Join me for my new series where I will be interviewing busy women from my community and peering behind the curtain on how they find the time for the inner work amongst very full (and often chaotic) lives.
Lizzie Dewey is today's guest who shares such POTENT and POWERFUL insights about the sheer magnitude of the inner work and how she fits it in around full time work, family life and running a business on the side.
Connect with Lizzie on Instagram @redheadwondering
Connect with Hayley on Instagram @_hayleycurtis
Episodes manquant?
Have you chosen a word/words for 2025?
On today's episode Meghan Hayley not only share what their words for 2025 are, but more importantly WHY they chose them!
We would LOVE to hear your words for the year! Reach out to us on Instagram to let us know 🥰
Join Hayley & Meghan as they diving EVEN DEEPER into their conversation around TRUST and how to practically bring more of it into your life.
Connect with Meghan on Instagram:
Connect with Hayley on Instagram:
Join Hayley & Meghan as they delve deep into the concept of TRUST.
Join Hayley and Meghan on today's episode as they dive deep into the mystery land of dreams and desires!
Maddy comes back for another episode where we dive into what it's like to be blindsided by your own Shadows!
Join me today as the wonderful Belinda Simons and I dive into a deliciously deep conversation around what life looks like as a woman who follows her soul mission out into the world of business!
We cover topics like:
The fears and limiting beliefs you have to move through in order to follow your soul's missionDaily spiritual practices to support your soul workThe shifts in friendships and family dynamics as you move deeper on your awakening journeyAnd so much more!Connect with Belinda:
Instagram: @belindajoy_medium
Website: belindajoymedium.com
Connect with Hayley:
Instagram: @_hayleycurtis
Website: tjh.co.nz
Join Meghan & Hayley as they answer some DELICIOUS questions around contemplating the Gene Keys in a way that your Shadows open up into the awe-filled world of your Gifts!
Join Hayley & Meghan today as they answer some DELICIOUS questions around the Gene Key Shadows and how they move in our lives.
Maddy joins me on the podcast today where she asks SUCH JUICY Gene Keys questions 🤤 Join us as we peel back some super delicious ways that you can work with your Gene Keys that are a truly endless treasure hunt that reveal more and more of your magnificence at ever turn!
Connect with Maddy:
Instagram @magic.with.mads
Connect with Hayley:
Instagram @thejourneyhome.tjh
Email [email protected]
Join me for a juicy list of 10 non-negotiables in my life! And these might not be the things you expect. My non-negotiables aren't things like drinking enough water or getting 57,000 steps in. My non-negotiables are deeply in alignment with my values and my continued transformation and evolution!
Connect with Hayley
Instagram: thejourneyhome.tjh
Email: [email protected]
Join Hayley for this solo episode where she breaks down some of the most potent things she does as a Soul-Led Entrepreneur.
Growing a business from a place of Higher Purpose can look very different to simply building a business for the sake of money and success.
Join the conversation!
Get in touch with Hayley
Join Hayley and Meghan today as Meghan asks Hayley some delicious questions around how working with men can feel different from working with women! Hayley also shares a juicy update about where she's at in her Dream Arc journey!
Do you have a question that you'd love to hear answered on the Podcast? Join us inside THE JOURNEY HOME MEMBERSHIP:
Connect with Meghan on Instagram @artistic.mystic.meghan
Connect with Hayley on Instagram @thejourneyhome.tjh
or via email at [email protected]
On today's episode Hayley takes you along for the journey of how she became a Gene Keys Guide.
Meghan and Hayley then flow into a delicious conversation about how to integrate your Gene Keys from your entire profile!
A special thank you to Esther from TJH for submitting such glorious questions for us to answer today 🌸
If you have a question about today's episode, or if you'd like to submit a question to be answered on the Podcast, you can can ask them all inside THE JOURNEY HOME MEMBERSHIP.
Connect with Meghan on Instagram @artistic.mystic.meghan
Connect with Hayley on Instagram @thejourneyhome.tjh
or via email at [email protected]
Join me and my glorious co-host Meghan on today's DELICIOUS episode all about Activating Your Higher Purpose!
What is your Higher Purpose?
What's blocking you from accessing your Higher Purpose?
What does it look like to live a life connected to your Higher Purpose?
What process do you have to go through to activate your Higher Purpose?
We answer these questions and so much more on today's episode!
Have a question about today's episode that you'd like answered? Join us inside THE JOURNEY HOME MEMBERSHIP where you can ask any and all of your questions!
If you'd like to connect with Meghan you can find her on Instagram at:
If you'd like to connect with Hayley you can find her on Instagram at:
or email her at:
After 6 months away from the podcast after I moved countries... WE'RE BACK and we're BETTER THAN EVER!!! Welcome to ACTIVATE YOUR HIGHER PURPOSE ❤️🔥
If you loved the Podcast before when it was TJH... you're going to love it even more now ❤️🔥
Join me for the first episode back where I take on a little rebranding journey and fill you in on where this last 6 months has taken me in life and in business.
It feels so good to be back!
Oh Hawt DAYUM! Welcome back to episode 8 in our Journey Home Q & A series! Today we have a DELICIOUS QUESTION from Elisabeth that peels back suuuuuch an important aspect of life and making our dreams a reality.
Is life all pre-destined? Or do we actually choose our own destiny?
If it's all pre-destined, what's the point in even planning for the future?
Ooooo, this juicy question set us up for SUCH a potent conversation!
I'd LOVE to hear your thoughts on this episode!
DM me on Instagram @thejourneyhome.tjh or email me at [email protected]
Welcome back to episode 7 in our Journey Home Q & A series where the members of our beautiful community are posing GLORIOUS questions that they'd love to hear Hayley answer on the podcast! Today we have a vulnerable and rich question from Christine about boundaries and how they can become a prison of our own making.
Hayley shares her top tips on how to create boundaries that feel good and honour where you're at.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this episode!
DM me on Instagram @thejourneyhome.tjh or email me at [email protected]!
We're back with the 6th question in our Journey Home Q & A Series and we have a BRILLIANT question from Nidae asking Hayley to share her thoughts on how you make the decision about when or IF to have children.
Hayley has actively made the choice not to have children, and on today's episode she shares for the first time a bit more behind that choice and what it's meant for her life.
Want to continue the conversation?
Come on over to THE JOURNEY HOME membership where you can ask any questions about this episode and share your thoughts!
Or reach out to me on Instagram!
- Montre plus