
  • In this episode Sophia Giblin spoke with Andrew Hampton, ex-headteacher and author of the insightful book When Girls Fall Out.

    We discussed:

    The intense “Existential Imperative” girls feel for intimacy and belonging in female friendships Why girls often embellish or conceal the full truth when confiding in parents Communication strategies that provide empathy versus judgment How over-involvement from adults often makes friendship problems at school even worse

    Some of Andrew’s key recommendations for supporting girls through friendship turbulence:

    🔹 Listen first, offer advice later. She needs emotional validation more than quick fixes.

    🔹 Set an open, non-reactive tone. Steady confidence from you reassures her.

    🔹 Empower her to handle issues rather than helicoptering in.

    🔹 When emotions overwhelm, shift to uplifting activities that remind her of your unconditional love.

    If you found value in Andrew’s insights into girls’ friendships and would like to learn more, check out the following resources:

    📖 Get the book When Girls Fall Out on Amazon here

    🌐 Explore Andrew’s Girls on Board school program for reducing teacher workload and empowering positive social dynamics at www.girlsonboard.co.uk

    Thanks again to Andrew for providing such helpful and actionable guidance! If this episode resonated with you, please leave a review on your podcast platform of choice. We appreciate you listening!

  • In this compelling interview with Ingrid Skeels from Playing Out, host Sophia Giblin explores the vital issue of bringing free outdoor play back into children’s daily lives. As part of the grassroots Playing Out movement, Ingrid has witnessed firsthand the benefits street play can offer - from improved health and social skills for kids to stronger neighbourhood connections. She explains how we’ve gone from a time when playing outside was considered a normal part of childhood to today’s reality full of traffic dangers, lack of community spaces, and disappearing freedom for modern children.

    Key Takeaways:

    Outdoor free play used to be an everyday norm for children, but over recent decades it has declined significantly due to environmental changes like increased traffic, lack of community spaces or permission to play in them (i.e. No Ball Games); and, in parallel indoors, the rise of screens. This decline has negatively impacted children's health, development, and wellbeing.

    The Playing Out movement aims to reclaim streets and community spaces for outdoor play. It was started by parents closing their street to traffic for a few hours a week so kids could play freely outside. This simple act brought communities together and had real benefits for kids.

    Traffic dangers are a major barrier to outdoor play these days. Reducing speeds to 20mph in residential areas would have a huge impact, as would initiatives like school streets that reduce traffic outside schools.

    Play shouldn't be a privilege for only some children. It needs to be an everyday possibility for all kids, especially those facing disadvantages who often lack access to organised activities.

    Giving kids independence and opportunities to take risks, problem solve, and build resilience through outdoor play provides an important foundation for adulthood.

    Call to Action:

    An important government inquiry exploring children's access to outdoor spaces and freedom to play outside launched recently, in response to a call from Playing Out and other organisations. Playing Out contributed written and oral evidence on the major barriers facing UK children today and on what local and national government could do to improve things. Check out the details of the inquiry on the Playing Out website here.

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  • In this episode of the Treasure Time podcast, host Sophia is talking with Dr Rachel Taylor, a Cognitive Neuroscientist of how we can create the best environment for our children to thrive.

    Relationships are the number one factor for healthy child development. Humans are wired for emotional connections and joy, even before birth. Being present and giving focused attention to children builds bonds, while distractions from things like mobile phones interfere with connecting.

    Play serves a critical role in child wellbeing and sparking creativity. Boredom is important too - it allows young minds to wander and imagine. Too many extracurricular activities can overload a child's nervous system. Kids also need plenty of time for socialisation. The common messaging around independence being paramount is oversold when humans are actually pack animals at our core who thrive through interdependence.

    In discussing what an ideal day looks like, Dr. Taylor explains children should have a balance of learning, play, food, rest and interpersonal connections each day. Morning routines should involve a healthy breakfast while adventurous afternoon activities reignite focus. She advises that mobile phones and devices should come with health warnings about reducing cognitive capacities from being in the same room.

    Despite the constant influences of media and marketing, we can optimize the environment within our homes. This involves noticing what shapes behaviors, limiting access to phones/devices, establishing consistent routines and explaining research to older children so they understand guidelines. Brains maintain plasticity to change with new inputs at any age. Surrounding yourself with physical spaces and people who support your personal growth and the nurturing of children lays the groundwork for positive change.

    Learn more about Dr. Rachel Taylor's background and work by visiting her website www.drracheltaylor.co.uk.

    Try out Treasure Time using the code PODCAST and save 10% on the cost of the programme.

  • In this week's episode of the Treasure Time podcast, host Sophia is joined by parenting experts Joe Atkinson and Olga Cherrington of The Caring Instinct to have an insightful discussion about keeping the magic and wonder of Christmas alive for children.

    They explore the concept of "Unconditional Santa" - treating Santa as a symbol of unconditional love and acceptance rather than a conditional reward system based on being "naughty or nice." Olga shares her experience growing up in Ukraine, where there was no concept of Santa only bringing gifts to "good" children. The cultural stories around Christmas in the UK seem to place harsh conditions around behavior in December. Sophia and the guests discuss strategies for revealing the "truth" about Santa to older children in a way that preserves magic and deepens family connection, rather than causing a painful loss of innocence.

    The conversation moves to the modern tradition of "Elf on the Shelf" and how it can become a creepy surveillance system that controls behavior through fear. They talk about how to make traditions like the elf more playful and less about being "well-behaved." This reflects a larger theme around trusting children's innate goodness rather than trying to control behavior. The guests explore understanding all behavior as communication and meeting acting out with empathy rather than punishment.

    Overall the discussion centers on letting go of the cultural stories and parental anxieties around Christmas that can unintentionally shame kids or make them feel anxious. Instead, they recommend fully embracing the spirit of wonder, imagination, unconditional love, and boundless goodwill that the holiday can represent for children.

    Check out the Caring Instinct Podcast here, and give Joe and Olga a follow on Instagram and Facebook.

  • In this episode of the podcast, host Sophia discusses using play to help children deal with fears, worries, and anxiety. As a play therapist, she believes play is the natural way for children to process emotions and the world around them. The most important thing is the relationship created through play—sitting with your child, being present without devices, and giving them 'attachment sunshine' through predictable, calm interactions.

    Sophia shares an example of a friend's 3 year old son who is having trouble sleeping due to fears and worries after some changes and instability. Rather than labeling the child as anxious, she says these are normal developmental fears fueled by an active imagination that is growing faster than reasoning skills.

    She cautions against confirming fears by using "monster spray" or signs warding off monsters. Instead, speak plainly about what's real versus imagination, but approach feelings through play. For example, puppets allow symbolic play for the child to safely express fears.

    Sophia suggests getting a dinosaur puppet to represent the child's fear, then a wizard puppet as a protective, magical force. Additional puppets could be a young boy puppet for the child to identify with and a grandmother puppet representing a real caring protector. This allows the child to play out scenarios and defeat the "monster."

    In addition to the puppet play, reading The Invisible String before bed reminds children of their unbreakable connections. Leaving a special toy or transitional object provides comfort and a reminder of the parent. Managing media exposure is also key in addressing fears and anxiety.

    The goal is allowing children to freely explore feelings through natural play, while parents observe, support and set appropriate limits. This builds resilience, security and the ability to self-regulate in the long run.

    If you want to learn more about using play to build stronger connections with your child, check out Treasure Time. This innovative digital play course for parents teaches emotional development through child-led play. Discover fun techniques to reduce stress, improve communication, and nurture a happy, healthy family dynamic. Use code PODCAST for an extra 10% off.

  • In this episode of the Treasure Time podcast, Sophia had the pleasure of speaking with Paul Lindley, founder of Ella's Kitchen and author of the new book "Raising the Nation: How to Build a Better Future for Our Children (and Everyone Else)".

    Our discussion covered key insights and ideas from different chapters and aspects of childhood featured in Paul's research for the book. We talked about the importance of the early years and attachment, digital literacy, giving children a voice, healthcare, and of course, the power of play. Paul shared how we can empower parents, strengthen communities, and create government policies that actually support child wellbeing rather than overlook them.

    A central theme was the need to put relationships at the heart of what we do - our relationship with self, the parent-child relationship, our relationship with the environment and community. These relationships are the foundation for human potential and thriving societies. The book and our discussion aimed to reframe success measures for communities and unlock that potential through child-centered policies.

    You can find out more about "Raising the Nation" and read supplemental essays on the website raisingthenation.co.uk. The book is available both online and in bookstores.

    If you enjoyed this episode and you're a parent interested in nurturing your child's wellbeing through play, I encourage you to check out my digital course Treasure Time at treasuretime.co.uk. You'll get instructional videos and engaging play dates to build a stronger relationship with your child. Use the code PODCAST for an extra 10% off.

    I hope you found a lot of value in my discussion with Paul. If you enjoyed the podcast episode, I would greatly appreciate you leaving a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify and sharing it with any parents who may be interested in learning about the power of play. Your reviews help us reach more listeners. Thank you for listening!

  • Welcome back to season 2 of the Treasure Time podcast!

    In this new season, host Sophia Giblin wants to focus on building better connections and nurturing child wellbeing after the difficulties of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    The pandemic was an incredibly stressful and uncertain time for both parents and children. Screen time usage increased during the pandemic out of necessity, and has continued post-pandemic as well. Many children also missed out on opportunities for play and connection with others during developmental windows when they needed it most.

    Play serves crucial functions for children's learning, emotional development, and general wellbeing. Standards around play protect the rights of both children and adults to engage in play. When adults role model playfulness, it shows children that play is normal and acceptable for them to continue as they grow older too.

    Articulating what you personally value about play is the first step to consciously prioritising play in your life. You can then set standards for how to incorporate those values into your daily life. Examples of play standards include making time for having fun every day, engaging in creative activities, and choosing laugh-inducing tasks or get-togethers.

    The benefits of play are numerous. Play improves mood, relationships, resilience, and more. Imaginative forms of play build critical thinking and problem solving skills. Physical play connects us to others, while technology can often disconnect us even as it appears to connect us digitally.

    Listeners are encouraged to create their own play standards and bring more opportunities for play into their families and homes. Treasure Time provides resources to parents specifically looking to build connections with their children through play. Use code PODCAST to get 10% off the Treasure Time course at www.treasuretime.co.uk

  • Welcome back treasured listeners to the Treasure Time podcast. Your host Sophia Giblin shares a special trailer for the relaunch of the Treasure Time podcast. This show for parents helps you use the power of play in relationships to build happier, healthier family lives.

    You may remember the Treasure Time podcast from back in 2020, when Sophia and Nicole brought you bite-sized tips during the early pandemic to support children’s wellbeing while homeschooling. The podcast is now back after a break, with a brand new format and 10 amazing episodes launching on December 13th.

    This season, Sophia will be talking to special guests about what children really need in order to thrive. They’ll look at the role of environment, relationships, brain development, and playful ways to help kids overcome challenges.

    Kicking off this season, 3 episodes drop on December 14th: with two episodes from Sophia sharing her experiences as a play therapist, with tips on helping kids with fears and anxieties. She’ll also discuss being a playful role model and setting our own 'play standards'. The third episode features an exclusive interview with Ella’s Kitchen founder Paul Lindley on his new book “Raising the Nation.” This book offers a manifesto for prioritizing child-centered policies to create a better future. Sophia contributed an essay to the book with a 'big idea' for government to prioritise child-led play at home between parents and children when they first join school. Find out more by tuning into the episode this week.

    Additional holiday episodes will cover keeping the magic of Christmas while meeting children’s needs. Sophia will be joined by play therapist Joseph Atkinson and Olga from The Caring Instinct for a lively discussion on the elf on the shelf, Santa Claus and more.

    Into the new year, incredible guests are lined up to challenge thinking and provide new perspectives on meeting kids’ needs in the home and beyond.

    Please do subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and wherever you get podcasts. New episodes will drop every Wednesday. They also greatly appreciate 5 star ratings and reviews on Apple to reach more parents.

    Get ready to think differently as we treasure the time with our kids!

  • A behind the scenes bonus from Sophia & Nicole Episode 13 About this episode: In this episode we go behind the scenes with Sophia & Nicole to hear some of our favourite moments from the podcast series, along with the voices of some of our parent listeners. We also hear a bit more about Sophia & Nicole’s stories and what happened for them to both be so drawn into the world of helping children grow up healthy and happy through play. We wanted to do this episode just in time for Mental Health Awareness Week to let all our listeners know that it’s OK to lean into discomfort around being vulnerable and sharing our stories, and in many cases it can bring about huge transformation in our lives and the lives of our families. About our hosts: Sophia Giblin https://www.linkedin.com/in/sophiagiblin/ A creative entrepreneur who focuses on ways to tackle the root of children's mental health through play and secure relationships. Due to her own challenging experiences in childhood, Sophia went on to establish a thriving Play & Creative Arts Therapy charity to support other children who have experienced trauma. Her focus is on helping therapists, businesses and charities have more of an impact for children and families that they work with through coaching, strategy, fundraising and mentoring. Nicole McDonnell https://www.linkedin.com/in/mcdonnellnicole/ Nicole is a mum to two young boys, who also has over 20 years of brand marketing experience. She is a previous Chair Trustee at Clear Sky Charity and has past experience on the Ella’s Kitchen board. Her roles have included Marketing Director, Head of Ella’s-ness, Global Brand Director with responsibility of creating and building one brand inside and out – including the wellbeing and culture of the team. Nicole was instrumental in growing Ella’s into a multi-million pound international business, driven by the mission of creating healthy children. About Treasure Time Our vision is to drive connected, happy parent-child relationships, for the benefit of the whole family. Our mission and passion is to educate parents in how to become happy, mindful and confident in connecting with their own children through play. Resources Treasure Time website https://www.treasuretime.co.uk/ Treasure Time digital course for parents - https://www.treasuretimeapp.co.uk/shop-page Treasure Time Instagram @treasuretimeuk Treasure Time Parents Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/treasuretime Treasure Time Facebook https://m.facebook.com/treasuretimeuk/ Subscribe Apple | Google | Spotify | Stitcher | iHeart A Podcast Company - is the leading podcast production company for brands, organizations, institutions, individuals, and entrepreneurs. Our team sets you up with the right equipment, training, and guidance to ensure you sound amazing. - https://www.apodcastcompany.com and www.podcastsyndicator.com

  • Treasure Time Podcast: Growing Up Happy Title: Helping parents “quit the chaos” through mindfulness Episode 12 About our hosts: Sophia https://www.linkedin.com/in/sophiagiblin/?originalSubdomain=uk A creative entrepreneur who focuses on ways to tackle the root of children's mental health through play and secure relationships. Due to her own challenging experiences in childhood, Sophia went on to establish a thriving Play & Creative Arts Therapy charity to support other children who have experienced trauma. Her focus is on helping therapists, businesses and charities have more of an impact for children and families that they work with through coaching, strategy, fundraising and mentoring. Nicole https://www.linkedin.com/in/mcdonnellnicole/ Nicole is a mum to two young boys, who also has over 20 years of brand marketing experience. She is a previous Chair Trustee at Clear Sky Charity and has past experience on the Ella’s Kitchen board. Her roles have included Marketing Director, Head of Ella’s-ness, Global Brand Director with responsibility of creating and building one brand inside and out – including the wellbeing and culture of the team. Nicole was instrumental in growing Ella’s into a multi-million pound international business, driven by the mission of creating healthy children. About Treasure Time Our vision is to drive connected, happy parent-child relationships, for the benefit of the whole family. Our mission and passion is to educate parents in how to become happy, mindful and confident in connecting with their own children through play. About our guest Nikki Wilson https://www.linkedin.com/in/nikki-wilson-9571086/ Nikki is the founder of 10 of zen - a new social business providing mindfulness tools and training to help mums to stress less and love more. Nikki focuses on soundbite sessions lasting 10 minutes or less, covering hots topics like how to slow down and manage big emotions. I run a zen squad, train professionals working with women and deliver regular workshops UK-wide. Did you know that Nikki is also leading the growth of Make Birth Better - a unique collective of parents and professionals dedicated to ending suffering from birth trauma, who focus on campaigning, education and research. Resources Treasure Time website https://www.treasuretime.co.uk/ Treasure Time digital course for parents - https://www.treasuretimeapp.co.uk/shop-page Treasure Time Instagram @treasuretimeuk Treasure Time Facebook https://m.facebook.com/treasuretimeuk/ 10 of Zen website www.10ofzen.com Free meditation tools from 10 of Zen https://www.10ofzen.com/welcometothelibrary Value bombs and tweetables: - The way I like to describe mindfulness is that mindfulness is the art or the practice of becoming more aware of our present moment experience and learning to welcome what we find with a kind and open heart - Nikki - What I thought was super fascinating when I was doing my master's research was that parenting mindfulness can break that transmission of trauma and insecure attachments. So the studies show that parents who practice mindfulness and presence can give, give it to them that sense of security, which impact down the generations which is so incredible - Sophia - It was during those treasure time play sessions that I recognized that I didn't ever give myself time to just be – Nicole - I started to build in 10 minutes meditation a day... And it's exactly what you were saying Nikki it’s the one thing that seems to be perfect in the toolkit, it just resets me and something just works – Nicole - So the only way to create lasting change in healthy habits is to start really, really small. So I'm talking about rather than saying I'm going to meditate every day for the next 20 days, start with setting an intention to take three deep breaths when you wake up in the morning so ideally piggybacking something, so maybe my commitment is going to be to savour the flavour of my cup of coffee every day. My commitment is going to be to walk a bit more slowly between the moment or I get off the train into my office. To start with small realistic take that piggyback on something they are already doing. That is the best quick fire way to put a mark in the ground around a behavioural habit - Nikki - We're always saying, “Let your child be your play teacher”. So now we can let our children be our mindfulness teachers, too. We can learn so much from them - Sophia Subscribe Apple | Google | Spotify | Stitcher | iHeart Sponsors You're listening to a podcast produced by A PODCAST COMPANY. This show was made by podcast syndicator where we help you go from start to grow to make money with your podcast. Let us help you share your message and your voice with the world. Reach out now. [email protected] to find out more. Thank you for listening and do come back to hear more shows like this. 1) Hey, don't miss out on a free webinar! Learn about how to launch a profitable podcast in just 60 days! https://www.apodcastcompany.com/webinar-registration35642385 2) Take your podcast from idea to execution in just 6 weeks! https://www.apodcastmasterclass.com/podcast-launchpad 3) Join our Exclusive Facebook group to Make Money Podcasting: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PodcastPeople/

  • Treasure Time Podcast: Growing Up Happy Title: Are You an 'Emotional Thermostat’ or a Thermometer? Episode 11 About our hosts: Sophia https://www.linkedin.com/in/sophiagiblin/?originalSubdomain=uk A creative entrepreneur who focuses on ways to tackle the root of children's mental health through play and secure relationships. Due to her own challenging experiences in childhood, Sophia went on to establish a thriving Play & Creative Arts Therapy charity to support other children who have experienced trauma. Her focus is on helping therapists, businesses and charities have more of an impact for children and families that they work with through coaching, strategy, fundraising and mentoring. Nicole https://www.linkedin.com/in/mcdonnellnicole/ Nicole is a mum to two young boys, who also has over 20 years of brand marketing experience. She is a previous Chair Trustee at Clear Sky Charity and has past experience on the Ella’s Kitchen board. Her roles have included Marketing Director, Head of Ella’s-ness, Global Brand Director with responsibility of creating and building one brand inside and out – including the wellbeing and culture of the team. Nicole was instrumental in growing Ella’s into a multi-million pound international business, driven by the mission of creating healthy children. About Treasure Time Our vision is to drive connected, happy parent-child relationships, for the benefit of the whole family. Our mission and passion is to educate parents in how to become happy, mindful and confident in connecting with their own children through play. Resources Treasure Time website https://www.treasuretime.co.uk/ Treasure Time digital course for parents - https://www.treasuretimeapp.co.uk/shop-page Treasure Time Instagram @treasuretimeuk Treasure Time Facebook https://m.facebook.com/treasuretimeuk/ Value bombs and tweetables: - I'm pretty calm and patient as a person, saying that my boys do certainly know how to press all my buttons at once sometimes. So yeah, it can be tricky in those moments to remember that my goal is to be like that emotional thermostat. Not thermometer in the room rising and rising – Nicole - When you become aware of how you're behaving and start acting more like an emotional thermostat by tuning in and containing your own feelings, you start seeing a big shift in the levels of calmness at home – Sophia - So when I did let my emotions over spill with my children, it would make me so sad because I was like, why am I doing this with the little people that I love most in the whole world? – Nicole - When you feel like you've reached the end of your tether, and you've reached that boiling point, we've already missed the opportunity for learning – Sophia - When it comes to regulating our emotions, we should aim to be a thermostat, not a thermometer… the thermostat is in charge of the whole environment through its awareness and through its ability to sense when things are changing… we can do this in an emotional capacity for our children by noticing their feelings and when they're escalating and adapting our behaviour accordingly to maintain the emotional temperature. This is the opposite of being a thermometer. When we act like as a thermometer we're unaware of our own feelings and behaviour. And when we allow our emotional temperature to rise in line with the child's emotional temperature, they both just go up together... so the thermometer is actually incapable of making changes to the environment. And this is what happens to us when we are unaware of our feelings - Sophia Subscribe Apple | Google | Spotify | Stitcher | iHeart Sponsors You're listening to a podcast produced by A PODCAST COMPANY. This show was made by podcast syndicator where we help you go from start to grow to make money with your podcast. Let us help you share your message and your voice with the world. Reach out now. [email protected] to find out more. Thank you for listening and do come back to hear more shows like this. 1) Hey, don't miss out on a free webinar! Learn about how to launch a profitable podcast in just 60 days! https://www.apodcastcompany.com/webinar-registration35642385 2) Take your podcast from idea to execution in just 6 weeks! https://www.apodcastmasterclass.com/podcast-launchpad 3) Join our Exclusive Facebook group to Make Money Podcasting: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PodcastPeople/

  • Treasure Time Podcast: Growing Up Happy Title: Get the Low Down on Treasure Time from a Parent! Episode 10 About our hosts: Sophia https://www.linkedin.com/in/sophiagiblin/?originalSubdomain=uk A creative entrepreneur who focuses on ways to tackle the root of children's mental health through play and secure relationships. Due to her own challenging experiences in childhood, Sophia went on to establish a thriving Play & Creative Arts Therapy charity to support other children who have experienced trauma. Her focus is on helping therapists, businesses and charities have more of an impact for children and families that they work with through coaching, strategy, fundraising and mentoring. Nicole https://www.linkedin.com/in/mcdonnellnicole/ Nicole is a mum to two young boys, who also has over 20 years of brand marketing experience. She is a previous Chair Trustee at Clear Sky Charity and has past experience on the Ella’s Kitchen board. Her roles have included Marketing Director, Head of Ella’s-ness, Global Brand Director with responsibility of creating and building one brand inside and out – including the wellbeing and culture of the team. Nicole was instrumental in growing Ella’s into a multi-million pound international business, driven by the mission of creating healthy children. About Treasure Time Our vision is to drive connected, happy parent-child relationships, for the benefit of the whole family. Our mission and passion is to educate parents in how to become happy, mindful and confident in connecting with their own children through play. Resources Treasure Time website https://www.treasuretime.co.uk/ Treasure Time digital course for parents - https://www.treasuretimeapp.co.uk/shop-page Treasure Time Instagram @treasuretimeuk Treasure Time Facebook https://m.facebook.com/treasuretimeuk/ Value bombs and tweetables: - It was a real blast! It was really fun and I really enjoyed just watching him slowly but surely decorate his box – Anna, Treasure Time parent - Sometimes we forget really that we are our children's favourite playmates. So making time for children is just such a lovely way to remind them that they're so very special and much loved - Nicole - Part of me was a little anxious wondering whether he would really like it and how it would go. But also part of me was relieved that he that he had he was going to be the leader and I just had to kind of follow along and be present and watch him and you know, ask – Anna, Treasure Time parent - It was great to just let him lead and see him in that situation and realize how much I lead him obviously as mother, but the importance of letting him do that and just learning and watching him, and learning more about him through the play – Anna, Treasure Time parent - I want to you share how important this is for parents like me, because I need tools that I need to be told what to do… You and Sophia will really, I believe change the lives that impact the lives of many families – Anna, Treasure Time parent - Oh I wish we could start now and do it every day! – Luke, Anna’s son and Treasure Time participant Subscribe Apple | Google | Spotify | Stitcher | iHeart Sponsors You're listening to a podcast produced by A PODCAST COMPANY. This show was made by podcast syndicator where we help you go from start to grow to make money with your podcast. Let us help you share your message and your voice with the world. Reach out now. [email protected] to find out more. Thank you for listening and do come back to hear more shows like this. 1) Hey, don't miss out on a free webinar! Learn about how to launch a profitable podcast in just 60 days! https://www.apodcastcompany.com/webinar-registration35642385 2) Take your podcast from idea to execution in just 6 weeks! https://www.apodcastmasterclass.com/podcast-launchpad 3) Join our Exclusive Facebook group to Make Money Podcasting: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PodcastPeople/

  • Treasure Time Podcast: Growing Up Happy Title: What should I do when my child always wants to win in play? Episode 9 About our hosts: Sophia https://www.linkedin.com/in/sophiagiblin/?originalSubdomain=uk A creative entrepreneur who focuses on ways to tackle the root of children's mental health through play and secure relationships. Due to her own challenging experiences in childhood, Sophia went on to establish a thriving Play & Creative Arts Therapy charity to support other children who have experienced trauma. Her focus is on helping therapists, businesses and charities have more of an impact for children and families that they work with through coaching, strategy, fundraising and mentoring. Nicole https://www.linkedin.com/in/mcdonnellnicole/ Nicole is a mum to two young boys, who also has over 20 years of brand marketing experience. She is a previous Chair Trustee at Clear Sky Charity and has past experience on the Ella’s Kitchen board. Her roles have included Marketing Director, Head of Ella’s-ness, Global Brand Director with responsibility of creating and building one brand inside and out – including the wellbeing and culture of the team. Nicole was instrumental in growing Ella’s into a multi-million pound international business, driven by the mission of creating healthy children. About Treasure Time Our vision is to drive connected, happy parent-child relationships, for the benefit of the whole family. Our mission and passion is to educate parents in how to become happy, mindful and confident in connecting with their own children through play. Resources Treasure Time website https://www.treasuretime.co.uk/ Treasure Time digital course for parents - https://www.treasuretimeapp.co.uk/shop-page Value bombs and tweetables: - I could actually stand back and let them decide what the rules were - they would change constantly! - and I would be able to watch their little frustrations kind of fizzle away as they practiced this themselves - Nicole - So what happens is when children feel like they don't win enough, they'll change the rules so that they can win – Sophia - We have been resisting flexing the rules as we don't want to let them win all the time, not realizing that in play this isn't the time for the lesson, “you can't win them all!” - Nicole - Sometimes I think that we worry or there's a fear that if we always let them win, or if we go soft on them, that there'll be a sore loser. But the opposite is often true. Children who never have the chance to experience feeling of winning may never feel good or capable within games - Sophia - Boundaries sound like very short statements that are not there to be argued with. So here are some examples. Shoes are for the floor, not the sofa. Food is for eating, not for throwing, water is for the bath, not for the floor – Sophia - Without limits, there is no safety. So children actually really need limits and boundaries to feel safe. And sometimes we might feel mean putting boundaries in place, but children really need them, and they thrive under them. And when they don't have clear boundaries, they can feel a bit wobbly and a bit unsafe - Sophia Subscribe Apple | Google | Spotify | Stitcher | iHeart Sponsors You're listening to a podcast produced by A PODCAST COMPANY. This show was made by podcast syndicator where we help you go from start to grow to make money with your podcast. Let us help you share your message and your voice with the world. Reach out now. [email protected] to find out more. Thank you for listening and do come back to hear more shows like this. 1) Hey, don't miss out on a free webinar! Learn about how to launch a profitable podcast in just 60 days! https://www.apodcastcompany.com/webinar-registration35642385 2) Take your podcast from idea to execution in just 6 weeks! https://www.apodcastmasterclass.com/podcast-launchpad 3) Join our Exclusive Facebook group to Make Money Podcasting: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PodcastPeople/

  • Treasure Time Podcast: Growing Up Happy Title: Two top tips for building children's independence Episode 8 About our hosts: Sophia https://www.linkedin.com/in/sophiagiblin/?originalSubdomain=uk A creative entrepreneur who focuses on ways to tackle the root of children's mental health through play and secure relationships. Due to her own challenging experiences in childhood, Sophia went on to establish a thriving Play & Creative Arts Therapy charity to support other children who have experienced trauma. Her focus is on helping therapists, businesses and charities have more of an impact for children and families that they work with through coaching, strategy, fundraising and mentoring. Nicole https://www.linkedin.com/in/mcdonnellnicole/ Nicole is a mum to two young boys, who also has over 20 years of brand marketing experience. She is a previous Chair Trustee at Clear Sky Charity and has past experience on the Ella’s Kitchen board. Her roles have included Marketing Director, Head of Ella’s-ness, Global Brand Director with responsibility of creating and building one brand inside and out – including the wellbeing and culture of the team. Nicole was instrumental in growing Ella’s into a multi-million pound international business, driven by the mission of creating healthy children. About Treasure Time Our vision is to drive connected, happy parent-child relationships, for the benefit of the whole family. Our mission and passion is to educate parents in how to become happy, mindful and confident in connecting with their own children through play. Resources Treasure Time website https://www.treasuretime.co.uk/ Treasure Time digital course for parents - https://www.treasuretimeapp.co.uk/shop-page Value bombs and tweetables: - If I'm being really honest, I didn't really create enough space and time for them to properly experiment at their own pace and, and the boys absolutely love experimenting, you know all children do - Nicole - Sometimes we think it's just easier and quicker for us to do it. But actually, children need the opportunity to problem solve and to be creative – Sophia - If you think you respect your children's ability to solve problems, try the challenge of sitting on your hands while they find the end of the Sellotape roll and wrap a present without coming to the rescue and helping them do it! - Nicole - It goes back to feeling uncomfortable with sitting with our children's difficult feelings. It makes us feel like quite squirmy and a bit weird! See how long you can last not jumping to the rescue – Sophia - We can be like David Attenborough, on a nature show, observing the children and just being curious about what is their pace? How do they operate? How much time do they need to get things done when you allow them to distance themselves? – Sophia - Once I discovered basically how long each my boys needed for certain tasks in the morning, (like shoes and coats are an incredible 15 minute activity at our front door!) and letting them take the lead and adjust all the little things.. made a huge difference to the happy calm flow of the day - Nicole Subscribe Apple | Google | Spotify | Stitcher | iHeart Sponsors You're listening to a podcast produced by A PODCAST COMPANY. This show was made by podcast syndicator where we help you go from start to grow to make money with your podcast. Let us help you share your message and your voice with the world. Reach out now. [email protected] to find out more. Thank you for listening and do come back to hear more shows like this. 1) Hey, don't miss out on a free webinar! Learn about how to launch a profitable podcast in just 60 days! https://www.apodcastcompany.com/webinar-registration35642385 2) Take your podcast from idea to execution in just 6 weeks! https://www.apodcastmasterclass.com/podcast-launchpad 3) Join our Exclusive Facebook group to Make Money Podcasting: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PodcastPeople/

  • Treasure Time Podcast: Growing Up Happy Title: Stay Home Superheroes! Stories that provide a way to talk about Coronavirus with your children Episode 7 About our hosts: Sophia https://www.linkedin.com/in/sophiagiblin/?originalSubdomain=uk A creative entrepreneur who focuses on ways to tackle the root of children's mental health through play and secure relationships. Due to her own challenging experiences in childhood, Sophia went on to establish a thriving Play & Creative Arts Therapy charity to support other children who have experienced trauma. Her focus is on helping therapists, businesses and charities have more of an impact for children and families that they work with through coaching, strategy, fundraising and mentoring. Nicole https://www.linkedin.com/in/mcdonnellnicole/ Nicole is a mum to two young boys, who also has over 20 years of brand marketing experience. She is a previous Chair Trustee at Clear Sky Charity and has past experience on the Ella’s Kitchen board. Her roles have included Marketing Director, Head of Ella’s-ness, Global Brand Director with responsibility of creating and building one brand inside and out – including the wellbeing and culture of the team. Nicole was instrumental in growing Ella’s into a multi-million pound international business, driven by the mission of creating healthy children. About Treasure Time Our vision is to drive connected, happy parent-child relationships, for the benefit of the whole family. Our mission and passion is to educate parents in how to become happy, mindful and confident in connecting with their own children through play. Resources Treasure Time website https://www.treasuretime.co.uk/ Treasure Time digital course for parents - https://www.treasuretimeapp.co.uk/shop-page Sophie’s Stories – therapeutic stories for children https://www.sophiesstories.co.uk/ Value bombs and tweetables: 1. “You have the superpower power to make this fun! Staying home is how you can save the whole world, there’s nothing more powerful than that” Sophia, reading Stay Home Superhero 2. “ William the Stay Home Superhero loved his invisible force field. And now you know, you can go outside and use yours too.” Sophia, reading Stay Home Superhero 3. “Good luck at being a stay home superhero!” Callum, Nicole’s son Subscribe Apple | Google | Spotify | Stitcher | iHeart Sponsors You're listening to a podcast produced by A PODCAST COMPANY. This show was made by podcast syndicator where we help you go from start to grow to make money with your podcast. Let us help you share your message and your voice with the world. Reach out now. [email protected] to find out more. Thank you for listening and do come back to hear more shows like this. 1) Hey, don't miss out on a free webinar! Learn about how to launch a profitable podcast in just 60 days! https://www.apodcastcompany.com/webinar-registration35642385 2) Take your podcast from idea to execution in just 6 weeks! https://www.apodcastmasterclass.com/podcast-launchpad 3) Join our Exclusive Facebook group to Make Money Podcasting: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PodcastPeople/

  • In this episode we look at the next principle of Treasure Time, which is reflecting the child’s feelings back to them, but how do we do that if we are not very in tune with our own feelings? We take a look at what it means to develop emotional literacy in children, but also in us as parents! About our hosts: Sophia Giblin https://www.linkedin.com/in/sophiagiblin/ A creative entrepreneur who focuses on ways to tackle the root of children’s mental health through play and secure relationships. Due to her own challenging experiences in childhood, Sophia went on to establish a thriving Play & Creative Arts Therapy charity to support other children who have experienced trauma. Her focus is on helping therapists, businesses and charities have more of an impact for children and families that they work with through coaching, strategy, fundraising and mentoring. Nicole McDonnell https://www.linkedin.com/in/mcdonnellnicole/ Nicole is a mum to two young boys, who also has over 20 years of brand marketing experience. She is a previous Chair Trustee at Clear Sky Charity and has past experience on the Ella’s Kitchen board. Her roles have included Marketing Director, Head of Ella’s-ness, Global Brand Director with responsibility of creating and building one brand inside and out – including the wellbeing and culture of the team. Nicole was instrumental in growing Ella’s into a multi-million pound international business, driven by the mission of creating healthy children. About Treasure Time Our vision is to drive connected, happy parent-child relationships, for the benefit of the whole family. Our mission and passion is to educate parents in how to become happy, mindful and confident in connecting with their own children through play. Resources Treasure Time website https://www.treasuretime.co.uk/ FREE DOWNLOAD 5 simple games for a stronger relationship with your child https://bit.ly/2VwPyEp FREE WEBINAR ‘3 ingredients for growing up healthy and happy’ https://bit.ly/2JJZaEQ Visit @treasuretimeuk on Instagram and Facebook! Value bombs and tweetables: 1. “If our feelings were dismissed when we were children, we might not be in touch with how we really feel. We might get triggered and shout and that doesn't make anyone feel good, sometimes we don't know why we are shouting and makes us feel out of control.” Sophia Giblin 2. “When I reflect my children’s feelings back to them it helps them to move through the tricky feelings quicker.” Nicole McDonnell 3. “Reflecting feelings back to your child can be hard to get it right first time but the act of trying is just as important!” Sophia Giblin 4. “Seeing my boys recognising their feelings and my feelings too is pretty amazing.” Nicole McDonnell Subscribe Apple | Google | Spotify | Stitcher | iHeart A Podcast Company - is the leading podcast production company for brands, organizations, institutions, individuals, and entrepreneurs. Our team sets you up with the right equipment, training, and guidance to ensure you sound amazing. - https://www.apodcastcompany.com and www.podcastsyndicator.com

  • Thy this top tip for managing children’s overwhelming feelings. About our hosts: Sophia Giblin A creative entrepreneur who focuses on ways to tackle the root of children's mental health through play and secure relationships. Due to her own challenging experiences in childhood, Sophia went on to establish a thriving Play & Creative Arts Therapy charity to support other children who have experienced trauma. Her focus is on helping therapists, businesses and charities have more of an impact for children and families that they work with through coaching, strategy, fundraising and mentoring. Nicole McDonnell Nicole is a mum to two young boys, who also has over 20 years of brand marketing experience. She is a previous Chair Trustee at Clear Sky Charity and has past experience on the Ella’s Kitchen board. Her roles have included Marketing Director, Head of Ella’s-ness, Global Brand Director with responsibility of creating and building one brand inside and out – including the wellbeing and culture of the team. Nicole was instrumental in growing Ella’s into a multi-million pound international business, driven by the mission of creating healthy children. About Treasure Time Our vision is to drive connected, happy parent-child relationships, for the benefit of the whole family. Our mission and passion is to educate parents in how to become happy, mindful and confident in connecting with their own children through play. Resources Treasure Time website https://www.treasuretime.co.uk/ Treasure Time digital course for parents - https://www.treasuretimeapp.co.uk/shop-page Visit @treasuretimeuk on Instagram Value bombs and tweetables: 1. “I think the first thing that we have to remind ourselves is that feelings are visitors, they come and go and we will not be feeling this way forever… We have to accept that we live in shades of grey like and that it's not black and white. It's not all good and it's not all bad. They come and they go and we ride the waves of feelings.” Sophia 2. “Feelings are visitors and they'll come and go, but we also have to acknowledge that when we can just accept the feelings, they actually go away quicker than when we try and dismiss them or squash them and say ‘it's okay’ or brush them under the carpet. They actually remain a bit stuck in the body when children can’t feel them and acknowledge them” Sophia 3. “I end up bit like a Champagne or Prosecco bottle where everything's just bubbling under the surface and then the cork comes off and it's this like, massive explosion, because I've not dealt with the feelings as I've gone along, you know!” Nicole 4. “There's a really great saying that is ‘When I'm drowning, don't try and teach me how to swim’. Because in that moment, when a child is drowning in their feelings, it's not the time to teach them a lesson. It's not a time to say, ‘Well, I told you not to do that’ or, ‘Well, next time, you'll have to do it differently’ because all of those things, it is us trying to fix it. But actually to the children, it looks like us dismissing their feelings and their feelings are very real.” Sophia 5. “I wanted to make the (boys negative) feelings go away as quickly as possible. And for everything to be okay... If I’m being really honest I wasn't comfortable sitting with my boys uncomfortable feelings. I just wanted to make them disappear because it made me feel things I just didn't want to.” Nicole 6. “It's so great to see that really small changes can make big differences quickly in the relationship” Nicole Subscribe Apple | Google | Spotify | Stitcher | iHeart Shownotes Welcome to Treasure Time podcast, which is all about growing up happy. You're here with podcast hosts, Sophia Giblin and Nicole McDonnell, the founders of treasure time, and they're here to offer advice on building your children's resilience during difficult times. Make sure to tune in every Tuesday and Thursday, but bite sized playful tips and activities that can easily be implemented straightaway to help support your family's mental and emotional health and well being. Sponsors You're listening to a podcast produced by A PODCAST COMPANY. This show was made by podcast syndicator where we help you go from start to grow to make money with your podcast. Let us help you share your message and your voice with the world. Reach out now. [email protected] to find out more. Thank you for listening and do come back to hear more shows like this. 1) Hey, don't miss out on a free webinar! Learn about how to launch a profitable podcast in just 60 days! https://www.apodcastcompany.com/webinar-registration35642385 2) Take your podcast from idea to execution in just 6 weeks! https://www.apodcastmasterclass.com/podcast-launchpad 3) Join our Exclusive Facebook group to Make Money Podcasting: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PodcastPeople/

  • What should I do when I find play times with my children a bit boring?! What should we do when we find play boring as adults? This simple play principle will help you take the passenger seat while you let the child drive. Parent becomes the student and the child becomes the teacher! In this session we explore the first principle of Treasure Time which is ‘let the child lead’. About our hosts: Sophia Giblin https://www.linkedin.com/in/sophiagiblin/ A creative entrepreneur who focuses on ways to tackle the root of children’s mental health through play and secure relationships. Due to her own challenging experiences in childhood, Sophia went on to establish a thriving Play & Creative Arts Therapy charity to support other children who have experienced trauma. Her focus is on helping therapists, businesses and charities have more of an impact for children and families that they work with through coaching, strategy, fundraising and mentoring. Nicole McDonnell https://www.linkedin.com/in/mcdonnellnicole/ Nicole is a mum to two young boys, who also has over 20 years of brand marketing experience. She is a previous Chair Trustee at Clear Sky Charity and has past experience on the Ella’s Kitchen board. Her roles have included Marketing Director, Head of Ella’s-ness, Global Brand Director with responsibility of creating and building one brand inside and out – including the wellbeing and culture of the team. Nicole was instrumental in growing Ella’s into a multi-million pound international business, driven by the mission of creating healthy children. About Treasure Time Our vision is to drive connected, happy parent-child relationships, for the benefit of the whole family. Our mission and passion is to educate parents in how to become happy, mindful and confident in connecting with their own children through play. Resources Treasure Time website https://www.treasuretime.co.uk/ FREE DOWNLOAD 5 simple games for a stronger relationship with your child https://bit.ly/39R7ayl FREE WEBINAR ‘3 ingredients for growing up healthy and happy’ https://bit.ly/2JJZaEQ Visit @treasuretimeuk on Instagram and Facebook! Value bombs and tweetables: 1. “I know I used to find play sometimes a bit dull and I'm naturally a pretty playful person. What I've noticed since I started Treasure Time is that my relationship with play has really changed.” Nicole McDonnell 2. “Once you realise that play is more about the relationship btwn self and child it becomes more interesting” Sophia Giblin 3. “The play became a tool to become closer to each other and this has been like magic fairy dust to our relationship!” Nicole McDonnell 4. “In play the aim should be to allow the child to become the teacher” Sophia Giblin Subscribe Apple | Google | Spotify | Stitcher | iHeart A Podcast Company - is the leading podcast production company for brands, organizations, institutions, individuals, and entrepreneurs. Our team sets you up with the right equipment, training, and guidance to ensure you sound amazing. - https://www.apodcastcompany.com and www.podcastsyndicator.com

  • Treasure Time Podcast: Growing Up Happy How a ‘day of mistakes’ can show your children that it’s OK not to be perfect during home schooling This episode looks at how we can support children develop resilience to overcome obstacles and frustration during home schooling by being light hearted and playful. About our hosts: Sophia Giblin https://www.linkedin.com/in/sophiagiblin/ A creative entrepreneur who focuses on ways to tackle the root of children's mental health through play and secure relationships. Due to her own challenging experiences in childhood, Sophia went on to establish a thriving Play & Creative Arts Therapy charity to support other children who have experienced trauma. Her focus is on helping therapists, businesses and charities have more of an impact for children and families that they work with through coaching, strategy, fundraising and mentoring. Nicole McDonnell https://www.linkedin.com/in/mcdonnellnicole/ Nicole is a mum to two young boys, who also has over 20 years of brand marketing experience. She is a previous Chair Trustee at Clear Sky Charity and has past experience on the Ella’s Kitchen board. Her roles have included Marketing Director, Head of Ella’s-ness, Global Brand Director with responsibility of creating and building one brand inside and out – including the wellbeing and culture of the team. Nicole was instrumental in growing Ella’s into a multi-million pound international business, driven by the mission of creating healthy children. About Treasure Time Our vision is to drive connected, happy parent-child relationships, for the benefit of the whole family. Our mission and passion is to educate parents in how to become happy, mindful and confident in connecting with their own children through play. Resources Treasure Time website https://www.treasuretime.co.uk/ FREE DOWNLOAD 5 simple games for a stronger relationship with your child https://bit.ly/39R7ayl FREE WEBINAR ‘3 ingredients for growing up healthy and happy’ https://bit.ly/2JJZaEQ Visit @treasuretimeuk on Instagram and Facebook! Value bombs and tweetables: 1. “There's been just so much change in our daily lives and let's face it, we are parents and not trained teachers.” Nicole McDonnell 2. “The reality is that stressed children can't learn, and stressed parents can't teach” Sophia Giblin 3. “I tried out a ‘day of mistakes’ so the boys can see that I’m not perfect and sometimes need help too, which started with me wearing my glasses upside down and the boys were rolling around in hysterics. It helped to relieve the tension first thing in the morning, and we went on to have a brilliant day of home-schooling” Nicole McDonnell 4. “Resilience is such an important thing that we can all be teaching our children at this time, and we can do it in a fun, light-hearted and playful way” Sophia Giblin Sponsors You're listening to a podcast produced by A PODCAST COMPANY. This show was made by podcast syndicator where we help you go from start to grow to make money with your podcast. Let us help you share your message and your voice with the world. Reach out now. [email protected] to find out more. Thank you for listening and do come back to hear more shows like this. 1) Hey, don't miss out on a free webinar! Learn about how to launch a profitable podcast in just 60 days! https://www.apodcastcompany.com/webinar-registration35642385 2) Take your podcast from idea to execution in just 6 weeks! https://www.apodcastmasterclass.com/podcast-launchpad 3) Join our Exclusive Facebook group to Make Money Podcasting: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PodcastPeople/

  • Treasure Time Podcast: Growing Up Happy Try this one game to help your child feel safe and secure during the pandemic Episode 1 Optional episode summary/tagline: Offering practical play ideas for children to help them feel safe and secure at home. About our hosts: Sophia Giblin https://www.linkedin.com/in/sophiagiblin/ A creative entrepreneur who focuses on ways to tackle the root of children's mental health through play and secure relationships. Due to her own challenging experiences in childhood, Sophia went on to establish a thriving Play & Creative Arts Therapy charity to support other children who have experienced trauma. Her focus is on helping therapists, businesses and charities have more of an impact for children and families that they work with through coaching, strategy, fundraising and mentoring. Nicole McDonnell https://www.linkedin.com/in/mcdonnellnicole/ Nicole is a mum to two young boys, who also has over 20 years of brand marketing experience. She is a previous Chair Trustee at Clear Sky Charity and has past experience on the Ella’s Kitchen board. Her roles have included Marketing Director, Head of Ella’s-ness, Global Brand Director with responsibility of creating and building one brand inside and out – including the wellbeing and culture of the team. Nicole was instrumental in growing Ella’s into a multi-million pound international business, driven by the mission of creating healthy children. About Treasure Time Our vision is to drive connected, happy parent-child relationships, for the benefit of the whole family. Our mission and passion is to educate parents in how to become happy, mindful and confident in connecting with their own children through play. Resources Treasure Time website https://www.treasuretime.co.uk/ FREE DOWNLOAD 5 simple games for a stronger relationship with your child https://bit.ly/39R7ayl FREE WEBINAR ‘3 ingredients for growing up healthy and happy’ https://bit.ly/2JJZaEQ Visit @treasuretimeuk on Instagram for den making pictures! Value bombs and tweetables: 1. “We need to start with ourselves so we can then help our children to work their way through it” Sophia Giblin 2. “As parents it’s our natural instinct is to protect the children and help them feel safe and secure” Nicole McDonnell 3. “Children get their sense of psychological safety from us” Sophia Giblin 4. “I hope lots of children and family enjoy building dens over the next few weeks!” Nicole McDonnell Sponsors You're listening to a podcast produced by A PODCAST COMPANY. This show was made by podcast syndicator where we help you go from start to grow to make money with your podcast. Let us help you share your message and your voice with the world. Reach out now. [email protected] to find out more. Thank you for listening and do come back to hear more shows like this. 1) Hey, don't miss out on a free webinar! Learn about how to launch a profitable podcast in just 60 days! https://www.apodcastcompany.com/webinar-registration35642385 2) Take your podcast from idea to execution in just 6 weeks! https://www.apodcastmasterclass.com/podcast-launchpad 3) Join our Exclusive Facebook group to Make Money Podcasting: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PodcastPeople/