages into easily digestible formats across multiple platforms.

  • Join us for an insightful exploration into the Biblical perspectives on tithing and stewardship. You'll hear how the use of money is a strong external indicator of where our hearts lie and why churches should embrace, not shy away from, this topic.
    As the discussion continues, we dive deeper into the principles of tithing as established in the book of Genesis. Hear our thoughts on the misconceptions that tithing is only applicable to the old covenant with Moses, and how Jesus' teaching in the Sermon on the Mount implies we should go beyond the standard of tithing.

    --------- EPISODE CHAPTERS ---------
    (0:00:11) - Biblical Perspectives on Tithing and Stewardship
    (0:08:31) - Tithing in the Bible
    (0:24:37) - Financial Support for Full-Time Ministry
    (0:32:54) - Exploring Tithing and Giving Concept
    (0:47:53) - Faith, Trust, and Stepping Forward

    This episode is presented by Pulpit AI.
    Pulpit AI is an innovative platform that uses artificial intelligence to convert a single sermon or podcast audio into a variety of engaging content, such as notes, articles, social posts, and discussion questions and more. It streamlines content creation, repurposing your messages into easily digestible formats across multiple platforms.

  • Join us as we journey through the profound teachings of the Beatitudes, particularly focusing on the phrase, "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." Listen in as we uncover the layers of meaning behind the term 'meek' and its significance in Psalm 37. We ponder the connection between meekness, hope, and turning away from anger and fretting, which according to the Psalm, leads to evil. We also discuss the fascinating dimensions of this Beatitude, particularly the eschatological implications.
    In the second part of our discussion, we turn to the promise of 'inheriting the earth' and how it relates to the concept of meekness as taught by Jesus. We talk about the vital connection between meekness and trust and how walking the path of meekness is indeed an act of faith. Delving into biblical history, we discuss how God's promise to Abraham of inheriting the land exemplifies meekness. We also highlight the significance of servanthood and sacrifice in the rule of Jesus' kingdom.
    Lastly, we venture into the intersection of faith and politics. We examine the complexities of political engagement, particularly for pastors, and how a biblical perspective can be presented without veering into partisan politics or endorsing specific candidates. We also touch upon the diverse views on economics within churches in the United States and England, and how preachers can mindfully avoid making hasty political statements that might overshadow the message of Christ.

    --------- EPISODE CHAPTERS ---------
    (0:00:11) - Exploring the Meaning of Meekness
    (0:17:39) - The Concept of Inheriting God's Promises
    (0:30:12) - Clarifying the Concept of the Kingdom
    (0:34:36) - Christian Politics and Post-MillennialismUnderstanding Post-Millennialism and Christian Politics
    (0:45:21) - The Role of Politics in Preaching

    This episode is presented by PULPIT AI. Pulpit AI is an innovative platform that uses artificial intelligence to convert a single sermon or podcast audio into a variety of engaging content, such as notes, articles, social posts, and discussion questions and more. It streamlines content creation, repurposing your messages into easily digestible formats across multiple platforms.

  • In this episode, we explore the essence of persecution in our Christian walk and why it's indeed a blessing to know which side we are on, even if it invites discomfort and opposition.
    Ever pondered what separates opposition from persecution? We'll help you navigate this territory, discussing how following the path of righteousness can make others uneasy and might even invite personal losses. But remember, as Christians, we are called to embrace such discomforts.
    Let's shred some misconceptions about persecution and eschatology, and the danger of treating persecution as a badge of honor. Misinterpretation of Bible verses can lead to misdirected actions. We'll discuss the importance of discerning opposition from persecution and why being biblically literate is essential. As we wrap up, we'll talk about the nuances of persecution in the Western culture and how, despite any suffering we face, the assurance of the Kingdom of Heaven is a reward we can experience right now. Don't let the paradoxical words of Jesus be misunderstood.

    --------- EPISODE CHAPTERS ---------
    (0:00:11) - The Blessedness of Persecution
    (0:10:08) - Defining Persecution
    (0:19:50) - Persecution, Dispensationalism, and Understanding the Kingdom
    (0:29:10) - Persecution in the Kingdom of Heaven

    Register for HOLY SPIRIT CONFERENCE featuring Dr. Jack Deere, David and Elaine Campbell and Jake and Nicole Sweetman in Los Angeles, CA. https://www.hs-conference.com/
    This episode is presented by PULPIT AI. Pulpit AI is an innovative platform that uses artificial intelligence to convert a single sermon or podcast audio into a variety of engaging content, such as notes, articles, social posts, and discussion questions and more. It streamlines content creation, repurposing your messages into easily digestible formats across multiple platforms.

  • In this episode, we navigate the paradoxical terrain of the Beatitudes, where we unravel the wisdom hidden in Matthew 5:8, and contrast this profound purity of heart with the pagan pursuit of power.
    We also delve into the transforming power of a pure heart that unveils the divine, and we draw parallels between this concept and the power of Resurrection.
    We also examine the metamorphosis that purity of heart can ignite within Christians, and the display of the Holy Spirit’s power within the Church and then discuss how the quest for a pure heart can lead to divine encounters, even within an imperfect church.

    --------- EPISODE CHAPTERS ---------
    (0:00:12) - Exploring the Beatitudes
    (0:17:44) - Purity of Heart, Seeing God
    (0:29:01) - Encountering God, Pursuing Purity in Church
    (0:40:12) - Pulpit AI

    Register for HOLY SPIRIT CONFERENCE featuring Dr. Jack Deere, David and Elaine Campbell and Jake and Nicole Sweetman in Los Angeles, CA. https://www.hs-conference.com/

    This episode is presented by PULPIT AI. Pulpit AI is an innovative platform that uses artificial intelligence to convert a single sermon or podcast audio into a variety of engaging content, such as notes, articles, social posts, and discussion questions and more. It streamlines content creation, repurposing your messages into easily digestible formats across multiple platforms.

  • In this illuminating discussion, Jake Sweetman & David Campbell navigate the perplexing words of Jesus found in John 15:7-8.

    Listen in as we unravel the passage's context, while examining the tests that reveal if one is genuinely a Christian. Drawing upon Murray Harris' philosophy of interpreting the Bible, we uncover the profundity of abiding in Jesus and His words as a pathway to assurance of salvation and the confidence to ask for anything in faith.

    -------- EPISODE CHAPTERS --------
    (0:00:12) - Understanding Jesus' Words on Prayer
    (0:07:40) - Answered Prayers and Glorifying God
    (0:12:43) - Prayer and Seeking God's Will
    (0:24:24) - The Power and Persistence of Prayer
    (0:31:32) - Encouragement in Prayer and Perseverance

    Register for HOLY SPIRIT CONFERENCE featuring Dr. Jack Deere, David and Elaine Campbell and Jake and Nicole Sweetman in Los Angeles, CA. https://www.hs-conference.com/

    This episode is presented by PULPIT AI. Pulpit AI is an innovative platform that uses artificial intelligence to convert a single sermon or podcast audio into a variety of engaging content, such as notes, articles, social posts, and discussion questions and more. It streamlines content creation, repurposing your messages into easily digestible formats across multiple platforms.