
  • Straight up - Happy Women's Health Week! Can you think off a better guest to celebrate Women's Health Week with!? Hella no! Bianca Dye is in the house! This episode is a favourite of mine, we get to very openly talking about so many facets of women's health and struggles, how Bianca has tackled things like anxiety, IVF and the pressure of comparison - there's absolutely something for everybody in this wonderful episode.We've decided to start to dig up some of the juicy episodes that make up the Wellness Collective Membership. These episodes have been recorded in the past 12 months and are exclusive to the Membership for a period of time before we will bring them here for you to check out. We figure why leave them locked away when they are SO good! PRESS PLAY!In this episode you will learn;1:30 How to begin to feel like a 'normal' person - learning from Bianca and the discussion around being human.4:15 As women how we can easily get overwhelmed and how being kinder to ourselves as is an essential message for Bianca. Check in with yourself sometimes.5:45 What Cecelia and I do to be kinder to ourselves.7:40 Why having other humans are essential in our lives and stop us having mini nervous break downs!8:30 Our choices impact our life and they are our choices.9:25 How life on the outside looks completely different from what is going on, on the inside and 'busyness' isn't something to be glorified.13:22 Why we don't need to actually share everything on social media.14:02 How Bianca can feel the pressure from social media and recognises she is a smart women but sometimes it's easy to look at others and feel inadequate.15:50 How to navigate the unattainable image.16:12 Bianca discusses her IVF situation and endometriosis and fertility challenges.18:27 Bianca shares - if she really wants to be a mum, she will make it happen. We talk about the stress of IVF not just physically but financial and emotionally.20:02 Why sharing and being willing to talk about stress life IVF is so important for Bianca.21:02 How Bianca doesn't think she's being 'brave' doing IVF, a mum battling cancer is brave and putting things into perspective is important for her.22:58 Women have been sending her messages to thank her for publicly talking about IVF - how her openness is supporting and helping others and how sharing is not only helping her but others too.24:50 We've gotten to a point where we may be too proud to ask for help and the pressure of looking like we are ok when we may not be.25:50 It's not weak to be open and say "I'm having a bad day."27:35 "You can't pre-empt fear because it's won before you start."28:45 Anxiety is a symptom, not necessarily the 'problem.'29:05 Movement and a healthy lifestyle for Bianca helps her tackle her anxiety. When she doesn't nourish herself, her anxiety is particularly bad.31:00 How working out her triggers assists her in coping with anxiety and dealing with it is key for her.

  • Two nights ago I posted this on Instagram..."We travel because we need to, because distance and difference are the secret tonic to creativity. When we get home, home is still the same, but something in our minds has changed, and that changes everything"How true this is for me a least, especially! But why is it, we can wait so long to do something that helps fill us up? Today's episode is all about getting happy. It's not necessarily about taking a holiday either, but our guest, the ever gorgeous Angela Simson from The Gratitude Project totally has some amazing pointers that are going to help take you closer to that inner happiness. As you'll learn, it's not at all about the grand gesture but about the little things that add up to a lot!This is a favourite episode of mine. Listen right here by hitting the play button or on demand or via iTunes and PLEASE don't forget to rate this podcast! We are so GRATEFUL (hehe) that you keep the love alive with the five stars ;)Here's where it's all at;4:06 - Grateful, grateful, grateful... is it a new concept, does it really change the way you live your life?5:30 - Why we are experiencing all time anxiety and overwhelm.7:00 - The awakening - what makes us ready to change.9:58 - The power of manifestation - if we don't know what we want or we want life to be like, if we don't think of these things, how can we never make them happen...10:39 - The 'gentle smack-down' - do we need one?14:33 - How Ange told us we were ridiculous to suggest there was a magic bullet BUT profound words with 5 very simple questions to bring self awareness.15:51 - Grief. We are lost as a society and a bit stuck when it comes to dealing with it. Often it is at the core of our health and mind issues.16:33 - How grief actually physically manifests and how we can better embody it.18:30 - Self love - what we do. Looking into the 8 x 8 x 8 rule and making time for ourselves.21:30 - How everybody benefits from your own self care.24:00 - Self care isn't necessarily a grand event, it could be having a shower! It's about focusing on our own needs.What are your thoughts? We'd love to hear in the comment section below and let's get ourselves a little happier, shall we?

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  • There's nothing funny about Post Natal Depression and for comedian Terri Psiakis this reality became an internal nightmare - on the outside everything was peachy, but as you'll learn in this podcast today, inside her world was quickly crashing down. Like many new mothers may experience, Post Natal Depression (PND) pulls women apart and for Terri, she explains how her post natal depression was "ball-tearing" (we giggle), certainly not the introduction to motherhood she had planned or hoped for; doubled with a diagnosis of Post Natal Traumatic Stress (PNTS). Ouch.But we do not need to experience such pain alone, which is why we've opened the mic to Terri today. Not only is Terri a comedian, she is a writer, a performer, a broadcaster a mum and her newest 'baby,' Hello Baby where she provides her expertise as infant massage instructor and she's got some amazing insights as to the why and how of PND & PNTS.... and how massage helped her recover. You're going to need to press play below OR listen via iTunes, because this is one episode for every woman, expecting or not! In this episode you’ll learn;Straight up - we announce the lucky person who is taking home 1 year of treatments at my clinic as we draw the birthday giveaway! “Marty Farty Party” if you could please email us - [email protected]. That's not even a joke.+ Terri shares her Post Natal Depression (PND) diagnosis and she talks about in the course of her recovery she investigated Infant Massage and how it helps mothers bond to their babies.+ How her sense of humour helped her even when things were at their worst.+ We talk about managing expectations and how important it is to know when things aren’t ‘normal’ not just post-partum but at anytime.+ The reason why the birth experience may contribute to PND+ How in fear, there is a primal drive that kicks in. It can affect the labour - which isn’t necessarily considered in the modern birthing model.+ How Terri’s second birth was considerably different and how she took control - by making each step ‘ok’ with her.+ How sleep effects EVERYTHING - not only how you function but relationships, how you see yourself in the world
+ In the moment of birth a woman is the most vulnerable and the most powerful she will ever be. It is an extremely sensitive time and validating birth is essential.+ How essential the birth ‘debrief’ is.+ There are mechanisms in place to set you up to be looked after in an instant and we should never be too proud to ask for help.We'd love to open up the conversation below - if you have any questions or comments, please let's get talking we'd love to hear from you.

  • Periods. There, we said it. Cecelia's most unfavorite topic - we're going there in this episode. She admits, she doesn't really like talking about it (at all which makes for a very interesting podcast!). As personal as the topic is, we either have one or we are waiting for one (or it's gone awol) and for a lot of women, periods aren't something you've necessarily been able to take for granted.Since IT'S OUR BIRTHDAY (I can hear you singing in your best voice.. "Happy Birthday To You!") we've dedicated this month to our most talked about topic, periods, PCOS and hormones! Something for everybody.Listen on demand via iTunes or clock on the bar below.In this special episode with the ever gorgeous Claire Baker - an inspirational woman on a mission to help educate us all about how we can love our menstrual cycle that little bit more. Her own experience of not having a period, etched out her path to where she is today - inspiring and educating women to 'adoring their cycle.' In this episode we dig into the nitty gritty of menstruation, PCOS and more. Here's the low down;6:12 Claire shares of her experiencing of coming of the pill and nothing happening - periods didn't return and Claire waited and waited... it took an entire year of so much learning for her body to begin cycling again.7:00 The Period Party Podcast with my gal Nicole Jardim - how we get caught out without 'supplies' during the period time - nobody is exempt!7:47 As part of The Wellness Collective (exclusive) Radio Show, we talk to Fiona McCulloch about how long it should take for the period to return. To access this and learn about the Membership here. It's important to learn why it can take such a long time to make a comeback.8:44 How Claire was terrified that she had 'screwed' up her body and that her body had maybe forgotten how to ovulate and cycle and how the personal work she did in this time counted most.11:05 "A lot of young women bypass the early stages of PCOS (as in they don't show symptoms even though they have it) when they are very active as teenagers." This is a common issue with miss diagnosis with PCOS.12:00 The emotions were a huge deal for Claire to deal with during the time where she didn't have a period. All the while how her health was on the up which keep her knowing things were 'ok.'13:20 If the pill may be directly related to skin issues. We discuss.15:00 How teenagers may be envious of others on the pill - education needed!! Why I wanted to be on the pill when I was younger because my periods were so terrible and my KFC addiction. (confession time!)18:00 Did you know - the pill hasn't actually changed in decades, unlike many other medical advances.19:27 I told Claire that Cecelia didn't want to talk about periods (hehe I'm nasty aren't I!?).

  • Been told your biological clock is ticking? Nobody knows this more than Aimee Raupp, natural fertility expert and woman after my own heart as a Doctor of Chinese Medicine and Author. I adore Aimee's passion for natural health and fertility and I could possibly chat with her all day long. Not only is Aimee a world leader in combining Natural Fertility, assisted conception and Eastern treatments, she has helped thousands of couples achieve their dreams of becoming parents - we are in good company ladies!Aimee's love for fertility was further sparked when she became a mother after her 40th Birthday (hoorah!) proving that age may not be as much of a barrier as we are lead to believe. What's more, Aimee is gearing up to ensure her body is baby ready to conceive again, something she know she's good at! After all, if we can't practice what we preach, we're in a bit of a pickle.This episode is raw and real where Cecelia and I get into a bunch of topics I know so many of our listeners are keen to discuss, we talk age, winding back the clock, myths of fertility, testing, relationships and more!In this episode you'll learn;+ Ageing and fertility and how Aimee got pregnant in her 40's+ How and when fertility declines+ The true crux of the issue - cellular function and how to steer your cells to youth+ How our emotions may be ageing us+ What we might each be doing wrong that's got us on a slippery ageing slope+ The fertility 'kitty' and what your tests are really telling you (hello low AMH)+ How we can use age as our superpowerIn this episode we also chat briefly with Lee Holmes, world renowned nutritionist and author about ageing and intermittent fasting and using it as your secret to supporting healthy cells and slowing down the ageing process too. Her full podcast can be heard as part of The Wellness Collective Membership.Want more? Aimee is in the process of launching a super exciting new resource - her, 'Yes You Can Get Pregnant e-course!' **UPDATE** SIGN UP'S FOR THE E-COURSE 1PM TODAY!BUT before you do all that, sink your teeth into this juice Wellness Collective Podcast and PLEASE do not forget to rate this baby (hehe), 5 stars is all it takes to keep the episodes flowing! Click play below or listen on demand via iTunes.

  • You are the designer of your work life. Have you ever thought about it this way? You spend a lot of time at work and you've possibly seen quotes that suggest things like "if you love what you do, you'll never have to work a day in your life" but not too sure this really exists? And if it does, how do you get there?In this latest episode of The Wellness Collective Podcast, we chat with Kelly Magowan from Diversitas. Kelly is a lifestyle strategist and we dig into career happiness - Kelly cleverly states, "if you're spending a lot of your life unhappy in your job it can manifest as physical symptoms also." We ask Kelly where to start if you're ready to change even if you're not sure what the next career is. All this and so much more right here!Listen on demand via iTunes or click the player above.And of course P L E A S E please, pretty please rate this podcast. We love bringing these to you and it's all we ask in return - because that's what helps us keep doing more of this! Thank you BIG!

  • What a year it has been! In this episode of The Wellness Collective Podcast, we look over the past 7 episodes, what we've learnt, what we've loved, what we thought was hilarious and everything in between. A light hearted listen to set you up for the year ahead and close the door on 2016.Happy New Year to ALL!Listen on demand here or via iTunes and of course, don't forget to rate us!

  • A article recently published in the New York Times reported that studies show little benefits in using supplements. That got me thinking, we need to talk about it right here because I for one prescribe them each and every day.So should we take them and are they at all effective? We talk about this and more (like how to make magic happen - not even kidding!). Listen via iTunes on demand or click on the bar below and of course, don't forget to rate us (pretty please!) Enjoy.

  • Life is tough sometimes. How is it then, that some people are handed lemons and make lemonade but you feel like you cut open the lemon and it squirts you in the eyeball? On this next episode of The Wellness Collective Podcast, we chat with Alisa Latto. She discovered that pregnancy for her could be fatal which lead her on a path to the complicated world of surrogacy - but not without challenges. She shares on the podcast today her experiences and tools she's drawn on to create resilience for herself and her twin boys.Hit play or head on over to iTunes to listen on demand and of course pretty please don't forget to rate us!You can connect with Alisa and learn more about her wonderful products here.Like what you hear? There's a healthy party going on inside The Wellness Collective Membership. Come join us and take your health to the next level! You'll gain instant access to the community of like minded people who too are on their own health journey, plus a whole lot more!

  • Have you ever slipped up, skipped a workout, ate bad food, slept in or felt like you're a bad person? None of this makes you a failure, it makes you human! Welcome to the club, there's like seven billion of us!In this episode Cecelia and I explore orthorexia (the name given to food obsession/eating only certain kinds of foods) and spill into discussion around a healthy mindset to food and daily movements that might be the missing link in your quest for 'better health.' We talk with Leisel Jones & Dr Damian Kristof about food, body image and how we can best navigate through life with the right attitude.You're going to want to listen to this one! Listen now right here or on demand over on iTunes and don't forget, if you love it, rate it and share it! Happy Monday.