
  • Have you ever wondered how to balance your love for travel with financial wellness?

    In a recent episode of the Transform with Travel Podcast, I’m joined by Erika Wasserman, certified financial therapist. Erika brings a wealth of knowledge, not just from her professional life but also from her personal experiences. 

    Erika explains the core of financial therapy: understanding the intertwining of money and emotions. A strong relationship with money offers choices and opportunities, while a weak one can lead to feelings of defeat and helplessness. Erika emphasizes the need for financial education and open conversations about money, which are often neglected in many households.

    Kelly addresses a common concern – how to save for big trips without feeling financially irresponsible. Erika introduces the concept of a "Yes Plan," focusing on what you want to say yes to instead of feeling restricted by a budget. She shares practical tips like setting travel alerts, flying economy on less busy days, involving the family in saving efforts, and visualizing your travel goals to build momentum and make savings enjoyable.

    Reflecting on her extensive travels, Erika underscores that travel taught her life's fragility and the importance of seizing moments with loved ones. Whether on grand adventures or daily micro-explorations, appreciating the present and those around us enriches life immeasurably.

    We talk about:

    00:00 Intro02:21 Rapid Fire Questions with Erica03:35 Erica's Journey to Financial Therapy07:25 The Roller Coaster of Life and Financial Control12:09 Erica's Love for Travel18:18 Balancing Travel and Financial Wellness26:02 Choosing Experiences Over Material Possessions26:37 Family Money Stories and Values27:37 Fluidity of Financial Priorities28:16 Travel on a Budget30:34 Communicating Financial Priorities with Partners31:17 Handling Different Travel Preferences in Relationships35:31 Communicating Financial Plans with Family37:34 Setting Realistic Financial Goals for Travel40:49 Understanding Your Money Mindset48:28 Final Thoughts and Life Lessons from Travel

    Connect with Erika

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yourfinancialtherapistwww.yourfinancialtherapist.com Let's Talk Finance Couples Conversations Cards

    Connect with me

    Follow the Podcast on IG: www.instagram.com/transformwithtravel  Instagram: www.instagram.com/kelly.tollidayInstagram www.instagram.com/risingnatureretreats Let's Travel Together: https://risingnatureretreats.com 

    Thanks To Our Sponsor:

    Byte & Coffee
  • Have you ever considered embarking on a life-changing adventure with your family, one that goes beyond the typical vacation and dives deep into cultural immersion and personal growth? If so, you'll find incredible inspiration in the latest episode of the Transform with Travel podcast, where I interview Annika Paradise about her co-authored book The Wonder Year and her experiences with family travel.

    Annika discusses how traveling as a family can completely reshape dynamics, drawing from her own experience of shifting from a family of four to a family of three. She emphasizes the importance of showing children that parents don’t always have all the answers, fostering teamwork and mutual respect.

    Travel reshaped Annika’s family dynamics, strengthening their relationships and fostering personal growth. She recounts how her children learned invaluable life lessons about kindness, cultural diversity, and resilience, enriching their understanding of the world.

    Annika encourages families to overcome obstacles and start planning their adventures, emphasizing that the perfect time to travel may never come. She shares a powerful message of seizing the moment and making memories that will last a lifetime.

    These insights from Annika Paradise will inspire you to embark on your own adventures, seeing the world not just as a backdrop for vacations but as a vast classroom for priceless family experiences.

    We talk about:

    00:00 Intro03:47 Annika's Early Travel Influences07:29 The Impact of Family Travel09:47 Peace Corps and Cultural Immersion13:55 Reentry Challenges and Continued Adventures26:19 Overcoming Social Hurdles27:27 Financial Planning for Extended Travel28:19 Intentional Travel Destinations30:21 Family Dynamics and Personal Growth33:47 Health Benefits of Traveling40:02 Advice for Aspiring Traveling Families

    Mentioned in This Episode:

    Byte: https://transform-with-travel.captivate.fm/byteandcoffee 

    Connect with Annika

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wonderyeartravel/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wonderyeartravel/https://wonderyear.com/

    Connect with me

    Follow the Podcast on IG: www.instagram.com/transformwithtravel  Instagram: www.instagram.com/kelly.tollidayInstagram www.instagram.com/risingnatureretreats Website: https://risingnatureretreats.com 
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  • Travel holds an unparalleled ability to transform lives. It’s not just about the destinations visited but the personal growth and self-discovery that happen along the way. In this episode of Transform with Travel, I sit down with Gabriella Arbesu, a long-time friend and avid traveler, about the profound impacts of her travel journey.

    Gabi shares the influence of her Cuban-American heritage on her identity, painting a vivid picture of growing up in a bustling and loud Cuban household against the backdrop of a quieter American culture. This duality of cultures shaped her into a bold, unapologetic individual, proud of her heritage and open to the world’s diversity.

    Travel and yoga often intersect in the realm of personal transformation. Gabi discusses her introduction to yoga following a traumatic incident and how it became a healing and empowering tool. Her journey encapsulates the transformative potential of embracing new experiences and finding solace and strength in practices like yoga, highlighting the healing power of movement and mindfulness.

    Travel is synonymous with personal growth and cultural connection. Gabi's stories of navigating the challenges and beauties of destinations worldwide shed light on travel's dual nature: it tests limits while also offering incredible vistas, local interactions, and life-changing experiences.

    The conversation shifts towards a significant milestone in Gabi's life - purchasing land in Nicaragua with her partner. This decision symbolizes not just an investment in property but a deeper commitment to a life of adventure, love, and the pursuit of dreams.

    Through Gabi's experiences, you will gain insight into the trials and triumphs of living abroad. From the idyllic visions painted on social media to the realities of adapting to a different culture, language, and lifestyle, this part of the conversation offers a balanced view of expatriate life and going against the grain and starting her OnlyFans.

    This episode is a testament to the power of travel and personal growth. It’s a reminder that we all have the power to transform our lives through our journeys, both literal and metaphorical. I encourage you to embrace the unknown, pursue your passions, and let the world open your minds and hearts to new perspectives.

    Share your thoughts: How has travel transformed you? Join the conversation and let us know your story of transformation through travel! #transformwithtravel

    We talk about:

    00:00 Intro01:47 Exploring Cuban-American Heritage and Growing Up in South Florida05:09 Gabby's Yoga Journey: From Trauma to Transformation09:27 The Art of Holding Space: Lessons from Yoga and Retreats09:53 The Impact of Travel on Personal Growth and Cultural Connection29:14 Navigating Relationships and Travel: Moving to Central America29:51 The Reality of Living Abroad: Challenges and Triumphs35:21 Falling in Love with Nicaragua36:13 The Decision to Buy Land36:59 Understanding Property Ownership in Nicaragua37:42 Building a Dream: From Vision to Reality39:41 Exploring the Future of Yoga Retreats41:57 Embracing Creativity: The OnlyFans Journey58:27 Travel Insights and Life Lessons

    Connect with Gabi

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gabriella__cristinahttps://hoo.be/gabriellacristina

    Connect with me

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  • In the ever-evolving landscape of careers and personal growth, few stories resonate as vividly as those that intertwine the transformative power of travel with the courage to embrace professional change. In this episode of the Transform with Travel podcast, I’m joined by Courtney Page, a seasoned executive recruiter turned career coach, about the intricacies of navigating career transitions, the profound impact of travel on personal growth, and the philosophy of life that fuels such journeys.

    Courtney is a seasoned executive recruiter turned executive coach who excels at guiding high-level professionals through the intricacies of executive-level work. With a background in ancient Eastern philosophies, including the Vedas, Upanishads, and Tibetan Buddhism, she is an experienced yoga teacher, reiki practitioner, and meditation guide who deeply understands how energy affects all aspects of life, including careers. Courtney holds certifications in yoga, reiki, mindfulness, human resource management, and recruiting and talent acquisition.

    Courtney Page's career journey is a testament to the unpredictability of life's path. Following in her father's footsteps, she entered the world of executive recruiting, a role that unexpectedly aligned with her craving for autonomy and her fascination with the personal stories behind career decisions. However, it was the freedom and introspection provided by remote work, coupled with a lifelong interest in yoga philosophy, that eventually led her to pursue a career in coaching. 

    Courtney and I share a profound belief in the transformative power of travel. For Courtney, a semester spent studying Buddhism and yoga philosophy in India not only shaped her worldview but also her approach to life and coaching. This experience underscored the importance of being present and content, principles that she applies to her coaching practice. Her travel stories serve as a reminder that sometimes, the journey within is as significant as the distance traveled across the globe.

    One of the episode's key takeaways is the importance of embracing career breaks. Rather than viewing them as a setback, she advocates for seeing these pauses as opportunities for reflection, self-discovery, and ultimately, growth. Whether it's a sabbatical, a gap year, or maternity leave, these breaks provide individuals with the breathing room needed to reassess their goals, desires, and what truly makes them content.

    We also talk about the influence of yoga and Buddhist philosophy in her life and career choices illuminate another layer of her transformative journey. The principles of non-permanence, interconnectedness, and finding contentment in simplicity have not only shaped her personal life but also her approach to helping others navigate their career paths. These philosophies encourage a mindset of openness and flexibility, essential qualities in today's ever-changing professional landscape.

    We talk about:

    00:00 Intro00:45 Exploring Career Breaks and Personal Growth Through Travel01:18 Courtney’s Journey from Executive Recruiter to Career Coach08:51 The Impact of Yoga Philosophy on Career Choices14:16 Studying Abroad in India: A Transformative Experience23:44 Navigating Career Ebb and Flow: Intuition and Change25:14 The Power of Mentorship and Coaching in Career Pivots26:41 Differentiating Between Therapists and Coaches32:06 Embracing Career Breaks: Sabbaticals, Gap Years, and Maternity Leave35:20 Resume Writing and Interview Tips After a Career Break41:39 Travel Insights and Life Lessons

    Connect with Courtney

  • Travel has the power to transform us, not just by the destinations we explore but through the profound realizations and connections we forge along the way. Ashley Brown’s journey is a testament to this transformative power, encapsulated beautifully in our soulful and heartfelt conversation. 

    From Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to Parker, Colorado, and many places in between, Ashley's upbringing was anything but ordinary. Early exposure to diverse cultures set the stage for her life’s trajectory. Moving from private to public school, from the sunny shores of Florida to the mountains of Colorado, Ashley encountered change with resilience and curiosity. Her family's adventurous spirit saw her tagging along on both domestic and international travels, embedding a deep love for exploration and language.

    Her story goes beyond the typical tales of a well-traveled person. It's about the undercurrents of empathy, curiosity, and inclusivity that travel instills in a person. Ashley's multilingual abilities and multicultural background allowed her not just to perceive the world through various lenses but also to connect with it on a deeply empathetic level.

    One of the most compelling chapters in Ashley’s journey is the inception and growth of The Conscious Crop. Born out of a period of introspection and a desire to merge her spiritual journey with her entrepreneurial spirit, The Conscious Crop is a sustainable, upcycled, and eco-friendly retail venture. It reflects Ashley's deep empathy for the planet and her commitment to conscious living.

    The venture is a brilliant marriage of Ashley’s corporate background, spiritual insights, and her passion for sustainability. It's a testament to how personal values and professional endeavors can align to create something impactful. Through The Conscious Crop, Ashley and her team are not just selling products; they are fostering a community of conscious consumers and contributing to a more sustainable world.

    Ashley’s narrative is rich with lessons on travel, identity, entrepreneurship, and the art of living consciously. Her journey from experiencing cultural immersion as a child to fostering an eco-conscious community through The Conscious Crop teaches us the power of embracing our journeys, no matter how nonlinear they may seem.

    Travel, as Ashley’s story beautifully illustrates, is more than just about the places we visit. It's about the internal transformations we undergo, the connections we forge, and the empathetic lens through which we start to view the world. It’s about finding our tribe, aligning our careers with our passions, and making a meaningful impact.

    In the words of Ashley, the essence of travel and life is about “finding soul tribes in unlikely places,” and “saying yes to the universe.” Her story is a compelling call to embrace our multifaceted journeys, to seek transformation in every adventure, and to live intentionally, passionately, and consciously.

    We talk about:

    00:00 Intro01:50 Growing up in a culturally rich background06:57 What leads or creates a multi-passionate person07:00 The power of multilingualism and cultural identity09:08 Setting your own identity through living all over the world21:39 What is astrocartography22:38 Ashley's soul hustle - The Conscious Crop30:54 Behind launching The Conscious Crop33:05 The impact of Conscious Crop at Rising Nature Retreats40:51 How to stay grounded when traveling40:51 Travel rituals and staying grounded46:23 Integrating travel experiences into everyday life


    Episode 9:
  • Travel is more than moving from one place to another; it's a journey of personal transformation and growth. In this episode of the Transform with Travel podcast, we had the pleasure of diving into the remarkable journey of Madison Bailey Mengueme, a true embodiment of how travel can profoundly shape one’s life. Madison's journey weaves in culture, service, and sustainability work across the globe, culminating in entrepreneurship back in the United States.

    From a young age, travel was ingrained in Madison's life from a young age. Her passion for exploring the world was truly ignited after a life-changing trip to the Dominican Republic (DR) at 17, a journey she embarked on reluctantly after a breakup. Little did she know, this trip would shape her future career and passions. Working with a nonprofit on sustainability projects in the DR, Madison got her first taste of merging her love for travel with meaningful work, a theme that would define much of her life.

    Madison’s travels took her from the bustling cities of Europe and South America to the remote Amazon jungle of Peru, where she implemented a mosquito prevention program while pursuing her master's at the University of Notre Dame. Each destination brought new challenges, insights, and a deeper understanding of the world and her place in it. 

    Madison continued to push the boundaries of her comfort zone. Her sustainability and health education work spanned continents, from assisting with a mosquito prevention program in Peru to empowering teens in Seville, Spain, with the Red Cross. Her time in Cameroon with the Peace Corps, where she met her husband and developed numerous community health initiatives, was a testament to her commitment to making a tangible difference in the communities she served.

    Madison’s story is a reminder of the transformative power of travel - not just in changing locations, but in changing lives. Her journey underscores the importance of stepping out of one’s comfort zone, embracing new cultures, and dedicating oneself to meaningful work. It is a call to all aspiring adventurers to pick a place on the map, go, and let the journey transform you.

    We talk about:

    00:00 Intro02:37 What first sparked her interest in travel07:39 What led her to do a mosquito prevention program09:07 Living in the Amazon10:59 Choosing to join the Peace Corps11:41 The onboarding process of joining the Peace Corps21:15 The kinds of projects she was working on22:47 Did she ever feel respected in the community, or like she belonged?23:50 Did homesickness set in?25:35 The mindset that helped her overcome the barrier of isolation27:04 Meeting her husband out of the blue32:14 Being in Cameroon when the pandemic hit33:27 Coming home after living in the village of Cameroon36:04 How 'materialism' reshaped Madison as a person38:26 Weaving in her son's Cameroonian culture39:46 Running a small business in America

    Connect with Madison

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/MadisonMengueme/Instagram (Popalicious Popcorn): https://www.instagram.com/popaliciouspopcorn 

    Connect with me

    Follow the Podcast on IG: www.instagram.com/transformwithtravel  Instagram: www.instagram.com/kelly.tollidayInstagram
  • In this episode of Transform with Travel, Romi Wallach joins me to talk about her journey from moving her young family from Toronto to Miami to co-founding The Daily Drip, a platform that empowers South Florida businesswomen, and exemplifies how travel and challenging oneself can lead to profound personal growth.

    Romi’s journey shifts when her family decided to move from Toronto to Miami. Unlike the typical migration pattern of retirees heading south, Romi and her husband made the move when their children were just toddlers, searching for new opportunities and adventures. This leap into the unknown was driven by a desire for growth and change.

    In 2021, amidst navigating personal challenges, Romi co-founded The Daily Drip. The platform, envisioned as a beacon for South Florida's businesswomen, offers content, resources, and community support, aiming to empower women on their journey to reaching their maximum potential. This initiative, rooted in the spirit of community and upliftment, mirrors Romi's own life philosophy.

    Romi's philanthropic spirit is deeply rooted in her family's legacy. From a young age, involvement in charitable endeavors was a way of life. This ingrained sense of giving back, underpinned by the Jewish principle of Sadaqah, has guided her actions and choices, from spearheading charity events to her passionate involvement with "The Crossing for Cystic Fibrosis." 

    Romi’s story is one of transformation through travel, challenges, and community engagement. It underscores the idea that growth often comes from stepping out of our comfort zones, embracing new experiences, and contributing to something larger than ourselves. Through her journey, Romi demonstrates that when we face life’s currents together, we can navigate towards a future of growth and shared achievements.

    We talk about:

    00:00 Intro02:21 Romi's Big Move: From Toronto to Miami05:12 Building a New Life and Community in South Florida08:22 Romi's Philanthropic Journey and the Power of Giving Back10:22 The Inspiring Challenge of Crossing for Cystic Fibrosis20:32 Training, Challenges, and the Mental Game of Endurance Paddling29:54 The Unforgettable Beach Landing Experience31:28 The Emotional Rollercoaster of Post-Challenge Life35:31 The Healing Power of Nature and the Ocean38:31 Family Adventures and the Joy of Shared Experiences43:55 Cultivating a Culture of Philanthropy in the Family44:51 Building a Community Through The Daily Drip50:11 Travel Insights and Final Thoughts

    Help Fundraise for The Crossing for CF:


    Connect with Romi

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/romiuncensored/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/romi.wallach  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/romi-wallach-56027819/

    Connect with The Daily Drip

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-daily-drip/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thedailydripofficialInstagram:
  • Are you looking for more joy, play and adventure in your life?

    In today's episode, we speak with Carly Jean Wright, Founder of The Vibrant Mama Method. She's a Somatic & Energetic Healing Facilitator for moms and women navigating life’s biggest transitions, and she's a proud boy mom.

    Carly dives deep into how we can support yourselves emotionally, at home & as we travel, by embracing play, joy and micro-adventures into our daily life.

    What We Discuss:

    How she became passionate about Maternal Mental Health SupportComing back to Who You Are in MotherhoodCarving out time for Play as an AdultMicro Adventures with your childrenHow can we get excited about life again? Emotional Regulation Tips for Travel

    Connect with Carly:

    Instagram @thatvibrantmamaTikTok @thatvibrantmamaThe Vibrant Mama Journal

    Connect with Kelly:

    Instagram @kelly.tolliday.yogaInstagram @risingnatureretreatsWebsite https://risingnatureretreats.com

    Thanks for tuning in!

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Child & Company

    Byte & Coffee

    Mention "Transform with Travel" at checkout for 10% off your order at Byte & Coffee in Lighthouse Point, Florida.

    Byte & Coffee

  • Are you interested in taking your travels to the next level through connection, service and purpose?

    Would you like to make a positive impact when you travel?

    In today's episode, David O'Connor with Global Shapers is on the pod, discussing his lifelong commitment to travel, building community and giving back.

    David travels all over the world, as the leader of his local Global Shapers Hub, to create sustainable impact for communities in need.

    What We Discuss:

    How David combines Service & TravelingGrowing up on the road with his familyEngaging with the communities we travel to in a meaningful wayAcknowledging his privilege to travel His participation in the Global Shaper Community How Hospitality differs around the worldWhat does being a part of a Community actually meanPeople are inherently good 

    Connect with David:

    Instagram @daveabroadGlobal Shapers Community

    Connect with Kelly:

    Instagram @kelly.tolliday.yogaInstagram @risingnatureretreatsWebsite https://risingnatureretreats.com

    Thanks for tuning in!

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Rising Nature Retreats

    Byte & Coffee

    Mention "Transform with Travel" at checkout for 10% off your order at Byte & Coffee in Lighthouse Point, Florida.

    Byte & Coffee

  • In today's episode, your host, Kelly Tolliday, discusses her most recent trip to Southeast Asia with her family of 4, and goes over what she learned as a traveling family.

    In Episode 25, Kelly discussed her top Mindset Hacks, Tricks and Travel Podcasts to make traveling with kids a little less stressful.

    But this month, she dives DEEP into the lessons she learned while on the road with her husband and two young children. With the hopes, that these lessons will help you travel with more ease and less stress, as well.

    What We Discuss:

    Southeast Asia Trip RecapSlow Down Your Pace with your ChildrenFind Your Flow & Rhythm When You TravelLean into Micro Moments of JoyGet Comfortable with Making Pivots How to Restart your Day

    Connect with Kelly:

    Instagram @kelly.tolliday.yogaInstagram @risingnatureretreatsWebsite https://risingnatureretreats.com

    Thanks for tuning in!

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Byte & Coffee

    Mention "Transform with Travel" at checkout for 10% off your order at Byte & Coffee in Lighthouse Point, Florida.

    Byte & Coffee

    Rising Nature Retreats

  • In today's episode, we chat with Sel & Pedro Perez from Nomads with Kids on their experience of overcoming internal and external fears to be able travel through Central America for 8 months. This trip changed the course of their life, and they now travel full time as a family of 3 with their daughter Sol.

    Because of their experiences, they created a community called Nomads with Kids, which connect families with flexible schooling and child care options around the world. And at the airing of this episode, they have JUST launched their latest project, Homestays with Kids, which connects families around the world to be able to stay at each others homes and allow kids and parents to make invaluable connections and communities.

    What We Discuss:

    How Set and Pedro started their journey as nomads Surviving 8 Months of Travel as a New RelationshipOvercoming obstacles and fears of travelChoosing to live life on the road as a familyHow they started Nomads with KidsLaunching Homestays with Kids

    Connect with Sel & Pedro:

    Nomads with Kids WebsiteInstagram @nomadswithkidsorgHomestays with Kids WebsiteInstagram @homestayswithkidsInstagram @selypimenta

    Connect with Kelly:

    Website https://risingnatureretreats.comInstagram @risingnatureretreatsInstagram @kelly.tolliday.yogaCome to Portugal with Kelly!

    Thanks for tuning in!

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Byte & Coffee

    Mention "Transform with Travel" at checkout for 10% off your order at Byte & Coffee in Lighthouse Point, Florida.

    Byte & Coffee

    Rising Nature Retreats

  • Are you interested in teaching English in a foreign country?

    Our host, Kelly Tolliday, honestly and openly discusses her experience of teaching English in Thailand in 2015 - the good, the bad and the ugly.

    She outlines what to look out for in a program, the red flags to avoid and the benefits of teaching English and living in a new country.

    What We Discuss:

    How Kelly & Sam decided to teach in ThailandThe process of moving to ThailandWhat it was REALLY like to teach English Quitting the job & traveling full timeRed Flags to look out for before signing a contract

    Connect with Kelly:

    Website https://risingnatureretreats.comInstagram @risingnatureretreatsInstagram @kelly.tolliday.yogaCome to Portugal with Kelly!

    Thanks for tuning in!

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Child & Company

    Rising Nature Retreats

  • Do you want to live overseas or travel long term but worry about missing home or feeling lonely?

    In today's episode, Darren Jonathon speaks with us candidly about his experience of moving from Northern Ireland to Australia and what his journey has been like as an expat for over a decade.

    Darren started the blog and instagram Average Joe Down Under to help other expats down under or those wanting to make the move and create a community who could learn from his mistakes.

    What We Discuss:

    How Darren first moved to Australia from Northern IrelandThe cultural aftermath of the conflict in Northern IrelandCulture Shock moving from Northern Ireland to AustraliaNavigating Homesicknesses While living overseas Process of Becoming an ExpatThe Ultimate Guide To Moving To Australia 

    Connect with Darren:

    https://darrenjonathon.com Insta @averagejoedownunder


    The Ultimate Guide to Moving to Australia

    Connect with Kelly:

    Instagram @risingnatureretreatsWebsitePortugal Retreat June 2024

    Thanks for tuning in!

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Byte & Coffee

    Mention "Transform with Travel" at checkout for 10% off your order at Byte & Coffee in Lighthouse Point, Florida.

    Byte & Coffee

    Rising Nature Retreats

  • Do you want to create a life of adventure, but also stability at home?

    In today's episode, I chat with my friend Diana Smith, boy mom, business owner and book lover. We discuss the delicate balance of family travel, adventure and stability within the home. She talks about her lessons in learning how to loosen the grips of control of the future and how to let life unfold.

    What We Discuss:

    Meeting her husband in college and dropping out to travel the world togetherVan Life through EuropeMoving their family from California to FloridaWhat it's like to manage an AirbnbHow to not grip so tightly to plans Their decision to Homeschool Family Travel to El Salvador 

    Connect with Diana:

    Instagram @the.smiths___ Instagram @swell_homes

    Connect with Kelly:

    Instagram @kelly.tolliday.yogaInstagram @risingnatureretreatsWebsite


    Thanks for tuning in!

    Travel with Kelly on an upcoming RNR Retreat!


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Byte & Coffee

    Mention "Transform with Travel" at checkout for 10% off your order at Byte & Coffee in Lighthouse Point, Florida.

    Byte & Coffee

    Child & Company

  • After traveling to over 40 countries and now 10 countries with her children, Kelly Tolliday of Rising Nature Retreats is here today on a solo episode to discuss her top mindset hacks, travel strategies and products to help make traveling with kids as easy and stress-free as possible.

    What We Discuss:

    How to regulate your own emotionsHow to calm sensory-seeking children on long travel daysNaming your triggers and identifying strategiesEnsuring you have solo time to rest and recoverTop Travel Products


    Slumber PodYogi Sleep Sound MachinePortable Black Out CurtainsMontessori Busy BoardiPad or Amazon FirePainters TapePlay DohMagnetic Drawing BoardBaby Brew Bottle WarmerGP Pockit Travel StrollerErgo Omni Baby Carrier

    Connecting with Kelly:

    Instagram @kelly.tolliday.yogaInstagram @risingnatureretreatsWebsite https://risingnatureretreats.com

    Thanks for tuning in!

    Mentioned in this...

  • Have you ever wondered what it's like to work online and travel the world?

    Are you living away from home and finding it hard to build a community?

    This week on Transform with Travel, Shay Brown of the Bucketlist Bombshells joins us to discuss her journey of running a thriving community of 100,000+ women, teaching them how to build, grow and scale their online businesses, so they can create a freedom-filled life.

    What We Discuss:

    How the Bucketlist Bombshells startedSlow Travel and Living in Different Cities around the WorldWhat it’s like to Work Remote Around the WorldHow to Build Community While Living in a New PlaceWhat Does A Freedom Filled Life MeanBringing in Seasonality to Business, Travel & LifeMaking pivots in life & aligning her business to her values

    Connect with Shay:

    Scale With Purpose MastermindPodcastWebsiteInstagram

    Connect with Kelly

    Rising Nature Retreats WebsiteInstagram @risingnatureretreatsInstagram @kelly.tolliday.yoga

    Thanks for tuning in!

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Byte & Coffee

    Mention "Transform with Travel" at checkout for 10% off your order at Byte & Coffee in Lighthouse Point, Florida.

    Byte & Coffee

  • Sick of writing out your resolutions each year?

    Let's switch up the narrative and create our 2024 Bucket List instead!

    Sure, a bucket list can include places you want to travel to, but at its core, a bucket list is a list of experiences you want to have in your life.

    This year, we are writing out our personal and professional goals as part of our Bucket List to add some excitement and a sense of adventure.

    Listen to Chloe & Kelly's short conversation on what in on their personal and professional Bucket Lists for 2024, as well as questions you can use for yourself to create your own lists!

    We hope you are having a beautiful start to your new year.

    See you on the next episode!

    Connect with us:

    InstagramWebsiteJoin us in Portugal in June for The Art of Slow Living Retreat

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Byte & Coffee

    Mention "Transform with Travel" at checkout for 10% off your order at Byte & Coffee in Lighthouse Point, Florida.

    Byte & Coffee

  • Happy Holidays from RNR Founders - Kelly & Chloe!

    In our December episode, we discuss our top favorite moments on retreat this year.

    From Dominican Republic to Greece to Costa Rica, we have some epic stories and lessons learned that we can't wait to share with you.

    What We Discuss:

    Ziplining & Mud Ceremonies Dominican Republic RetreatWhat is the 3 Day Effect?  Importance of Local Connections in Greece Overcoming Claustrophobia in Costa RicaRelationship with nourishment & food The support of communityThanks to everyone who made this year so special 

    Connect with us:

    Instagram @kelly.tolliday.yogaInstagram @thegeminirising_Instagram @risingnatureretreatsWebsite https://risingnatureretreats.com

    Thanks for tuning in!

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Byte & Coffee

    Mention "Transform with Travel" at checkout for 10% off your order at Byte & Coffee in Lighthouse Point, Florida.

    Byte & Coffee

  • Can your passion for travel and your career coexist?

    I am so excited for today’s special episode with my cousin Canden Arciniega — historian, owner of international tour company, Free Tours By Foot, and homeschooling mother of two.

    She shares her story of forging her own path to combine her love of history, leading groups and travel into a successful career.

    In this episode, We discuss:

    Building an international tour companyHow the travel industry as changed since the pandemic Living in London & South KoreaExperiencing Reverse Culture Shock coming back home to USCanden & Kelly’s grandma and her travels Aligning career goals with a passion for wanderlustTraveling with kids and establishing fun family traditions along the way

    To Connect with Canden:

    http://Dcbyfoot.comhttp://Freetoursbyfoot.comInstagram @topthingstododcInstagram @freetoursbyfoot

    To Connect with Kelly:

     Instagram @kelly.tolliday.yogaInstagram @risingnatureretreatsWebsite www.risingnatureretreats.com

    Thanks for tuning in!

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Child & Company

    Byte & Coffee

    Mention "Transform with Travel" at checkout for 10% off your order at Byte & Coffee in Lighthouse Point, Florida.

    Byte & Coffee

  • Are you anxious or worried about how to help support your baby's sleep while you travel?

    Is it hard for you to "relax" when you travel with your kids because you worry about sleep?

    In today’s episode, we're joined by Michelle Hansley, a certified sleep consultant whose journey with her two daughters ignited her passion for promoting healthy sleep habits.

    Drawing from her personal experiences, Michelle founded "Make Sleep Sweet" three years ago, providing invaluable virtual support to families across the country in their quest for restful nights and rejuvenating sleep patterns.

    Tune in to explore Michelle's expert insights as she shares actionable tips and strategies for optimal chid & baby sleep while you travel with your family.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    Managing sleep obstacles with your childrenAnxiety around Sleep when we travelTravel tips for Families to support their child’s sleepTechniques for sleep syncing with new time zones when travelingEstablishing boundaries with family and caregivers over the holidaysMichelle’s Minimalist Approach to baby sleep products

    To connect with Michelle:

    Website http://makesleepsweet.comInstagram: @makesleepsweetbymichelle

    To connect with Kelly:

    Instagram @kelly.tolliday.yogaInstagram @risingnatureretreatsWebsite


    Thanks for tuning in!

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Byte & Coffee

    Mention "Transform with Travel" at checkout for 10% off your order at Byte & Coffee in Lighthouse Point, Florida.

    Byte & Coffee

    Child & Company