
  • Are you still triggered while seeing a special scene?

    Don't you know how to react to PTSD triggers?

    Listen to episode 174 of Transition by Pantea Kalhor, Shattered by Kandy Ostrosky, Author, Nurse and animal lover to learn:

    How to do differently when you have triggers?

    How writing and journalling can help you recover from trauma?

    You can find Kandy here:


    instagram: kandyauthor2021

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorKandy/

  • Listen to Kristin Shadick's story about her journey in motherhood after being diagnosed with breast cancer.

    Kristin Shadick has a clinical background in Women's Reproductive Health, She is chief Commercial officer at Gostork

    Don't lose your hope in becoming a mother, choose a holistic approch along with your medical treatment.

    Connect to a strong support group to feel empowered

    Gostork is a foundation to help couples to have different options in building their feauture family that include egg donor and surrogacy


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  • 💥The Ascenders by Monty Clayton Richings

    💥If you wonder how to write a fiction book, listen to this podcast

    💥Learn the three foundamental factors in writing a fiction book

    💥Monty Clayton is a author of 6 books and The Ascenders is the Latest.

    💥From the earliest days of his childhood the supply of questions has never ended, nor the causes of them. Like everyone today, his life has been filled with challenges, some of them easily answered, some almost killed him.

    💥He wants you and everyone on this planet earth to find and live in your own strength and individual truth. He believes we all have it; we just need to know it, own it and live it.

  • Is Your DNA Stopping You From Healing? with Salena Rothenberger, Functional Medicine Practitioner, D.PSc, CHC, CFMP, Green Healing Show The purpose of this show is to

    💥Encourage individuals to embrace that 'gut feeling' and tips on how to incorporate that into their journey. Especially those who are empaths.

    💥From a genetic standpoint there are genes which are associated with a much stronger sense of empathy which can be exploited and often leads to toxic relationships which greatly affect our health(and often their children).

    💥Salena spent many MANY years being told nothing was wrong and wrestled with self-confidence issues from my teen years. When her child was diagnosed with T1 diabetes I finally said enough is enough. It was a major turning point in her life on soooo many levels. Embracing her momma bear instinct was number one on that list of changes!

    💥What is 'healing;? Is it that our body no longer responds to a pathogen, virus, bacteria, toxin, etc? This is one of those areas where a common misconception of what healing is and isn't. Cancer and other diseases are the natural result of the attempt by the body to keep us well. We need our bodies to respond to attacks on our immune system, excess inflammation, etc.

    💥Can we restore and undo the damages that have lead to a state of our body being so out of balance with holistic medicine? Yes, it is possible however there is also the reality that sometimes because we have ignored, or removed the check engine lights (such as medications that block pain, symptoms, etc) of our body for so long that it is impossible to completely remediate the damage.

    💥Known for her intuitive investigative skills, Salena Rothenberger, D.PSc, CHC, CFMP, and her team at The Functional Perspective combine functional health and wellness with natural methods to obtain optimal health. Dedicated to an approach of discovering imbalances and investigating health recognizes that a life full of vitality depends on the resolution of the root causes of dis-ease. Born in Urbana, Illinois, Salena grew up with two sisters on a small farm in central Illinois.

  • ❓Do you have a digital or physical product that you can't sell well?

    ❓Would you like to know about Sales Strategy?

    💥SALES PROFESSIONALS are not born -- they are made!

    🎤Trajectory with Greg Balkwill, Certified Sales Professional (CSP) You will discover:

    💥 how to construct and perform a successful sales call

    💥 how to develop your '6 pack' of selling skills

    💥 how to conquer the interior voices from your brain that can distract you

    💥 beneficial knowledge from the sprinkled gold nuggets he calls 'BALKTALKS'

    💥 six interviews with successful sales pros he called 'Voice of Experience'

    💥Trajectory book is a 'must read' if you are just in the beginning stages of your selling career. He will help you avoid the potholes many will fall into along their sales journey. Additionally he specifically addresses your pain points. Your TRAJECTORY from salesperson to Sales Professional will be dramatically impacted. If you are a seasoned Sales Professional you will find yourself asking 💥"Why didn't I think of that sooner? I will start today to implement these strategies of selling success."

  • 💥Gut, Liver, Thyroid with Jen Malecha, Functional Medicine Practitioner and Health coach Learn the connection between Gut, Liver and Thyroid?

    💥Why so many women in particular are being diagnosed with thyroid issues?

    💥Why thyroid issues are being overlooked?

    💥How can one support their thyroid health naturally?

    💥What if it's not really a thyroid problem?

    ✅Jenn Malecha supports busy, health-mind professionals in taking back control of their health by giving them access to the right lab tests and resources so they can find the missing pieces of their health puzzle, actually fix what is wrong, and get back to feeling like themselves again.

    ✅Using over a decade of personal training experience, training in Functional Diagnostic Nutrition, and Transformational Coaching, she creates personalized health-rebuilding programs for clients that are realistic and sustainable for long-lasting results, and that empowers clients to be the boss of their own health.

    ✅If you’re ready to look at the “big picture” of your health (not just one disconnected piece at a time), to embrace healthy as a way of being, and to stop settling for anything less than you deserve when it comes to your health and happiness then Jenn is exactly who you've been looking for!

  • How I Found my Soul's True Calling at the Age of 62 with Lisa Winston, International Best Seller Author, TV host, Inspirational Speaker and Artist Learn How to find your life purpose by:

    💥 Following your intuition is key

    💥Saying yes to life and allowing it to refine you.

    💥 Elevating your vibes (your vibrations attract)

    💥 Being brave enough to jump all in when it's time

    💥Having faith and never giving up

    ✅Lisa Winston is a #1 international bestselling author, TV host, inspirational speaker and artist. A life of extreme challenges, including losing her home to wildfire, breast cancer and neuro-Lyme disease, made her hungry for a deeper connection to Source and determined to find her true calling.

    ✅Today, she shares the message that life is always happening for you and challenges are sent to refine, not define you. Lisa has produced many influential global summits and speaks at live and online events.

    ✅She is also featured regularly on national radio and podcasts and has published articles in well-known publications like ThriveGlobal/ Authority/ Medium Magazine.

    ✅She co-hosts “The Mindset Reset TV Show,” which reaches millions, worldwide and is grateful to be blessed with a beautiful daughter and to live, teach and travel the world with her love and soulmate, Dr. Joe Vitale.

  • Rock the Mid Life with Dr. Ellen Albertson, Psychologist, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach

    ❓Are you feeling stuck at midlife?

    ❓Want the energy, confidence, and clarity to make your next chapter your best chapter?

    ❓Are you looking for a roadmap that will help you to discover and become the woman you want to be as fast as possible… without confusion, frustration, and discouragement?

    💥In this inspiring, motivational, and action-oriented book, Dr. Ellen Albertson, aka The Midlife Whisperer™, busts outdated concepts of midlife and prickly, crisis-driven, over-the-hill life plans. The book challenges everything you’ve been told about getting old and provides proven solutions to make midlife the best time of your life. Whether you want to love and accept yourself, have more fulfilling relationships, or live authentically with passion, meaning, and purpose, Rock Your Midlife is your roadmap to get results.

    💥In Rock Your Midlife, you’ll find: Tried and true methods to discover your genus and unique gifts and strengths. Psychological tools to reprogram your brain and move past confusion, fear, and insecurity, so you feel calm, clear, and empowered. Simple strategies to increase your energy, manage menopause, and go from pooped to super-charged. Three techniques to rehab your relationships, so the new, transformed you can thrive. The #1 way to befriend yourself, boost your body image, and go from self-loathing to self-love.

    💥Rock Your Midlife equips readers with the keys to unlock the life-changing power within and create a vibrant second adulthood. The step-by-step guide will enable you to envision the life you want, shift your vibe so you can attract that life, and take action to make your dreams a reality.

    💥Stop wasting time trying to find joy, health, and happiness. Everything you need is already within you. Rock Your Midlife will unlock the steps to get there. #midlifecrisis,

  • ❓Did you know Feng Shui can improve the Energy in Your Home and affect your Well-being?

    Learn how feel better by setting up your home with Jen Boyd

    💥Jen is the creator of the Harmony BluePrint Feng Shui program, which is designed to help homeowners create a peaceful environment that enhances their prosperity, relationships, and well-being using their personal intentions and modern Feng Shui principles.

    💥The 6-week program provides a down-to-earth approach to Feng Shui, making the ancient study understandable for today’s lifestyle. It also places emphasis on the importance of self-care and honoring your personal Ch’i. Since 2003, Jen has worked with hundreds of clients all over the world. She is a certified Feng Shui practitioner from the Western School of Feng Shui in Solana Beach, CA and completed advanced training with Alex Stark.

  • 💥How to Start a school with Dr EllenMorris Tiegerman, Founder and CEO of Tiegerman Schools and Community Services , Job Reinvented Show

    💥Dealing with a family member's health issues encouraged EllenMorris to establish Tiegerman Schools which is an educational institution serving 600 children and adults with developmental disabilities on Long Island and in New York City. ✅EllenMorris taught at Adelphi University for 22 years in the Departments of Psychology and Communication Disorders. She took a training course at the Omni Center with Dr Brian Weiss and was so intrigued about past lives that she wrote a novel on the subject.

  • Are you and Empath with Kathryn Malek, Owner and Founder Kathryn Malek Coaching -Empath Soul Mastery


    💥What is an Empath?

    💥How do You Know if Your Empath?

    💥What can you learn as an Empath? Kathryn Malek, International Best Selling Author, Holistic coach, Energy healer and teacher. Guiding empaths to embrace their abilities and to be powerfully who they are in the world. She is certified in Energy healing, teaching, holistic coaching, education, shamanic practices, meditation ( Mindful and Vipasanna).

  • ❓❓Have you been hurt from childhood trauma and can't move forward in your life??

    📢 Crush Your Childhood Trauma and Get Your Life Back! with Debera Jensen, Rapid Relief Energy/ Mindset and Belief Healer

    💥Trauma (PTSD) can come from so many different sources. Many people do not know that one of the major sources can be family trauma

    💥 Stories of some of those traumas that illustrate how our early environment can cause us to create negative beliefs which can negatively impact our lives for years to come, unless we can reduce the influence of those negative emotions and subconscious beliefs so that there is space to implement a positive, empowering belief.

    💥 Knowledge that these processes can bring such rapid relief. My clients start noticing some significant relief in usually the first 2 sessions.

    💥 That you can live in joy and ease once you let go of your traumas and stresses.

    💥That a surprising ‘byproduct of letting go of trauma’ is that your business will be so much more successful!

    💥 Where they can pick up my FREE Trauma Guide...

    ✅Debera Jensen is s Rapid Relief Energy/ Mindset and Belief Healer who was in a horrific accident many years ago from which she was not expected to recover. She had a severe concussion and spinal injuries which caused severe and unrelenting pain. She eventually found her way out of those injuries which, oddly enough, highlighted her earlier childhood traumas.

    ✅She realized that she had mostly healed from her accident, but she was still in a great deal of emotional pain from her childhood traumas. She was finally able to heal and now she enjoys a very joyous life.

    ✅She opened an Alternative Center where she now helps people to leave concussions, trauma, depression, anxiety and all manner of stress behind. She also specializes in releasing childhood trauma. You can find her here: www.thetraumahealingcoach.com

  • 🔥If you wish to learn about the art of public speaking

    🔥If you wonder how you can craft and take your message out

    🔥How 46 of 50 most popular TED speakers captivated millions, Then this unique opportunity is for you to watch, join us , ask questions, and learn👇🏻

    🎤Listen to "How to convey unique value in under 30 seconds" with Neil Gordon, Job Reinvented Show We will also discuss about:

    👉🏻How to start a captivated talk?

    👉🏻The mistake most people make in giving their elevator pitch ✳️Neil Gordon helps experts become the face of a movement. He works with executives, influencers, and thought leaders and has helped them get six-figure book advances, be seen on shows like Ellen and Dr. Oz, and double their speaking fees. Prior to becoming a communications expert, he worked on the editorial staff of Penguin Random House where he worked with New York Times bestselling authors.

    ✳️He has been featured on Forbes, Fortune, Inc.com., and NBC Palm Springs, and is a VIP contributor for Entrepreneur. You can access him here: 🔗neilcanhelp.com; facebook.com/neilcanhelp

  • Happy Bones, Happy Life with Margie Pochapin Bissinger, Physical therapist and integrative health coach

    💥Margie Bissinger, MS, PT, CHC is a physical therapist, integrative health coach, and happiness trainer. Margie has over 25 years of experience helping people with osteoporosis and osteopenia improve their bone health through an integrative comprehensive approach utilizing whole foods, exercise, supplements, mind-body relaxation techniques and happiness training. Margie is the author of Osteoporosis: An Exercise Guide. She oversees all the osteoporosis initiatives in the state of New Jersey as a physical therapy representative to the NJ Interagency Council on Osteoporosis. Margie teaches an online 6-week program, Happy Bones, Happy Life, to give people the tools to naturally achieve optimal bone health. Margie is the host of the Happy Bones, Happy Life Podcast.

    💥Margie Pochapin Bissinger merges her expertise to assist her clients and program participants in a comprehensive approach to their health through whole foods, exercise, mind-body relaxation techniques, and happiness training.

    💥Margie currently works with clients on an individual basis as well as through group classes. Margie is the host of the Happy Bones, Happy Life Podcast. Margie believes that happiness plays an integral role in our bone and overall health. She has been teaching her patients happiness habits for over 35 years and seen the powerful effects happiness has on chronic pain and recovery. 💥Margie created The Happy Me, Happy Life 8-week online program to help people increase their happiness level, energy, and overall health. Margie has lectured to Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, hospitals, and women’s groups throughout the country.

    💥She has been featured in the New York Times, Menopause Management, OB GYN News and contributed to numerous health and fitness books. Margie received a bachelor of science degree in physical therapy from the University of Pennsylvania and a master of science degree in Orthopedic Physical Therapy from Northwestern University. Margie has furthered her expertise by studying nutrition and health coaching at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City. ADDITIONAL PIECE IF YOU WANT ME TO TALK ABOUT BONE HEALTH

  • ❓Did you know fear blocks the healing process?

    ❓Would you like to connect to your body and help it heal faster?

    Love Vs Fear with Ellen Newhouse, Healer, teacher, Author and Podcaster

    ✅Find out how sound healing, acupuncture and holistic medicine can help you understand your body

    ✅Learn how to Connect your soul and body Tune in live tomorrow Thursday Oct 14 at 7:00 pm EDT with Ellen Newhouse, Healer, Author & Host of Heart + Soul Podcast

    👉🏻For the past 31 years, Ellen have been empowering women and men to heal their emotional, physical and spiritual bodies with a healthy dose of woo and a whole lotta wisdom.

    👉🏻She has taught thousands of people how to recognize and clear old held negative emotions and limiting beliefs so they can integrate their best selves and create the life they have always dreamed of. In her work, she combines Transformational Healing with Acupuncture, Sound Healing, and Energy Medicine.

    👉🏻While she holds a Master’s degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from NIAOM, and a degree in Economic and International Relations from Syracuse University, the greatest gifts she brings to her patients are her ability to deeply listen, to understand people’s emotional constructs, to identify energetic blockages and to engage in healing using her deep connection with Spirit and her deep love and care for your journey.

    👉🏻Her passion for understanding the human condition came out of my quest to heal her own dysfunctional past which manifested as a disturbing untreatable lung illness, erupting at 26 years of age. This led me to a deep relationship within herself, with spirit, and with the healing way forward. She was her very first patient! And, She has been been successfully working with and guiding patients ever since.

  • ❓Are you going to start your own podcast and you don't know if thats a right decision?

    ❓Are you wondering why podcasting is so powerful these days? ❓Are you going to learn how to start a podcast?

    ❓Have you had a podcast and you wish to grow your view and exposure?

    💥Dela Fotoohi is Talk Show Host, Podcaster, Award Winning and 5X Best Selling Author, Podcaster, Global Speaker, Conference Organizer, Entrepreneur, Fitness Kickboxing Instructor, Wife, Mother and Coach.

    💥 In 2017, through a family crisis Dela discovered her passion for change of attitude, recovery and wellness. Through her volunteer work as a facilitator and a presenter at the Canadian Mental Health Association, she is helping caregivers get informed, get help and find hope in their journey of coping with mental illness. She considers herself an advocate for Mental Health.

    💥Dela is starring in her own Talk Show, Dela’s Voice where she introduces other people’s superpowers and how they impact the world in a positive way.

    💥 Dela’s passion for impacting positive change in her birth country of Iran drove her to start a Talk Show in Iranian which is quickly gaining momentum. She is also the host and producer of a supercharged educational weekly show also in Iranian called Shegoftar. “Be the light that shines the path for others”. You can access her here:


    🔗Facebook.com/delasvoice 🔗YouTube.com/c/Delasvoice

  • Reversing Hashimoto's with Dr. Anshul Gupta, MD, speaker, author, researcher and a world expert in Hashimoto’s disease, IFM Certified Practitioner, Authors Promotion Show

    ❓Would you like to learn A 3-Step Process for Losing Weight, Ending Fatigue and Reducing Brain Fog?

    ✅Reversing Hashimoto’s Book Helps you identify the root cause of your Hashimoto’s It lays down a stepwise plan that you need to follow to improve your Hashimoto’s It gives you the Mito-Thyroid diet which is specially designed for people with Hashimoto’s It gives you information about the supplements best suited for Hashimoto’s patients It contains great tips about detox and what things you need to be careful It provides you information about improving your immunity and fighting off infections

    ✅Dr. Anshul Gupta is a speaker, author, researcher and a world expert in Hashimoto’s disease. He educates people worldwide on reversing Hashimoto’s condition.

    ✅He is a Board-Certified Family Medicine Physician, with advanced certification in Functional Medicine, Peptide therapy, and also Fellowship trained in Integrative Medicine.

    ✅He has worked at the prestigious Cleveland Clinic Department of Functional Medicine alongside Dr. Mark Hyman. He has helped thousands of patients to reverse their health issues by using the concepts of functional medicine.

    ✅His dedication towards his patients was recognized when he was awarded Readers Choice, Best Doctor in Northern Neck Area. He is now on a mission to help 1 million people reverse their health conditions.

    ✅To achieve this mission he has started a virtual functional medicine practice, a blog, video series so he can reach people from all the world. Through his innovative approach towards Hashimoto’s disease, he has helped several patients to reverse their unresolved symptoms and live their life to the fullest. He loves to spend time with his wife and two kids. In his free time, he enjoys traveling, hiking in the woods, or meditating in a quiet spot. The book will be released on Oct 21 but You can pre-order tit here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09GPTJNJG/

  • 😮‍💨If you are struggling with asthma and short breath and are looking for natural remedies, join us tomorrow, Sep 24th and learn how to you can naturally treat your chronic asthma issues. 🌟Treating Respiratory Illnesses Naturally with Dawn Encian, BS in Social sciences with concentration in education MS in Nutrition and integrative health Nationally Board Certified Massage Therapist (CMT) Licensed Dietician Nutritionist (LDN) Board Certified Nutrition Specialist (CNS) I will provide bio as soon later this week

    ✅Dawn Encian is an Army veteran who owns and operates Knead Total Wellness. She's a functional nutritionist specializing in respiratory and digestive health as well as a medical massage therapist who has been in the wellness industry since 2006.

    ✅As a functional nutritionist, Dawn focuses on the patient instead of the disease. She utilizes a personalized method of optimizing an individual’s health and wellness based on their current health, labs, lifestyle, needs, and more. As a functional nutritionist, she has helped many people become healthier while focusing on lifestyle changes, not just nutrition. To her, this is just as important when a person wants a better overall quality of life. ✅As a medical massage therapist, Dawn’s expertise has enabled her to work alongside chiropractors and physical therapists, and with athletes of all calibers. She uses her knowledge to guide her during each treatment based on the individual and to get to the root of the issue to improve range of motion while reducing pain and inflammation.

    ✅Over the years, Dawn has also struggled with her own health and found that nutrition was a key component to her wellness and healing. She felt that listening to her body and incorporating different therapeutic treatments were instrumental in healing her body. Obviously, there are still times she struggles, just like everyone else, but because she understands the foundations of health, she's able to hone in and heal herself much quicker than before. This is why she does what she does. She wants to support people in living their best life for themselves and their families. By teaching people the importance of food, nutrition, chiropractic, acupuncture and more, as well as focusing on wellness now instead of illness later, she feels we can turn around our sick nation one person at a time.

    You can access her here:👇🏻


    🔗@kneadtotalwellness, Dawn Michelle (FB)

  • 🔥Turn Your Dreams to Reality with Eluana Cava, Author and Entrepreneur, Job Reinvented Show

    🔥How to start a business?

    🔥How to create more financial wealth with your business?

    🔥Three tips to create your business from scratch

    🔥The power of connection and networking in growing your business

    🔥Why do you need to shout out fearlessly for how you can help people with your business

    ✳️As a young girl Eluana helped her dad on weekends at the Salon assisting him and she envisioned a place of health and beauty so that people could truly feel good! Not knowing that she would also need help one day.

    ✳️Eluana graduated from Beauty School in 1993, and continued taking many different courses to further her skills and knowledge. Eluana loves being creative and making people feel good about themselves, but she felt that it wasn’t enough. She took on a new side project to create more residual income, allowing her to spend more quality time with her family. Eluana is proud that the company she is affiliated with believes in the wellness of others with non toxic ingredients that have made such an impact.

    ✳️Her growth journey has opened her to another Leader role, overcoming anxieties, furthering her knowledge in different areas, and more. Her passion to help others turn their dreams into reality. You can access her here:



  • 💥Suffered 10 years of infertility, 4 miscarriages then her oldest of 2 living children was diagnosed with autoimmunity at age 9. Something had to change. A functional, holistic approach was the answer for her.

    🎤 Miracle Baby After 10 Years Infertility with Salena Rothenberger, D.PSc, CHC, CFMP

    ✔️Known for her intuitive investigative skills, Salena Rothenberger, D.PSc, CHC, CFMP, and her team at The Functional Perspective combine functional health and wellness with natural methods to obtain optimal health. Dedicated to an approach of discovering imbalances and investigating health recognizes that a life full of vitality depends on the resolution of the root causes of dis-ease. o in a way that empowers her clients through sharing, her so they, too, can take charge of their health. She resides with her husband, two children, and their family dog, Chocolate, in the Deep Piney Woods of East Texas. You can access here: 🔗https://thefunctionalperspective.com