We explore the many deaths by “heart attack during sleep” that have occurred over the years, many high profile deaths. We’re these deaths easily preventable?
In treating TMJ, facial proportions invariably improve dramatically and a face will look more youthful and healthy following treatment.
Sleep Apnea dramatically increases your chance of early death. Heart attack, Stroke, Obesity, Erectile Dysfunction, Type 2 Diabetes, Brain “Fog”, Depression, and more…
TMJ and sleep issues are almost ALWAYS something we can SEE. These problems manifest in the face, jaws, teeth, and posture
An holistic look at the the importance of understanding the interconnectedness of human physiology; it’s application to “TMJ And More”.
Correcting TMJ problems while correcting Sleep Disordered Breathing and Poor facial proportions simultaneously
We can’t expect the body to look or perform the way it was designed to look and perform if we interfere with basic and crucial building blocks.
We explore how the human body has evolved to have systems that need to be followed otherwise we risk disease and dysfunction. There is a “factory setting” to our physiological processes that require some obedience in order for our bodies to look and function according to that “factory setting”.
There are very few things as important to promoting your child’s health and wellness (and facial esthetics) as insuring that they can breath through their nose day AND night. Oxygen is the most sacred nutrient to our health and only nose breathing will allow use to breath air that is highly saturated with oxygen
The evidence of chronic mouth breathing and its profound negative effects (TMJ, Poor facial development, sleep apnea, etc..) is pervasive in our society. A high percentage of people are afflicted with the conditions that contribute to sleep apnea and TMJ and there is no standardized protocol to identify them.
A talk with Danielle Klee MA, CCC-SLP, on the importance of proper breathing, swallowing, and oral rest posture
My opinions on why much caution should be exercised before surgery is even a consideration in treating TMJ.
In an effort to add clarity and urgency to the issue of chronic mouth breathing I have described a brief list of the many health problems/risks and the esthetic degradations that are related directly to CMB (chronic mouth breathing)
You can’t ask muscles to overwork chronically without consequences
The importance of insuring that your child has proper tongue mobility, unrestricted by a short frenulum attachment.
This one is not about TMJ. It’s a vacation from TMJ.
There are many ways to promote proper breathing through the nose. At night it’s more difficult to control but these two protocols work well together and they are safe and effective
The connection between mouth breathing and an increased risk for vital and bacterial infections.
One of the the biggest health issues existing today is Chronic Mouth Breathing. It deforms faces, jaws, airways, and TM joints. Please take it seriously
In this episode I walk you through my protocol in how to restore health and esthetics to a patient with a severely retruded lower jaw with sleep disordered breathing
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